The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

I I I A FULL OF HOPE TO AFFLICTED AND GLAD SUFFERING. Many of the thousand portals of comfortable Death, to may be thousands he and made Dow in bappier, danger. and more Doubtless this world contains many a balin to soothe Among Its those physical prominent in rant, are woes and cure its wman's Vegetable Compound, A SAFE' psumption, milder quinsy, forms of dimculty Th' ost of and bro chitia, such as Minister's sore throat, weakness of the colds, cougha, chest. inward ulcer, breast spitting and of side, blood, 1r hoarseness, Due D7A, catarrh! croup, affectious, inflamation in of the lunga, bleediux the lungs, and such more ed like. ranced 15t its adertiova superior of the excellence lungs.

For the truth of the is seen and tested Tr above statement and the eliciency of following the testimonials. as prenarationa an Antidote, Language we is the scarcely strong enough to tell the great power of refer public to the this WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! The The doubting Proprietors ay try point sud to the following bona Ade certificates be convinced. with ouufidence on the unity: they are but samples of the many bundred3 of testimonials in Philadelphia, our poe-easion Augusl 15th, 1866. Lass spring, while in Pittsburgh, a friend I had of a mine bad gave cold me and a couch bottle of which Bowman's troubled me Vegetable much, Compound tor diseases of the throat and and InAgs which I I had takeu many things for cough aud hoarse taking, and found relief almost nest, leve is but to he never the got beat any antidote thing to for coughs and that ha help me as it has doue. 1 be out, and cheerfully recommend it THOS.

the H. public. STOCKTON, Pastor let Prot. Meth. Church.

From Judge Vanhorn, of the District Cindnuati, Court at May 4th, Cincinnatl, 1866. I have and believe it to be the best medicine out for those used Bowman's Vegetable Compound for bronchitis cough, and the only cue I ever got to give ine any permanent It will cure. I recommend it to the public it is as publiahed honan eat relief. and medicine, and will perform what to do. WM.

VANHORN. nave used I Bowman'a TO TIE Vegetable Compound in my family PUBLIO. 1 colds and blinister's sore throat, and believe it to be for the beet coughs, medicine 1 ever got these complainta, and cheerfully re co.nm the REV. ublic. JACOB GASTON, that, Pustor of Clinton St.

M. E. Church, Cincinnati. June 10th, 1555. Here is one from the old pioneer Methodist preacher of Ohio Rev.

I J. believe Finley Dowman's Vegetable Compound to te the best rem ed and for found Diseased it to be Throat the best of Lungs, popular remedies I ever and of the day. I have tested it, and 1 have tried very many. I recommend it to the pub Mic. tried, Try it, and you will be convinced its superiority.

LIT. REV. J. Cincinnati, July 12, 1866. I Hear have what used the Bowman's celebrated Vegetable Compound for Coughs and Dr.

Peck, says: Hoarseneas in speaking and believe it I to ever be the got; best and prepara recomtion mend for it to Throat the public speaser and singer, as well as those and Lung Complaints ted with Lunz PI. J. T. PECK. New York, May 12, 1858.

Hear what Dr. Lenson, of Cincinnati, says: from letter.1 Vegetable Compound contains virtue which is not posersed nan's by any other popular medicine la my knowledge. It does not only smooth the disease over, but giving It it only commences tempo- at the rary root relief of the (like disease, and performs a perfect cure. most of patent medicines;) G. W.

BENSON, M. D. Our space will refer not to the permit us following to publish persona, any certificate letter. are in full, in our cosseasion, certifying to its worth but we would Rev. Bishop Morris, Cincinnati.

Kev. Robert Walker, Rev. Joel White, Economy. John Powell, Portsmouth. John L.

Junkin, Butler. ilenry L. Griffith, Wheeling. Pittsburgh. E.

C. Raker, Capt. E. Gordon, Pittaburgh. John r.

M'Coraba, Mrs. Mary Morrow, Now Brighton. M. Robert Beaver. Isaac Sutherland, Vanport.

A. Freedom. Bias Roberta, Meadville. ca. Sarah Lowry, Lawrence Co, Henry Smith New Castle.

Joseph Willson, New Castle. P. BrOwn, Gov, W. F. Johnston, U.

Cuspingham, Allegheny City. Lanas Whitsidee, D. Marrata, Bridgewater. 14 Rev, Wm. Smith, Louisville.

Judge Keys, Cincinnati, Capt. Goo. A ennedy, James Wildar, Allexheny. J. P.

O'Nell, Breubenville. Rev. Henry Cline, Venango Co. IT Parsons, Loutwille. Rev.

John Watkins Mayeville. Capt. Jacob Poe, Georgetown. James L. Butler Co.

William Bigler, Gov. Bownia G. Vezetable Seton, Compound is sold by Druggists at 01 Louisville. Bottle E. W.

or 6 for l'aliger, la our wholesale and retail agent at Cleveland Retall Merchauts can be supplied at our wholesale price by E. W. Direct Palmer. all orders for the medicine to Dr. H.

M. Bowman Co. sole I'roprietors, New Castle, village in Lawrence the United County, 'States Pa. Canadas Agents wanted Apply in by every letter or other wise to the Proprietors and cetal dewly CLAYES, LEE 00.. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, quantitics as they mar wial th WOOD! Of the host quality, elther SAWED OF hand, and Wood orders of tiller al descriptions will be zept constantly on 1 GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, IN LANDS, CLAIMS, AND PROPERTY.

Ives mente made and Taxes paid in Western Lowa and All of Real Estate and Land Warrants bought and sold In 07 the entry ommission. of Land special care will be given to its selection, as detrable one ofour Lands. firm will Any devote information his that may be desired will be entire attention to looking up cheerfully giv. n. CLEVELAND REFERENCES.



PLUCK. BRUCE SON, LAND AGENTS AND BROKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE AND LAND WARRANTS, WILD LANDS, FARMS, TOWN PROPERTY, Fort Dodge, Iowa. the PAY Sclertion PARTICULAR locati.n, ATTENTION with Cash to or Land Warrant la the Fort Dodge, eloux City, and Ozage Land We have rict Agenty lows. lorated at Sloux City and Uaage who devote their whole tine caul attentiou to the traneaction of attegtion, our busi. we wil.

Dess, call the ct Fort NOtPR, Dodge will Drafts and O' thoug Iowa. receive personal remi pro peda promptly in Drafts on New York. Real and Fatate a Land Warrants bought and sold (on TI tion lea to ex tue mined locating of Land Warrents for nonreddents, the loan and Taxes paid. We alsa pay na ticular atten. Ang of money at best western rates, we an locate, to and investments will give generally, plat we examine carefully all Lands and Land description.

Warrant in the above named districts will be 010 per Our Commissione for loaning or locating 160. 49 per 120, $7 p. 80 and 45 per 40 acres, which fees on should War. ac company of one the Dellar Warrant for tach 40 acree, in Biilg or rafts on New and also the Land Office rants York. LAND ENTERFD UPON TIME.

All business entrnered to ur will receive prompt and carefull attention. Corre-pondence Solicited. 128 apr1y WOOD! E. W. ROBY.

OPENED A WOOD Street Bridge, YARD and A erected FEW ma chinery rads 'specially a lapted to the buriness. He will Co'umbus constantly and be prepared to furnish customers in auci keep on band without delay. The business be conducted by the subscriber, Post, to whon or all lef o-ders at the Drug store rI-. C. E.

Ames, corver of shout the addressed, eitber through the Street and tee Public aquare, or at the Insurauce office of Cot MA feb28 No. 4 Bauk Street. C. L. FITCH.

Agent. day, very by large Stock of choice ap21 MORGAN ROOT. R. TOR -Rubber Cord, Long Whale ap21 bodes, and Brass Hoope, MORGAN ROOT. I.


1 WALL STREET, New York. STOCKS Commission. AND BONDS BOUGHT AND Loans and bu iness paper negotiated. Silver, Collections and made Uncur. in all rent parts Money of the bought aud sold.

for the redemption of country Exchange, Gold, country Back Notor. Intercat allowed furniahed on large deposits. or small lots. LAN WARRANT'S in 3md :40 NOTICE. UNDERSIGNED, Robinson OF BEDFORD, Chat Fuctory, together with a large quantity of Aniahed and uniniab having purchased of ed Cane Seat Chairs, and will supply do the urade as good work and on as accommodating terns any other establishment the Sinte.

dtf-ani7 LORD. PARK 00. Administrator's Sale. TIE 2d DAY OF JUNE, A. D.

1857, between hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P.M, at the door of the Court House, on the Public Square, sold in the the City of Cur abova County. Ohio, will be to bidder, the follow ny Real Estate, as the the propeity Situate In the city of Cleveland, and is known as sub lot of James Calyer, decoused, to wit: No. 43 lu John M.

Wolsey's anbdivialon of lots Nos. 136 to 10T, Includve. end of two acre Into Noe. 156 to 162 inclusive, of the original allot pen of Cleveland village, subject to a mort are of Three bundred dollars to John 8. Harbeck.

And also other piece of land. stuate in Bald city o' Cleveland. and known und diA Ingu'pted a map and survey of John M. Wolsey's subdivision Nos. 1:6 to 162, luclusive, and of parta of lots Noe.

156 to Inciueive. of the two acre lots In the original allottm nt of voland village, as the west half of lot No. 26 of -alt wh ch raid last described lot was contracted by 1 ewia lienderer.n contract zer P. la Dow Punderson due to said owing to Caly. r.

and on which there rad Hend and reon for balance of pur base money, the sun of Two hundred and Twenty seven 71 100chs dollars, and to be so sublect or this lien. The Bret de. cribed lot la appraised, to the mortgage as ab ve are at Twenty seven bnndred dollars, and the sec ond described lot la appraised, sublect to said en as above ata ted, at Vie een hundred and Ninety sev. do lars. lot.

Terns or Sa'e, Right hundred dollars cash down on each and the b3 ance if the purchase money in one and two years af ter th-day of s.le, with Interes to re paid annually, and a jd ba. ance to be secured by a mortare on the respective pre palace. M'. SENMUELLER, Administra or. Clare and, Ap-1! 1857.

mal 181 4w AYE STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY, S8. In the of Common Pleas. FRANCIA Plaint DIVORCE. V8. JOBN SCHMIDT.

Detendant.) THE said John Schmidt will hereby take no 1cc on th. 6th day of Way, 1807, the said Francis Schmitt duly fled, in the Clerk's of said Court of CommUD ca8, her pm it on for divorce agal st blay, John Submide. petition set forth that said parties were on or aho the 'd day of Septomber. A. D.

180 8, duly Joined in mar. rave 8 Cl ve 87 in bald county, and aske that the said mar risee contact ray he dis olved on the grounds of fraudulent contract aud ext eine cruelty, ard the raid petitioner may be restored to her iden name, ardf other proper re lef. By HUNT. Attorney for Peutioner. Cleveland, May 7th.

1837. 018 Awd Window Shades! Window Shades A Boquet, Plain STOCK Bordered, OF White GOLD and Buff BORDER. Hollands, Just received at BECKWITH'S CARPET STORE. An experienced upholsterer a' ways on hand to pus them 4p28. PLUMBING.

JAMES Jobs FARNAN Plumbing work CO. of are any now amount, and prepared with their expericuce in the Prumb business, they feel in say with log that they can At up Dwellings, Hotels. Bath Houses, Mine Wash Trays Si he Bathe Water Goseis, Wash 'n such a manner that they will warrant to per constantly on hand regad a large to price assortment and of durability. materials used in Ba- tho Plumbing business, such as Pumps, Load Pipe Sheet We A Lead, Wash sins Bra co*cks. Cooking Ranges.

per anently ed in Cleveland, and we bone of to do the a business that shall merit the confidence and patro publie. Orders for wort respectfully solicited. or Jobbing done with despatch. FARNAN. No.

7 Park Row. MoRAL. 100. BOAT QUILTS. Just BATMOND received.

00. Cleveland, cor. Superior A Seneca sis. Buffalo Main and Seneca Mt. fibany, and 448 Broadcay.

Chicago, 48 Clark nt. Principals. H. B. BRYANT, D.


J. K. M'. 0. O.




IT. GOLFAMITE, J. C. Instructors BRYANT, in the Science W. H.

of Accounts and Locturers FELTON, on Bud E. R. Customa. P. LEMAN P.


SPINCER SPENCEr, INSTRUCTORS IN BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANARIP, AND LECTURERS ON COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. A isened from this College will be good; Buffalo and Chicago, and vice versa. For further Iniormation please call at College Room, 01 send for circular. Address BRYANT ma4-to febl Cleveland. Albany.

Chicago. or Buffalo. DRUGS, LOCATED: NEW DRUG FIRM. UNDERSIGNED HAVE UNITED our large stock, and will continue tte Drug business, al old stand of landerson Punderson, mere recently Palmer Sackrider, No 78 Superior Street. R.

M. HUTCHINSON, TOTE BRUSHES, Window SCRUB Washing, Shoe BRUSHES, Paint and Popes Eyes, for Varnish Brushes, for sale by ocl W. FISKE. RITS TURPENTINE ALCOHOL W. the barre: BURNING.

FLUID, SPI. oat retall. nc2 FISK E. FOR HEALING THE NATIONS OF Sprains, all Burns, their Rheumatier, intirmities, Cancers, such Plies, as Bruises, and for Sores or Lameness in Horses, Use the Mexican Mustang Liniment! For sale by Druggista and Store WESTBROOK, everywhere. G.



49 Weddell House, Lave just received: FINE STOCK OF NAPKIN RINGS; GOLD 'HEAD CANES; SILVER SOUP LADLES; GOLD SPECTACLES; SILVER MUGS AND GOBLETS; GOLD THIMBLES; SILVER TOBACCO BOXES; 3 FINE SETS OF JEWELRY; 'SOLID PLAIN GOLD RINGS; VERY FINE SLEEVE BUTTONS; Everything in the way of JEWELRY OR SILVER WARE, Suitable for the occasion. GO TO NEW THE JEWEIRY STORE! No. 43 Weddell Block, It you want TO SEE THOSE NICE GOODS, WE HAVE JUST returned from New York with a large lot of New Goode cons'eting of WAT of all JEWELRY, an Ane as is wanted. SILVER WAKE, warranted RETICULES, something a the niccal west of N. Y.


for of all Gents Fury description. nice and convenient, VASES, of every description that is Ice. MATRIVET. BENTON ma8 No, 49 Weddell Block. NOTICE.

Co-Partnership heretoforo existing between the undersigned, under H. G. LUCAS this day diesolved collected by by G. LUO IN, and all liabill les mutual consent. All debte due to th the dirm Arni will be ale to Le pald by the assets of the Arm having been transferred to LUCAS.

I Cleveland, April 1st. 1857. GEO. FRANCIS L. ROE NEWMAN.

undersigned of baving above named purchased all the righ FRANCIS ROWE AND GEO. L. NEWMAN, existing heretofore under the name and In the co-partnersuip Arm of -TA1 4 H. G. LUCAR Would now respectfully say, that he la prepared to carry on the busing? City of d.

at the 0 ex abltehment known fo BREWING AND MALTING, In the as the "IVES CLEVELAND and rt the Malt years House on the West Side kLown a the FOREST CITY MALT HOUSE," and takes this opportunity of the of numerous air dly custo Invi. ting mers the and interest friende of and the a Love well known Brewing and Malt. continued support ing All Busine orders 8. and communications addressed to the subscriber be promptly attended to, and all era alone OF is authorized due will late Orm, are requested to be paid him, who to receive n. G.

'LTCAS Cleveland, April 1st, 203 853 8m W. W. GAINES, Agent. 83 SUPERIOR STREET, Melodeon Bul'ding. where all orders be be left and they will be promptly A led.

1m 100DS TO EXCHANGE. -For property rity. EX. GARRETT, maT m19 gwi Era'e 50) Water Street, Steam Engine for INCH Cylinder, 20 Inch Stroke, with 10 Put off, Steam and Water l'ires all complete, with two All of the shive Machinery la nOT, 1 Ct torn run over Boilers 40 It ch. 18 fret lore, dre front grates, weeks, and is in complete cider.

if P. ch HOLT. JOHN ma? m12 3w He wit's Block. Ch voland. Ohio, No.

580. NOTICE Of the establIshment of three addi: lanal Land Once: la the TERRITORY Or TN PURSUANCE OF THE ACT act OF to establish CON. aprored March 8. "An three auditor al land a TERRITOUT of NEBRAAK to be ca led, resyective the LAND the PLATTE RIVER LAND INTENT, and the DAKOTA it la a eclared and nada kncw. that the for raid dintle have been establis ed as followa viz: For the "NEMAMA LAND DR at Browns ille, For the SOUTH P'LATTE DIPTRUT' at Nebr 'ska Cite, For the DAKOTA Disralut" at Dakota Clay, lu sale TerriGiven under my hand.

at the cit of A ashington, this thir. teenth day of April. 1557. By order of aLe S. WILSON.Actit Comma sioner of the General Land Oice.

EXCELSIOR, A LAST AND BEST. -The timo has come when every familv can have and manufacture their Own GAS, thus baring coutrol of tudir own llebt. Tyler Coat's Patent Compound Gas, Made entirely from wood, proudng Th'ny thousand feet Gas from ope rd wood, creting dity cuts 1 er one tuousard feet.It gives as brilant a light as the very best or al. much softer. wi bout any of the unpleasant so peenliar to corl Gas This beautiful light will be on exh'b don for A few dars at my Office Noutb West corner of Onta to and Public square, STEIN.

EARLE Central Market Ground. Pittsburgh Street. DEALERS FURNITURE. IN NEW STOVES, AND. REDS.

SECOND BEDDING and HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES GENERALLY Per cont wishing to to house keeping. as well as thore wiahing to replentb their Furniture, And this the most 4 concilca place in the city to purchase feb1: 199 ny TEW GOODS. -Daily receiving at RAYMOND CO. NE THOUSAND. LADIES' EMBROIDERIED COLLARS.43L de CO.

XE LOCKED LINIMENT. 2 FOR RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN THE SPRAINS, SIDE CUTS BACK. BREAST, 13 war anted edert dore, a ard pear relieves cure. the It lucet acts like a charm. p-nstrates every acute pains in.

mediatelv. TRY ONE BOTTLE. Sold Who aud Retail by GAYLOBD HAMMOND, the only Wh Agents la Cleveland. Retailed by Dryx glate liar lith, 1857. 1rd Ladies Look out for Moths! WILL TAKE OHARGE OF LADIES FURS.

And SLEIGH ROBES. and keep them during the Sammer, frre from Motha, at' a moderate charge, E. STAIR CO. ICE! THE CLEVELAND furnish Familles, ICE Hotela, COMPANY Groceries, are prepared to Rail Roads, with Pure Spring Ice, By the Hundred or Season Contract, on most favorable terras. M.

M. SPANGLER, Proprietors. "LEGAL NOTICES The Kentucky Trust Company Bank, Plaintif, Charles A. Rorborough, Ev. Court of Common Pleas of ellne Roxborough.

John' H. Onayahoga Ohio. Jones, H. Meekine. Johu 1 K.

Georgc Willey and John E. Cary. Defendants. DEFENDANTS, 'JOHN H. JONES, Isaac 8.

Merkins and John R. Meekins, will take on notice the that the P'lalutif, the Kentucky Trust Company Bauk, 31 day of April. 1867, tilod its petition In the Clerk's of Office Uuy. of the Cour of Comm Pleas, within and for the County ahoga, to the Sate Ohio, against them and the sand other Geo. defendaut, A.

Roxborough, Evellue Roxborough, Wiley Said and petition Jouu arts E. forth Cary. that at the November Term, 1854, of the amperior Court of Cincinnati, the plaintiff for recovered the a Judge- of ment the said Charles A. Roxborough sum and unpaid in conta whole or la part, and that said Cha les A. Kox.

add of Suit; that sad judgement is in full force bor ugh bas no personal or real property subject to levy on ex. ecution ratsfy tl.e same. 1854, bald tut petition sald further A. Roxborough was the owner in fee of sets forth that on the 80th day of May, the following de cribed lot or lanu in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuzab ga, ard State of corne Ohio, Bond known and by, York being streets Abe In ruer City, bounded as 'ollows: commencing at the South lot upon the -outh East rof Ear. corner of Bond and York streets, thence South Easterly alorg the Ma-turly line of Bond street forty eix feet thence parallel with York street one hundred feet thence Northerly parallel with Bond street forty six feet to the Southerly line line of of Pork street; thence Westerly along the Southerly York street one hundre1 feet to the pace of beginning: Charl and hat on the said suth day of Mav, 1857, the said A.

Roxbon ugh, insolvent, joined with his wife in such a convey. auce of sal 1 lot to the sald John H. Jones: that convey. Ante w. 8 raudulent on the part of both the said Charles A Roxberouch the said John II.

Jones. and was made and received for the purpose of preventing said plaintiff from bold the collection of said wigement; and that said Jones still the Said petition further gots forth that said Jones is Indebted 'o legal title to said lot. the said Roxborough in the rum of 4400) by eight promissory 1. ote8 of 950, each, dated May 80, 1854, parable in one, two, three. four, Ave, 6 seven nd eight years respectively, without interest.

and secured by mortgage on said Int: that of said notes and said mortgage are till held by said Roxborough ex. copt the note payahe in three years from ita date, whica is beld b. sald defe-dante, Whley and d'ary, as collateral seruri. ty for a claim, which bey bold for collection, a rainst said Roy. and that paid Willey and Cary, and Meekins and Meekina bave borough in favor of said defendants.

Meekils and Meekine, o' her securities in their hands out of which said c.alm may be realized. The object and prayer of said petition la that a1'd converance way be decreed to be vol. and set aside, and that the sald lot and the morgage and indebtedness of the Jcues, may be sub'ected to the payment of sal judgement bald defendants are further not that they are required to answer or demur to said petition, un or before the 18.0 of June, 1-67. HENRY G. ABBEY, Atty for Plaintiff.

Cleveland, April 1', 1857,, 6wd District Court of the District United of Stater Ohio. In Admiralty. For the Nortbera WHERRAS, day a of libel Aprll, was 180T, filed by in Angus said Gillespie, Court agairst the Schooner 1 rader, her tackle, apparel and fur the min lure, of a thirty five llars, for wages accrued to him as leging th there is due him from said Schooner, Mate on board of said Schooner in the month of April, 1857, and and pra' ing that the said Schooner may be condeu.ned Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition, under the seal sold to pay the demands of said libellant. of said Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby er rive in any pub ic manuer notice interested persons that they he and appear the to all claiming the Schooner, said Die re: Court at ('leveland on the fir-t Monday of June 1357, at 100 o'clock A.M., (ir that shall be a day of then jurisdiction, and if art. on the next day of jur1 diction thereaiter.) there to interpose their claims, and to J.

make W. their FITCH, allegations in that bebau. U. S. Marshal, N.

D. Ohio. WILLEY CARY, Proctors for Libellante. 2wd NOTICE. WAGEMAN SMITE,) Lefore of the E.

Peace, Hessenmue'ler, or Clevelanu a Jus V8. tice C. MILLER. ship, (uy al oga 0). the 4th day of May, 1857, said Justice lasted an order of Attachment in the above action for the sum of Twenty.six dollars and costs.

SMITH. WAGEMAN ('leveland, May 9th, 1837. WILLIAM WILD. Plaintiff, Peace. Daniel of Cleveland Stephan.

Justice Town of the ARTOUR HAMENWAT. Deft.) snip, Cuzahoga 0. the 6th day of May, A. D. 1857, said Jus' ice lesn an order of Attachinent in the above action for the sum of Eleven Collars and Twenty two cents.

WILD. Cleveland, May 11. 1857. )iwd Assignee's sale. THE SPLENDID by Dudley STOCK Brothers of DRY Dodge, is GOODS now ofrecently owned the'r old tand on Water street.

The attention fered or Trade sale, a called to the stock, it being large and well reof the all the desirable styles of goods wautei for le ted, this apl4 and 193m the country market. R. C. PARSONS, Assignee. District Court of the United Sty ea, In Admiralty.

4 for the No thern District of Ohio. six libels have been filed in WHEREAS on the 29th day of April, 1657, against furul. the ture schooner by the Free several persons bereinafter mentioned. to wit: Trader," her boats. tackle, apparel and ma 1.

erials El and ex K. pp les furuit hed to said at Butfalo, Bruce, cl itinz that there le due him for N. 2. Y. By in David Apri R.

May Morse, Kurus R. Jobneon, and Chas. G. and June 1856, the sum of $186,15. Miler, claiming that there la due them for materials from and April sup- to piles furuished sale Schooner, as Butfalo, Sep By mber 1 Henry 56, the Lamb, that there 'a due him for ma sum of $258,17.

teria's and rupp les furniehed said sum echooner, of at $75,52. Buffale, N. Y. in April, By May Richard and Parrow, June, 1856, claiming tre that there is due hir for 4. the toware of said toto the port of Uleveland.

wi for Telegraph, on the 2d day of 1837, the ihe sum of By $16,10. William Evans, Nathauiel Clark, Georse and John 5. Dross claiming that there is due them for their A4 ou board of said schooner. To in William the month Evans, of April to 1857. the a Clark, owl 9.6,04; to George Heiner, to to wit: John Drow-en, $6,00.

Leakim L. Lyon, claiming that there la due him for 6, By moucy furnished 1or the of said schooner, at supplies aud Oho, in the month of April 1857, the sum of $38 54. Said Cleveland librliants praying the said Court that schooner "Free Trader, her bouta, tackle their apparel, said and several turniture may demands he con temred and Bold to satisfy againat Now, the ther tamP. fore, In pursua ce of the sever 1 monitions issued 00 several an 1 libels, delivered, under I the do seal hereby give pup ic notice to of said Court ly. to we directed claiming the said or in any mander intereste1 the eir, that obey be and appear of la the June said 1857, at District 10 Court at A.

cleveland that shall he a day jurisdiction, If not. on on the first Monday o'clock of thereafcer,) then and here to intue next their day claims, and to make their allegations in that be half. cerpose J. W. FITCH.

U. S. Marsha', N. D. Obio.

WILLEY CARY. P'roctors f0r Libellants. AD 20 tw. Lewis A. Day and diram) v9.

Plaintitie, Before G. I. Benham, Justice Mack Bronson and one of the Pea in and Cuyaboga to: Gieveland County, Fort, (real Dame. un Township, kuOwL) of partners BroLeon under Ohio. name Fort, Defendants.

the 22d day of lagued au April, order A. of D. Attachment 1857, in said the Jostica of for the the Peace sum $182 20 100tke, with interest at 7 ON above cent. action from april 22d, D. M.

PORTER, per Attorney for Plaintiff. IN THE COURT COMMON ONIG. PLEIS OF CUTA HOGA COUNTY, STATE ALISON BENTON, againa Plaintiff, Notice of 8 Petition for Money ALEXANDER I. HALE, and to subject Lands. -ELLANCR DYNES et Detentens, THE SAID ELENCR sad Alton DYKES isenton, IS on IIERE- the by nstifed that duly Aled in the Office of paid th day of May 1857, his petition against bor, the said Elenor of Comm Gl on others, Pleas, anking for a judgmeut Alex and 0.

Hale for the suin of 15th $69 84 1357, with and for ina terest ainst en thereon it at ten per cent. from Janua, the decree for the sale of the following described tract or lot of Sitnute land, in to tue wit: towpatip of Brooklyn, (as formerly constitu ted.) and which 8 a' so ln the County of fett on Cuyahaza tia and North side Stare of Ohio, and is known twenty by feet being on the wanty South side of lot No. 915 in of lot No. 214 and Roots allotment Farts of original township lots on the forty-eight North Aide and by laud owned by Are. Ellenor 1y kea, forty plus (49), Bald land being could ed and articled by her to Samuel Cutter, and by him assigued to on the East by the east deeded 'line by of aud said El Inte Ace.

tortor 214 and Messenger, 21K, on South side l.y land lenor to Mololes Alleu, on the West by the west line said lute sets forth ibat para Dykes was cr $14 and 216 Sald position some interest in and 'to the said tract or lot o' clair a to virtue have of a certain mortgage deca, for the of three laud, by execuued on the 21th day of' September 1551, and hundred received do lara, for cord in the Recorder's Office of said Ununty of February 1805, and aid is in prior Lie sad Cab day at bis interest in an to said premima sup rio; to that of the as parent laterest of said def. ndant. and Ellenor Said I petition further asks that on the or said premises reef may be applied drat to the to payment come of due the the coets pro of this action, then to the amount due and ee da the on the mor therein gage of described. Bald each 'or the run oi hundred dol. on said premises, and two not's said and four one hnndredth dollars whh lot rest there a at the one ner of coot.

from promissory January Dot 16th P. 1857. be ng other the of bal said prommiseory no en coma due on the ce due on Fald and the October 1557, with Interest from January 29th 1855 29 day cent. till inaturity, and the rafter at ten per cent of at And air that per the balance aid pre may he brougbt into to ah ce the further action thereof, aud the said Ellenor Court Dykes is furth noticed that ale in hy Jaw required to answer or demur 10 said perision cu or before the 1210 dav of July next, Cie eland, May 13th 1857. Atty.

for Plaintif. by R.G. HUNT, mA3-6w-d TOTICE is hereby given that ca a Curaboga petition Ohio, on the be dres presented day of to their regular In Juve, 18 for the to establisn a County Road. bezloning in the center the of the county rond sunning troin the l'arou line East to in lude State pendence, commencing at the foot of the all! in said read, on rowl Fast of the nor the 12 Mile Lock, land own Greeu, at a stone unence of the bouts is Cuvaboga de Hact River: ton chalas to a across stake tie Cuyahoga River on th: line of on the west bank lota No3, 8 and 10 or ice tract to the Caral to Intersect Oblo Canal elev. chains anu linke the State ence, A pril 80, ENRY K.

CADMUS will take notice that Henry C. Burtman. plaintia, did, on the 9th day of MAv, 1967. Ale his petition in the Court of Commaca AR wi'b'n and f. the County of Cuyahoga, in the State of chio, aza not the said I K.

Cadmus and Jaines R. Milla, de endauts. that the maid lenry K. Cadmus, by his attorn in fact James Mills gave a mortgare to the Henry 0. Kurt dated November 5th, 1856, on tue following described land, to wit: tuate in the village of Chagrin Falla, which is alan June in the Conary of Cuvahogn, Stats of Ohlo, and known on 4th, 1852, as shop lot.

then occupied by Willian A. Downing in the of 4 bagria Falls, and the North twenty teet of the South forty feet or lot number seventy la Gardiner lIal. lea's allotment: the North and Sou'h lines being at right angle3 with 'he re In strect in mad village, the East line nar. Allel with the main street in pald village, and feet rear from said street, and twenty feet front on said main street, xt of the lot upon which the post office 110 standa acd being the same premises now occupied by one Stewart 8 store and dwelling. and the same premises deeded by William A.

Downing a id wire to said Cadmus, on June 4. 1352, and re corded in Volume 56, pages 463 and 4, corded in Cuyahoga Connty Recorde to cure the of a note made by said Janna R. Mil's. of even date with said mortgage, payable to the order of Henry C. Burtman, for the sum of and 50 100the six month a from de with interest at six per cent.

until due and ten per out. thereaf er, and praying judgement against James R. Mills for the am' unt of raid note with inter-et, and that one or both of the defendants pay said sum with Interest. accordi to the tenor of said note, or that auld premises may he sold 10 pay the without appraisal and appeal, and the raid Henrv K. Cadmus is that be is requi ed to ap pear a answer or demur to said petition on or before the third Saturday after June 24, BURTMAN, HENRY C.

ma15 m74 8wd By D. M. PORTER, his Att'y. Sunday Ordinances. SEC, 1.

Be it ordained by the City Council of the Cry of Cleve and That no person thall sell, or give away, o- a pose for sale, any Intoxica ing liquor, or keep open auy cal on, grocery, tar, or other ace. on Sunday, for purpose of selling, or giving away, or exposing for sale, intoxica ing liqu r. SEC. That in any prosecution under this ordinance, it shall not tie nec to aver or prove the particular shall kind he of liquor asid or given away, or exposed fur sale, but 14 putticient to aver and prove the same to have been intoxicating qunr. IV.

Ti at any person violating any provision of this or. dinance, shall, on conviction thereof, de fined not leas than ten or more than dollars. SEC. I. Re it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland: That it be un awful for any minor, or ther person or persone, to play marbles.

pitch quoits, or engage within in any other game or sport. or cause a other disturbance the City of Cleveland, on the Sabbathday, common called Sun SEC 11. Tha every person violating any of the provisions of the frat section st this ordinance, shall, for each offence, upon conviction thereof, betore the police court, furfelt and pay ADT eum not ediug 'wenty collars, August 21, 1855 Above Ordinances will he strictly enforced from this date. MaT 8th 1857. mh14 m72 2t SAMOEL STARKWEATHER, Mavor BINGHAM Before G.

H. Beaham, a Justice V8. of the Peace for Cleveland TownBRITT N. PECK Co. ship, a Ohio.

Tour instance an order of Attachment was legued on the Tth day of Mar, against the operty and effect of the aux ve tamed Britton, Peck Co, for the sum of 22 1:0 and costa, and the sama la set for hearing on he 320 day of June, 1867, at 9 A.M. WILLIAM BINGHAM CO. Cleveland, May 18th, malt 3wd BALDW Before G. H. Benham, Justice of the Peace, Cleveland, Ohio.

C. HARMON. AT was my this aay instance an against John order 0. of Harmon, a Attachment non-real dent of county, claiming 0140,93 Coure for trial June 19 at 9 A. M.

G. BALDWIN. May 9, 1861, mall de ad Howe's Patent Elliptic- Spring Bed 17 DEPOT, NO. 21 BANK STREET, LEES ELAND, OHIO. EASE, ECONOMY, COMFORT, AND HEALTH, HAPPILY.

COMBINED! car Responsible Agents wanted in every one of the most valuable and useful, and, at the Bame TN PRESENTING TO THE PUBLIC me, simple and economical Inventions of the age- one that is conceded to be such- we would briefy refer to some of ite mer. ta, and state the course to be pursued in its introduction This Bed Bottom has been In use, at the East, for about two yeare; during which time, it has been gainiog lo private familles and Hotel keeper, might be given, to verify alt public favor; and, were it requisite, bundreds of nares from that is said in its favor. This Spring, however, slande upon its own excels all merits, others, in eimplicity of construction. mechanical skill. and bids defiance to idon, and very far ease and durability.

It la composed of elliptic inde Steel Springa, attached to ordinary slats. esch operating pendantly of the other, so as to conform any the position moat the weight body is may aprilled, an at the same tirue, support ny the assume upon 14 gent, yielding where lighter parts the body. The Springs are inade of the best Steel, bile it la biguly well tempered, known that the spiral spring la after a and will reta their elasticity for ages, short time. This bed will sustain the weight of hundred pounds, without the least infurs: and. at the sane time, yields to the aliguest form.

It affords no harbor for vermin, 1s buska, entirely rasier nolseleas, than any piling up of feathers, hair or wool. It and ONE MATTRAS of Palm straw or is so constructed that persona can repone upon the extreme sides, without the posalbility of the bed's; and it cannot 2 in the middle, bat will always esent au even and square surface for the bed -elf. It occupiss but little space, and on'y can be attached or detached at plessure. In a word, it is the Spring-Bed that can be warranted in what the it is invention, represented we are to pre- be. And pared hav to place it upon any description of bedstead, at the ng unlimited conddeuce very low price of Six Doture and if, after a week's trial, it does not give entire satisfac ion, will remove it, without expense or trouble to the parties, and refund the mouey.

To divest the public mind of all prejudices, which naturally arise, in regard to new inventions, we take pleasure in who, referring toto the following well known geutlemen this city, gether with hundreds of cthers, now have the Springe in use. Ta08. BROWN, Ed. Ohio Farm. Lucite LETTING WELL, Kev.

S. C. AIRIN, D. D. A.


GILLETT, J. P. Weddell House. Ww. D.

OTT. A. P. WINS ow, Am. Hotel.

A. W. FAILKANKA, 4. A URN DIOT, Ed. Herald.


J. W. U.S. Marshal. E.

Pub. Leader. Prof, J. P. KIETLAND, M.


lion. W. B. Mayor. Rev.

J. A. I OLLEA, D.D. 11. S.

STEVE A H. A. M. D. T.



H. A. TEGRY, M. D. Kev.



last Star Fair. 191 Ly GEORGE HOWLETT, No. 15 Water Street, opposite Wm. Bingham Co. HOUSE SIGN PAINTER, CLEVELAND.


199 38rd. R.J St. Clair JENNINGS, St, below Bank. VETERINARY Cleveland, SURG'N, Sclentifc Slex and Lane Horace treated on strictly Principles. Feb.


press Trains, via. Cleveland Dayton Toledo, Mad Railroads. River Lake Erie, and Passengers Cincinuati, will Hamilton take the Cleveland Toledo Rail Road C'ara. 1st 8:00 A.M., Fast Express, from Station West Side, Reaching Held 2:50 Sauduskey P. 10:15 Dayton A.

8:45 1'. Cincinnati 6:80 P.M.; and Belletountain 1:28 P. Spring. Indianapolis A. the Mail Accununodation, from Station, C.

same evening. O. Train R. It. M.

via. R. Olyde L. and E. P.

R. reaching 5:00 r. Grafton, connecting at Clyde with Mail On 6:20 P. and Dayton and Cincinnati same Springfeld evening. P.

Night Extrica, West Side wha. Grafton and A. Clyde, Dayton A. and Cincinnati at reaching Bellerontaine 1:10 A. M.

Springtield 2:00 6:60 Laogaze M. Checked through to Cincinnati and Dayon. Tickets can be procured at Station, or Clair at. Western strecte, L. Tick- D.

et and Freight Office, corner Water and St. nov19 RUCKER, Agent. E. B. PHILLII'S, Superintendent.

Graffenberg Medicines. certify HARTFORD, that, I 'I have rumbull been dealing in the Grate oberg I hereby Ave year-, and can truly ray that 1 have Medicines for the to the public that have met never offered auy approbation of the peupie, like thee; parvicularly decided and Catholicon, they zeli readily and perform all and the Pills is promised for them. I have sold alout Ofty bottles more than the past and I hear the best resu ts to of the Catholicon every ease. J. IL.

C. JOHNSON, Malical Agents. Read what Dr. Buehnell nays of the practice Graffenlarg of the Medicines. most Dr.

B. la a in the Physician County of (Truubull) in which be reeldes. exteusive successful I have us the erg l'ills and Marshall's This cert fes Catholicon, bore by J. V. Jolen-on, in ruy my entire satisfaction, DR.

They G. are W. good BUSHNELL. practice to Hartford, Trumbull 04 March 7th, 1887. has I am been 8 diseases physician of of tbirty remales.

year's They hare generally baffled my practice. My priucipal etudy efforts. Catbolicon I was pleased with them, enve the wedl the composing Marshall's Uterine and found mygelf abundantly success ul. In cine a fair trial, pructice 1 only mitiente tup of my former cases, and cou pot cure one In ten. Now 1 about half the ten in twenty, and cum mitican radically cure I at consider least.

Marsha Uterine Catholican the pate the rest. to females I have ever met with, greatest bleating JAS. H. WILLIAMS, M. Charleston.

I have some thi-ty cares of uterine diseases, Hal I deranged have treated mensuration and complaints bust methods arising of from the schools. and ba.f, in order them. according the to the cubject a Air trial. with Marshall's Uterine Catholto give of the who love ed the Catholicon are ican. well: the Ten reat, out with one exception, (a patient 59 years of age, and worn out.) I are may ra, idly Venture to use the term to cerignate the convalescing.

of the often treated treatment taught and 13 a authorized young by and the strong schools girl -but about one is twenty r01- sonably well, and Five she of the rest seem to be what relieved, years of age, of the and the other nine are bat I exert a return Thus to sets of casea had A singular relationas bad as ever, 98 age an I ay were concerned, ship to each other, never artar could be hav. It Marshall'a Uterine 3 fairer trial A8 the great medicine of the day, beyond a doubt. Ugtholicon K. J. WILSON, M.

Baltimore. For Sale Orders by for Drugg'is Medicines should be to and Medicine Dealere througdout the State. H. B. KLAGSLEY, Clereland, Ohio, A gent for the State.


4, Commercial St. French Brandies and Wines. Distillery of Alcohol, Cologne and dealers Neutral, Spirita, and all Rye kinds and of Dome A No. b5, 67 it 69 Second C'inciunati, 0. AMERICAN AMBROTYPE GALLERY, NO.

95 SUPERIOR most Street, respectfully (Bald luvited win's Block, over E. Ivison.) and The Inspect public this new style of Picare call at smallest NO de3t rize taken irrespective of ures from the W. BROWN, weather, Frobrietor. ledbduf READER, A WORD IN YOUR EAR FROM DOCTOR. WRIGHT.

Pbyalcian, one who has practiced In this duy ovu? a quarter YOU WISIi TO CONSULT AN OLD matters not what your complaint may be you of a do so antury; with it the utmost conidence and by calling can his office, STREET, WITHIN A SQUIRREL'S JUMP ON IN DAVIS FRANKLIN together with lus advice will cost you nothinz. SUP BUILDINGS UP And this, give him complete control over some Long experience as bas others, but more especially the former complaints cad well 14 hiered if I am po which, at all events the call. fur later it is Aged for la your life, at least, hit the nail Ol the bend locked word up to and the the wise key is thrown suricient away. sepi? du B. BARNES FOUNTAINS NO.

FOUNTAINS J. 84 Bank street, (levcland, purchase Fountains, would to dad their the cholce se of all persons wishing to Fountains, which they think can Lot fall to of p*rn to price. Ornamental who anticipate atung any other horena In 08,) reference the City Watts Works (ur Aria wheit well to call at their extensive variety of 1 that COLD they way find the greatest be found in the West. experieuced workmen for fitting up Hotels, Stores, They have Foundrica, Dwellings, Fith Lead or Galvanized Shops Water with bo; and cold Irou lipe, water, for Cooking Baths, Ranges of' improved paterns, Ilydranta Porous Glass Filters, Bras and aud Plated despatch. co*cks, J.

All B. jobbing BARNES. doue with neatness M. W. WILSON.


in Ely's, OHIO. Having had an experienoo of twenty-dve satisfaction years to in those the bud- who ness, I reel con ident of giving entire favor me with their patronage. Water introduced on the most Reasonable Terms. CES. H.

P. WEDDELL, ('levelaud, olio. REV. DR. CARTAR, Clevaland, G.

F. LEA IS, Cleveland, OLio. H. P. STEVENS, Cleveland, Ohio.

O. Rochester N. Y. A. HUNTINOTON, Koch stet.

New York, J.EWIS CHAPIN, Batavia, New HON. JUDGE DIBBLE, Da' avia. New lEAN RICHMOND. Batavia, New York. Silver Medal and Dipioma awarded to my work at HI.

B. REDFIELD. Batavia, New York. Dol8 promptly fm illed. vin No.

17 0. Rroadwav. CHECKS N. F. "Bates World A Fair Premium, are sold only by J.


BARGAINS of various sires and qualities of Havana. Domestic, and German Cigars at gn at bargains for Cash. Nordias $4:00 Orders per and upwards. Operas 8:00 per M. and upwarda.

MADE TO Cleanse the Blood and Cure the Sick; AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, '(SUGAR COATED,) AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. AT for the cure of Syphillia, Seminal THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOS and the InArmities of Youth and corner Maturity, of Main Dr. Wrakness SON, Buffalo, New York, Office INVALI FATHERS, MO HERS READ THEIR AND JUDGE OF THEIR VIRTUES. FOR THE OVAL OF Headache, Sick Headache, PITTSBURG, Foul Mar Stomach. 18'5.

De J. U. ATER. Sir: I have been repeatedly curd of the or Headace any body can have by 8 dos? or 1 WO of your Pilla, once. Ir seama they core others da they cure me, the fact is worth It to ariss 3rrm a foul ptomach, they cleanse At knowing.

ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Y. treat respect, Billions Disorders and Liver DEPARTMENT OF TILE INTERIOR, Wash general Det'n, D.

and C.1 hospital Feb. 1856. prac. tice SIR: ver I since have you usu mate the 0, AR cannot heritate 10 eay that your Pli 8 in my they are the twist C'athartic we emp'oy. consequently The'r are regulating an ad.

sc tion on the liver la quick and decided, n.irable remedy for crangements of discase that so Organ. oratiaate lodeed, tha: it I have fourd a crap of bilious did not readi d10 them. ac-raally 1 yours, Marine Hospital. ALUNZO BALL, First Physician Hr POET OFFICE, HAETLAND, Liv. Mich.

Nov. 16. 1855. Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. have DR.

demy AVER: wife Your more Pula good than I can tell Jou. She had are the perfectiou of medicine. They been and pini: azay for months. She Went then off tr be commenced doctor ed toking al great 10 expe Pil which soon cured her.

by expelling turge se, but got DO quanti les of worms dead, from of her bluocy body. They disentery. alterwards One of cured her had it had, and my wife cured him with two and our two children our neighbors Pils, while others around us 'pa'd Ave to doses twenty of your dollars doc org' bille, and lost much time. without ibe lug eatirely cured even then. will Such be a prized.

medicine as yours, which la actually good and houest. GEO. J. GRIFFIN, Postmaster. From Rev.

J. V. limes, Advent Church, Boston. Indigestion ard Impurity of the Blood. DR.

ATEK: I bave ured your Pille, 1 am with calied ex' to maordinary visit guc dis cers in my To fami regulate and the organs of digestion and purity the blood among those tre 8. bat remedy 1 bave ever kuown and can they are the recommend Very then to my friends. Yours, Adently J. V. HIMES.

DEAR SIR I ain WARSAW, using your Cathartic Pills In my practice, Wyoming N. Y. Oct. 21, 1555. and And them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and pwly the fountains of the blood.

JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Tetters, k. Tumors, and Salt Rhenm.

From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louts. Feb. 4, 1656. St.

Louts TR. ATER: Your Pills are the paragon little of daughter all that of ulcerous In mediclue. Tuye laude have and feet that Lad proved ircurable for cured my for sores upon Her Jer mother has been long grev ously with years. on her skin and a ber halr. Af er our child blotches was ADd cured, pimples she also tried your Pills ane they have cured her.

ASA MORGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout, From the Fav. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist Epia. Ohurch.

I PCLAPKI uld be HOUSE. ungratelul fo abe relief your skill Savan. ah, Jan. 6 1a66, HONORED bt meit I did not report MY case to you. A cold sethas tied in brou way limbe and rought on excruci ting ucura gic pairs, which euded in the dis ase grew worse and worse, unti', by chronic Notwithstanding bad the the best advice of phyticians, your excelleut agent l4 Baltimore, Dr.

Mackenzie, I tr ed your Their effec.a we slow, tur sure. By persevering in the use of them I am Dow enurefy 1855. SANAT4 I have been AMBER, entire cured by Four Pills of RheuBaton Rouge, Da. Dec 5, In matic DR. Gout ArEa: -a painful disease that had VINCENT attited me for SLIDELL.

are. Complaints, requiring an active purge, they are an excellent FOR DROPSY, PLETHORA OR KINDRED remedy. FOR COSTIVENESS OR CONSTIPATION, and as Dinger Fill they are agreeable ant effectual. INeven Deafness, aud Partial Blindness, have FITS, SUPPRESSION, PARALYSIS, been dammation, curvu by tue alterative action of tree Pills. and valuable st of the re.nedy pilis skilltul marset bauds, is la a pub'ic lu contain Mercury which, altho' pill, incantious from the use.

drea These conta no mercury or sub: tance iful cousequences that frequently, follow its whaterer. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Hoarseness, Croup, Influensa, Coughs, Colds, chilis, Whooping Cough, Consumption, ma, Incipient and for the relief of consumptive patients in ad: auced stares of the We disease. need not speak to the public of its virtues. Throughout every wonderful town and cures a of most pulmotary uta bave made it al. every hamlet of the American States its Nay, few are the in any civiliad counnady this known.

continent wIthout soule personal experience of its elf try cts on and tower yet the commu lies anywhere which have not among them some living trophy of its and victory lungs. the Wore sub it tie the and dauger powerful antidote ye: known to man for the for us diceases of the throat is idable meet and Gar gerous diseases of the pulmouary organs, Le also the pleas mutest and eatest remedy that can be employed for infante Parents and should young have perroue, it in store against the insidious enemy that at als upon them uppr pare. We have lives abundant ground to believe the Cherry Pec. oral saves more by the consumption it prevents than they thoee are it curable, cures. nor Keep neglet it by them you, until and no cure human your colds skili can while master the inexorable canker that, fastened on All the know vitals, the eats dreadful fatality of lang disorders, and as they your lite away.

know too the virtues of this remedy, we Deed not We do more than nO angure Do them carP, 1 toil to produce it the must perfect and it is still the best it can be. spare those who rely ou it the best agent which our ski: thus can furnish for their cure. Prepared by Dr. J. C.

Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, well, Mass. PRICE, 25 CTS. PER Ber. FIVE BOXES FOR $1. Sold by W.

FISKE, GAYLORD HAMMOND, M. ILUTCHI Dr. S. SoN, and all Druggists in Cleveland, and all Dealers in Medi MACKENZIE, O. E.

HUNTINGTON, (B. cine everywhere. J. C. AYER 146 Walnut Cincinnati.

DAN PACKARD, Advertising and Commercial Agent. R. F. HIBBARD'S CELEBRATED WILD CHERRY, BITTERS. YSPEPSIA with all its attendant evils, finds an anitdote in the Wild Cherry Bitters, and while the Bitters give tone and energy to the stomach and their ilver, tonic they also powers allay they nervous restore the tone of the stomach, create an appetite excitability and irritation.

As by and regulate the bowels, so. by their sedative effect, and they health. reful move sleep. restlessners, In colde, night-sweats coughs, spitting of blood, or sore throat, and produce quiet invaluable. For testimony Head the following certif.

they are cate: Mr. R. F. vertly believe that your Cherry Bit tors been the means, through Providence, the of saving year my I Lad life. I have bad been CoUGH.

It becanie worse and worse. At last ailing for several years, and for last a very large quantitics of blood, had night-sweata, and WEE raised debilated and reduced, and not expect to live. After using greatly a few bottles of your Bitarry there has been a wonderful change wronght in me. 1 ail now able has to left walk me, all You over CAD the city. I raise no blood, and my cough well imagine that I am thankful for these results.

Prepared M. and sold MARTIIEK. by FULLER UNBORN, Nassau No. 170 Brooklyn. New York, and also sold PALMER SACKRIDER Cleveland, Ohio.

PRIVATE AMOS Quay A (up MUST stairs.) SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Nervous Dehility, or Debility, more Low pro perly bernal Weakness wear of the Back and Limbs. Dimnes Spirits, incapacitatlug Its vicum 10r busineas, or Lassitude, of Vision, rendering him misauthropical and suicidal in hir matrimony, arrested, aud permanently cured ir from propensities, tifteen to 13 twenty by the WE cf thy when used conjointly with PARTICULAR NOTICE. AMOS SON are the only of Physicians Surgeons, in the London, State grad wht Dr. are of members one of of the the most cminent Colleges in the United States Royal College uates in annouaciag that they have invented a mOBi pleasure instrument for the cure of the above diseases.

It has important to a test. by the most emineut physicians in LeD been Paris, subjected Philadelphia and New declarer don, be the lustrument ever yet discovered for the curt to of Seminal eakness, or any discase of the genital orseue from the solitary habits of man self either iudulgence for marriage, which or destroy arising both body and rind, unfitting ciety. Dr. AMOS SON, In order to antiaty the most skeptical el to the merits of their lustrument, pledge themselves thus in GD) instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial the money will be refunded by returning the Instrument in good order. Persona wishing the abovo useful Instrument will observe! that the price, with the accompanying packed and sent by NEW expresa ja AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Discases, and all private complaints, gleer, tires, seminal weakness, pains in the loins, and affections skin.

and of the al kidueys, of the bead. throat, nose those dreadful affections arleing from a secres hault of youth. which produce constitutional debility, renders mind, impor. able, and Ln the end. demons DEBILITY.

and OENERATIVE Seminal Weakness, Impotency, unhappily so Intemperance, frequent ard excess c1 prevalent pleasure, mental sympathy, or other injurious arlaing either from earls abuse, have yielded in abort time to their mode of etcted treatment, a com- and they have in many Bi plet? The above disease are generally seated in the most Important orgaus of the human frame. victim, So and manifold the are the consequence dangers which to. they which may they entail, expose not only on his health. but that of his offspriug their also. are en serious that we are Struck with surprise when we consider that the has Forged the exclusive limited object number of ac of few the Medical latter, that we look for a reason why the treatment of is doubtleas in the very those complaints is so inferior to that ofali it for a others, period and of that mort DC sensible centuries, during which the same means have bt ed improvement has been made In that employed three a4 continues to be prescribed at the proment dayTuence disorders 14 16 has by NO become rue dumala as It were, of quacks and em if the ef these pirios, who, develd of all medical the science pomer of and legal deciding lizht upon what the ever, halib, arrogate and upon the life even.

of their fellow -creatures. The to themselves purpose we have in view is, to natch the SD4 vi.tiina cupidily of those pre tenders from she we succeed, our task will receive the ttarly happiest laying accomplishment, and our long and laborious research en their noblest reward. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION, Dr. AMO8 SON have for a long series of of years these been delicate eD raged complainta, in an and ertensve are the practice only in legaily the Physicians who, treatmens regardless of the taunts and conflance, envy of the through the medium and of mock the public modest, press, to direct attention to those enormous evila, from have had the of which practice no trade they have bees amply rewarded by the great sucora of society la free. In selecting this department that has attended their efforts in the treatment and of these cares which arc so generally confided to unqualided ignorant pirica, whe, with their pretended pirated publications of their patent assure nostrums foreign bare names and indicted titles, serious and Injury on those who bave bean laduced place faith in their ABROAD.

Review. TO PATIENTS Dr. AMOS SON have made and arrangements whereby paska can be forwarded with secrecy dispatch to My part the world. Address Dr. AMOS SON, cor.

Ma'a and Quay streets Budalo, N. F. lyrdw BUTTER EGGS elde Public AND Square. MAPLE SUGAR, ma-2 IT. HICKOX.

A NOTHER PRINTS. LOT OF THOSE SUPERIOR 64 STREET. MADmalt m63-2w 169 -For FamiliesAp23 E. W. PALMER.convenient article.

WEDDELL HOUSE STREET, SHOP, NO. 19 BANK CLEANLINESS, HEALTH, COMFORT. Citizens and Strangers RESPECTFULLY NOTIFIED trat Fleidner's Warm and Cold Baths, reads. clean, comfortable DYING, And above SHAVING, ground. Are al HIS HAIR AND DRES-ING, PERFUMERY HAIR DEPARTMENTS, ARE CHARLES FLEIDNER, UNRIVALLED! feb29 Weddell House, Bank St.

Pocket Marine Telescopes. FINE. Steam test Craft them. at and Vessel Dias Captalus are lovited 29 SUPERICR STREET. OOK HERE.

-The new goods see: we are lop ning daily are worth J. seeing. R. Call ALBERTSON and CO. Cor.

Superior St. and the Square Better assortment cannot be CLOCKS. Oblo. A Call and wee. J.

R. ALBERTSON CO. FOR SAGO, am TAPIOCA, Corn Starch, MACARONI, Farina, Wha Gri' 1y BROTHER. CARDS. KAIL ROAD Cleveland Pittsburgh Railroad.

A 2 23 SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Trains Run Through to Wheeliug Pittsburgh, AND AFTER MONDAY MARCH 9th 1857, Trains will be run daily as follows: LEAVE CLIVELAND. M. Mail Train, stops at P. all M.

and Way at Stations Wheeling at arrives 4:15 P. at 7:45 A. Pittsburgh at 2:25 M. Express Train, at Hudson, Ravenna, P.M. liane Bayard, Sallneville, Well De and Liver.

6:16 P. Mr. pool, and Accommodation arrives at Train tor at Kaveuna 8:40 P. and M. Way Star tione.

Ma'l Train, LEAVE stops at Way Stations, arrives at Cleve 9:45 A.M. land at 4:50 P. and Wheeling 3:55 P. M. Ex: rene Train, stors at A ay Moultrie Stations and except Winchester New 8:00 P.M.

Salisbury, East Rochester, arr ves at Cleveland 9:50 P.M. and Wheeling at 7:45 I'. M. Mall Train, LEAVE stope Way Stations, arrives at PittsWHEELING, 1:86 P. M.

'at Pittsburgh at Train, 8:40 P. st M. pe and Cleve and at 9:50 P. 9:15 A A.M. M.

burgh at 2:20 and at Cleveland at 4:50 P. M. at Way Stations arrives re M. Accommodation Train leaves Karenna at 9:23 A. Hudson A at 10:00 A.

J. stops at all Stations, and arrives at eveland All at Trains 11:15 A. stop M. at Euclid Street Station. Train leaves New Philadelpbia 7:45 A.

M. Dover at 8:05, Tuscarawas Branch. Wa besburgh at 9:25 Arrives at Bajard at 10:20 and Wt connecting with I rain Havard at 1 45 P.M. arrival of Tralu from Main Line, for Cleveland, 0. ing.

P. Leaves at 2:45 P. M. Arrives Dover at 4:00 and and New Philadelphia at 4:15 P. M.

No change of Cars between Clereland and Pittsburgh and Wheeling and Pittsburg Connections. Trains connect at Hudson tor Cuyahoga Falls, Akroa and Trains Millersburgh. counect at Cleveland with trains to and from the East West All tratus cunnect at Alliance with the Trains of Pittaburgh, and South. Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad, for Enou and Valley, at Roches Colual ter biana, for Salem, Pulladelphia, Bahimore and New York. ('anton, Mussiion, and Worster, Tickets can be purchased at tie the 45 on various the Line, connecting also at all the principal Ticket vitices of Koads.

Fare to the Eastern Cities as low as by other Routes. Sapt'e U. P. Railroad, J. DUKAND, Cleveland, March 6.

1856. Superintendent. CARDS. U.S. ADVERTISEM'TS.

ARRIVALS Buffalo, AND Albany, Erie, DEPARTURES OF DuE, 9:80 A. M. and 5:20 Canada, Roches 7:00 A. M. and 7:80 P.

M. ter, Syracuse, Portland, DUE, Painesville, Ashtabula, Conneaut, way, 2:65 P. M. CLOSE, 7 A. M.

Dux, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 7:30 A. M. Cross, 1:83 P. M. Dox, Washington, 4:45 P.M.

CLOSE, 1:80 P. M. DUE, Akron, Millersburgh, 11:14 A. M. CLOSE, 8:80 P.

M. DUE, C. P. R. way, via Pittsburgh, Hudson, Steuben ville, Kaver da, Wellsvile, 4:45 P.M.

CLOSE, 6:80 A.M, DUE, C. M. M. K. viz: Warren, Youngstown, Chagrin Falla, P.

CLOSE. 0:00 A.M. DuE, Colurabus and Cincinnati, 7:35 A. M. and 2:55 P.

M. 6:80 A. M. and 0:30 P. M.

Doz, Mansfeld, Mt. Vernon, Newark, 2:55 P. M. 7:00 A. 3r.

DUx Zanesville, Wheeling, 9:20 P.M. CLOSEA, 6:80 P. M. DUE. Chicazo, Milwaukee.

Burlington, 7:80 A.M. CLer, 2 P. M. DUE, 9:20 0. P.M.

0. O. R. R. viz: Wellington, Deleware, 1:80 P.

M. DUE, A.M. C. T. K.

North, viz: Sandusky, Elyria 7:80 CLOSE, 2:00 P. M. DuE, Toledo, 9:48 P. M. Croex, 2 P.

M. DUE, Mad River R. viz: TiAn, Dayton, Xenia, 8:43 P. M. CLOSE, 7.A.

M. DUE, 0. T. R. K.

way, south, viz; Norwalk, Oberly 8:43 P. M. CLOSE, 8:00 P. M. DuE, Ft.

Wayne, Bucyrua, 9:20 P. M. CLOSE, 7:00 A. MA Dur, Indianapolis, 9:20 M. CLOSE, 7:00 P.

M. Dux, St. Louis, 9:20 P.M. CLUBE, 2 P. M.

ICE, Louisville, Nashville, 9:55 P.M. 5:80 P. M. ICE, Detroit, 9:43 P. M.

CLoer, O. 2 P. M. R. viz: Salem, Wooster, Massilo: P.

M. CLOSE, 6:90 A. M. DEE. Medica, Brunswick, Parma, 4,80 P.

M. (LOSX, 8:00 A. M. DUE, Rock port, Dover, (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day,) 9:00 P. M.

(Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday,) 4:00 A.M. Doz, Euclid, East Cleveland, and Collumer, 10:00 A. Mt. CLoer, 1:30 P.M. DUE, Wadsworth, P.M.

Granger inkley, (Tuesday sud Friday,) 5:00 CLose. Wednesday and Saturday, 6:80 A. M. Copley, Tues. Sate, 5:00 P.M.

CLodE, 6:30 A. M. At the Depot. City and Town throughout the West. LEa January 97.



Servous. Capt. We also append a few of the many notices from the press, W. C. ELION, which this la vention has called out: Howe's Patent From the kl'iptic Oh Spring Bed We hare Farmer, (Cleveland.) Springs, and so have scores of others the cheap, citr: simple, and tried these we know them be just the thing--comfortable, and durable, From the Baltimore Weekly Dispach.

This point Spring, of (Howe's,) durability, la will very last as long as the bedstead to simple in construction, strong, and, which in It is attached. Those who have tested it, are unanimous its praise. From the Commercial Advertiser. Hewe's Spring Led is one of the most of us-ful mankind. articles It ever la uni.

inver vented, sally for admired the and applauded, by all who examine it; And comfort and convenience those whe have tested les merits, say they would not do without lt. From the Hartford Evening Press. "Howe's Elliptic Spring is a new Invented invention, for and the oh we ecta think it designed, one of viz: co fort and health. For sick. the Lest constructions ever ness, it must be invaluable; aud the invention being so clearly useful and heap, must come into general From the Intelligencer.

Howe's Patent Elliptic Led Spring in attracting universal ad. miration, from all of people. It- perfect adaptation to our requirements, Its unalterab elasticity, the adjustment, pride all and demand beauty of the Elliptic Spring, and its proper our admiration, and compel us tu place It in the foremott rank among modern inventions. From: the Cleveland Morning Leader. Howe's Patent aping This in a eimple inven.

tion, anything but of the kind we have ever even. We speak advis uly, ne of great value, surpassing. iud. ed, in every respect having one of the articics in use, which we value very tighly. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Howe's Patent Elliptic Spring Bed. This invention is hav. lux a great popularity. A glance at article, will convince auy oue that the invention la one of the most meritorious ever introduced here. 3 Agencies.

Having unlim'ted facilities for manufacturing, and supplying any demand which way be made upon us, we are De the prepared to establish Agencies for the sale of the Springs, upon most fay: rable terina, every city and town throughout the State. lib Public Houser, Steamboats, supplied in quanties, upon eral terms Ail communicatione in ra'erence to Rights, A cies, or otherwise, should be adore red to GRAY CO. Proprietors, 21 Bank Street, ('leveland, 0.0 P. S. Our Springs can only be procured in this city, at the General Depot, 21 Bank where citizens generally, and la dies in particular, are invited to examine then.

MECHANICAL. TOT AIR FURNACE. N. A. TILATING Boynton's HEATERS New -Ave and diderent Improved aizes adapted VENto all classes of public and private buildings.

This Furnace differe from anything ever before offered to the public. Iti 1 peculiarly of its adapted self-clearing to the use radiator of bi an uninous important coal. and the construction is consideration, 98 it cffectually obviates the necesalty of clear. Inz. These Furnaces have been thoroughly tested the past winte: in New York, Philadelphia, entire Buttalo, and satistaction.

Detroit, and in every Instance have given the most For Bale by SMITH KELLOGG, jelcl9tf Railroad Block, Water Street. SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Owners of Steamers, Propellers Schooners and other Lake Craft. THE subscribers beg leave to call your at tention to the Double Action Force arranged e1 pressly for Vessel use. They are very eiruple in construction readily understood by all, compactly arranged, not liable to get out of order, and for great durability am power, unsurpassed.

As dre engines they operate perfectly.PRICE $35.00. E.G. DAY CO, Union Pulp Worka, 113 John N. Y. E.

L. SAY, Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. These Pumps may he seen in operation at the Custom House where ordera will he received by the Ageut. Also Pumps 10 Wells and Cisterns, on the sane principle. Saunas Odell's BRASS FOUNDERING AND FINISHING SHOP, Cur- Brass Work of every description made to order.

Nos. 8 9 West Hewitt's Steam Block. Feb. 24. 195 6m AWNINGS! AWNINGS! every kind and shape made and put up at the shortest and at prices that will suit every Q40, TENTS, BIGS, COTERS, BEAUFORT NICHOLS.

Sail Mak rs Rigg. ligand 111 River St Advice to ilusbands and Wives. A ISO TO THOSE Colored Steel CONTEMPLATING Plates 35 CentsPlain Plates 25 Cents, free of postaxe. This work contains a dissertation on the necessity of Mar riage. Instructions in Courting: with a cure for Love, 0' celibacy, Cohabitation, cause of Sterility explained.

incronse o1 faruily, with many other useful lustruction the Frenc of Jean Dubols. Address HENKY S. G. SMITH CO. Cox 4210 Post Oilice, New (AGENTS WANTED.



Parks, Cemeteries and br of Pleasure Labdscape Grounds, Garden To an elegant (whor* Art the la so generally cu he is fully highes; tax competent 8 to give thore who may employ him professionally in the tne stock of of their homesteads. W. R. has also a Ornamenial Trees, Erergreens and Larre Fr it Which he will plant and wurant for two I. fears.

at moderate Trees Every variety of Roses Hardy and Evergreens, Herbacous cidious l'lanta, i.g low Flowering Fruita, 0.8 any VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHED Ca gya dly Josiah Humphrey's Academy for Drawing and Painting. SUED to this School will be such as to ensure to the Stu. FAIRS ONURSE OF dent a correct and scientitc knowledge of of the Art of Drawing and its application to the common continued uses as u. life. ual.

General clas :28 The select being classes tormed, in which the number of Sind will not will be be liours of and study, the terms trout will till dally, lower, except Saturdara, which day la Specimens ruserved are for on view special at the Utict, where other luformation instruction. mAT be obtained, REV. PROF. 8. SAMUEL ST.



ENT ALL. AAr ap22146.1y 1 C. JAS, A. W. WIL.LARD.

CAPRON. Jellies. ORANGE, Currant, PINE Grape and Guava. APPLE, In half pints, QUINCE, pinta Quarts and two cans. de29 ha9 Fresh ly made and warranted.

WEAVER BROTHER. Preserves. berry, Quince, Pear, ('haw Chaw. Lin es, in quarts, lab PINE APPLE, GINGER, CRAN. gallons and 7 D.

stone Jars. WEAVER Varrar.ted BROTHER, fresh. gallone, de30h28 19 181 Surerior ar Publi Square. VERBENAS. des'rable kinds Our of this collection conntry and embraces Europe.most Over one k5 homered BEAUMONT (O.


Also will be in weekly receipt of new caught Fish during the Fish B. A. BRAGG, occupied James Bennett, in rear of Parson's Block TAKEN THE SHOP FORMERLY and Commercial House, where he intends carrying oa the HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS, Strictly on the cash sys'em. Ha ing had twenty that years he can experi- gire ence at the businezs in the East, leel conOdent entire satisfaction Horses Bund on short notice. and particular attention paid $1,50 to for Shoeing ROw, and 75 centa for getting.

shoe by cy Horeca, For the improvement of stock, Ar BRAGG keep NAPOLEON MORGAS, and YOUNG GIFFORD Jan. bil ly 300. store TUNS and arriving, FRESH for sale BABco*ck GROCERIES by HURD, IN mari7 16 Water Street. Fruits. Pickles.

NCHOVIES, OLIVES, SARDINES, A Currie Powder, Prunes Figs Raisins, Nuts, Bur nett's, d-29 h88 ly braced Flavoring Extracts. WEAVER PROTHER. SHAKER Colored, JUST --50 RECEIVED. Dozen at all Sizes, SHAW New Millinery Store, 12y St ee. FRUIT CANS.

CANS, PATENT preserving. SELF Fruit, SEAL- Vegeta ING AIR requiring no TIGHT war, or cement. Quart, half for and callon mie by DOTH EL da PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE, RAILROAD. connecting the Atlantic THE cities with Western, Northwesteru and western at States Pitta Ly a burgh continuous with daily Railway line of direct. Steamers to all ports on the Western This road also connects Rivera, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers all OR ports RAPEST on AND RELIABLE EL UTE, by which FREIGHT can be the Northwesteru Lake; the most DIRICT, forwarded to and from the Great Weat.

RATES BETWEEN PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS Bouts Shoes, Dry Goos, (in boxes bales and trunks) Wats Capa, For 75 c. per 100 lbs. Hooke. Drugs (in boxed and bales,) Domestio: Sleeting.

Spirting and Ticking (u original bales), Drugs (in caske), Ha dware). Leather (in 60 c. per 100 lbe. rolla or boxer, (Wools and Sheep Pe.ta, ward, THIRD CLASS -Anvils, Stool Chains, in casks, Hemp, Bacon and Pork, manufac Salted 60 c. per 100 lbs.

(loose or in sacks), Tobacco tured (except cigars or CUt) 40. FOURTH CLASS Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nalls, Soda 40 c. per 100 lba. Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, FLOUR per bid. until further notice.

GRAIN -85 cta per 100 lbs, until further notice. COTTON-2 per bale, not exceedinx 300 lbe. weight, an. MI forther notice. in shipping goods frem any point east of Philadelphia, be particular to mark packages via Pennavivania Railroaa.

goods conagned to the Agents of this Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburg, will be forwarded without detention. Wormly Memphis, R. F. Sass St. Louie, V.

S. Mitchell Son, Evane. ville, Dumernil, Murdock, and Carter Jewett, Louisville, R. C. Mieldrum, Madison, N.

w. Springman Brown, and Irwin Cincinnati No. 54 Kilby. Graham Boston; Deech Co. 1 yech No.

2 Astor House, New York: No. Willian strect and No. 8 Battery Place, New York; J. Specder, Philadelphia: Magraw Coons. Baltimore Geo.

0. Francis ens, Pittaburg. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, H.

J. Eup't, Altoza, Pa. May 1, 1St. Ingrain Carpets. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT JUST A Some enti-ely new parterns, at mar26 BECK CARPET STORE.

MATTINGS! received. MATTINGS! resent -100 troubles Pieces in china have made these very scarce. We are felling at last year a prices, st mar26 BECK KITH'S CARPET STORE. NEW GOODS WE ARE and NOW Carpete. REmar26 celvicg our Spring Stock of TAYLOR, Dry Goode GRISWOLD cc.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL 'CHALLI DE Buff Prints aid Shirring Calicos have come. mrr26 TAYLOR. GRISWOCD CO. In Tubing for Chain Pumps, Water Conducting Pipe. WHEELER WATERS Hospital.

1 1 1 TO THE PUBLIC. have for the lari year watched and exandined Artifcial with Teeth. car.D ar Loon I to' new mode of making and setting The Teeth Having, ant P'late surgeon, been (from obliged to all being connected and of the saint kunw much of all benitate the to previous state that this invention of Dr. Lodes of masing and teeth. I do not plan, and that his invention will is soon tar be rior concidered to any as or of the great professional improveof the age.

The statement is made after its a long practical and utili. care. merits ful investigation of the matter, and observing ty. dive at Cleveland bI dical College, April 23d, 1855. L.

A. ACELET, M. Prof burgery. bave examined quite a nwnher of specimens of Dr. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY.

I Is Loomis cornists of the naprovement" entire in set 1. of teeth, together with gums and entistry. the root of the meuth, being one solid their piece of appropriate porcelain, colore. the whole The teeth are worn with great comfort, there being no heing beautifully enameled with be ties in for the the old lodgement muthod of gold plate atting, however well it may of par deles of fund, as there must alwaye be executed. many alvantages are cheapnese, durability, and and uillity in masticating tood.

Among the Dr. M. Looms In 1849. it will he recollected, a student of br. Wrig: and after laboring hard patent to both bring in his Improve couutry ment to perfection, letters and in Europe, remembered his old friend and preceptor, West.

and gives him an opportuulty to bare wish T. him in GARLICK, the M. D. Clereiand. April 1856.

0c8 tm610 1A27 Wisconsin and Illinois V. taken at HARN par for Dry Superior Goods. St. OF BANKS OF INDIANA, SPLENDID STOCK OF EMBROIDERIES euliing of at GREAT T. CO.


No. 9 Ontairo Street. LEXANDER'S KID GLOVES. assortment -The only and roliable colors on hanu and ricelved weekly from the A Glove manufactured. A full of numbers nad Importer.


RAYMOND CO. Farms in Ohio or Merchandize Wanted in IN Tarna, exchange Mahaska and for Iowa good counties in Farming State of Iowa, Lands Inclu. in Illinois. Will A. exchange these ding other good property Lands, a3 ab on fair terms.

Real E.3 ate Ottice, 5. Water St. mal4 m71-1m AT House, No. 9 West Side, on Monday evening. 11th Inst.

MEETING HELD AT ENGINE to confer with a delegation from the No Fire Department, as a candi for the purpose of se lecting a sul'able Assistant meinber Engineer, whi resulted in favor of Dir. GE cate for RGE NEVILLE, the choice cf the Fire Department of It the was West reenlved that the selection mode by Fire Companies and 10, meet with a like response also, aid from us the in Fire eecuring epart- the No'e meat, generally, in of the whom East the Side; West Side Firemen Have entire Election confidence. J. RADCLIFF, Sec'y. Cleveland, May 12, 1657.

ma15.1.79-2wd WILL OPEN ON MONDAY A LOT SILKS from Auction. FOREST 8g per CITY yard. STORE, 180 Superior Street. POPLINS! POPLINS! EST Just CITY STORE, received, a ap25 160 Superior Street. WATCHES and the prices and ALBERTSON be CO.

en- had Ohio. Ca'l and see. J. R. -For Misses and Boys, elastic tops.

GENT'S HOSE, all styles. LADIES' White, Brown mal6 and Colo: ed HOSE. H. D. KENDALL CO.

NOTHER One Case Shilling BUFF per rard. ENGLISH 4 H. D. KENDALL CO. A DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, -Full assort- 16 Ontario Street, 2 CLEVELAND, OLIO.7 FIC.

A Chan RE a NOW rew and is kind adapted MANU. for for conducting Water from Springs, and Induction and Discharge Pipe, for Force and Suction This Tube is bored out of Cak, -saple and Whitewood with in sectiona fee: long connected socket joints, and when put togeth or wild be periectly water and air tight. ore Tub bail, Lard making wood the Chain Pump the mott durable and best Tube add. to the durability and ease all of mode Those of wishing drawing to avail themaelves of Tube for Chain l'umpe or water from well and cistern now iu Pipe tor conducting water, would do well to exami. this Tubebefore ueing any other kind.

March 27. Display of Mantillas. We shall open about the 15th of th'a month, two Cusee SPRING AND SUMMER MANTILLAS. Mantillas just arrived by the amer and elected articles of by La. our dies' unstume, will in be Paris.

round, a grent variety of y. from Among these el gant up to 4100 apioce. 35 RETTBERG HAUSMANN. Improvement in Dental Surgery. M.

L. A RE Seta and NOW Full Malf Seta, and MANUFACTURING Partial Sets of Teeth, FULL made entirely of Porcelain, and is the same the that Committee referred on to Chem. by Professor J. the L. product Cassela, of Chendcal action a'eo by Mr.

SturdiChairinan of Icals, of Committee on Metals, in which the lat ter vant, save the Chalrinau prepared material from which our teeth are made La deserving the highest commendation, and retra 19 Professor Cas Your Report, Committee which reads: recconuned that a Diploma be awarded to M. L. Wright, M. cf Oleveland, and Ohio, Terth for the best manufactured speci. men from of the acme.

Porcelain The material specimens prepared, of Teeth, both full and partial seta far excel in beanty aud appar ut cony in usefulness favor of anything their of the ity, kind we seems have to be of the most rellable chars even, and the testi FAIR, 1856. Teeth, plate and all, cre math from for one a solid metalic piece base. of true Our Porcelain, am subatitutes a This was patented In the United cod States May France. al, as 1864, will lee and in seen the by fcllowing referring Octoler the Patant Reports. Therefore we is England any one claiming to use W.

a Burell porcelain base Dr A. Wella to ours, Dr. with the exception of D. Pulliips and M. L.

Wright in the imposition. south and If an in- 18 either guilty of an infringement or an the law allows if 80 they will be dealt Our Impraition wand act at the late State Fair as speci. let it cure for known and appreciated bi the mat State Board, and theretor: the Diplomas are under the abova bead. ce No- 190 Lake Oppualte the Marine L. WRIGHT CO Hospital.

TRANSPORTATION. Liverpool, Philadelpuia and New York SCREW STEAMSHIP COMPANY SPLENDID STEAM. ships forminz the above Line will sail from NEW TORE a follows: CITY OF 90in April, Capt. Jeffrey. 14th May.

ClI MAN I Petrie, 28th CITY OF Lettch, 11th June, And every alternate Thursdav. From LIVER POOL every alternate Wedreaday. Fore frein New York, Cabin Third :0. Fare from Liverpool, Cabin $76. Thid Class 940 RETURN TICKETS available for six months by any a tea? er of the line.

CABIN, CLASS, These Steamers are supplied with improved partmeute, aud carry exper euced surgeons. Persona about p.cceeding to Europe, or wishing to send fo their to the oto country, can purchase Tickets and obtain a.1 info ration by applying to J. G. DALE. 13 Broadway, N.

Y. SABEL COR IS, 177 Broadway, N. er at the Bank ing and Exchange Office ci J. Herdman 11 Water Street, CLEVELAND, Parage Certificates by First Class Sallirg Packeta between New York, Liverpool, 1AVTe and German also, raft irsued by the above Arms to suit, parable throughou. the Conticent of Europe, Great Britali and Ireland, ap9 1857.

1857. FOR GREEN LAY AND The Fine Low Pressure Steam' re MICHIGAN QUEEN CITY. OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS WILL lesve Dock of Mix Morris, every week during the of Navigation, for the above rts. Fredebt received 1 store. For Freight or P'assage apply to mar-0 8m MIX MORRIS, Agents.

TEAM BETWEEN NEW YORE AND EDINBURGlI, tons. Commander, Ww. Oum. MuNo; NEW YORK, 9150 toDs, Commander ROBERT CRAIO GLASGe W. 1969 tons, Commander, Joan Duncan.

Are appointed to sail FROM GLASGOW, NEW May. May. EDIN NEW June. FROM April, 19 o'clock, noon EDINBURGH, 2d May, NEW 6th May. .20 June, RATES OF PASSAGES FROM FROM NEW FORK.

First ...15 guineas, First Class Steerage, found with Steerage, round with cooked provisions, 8 cooked 80:00 An Surgeon attached to each Steamer. Passengers lutending to go by this line of steamera should pay no attention to reports of the Bertha being all tab eu, but apply at the office immediately on arriving in the city. Beware of Emigrant For Freight or Passage, apply New York City Bills or Gold only received tor passage de MON, 17 Broadway, New de FOR GERMAN PORTS. YORK, BREMEN SOUTH. AMPTON UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM ERS- The comprising this Line are, the WASHIASTON, Capt.

E. Cavendry, Capt. Edward Hig Eins. These steamers stop at Southampton, both going AND AND returning. PROPOSED DATES OF BAILING --1857.

From South From From ampton for New York Bremen New York, Suturday Saturday Wednesda Feb. 21 Ft b. 25 H. D. KENDALL CO.

Crowley's A 1 Feb 21 Mar 31 Mar 25 Mar 21 April 18 April WASHING April 19 May 16 May 20 May 16 June 13 June 17 13 July 11 July 16. July 11 Aug 8 Aug WASHING 8 Sep 5 sept 9 5 Cet 8 Out WASHINGTON. 8 Oct Nov 4 Oct 30 Nov 18 Dec 3 18 Dec 26 Dec 80 Stopping at Soutampton, both going and returning. they offer oeeeding to Londou and Havre, advautages Of ur every other route, for the economy of time and money. PASSAGE FROM NEW YOLK TO LOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN.

First Cabin, Main Saloon, First Cabin, Lower Saloon, $110; All Second letters and 364). newspapers must pass through the Post 00 do. 28 No bill or lading will be sigued or parcels reucived on the day of salllug. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each ablp. For freight or passage 0.

SAND, 11 Mouth William Street, New York, C. A. Bremen. CROSKEY Southampton. WM.

ISELIN, lavre. OMNIBUS STREET LINE. PROSPECT ST. to Corner of Hudson-at and 12 A. and P.

M. Return to corner of Superior WA ter at 10 A. M. 4 and P. KINSMAN ST.

to Water Cures--at 9 and 19 A. and P.M. Return at and 10 A. M. 4, and M.

WEST SIDE, to Reservoir-at and 19 A.M. and P.M. Return to Commercial Hotel at To 1K end 64 P. M. Tickets at all the Book Stores.

H. S. STEVENS. 1. 1AM.

dtf BUSINESS CARDS. Rolls of Wall Paper." MUST BE SOLD WITHIN Sixty days. They have beep bought at a low Agure, and will be sold at New York pr.cee. They consist of every Va lely of' etyle; varying in price from 8 centa to 31 per roll, en band a magnificent assortment of GOLD and VET BORDERS. This establi-bment have no by rents to pay and keep no dead heads.

Remember the DOWNIE'S, place, Corner Wood and Rockwell Streets. Painting and Graining done la every variety aud style mar20 j92 8m Take Notice. EASTERN are CARRIAGES COST, and for CASH, BUGGIES at 55 BANK STREET, To mak croom for a freah supply. F. C.

DATTON. apl E. J. HOLMES' IMPROVED SEANLESS WHALEBONE SKIRTS! TE TAKE PLEASURE IN AGAIN INtroducing our Improved Seamless Skirt, as being the that most many new styles are tefore the public, such as India Rub acceptable and reliable article in market; we are aware ber, Gutta P'ercha, Kattan, all of which we bave if called for- -but cannot recommend them, as we have experimented with and tested them of the two years to decide sutmitting them to the Judgement of compeu pt ladies upon their merits. and have found the inferior from to our actual use, properly vI be in all important respects decidedly prepared Whalebone, which has been 1rou in all ute parts the of past the two coumiry year and entire for which satisfaction and we have the wore positive evidence has been expressed from our own large retall trade, amouating to many dozer to be a ibe per day.

least obj ctionable of anything in use et sing man' advan. herefore we nd our our Lages aeries FOUND of IN elastic NO Cords at the bottom, made from the only OTHER NEINT, the most important of which material that can be that will recover not its affected place by when beat pres- or ed cold out and of can shape, be washed withon injury. These con 8 at the botwill not rool or curl, la instead of bones, which are exceedingly fabric awkward manu- and tow, inconvewient, with our own prepared above and a factured by ourselves expressly tor our goods, in our estimation a and skirt, the and estimation the only o' Skirt equally adapted to the parlor aid thousands who bave used them, produce the street, and the crowd giving a proper, graceful adjusted aud and elegant in form every to a respect Ladies' a drees: complete ligat, article. The public are cautioned pliable, evelly agalust all Imitations or other goods called Seamless Improved Skirrs.Every genuine article le stamped, K. for sale J.

at 99 Market Street, Whalebone and in the Skirt, principal are Jobbing Houses in New aud Ph Yors ladelphia, Boston. Boston, Feb. 1, 1307. 195 6m E. J.


of both PAr ticularly adapted to describes the in use PLAIN ENGLISH all that is nucessary sexes, which to know pertaining to Generative Die orders how contracted--the into ence they produce upon mind and body-bow all persona CAn avold them- and if any are so unfortunata as to have contracted such discases, bow to effect a spoody acd certain cure- and unprecedented sale with which this book har mat. The the rapid salutary infuence it has ererted, and the desolate hearte it has made happy, la ample evidence of its merita. Price only DR. 25 W. cute, O.

LISPENARD, NO. 24 EXCHANGE PLACE, Music bound 60 cents. ROCK ESTER, NEW TORE, continues to dispense his the invaluable remedies attendant to upon those twenty years of personal experience and prac. afflicted with Secret Diseases, with He tice in always his gives profession. the best None of satisfaction.

Gonorrhea, Glees leave his treatment half cured. Syphilis, Stricture, Suppression of the Menses in Females, succesafully Young men, treated. who by indulging in secret babita, have com. tracted that soul eubduing, mind prostrating, body destroying vice, should Beware apply of to Empirics Da. and LISPENARD itinerant without self-styled Professors delay.

whe ATTEMPT cures but never succeed. Dr. L. the his only peculiar per line manently in Western established New and York, and responsible his practice physician in extends through every N. State in the ARD la sole agent for Da.

VICHOTS' FEMALE Union and the British Provinces. MONTHLY PILS. Among the many thousand boxes been of made there against them. Ladies in a certain situation ebould not use Pills annualiy sold, not one complaint has yet them accompanying -the particulars each box. Price el.

Bent by mall to any part of which will be found on the directions of the world. Persone addressing Dr. L. by mail, all expecting who a erpeci reply, will please enclose a postage stamp. Also Books All or Pilla.

communications addressed W. O. M. D. Rochester.

N. will meet with promnt attention. MORE SPRING GOODSI RECEIVED BY W. WARREN. NO.

150 SUPERIOR CORNER OF SENECA ST. DE LAINES; NEWS Styles of Spring Calicoes New Styles of Mohair Pialda; Fine New Styles Bleached of Cottons, undressed, yard wide; Challi; Heavy Bleached Brown Cotion, for Shletings, all widths Tards wide Black Mixed for Gent's Sulta; Holmes' Wha'eboner, Colored 3 yards Whalebone leng; Skirts Crowley's Gold Inlaid Needres..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.