Epiphany - Eliza_Chu - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

The young boy was taken aback by the sudden action of the other man, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The pain in his stomach was making it difficult for him to think clearly, but his heart was still racing with fear and confusion. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that was creeping over him.

He was shocked by the sentence from the other man and he couldn't help but grit his teeth. He just kissed him without his consent and it felt like a violation of his trust. He felt upset and overwhelmed, struggling to process what had just happened.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yuji exclaimed, his voice shaking with anger and fear. He wiped his lips frantically, trying to erase the memory of the unwelcome kiss. The feeling of the plump lips that had crashed into him still lingered, sending a shiver down his spine. He felt violated and traumatized, unable to understand why the other man had kissed him without his consent. His heart was pounding with an overwhelming sense of disgust and betrayal. He didn't know how to react or what to do. He felt angry, hurt and helpless.

Yuji felt trapped and vulnerable as the man above him leaned closer, his face etched with a deranged grin. He didn't know if this man was mentally stable, and the fear in his gut only intensified as the man closed the distance between them. He tried to back away, but he was unable to with the sensation of the bark pressing against him. He felt completely at the mercy of this stranger, and he was afraid of what the man might do to him next.

There was something about the man that screamed danger, and Yuji couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end at his presence. The feeling was intense and overwhelming, sending shivers down his spine as he felt the man's gaze burning into his very soul. He was afraid to move, afraid to say anything for fear of what the man might do to him.

Megumi's face was so close to Yuji's that he could feel his breath hot against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. As he watched the man, he couldn't help but feel afraid of what he might do next.

"You're so cute," the man whispered, his voice low and seductive. He gently caressed Yuji's face, rubbing his cheeks as if he were a child being teased by his parents. Yuji's heart skipped a beat as he felt the man's touch, a mix of emotions coursing through him. He didn't know how to react or what to say, he was frozen in fear and uncertainty.

Suddenly Megumi's lips touched Yuji's forehead, sending an electric shock through his body.

Yuji was confused and overwhelmed by the sudden action of the others, feeling frozen and unable to react. He watched as Megumi continued to do his thing, not knowing what else was going to happen next.

Yuji just wanted to go home..

"Who are you?" Yuji managed to ask, his voice still laced with fear as he gazed at the man in front of him..

The boy let out a dark chuckle, as if Yuji had just said something funny, and Yuji couldn't understand why.

"What do you think?" Megumi answered, his voice low and seductive as he gazed at Yuji with his emerald eyes.

Yuji felt his heart racing as he looked into those eyes, unable to comprehend what was going on. He didn't know what to think, but he had a feeling that this was a dangerous situation.

The young pink haired boy just wanted to scream lash out with frustration at the man, overwhelmed and confused by his actions.

The man had kissed him without his consent, then showed an unusual level of care for his face, as if he saw Yuji as something special.

It was all too much for him to process. Yuji barely knew Megumi, and all he knew was that he was the one who saved him from getting stuck in the car.

He felt scared and vulnerable, trapped in a situation that he didn't understand. All he wanted was to go home and forget this had ever happened.

But then suddenly, Yuji looked at the man horrified as he felt his lips crash against his once more. Megumi seemed to kiss him senselessly, as if Yuji was something precious to him. Yuji felt himself shaking, trying to pull away, but the man wouldn't let him go, continuing to abuse his lips passionately in the middle of the forest.

He was confused, utterly baffled by the whole situation. He felt humiliated, having never experienced anything like this before. It was all so new, so unexpected.

Megumi still held Yuji's face as he continued to kiss the young man senselessly, for far too long and in a messy, almost brutal manner.

Yuji felt his tongue invading his mouth again and felt it abusing his lower lip, the saliva between them now alive and sticky as it dripped from their joined mouths.

The man refused to release Yuji, his grip on the young man's face unyielding. Yuji couldn't help but wonder, even in the midst of this unwanted invasion of his personal space, who this person was, and what had brought him here.

Suddenly Yuji began to feel lightheaded, realizing that the man had slipped something into his mouth during their heated kiss. He couldn't make sense of what it was, but the continuous sloppy kisses had left his chest throbbing in fear and anxiety

Their lip-locks seemed to last an eternity, leaving Yuji unsure of how to breathe. Megumi pressed him even closer, savoring every moment as their mouths collided, and his tongue delved deeper into Yuji's.

Their mouths were open, as if challenging yuji to see who could drool more saliva.

But suddenly the drug, unbeknownst to Yuji, started to take effect, making him feel woozy.

In the midst of the passionate kisses, Yuji passed out, leaving Megumi to let out a grin, content with his success.



I felt dizzy...

Suddenly, Yuji felt his eyes fluttering opened under the blinding light.

His head ached with pain as he looked around, trying to piece together what had happened just a short while ago. He couldn't remember anything, his mind was foggy and his head felt like it was splitting apart.

The last thing he could remember was being in the crushed car with Megumi, but everything after that was a blur to him. He felt like he was in a nightmare, a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from.

Suddenly, memories flashed flood into his head. Yuji remembered everything. He remembered Megumi, and his heart started to race with panic.

He looked around, trying to get his bearings and figure out where he was. To his horror, he realized that he was still in the forest, but he was in some kind of small shelter.

Outside, the sounds of chirping birds echoed through the air, and he noticed a small window with daylight pouring through it.

Yuji's eyes widened with confusion as he tried to make sense of his situation. He felt like he was in a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from, and he did not understand how he got here in the first place.

How did he got here? Yuji wondered panicking but his train of thought was interrupted by a shooting pain in his stomach.

He looked down and noticed that his wound had already been treated with some leaves and was tightly wrapped with some clothing.

He felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that someone had helped him during his time of need.

But the young boy also noticed that not only his wound was properly treated, but also the change of his clothes.

He realized that he was now wearing a brown T-shirt that looked like it had been there for centuries, and his original favorite jacket was gone.

His lower body also included orange shorts instead of his blue jeans. He was puzzled at the sudden change and felt a sense of confusion and disorientation. He had no recollection of what had happened to him, and the change in clothing only added to his sense of being lost and disoriented.

Yuji looks around in sheer panic, fear gripping his heart as he desperately tries to find a way out of the unfamiliar shelter.

He wants nothing more than to go home, but as he tries to stand up from the woodened bed, he feels the pain in his stomach worsen significantly, feeling like he has just worsened his wound.

He cries out in agony as he falls onto the ground. Despite the pain, Yuji manages to lift himself back onto the bed, feeling completely devastated and lost.

What just happened? Confusion was all Yuji could feel as he stared at his surreal surroundings, trying to make sense of it all.

He gazed points at the door, his mind still clouded with questions and uncertainty. Despite the intense pain in his stomach, Yuji quickly mustered up his strength to stand up, ignoring the repeated burning sensation that seemed to grow stronger any by the second.

The pink haired boy approached the door and tried to open it, but to his horror, it was locked and wouldn't budge.

He stared at it in disbelief, unable to believe that he was now trapped inside.

'No freaking way'

'there's no way, this can't be happening'

Yuji muttered to himself, his voice wavering with fear and frustration.

'Is this normal?' Yuji thought in sheer panic

'Why would someone treat me and then lock me in a small sheltered house?'

Yuji gripped his head, panic rising within him as he realized that there was no way out. He felt completely helpless and alone, his body shaking with fear and confusion.

His mind flooded with thoughts of his friends and brother. He couldn't bear the thought of what might have happened to them, and he felt his fear and panic intensifying.

He tried to open the door again, this time with more force, but it wouldn't budge. Defeated, he slid down to the ground, feeling completely overwhelmed with despair and hopelessness.

"Am I locked in? Why would someone do this to me?" Yuji muttered to himself, trying to think of the possibilities.

He looked around again, hoping to find a clue, a way out of his confined space. Panic set in as he felt himself starting to hyperventilate, his chest constricting, and his heart racing.

"Calm down, Yuji, calm down, I'm sure there's still a way out. " he told himself, trying to regulate his breathing and gain control. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, hoping to regain his composure.

As Yuji composes himself, he suddenly feels his body freezing up with fear as he spots a familiar face looking back at him through the small window in the corner.

The man, Megumi, stands outside, his eyes already locked onto Yuji's, his green orbs filled with a cold, emotionless gaze that sends a shiver down Yuji's spine.

It's as if Megumi has been waiting there all along, watching him closely as he regained his composure.

Yuji couldn't help but feel creeped out as he stared at Megumi through the window, who seemed to be gazing at him with those penetrating eyes.

He couldn't even begin to comprehend what was going on in the man's mind, which sent a shiver down Yuji's spine. But then, a grin suddenly crossed Megumi's face before he turned and disappeared from view.

Yuji found himself forgetting to breathe, so lost in his anxiety that he didn't even realize he had been holding his breath for far too long. Before he could even begin to process what had just happened, the sudden opening of the door behind him made him flinch in fright.

Yuji immediately tried to head towards the corner to avoid Megumi, but he was startled when he felt the man's grip around his wrist, pulling him into a tight hug from behind.

He was terrified and could feel himself crying, even though his stomach pain was so severe it was all he could focus on.

Yuji felt himself go completely still as Megumi's voice drifted through the room, the older man's tone filled with a suspiciously joyous tone. "You're awake, Yu-chan," he whispered, burying his face into the younger man's neck.

Yuji felt his entire body tense up, his stomach lurching in pain as he felt the sensation of a wet muscle sliding down the back of his neck. He could do nothing but flinch and shiver, and he felt himself freeze up completely as he stood there, speechless and frozen in place.

Megumi chuckled, his tone dark as he let go of the back of Yuji's neck. The young man could feel himself tensing up even more, his anxiety and fear rising to new heights as he stood there, completely unsure of what to do or say next.

"I like the taste of your skin," Megumi whispered suddenly, the dark chuckle echoing through the room.

Yuji's hair stood on end as the ominous words filled the air, sending a shiver down his spine as he wondered what the man could possibly mean.

He had no idea what Megumi was referencing, but he knew he should be scared.

Megumi's hands tightened around Yuji's wrist, pulling the young man towards the bed as he followed quietly, a mixture of fear and confusion etched on his face.

As they reached the bed, Megumi suddenly spoke again,

"Are you hungry?" his dark voice echoing in the room as he broke the awkward tension between them. Yuji felt his stomach churn with nervousness, and he shook his head in fear, unable to muster up the courage to say anything.

With a trembling voice, Yuji whispered, "I want to go home," his fear palpable in each word.

He flinched when Megumi suddenly slammed his hand down, the loud noise sending a jolt of fear through the younger man's body.

"This is your home, Yu-chan," Megumi said with a chilling grin, his eyes still locked on Yuji's, causing him to shake in fear.

Yuji couldn't help but feel tears starting to build up in the corners of his eyes, some of them escaping down his cheeks.

Megumi chuckled, leaning down towards him until his face was just inches away, before licking the tears rolling down Yuji's face.

Yuji's whole body tensed up, feeling disgusted and terrified by the sensation of another brush of Megumi's wet tongue against his skin.

He didn't know what was going on, and he had never felt terror like this before.

Yuji's eyes lingered on Megumi's clothing for a moment as he noticed dried crimson blood on the man's shirt. Even though he was wearing his typical black long sleeves, Yuji couldn't help but still notice the unusual bloodstains.

The young man's mind was overflowing with possibilities, each more unsettling than the last, as he wondered what Megumi could have done to earn the blood on his face and clothing.

Megumi noticed Yuji's eyes lingering on his blood-stained shirt and let out a chuckle.

"Looks like art, right?" Megumi whispered, a dark smirk on his face.

"You look pretty drenched in blood, as if you were a work of art Yu-chan. I love it," he continued in a chilling tone, laughing to himself.

Yuji's fear grew with each passing word that Megumi uttered, the young man horrified by the fact that this man was speaking so casually about blood as if it was a regular occurrence.

His mind raced with questions, none of which he dared to ask as he sit there frozen in fear.

Yuji's voice quavered as he spoke, fear etched in each word.

"What do you mean?" he asked, shaking as he tried to back away from Megumi.

"Why are you scared of me?" Megumi whispered, leaning towards Yuji with a terrifying smile on his face.

"I'm your soul mate, you should never be scared of me yuu-chan. " he continued, not even bothering to hide the insanity in his eyes.

Yuji realized that this man was not sane. He was a psychopath, void of even the slightest hint of humanity. The young man felt a chill run down his spine as he sit there, feeling completely trapped and helpless.

Yuji's screams filled the room, his voice cracking with fear as he tried to back away from Megumi. "What are you talking about?" he cried. "I don't even know you!"

Before he could say another word, Yuji felt a sharp pain on his cheeks as Megumi's hand struck his face with a hard impact, leaving his mouth bleeding from the blow. Looking even more horrifying than before, Megumi loomed over him with a dark expression on his face.

"Is that how you repay me after taking care of you and saving your life?" Megumi hissed, his eyes boring into Yuji's with a frightening intensity.

Yuji's eyes remained fixed on Megumi, his fear turning into a fiery anger as he listened to the man's insane ramblings about them being soul mates. "What the hell are you talking about?" Yuji spat, his face contorted with hatred.

"I don't know you!" he yelled. "Stop acting like we're together, you lunatic! f*ck you! " But before he could even process his words, Yuji was taken aback when he suddenly felt a sensation of intense pain as a razor blade was suddenly brought to his neck.

It felt as if Megumi was holding the razor blade up to his throat, threatening to slit it wide open if he spoke another word. This time Yuji was truly terrified, his eyes widening as he stared at the sharp steel blade pointed towards his throat.

Yuji's sobs became uncontrollable as the fear that had been building up inside him started to overflow. He was completely overwhelmed and frozen in terror, his heart racing as he gazed back at the man in front of him.

His fear was compounded even more when Megumi's other hand gently stroked his cheek as if he was trying to soothe him, as if he were the older one and Yuji was the child.

"Shhh..." Megumi whispered, his voice low and husky. His eyes were locked on Yuji's, looking down at him in a way that was both frightening and intimidating.

The young man couldn't help but tremble in his presence, feeling like he had no control over the situation and that anything could happen at any moment.

Megumi's voice became soft and soothing as he spoke again, his hand no longer holding the razor to Yuji's throat, instead gently kissing his eyes and face, seemingly as if he were trying to comfort him.

"My Yu-chan is sad," he said. "I don't like seeing Yu-chan sad, but you hurt me too deeply with your words. I had to do it," he continued, his expression unreadable as he leaned in to kiss Yuji's tears away, his lips leaving a trail of small kisses across the young man's face.

Yuji was utterly confused by this sudden change in Megumi's demeanor, confused as to why he was now being comforted by someone who just threatened to slit his throat. He felt like he was in a state of disbelief, unable to comprehend what was happening around him.

Yuji could hardly believe what he was hearing. How could a person go from threatening his life to suddenly trying to comfort him in a span of moments? It was as if he was experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions, with every twist and turn making him feel more and more scared of the maniac standing in front of him.

"Don't do that again, Yu-chan," Megumi whispered, his expression darkening as he spoke.

"Even though you hurt me with your words, I'm hurt when you're hurt because of me." Yuji's heart was racing as he gazed at the man in front of him, trying to make sense of his sudden change in personality.

He felt like he was trapped in a nightmare that was never-ending, with no hope of escape.

"Please don't be scared of me," Megumi said softly, his grin growing wider as he continued to talk.

"I will never hurt you, Yu-chan. I love you," he whispered, his lips pressing against Yuji's as he continued to kiss him, his tongue licking the blood off the side of yuji's lips. Yuji's heart was racing with fear, his eyes wide open as he was unable to break away from Megumi's hold.

He was completely confused by the man's sudden change in personality, not understanding why he was acting so erratic and dangerous.

Megumi pulled Yuji closer, his hand moving to the side of his head, as if to keep him in place.

Yuji couldn't shake off the terrifying fear as he felt megumi's soft lips pressing against his, his own lips feeling dry and numb from the stress and fear that was being put on him. He could feel another blood rolling down the side of his lips as Megumi licked them clean again, the sensation making him feel even more nauseated than he already was.

To be continue

Epiphany - Eliza_Chu - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5653

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.