My favorite character - Chapter 25 - wito_chan_bla_bla - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Where... am I?

When you opened your eyes, there was only darkness. It was only after a few long minutes, during which your head didn't work at all, that you realized that there was a blindfold over your eyes. What kind of NSFW fanfiction has started with Satoru-kun and his blindfold? Youblinked a couple of times and tried to move, but realized... that you were tied to a chair.

You immediately scrambled in place in a panic, trying to free yourself, but there was nothing you could do... you found out that the chair was definitely nailed to the floor. You didn't feel your pendant, your earrings, or just your cursed energy. However, you felt rectangular pieces of paper on your body…

Y-you were swarmed like the people the elders wanted to kill!

You opened your mouth to scream... and you did it!Belatedly thinking that you might not be able to attract help, but your captors, you shut up and instantly shuddered all over when you heard a voice not far from you.

–Don't worry, (Y/S)-san. You are not in any danger. Just take a deep breath in and out. You are not in a den of enemies. We won't hurt you.

-Who are we?

-Oh, yes, I'm sorry, - an old man chuckled pleasantly. – I forgot that you've never met us. We are all elders of the sorcerer world, otherwise we are called higher-ups.

You would be frozen even if you weren't chained to a chair.W-what do they want from me?Do they really want to kill me, and before that, they were just trying to mess with my brain with their speeches?!.

–If y-you don't want to hurt me... t-then let me go!

The pause only lasted a couple of moments, but you've already gone crazy. You think you even fainted a couple of times…

-I'm sorry, but we can't let you go yet, (Y/S)-san. I can only hope that you are comfortable. We tried not to tighten the knots too much. We also put a soft cloth under the ropes.

You twitched your hands and really felt the soft bracelets wrapping around your skin.

–W-what do you want from me?..

–You didn't come here to be officially declared a Saint, so we have to capture you now... so that you don't run away from our meeting again.

-S-so that's all you need? - you let out a sigh of relief. – If all I have to do is go through a ritual, I can do it right now!..

-It's not required, - a sudden firm male voice silenced you. – Your cursed energy is slightly different from that of ordinary sorcerers and even those like Satoru Gojo. It's already obvious to everyone that you're a Saint. But not everyone knows about the... traditions associated with girls like you.

You've strained as much as you've ever strained before.If it's something "traditional" and "girl-related", then it's definitely something that will stand up to my desires and rights!

-(Y/S)-san, - the elder continued, - did you know that Saint Maria had two husbands? - you nodded silently. You didn't likewhat it was all about. –The world may only know aboutMaria-sama, but there were otherSaintsafter her... and they all had two husbands, too.

Even the blindfold didn't stop you from staring at the elder in shock. D-don't tell me that he wants me to marry two men now?..

W-wait a minute…As far as I know, such marriages are not allowed in Japan... at least in these years, they definitely weren't normal.Harems are also forbidden.Besides... I'm not even seventeen yet.And even if I get married to someone else, what bad things will happen?I can always file for divorce!

Of-f course, if my "husbands" don't decide to spend their wedding night with me without my consent...

So, no, don't think about the bad stuff! I'm sure Satoru-kun and Suguru-kun save me. In the meantime, I have to keep the elders busy with stupid questions and stuff like that...

–So you want me to have two husbands, too?

-Yes. This is a tradition that allowed Saints to be safe, protected by two powerful sorcerers at once. Now that the cult has been destroyed, you are in even greater danger than any of your predecessors. Therefore, you need to marry men who can provide you with security. Don't worry, we've reviewed your requests. We have found those who can satisfy your taste, Saint.

-B-but how am I going to marry two people at once? Would that be legal? Harems are banned in many countries, so I don't think that…

–For your sake, Saint, His Imperial Majesty will change the laws of Japan a little.

-Em... the Emperor? - you suddenly laughed nervously.

-Yes, - you heard a new voice. – The Imperial family can see the cursed spirits, but their cursed technique is too weak. However, they are well aware of what is happening in the sorcerer world. And they understand how important it is to protect themselves from all problems.

You tapped your foot on the floor.You're out of questions…

–And w-who did you choose as my husbands?

Tell me that this is Satoru-kun, and then he will definitely save me and protect me from all problems. And then I'll file for divorce and tell him that he can safely look for his love... damn, I thought it wouldn't hurt me to think about it after all this time, but anyway…

-This is a sorcerer from theKamoclan, close to the main branch, and the heir of the Zenin clan.

W-what "clan sorcerer", what Naoya?! No thanks, I don't mind!

–W-why not Satoru-kun?.. I j-just for example.

-Because Satoru Gojo is irresponsible, – you heard someone bang their fist on the table. Well, I can't argue with that.– He doesn't understand how important it is to protect someone like you! In addition, he probably won't want to fulfill his duty as a husband and make you pregnant!

When you and your loved one talk about your pregnancy, it's normal.But when some old leftists talk about it?No,thanks.

-Ahem... are my children really that important?..

-The Gojo clan needs heirs, - you heard a new voice say. - And Satoru-sama will be forced to have children one way or another. However, we don't want to put his seduction on your shoulders, Saint. Therefore, we have chosen those sorcerers who will definitely want to have children with you with pleasure.

–That d-doesn't answer my question

-Your children are important, Saint. Because you have Saint Maria's blood in you. So, only you can give birth to the next Saint... or at least a sorcerer with a strong reverse technique. This will make the sorcerers` clans stronger, so this world will be more stable.

And they probably won't respect me... I don't know about Kamo, but Naoya certainly won't bring me happiness.

And, of course, I am incredibly glad that they will want to have children with me.… But actually, I have to give birth to someone, so my opinion is more important in this regard!

-Um... so we have a deal? - you smiled nervously. – I will marry these two sorcerers you have chosen for me. Can you let me go? My body is already numb, my arms are aching, and my legs require walking…

You were hoping that you would finally be released.What could you possibly do?You didn't have the physical strength, and now you don't have the damned energy.However, you had a brain.And you were going to take advantage of that and try to somehow signalSuguruandSatoru.

But either the elders were really sad*stic, or they just went deaf in their old age because no one let you go.You called them a few more times, and they seem to have had enough, because they finally answered.

-I'm sorry, but we can't let you guys go. You have been running away from your duties for too long, and now we are forced to go against your will.

–W-what do you mean?

-Sorcerers have many techniques that are useless in battle, but can be used in everyday life. Among them is a certain "unbreakable contract". Previously, it was used to enter into marriages or serious business transactions. And this contract... will be between you and your husbands. Don't worry... they'll be here soon.

After this phrase, youstarted to worry!

You froze, trying not to draw attention to yourself.The blindfold still didn't let you know what room you were in, but you tried to at least listen to the old people who started talking about something.You realized that they were sitting not far from you, and in a circle.There were no more than seven of them, but this information did not particularly please you.

So, there are no smart plans in my head. Then we move on to the dumb ones.

-Um, I'm sorry... I need to pee…

-No, please be patient. Your future husbands will be arriving here soon.

-B-but pregnant women can't wait…

You heard someone choke on water, spit it out, and start coughing.So, I either made the most brilliant decision of my life, or the dumbest.We'll find out soon enough.

–Y-you... you're pregnant?!


-From whom?

–C-can I go pee first, and then we can deal with the situation?..

Okay, great.You pulled off the blindfold and stretched your limbs.At least they're in shock now, and I can move and see.What's the plan next?Well…You glanced at the single door leading out of a small room with low tables where old people sat....we'll find out now.

You find yourself in a small bathroom.Sure enough, there was a guard behind the wall.You locked the door and looked around.So, I have an infinite amount of time because I'm "pregnant" and can go about my pregnant business as much as I want, a window I can't fit through, no cursed energy, and the fact that I don't remember my classmates' phone numbers so I can't tell them where I am. Even if I got a phone sometime...

So what do I do now?

You looked around again and noticed an air freshener in the corner.Looking down, you saw that your thighs were covered with a small number of rectangles with symbols.You tried to carefully pull one off... and you did it!

You looked back quickly, as if the guard had seen you.But it seems that your cursed energy wassoweak that the sorcerer didn't even feel that something had changed in you.

You laughed angrily to yourself and started to put away another paper rectangle.Now I will show you a trick with a lighter and an air freshener, my dear ones…It's good that your entire building is made in the traditional Japanese style, so it's all made of wood!..


–Do you see anything or not?!

Gojo sighed and rubbed his eyes. Even his Six Eyes couldn't help but find the location of the small complex of buildings where the elders gathered and discussed their business. Only a few people knew about this place, and even Satoru's father was not one of them.

As soon as the sorcerers found out that (Y/N) had been abducted, they immediately went looking for her. Gojo called his father and asked for help. The senior sorcerer reported that Saint was probably brought to higher-ups because one of their close associates has a similar technique to the fog described. The man could only give an approximate direction of where they might have taken him (Y/N), since he himself had never been to the elders' meeting.

The teenagers wanted to scream, but the older Gojo quickly brought them back to reality. «(Y/S)-san is a Saint. There's no point in the elders hurting her or bullying her. I can't deny that you need to save her as soon as possible. However, I'm sure she'll be perfectly safe, so first calm down and don't you dare destroy half of Japan!"

And so the sorcerers found themselves several hundred kilometers away from the beach, above a dense forest, trying in vain to find at least a hint that (Y/N) is somewhere nearby.

Geto tightened his grip on the stingray's scales, and the curse made a plaintive sound. They had been frozen in midair for a while, trying to figure out what they should do next to find (Y/N). She was definitely abducted by some technique, not by hands, hidden in the created mist, because Gojo didn't even have time to blink an eye before her trail was lost!

Suguru was looking down at a small road that suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest. He could feel himself shaking. He was afraid to even imagine what the elders would do to (Y/N) if they decided to suddenly steal it!..

-Hey, Satoru... what kind of car is this?

Geto pointed down, and Gojo was instantly distracted from his gaze into the distance. He abruptly lowered his head and immediately stiffened, his jaw clenching hard.

–W-what's he doing here…Naoya?!

-Who's that?

–The guy who came to talk to (Y/N) just before I showed her my clan ring. If he's here... w-we need to go get him right away!

–You mean fly?

-Don't be a bore, Suguru.

They both hurried forward.

-Naoya-sama, are you sure you want to do this? - the assistant glanced in the rearview mirror and met the sorcerer's eyes. – If you do it calmly, (Y/S)-san will become your wife anyway…

-Or rather, I'll beher husband. She may not have any influence over her harem, but I'm not going to be a part of it like I'm just some pathetic concubine. I hate the idea of this girl thinking she has power over me.

–Then why not just kill the Kamo`s sorcerer? Why attack the elders?

-Do I work with only idiots? - Zenin rolled his eyes and groaned. – If I save her from the clutches of the elders, she will be grateful. And there it is not difficult to powder the head of a little girl who has lived all her life in isolation. Once I marry her, it will only belong to my clan... and me.What about the elders…well, becoming close friends withSatoruGojowould also be nice. At least we'll have something to discuss.

Naoya chuckled, but then abruptly stared ahead. He ordered the driver to stop and got out of the car himself. The sorcerer ordered the dark, fast shadow to stop, but the man ignored him. Zenin then cracked his knuckles and ran forward, wanting to catch up to whoever dared to disobey his order.

-What is... Verna-san doing here?! - Gojo swallowed and stared at the warlocks playing catch-up. - Is he also in a deal with the elders?.. So, no, it's definitelynot possible.

-We'll figure out who's the traitor and who's not, - Geto began to fly quickly forward. – We can't lose sight of them!


Well... I'm sorry to everyone.

You exhaled and slowly approached the door.After unlocking it, you asked the assistant to open the door for you, because you were tired.As soon as the sorcerer completed your request, you immediately used your fire as a lighter and air freshener.

You only set fire to part of the door and hit the guard quite a bit.You didn't want the canister to explode in your hands.Leaving the sorcerer in shock, you hurried down the corridor, touching several walls with your fire along the way.The lacquered wood caught fire instantly.If it was a normal fire, maybe a fire-resistant varnish could resist it.But it wasyourfire.

Okay, now I just need to get out of here and run as far away as possible. I could see the forest through the window… There's definitely a big road leading to the elders. If I can hide in the forest, I can eventually run out to the road and head towards the city.

You kept running, feeling the heat start to lick your heels.Excuse me…But I'm not going to mock my own fate!In that life, I didn't marry the person I love with all my heart, so in this life, I'm going to fix it!


-It's someone from the Kamo clan, - Satoru whispered, eyeing the young man getting out of the car. - Naoya and Verna-san aren't likely to be here any time soon, so we need to deal with the situation quickly while there's only one weak sorcerer here…


Gojo shifted his gaze to a small building and immediately dived down using Blue. The upper part of the structure was destroyed and flew away. (Y/N) stopped, tilted her head back, and looked at the two sorcerers. She smiled and waved at them, as if the flames weren't trying to devour her from behind.

Geto was instantly at her side and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He picked her up and placed her on the ramp before taking off again. (Y/N) pressed closer to him, exhaling in relief.

-Looks like I didn't have to set this building on fire…

-At least we found you easily... - Satoru smiled faintly as he froze beside them. He would have liked to hug (Y/N) too, but the situation clearly didn't allow it. - Hey, where are your earrings and pendant?!

-The elders took them. I do not know where they are.

-I see them, - Gojo stared into the flames. – But I don't think we can get them.

-I'll send my curses there, - Suguru waved his hand, and several cursed spirits fell down. It was as if he and Satoru had some kind of connection, because Geto knew from the look in his eyes where to look for your things. – Right now, we need to get as far away from the smoke as possible and make sure you, (Y/N), are okay.

While the sorcerers were trying to put out the fire in a panic, your classmates moved you to the parking lot. At first, you were sorry that you started the fire, because they came to rescue you pretty quickly, but now you were even a little happy. The fire will take fewer lives and buildings than two furious, incredibly strong teenagers who will try their best to save you.

A few little curses soon returned, dragging your jewelry.You gave them a grateful nod, petted them like they were pets, and put your clothes back on.OnceSuguruandSatorumade sure that you were safe and not subject to any violence (they literally turned you around in all directions, even turning you upside down to make sure your heels were in order),Gojoturned away from you and stared into the forest.

–I'm not sure what Naoya will do to Verna-san... but I need to make sure they don't do anything wrong.

-Okay, - Geto nodded. – Then I'll take care of (Y/N)…

They exchanged glances.There was a thought in their minds.Because of the elders, we were unable to declare our love, even though we had planned to do so for several weeks… As soon as everything is quiet,they're all dead!

While Suguru was making sure you were all right again, Satoru took a few steps towards the forest to find the two sorcerers fighting. But before Gojo could even take a step, two people suddenly jumped out of the nearby bushes. Satoru watched... as Naoya slit Verna's throat with a small knife.

You watched in silence inGeto's arms as a sorcerer who looked incredibly similar toSugurudied before your eyes.

You couldn't say that you were feelingincrediblysorry.You were sad just because a person died.Yes,Vernaconstantly sent you letters asking you to change your mind, think again, and marrySatoru.He filled you up with paperwork that needed to be answered.Still, he wasn't a bad person for you to hate.And yet he wasn't close enough to you that you could empathize with him very much.

You froze, watching asSatorubegan to stagger back and forth like a high tower.

–Verna-san… He practically raised me... Verna-san…

You have watched the gray eyes meet the heavenly ones.The older sorcerer smiled with all his might, his chin drenched in blood, before reaching out toGojoand whispering:


Those were his last words.

Satoru twitched and then appeared in front of Naoya in the next second. His fist met the hand that tried to cover his face. There was a crunch of bones, and you physically shrank from the unpleasant sound.

Suddenly, you stopped seeing the fight.It wasSuguruwho put his hands over your eyes.However, this only made you hear the sound of bones breaking more strongly.

You put your hands over your ears and decided to just wait for it all to be over.You didn't want to see someone beaten to a pulp…But it wasn't your battle.And you still couldn't stopGojo.And yet…

Geto held you in his arms and calmed you down a little. But Satoru screamed so loudly and plaintively that in the end you couldn't stand it. You broke free of Suguru's grip and screamed, straining all your lungs:

-S-Satoru-kun, that's all okay! I can resurrect Verna-san!

Gojo, who was swinging for another punch, froze. He turned to you and stared straight into your soul with his heavenly eyes. The look in his eyes... scared you.And yet you responded to his silent threat.

-B-but that doesn'tmean his killer doesn't deserve to be punished!..

-Satoru, stop it.

That voice... you've definitely never heard it before. Gojo froze, looking over your shoulder. Naoya spat out blood, cursed, and bowed, gritting his teeth in frustration.

You turned around and immediately found yourself staring at a man you never expected to see.

You were always shocked when you saw the parents of a particular character.Usually, such stories do not reveal much about the people who gave birth to the main characters, only if they are not important in the plot, like the parents of the main character of this world.However, you have already met Suguru's parents and Satoru's mother…

Did you expect to meet a man who went mad after the death of his wife and wiped out virtually his entire clan, putting his son in charge of the clan at an incredibly young age? Definitely not…

The sorcerer was tall, almost as tall as his son. His dark blue kimono looked so heavy that it could have pinned you down. His long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail that hung over his left shoulder. Blue eyes – beautiful, but rather "ordinary" - stared straight ahead. Gojo looked like an ordinary man in his thirties, but he just looked good and was dressed in beautiful, expensive clothes.

And yet... he scared the hell out of you.

Perhaps it was his aura, or his gaze, or his calmness. But there was something about the man that made your insides quiver. He didn't have Six Eyes, but he definitely saw everything.His face looked almost devoid of emotion, and yet you saw something that looked like disgust.

If nearSatoruyou weren't afraid that the sorcerer would break your neck with just one hand... then here you began to fear for your life!

Gojo passed by you and you froze, afraid to even move. You felt something like this when you first met Tanoshi. But why, now that Tengen has put her seal on you, do you continue to feel such heart-devouring fear?..

-Satoru, stop beating up the Zenin Clan's heir. Do you want to go to them later and apologize for your mistake?

-A mistake? Me?!Dad, he just killedVerna-san!He must be punished even ifVerna-sanis resurrected soon!..

-Verna... will not be resurrected.

–W-what do you mean?! (Y/N) is literally here!

Satoru pointed at you and you immediately tried to hide behind Geto, but Gojo pinned you to the ground with his gaze. The man walked towards you, stopped in front of you, and dominated you for a few seconds with his tall, dangerous figure. And after that…

–I apologize to you for the inconvenience caused by my servant, (Y/S)-san.

He bowed down to you, sincerely apologizing.You didn't know what to say.

-Verna-san caused you a lot of problems by constantly sending emails. He also destroyed messages from the elders, which eventually led to your abduction. I'm sorry that this is what happened…

–I-it's fine... um, Gojo-sama. But, ahem, does a person really deserve to dieafter that?

-Yes! Dad, - Satoru appeared at your father's side, and you gulped in disbelief at the existence of two such tall and big men, - Verna-san has been your loyal assistant for many years!You literallyraised him, and he raisedme!H-how can you say now that he shouldn't be resurrected?!.

-Satoru, – Gojo stared at his son in a way that made even the teenager flinch, - I can't let someone who is obsessed with his own goals and hurts others live. Besides, - the man chuckled, - Verna always wanted to die for the clan. Naoya-san just fulfilled his dream.

Gojo went to Zenin to apologize to him. Satoru beside you tightly clenched his hands into fists and stared at the dark-clothed body lying on the ground.

–W-what does Dad mean by that?!. Verna-san has served our clan for many years, and now Dad says that Verna-san should stay dead?!

You silently put your hand on his back, not knowing what to say to him.Vernawasn't a character in the manga, so you didn't really talk to them the whole time you were here.So you didn't know... if his death was a good thing or a bad thing.And also you didn't know... how to calmSatorudown.

Gojo returned shortly after the members from Zenin and Kamo left. (Naoya was supposed to get treatment, and the Kamo sorcerer just didn't want to fight two special-grade sorcerers.) Satoru was still standing next to you. He clutched your clothes like a frightened child and didn't know what to do next. When he turned his head to look at his father, there was something like madness in his eyes.

-W... why?.. - he only whispered.

-Because in this game, all other people are pawns, and we are players, - he reached out and brushed the white strands from his son's forehead. - And Verna was a bad pawn.

-B-but this!..

-Satoru,– Gojo sighed. - Verna has always been a little... unstable.His fear of sorcerers who humiliated him because of his background turned into unwarranted loyalty as soon as I offered him the chance to be my "disciple".I should have known something was wrong with him... when he almost committed suicide, when he couldn't protect me from my enemies.He said that his life belongs to me, and he should be punished for failing in his tasks.

-B-but why do you have to leave him dead? V-Verna-san... was such a good "pawn", as you say!

-Because he forgot that I'm the one who plays this game, - Gojo sighed. - Wanting to make Saint a part of the clan, he caused trouble for (Y/S)-san and kept an eye on her. He disobeyed my orders and said that he was only doing this for the sake of the clan… And if it's any consolation, – he turned around and stared at the car with its tinted windows, - Verna did plan to rescue (Y/S)-san from the elders... but after that, he wanted to kidnap her himself and make her your wife. Because he thought itwas best for the clan.

Satoru froze, looking straight ahead and clenching his hands into fists. You can see that he doesn't quite know where he is. The sorcerer tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.

Maybe it wasn't shown in the original... but Verna-san was the reason why Suguru-kun was able to live another ten years after being betrayed. What does Satoru-kun think about Verna-san now that it turns out… that he wanted to kidnap me?

You flinched whenGojosuddenly looked atVernaand ground his teeth.His reaction... changed to the exact opposite.

–Howdarehe disobey my father and try to steal(Y/N)?! Why can't people just... leave us, young people, alone?!

You screamed in fear as a small wave ofRedrushed past you.You cast a glance in the direction of destruction and saw the stain left by the slain curse.

When you looked at Satoru again, he... experienced a psychological breakdown.He dug his fingernails into the skin of his palms, and blood flowed and fell on his shoes.

–The man who supported me since I was a child and was loyal to my father... turned out to be such a power-hungry person... even if that power didn't belong to him, - Gojo turned to you and clenched his teeth so hard that you heard an unpleasant sound. – If even people like Verna-san were so low and insignificant... - he turned slowly in the direction of the newly extinguished building. – Then should I kill them all to prevent tragedies beforehand?..

Satoru flinched when you squeezed his hand hard. He turned to you and blinked several times, as if coming to his senses. You shook your head in different directions and began to treat his wound.

-P-please... Satoru-kun... don't.

He saw the ... fear in your eyes.He didn't want you to... experience anything like this, especially because of him.Gojonodded and gave you a faint smile.

–If you don't want to, (Y/N)... –then I'll kill them when you can't see.

-Sorry to interrupt, - senior Gojo returned after talking to a few people, - but there are more important things to do right now.

-And what is it? - Satoru frowned. - A funeral?

-No, at least you won't be doing this, - Gojo said, pointing to the car. – (Y/S)-san is still a Saint. And the information about the two husbands, - Satoru stared at you in surprise, - is still relevant.

–D-don't tell me you want (Y/N) to forcibly marry me!..

-If I wanted to, I'd let Verna steal her, - Gojo snorted. – But I want all of this to be voluntary... and for you all to handle the situation yourself. So you, (Y/S)-san and Geto-san will get in the car and go to the clan's territory, where it's safer to discuss such matters. I'll join you later.

And he left before his son could even protest.

Satoru rolled his eyes and dragged you towards the tall car. Grabbing Suguru by the scruff of the neck as he started complaining, he silently dragged the two classmates to the car.

-Oh, you're finally here! I thought I'd have to wait forever!


-Yes, it's me, - the woman smiled broadly. She was dressed in contentedly ordinary, modern clothes. – I've been to the mall, so here's a bubble tea! - she handed you and Suguru each a glass. – I didn't know what tastes you liked, so I picked the most popular ones.

While you silently sipped your drink through the straw, andGetodidn't quite know what to do (he liked tea, but thiskindof tea?..),Satorucontinued to stare at his mother in shock.

-B-both of you... knew that (Y/N) was going to be kidnapped?!

-No, it's just that Verna-san reacts quickly to what is happening, - she chuckled. - As soon as he told us where the elders' lair was, your father interrupted my shopping trip and forced me to go with him. I barely had time to pay for the drinks!

-Mom, do you know... that Verna-san is dead?

Tanoshi looked at her son for a few seconds, and then asked:

–Do you regret his death?

–At first I was sad about it... but then I found out that he... wanted to kidnap (Y/N) and force her to marry against her will.So now... I don't want to think about it.

-So I know, - Tanoshi smiled innocently, reached out and patted her son's hand. - It's going to be all right, Satoru. Sometimes people close to you turn out to be completely different from who we thought they were. But this does not mean that the whole world is full of evil, - she sat up and ruffled her son's hair with long fingers. – At least you can always know that we, your parents, will do everything to ensure that your interests are taken into account and considered first. Besides, you have friends, - she glanced at you and Suguru, - who won't betray you or disappoint you. Trust my motherly heart.

Satoru silently sipped some bubble tea.

You watched twoGojossit and enjoy their drinks.And you became... very uncomfortable.Verna-san, of course, wanted to kidnap me and all that… But did theyreally have no feelings about his death? Tanoshi-sama what, don`t you really care?

You looked at the woman.She looked back at you and smiled sweetly.She was really... happy with everything.

Yeah-h… This isn't my "normal" world. These people are great sorcerers who hold power in their hands. Probably, for them, the death of one person is not such an important event...

You expected senior Gojo to come and drive the car. But that didn't happen. A private driver had arrived and was taking you and everyone else to the manor.

The road was long and silent.Tanoshihummed to herself and looked out the window.Satorudidn't speak, just stared at the passing trees and bushes.Sugurusat next to you with his head on your shoulder and was silent.He was watching the road ahead carefully, as if he was afraid that the car would suddenly turn into an abandoned construction site.

You didn't have time to really see the clan territory, asTanoshigrabbed you by the hand and led you to the nearest building, then you went through the corridors, sometimes passing underground.Your classmates followed you.The woman said that it is not desirable for you and them to be seen by any of the elders or clan members at all.

In the end, you find yourself in a small room that is quite modernly furnished. However, it was still... half-empty. The only thing that stood out was the two large couches at the farthest end of the room, as well as a small coffee table between them. The rest of the space was barely big enough for a few bookcases.

Satoru tensed up and looked at the mother who was asking you if you wanted tea or something.

–Why did you bring us to the torture chamber?

You instantly stopped discussing withSuguruwhat kind of hot drink he wants.Tanoshi, noticing your startled look, giggled and smiled slightly.

–No need to worry, (Y/S)-san. No one will torture you here. It's just that this place is used by my husband for... psychological abuse, - she smiled sweetly as she spoke. – It has excellent sound insulation and protection, so no one can eavesdrop on conversations. Well, I have to go. I'll have the servants bring you some tea. My husband will come back in a little while and explain everything to you.

You nodded uncertainly and decided to stick toSatoru's side just in case.

You were sitting on a long sofa between two teenagers and looking at the sofa opposite, which was slightly smaller.Someone's designer taste was definitely ruined, because you were sitting on pink leather furniture, and there was a light green piece of something opposite.And this sharp contrast, along with the knife marks on the glass surface of the coffee table, made you feel uncomfortable even with two of your friends nearby.

Once the tea was brought, you and the others were left alone again.

–Why did your father invite us here? - Geto put his cup down on its saucer with a loud thud.

-That's what we should ask (Y/N), - they both turned to you. – What did my father mean by... two husbands?

-Um... actually, I'm not really sure... - you stared into the cup, because it was difficult to restrain their gazes. – I was talking to Maria-san... when I resurrected Yu-kun. She told me that she had two husbands who wanted their children to inherit the unique abilities that her mother had… When the elders kidnapped me, they said that Saints always had two husbands who protected them... and that I should not be an exception.

Before the two sorcerers could look at each other and think the same thing, the doors suddenly swung open and slammed shut with a loud bang. Gojo strode forward with long, ear-slapping strides and sat down on the green sofa, where he looked rather funny: a tall, statuesque man in traditional clothes, sitting on ordinary, small furniture.

–I apologize for being late. I had to settle some matters with the elders. (Y/S)-san, – you flinched when Gojo suddenly looked at you, – don't worry, your family won't have to pay compensation.


–Dad, don't tell me you want to talk to us about becoming (Y/N)`s husbands!..Um, Dad, why aren't you talking?..

-You asked me not to tell you, - Gojo smiled.

-My mother was right: "everything bad is from my father"! Including my humor!

The older sorcerer chuckled and smiled. For a moment, you thought he was just an ordinary adult, that there was nothing terrible about him. But just a second later, he was serious again, and it was as if he was looking right into your soul.

-Dad, just because I can't accept that Verna-san wanted to steal (Y/N) doesn't mean I'll accept that youwant us to become consorts by force!..

-I'm telling you, Satoru, - Gojo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, – if I wanted to make (Y/S)-san part of our family by force, I would have let Verna deal with the elders, but as you can see, that didn't happen. I was actually going to talk to all three of you about this marriage... and also about the Saint Maria cult.

The sorcerers around you instantly tensed up. Gojo crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back on the couch, and crossed his legs, which seemed impossible given his kimono.

–The cult was destroyed in just one night, - his eyes suddenly flashed, - by some unknown people. Such a massive genocide could not but affect the world of sorcerers... so I decided to deal with it.

For some reason, the sorcerers around you have becomemoretense.But you wereso nervousthat you didn't notice it.

–And h-how ... were the murderers found? - Satoru asked and suddenly coughed into his fist.

As the teenager sipped his tea and stared off to the side, his father just sighed and shook his head.

–I wasn't interested in the identity of the killers, – because I already knew who they were, my dear son,– but I was more interested in the cult itself. This organization greatly influenced the world of sorcerers and ordinary people. They made large charitable donations and helped affected sorcerers, just like sisters of mercy. The sudden destruction of the cult only led to fear and chaotic actions by some individuals, so I had to figure out how to deal with this situation…

You felt that Geto next to you squeezed your sleeve. You couldn't give him any support because you were in the wrong state yourself.

–While digging through the underground library that miraculously survived the fire, I found a lot of...interesting facts about the cult, – he glanced at you. - (Y/S)-san, it may injure you. Do you want to hear it?

-Af-fter what I went through with the cult... - you gulped, remembering all the attempts to kill you and the feeling of not being free because you couldn't leave the school alone. – I don't think anything will scare me.

-Well, I warned you, - Gojo nodded. – I found a lot of records about previous Saints. And here's the funny thing... they all accidentallydied at a very young age... or were killed at the hands of a cult.

-The cult hated the real Saints, right? - Satoru grimaced. – I thought so…

–The cult had special techniques that allowed them to detect the real Saints. As soon as they found such a girl, they took her into a cult and... broke her will, – you shuddered all over. – Saints became weak-willed puppets in the hands of the cult. They were ready to serve them, even if these people had recently beaten and starved them.

–Why did people allow Saints to be treated like this? - Geto frowned. - Shoko was literally idolized when she "pretended" to be a "Saint". When she and I met other sorcerers, they all tried to make a good impression on her.

-Do you think the rest of the people knew what the cult was doing to Saints? – Satoru grimaced and chuckled. - Most likely, the cult hid traces of physical violence... and it's even easier to hide from a psychological "stain", especially if the victim is afraid to disobey.

-From what I understand, - Gojo continued, - real Saints grew up inside a cult, married people they didn't choose, had children... and then suddenly died just after they reached adulthood. The causes of death are... almost identical. Many of them suddenly began to experience wild pain and fell into a coma, – you physically shrank, – and then they died. Andnot once... a proper funeral was held. By the way, sometimes the cult couldn't find a "real Saint" at an early age, so they didn't have the opportunity to raise a submissive slave out of her. Then they found a girl with a reverse technique and made a "real Saint" out of her, then kill a "Fake". Oh, I forgot to add. The one who became a substitute for Saints was treated much, much better than the "real" one. I think you've seen this with the example of Ieiri-san.

-I still don't understand what the point is, - Suguru muttered. - They are literally the cult of Saint Maria. Why did they hate Saints so much? And I understand why they brainwashed Saints... well, so that they would resurrect only the people they needed or something like that. But why mock them?

-The answer to that question... I don't quite know, - Gojo admitted. – The documents say something about "imbalance". I read that the Saints "changed this world so much that it began to destroy them." Perhaps this is due to their comas. But was it really the "resurrection" technique that took their lives?

Gojo looked at you. He watched for a long,longtime.Under that gaze, you couldn't help but start talking.

-Um... that's not true. Resurrection does not negatively affect Saints… The reason for this is... that it was Saints' way of changing... the fate of this world or s-something like that. Destiny didn't like it. And itfound its own way to destroy the girls.

-Then it's all the more unclear, - Satoru frowned and leaned back on the sofa in the same way as his father, only less restrained and polite. – If Saints are going to die a horrible death anyway, why not treat them well? Well, to live happily at least before death.

-So that the Saints don't refuse to use their power, - everyone looked at Suguru. - If Saints feel free and learn that their abilities will cause them to fall into a coma and eventually die… they can opt out of "resurrection". And then those with whom the cult cooperates will lose strong support.

-When I was talking to Tengen-sama... she told me that once a Saint dies from a 'coma', everything in this world goes back to normal. That is... people she resurrected or otherwise saved by resisting fate will still die. Oh…

You opened your eyes and looked atGojo.The senior sorcerer frowned and gave in slightly to you.

–What is, (Y/S)-san?..

-The cult could control the Saints so much not so that they would refuse to use their powers... but so that they would not break the laws of this world! If people that Saints resurrects will die after her death anyway... then does that make sense? Considering that the girls died pretty early anyway…

-In the records I read, it says that Saints very often resurrected criminals and victims of crime to find out who the killer was... - Gojo suddenly twitched. – And in that case, it wouldn't matter if these people died again as soon as the Saint passed away. In addition, Saints could go over to the side of the enemy and resurrect their most powerful warriors… this could lead to more violence and brutality.

-Well, the cult could still just ban the use of 'resurrection', so they continue to be disgusting people in my eyes, - Satoru threw his head back and stuck out his tongue in disgust. – Nothing justifies their behavior, not even the desire to "keep the balance in the world" and "the desire to save the world from unnecessary violence and endlessly living tyrants."

-Still... Gojo-san... what's up with the two husbands?

Suguru coughed uncomfortably as everyone stared at himagain.Those stares were harder to bear now.

-I mean... the cult has already been destroyed anyway. But the problem with husbands is still relevant.

-It's relevant precisely because the cult was destroyed, - Gojo shot a glance at the two teenagers. - Society has lost one of the parts that kept it in balance. Sorcerers are scared and shocked, and many organizations are angry that they have lost financial and human support. The elders were just trying to calm the people down by giving them "safety", because now the cult couldn't do that.

You were frozen, unable to see anything in front of you.

Here it was, your solution to the problem!

You could argue with yourself as much as you wanted, but eventually a voice would come in and say that you had lost.You loved thetwosorcerers who were now sitting on either side of you.As the heroine of allthe fanfictions these two participated in, you wanted to get both men, their love, their wealth, and their charming faces along with their personalities.

But you've reminded your voice in your head over and over again that you don't have the rightto do this.

Not that you'd give up that kind of love if you could... but you couldn't make both sorcerers fall in love with you… like making the two of them like each other. If in this relationship, love isn't shared between three people at the same time... wouldn't it look strange? It will literally be a "harem". And you didn't know what to make of the "harem" in the modern world... and the awkwardness that would come with it all.

How will you sleep with two men at the same time?Just sleep. Do you really have to make a schedule to spend a peaceful night with one particular "husband"? And what about a closer relationship? How will you kiss one, knowing that the other is somewhere nearby, watching your actions? And children... and if one of your "husbands" does not want children, but at the same time the second will want to expand the family? Who should "win" in this case?

And even such banal questions as "whose last name will I have?" put you in a stupor. You didn't know what to do…

Yes, the situation nowrequired you to enter into a relationship with them. But as long as they don't love you back and have the right to find their true happiness-love you won't insist.

–Is there... another solution to the problem?

You knew what you sounded like. It was as if you were shouting, "No, I don't want you to be my husband, the thought makes me sick!" And yet... you should have known beforehand what options you had.

–Well… yes, - Gojo shot a quick glance at his son, who turned away and bit into his hand to keep from screaming. Suguru, on the other hand, squeezed his shorts so hard that he tore them open. – But you don't have to discuss this with me, but with Ieiri-san. Sheis now the "Fake" to sorcerers. The cult was recently destroyed, and the sorcerers probably think that Ieiri-san is angry that you stripped her of her status and support, even if this is very far from reality.So it is likely that the sorcerers, wanting to protect you, will try to killIeiri-san… So you either get married twice, or Ieiri-san leaves the country and doesn't come back here for at least five years.

And here you are again faced with a choice that you can't make.

You didn't want Riko to die. And even though she and Misato are kind of happy now that they can communicate, and Kuroi is still raising children, but... you still sometimes felt that things could have been...different.That you could somehow saveAmanaiand give her a happy life, areallife.

And now other people's lives depended on you again. Shoko didn't know any other languages, at least not as well as you do. (Ahem-ahem, plus the fact that this is your isekai). Yes, she might be able to work with some of the other sorcerers, but what would happen if they wanted to kill her like the Japanese wanted? But at the same time, she would not be able to work as a regular doctor, because she has no education. She didn't even technically graduate from high school!

And at the same time... you didn't wantSuguruandSatoruto suffer with you. You can hardly cancel this marriage. And how can you marry people you haven't really lived with? (Living in a dorm didn't count). What if you and they are completely unsuitable for each other as tenants of the same apartment? What if you constantly quarrel with them because someone is drying socks in the microwave?!

And here again, it's not you who end up suffering from your decisions...but others.You'll be fineeitherway.Butthey?..

–We'll have to talk to Shoko-chan, - you finally gasped, hunching over and looking down at your feet. – This decision is very much about her, so…

Suddenly the door swung open and you turned around.The teenagers next to you didn't move.Tanoshihad changed into her traditional clothes and was now standing there, squinting at the scene.

–What a tense atmosphere you have, as if there really is torture going on here.My dear, do you cause children mental pain?

-Judging by their expressions, I'd rather do it.

-Well, I think they should take a little break, - Tanoshi chuckled and clapped her hands. She acted as if nothing bad was happening. – Why not leave them alone for a while? I'm sure they have things they want to discuss in private. In the meantime, you can help me with something. Someone tried to steal part of our budget and must be punished. But you know, – she giggled innocently, - that I can't do it without some extra blood.

Gojo nodded and stood up, but didn't move. He looked at the three teenagers who were thinking about something else.

–Can I give you a moment?..

-Y-yes... please! - you nodded and jumped up abruptly. – We need to... talk.

Gojo nodded and left. The door, closed carefully and quietly, for some reason slammed loudly in your head.

You walked shakily around the coffee table and plopped down on the small sofa.Exhaling, you sat for a few seconds, collected your thoughts, and finally said:

–We need to callShoko-chanand discuss everything with her…No, it is better to come to her and discuss everything…It may be easier to solve everything.She could have been on the school grounds for a while, like me, and ended up…

-Why... - suddenly, drops of blood splattered on the table and flew in different directions, – w-why do you think thisshould be the right solution to the problem?!

You looked atSatoruand jumped on the spot in surprise.There were clear teeth marks on his arm, and red lines were bleeding.Thick drops rolled down his fingers, rolled down to his wrist, and soaked into the sleeve of his beach jacket.

-Um ... what do you mean?..

–Why don't you want us to be your husbands?

You stared at him in shock.W-what do you mean?! It's all for you! You looked atSugurufor support, but all you saw were scraps of shorts.

–Um... because it's... rude to you? You are still too young, you don't even have a romantic experience. I can't force you to commit yourself to me forever. It would also be... awkward. I can still imagine living with two men... but what about you? It's kind of... humiliating, embarrassing, and incomprehensible. And suddenly you will find your destiny? No, of course I... - you took a deep breath, you forced yourself to say the next words, – I don't mind you cheating on me with the person you really love, b-but…

–We won't cheat on you!

Geto suddenly stamped his foot, and the table bounced along with the cups. One of them fell to the floor, and a light orange liquid spilled over the surface of the table and began to pour onto the floor. You reached out to clean up the mess, but suddenly Suguru grabbed your wrist and forced you to look into your eyes. His grip was gentle, not painful... but it was firm, holding you back.

–I'm tired of this! - he shouted, digging his other hand into the table and leaving nail marks on it. The tea spilled even more, mixed with the blood and crawled further to the sorcerers' feet. – I'm tired of us saying the same thing over and over and over again! I can't keep it to myself anymore! (Y/N), I love you! - he looked at Satoru. – We love you! No buts, no "no"s, or both of you will change your mind! We love you!

It's like you're deaf.You've heard that theyloveyou... but you didn't take that information in.You thought about yourself, about the whole situation... you thought it was all... alie.

-B-but, Suguru-kun…

–I said no buts! Don't even think about denying our feelings, (Y/N)!

-Yes! - Gojo nodded. – This isn't a teen crush, I'm sure of it! And these are not fleeting feelings! My mother always said that I would understand when I found "the right girl to make you happy"! And I found her! Or are you saying that me, my mother, and my Six Eyes were wrong?!

–(Y/N), you're the person who madebothof our lives easier and better!You shared our pain, you gave us solutions to our most serious problems, and you kept me feeling like I was in a carefree middle school!I'm sure I won't meet someone like you even if I live a few hundred years!

-No one understands us better than you, - Satoru concluded. – And we're both sure you can make us happy. We've been trying to tell you we love you all this time, so that you can choose one of us... or no one. But now that we both have a chance... J-just tell us: do you love us or not? I know you're worried about our feelings... but why didn't you ever worryabout yourown?!

You tried to move back, butSugurucontinued to hold your wrist.Then you broke out of his grip and pressed your back against the sofa.The sorcerers exchanged glances and then looked back at you, their eyes instantly filled with despair and regret.

-(Y/N), this is... we're not forcing you, - Geto whispered carefully. – We both wish you happiness. We... we are ready for any decision you make… You can stay with both of us, with just one person... or no one. We... we will respect your choice in any case…

-Y-you're both thinking… That I understand you?

The sorcerers looked at each other again, then looked at you with confusion. They nodded.

-D-do you really think… That I just fell out of the sky and know what you need?! – you suddenly felt guilt rolling over you. – D-do you think that I am a good, attentive person who notices the problems of others and helps them?!

-Well... yes, - Satoru nodded. – That's literally what you've been doing for the last two years. You understoodus.And youhelpedus.Isn't it because you're a good, considerate, kind person?

-No... it's not like that... - you pulled away from them even more, as if you were trying to become one with the sofa. – I knew what you needed at that particular moment, because I... knew both of you before I went to this school.

You suddenly remembered your original thoughts, ran your fingers through your hair and squeezed your strands. I did it all just for Satoru-kun. I wanted to save Suguru-kun so that he wouldn't make my favorite character's life so terrible. And in the end… I wanted Satoru-kun to be mine. I didn't do it all initially because of the "purest humanism." I did it... because I wanted my favorite character to be mine.

I feel like a... manipulator. I used their weaknesses to get closer to them. And now they say… that I am good?

I-I literally... sent Riko-san to her death. I told her... I told her... that she had no other choice. I told her directly that she must die, otherwise other people will die in her place... people who are important to me...

-I-it's... it's not as simple as you think! – you jumped up, clutched harder at your head, which was beginning to overflow with painful thoughts, and shook your head. – No... it's only now that I realize... that things aren't as good as they might seem. Satoru-kun, Suguru-kun... both of you wouldn't have fallen in love with me if it weren't for one thing... - you stared straight ahead, - this is my secret... which I think it's time to tell you.

You squeezed your eyes shut and panted, trying to gather your strength, but instead you just heard your... conscience?No, it's something else.

I really... didn't act like the best person. Yes, I sincerely wanted them to continue to live, be happy and healthy… But without the information I received from my original world, I wouldneverhave been able to achieve their love.Just because I'm not as "perfect" as they thought I was, just because I showed up at the "right time and at the right moment" next to them.

I just... got there when they were feeling down and told them what they wanted to hear.If they were random people that I didn't know anything about in the first place... it wouldn't have worked out for me.

I just used the "cheats", and they thought... that I was really insightful and caring. I-I-I promised I wouldn't try to take away their happiness if they wanted it. But aren't my actions... depriving them of their choice?..

Pause… it's been too long. And the sorcerers noticed it. Suguru smiled faintly at you and shook his head.

–(Y/N)... if it's hard for you to say it, you can... not say anything in principle.Besides, we both already know... that you came from the past.

Your panic about your own actions was instantly drowned out by his words.You looked atGeto, a little confused.


-Yes, - Satoru nodded. – The cursed spirit in your locket... it was he who brought you here, wasn't it? And your knowledge of our habits and what we love… You know all this because you came from the past, right?


-Yes, the past. Well, it's like the future… - Gojo pinched the bridge of his nose. – You met us after we graduated from high school, got to know us better, then something bad happened, we all died. You used that curse in the locket to move here and fix everything. Am I right?

You looked at him as if you suddenly didn't understand Japanese.You blinked a couple of times and then let out a nervous chuckle.


Now the confusion was between the two sorcerers.You could see in their eyes that they were trying to put something together in their heads.

–I don't come from the past, - you whispered, hunched over and staring at the table. - I'm not... from this world at all, - it was as if something had hit them. – I'm not sure if you know what 'isekai' is... To put it simply, I moved here from another world. And it just so happened… that in my world, the two of you, like everyone else, are just manga and anime characters!

–(Y/N), what are you saying?My Six Eyes literally say that you are…

-"S-Six Eyes?" Six Eyes?! Your Six Eyes also said that Suguru-kun was Suguru Geto, but there was actually a villain of this world inside!

You gritted your teeth until it hurt and growled, trying to control theanger that came out of nowhere.You didn't want to look up at your classmates, you didn't want to see their expressions.So you continued to stand there like a guilty schoolgirl, talking under your breath.

–In my world…you're bothfake.Why do I know and understand you so well?Because I read theFandomWiki.If it weren't for my fascination with this world, I wouldneverhave been as "good a friend" as I appeared to you.In the past world, I didn't have such good friends, I didn't have people who were in love with me, I didn't have all that...because this was the real world! The real world, where I managed everything usingonly my own abilities!A worldwhere there was... therealme.

You felt like you were throwing up.You wanted to spit out all your thoughts and feelings, but it was physically impossible.

–I started all this... because I didn't wantmy favorite character to die. Satoru-kun, do you remember when you came to me at night and asked me to be your friend, and I knocked you to the floor? - Geto coughed indignantly, but you ignored it. – I said at the time that I allegedly had a dream with my favorite character, who is very similar to you. So... this character is literallyyou.

You went on and on talking.Your words turned into an endless stream that no one could hold back anymore.

–I couldn't let you die,Satoru-kun, so I did all this…And only now did I realize that my actions weren't done foryouanymore... they were forme.In the beginning, I supposedly had a choice: to return to my own world or not.And I chose to stay here, even though you were still just another character to me back then, not areal person. And I... chose you because Iwantedyou... I wanted something thatanyonefrom my home world couldn't have.

You were standing there, shaking a little.With your hands clasped around your shoulders, you stared into space, ready to fall at any moment.All your selfish thoughts weighed down on you, just like the realization that you lovebothwizards and don't want to let go ofeither one.

You waited and waited and waited for one of them to speak.And it did happen.

–(Y/N), but you didn't... do anything wrong.

You stared atSuguru, who was sitting on the very edge of the sofa.He tried to reach you, but still couldn't.Next to him,Satorusat with his arms crossed and one leg crossed over the other.He nodded.

–It doesn't matter what your goals are. What matters is how you achieve them, - Gojo glanced at you. – You didn't want to hurt us, you wanted to help us. And... you know, I'm more glad than upset after hearing your words. I turned out to be your favorite character!..

–I... it won't be me?

Geto blinked a couple of times and stared into space. He remembered his first "dream"... and cold sweat rolled down his neck.

-Yes! - you yelled and stamped your foot. – I-I was so afraid that the original story would repeat itself! I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to fix everything!.. And in the end, I think I made it worse!

You rememberedSugurusaying that he hatesallpeople... and you shuddered.

–In the original, your second summer wasn' fun.You, – you showed up on Geto with a shaking finger, – have gone mad by this point and left school, committing a little genocide! Do you remember that village where we found the girls? You killed everyone there and then captured the cult that sent Toji! And y-you… you killed your own parents!–you sawSugurutwitch and stare at you in shock, but you didn't give him time to accept the thought.– You started hating 'ordinary people', you started calling them 'monkeys'! You used them as accumulators of curses or money... and killed them if they were useless. Y-you... you wanted to end up killing all the 'ordinary people' so that there would be no more curses in this world!

The sorcerers exchanged glances. They definitely didn't take your vivid emotions seriously, even though the situation made them think about everything.

Gojo looked at Suguru doubtfully, then simply said:

-"Monkeys?" Seriously?Couldn't you think of anything more epic?And do you even know that your plan is completely idiotic?Even if you killedall the 'ordinary people', you and your followers would all starve to death! It is unlikely that sorcerers, especially modern ones, can plant rice and even more so produce things or medicines. I assume that the world would simply fall apart, curses would only be actively eat sorcerers, because they simply have noother victims, and humanity would end.

-Yes, with this kind of consideration of the problem, "monkeys" seem somehow more useful... - Suguru muttered. – At least they know how to fix the Internet…

-That's not all! - you laughed nervously, not understanding their reactions. – Ten years later, you arrived at the school to get a pretty powerful curse... and lost to a teenager!A teenagerwhohad only been learninghow to usecursedenergy forafewmonths!And you died in front of your best friend, – you pointed with your free hand towards Satoru, – and then your body became the property of another sorcerer!

-An abomination! - Gojo grimaced, stuck out his tongue, and moved away from Geto. – You let another man own you?!

-T-that's not the point! The point here is that Suguru-kun has become the perfect vessel for one of the main villains!

You looked at them and realized... that they didn't take you seriously.IfSuguruwaseven alittle serious, thenSatorusuddenly started laughing out loud.

-Pf-ft, I take back what I said about you being the 'second most powerful sorcerer'! You've been fighting curses for ten years, only to end up losing to a teenager! A teenager who didn't even have time to finish one year of a school! I wantto see you humiliated by some brat!..

-Satoru-kun... y-you think you're better? – you're staring at him like crazy, not quite sure where the reality is right now... and where it's something you've seen hundreds of times in the anime. – You lost to Toji, just like in this world… but then things went downhill, - you laughed nervously. – You couldn't kill your friend who committed genocide and turned out to be a traitor. Ten years later, you left the teenager, that Suguru-kun wanted to kill, alone! You also left his classmates unprotected! You left the children to deal with all the problems, just like the elders did now, in the case of Riko-san and Tengen-sama!

You laughed nervously, swallowing the saliva that was about to run down your chin. You're suddenly thinking... Has Satoru-kun ever... really won in the original story?

–You left a special-grade curse alive during the meeting of the two schools, when you could have destroyed it by getting into a longer fight, finding it with your Six Eyes!.. You missed out on another special-grade curse, and you couldn't take it with you for questioning or even to pursue it. You were sealed in a cube because you saw the face of your best friend who died a year ago… And when you were finally released, you couldn't... kill Sukuna.

Did he ever... win? Yes, he killed some curses that didn't affect the plot in any way... and he killed one during the events in that subway… But it felt like he killed it in order to kill at least someone significant with his own hands.

-Y-you... actually left three of your students after a short period of training to fight a special-grade curse... and then they single-handedly killed creatures that could very well be considered special-grade curses… And in the end... one of your students was killed, another lost his smile... and the third, M-Megumi-kun, was broken because his classmate friend, his sensei, his sister... they all died!

Gojo sat as if ice water had been poured on him. His glasses had fallen a little to one side and now sat askew on his nose.

-B-but I'm... 'the strongest'…

-And it didn't help you survive.

Satoru looked at you, trying to findeven ahint that you were lying, that he wasn't really what you described him to be…But you were telling the truth.

Was Satoru-kun a good teacher? Well, I can't remember him teaching anyone other than the time he was with the main character. Yes, he saved two young sorcerers from death and helped Megumi-kun and Tsumiki-chan... but it doesn't say that he was a "good father" to them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed his "daughter" to study at the school... which is located next to the cursed bridge, after visiting which suspicious things began to happen to people.

I can't say that Satoru-kun is a bad person. And yet... I can't help but think that he was... wasting his potential. Also with Suguru-kun… How could such an experienced sorcerer lose to a teenager?..

For a few long moments, the room was plunged into thegravityyou'd originally expected.You were looking at the sorcerers who were blamed for their fate.You were prepared for them to deny everything.You were prepared for them to panic.You were prepared for them to hate you, as you were hiding literally the fact that they might soon break their destinies forever!Butsuddenly...

–We-ell… which one of us is a loser now?

-Shut up, Sugur-ru...

–Wait, wait, you're right!The word "loser" doesn't quite fit you.How about... "sucker"?


-What? I told you that sensei is not your profession.

–You actually lost to a teenager! What have you been doing for ten years? Did you walk around and wince because there are "monkeys" around you?!

-Y-you two… are you seriously arguing over this?!

You hit your foot on the floor again. Both sorcerers stopped pressing their foreheads against each other like sheep and glanced at you.

–I-is that... all you care about? What about the fact that you're all fake?! What about the fact that both of you will die in the end?! What about the fact that I've kept quiet all this time about knowing your entire background, from your date of birth to your strongest abilities?!

–Well, (Y/N), - Gojo moved away from his classmate and smiled slightly at you, – what's the difference? I already knew we weren't real... because you're too good for this world, - a wink.

-And you're with us, (Y/N), - Geto chuckled softly and smiled faintly. – You will help us survive... and we will help you survive. And the fact that you know more about us than even we do... so far, it hasn't hurt either of us.

-This is all... really a little scary, - Satoru chuckled nervously. - But ... what's the difference? We may not be real in yourworld, but here... weare real. And you actually said it yourself... that you think we'rereal now.So... personally, I'm fine with it.

-Yes, he's right... if you think about it globally, (Y/N), then... your home world can also be part of a story, - Suguru chuckled, as if his smile was trying to calm you down and bring you to your senses. – You said yourself that the events in the original were different from what is happening now. So, our fate is not predetermined by the "script". So we don't have to be afraid of anything.

-B-but I-I was originally doing this out of selfishness! And I... I just didn't want to die on my own!..

You were rushing from side to side like a violent mental patient. The sorcerers were instantly at your side, grabbing you by the wrist and shoulders, forcing you to sit on the couch. They took your hands away from your head and pressed your palms to your knees. You sat staring straight ahead, listening to Geto ask you to breathe, slowly and deeply. It wasn't until you calmed down that he started saying something different.

–But then... that selfishness disappeared, didn't it? - his voice was either soothing you or making you feel sick again. – (Y/N), I'm not blind… just like Satoru. I've seen your face when you gave me banal sweets before I went on a mission, when you wished me luck or worried about my injuries... your sincere desire to help me... wasn't a lie. And you didn't do it for your own purposes… I will believe what I believe. And I believe you're a good person, (Y/N).

-My Six Eyes certainly can't fool me, (Y/N), - Satoru adjusted his glasses with his index finger. – Even if you did it because you wanted to be close to your ephemeral 'favorite character'... you were having fun, just like me.You showed me "commoner stuff" like food vending machines and movie theaters.You went shopping with me and understood the pressure that was put on me…And you shared that, helping me relax.You... you're a good person, (Y/N).

Gojo kicked the coffee table somewhere against the wall, and both wizards got down on one knee in front of you. Suguru reached out and wiped away your tears that finally found their way out with his thumb. Satoru patted your lap with an embarrassed smile, drawing your attention and distracting you from your thoughts.

"(Y/N), I know you've always thought about our feelings, - Gojo smiled broadly. – Otherwise, you started bothering me a long time ago, like all my "crazy fans". But you, despite the fact that I'm your "favorite character", didn't do it.… You probably put my feelings above your own, right? - he glanced at Geto. - Our feelings are above our own.

–But now youneedto forget howwefeel.(Y/N), just... think about whatyouwant.We... we bothreally love you. Even if it was all a hoax before... it was a very nice hoax, – he closed his eyes and exhaled heavily. – (Y/N), you have to... choose something. Neither of us... both of us... me or... Satoru, because he's your favorite character. I... I won't mind if you're with him... because I want you to behappy.

You looked at both of them, slowly looking at each of them several times.

–B-but... if I choose both... won't it be awkward for both of you?

–We think, – they looked at each other, – that we can make a deal... for you.

You let the tears roll down your cheeks.I'm s-so afraid… That I was about to make a mistake that my girlish heart would pay for a hundred times over, b-but...


My favorite character - Chapter 25 - wito_chan_bla_bla - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.