The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a a 9 9 Howe's Patent Elliptic Spring Bed Bottom! 14 A DEPOT, NO. 21 BANK STREET, (LED ELAND, OHIO. EASE, ECONOMY, COMFORT, AND HEALTH, HAPPILY COMBINED! I Responsible Agents wanted in every TN PRESENTING TO THE PUBLIC OLe of the most valuable and useful, and, at the same me, simple and economical inventions of the aze-one that is concedad to be such--we would briedy refer to some of its mer. te, and state the course to he pursued in its Introduction This Bed Bottom has been In use, at the East, tor about two years; during which time, it has been constantl7 gaining In public favor; and, were It requisite, hundreds of names from private familles aud Hotel keepers, might be given, to verify ali that is said in its favor. This Spring, however, stands upon its own merits, and bids defiance to all competition, and very far excels all others, in stomplicity of construction.

mechanical skill, strength, ease and durability. It is composed of femi-elliptic Steel Springs, attached to ordinary alata each operating indethe body may of the assume other, 80 upon as it to gently conform yielding iteelf to where any, the position weight is applied, an at the same thine, equally supporting the lignter parts of the body. The Springs are made of the hest Surel, highly tempered, and will retain their elasticity for ages, it la well kuown that the spiral spring is useleless after a short time. This bed will sustain the Welett of Aften hundred pounda, without the least infury; and. at the sane tisue, yields to the ally rest form.

It affords DO harbor for vermin, 13 entirely pole less, and ONE MATTRAR of Palm leaf, straw or huska, rasier than auy piling up of feathers, hair or wool. It is so constructed that persona can repose upon the extreme sides, without the of the bed's tipping; and it Bag in the m'ddle, but will always present an even and surface for the bed it -elf. It occupies hut little space, and can be attached or detached at pleasure. In a word, it is the only Spring. Bod that can be wurranted what is represented to be.

And having unlimited confidence in the Invention, are prepared to place it upon any description of bedsu ad, at the very low price of Sic Lullara and if, after a week'e trial, it does not give entire satis action, will remove It, without expense or trouble to the parties, and refund the money. To divest the public mind of all prejudices, which naturally arise, in red ard to new luventiona, we take pleasure in referring so the tollowing well known gentlemen of this city, a ho, getber with buudreds of othera, now have the Springe in use. BROWN, Ed. Ohio Farm. Lecita LETTING WELL Kev.

S. C. AIKIN, D. D. A.


J. P. Ross, Weddell House. Ww. OTT, A.

P. WINS OW, Am. Hictel. A. W.

G. A BENEDIOT, Ed. Herald. 0. McN ART, Rev.


FITCH U.S. Marshal. E. COwLE, Pub. Lender.

Prof. J. J'. KIETLAND, M. D.


Ion. W. B. Mayor. Rev.

J. A. D.D. H. S.







A CINCINNATI, DAYTON, SPRINGFIELD, INDIANAPOLIS, FORT WAYNE, WINTER ARRANGMENT. To take effect MONDAY, 1845. Three Daily Er. press Traina, via. Cleveland Toledo, Mad River Late Erie, and Cincinnati, Hamilton Layton Passenger: will take the Cleveland Toledo Rail Road Cart.

$:00 A. Fast Erpresa, from Station West Hide, Reaching Sauduekey 10:15 A. Hellefountain 1:28 P. Spring. deld 2: to P.

Dayton 3:45 P.M.: Cincinnati 5:80 P.M.; And Indianapolia the evening. A.M. Mail Accommodation, from Station, C. C. C.

P. R. ria. and Grantor, connecting at Clyde with Mail Train on M. K.

L. E. K. K. reaching Bellefontaine 5:00 r.

Springfield 6:90 P. and Dayton and Cincinnati same eveni2g. Night Express, from Station West Side Springield 2:00 and A. C1; de, frayton reaching 4:80 Dellefontaine 1:10 A. M.

and Cincinnati 6:50 A. M. Baggare Checked through to Cincinnati and Dayon. Tickets can be procured at Statione, or at Western Tick Freight Office, corner Water and St. Clair strecta, L.

D. HUCKER, Agent. novly E. B. PHILLIPS, Superintendent.

CLEVELAND AND ERIE RAILROAD. Summer Un and after Monday, May 23th Passenger Trains ran as follows, via LEAVE ('LEVELAND. 8:00 A. M. Mall Train at all way stations, oxcept Wick lite, Deny.

Unionville and Saybrook, and arrives at Er.e 11:85 Dunkirk 2:30 P. Ludalo 4:20 J'. M. 3:00 P. M.

Cincinna: Express Train stops at Palueeville, tabula and Girard only, an 1 arrives at Erly linkirk 8:10 P. af Buttalo 9:45 M. 4:00 P. M. Accommodation Train for Conceaut and Way tiope.

5:00 P. M. M. Telegaph Express Trair stops at Painesville and Kingeville only, ank arrives at Erie at 9:10 Dunkirk 10:05 P. Buffalo 11.40 9:80 P.

M. Night Expresa Train sons at Pamnesvilie, AshtabuCupbraut and ulrard only, and arrives at Erie 1.04 A. Dunkirrk 8:15 A. Buffalo 6:05 M. LEAVE ERIE.

12:10 A. Ch'cago Express Train stops at Girard, Epringfeld Kingovlile. Ashtabula, Geneva and Paine wille ouly, and arrives at Cleve land 4:80 A.M. 2:00 A. M.

Night Express Train stops at Girard, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Mad son and Pairesville only, and rive at Cleveland, 6:0) A. M. 6:45 A. M. Accommodation Train from Conneau', stops at wAy and arrives at Cleveland 50 A.

M. 10:10 A.M. Mall Train stops at ali way except Say brook, Unionville. Perry, Mentor, and Wicklite, and arrive 8 at Clevelana 2:30. 1:55 P.M.

Ea prees Train st pd at Girard, Conneaut, Ashtabu. la and Paictsville only, and arrives at Cleveland 5:30 J'. M. All of the through trains going Westward connect at Cleve land with Trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, tc. And all the trains going hast ward connect Dunkirk with the traina of the New York and Erie Railroad, and at Butialo with those of the New York Central and Buffalo and New York City H.

NOTTINGHAM, Superintendent. May 1854. A CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS AND CINJ CINNATI RAILROAD. -From Cleveland to Columbus in connection with the Little Miami and Columbus and Xenia Railroads Columbus to Cincinnati. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.

On and after Monday, Liay Trains leave followe: 1st. 6:50 A. M. Cincinnati Express, stopping at Grafton, New London, Shelby, Orcatline, Galion, Cardington and Delaware, arriving at Columbus at 12:10 A. M.

Cincinnati at 4:80 P'. connecting at Shelby with the Sandusky and Newark Railroad at Crestine with the and Railroad, and Ohio and Indiana tor Lucyria, trayre, Gallon with the Isellefontaine and Indianapolls Railroad BellefontaiLe, Indianapolia, Terre Haute, St. Louis, Evansville; and at Columbus the Ohio Central Kailroad Newark. Zanesville, Wheeling, at Xenia with the Xenia and Dayton nailroad, far And via Indiana (eutral Railroad, at Dele witu Spring a Deleware 5 P. M.

Mall stopping ct all Way Sta tions bot wean ad a Buckport Lewis 'entre (stopping at the latter on agnai to take passer. gers) arriving at Columbus 8:56 P. and Cincinnati at and making connections as above. 8d. Cincinati Night Express at 6.30 P.M.

Leaves Passenger at all Way at worn Cleveland and Columbus. Swpt to take Callor also at Cardit. ton a Delaware; anives at Columbus at 9.20 and at 7 80 A. M. making as above For Tickets apply ay the Ticket Office of the 0.0.

R. b. C4. in time Station Bulldinge, or at the Union Ticket No. Ol pup Streel.


R. TIME TABLE -NUMBER 5. TO TAKE EFFECT ON AND AFTER AP'RIL 8, 1857. Going Hast. Canz West Clev'd 'wn.

Trains Leave wn Clev'd. Coal. Mail. Ex. Ex.

Stall. I Coal. A. A. P.

M. 1.20 A. 8.30 1.09 2.143 8.36 8.44 5.08 6.41 2.29 6.45 Plank 10.10 4.43 2.55 7.10 Solon, 9.511 5,84 8.81 7.40 Aurora, 8 50 1.58 4.01 8.10 6.13 9.01 4.16 6.43 2.52 8.12 9.00 8.21 2.35 3.29 9.20 6.151 Braverilie, 8.10 2.68 9,35 6.28 1.53 2.15 9.57 Warren, By 1.59 2.95 6.19 10.20 7.18 1 19 2.00 6.30 10.40 1.02 1.90 10.52 Brier 51 13.8y 11,05 6.10 12.27 Making Connections At Clevoland with: veland Toledo, Cieveland, Columbus and Ci- cinnati, Cleveland Ene, and Cleveland M'ittsburgt Rail Roads. At Solon Hacks Chagrin Falls. At Mantua with lacks for Ravenna.

Braceville with Hacks to Newton Falls. At Warred Sharon, Greenville, Meadville. Bloomdeld, Candeid, At Youngstown with Stages to New Castle, Lowell, Poland, and ELDA Valley, and thence by P. F. W.

C. R. R. to Pitt burgh. N.

leaving Youngstown at 12,97 P. M. arrive at Toledo 11,80 sane night and Chicago at 11,40 next morning. April 8. tr CIIAS.


Having bai ca arperience of twenty dire years in the busI feel confident of giving ante to those who favor mP with their patronage. Water Introduced on the most Reasonable Terms. REFERENCES. r. P.

WEDDELL, Cleveland, Ohio. REY. DARTAR, vuio. G. F.

Cleveland, H. P. STEVENS Cleveland, Ohio. v. L.

ANGEVINE, Rochesur. N. Y. A. Rochestet.

New York. CHAPIN, Batavia. New York. HON. DIBBLE, New York.

DEAN RICHMOND, Bataria, New York. H. B. FIELD, Batavia, New York. Silver Medal and Diploma awarded to my work at the Statr Fair.


16. 183 Amd. R. St. Clair JENNINGS, below Balk VETERINARY Cleveland, Olio.

SURG'N, Sick and Lame Horsca treated on strictly Scientife Principles. Feb. 17. 163 1yd D. HALL, M.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offa over Pest Once, Water Street, apSo d'y CLEVELAND, 0. THE STORE NUMBER OF THE FOREST CITY 160 SUPERIOR STRENT. 300 store TUNS and arriving, FRESH sale at Wholesale GROCERIES by IN BABOOUK HURD, 16 Water Street. SHAKER Colored, JUST RECEIVED, Dozen at all Sizes, SHAW New Millinery Store, 129 Superior Street, 5 5 GLAD NEWS! 2 FULL OF HOPE AFFLICTED AND SUFFERING. Many of the thousand portals of Death, may be closed, and life made bappier, and more comfortable to thousands who are now in danger.

Doubtlers world contains many balm to soothe its pl ysical woes and cure ita diseases. Among those prominent In rant, Are Bowman's Vegetable Compound, A. SAFE AND not culy in SPEEDY those milder CURE forms of Thioat FOR 1 hung wuch as colds, coughs, quinacy, dificulty bronchitis, Minister's sore throat, weakness of the chest. astuma, Inward alcer, of blood, 1r fur croun, pain in breat and side, hoarseness, catarrh hitectione, Infamation of the lunga, bleeding of the lungs, and lake. But ita euperior ricellence is seen and tested to the Iboie alvanced a Tertious of lunge.

For the truth of the above state neut and the eliciency of the preparations as au aututote, we refer the public to the following Language la scarcely siror.g cuough to tell the great power of this WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! The doubting n.ay try and be convinced. The Proprictore point to the lowing bona fute certificates with confuence on the comin unity; they are but rampics of the many hundreds of testimonials in our possession Philadelphia, August 15th, 1856. Last sprinz, while la Pittsburgh, friend I had of mine bad gave cold rue and a cougb bottle which troubled me luuch, and a of Bowman's Veretable Compound tor dispases of the throat and longs, which 1 commeneed taking, sad found relief almost tumediately. I had taken naoy things for cough aud boarse ceca, but never gut any thing to Lelp rue ay it Las doue. I be lieve ft to be the hest antidote for coughs and that te out, and cheerfully recommend it to the public.

THOS. R. STOCKTON, Pastor let Prot. Meth. Church.

From Judge Vanhorn, of the District Corrt at Cincinnatt Cincinustl May 4th, 1856. 1 have used Bowman's Vegetable Compound for bronchitte and cough, and believe it to be the test medicine out for those diseases, and the only one I ear get to dive tue any permanent railed, It will cure. I it to the public as an hon. and cident acd will perform wLat it Is publiahed to do. WY.

VANHORN. THE PUBLIO. 1 have used Bowman's Vegetable Compound and in believe my it to family be A the hem medicire that 1 ever got fur these complaints, and coughs, colds and sore throat, cho*rfully reon around it the ublic. REV. JACOB GASTON, Partor of Clinton St.

M. E. Church, Cincinnati. June 10th, Here is one from the old plouser Methodist preacher of Ohio Rev. J.

Finley I belleve Bowman's Vegrtable Compound to te I the best rem and for found Distasod it to he the best all popular remedics I ever Throat and Lungs of the day. have tested tried, and I have tred very convinced I its recommend it superiority. to the pub lic. Try it, and you will be REV. J.

FINLEY. Cincinnati, July 12, 1688. Hear what the celebrated Dr. Peck, sags: I hare used Bowman's Vegetable Compound for Coughs and licarseness in believe to he the best prepara ton for Throat and Lung Complaints I ever well gut; as and those recom. attlio mend It to the publio speaser and singer, as led with Lung Iriscasta.

J. T. PECK. New York, May 19, 1855. Hear what Dr.

Benson, of Cincinnati, says: Extract from a I "Bowman's Vegcuable Compound contains 3 virtue which le not by any other popular medicine la my knowledge. It does not only are th the disease over, giving it only tempo nary relief Cike most of patent medicines;) but it commences at Lue root of the dierase, and performs a perfect cure. G. W. BENSON, M.

D. Our space will not permit us to pablish any certificate in full, but we would refer to the following persona, whose letters are a our certifying to ita worth Rev. Bishop Morris, Cindanati. Rev. Robert Walker, Rev.

Juel White Economy. Rev. John Puwell, John L. JunkiR, Butler. Henry L.

GriNth, E. ('. Baker, Wheeling. Capt. E.

Gordon, John 'T. airs. Mars Morrow, Now Brighton. Mra. Evana Robert Greenlee, Beaver.

Isaac atherland, Vapport. N. A. Gettys, Freelem. Lilas Roberta, Meadollle.

lieurr Smith New Castle, Afre. Sarah Lowry, Lawrence Co. Joseph P. Brown, Mica A. Wilison, New Cuatle.

-Gov. W. F. Johnston, F. C.

Allegheny City. leaac Whites des, D. Marrata, Bridgewater. Rev. Wm.

Smith, Louisville. Judge Keys, Cincinnati. Capt. Geo. Kennedy, Welleville.

Jitnea Wikins, Alle-beny. J. P. O'Nell, Sepubenville. Kev.

Heury Cline, Venango Go. James Parsona, Loutsvitle. Her. John Watkins tart. Jacob Poe, Georzetown.

L. Dodds, Butler Co. Er Gov. William Gov. U.

Seenon, Louisville. Bowman Vegetable Compound la sold by Druggists at Bottle or 6 for E. W. Palmer, la our wholesale and retail agent at Cleveland Retail Merchants can be supplied at our wholesale price by E. W.

Palmer. Direct all ordera for the medicine to Dr. HI. M. Bowman Co.

tole P'roprietora, New Custle, Lawrence County, Pa. A gents wanted in every village in the United States Canadas. Apply by letter or otherwise to the Proprietors and oct91 dawly CLAVES. LEE REAL ESTATE BROKERS, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, IN LANDS, CLAIMS, AND PROPERTY. Investments made and Taxes paid in Western lows and Nebraska.

All kinde of Real Estate and Land Warrants bought and sold on commission. In the entry of Land special care will be given to its selection, one otour firm will devote him entire attention to desired looking up desirable Landa. ALy in. formation that may be berifully given. CLEVFLAND REFERENCES.


WICK ('0. ALCOTT HORTON. April 8. k59 1v C. BELC R.

C. G. BRUCE SON. LAND AGENTS AND BROKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE AND LAND WARRANTS, WILD LANDS, IMPROVED FARMS, TOWN PROPERTY, Fort Dodge, the PAY Sclection PARTICULAR location, ATTENTION with Casb to or Land Warrant in the Fo.t Dodge, sloux City, and Ozage Land die rict Iowa. We Dave Agcute located at Sioux City and Osage who derote their whole tire and attention to the trassaction of our the Fort Dodge will receive our personal attention, we wilt collet Notes, Bill.

Drafts and acceptances thoug-ut Iowa, and remit proveda promptly in Drafts on New York. Real Estate a Land Warrauts bought and commielon.Tides examined and Taxes pald. We alse pay pa ticular attention to the locating of Land Warrents for nonresidents, the loan Ang of money at, best western rates, an a to investments generally, we examine carotully all Lands we locate, and will give plat and description. Our Commissions for loaning or Land Wariants In the above named districta will be 410 per 150, $9 per 120, $7 per 80 and 15 per 40 acres, which should ac company the Warrants, and also the Land Office fees on War. CADIA of one Dollar for each 40 acres, In Bills or Draits on New York.

LAND ENTERED UPON TIME. All buelness entrusted to us will receive prompt and carefull attention. Correspondence Solicited. 128 apr1y WOOD! W. ROBY, rode Columbua Street Bridge, and erected ma OPENED A WOOD YARD A FEW keep chinery on hand and be adapted to prepared to furniah customers lu such the business.

lie will constantly quantities as they mAv wish wth FIRE WOOD! Of the best quality. etter SAWED OF UNRAWED. Wood ot all descriptions will be kept constantly on hand, and orders, dllec without delay. GUARANTEED. The will be conducted by the subecriber, to whom or left at the Drug store C.

E. Ames, corner of Superior all orders should a be addressed, either through the Post Otice Street and the P'ublic square, or at the Insurance office of Uce Mav, No. 4 Bank Atreet. feb98 C. L.

FITCH. Agent. RI IS les recelund this A day, very by large Stock of choice ap21 MOKGAN ROOT. hones, Hoope. SKIRTS.

Rubber Cord, Long Whale ap21 MORGAN. ROOT. ASA B. CLARK. M.


Loads and bu iness paper negotiated. Collections made In all parts of the country Exchange, Gold, Aliver, and Uncur. rent Money bought and sold. Agents for the redemption of country Bank Notes. luterest allowed on deposits.

TE LAND WARRAN IS furnished in large or small lots. ap23 8md 140 NOTICE. DIE UNDERSIGNED, OF BEDFORD, having purchased of Church, Robinson Parke their Chai Factory, together with a large quantity of and unfiniabed Cane Seat Chatre, and will supply to the trade as work and 0,0 as accommodating terns as any other establiahment in the State. dtf-an17 LORD. Administrator's Sale.

TIE 2d DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1857. brt ween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M.

and 4 o'clock P.M, at the donr of the l'ourt House. on the Public Square, In the City of Cleveland, Cuvahona County, Obio, will be sold to the highest bidder, the follow ny Real Estate, as the ibe property of James Calyer, dear tael, to wit: Situate in the raid city of (reveland, and is known as sub lot Vo. 45 in John M. Wolsey's of lots Nos. 186 to 107.

Inclusive, and of two acre lots Noe. 166 to 162, Inclusive, of the original allott men of Cleveland village, subject to a mortgage of Three burdred dolla a to John S. Harbick. And alen other piece of land, mtuate in sald city of ('leveland, and known and on a map and survey of Jobn M. Wolsey's subdivision of lots Nus.

to 162, inclusive, and of parts of lots Nos. to 102, inciuave. of the two acre lots in tie original allottm-nt of cleveland village, as thie west half of lot No. 26 of maid subdivision, which raid last described lot was contracted by Lewis and Eben-zer I'. Punderson to said Ja4.

dalyer, and on which contract there is now due a-d swing to Henderson aud Punderson for balance of pur lace money, the of Two bundred and Twenty. -seven 71 100ths dollars, and to be mod miblect lien. The drst described lot is appraised, subject to the mortgage as ab we stated, at 'Twenty bondred dollars, and the ac oud described lot is appraised, subiert to sald l'ev as above atstel, at Ninercen hundred and Ninety sere do lars. Terms of Sale, Eight hundred dollars cash down on esch lot and the balance of die purchase money in one and two years af ter the of sale, with interest to be paid annually, and 6 baiance to be by a respective premiacs. E.

IF SENMUELLEK, Administrator. Cleveland, April 80.1357. mal 4 THE STATE OF OHIO, CU COUNTY, S5. In the Court of Common Pleas. FRANCIS SCHMIDT, I aintuff, VB.

DIVORCE. JORN SCHMIDT, I THE said John Schmidt will hereby take so: icc that on the 6th day of Mar, 1857, the sold Francis Schmidt duly Aled, In the ('lerk'a Office of said Court of Cornmoon Press, her petition tor divorce agair et him, wald John Nebrnidt. Said petition sets forth that enid parties were on or abont the Ad day of September, A. D. duly joined in mar.

rage a. clerelanu in said conuty, and aake that the said mar rave contract may be dissolved on the grounds of fraudulent contract and extreme cruelty, and the sold petitioner may be restored to her maiden name, and other proper re def. Bv G. HUNT. Acorney tor l'eutioner.

Cleveland, May 7th, 1857. m18 6wd Window Shades! Window Shades! A LARGE Boquet, Plain STOCK Bordered, OF While GOLD and Buff BORDER- Hollands, Just received at BECKWITHT'S CARPET STORE. wAn experienced upholsterer always on band to put them up. an28 PLUMBING. TAMES Jots of FARNAN CO.

are now prepared Pinmbing work of any amount, and with their that experience they in the P'lumbing bualneas, they feel in with raring Conking CAL tit up Dwellings, Hotela, Bath Houses, Rangca, Wash Trays, Baths, Water Clos els, Wash Stands, in such a manucr that they will warrant to We give xeop perfect satisfaction in regard to price and durability. used in the Plumbing constantly on hand a large aaeortment of materials and Bar Lead, Wash Basins business, Bra such a as co*cks, l'umpe, Cooking Pipe, Sheet hope We to are do a Dow burineas per that anently established in Cleveland, aud we Ranges. Laze of the public. Orders aball for work merit the condence and patro Jobbing done with despatch. respectfully solicited.

JAMS FARMAN. No. 7 Park Row. DANIEL MORAL. 100 BOAT Just RAYMOND received.

00. Clerdand, cor. Nuperior a Seneca Als. Huffalo Main and Ste. 416 and 119 Broadway.

Chicago, Ill. Clark: st. Principeis. H. B.




ET Joan, N. S. F. GATLORD, W. J.

F. Ora, DON. 1 D. HENRY TRUS WICK, Esq. Box.

H. CLARK. Faculty. IL. R.


W. JI. HOLLISTER, R. FELTON, Lustructors in the Science of Accounta and Locturere on Bud. BeES Customs.



AND LECTURERS ON cumme*rCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. SCHALBRAHIP issued from this College will be good; Butfalo and Cuicago, and vice vera. IT For further latormation please call at College Room, cr send for circular. Address BRYANT mat-to febl Cleveland, Albany. Chicago.

or Bodalo. NOTICE. HE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the reigned, under the name of I. G. LUCAS 14 this day dissolved by mutual consent.

All debts due to th tr will br collected by H. G. LUCAS, and all liabilities the firm are to be paid by him, the asseis of the firm having been transferred to him. H. G.

LUCAS, Cleveland, April 1st. 1857. FRANCIS ROWE, GEO. L. NEWMAN.

TIE undersigned having purchased all the rigb's and interests of the above named FRANCIS ROWE AND GEO. L. NEWMAN, In the co-partnersalp exiting heretofore under the nanie and Arm of G. LUCAS Would now reepectfully say, tha: he is prepared to carry on the business of BREWING AND MALTING, In the ('ity of Cleveland. at the oid pushlishment Anown fo years the "IVES CLEVELAND BREWERY." and at the Malt House on the West Side krown as the FORESTCITY MALT HOUSE," and takes tule opportunity of kindly laviting the Interest and continued support of the numerous cristomera and friends of the 2 bore well known Br.

wing and Malt ing Business. All orders and communications addreased to the subscriber will be promptly attended to, ail mo ess or accounta due late ore requested to be paid him, who alone Is authorized to receive them. HI. O. LUCAS.

Cleveland, April 1gt, 1857. ap3 k58 810 LOCATED: STOVE BRUSHES, SCRUB BRUSHES, and Popes Eyes, for 1 Window Washing, Shoe Paint and Varnish Brushes, for sale by 0c2 W. FISKE. CAMPHENE BURNING FLUID, cat retail. FISK E.

RITS TURPENTINE and ALCOHOL the barrel FOR HEALING THE NATIONS OF all their intirmities, such as Bruises, DRUGS. NEW DRUG FIRM. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE UNITED our larze stock, and will continue the Drug business, at old stand of Handerson Punderson, more recently Palmer Sackrider, 13 Superior Street, B. M. HUTCHINSON, W.

Sprains, Burna, Rheumatism, Cancers, Pilee, and for Sorts Lainenes: fu lorsca, Use the Mexican Mustang Liniment! For sale by Druggists and Store everywhere. G. W. 843 Broadway. N.



TUST returned from New York with a large lot of New Goode conalsting of WATCHES, of all descriptions. JEWELRY, an due as is wanted. SILVER WARE, warra: ted pure. RETICULES, something a title the nicest west of N. Y.

WILLOW BASKETS, of all descriptions. WILLOW BASKETS, for waate paper. CHILDREN'S WILLOW CHAIRS. WILLOW WORK STANDS, something new and nice. LADIES' WORK BAGS, something entirely new.

A FINE LOT OF PICTURES. PORT MONATES. of all descriptions. VASES, POCKET BOOKS for Gents. that very nice rice.


FOR RHEUMATISM. SPRAINS, CUTS, BREAST, is warranted to effect a peri cure, It acta a charm, penetrates every Aure, and the most acute pains immediately. TRY ONE BOTTLE. Sold Wholesale and Retall by GAYLOBD HAMMOND, the only A get ta In Cleveland Rotailed by Drug. gists generally.

Cleveland. Mar 11th. 1807. 1rd Ladies Look out for Moths! WE WILL LADIES TAKE FURS, and CHARGE OF SI. RIGH ROBES.

and moderate keep thera charge, during Summer, free from Moths, at a E. STAIR CO. ICE: THE prepared to CLEVELAND furnish Families, ICE Hotels, Saloons, COMPANY Groceries, are Rail Roads, wich Pare Spring Ice, By the lundred or Season Contract, on most favorable terma. M. M.

SP'ANGLER, Imp W. W. GAINES, Agent. 83 SUPERIOR STREET, Melodeon Bui'ding. where all orders way la be left and they will be promptly tiled.

No. 580. NOTICE Of the establishment of three aditional Land in the TERRITORY or IN approved PURSUANCE March 3, OF 1857, THE entitled "An ACT OF CON. act to establish three land districts in the TERRITORY Of to be ca led, reayective the "NAMARA LAND the "SOUTH PLATTE RIVER LAND DISTRICT, add the DAKOTA LAND it la hereby crelared and made knows that the offices for paid district have ton establish ad as follows, viz: For the "NEMANA LAND at Brownsville, For the SOUTH P'LATTE at Nehraska Citv, For the DAKOTA at Dakota City, in said Territory. under my hand, at the cit.

or Washington, this thir. teenth day of April. 1857. By order of aLe P'resicent: JOS. N.

WILSON. Acting siouer of the General Land Office. EXCELSIOR, THE LAST AND BEST. -The time has come when every family can have ard manufacture their OWn GAR. thy- bavirg coutral of tueir own licht.

Tyler Patent Compound Gas, Made eutirely from wool, producion Thirty thourand feet Gas from one ni wood, crating afty per oce Ed feet.It xives as brilliaut a light as the very beat or al, much softer, without any of cl.e unpleasant suell no pecnliar to cool Gas. This beautifal light will he on cah'b'tion for A few days at my oice South Went corner of ontario and lullic Square. SThIN. Agent. Central Market Ground.

Pittaburgh Street. EARLE A SPEAR, DEALERS FURNITURE. IN NEW STOVES, AND BEDS, SECOND BEDDING and HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES GENERALIY. Per sons wishing to go to house keepine, as well as those wishing to repleulsh their Furniture, will Anu this the most economics place in the city to purchase. 139 1y TEW GOODS.

-Daily receiving at mal3 RAYMOND CO. NE THOUSAND LADIES' EMBROIDERIED Styler. just received, at mall RAYMOND A CO. B. A.

BRAGG, TAKEN THE SHOP FORmerly occupied by James Benneu, la rear of Block and Commercial House, where he iD tends carrying on the HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS, ence Strictly at the on the cal system. Haring has twenty year's experibusiness in the business, feels contident that he can give entire musfaction. Horses shed on the notice and particular attention paid to Shoeing Fancy Horses. Terms $1,60 for new and 75 centa for atting. I For the MORe Improvement and YOUNG of Stock, Mr.

Bragg will keep GIFFORD MORe March 18. 17 CRABLE L. CAMP,) the Before Peace E. in and for Hescenmueller, Cleveland a Justice Town of Va. W.

J. SHEPARD. ship, Cleveland, Chio, ON Justice the lsaued 14th an day order of of May, attachment in A. in D. the 1857, above action said for the sum of Forty seven 07 10uths dollars.

C. L. CAMP. Cleveland, May 18 8wd NOTICE. EVERETT Before E.

el Justice against of the Peace of Clereland Townahip, 'THOMAs CARBOLL. Curaboga County, the 12th day of May, D. 1857, said for che mum of crier EVERETT MARSHALL Justice lsaur I an of attachment la the shore action mal8 Per ED. ALLAKOT, Agent. Notice to Contractors.

OFFLOT or HUDSON RIVER ALBANT, May 18cb, 1867. PROPOSALS wIll be received undersi rued. at the Engineer's Office, in the Ex. change Buildi: in the City of A 'taus, unill the tenth day of June next, for constructing the subatructure, consisting of Piers. Embankmenta, de, for the RIVEN BRIDOR AT ALBATT.

'The mrany reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal4, without regard to the terme. Satisfactory must accompany the Con petent security for the ment cf the contract aLd ent of laborer's wages, will be required en'cing into contract. The work 18 0 imp rtance to deserve the attention of responsible contractore, and proposala from no others will be entertained Plans and specifications of the work will be ready fer inspec. ction on and after the 25ch lust. at th's office.

where full lufor. a adou will be given. By order of the board. GEO. E.

GRAY. malr69-7-Swd Chief Englueer, WILLIAM WILD, Plaintif, wefor Daniel Stephan, Justice of the Peace, of Cleve' and Town ARTAUR HAMENWAT, Den.) solp, Cuyahoga 0). Justice the Lesurd 6th an day order of of May, Attachment A. In D. the 1837, above ection sail for the sum of Eleven collars and Tweaty-two cents.

WI WILD. Cleveland, May 11, 1837. ma12-D wd Assignee's Sale. THE SPLENDID STOCK of DRY GOODS recently owned by Dudley Brothers Dodge, is now of. fered or sale, at their old stand on Water street.

The attention of the Trade 18 called to the stock, it being large and well re le' tod, comersing all the desirable styles of goods wanted for this and the country market. ap14 R. 0. PARSONS. Assignee.

District Court of the District United of Stares, In Admiralty. WHEREAS, on the six 29th libels day of have April, been 1-57, against filed the in schooner "Free her boata tackle, apparel and furniture by the ecve al mentioned. to wit: 1. By Elijah K. Bruce, cl that there is due him for materials and farpibed to sald ech Buffalo, N.

Y. in Apri afar and June 1856, the sum of c. Ly David R. Morse, Kufur R. Johnson, and Chas.

0. Miller, claiminx that there is due them for materials and sup. plies furnished said Schooner, at Budalo, from April ic September 1 55, the of 17. By Heury Lamb, that there's due him for ma teria's and supp k8 aald schooner. at Buttale, N.

Y. In April. May and June, 1856, toe sum of $15,52. 4. By Richard Farrow, claiming teat there la due him for fur the towaze of said schcover lato the port of Cleveland.

wi the steamboat Telegraph, on the 23d day of April, 1807, the sum of 5. By William Evans, Nathaniel Clark, George and John Drows claiming that there is due them for their wag As mariners on board of said schooner. in the month of April 1657, the sums following, to wit: To William Evane, to Nathaniel Clark, to George Iletuer, to John Drosen, $5,00. 6. By Leakim L.

Iron, claiming that there la due him for supplies and money furnished for the use of said schooner, at Creveland. Ohio, iu the month of April 1857, the sum of 54. Said praying the said Court ILat said behocher Free Trader, her boats, tackle apparel, and furniture may be condemred and gold to satisfy their said several demanda against the Now, therefore, in ce of the monitious lesued on sald averal libels, under the seal of said Court respecively, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give pup ic ustice to all persons claiming the said Schooter, or in any macder interrated the elv, that they be and appear In the raid District Court at Cleveland on the frat Monday of June at 10 o'clock A. (if that shall be a day jurisdiction, if not. on the Dext day of jursdiction thereafor,) then and there to interpose tueir claime, and to make their allegations in that behalf.

J. W. FITCH. 0. S.

Marsha', N. D. Ohio. WILLEY CARY, P'roctors fur Libellants. ad Eu tw.

TY. G1 THE COUNTY, COURT OF STATE COMMON OF OLIO. FLEAS OF CUTATIO ALISON BENTON, Plaintiff, againzt Notice of a Petition for Money ALEXANDER U. HALE, and to subjecs Lands. ELLENOR DIKES et al.

THE ELENOR DYKES IS HERE- by notided that the mad Alison Bentor, P'laintid, on the 1. ch day of May 1667, duly died in the Clerk's dice of Court of Common Pleas, his petition agalust her, the bald Ele. Lor Dykes aid othere, de endenta, asking a judgment a taid Alexand Fu. Ital- for the aura of $69 81 with Interest thereon at ten per cent. from January 16th 1837, and for the usual decree fur the sale of the following described tract or lot of land, to wit: Sitnate in the township of Brooklyn, (as formerly constitu.

ted.) and which also in the County of Cuyabuza and Sta'e of Ohio, and la known by being nty fect on the North side of lot No. 214 and twenty feet on the South side of lot No. 215 in Bencdict Roots allotment cf parts of original township lots forty-eight (45) and forty pine said land being cound ed on the North side by land owned by Mry. Ellenor Iykea, and articled by ber to Samuel Cutter, and by him assigned to Doctor Mess Dyer, on the Last side by the east line of cuid lots Ace. 214 and 215, on the South elde by land deeded by said El lenor Dykes to Nicholas Allen, on the West by be west line of lots 214 and 215.

Said petition also Guts forth that said Ellener Dykes was or clains to have some interest in and to the said tract or lot or land, by virtue of a certain mortgage deed, for the sum of three hundred do lary, executed on the 27ch of September 1854, and received for re cord in the Recorder's Otice of said County on the 9th day of February 1865, and said claims in tie sad petition that his interest In an" to said premises is prior and superior to that of the apparent interest of said defendant, Ellenor Dykes. Said petition further asks that on the sale cf said promises the pro da thereof may be applied frat to the payment of the Corte of tLis action, then to the amount due and to come due on the mor gage of sald on gald premises, and two now therein described. each 'or the rum oi one hundred dol. lars. Tre said sum o' sixty pine and elebty-four one hundredth dollars with interest thereon at ten per cel.t, from January 1957.

being the bal ace due on the one of said noter, and the other of raid no' to econ.e due on the day of October 1567, with Interest from January 23th 1955 at ex per cent. till maturity, and the earter at ten per cent And that the balance or bald proceeds may be brought into court to abide the further action thereof, and the asid Ellenor Dykes is further notided that be is by law reyuired to ansWer or demur to sal! petition on or before the 11th day of July neIt. by R. G. HUNT, Cle-eland, May 10th Auty.

for n83 6wd K. CADMUS will take notice Henry O. Burtinan, plaint did, on the 9th day of May, 1867, Ale bis petition in the Court of Common Pl as, within and 1 the County of Guyaboga, in the State of Ohio, azainet the said Il pry K. Cadmus and James R. MIlia, detendante, that the said Ilenry K.

Cadiya, by his attorney, in fact James Milla gave a mortgage to tire su'd Henry O. Isurt man, dated November 6th, 1556, on the following described land, to wit: Situate in the village of Chagrin Falla, which is also in ti.e County of Ouyauoga, State of Ohio, and known on June 4th, as bop lot, then occupied by Willian A. Downing in the village of Chagrin Folly, being the North twenty teet the South forty feet of lot number reventy in Gordinor Ilal. Ick': allotment: the North and South lines being at right an. the in street in dillage, and the East line tarallel with the waln street in said villa, and seventy tire feet rear from sail and twenty feet front on raid main street, At North of the riot upon which the post office now standa acd being the same premises now occupied by one Stewart as store and dwelling, and the mama premicea deeded by William .1.

Downing and wife to said Cadmus, on June 4. 1862, and re. corded in Volume 56, pages 463 and 4, curded in ga County Recorda: to secure the ramirent of a note made by said Mille. of even date with said mortgage, payable to the order of Ienry Burtman, for the ewin of And FO 100ths six months from de with Interest ac vis per peut. until due and ten per CoLt.

therea," er, and praying judgement against James R. Mille for the am-unt of talu note with Inter st, and that one or toll of Lue defendants pay said sum with interest, accordirg to the tenor of maid note, of that a3ld may he gold 10 pay the same, without appraisal and appeal, and the said Henry K. Cadmus l3 notide I 'that he is requi ed to ap pear and answer or demur to said petition on before the third Saturday after June 24, 1857. HENRY C. BURTMAN, mal5 m74 8wd By D.

M. PORTER, ble Att'y. WILLIAM BINGHAM Before G. If. Bonbam, a justice VS.

of the Peace for Cleveland TownBRITTEN, I'ELK Co. ship, Curahoga Olio. A wis our leaned on instance the 7th an day of order Mcy, of ginet the Attachment property and effects of the above named Britton, Pack 4 00, for the sum of 143 22 1:0 and costa, and the a to set tor bearing on be 22d day of June, 1837, at A.M. WILLIAM BINGHAM CO. Cleveland, May jab, malt SAM'L Refore G.

H. Bet. hom, Justice of the Peace, Cleveland, Ohio. J.NO. C.

HARMON. my instance an order of Attachment A. was this uav jesued against John Harmon, a dent a county, claiming Cause la art for trial June 10 1957, at 9 A.M. S. G.

BALDWIN. Mar 9, ma113wd ONT OFFICE, U. May 20th. ON United AND Sta' pa liails AFTER will arrive THIS at, and DATE, depart from THE the Cleve'and P'. at Office, at the tollowigg hours: Eastera through mall from New Tort.

Roe. M. ton. and 7:80 will P. arrive V.

at 6 A. M. 5:30 P.M. Close at 6:30 A. Eastern wav mall from and Intermedtate placee, will arrive at 2:30 P.M.

('lose at A.M. Western through mail from Toledo, ('bicago, and st. Louis arr. ves at 7:15 A.M, Close at 1:30 P.M. Western way mall arrives, Southern at 1'.

Northern Division 5:15 A.M. ('lore, Southern Division at 8 A. Northern Division at 1:90 P. M. Through mall from Cincinnati and I.onisville 4:80 P.

M. arrives at 7:86 A. Mi, an; 2:80 P. M. Close at 5:30 A.

M. and Way mall arrires at 8:52. Close at 1 P. M. Through mail from Indianapolis arrives at 8:59 P.

M. Cloca at 4:30 1', V. Thrench mail from Baltimore, Washington, Phi'ade'phia and Pittsburgh arrives 4 1. ior Pittsburgh ard Bal'imore at 6 A. for and Placelrbia at 1 P.

M. Pittsburgh way mail mail arrives at 4:02 P. M. Closes at A.M. ('loveland and Mahoning Kall itsed way mail airives at 5:90 P.

M. ('lased at 5 M. Cleveland and Mill rsburzh Rail Road way mail arrives at 11:14 A.M. at 8:30 P. M.

Detroit mail arrives at 6 A.M. Cloves at DuE, Medina, Brunswick, Parma, P. M. 8:00 A. M.

Dre Rockport, Dover, Ac. (Monday, Wednesday sad Fri day,) 9:00 P. M. (Tueday, Thursday, and Saturday.) 4:00 A. M.

Dur, Euclid. Hoot Cleveland, and Collamer, 10:00 A. M. HE 1:80 P.M. Granger (Tuealay Friday,) 5:00 P.

M. Wedneadav and Saturday, 6:90 A. M. Copley, Brecksville, Tues. 5:00 P'.

M. 5:30 A. M. Millinery and Dress Making! NEW MILLINERY GOODS! S. A.

JINKS, HAVING JUST REturned from NEW YORK, would offer to the Ladies of Cleveland the LATEST and Most Beautiful Spring Styles in the City. Her assortment, now complete, conairting of Bonneta, Drear and Mantilla Kitbona Flowers Head es, will be open for on Thursday, tho 2d day of April, When Phe will he pleased to show them to her customers and others. She will continue to receive additions to ber stout from New York. or laving eneaged the services of a very sure rior TRIMMER, acknowlaled taste, from the Fast, ate feels condent that entire satisfaction car be giyen. Hata Cleaned and Pr seed In the bear sy'e.

Room No. 1, Northrup Block, SECOND FLOOR. S. A. JINES.

Cleveland. March F1. k12 MOULDING, SAWING, AND ALL Ornamental and Fancy Scroll works for Plane and HENRY done MUELLER, Hewit'a Power Block. Cleveland. Ohio.

K. frienda THOMAS public that MILLER be has would recovered inforin health his so AB to erable him to sumne the practice of profession. to at his residence, No. 19 Mouth- West corner of Ontario and St. -trost.

ma6 m29-lyd The most Successful Preacher in London MODERN WHITEFIELD." UCH ARE. SOME OF THE TERMS used in speaking of tue REV. C. IT. SPURGHON, Two volumes of whor* Sermons are now ready for the rub lic.

"Never, since the dura of George Wbitedeld ard Edwar Irvir g. has any Inister of resigion acquired 80 great a reputa tion this preacher in so short a time. There is no man IL Great A' who can draw such Immense audiences; and none who, in his bapriest enforta, cen RO completely en bral the attention and del'ght the minds of his Learers." pondent of the Independent. 2 -13 mo- Each $1. For sale by S.

BRAGO (O. BRILLIANTS. RECEIVED Brilliants, THIS worth 35 DAY certa will ONE be sold at CASE one abilling a yard. A LAO, (A Call new article for skirts) to be rur off at cents a yard 2,000 TARDS BRILLIANT SKIRTING, s000, as they are to cheap they will all be sold in a few daga. 9.

HYMAN, mal6 Cheap Dry Goode St ore. DRENCH CORSETS. A largge assortreceived, at the Mantilla and Trimming store, No. I Public Square. man J.

H. DE WITT. LEGAL NOTICES. City and Town throughout the West. a IS.


F. SITYOUR. Capt. We also append a few of the many notices from the press, which this invention has called out: From the Ohio Farmer, (Cleveland.) Howe's Patent Spring Bed -We have tried these Springs and so have scores of others in the city: and we know them be just the thing-comfortable, cheap, and durable. From the Baltimore Weekly Dispach.

This Spring, (Howe's,) la very eimple in con truction, strong, and, lu point of durability, will lest as long as the bedstead to which it to attached. Those who have tested it, are unanimous In its praise. From the Commercial Advertiser. Howe's Soring Bed is one of the micet uselu! articles ever in vented, for the comfore and convenience of mankind. lt is uni versally admired and applauded, by all who examine it; and those whe have tested its merita, say they would not do without it.

From the Hartford Evening I'rpas. Elliptic Spring Bed" 18 a new luvention, and we thin it one of the Lest constructions ever invented for the oh ects designed, viz: Aconomy, contort and health. For sickness, it lust be invaluable; and the invention being so clearly useful and Leap, must Into veteral ace. From the Intelligencer. Howe's Patent Elliptic Bed spring is attracting nniversal ad.

miration, from all sorts of people. Its perfect adaptation to our requirements, its unalterab elasticity, the pride and beauty of the Elliptic Spriny, and its proper adjustment, ail demand our admiration, and compel us to place it in toe foremoet rank among modern inventions. From the Cleveland Morning Leader. Howe's Patent Elliptic spring Bed." -This is a simple inven. tion, but one of great value, surpuss*ng, indeed, in every respect anything of the kind we have ever wen.

We epeak advisedly, having one of the articles in use, which we value very highly. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Howe's Patent Elliptic Spring Bed. -This Invention la hav. ing a great popularity.

A glance at the article, will convince any oue that the inVention is one of the meritorious ever Introduced here. Agencies. Having unlim'ted facilities for manufacturing, and supplying any demand which may he made upon us, we are new prepared to establish A for the sale of the Springs, upon the most taycrable terma, in every city and town 'broughout the State. Public Houser, Steambosta, supplied in quant ties, upon liberal terms. Ail communications in re'erence Rights, des, or otherwise, should be addrea: ed to GRAY CO.

Proprietors, 21 Bank Street, Cleveland, 0. P. S. Our Springs can only be procured in this city, at the General Depot, 21 Bauk where citizens generally, and la. dies In particular, are invited to examine them.

Clereland, Ohio. January 57. 14 1yd P. IL. BABco*ck, M.


HOT AIR FURNACE. N. A. TILATING Benton's HEATERS New and dve different Improved sizes- adapted VEN. to all classes of public and private buildings.

This Furnace ditfers from anything ever before offered to the public. It 1 peculiarly adapted to the use of bituminous coal. and the coustruction of 1:8 self-clearing radiator is an important consideration, as it edectually obviates the necusaity of clear. ing, These Furnaces bave been thoroughly tested the past winter in New York, P'hiladelphia, Buttalo, and Detroit, and in every instance have given the most entire satisfaction. For sale by SMITH KELLOGG, Jelcl9tt Railroad block, Water Street.

SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Owners of Steamers, Propellers Schooners and other Lake Craft. subscribers beg leave to call your at tention to the Double Action Force Pumpa arranged ex presaly for Vessel use. They are very simple in construction readily understood by all, compactly arranged, and not liable to get out of order, and for great durability aux power, unsurpassed. As Are engines they operate perfectly.PRICE DAY Union Pump Works, 118 John N.

Y. E. L. DAY, Agent, CLEVELAND, These Pumps may be seen in operation at the Custom House where orders will be received by the Ageut. Also Pumpe for Well.

and Cisterns, on the same principle. Jun20241yc James H. Odell's BRASS FOUNDERING AND FINISHING SHOP, Brass Work of every description made to order. Nos. 8 9 West Hewitt's Steam Block.

Feb. 24. 195 6m AWNINGS! AWNINGS! every kind and shape made and put up at the shortest notice and at pricee that will sult every one. FLAGS, TENTS, BAGS, COVERS, BEAUFORT NICHOLS. Sail Makers Riggers, 11J and 111 River St.

Advice to Husbands and Wires. ALSO TO THOSE Colored Steel Plates CONTEMPLATING 85 CentsPiain Plates 25 Cents, free of postage. This work containa a discertation on the necessity of Mar I riage, instructions in Courting, with a cure tor Love, 01 8 celibacy, Cohabit tian, of Sterility expluinel. increase of family, with many other useful instruction a -from the Frenct of Jean Dubois. Address HENRY S.

G. SMITH CO. Box 4210 Post New York. AGENTS WANTED. ja27 899 5m S.


CEDAR STREET. W. R. TRUSTS, laying out FROM HIS LONG EX. Parks, Cemeteries and Pleasure Grounds, In England, (where the highest tr nch of Landacape Garden ing -8 an elegant Art is no generaily cultivated,) he la fully to give satisfaction to those employ professionally in the embellishment of their homesteads.

W. bag a the of Larre Ornamental Trees, and Fr It Trees, Which he will platt and wirrant for two peare, at moderate prioca. Erery variety of Hardy Evergreens, TrePA Flowering Fruits, Hoses and Herbaceous Plants, bE low as any other nursery: VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHED On favorable terme. dell g95 diy Josiah Humphrey's Academy for Drawing and Painting. NO.

THE COURSE OF PURSUED in this School will be such as to ensure to the Student a correct and scientific knowledge of the Art of Drawing and its application to the common uses of life. 'The select classes will be continued as ual. clas903 are 10: in Wiled the Dumber of Students will not be limited and the terms will te lower. Hours of Study, from 2 till 6 daily, except Saturdays, which day is reserved tor special Instruction. Specimens are on view at the Office, where other information may be obtained, REFERENCES: REV.





A. CRUMB. ap23 146.1y JA3. W. CARBON.

Jellies, ORANGE, Currant, PINE Grape and Guava. APPLE, In half QUINCE, pints, pints Quarts and two pound cans. de29 Fresh made and warranted. ly WEAVER BROTHER. Preserves.

DLUM, PINE APPLE, GINGER, CRAN. berry, Quince, Pear, ('haw Chaw. Limes, In quarts, 1 alt gallons, gallons and 7 D. etoue Jars. Warranted fresh.

WEAVER 131 Superior bi. af Public Square. VERBENAS. deg'rable -Our collection embraces kinds of this country and Europe.Over one bunared named sorts. war24 k5 FED BEAUMONT CU.

FISH. and HERRING, for pale by 1200 package: WHITE FISH, I PICKEREL, TROUT, UST RECEIVED, AND INSPECTING, J. M. CRAW SON. Also will be in weekly roceipt of new caught Fich during the Fish sessor, apt) Fruits, Pickles, NCHOVIES, OLIVES, SARDINES, Currie Powder, Frunes, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Bur.

nett'a, Celebrated Flavoring Extracts. de29 b.98 ly WEAVER BROTHER. FRUIT CANS. -PATENT SELF-SEALING AIR TIGHT CANS, for preserving Fruit, Vegeta. bias, requiring to solder, or cement.

Quart, loo, and galion sizes. For sale by SMITH KELLOGG, Jel Railroad Block, Water 8t. SPECTACLES. -Gold, Silver, Fine Steel, Shell, G. Silver and Concave Spectacles, As any otter boure, and guaranteed to suit all kinds of eves.

at male Superior St. article for Ladies' Stir's. TRENCH SPIRAL SPRINGS NEW CORD. ms27 MORGAN ROOT. 200.

Just recelved and BEANS -Prime Articlemal8 GORDON, McMIL LAN CO. Y. Al qualities and MORGAN sizes. ROOT. MANTILLAS.

-Sold very low. MORGAN ROOT. PARASOLS. of -The Parasola in Largest, the city. Cheapest and FOREST CITY STORE ma? 100 Superior Store, Cleanse the Blood and Cure the Sick.


0. ATER. H'r: 1 teen rep curd of wort Headacce ant body can have by a dos: or two 0" your it to arise irrio a foul bey cleanse as once. Ir they Cite othere de they cure re, the fact is worth ka switz. ED.

W. TREBLE, preat Clerk prepect, of Steamer Clarion. Billi Disorders and Liver DEPARTMENT OF TUS INTERIOR. Wash D. Feb.

1856. SIR: I have usu your in my general and hospital prac tice ver since you ma'le the a. cannot heritate 10 that they are the best Cathartic emp'oy. Their regulsting tion on the liver is quick and decided, consequently are au mtrable remedy for derangements of that Organ. Indeed, have 8-ldom found a case or billions so oralinate that did not them.

vours, ALONZO BALL, First Pay sician Marine luspital, Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. Poet OrrIer, HARTLAND, Liv. Mich. Nov. 16.

1855. DR. AYER: Your Pils are the perfection of medicine. They have re my wife more good than I can tell you. She Lad been dick and pluing away for months.

Went off be doctor ed at great expe ee, but got Do better. She then commenced taking focr Pile which soon cured ber. by expelling large quanti les of worms dead) from her body. They alter wards cured her and our two children of bluocy diser tery. One our neighbors had it bad, and my wife cur.d him with two doses of your Pils, wulle others around us 'paid Ave twenty dollars doc ora' bills, and lost much time, without (be ing eatirely cured even then, Such a medicine as Foura, which is actually good and honest, will be prized.

GEO. J. GRIFFIN, Postmaster. Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood. From Rev.

J. V. Inca Pastor Advent Church, ATER: I have used your Pills, with extraordinary FUC cess in my fami and among those 1 am called to vieit dis tre a. To regulate the of digestion and purity the bloo1 they are the Very best remedy 1 have ever kDOWD and Cal confidentiy recommend them to ILy friends. J.

V. HIMES. WARAW, Wyoming N. Y. Oct.

24, 1555. DEAR SIR: I am Veiny your Cathartic Pills In my practice, and tind them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and puby the four tats the blood. JOHN G. M. D.

Erysipelas, Scrofula, King': Evil, Tetters, Tumors, and Salt Rhenm. From a Forwarding Merchant o' St. Louis. St. Louts, Feb.

4, 1856. DE. A TER: Your Pills are the paragon of all that real in medicine. Thye have cured my little daughter of alrerous Bores upon her bauds and feet that had proved 1: curable for for years. Her mother has been lorg grew ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and ber hair.

After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills ane they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout, From the Rev. Dr. Hawked of the Methodist Epis.

Ohurch. Horse, Saran ah, Ga. Jan. 6 1856. HONORED SEE I should be ungrateful for aLe reliet your skill bas brouaht me if I did not report tuy case to you.

A cold settied in my limbs and orought in excruci which ended lu chronic roeun Not withstanding I bad the payriciana, the dis ase grew worse and worse, unti', by the advice or your excellent agent la Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your l'Ills, 1 heir edecus wee slow. bus sure. By persevering in the use of then I aw now enurefy well. SENATE 'HAMBER, Baton Rouge, Da.

Dec 5, 1855. De. ATER: I bave been entire.y cured by Four Pills of Rbeu mauc Gout- a painful disease that had amu ted for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. FOR DROPSY, PLETHORA OR KINDRED Complainte, requiring an active purge, they are an excellent reineuy.

FOR COSTIVENESS OR CONSTIPATION, and Dinner Pill they are agreeable FITS, SUPPRESSION, PARALYSIS, INflammarion, and even Deafness. and Partial Blindness, have been cured by the alterative action of tuese P'illa. at of the pils in market contain Mercury which. altho' valuable remedy in skillrul hands, is danger as in public pill, fron the dreadful consequences that frequently miueral sub follow tacce its incautious use. 'These no mercury or whatever.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, (SUGAR COATED,) ARE MADE TO FOI: THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influens Kronchitis, Whooping Cough, Crony, Asthma, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of consumptive in adrauced stages the disease. We need not speak to the public of its virtues. Throughout every town and almost every hamlet of the American its wonderful cures of pulmonary compla uts have made ready known. Nay, few are the families in any civilized on this continent without come personal expe. lenee eft cts and fewer yet the communities anywhere which not among them some living trophy of its vicury the tie aud dauger us a of the throat aud luugs.

Wade is the most powerful antidote yet known to man for the idable and uangerous disease. of tue pulmouary organs, also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be employed infante and young persons. Parents should eave it in store againat the insidious that st ale upon them unprepared. We have abundant to believe the Cherry Pec.oral saves more lives by the gumption it 1 revents than those it cures. Keep it by you, cure your colds while they are curable, nor neglect them no human abili can master the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, cats your lite away.

All kuow the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as know too the virtues of this remedy, we Deed not do more assure them it is still inade beet it can be. We spare coat, no carP, wil to pruduce it the most perfect puerible, thus adord those who rely ou it the best agent which our can turnish for their cure. Prepared by Dr. J. C.

Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, well, Mass. PRICZ, 25 CT8. PAR Bux. FIVE BOXES FOR $1. Sold by W.


M. HUTCHI SON, and all Druggists in Cleveland, and all Deaiers in cine everywhere. J. V. AYER 146 Walnut Cincinnati.


in with the all Wild its Cherry attendant Bitters, and evils, the Bittera give lone and energy to the stomach and liver, also allay nervous excitability and irritation. Ashy their powers they restore the tone of the stomach. Create an appetite and regulate the bowels, so. by weir sedative etfoct, they move restiesszese, night-ew. ats, and produce quiet anu health.

ful sleep. In colds, couche, spitting of blood or sore throst. they are invaluable. For testimony read the foliowing certit. cate: Mr.

R. F. verily believe taut your Uherry tore has been the maza, Providence, of saving lay have been ailing for several years, and for the last year very bad COUGH. It became worse and worse. At last raised large, quautitics of blood, had and greatly debilated and reduced.

and not expect to live. After using a few boitles of your Biters thee has been A ronderful change wrought in me. amn now oblate wait al over city. I raise no blood, and by (ouch has left me. You well imagine that i am thankful for these results.

H. MARTHER. No. 170 Washington Brooklyn. Prepared and sold by FELLER OSBORN, Nacau NeW York, also cold by PALMER Uleveland, Ohio.


Citizens and RESPECTFULLY NOTIFIED that Fleidner's Warm and Cold Baths, Are alwars readv. clean. comfortable and above ground. HIS HAIR DRES-ING HAIR DYING. AND PERFUMERY DEPARTMENTS ARE UNRIVALLED! CHAKLES FLEINNER, feb23 Weddell House.

Bank St. Pocket Marine Telescopes. ERY are invited to call and test Craft them, at and Vessel rha8 29 SUPERICR STREET. CLOCKS. Better assortment cannot found Onto.

Call and Ace. J. N. ALBERTSON CO. Graffenberg Medicines.

HI A Trumbull 0.. March Tth, I hereby certify tuat 1 have been dealing in the Grade obere Medicines for the past Ave yeare, and can truly eay that I have never offered any medicines to the public that wet with decided approbation of the people, use there; particularly Pills and Catholicon, they sell readily and perform all aid luore toad' is promised for them. I have sold about Efty bottler the Catholicon the past season, and I hear the las rest ta cvery ease. J. D.

C. JOHNSON, Medical Agerts. Read what Dr. Bushnell says of the Gradenberg Medicines. B.

is a Physician of exteusive practice and one of the most succeesful in the County (Trumbull) in which te scaldes, This cert des that 1. have weed the Graffen' erg Pula and Marshall's Fold here by J. C. Johneon, in my practice to my entire astistaction. They are good DR.

G. W. Hartford, Trumbull 0., March 7th, 1867. I am a physician of thirty rear's facuce. My principal etudy been or irwales.

They have generally batted my extorta. Obtalning the materia'a composing Marsha'ls Uterine C'atholicon I was pleased with them, gave the mall a fair trial, and found myself abundactly ul. Ju former practice I could only tha about half the rases, and cou not cure one in ten. New redicrily cure at least seventeen in twenty, and can miti. tue rest, I consider Marshall's Uterine Catholican the greatest bleating to females I have ever met with.

JAS. H. WILLIAMS M. Charleston. I have come thirty cases of uterine diseases, deranged mensuration aud complaints arising trom them.

I have treated according to the best methods of the echools and half, in order give the subject a fair trial. with Marshidi's Utenue Ten out of the who have used the Catholican are well: the rest, wits one exception, (a patient 69 years of' worn out,) are rapidly convalescing. of the otteen treated 1 may venture to use the term to designate the treatment taught and authorized by the one is reg. eunally well, and she is Jouug and strong virl about twenty sears of ege. rive of the rest seem to be some bat relieved, I expect a return of the symptoms, and the caber nine are bad as ever.

These to of cases had angular relation. to ea other, ar'ar sa age an I aymptoms were concerned, direr triad never could be had. It stamps Marshall's Uterine Catholicon As the great medicine of the day, bercad a doubt, R. J. WILSON, M.

Baltimore. For Sale by Druggists and Medicine Dealers througfout the state. Orders for Medicines should be addressed to H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, Ohio, Agent for the State.

REPAIRING, MANUFACTURING AND are prepared with experienced and careful workmen, to re all minds of Watches, 'locks, Jewelry, ard Fancy and made to order all kirds of Hair and Gold Jewelry, Soclety Badges and Emblems, Sliver Ware, and Plain or Or. Engraving at short notice. J. R. ALBERTSON CO.

maid Cor. Superior St and Public Square. NEW STYLES MAY MANTILLAS. decided norely, and the most elegant thing of the seasonopened this day at the Mantilla and I rimming Store. 1 Public quare.

J. H. DE WITT. FOUNTAINS! FOUNTAINS! PLUMBERS, NO. 34 Back street, Cleveland, Ohio, would call the attention all persons wishing to purchane Fountains, to their choice so lection of Ornamental Fountains, which they think can not fall please both in regard to style and price.

All presous who anticipate fitting their houses in reference to City Water Works (or from any otber source,) would do to call at their extensive Plumbing Establishment, where may dad the greatest variety of Water Fixtures that can found in the West. They have experienced workmen for Atting up Hotels, Stores, Foundrica, Dwellings, with Lead or Galvanized Pipe, for Baths, Water Closete, Wash Basina with bot and water. Cooking Ranges of improved paterns, lydranta Porous Glass Filters. Brass and Plated co*cks, All Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. B.


Ivison.) The public are most respectfully Invited call at my rooms and Inspect this new style of likeness. Pic from the amallest to the largest size taken irrespective of weather. E. W. DROWN, fe25dtf Proprietor.



Cleveland Pittsturgh Railroad. A A SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Trains Run Through to Wheeliug Pittsburgh, AND DARTER MONDAY MARCH 1557, Trains follows: LEAVE CLEV ELAND, 7:45 A. M. Mail Train, stops at all Way Stations A arrives at 2:24 P.

M. and at Wheeling at 4:15 2:45 P.M. Exprese Train, stops only at Hudson, Rave DNA, Bayard, 1 Welleville and Liverpool, and arrives at at 8:40 I'. M. 5:15 P.

M. Accommodation Train for Raveuua and Way tions. LEAVE PITTPBURGH. 9:45 A.M. 31 Train, stops at Way Stations, arrives at Cleve laud at 4:00 P.

Ir. and Wheeling at 8:55 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Train, sto; sat A ay Stations except Salisbury, East Rochester. Moultre and Winchester arr ves at Cleveland 9:50 P.M.

and Wheeling 7:45 I'. M. LEAVE WHEELING. 9:15 A. M.

Mall Train, stops at Way Stationa, arrives at Pitta burgh at 2:23 and at Cleveland at 4:80 P. M. 1:85 P. M. Accomodation 1 rain, stops at Way Stations arrives at Pittsburgh at 8:40 P.

M. and Cieveland al 9:50 M. 1 Accommodation Train leaves KavenDa at 9:23 A.M. it Hudson at 10:00 A. stops Stadone, and arrives C.eveland at 11:15 A.M.

I All Trains stop at Euclid Street Station. Tuscarawas Branch. Train leaves New l'hiladelphia 7:45 A.M. Dover at 8:05, Wa, nesburzb at 9:25. Arrives at Bayard at Iv.20 with Train co Main Line, for Cleveland, and Wt Ing.

Leaves Barard at 1 45 P. M. (' arrivel of Train from at 4:00 and New Philadelphia at 4:15 P. M. C.

P. and Way nesburzo 2:45 P. M. AL Arrives Dover No change of Cars between Cleveland and and Wheeling and P'ittsburgh. Connections.

Trains connect at Hudson tor Cuyaboga Falla, Akron and Millersburgh. Trains counect at Cleveland with trains to and from the East West and South. All trains connect at Alliance with the Traits of Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and a Chicago Railroad, for Enou Valley, Colust biana, Salem, Canton, Massilon, and and at Ruches ter for Pitteburgh, Baltimore and New Tort. Tickets can be purchased at the off as on the Lize, also at all the priapal licket Ottees of the various Roads. Fare to the Eastern Cities as low as by other Routes.

Supt's C. P. Railroad, J. DURAND, Cleveisnd, March 6, 1866. Superintendent.

DO PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the Atlantic cities with Western Nortl westeru and Southwestern a continuous Railway direct. This road connects at Pitta burgh with daily line of steamers to all porte on the ester Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all pores ou Lue Northwestern Lakes; making the most DIR IT, CHEAPEST AND RELIABLE ROUTE, by which FREIGHT Can be forwarded to and from the Great West. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA FIRST Dry Goods, (n Books. boxes Drugs bales (in and boxes trunks) and Mats bales,) C'apa, Fea 75 c.

per 100 lbs. thers, Furs, NC. SECOND Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking (in original balesh Drugs (iu casks), Ila. dware). Leather (in CO c.

per 100 lbs. rolls or tore, (Wools and SLeep Pesto Fast ward, te THIRD CLASS -Anvils, Strel. ('haina. in casks, Bacon end Pork, Salted (loose or in Backs), Tobacco manuac 80 C. per 100 lbs.

tured (except clears or cut,) FOURTH CLASS Heh, Baco2, Beef and Pork, (in casks or bores past ward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, suda 40 c. per 100 lte. Ash, German Clay, Tar, Prich, tc. FLOUR cta per bbl. antil further gullee.

par 100 lte, until turther notice. per tale, not exceeding 500 lbs. weight, an further notice. be particular In to shipping mark goods from any point east of Palladelphia, packages via Au goods to the A of this Road at P'hiladelphia or Pitteburs, wil the forwarded without detention. K.

F. Sase -Harris, Wormly S. Memphis, St. Louis, S. Mitchell Son, Evans ville, Dumeanil, Bell Murdock, and Carter Jewett, Louisville, R.

C. Meldrum, Madison, Springman Brown, 'anesville, and Ohio; Irwin Co. Cincinnad; N. Graham A Con No. 3 Drech Astor House, No.

New 54 York; Eilby, St, Boston: and No. 8 Battery Place, New York: No. 1 Coous, Baltimore Geo. C. Francis H.

H. HOUSTON, Gourd Freighi Agad, J' hintesphia. H. J. LAYT Sup's, Altona, Pa.

May 1. AND Water Conducting Pipe. WHEELERS Street, WATERS 2 CLEVELAND, F.IC. facturing a NOW rew kind of MANU. Tule, for Cham I'nurs, and is a 'apted for conducting Water from Springs, and for Induetion and Discharge Pipe, for Force and Suction Pumps.

This Tube is bored out of Cak, -aple and Whitewood in sections feet long connected with pocket joints, and when put togeth. or will be pertectly water and air tight. 1h.9 ard wocd Tutu a ids to the durability and ease all ct or making the Chain Pump the most durable and best mode of drawitg water from wells and cisuern now in GREAT IMPROVEMENT In Tubing for Chain Pumps, Those wishing to avail themselves of Tube for Chain or Pipe fur conducting water, would do well to this Tube tore using any otter kind. March Si. Improvement in Dental Surgery.

A RE Seta ard NOW Full Half Seta, and MANUFACTURING Partial Seta RING Teeth, FULL made entirely of Porcelain, and is the same as that referred to by Profvasor J. L. Cassels, Chairman of the Committee on Cher. icala, a' the product of Chemical action; also by Mr. SturdiVa: Chairmsu of Com sultsce on Metale, in which the lat tor pars the rasterial from which our teeth are made is dosa: ving the commendation, and refers du Professor Cas Report, wh'ch reads: Your Committee roccomined shat a Diploma be awarded to M.

L. Wright, M. Olaveland, Ohio, for the best epeci. men of Porcelain maserial prepared, and Terth manufactured from the garre. The specimens of Teeth, both full and partial gete, far excel in beanty and apparent usefulness anything of the kind we have seen, and the in favor of their ity, beers to be of the most reliable charerter." OHIO STATE FAIR, 1856.

Our Teeth, plate and all, ere made from one solid piece of true Porcelain, and cub a porcelain for a metalic base. Tula plan was la the United States May 20, 1834, and in the following October la England and France. as will he wen by referring to the l'atent Offi Reports. Therefore we say, any one claiming to use a porcelain base. similer to ours with the exception of D.

Dr A. Wella Dr. Philips and L. Wright in the south and west, ie either gality of an infringement or an If an infringement, they will be dealt with 49e law allows if 80 imposition let it cure lteelf, Our Teeth were sot al the late State Fair as specimEDS Of Dentifly, For rEASONS and appreciated by the State Buaril, and the Diplomas are under the above beari, M. L.

WRIGHT CO. Cilice No- 190 Lake Street, Cleveland, opporite the Marine Hospital. TO TEA PUBLIC. I bave for the last car watched and examined with car. ar Loomia' new mode of making and setting Teeth.

The Teeth and Plate all being connected and of the same material. Having, as surgeoi, teen obliged to know much of all the previous nucles of waking and betting teeth, I do not Lesitate to state that this lavendon of Dr. is far superior to any other plan, and that his Invention will soon be of considered AS oue vi the grest professional improvements the age. The statement is made after a long and care ful investigation of the matter, and oteurving its piratical utili. "Given at Cleveland H.

A. Medical CLER: A 1. 24d, Prof Surgery. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. I hare curined quite 3 number of of Dr.

M. in I entistry. It of the entire set of teeth, together with gums and the roof of the mouth, being one solid piece of porcelain, the whal: belng beaull'ully enameled with their appropriate colors. The teeth are worn with great comfort, there being no cavities fur the lodgement of pardcles of food, as share must alwaye be in the old niethod of gold plate sotting, however well it may be executed. Anna the many advantages are cheapness, durability, and and utility in masticating food.

Dr. M. Loomis was, in 1948. It will he recollected, a student of 17. Wrig' and after laboring hand to bring his improve cent to perfection, obtaining his testers patent both i a this onuntry and in Lurope, old friend and preceptor, and gives AD op: to share who the West.

F. GARLICK, M. D. land. April 9P, 1856.

0c8 tra610 SOMETHING NEW AND BEAUTIFUL, wish particularly to call the attention to the rew and beautiful kind of picture, taken by STIMPSON, 12 Superior street alled a EL 37 i TYPES, which is the la us: and grestat improvement, ever get made pictures, and is the most beautiful style of picture ever be ret produced. It only 10 bue this kind of pictureto convinced it be by any other kind. It 8p peare to stand out from the background with that rellef neve benne in other picture, and possesser that brilliancy Jot of and shadows so much desired by Artiste and can be colored equal to the test painting, in fact superior (for the color be: the appearance cf being under the skin.) The sparkling Eva the rosy cheek, the ruby lips are all presen. ted with a which ecoma to bewilder the senses. It is fat outerior to the Daguerreotype, Ambrotyre or Photograph.

It can fade, as it is fonned by 9 deposit of pure elver on the surface of the gins, and secure from change or Infury, by being ecaled between two glasses. The SPMER SOT likeness can be obtained only at STUMPas the process is patented and he has the right for Cuyabogs county. 129 Superior street, (Sutrance at the right hand of Marchande Millinery BEST, FREESIAN MONDAY, JUNE CO. let, WILL OPEN A large assortment of RICH AND ELEGANT SUMMER ConFiating of DRESS GOODS, FANCY SILKS, BERAGES, BAREGE ROBES, ORGANDIES. LAWNS, FRENCH CHINIZ CHALLIS, RE At very low prices.

93 Superior Street. may 30 Household Ware.ORHAM APLIN offer the following, at Wholesale or Retail. Clothes Frames. Water Pails. Skirt Boards.

Flour Pails. Bosom boards. Sugar Pails. Pastry Roarda. Butter Prints, ('lothes Mina.

Butter Ladles. Rolling Mins Steak Pounders. Towel Rollers. Potatoe Mashere. Mop Sticks and Heads Wood Spoons.

Wood Bowls, Faucets. Wash Toby Wash Boards. Keelene Tuba. Zinc Worl. Chor ping Trave.

Matches. Clothes Baskets. Feather Dusters. Market Baskets. Common Dusters.

Fancy Baskets. ('rumb Brushes. Shoe Brushes. Scrub I Brushes. Stove Brushes.

Also. a very full Supply Choice Groceries. All the above Goods we will deliver free of cartage part of the city. Fresh Tomatoes. APLIN KEEP ON HAND IL their Season and fresh in their original tavor.

Ilermet. Ically Sealed Cane prepared Tom aloes put up They are the nicest delicacy of the season. feb2' dtf GORHAM APLIN, Has just received a fresh supply of 200 Boxes Oranges Lemons, IN STRICTLY PRIME ORDER, Which we offer to the trade at a small advance. a PRIMMING -We shall open to morrow a new Importation of Marseilles Trimming. 3 Belt Ribbons.

Mantilla ma19 RETTBERG HAUSMANN. CITY Lots PROPERTY ON EITHER SIDE in the City of Grand Rapida Michigan, at ma9 fair rates. ALEX. GARRETT. 19-1m Real Estate Office.

St. WRIGHT, GILLETT RAWSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Yo. 1 Front Street, Mac York. CASH at Claveland, Obio. on property BY consigned L.

to RAW. them for es'e. Office Room No 4 Oviatt'a Exchange. Cleveland, April 3d, 1857. Children's Hats.

RRCEIVED. BEST AND cheapert city, can found at COLLINS CO 25 Superior St. TRANSPORTATION. Liverpool, Philadelpbia and New York SCREW STEAMSHIP COMPANY from ships NEW forming YORK SPLENDID the above Line will STEAM. sail as followe: CITY OF Capt.

Wylie, Jeffrey. suin 14th May, CITY OF Petrie, 28th April And CITY every OF alternate Thunday. Lettch, 11ib June, May, Fare From from New LIVERPOOL York, every alternate Wednesday. $75, Third Clasa Fare RETURN from Liverpool, TICKETS Cabin available 4106, for 485 $75. Third Close elx montha by Bly er of the line.

CABIN, $:40 THIRD CLASS, $6). These partmente, Seamers and carry are exper supplied enved with surgeons. improved Watertight co their Persons about to the vid proceeding coutury, to can Europe, purchase or wishing Tickets to send to ail ru ation applying to J. G. DALE.

13 sod obtain Y. SABEL CON 177 Broadway, N. or Broadway, Bank N. lug and Exchange Office cf J. Herdman CLEVELAND, 11 Water Street, OHIO.

New Passage York, Certifcate Liverpool, by Havre First and Class German Sallirz Ports: Packets between in sued by the above fraus to suit, parable throughout Draft CoLticent of Europe, Great Britain and Ireland. the ap9 1857. 1857. FOR GREEN BAY AND MACKINAW. The Fine Low I'remnire MICHIGAN QUEEN CITY.

OF Duck THE ABOVE STEAMERS WILL beast leave of Navigation, of for the above Morris, Porw. every Freight week during the store. For Freight or Pavage apply to relved: k10 8m MIX MORRIS. A gente. STEAM AND BETWEEN NEW BURGII, 20 tOLE, Commander, Wy.

Com. MINe; NEW CRAIG; YORE, GLASG 2150 A Commander tons, Commander, a leacas. Are appointed to sail Jon FROM GLASGOW, NEW May. May. FROM NEW YORK.

June. May, April, 12 o'clock, usca NEW May, .20 Jure, RATES PASSAGE! First FROM GLASGOW, guineas, FROM HEW Steerage, found with ....10 First 78:0 YORK, An cooked experienad provisiona, 8. surgeon attached to cooked 80:00 Sutrage found with Passengers intending each Steamer. should pay no attention to reports to go of by the this itme of en, but apply at the office immediately on arriving belay all tias Berths or of Emigrant Kunuers. in the city.

For Freight or Parsaze, apply New York City Elle or Gold only received Proadway. 101 Hew Tozb. YON, 17 FOR PORTS. FRENCH AND INC NEW AMPTON YORK, UNITED BREMEN STATES MAIL SOUTHships comprising this Live are, the WASHING- STEAM gins. TON, Capt.

These E. steamer Cavendry, stop at HERMANN, Cart. Edward Hi returning. both going PROPOSED DATES C.P From Souta From From ampion fur New York Bremen N. YorE HERMANN.

Feb. 21 Feb. eincal 95 Saturday Saturday Feb 21 Star 51 Mar 25 Mar 21 April 1: 19 Mar 10 blar May 16 June 13 JuLe 13 Jolt i1 July 15 WASHING A 5 Dep 5 AL! Sept 11 11 Aug 8 5 Get 8 3 (ct 80 Nov 80 Nov 13 2 8 Lec 28 L'ec 80 Stopping p. at veeedir Soutampton, to London bota going and and Havre, a returning, they city every other route, for the economy of time and money. over ivantages PASSAGE FROM NEW YORE TO AND First Cabin, Man Saloon, $120; First cabin, Lower $110; Scound do.

150. No All bill letters and newspapers must pass through the Post of' sailing. of lading will be signed or parcels reveived an the day Au For experlenced Surgeon is attached to each stip. treight passage apply C. 1.

A. SAND, William Street, New I orE, Bremen. CROSKEY 2 Southampton. M. Havre.

of States it alcoun of its Lave sub it formit is for cuemy ground and until they than no and 1 8 5 HUBBY, HUGHES Commission Merchants and Forwarders, AND will Ash. P. Sta P. at A. ar.

all at AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, AND PORK. LAKE HANGING FISH, ROCK WATER LIME SALT, PIG IRON, Clereiand, Ohio. Particular attention gired to the and sale of all de. sc iptiods of Produce on Cash advauces made Consignments. PROPRIETORS American Transportation Line, (Ohio, Canal.) AGENTS FOR New York Erie K.

R. Fast Freight Line. For Freight or Passage apply to C. MoRE, OATMAN, 240 174 Broadway, do SAN. Merchant's Western Line, For Freight apply SEAL, ABBOTT 88 Broad Street, N.

Y. New Oswego Line, For Freight, F. C. LOVEY, 103 119 Pier, N. Freight of all kinds receipted through to Eastern or tern Cities, by the above lines, at the lowest currout rates.

ap8 k50 Trod OMNIBUS STREET LINE. EN PROSPECT to Coruer of Hudeon-at sod 19 A. and 54 P.M. Return to corner of Superior ha ter it 10 A. and P.

KINSMAN to Water Cures at 9 and 19 3. P. and M. I'. M.

Resurn at and 10 A.M. 14, 4, and Er SIDE, to acd 12 A. M. ard P. M.

M. Return to Commercial Hotel at TO A.M. 14 and Tickets at all the Hook Stores. H. D.

1. 1RAR. dtf BUSINESS CARDS. "130,000 Rolls of Wall Paper." MUST BE SOLD WITHIN and will be Sixty days. They have been bought at 3 low figure, sold at New York prices.

They comist of every Also variety of style; varying in price from 8 cente to $1,50 per mil. hand a assortment of GOLD and VET BORDERS. This establi-bment bare no big rente to pay and seep no dead heads. Remember the place. DOWNIE'S, Corner Wood and Rockwell Streeta, Painting and Graining done in every variety and style mar20 J99 3m Take Notice.

EASTERN are now CARRIAGES gelling at (UST, and for CASH, BUGGIES at 65 BANK STREET, To mak eroom for a fresh supply. aBl dam F. C. DAYTON. E.

J. HOLMES' IMPROVED SEAMLESS WHALEBONE SKIRTS! WE troducing TAKE our Improved PLEASURE Seamless IN Shirt, as AGAIN being IN. the most acceptable and reliable article in market; we are aware that new styles are before the public, such as India Rubber, Gutta Perche, Rattan, all of which we have if called for -but cannot recommend them, 28 we hare experimented with and tested the of the two fears submitting them to the judgement of competent ladies to decide upon their merits, and have found them, from actual use, be to ail important respecta decidedly inferior to our properly prepared Whalebone, which has been in ure the past two yeara, and for which has been expressed from all parts of the entire antiafaction and we have the more poettive evidence from our own large retall trade, amoutting to many dozens per day. therefore we recomm-ud our Skirts to be the least obj ctionable of anytning in use possessing ad vas. tages FOUND IN NO OTHER SAIRT, the most important of which our aeries of clastic at the bottom, tuade from the ouly materia! that can be used, that will recover its place when presed out of shape, will not rool or curl, is not affected by heat or cold and can be washed withou injury.

These con's at the bot tom, instead of hones, are exceedingly awkward and with our own prepared above and a fabric manu. factured by ourselves exprea: ly for our goods, in our estimation and the estimation of thousands who bave used them, produce a Skirt, and the only Skirt equally adapted to the parlor and the street, and the crowd. giving a proper, graceful and elegant form to a Ladies' dress: light, pllable, estily adjusted and in every respect a complete article. 'The public are cautioned against all imitations or other goods called Seamless Every genuine article la stamped, E. J.

Holmes' Improved Scarlets Whalebone Skirt, aud are for sale at 99 Market Sure Pb ladelphia, and in the prindpal Jobbing Houses In New and Boston. Boston, Feb. 1, 1837. 195 6m E. J.

HOLMES CO. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION, (384 PAGES,) THE 1031 POPULAR WORK EVES FUBLIFEED ON THE DISEASES OF THE GENITAL ORGANS DR. LIS, PRACTICAL PHI. VATE MEDICAL GUIDE. Particularly adapted to the use of tota which describes in I'LAIN ENGLISH all that de necessary to know pertaining to Generative Dia how contracted--the infu.

ence they produce upon mind and body -how all persons can avoid them--and If any are so unfortunate Lave contracted such Low to effect a speedy and certain cure. The rapid and unprecedented sale with which this bock ba met, the salutary infuence it has exerted, and the desolate acarta it Las made happy, is ample evidence of its merits. Price only 25 centa, Pamphlet Music bound 50 DR. W. C.

ENARD. No. 24 EXCHANGE PLACE, ROCK STIR, NEW YORE, continues to dispense his invaluable remedies to those afflicted with Secret Diseases, with the attendant upon twenty years of personal experience and prev in Lia profcasion. None leave his treatment ball cure. He always dives the beat of satisfaction.

Gonorrhoes, Glees, Syphilla, Strieture, Suppression of the Menses in Females dC. gucceasfully treated, Young men, who by indulging In secret habits, have tracted that soul subduing, mind prostrating, body a vice, should apply to Da. LISPINARD without delsy. Beware of Empirics and itinerant celf-styled Prefessora whe ATTEMPT curee but never mocoed. Ir.

L. is the only per manently Western established New and York, and responsible his practice physician in extends his peculiar every State in the Union and the British Province. N. LOP NARD le sole agent for VICHOI3' MONTHLY PILLA. Among the many thousand bores of there Pills annually sold, not ore complaint bae yet been made against them.

Ladies in a certain situation should not use them--the particulars of which will be found on the direction ying each box. Price $1. Sent by mall to any part of the world. Persons addressing Dr. L.

by mail, expecting a reply, will please enclose a pustaxe stamp. Also all who or Fills. A.u communications addressen W. C. LISPINARD, M.

D. Rocheater. N. Y. will meet with prompt attention.

MORE SPRING GOODS! RECLIVED BY W. WARREN. NO. 150 SUPERIOR ST, CORNER OF SENECA ST. STYLES SPRING DE LAINES New Styles of Spring New Style a of Mubair Plaids New of ('halli; Fine Bleached Cottons, undressed, yard wide: Heavy Brown Shletings, all widths Bleached Cotton.

for sheets, yards wide Black Mixed for Gent's Suits; 8 yards long Colored Gold Inlaid Whalebone Needres. Skirta JEWELRY MANUFACTORY. F. C. inform all BRIGGS bid old friende WOULD and patrona, that RESPECTFULY be bas re, moved his Establish ent to NO.

181 SUPERIOR STREET, over a Store, where be 'g prepared to facture or repair all kinds of Jewelry, in a neat and workmAnlike manneer, at short notice, and prices to suit there bard times. EASONABLE ARRIVALS, BLACK SILK BLACK LACE VISETTES, BLACK SILK TALMAS. BLACK SILK GREY MOIRE ANTIQUE CAPES, GREY FRINGE MANTLES. Black and Grey bugle trimmed CAPES VISETTES, TAI MAS, MANTLES MANTILLAS, and MANTLETTS fu and REMARKABLY CHELPER than any lever before cu every conceivable varicey of style and price marked CHEAP' at 63 SUPERIOR STREET, S. RAYMOND CO.



The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.