ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH · 2019. 9. 19. · The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (2024)

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (1)

Pastor’s Corner— Fr. William Hahn



Spring 2016 The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe

The Rock Office Telephone


Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 9:00-12:00 1:00-4:30

Fri: 9:00-12:00

St. Vincent DePaul


Bishop Flaget School


Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 8:00 am 11:30 am

Monday: 5:30 pm

Tuesday: 8:30 am

Wednesday: 8:30 am

Thursday: 5:30 am

Friday: 9:30 am

(at Bishop Flaget during school year)

8:30 am

(summer in church)

“ . . . You are Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my church, and the gates of the nether world shall not prevail against it.” — Matthew 16:18

WithsummerbeginningwebeginanumberofchangesandnewprojectshereatSt.Peter’sandtheconsor um:

ParochialVicarAdministratorsAsmen oned inapreviousbulle ncolumn,Fr.Dooley and Fr.Hartgehavebeendoing such agood jobthattheyget“promoted”toParochialVicarAdministrators(pva).Fr.Hartgewillbethepva forSt.Colman inWashingtonCourtHouseandFr.DooleyforSt.Mary‐WaverlyandSt.Syl‐vester‐Zaleski. Thismeans theywill taking onmoreof theadministra veand leadership rolein thecomingyear. However, theywill s llbehereastheypresentlyare,celebra ngMassandthe sacramentsandvisi ng the schooland thesick,etc.It’ssimplythattheywillbealsotakingupmore of the administra on at their respec‐veparishassignments.

YouthandEvangeliza onCoordinatorGrantIamveryexcitedtoannounceinthisnewsle erthat the Catholic Founda on recently awardedourparishagrant toassist inhiringa full meyouthministerandevangeliza onleaderforourparish.Thegrantisstructuredsothatthefoun‐da oncovers80%ofthecostthefirstyear,60%thesecond,andsoonwiththehopethatapar‐ishwill thengive tosupport thework theyseebeingdone.ToassistusthreeSt.Peterfamiliesand another donor fromWaverly are contrib‐u ng addi onal funds tomake sure it is fullyfunded for thefirst threeyearsas thiswillgiveusenough me toevaluateanddetermine theeffec venessof theposi onwithouttheparishincurringanyaddi onalexpenses.Thisdecisionis in response to a couple of things. First thepresent youth leaders said that they think it ismetobringinsomenewleaderswhocangive

more meandnew ideasaspartofa full mejob. Secondly, theparishcouncilhasbeendis‐cussingthedesiretodosomethingtohelpusasaparishbecomemoreevangelis candcomfort‐

able insharingour faith. Thisposi onwillpro‐videuswithbotha youth leaderand someonewhocan leadus inevangelizing ini a ves. Wearesoblessedtohavebeenchosenforthegrantand we are very blessed to have these donorfamilieswhodesiretoinvestinthisexci ngnewendeavor. More informa on to come in thefuture.PleasepraythatGodconnectuswiththerightpersonforthisposi on.Mezzanine,Cleaning,Sealing,andTuck‐poin ngRecently theMezzanine (formerbalcony) in theparishcenterhasbeen transformed intoofficesforourparochialvicarsandaconferenceroom.Withthatthemajor interiorrenova onwork inthecentercomestoaconclusion.Withthatthefinancecouncilhasdetermined it is meat lasttohave a thorough cleaning, sealing, and tuck‐poin ngofthechurchandparishcenter. Workwill takeplaceover the summer. We look for‐ward to seeing the stone and brick as it oncewas!Thankstoacoupleofdonorsthisprojectisfully funded as was the transforma on of themezzanine(whichwealsothankwork/exper se‐donor John Albright who led that project andworkingwithTomHaynesourmaintenancemanprac callydidallofthework).SisterGuardiansA li le lessthanthreeyearsago, Iaskedyoutotake a plunge of faithwithme and commit tofunding a convent of Franciscan Sisters. As al‐ways, you outdid yourselves in generosity andtherehasbeennofinancialdifficulty to the sis‐ters or any funds needed from the parish ac‐counts these past two years. At that me Iasked for a number of families to be “SisterGuardians” who agreed to give $1000/yr forthreeyears.Asinthecaseoftheyouthevange‐liza onposi on Ibelieve three years is a goodamountof metodiscoverifitisworkingandifthis is thedirec on theLordwills. I think it isobvious toeveryone that the sistersarean im‐menseblessingandwecannotimaginethemnotbeingpartofthecommunity,norcansomanyof

Continued on page 2

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (2)

Page 2 The Rock

Looking Back

Haveyou ever no‐cedthecross

thatsitsfacingWater Streetbetween theChurch andthe parishcenter? Thiscrossisknownas a “WaysideShrine”. Itoriginally satin frontof theold church at

the cornerofChurchandWater Streets. (Seephoto above.) It was dedicated by Rev. F.J.Krueskamp, Pastor of St. Peter, on Sunday,November15,1942. In the newspaper that day, an assis‐tant priest at St. Peter’s, Rev. W.J. Gold‐schmidt,wrote the following for thepaper todescribethecross,itsmeaning,anditsdesign. “ . . .The largecrosshasbeen sculp‐turedfromonelargepieceofIndianalimestoneandweighsabout5,000pounds. Thesculptorwho executed the work is SethM. Velsey ofDayton, Ohio, an ar st of na onal renown.Thecross isagi ofa*generousparishionerofSt. Peter’s who wishes to remain unknown.JohnD.HerlihyCo.transportedthecross fromDaytonwhereitwascarved,toChillicotheand

theBarnhartGraniteCo.supervisedanderect‐ed it in itspresentposi on. Theerec onwasone of themost difficult undertakings in thispartof the country foragranite companybe‐causeof thegreatweightand thecrossbeingonesolidpieceofstone. ThefigureofChrist is the living Jesushangingcrucified to thecrossduring the threehourson thefirstGoodFridaya ernoon. Forthat reason the side of Christ is not shownpierced for the piercing by the Roman soldierwith a lance took place only a er His death.(Justlikeourcurrentmural!)ThepicturemightwellpresentChristreigningfromthethroneofHiscross.... . . . .TheLa n inscrip onatthebase:“populusmeus, quid feci bi” (O my people,what have I done to thee?) is taken from theliturgyofthechurchforGoodFriday. Wayside crosses are common in Eu‐rope and all too uncommon in this country.Chillicothe isoneofthefirstci estohaveone.The inscrip on is probablymost fi ng for alltravelersandpassersbywho shouldglance to‐wardsthiswaysidecrossandseetheexpressionon the face of Christ as He reigns from thedeath‐bed throneofHiscross. Thewholepic‐ture the cross might present in Chillicothe isperhapsmostopportune in these mesofwarandworlddistresswhenmenarecrucifyingoneanother with bombs and blitzkriegs that thepasserby might remember that man oncenailedtheSonofGodtothecross.“

DaveCutright,ourregular ‘LookingBack’ author hasdecided to re refromwri ng. Wethank Dave forthe numerousar cles he haswri en for thenewsle er overthe years. Theyhave been veryenlightening.Manyhaveappre‐ciated knowingthevarioushistoryoftheparish.

themarginalizedinourcommunity(thoseinthenursing homes, VA, prison, etc.) who receiveregular visits, comfort, and support from them.As those three‐yearcommitmentswillbeexpir‐ingover thenext twelvemonths, Iwillbesoonbeginning an outreach to ask for re‐commitmentsandnewcommitments. The longterm goal would be to get enough supportersthatwe can free up the BAA for other specialprojects. This also ensures that their financesaremorestablewhenthefundingisspreadoveralargernumberofdonorsandnotdependentonBAAinanygivenyear.Adora onChapelSpeakingofthesisters,thankstoanotherdonorat Christmas me, the sisters, along with Fr.

Dooley, have been able to con nue work ontheAdora onChapelthatwillbeinthebackofthe convent (the old Cephas Center). Theyhaveacquiredanaltarandareintheprocessoffurnishingthechapel.Anearlyfallstartdateises mated. Wewill thenhaveanumber‐codelockonthedoorthatanyonesignedupforAdo‐ra onwillbeabletohave. Thus, itwillbeac‐cessibleforprayeralways.Ourhopeistosub‐stan ally increase the number of Adorers sothattheBlessedSacramentcanbeexposedformoreextended mesthancurrentlyjustThurs‐days.

In Christ, Fr. Hahn

Pastor’s Corner— continued from page 1

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (3)

Page 3 The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe

From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser

CatholicE que e–TheCatholicFuneral–Part I (con nuedfromtheWinter2016newsle er)

Youmay recall that in the previous issue of The Rock, I de‐scribedthepartsofacompleteCatholicfuneral‐TheVigilfortheDeceased,TheMassofChris anBurialandTheRiteofCommi al.Sinceparishionerssome mesaskques onsaboutcrema on,this ar cle provides a summary of the Church’s general ap‐proachtothesubjectofcrema on.Crema onandtheCatholicChurch

TheOrderofChris anFunerals is the liturgicalbookusedinfuneralcelebra onsindiocesesintheUnitedStates.In1997,theHolySeegrantedanaddi ontoTheOrderofChris‐anFunerals,givingpermission to theU.S. La n‐ritebishops

toallowthecelebra onofthefuneral liturgy inthepresenceofcrematedremains.However,thisprac cewasneverintend‐edtobeviewedasan“equally”goodalterna vetothetradi‐onalfuneralritesoftheChurch(theChurchpreferstheburial

ofthebodyintact).For various reasons, crema on is some mes chosen

bythefamilyofthedeceased.Whencrema onofthebodyischosen, the Church s ll prefers that the body be cremateda ertheFuneral,thusallowingforthepresenceofthebodyatthe FuneralMass.When circ*mstances require it, however,crema onandcommi almaytakeplaceevenbeforetheFu‐neralliturgy.

Most of the usual riteswhich are celebrated in thepresenceofthebodyofthedeceasedmayalsobecelebratedin the presence of the cremated remains (there are somedifferences). TheprimarysymbolsoftheRomanCatholicFu‐neralLiturgyareretainedevenwhenthefuneralliturgyiscele‐brated inthepresenceofthecrematedremains.Theremainsmaybecarried inprocessionand/orplacedonatablewherethecasketnormallywouldbe.Photographsandothermemen‐tosmaybeusedattheVigilandcemetery,butarenotappro‐priateattheMass.

TheDisposi onofCrematedRemains

The cremated remains of a body should be treatedwith the same respectgiven to thehumanbody fromwhich

they come. This includes theuseof aworthyvesseltocontaintheashes,themanner inwhichtheyarecarried,andthe care and a en on to appropriateplacementandtransport,andthefinaldisposi on.

The Church requires that the cremated remainsbeburiedorplaced inarecognizedareaofreverence forthedead. ). Catholic cemeteries are sacred and reverentfinalres ngplaces‐thecrematedremainsshouldbebur‐ied inagraveorentombed inamausoleumorcolumbari‐um (aroomorbuildingwithnichesforfuneralurnstobestored.Thecrematedremainsmaybeburiedatseaaslongastheyareintactandplacedinaworthyvesselwhichwillcarry theremains to thebo omof theseabed.BurialofcrematedremainsatseashouldobserveallapplicableFed‐eralandStatelawsandregula ons. If the final disposi on of the cremated remainswillnottakeplaceaccordingtotheteachingoftheChurchwith reverence and in a sacredplace, the remainsmightnot be permi ed to be brought into the Church for theFuneralLiturgy.Catholicsshouldneverretainthecrematedremains intheirhomes,placesofwork,oranyotherper‐sonalspace.NeithershouldCatholicsdivide,shareorinter‐mixthecrematedremainsofthedeceased.Theprac ceofsca eringcrematedremainsonthesea,fromtheair,orontheground,isnotthereverentdisposi onthattheChurchrequires. Overall, theChurch’s approach to the treatmentofthebody‐whetherburiedintactorcremated‐reflectstheChurch’sconcernthatcarebetakentoensurethatthebodiesofthedeceasedbetreatedwiththedignityduetothem‐

TheChurch’s reverence for the sacrednessof thehuman body grows out of a reverence and con‐cern, both natural and supernatural for the hu‐man person. The body of the deceased bringsforcefullytomindtheChurch’sconvic onthatthehumanbodyisinChristatempleoftheHolySpiritandisdes nedforfuturegloryattheresurrec onofthedead.(OrderofChris anFunerals,412)





6:00—8:30 P.M. Register online at Parish Website

Or at the parish picnic

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (4)

Page 4 The Rock

Martha Dodds isre redand



Martha was brought to the

Catholic Church a er seeing

the posi ve influence the

Catholic Church had on her

daughter. She has a ended

churches in the past but al‐

ways knew therewas some‐

thingmorefulfilling. Shehas

been moved by the rituals

andtradi onsoftheCatholic


process was a wonderful

learning experience and ap‐

preciated those involved in




Ralph Farmer is re red and

married to Susie Farmer.

Ralph a ributes his wife to

leading him to the Catholic

Church. The RCIA process

helpedhim learnmoreabout

the church and the religious

aspects. He is looking for‐

ward to con nue to grow in

his faith and hopes to be a


Sandy Jordan has adaughter and a sonand is a re red RN.She was led to theCatholicChurchbyherfamily. Sandy’s sonand granddaughterwere bap zed at theEasterVigil.

NancyKing isalocala orney.


discussing the Catholic Faith.

She a endedMass o en over

thepast fewyears. Whenshe

was inMexico, shewas at an

adora on. During the adora‐


desire the know more about


RCIA and the Catholic Church,

she feels like she is “coming


Jarre Seebohm is in the

8th grade at Bishop Flaget.


da Seebohm. He has an



Erik Seebohm ismarried

and has three children.

He is a registered nurse.

His son’s a endance at

Bishop Flaget led him to

become interested in the

Catholic Faith. His son

Jarre made his Profes‐

sion of Faithwith him at


Julia Harlan is a physician


ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (5)

Page 5 The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe

Jodi Perry is married to

Mon and has a a daughter

and two sons. She is a team

leader at Big Lots. She first

become interested in the

Catholic church from her


TiffanyRatliff isacor‐rec ons officer and isengaged to be mar‐ried.Shehastwosonsand one daughter.Shebecameinterestedin the Catholic churchfrom an incident hermother had withsome religious sistersatahospital.

Jeff Aloisio is a registered

nurse. Hecame intotheCath‐


daughter at the Easter Vigil.


ed family are Catholic and he

was interested in pursuing

learning about the faith for



Thisyear’sconfirma onclasswasblessedtohaveafantas cretreatheldApril26thinouryouthgrouproom.The college students from Franciscan University’s SENTMinistriesputontheretreat.Theyfocusedonthegi softheholyspiritandhowtostayclosetothesacramentsandJesusastheyenterintotheworldofhighschool.Alloftheconfirmandienjoyed thedayand the food! Confirma onwasheldatSt.Mary’sFamily LifeCenteronMay1standwehad14youthconfirmed. Congratula onstoallnewlyConfirmed! TheFirstCommunicantsgatheredforaretreatonMay7th,Saturdayfrom9‐1:00pm . Thethemeofthere‐treatwas Divine Mercy since this year is the jubilee ofmercy! The children learned about theEucharis cmira‐cles,OurLady:MotherofMercy,andSt.Faus naastheymade rosaries andbanners for theirbigday. We endedtheretreat inthepresenceofourLord inchurchkneelingbeforethetabernacle.ThechildrenthenprayedadecadeoftherosaryledbySr.AmeliainfrontofourlovelystatueofMary.FirstCommunionwasheldonMay8th,Mother’sDay,andwasabeau fulmassandcelebra onforall!Con‐gratula onstoallFirstCommunicants! Seepicturesofbothgroupsinthepicturepagesofthisnewsle er.

Spring Sacraments 2016 —Judy Harness



ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (6)

Page 6 The Rock






ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (7)

Page 7 The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe






ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (8)

Military Ministry Committee

Page 8 The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe

High School Youth Group —Jenny French

HighSchoolyouthgrouphascome toanend fortheschoolyear.Wefinishedthefirsthalfofthenewpro‐gramwewereusing—YDisciple. Theteensseemedtoen‐joythesmallgroupse ngsandgreatdiscussionshadwiththeiradultmentors. July 8 through 10, CarrieHawk and Ben Rusnakwill lead 10 teens, Fr.Dooley and the FIH Sisters to theyouthconferenceinSteubenvilleattheFranciscanUniver‐sity.Thisisalwaysagreateventfortheteenstoa end.Itbuildscamaraderieand faith. Pleasepray for the teensa ending, that theywillbeopen towhat theHoly Spirithasinstoreforthem. July16‐23,Fr.Hartgewill leadagroupof teens,adultleaders,andtwooftheFIHSisterstoMexico.WhileinMexico, theywillworkwithMater Filius, a home forunwedmothers. Theywill interactwith theyoungmoth‐ersaswellashelpbuildachapelforthem.Pleaseprayforthesafetyandmissionofthisgroup.

Middle School Youth Group —Judy Harness


mee nginMarchwasledbyaguestAndreaMcLeanwho


worksofmercy! InApril thegroupmadeposters for the

women’stransi onalshelter’s5Kwalkandoneofourfam‐

ilies par cipated in the walk—IN THE SNOW! We also

spent me learning about forgiveness and painted our

faceswithpeanutbu erandchexmix. (Notagood idea

sinceFr.Dooleystoppedbyforahello!) Weareplanning

our final picnic and look forward to another great year

nextyear!Ifyous llhaven’tdecidedtojoinus…Comeand


Pleasehelpmethanktheteachersandassis‐tants who volunteer their me to ensure that ourCatholicFaithispassedontoeverygenera on.Plan‐ning lessons thatwill engage students and providethemwiththetoolsandknowledgetheyneedtoliveaholy life, isanawesomeresponsibility. Ourteach‐ersarededicatedtodoingthatjobwithgenerosity,alivelyfaith,andmuchlove.JustasawesomeisCarrieHawk,who served a secretary, ensuring that Iwasorganizedandinline. On Palm Sunday,wemade a pilgrimage toSt. JosephCathedral,wherewepassed through theHolyDoorandreceivedaplenaryindulgence!Weareall“GoodtoGo”.Then,wea endedMasswithBish‐opCampbell.Whatajoytobeinthecathedralwiththe Bishop on Palm Sunday. And the music wasamazing. Nextwe, stopped atMcDonalds for lunch.A erea ng ourfill,wemadeourwaydownBroadStreet to the Catholic Jubilee Museum. Our tourguidewasextremelyknowledgeableand fun. Thereissomuchhistorythereandwetook itall in. Don’tmissachancetogo. ThefirsttwoweekendsinMaywereretreatsandprepara onforsacraments.May1,sevenofourPSR students received Confirma on, with BishopCampbell, at St.MaryParish. May8,ninePSR stu‐dents received First Communion. We congratulatethemandprayfortheircon nuedgrowthinthefaith. May22,wewillcelebrate theyearwith re‐freshments, cer ficates of comple on, skits per‐formedby the students,anda livelygameofBeachBlanketVolleyball. Watch for announcements in Augustwhenwe will begin registra on for the next PSR schoolyear.

Parish School of Religion —Tess Hatmacher

A erabreakduringthewinter,theSt.Peter’sMilitaryMinistryisgearingupfortheirac vi esfor2016.Mem‐bersofthecommi eeprovidedrefreshmentsforthosewhoa endedtheMemorialDayMassatSt.Margaret’sCeme‐tery.MarkyourcalendarsforSunday,November13.TheannualVeteransApprecia onDinnerhasbeenscheduledforthatdayintheparishhallfollowingthe11:30a.m.Mass.Ifyouhaveasoldier(pastorpresent)tobeaddedtoourpro‐gram,pleasecontactJennyFrenchattheparishofficeat740‐774‐1407. Also,wewillonceagaindisplaytheboardsofservicememberpicturesatthedinner.Ifyouhaveapictureofyoursoldierinuniformandwouldliketohaveitincludedthisyear,pleasecontactJennyFrenchattheparishoffice. Ifyouhaveasonordaughterwhoiscurrentlyservinginthemilitaryandwouldliketohavethemlistedonthedisplaycabinetinthebackofchurch,pleasecontactMike&CecilAlthouseat740‐947‐1339.Besidesbeingrecognizedonthedisplay,oursoldiersreceivevariousmailingsthroughouttheyearfromthecommi eetoletthemknowtheyareinourthoughtsandprayers.

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (9)

Page 9 The Rock

Knights of Columbus — Bob French, Grand Knight

IT’S ALL FOR THE BIRDS — Fr. Sean Dooley

Oneday,Sr.LeonardandIwentdowntothePleas‐antHillManorNursingHome inPiketontocelebrateMassandvisitwithsomeoftheresidents.Inmostnursinghomefacili es,youwillusuallyseethesedisplaycasesthathavebirds in them.Thesebirdswerequitecolorfuland loudastheywereflyinginsidethedisplaycase.Aswewerege ngthingsreadyforMassintheroom,Ino cedSr.Leonardwasstanding at the bird display case for about 40 seconds. Ithoughttomyself:“Whatintheworldisshedoing?” Shecamebacktomeandsaid:“Itoldthebirdstobe quiet for Mass.”And the strangestthing happened: thebirds were quiet forMass! These li lemomentsmakeme sograteful for the gi ofour Sisters in our par‐ishes and the joy theysee in the small thingsoflife.

The look on the bird’s face when confronted by Sr. Leonard!

TheKnightsthankallparishionersforthesupportof the "40Cans for Lent" challenge. Thefinalfigures forthechallengewere3,079offoodand$1,373 inmonetarydona ons.ThankyoutoKnightJoeZupiforspearheadingthiseventaswellasall theKnightswhohelpedwith thetallyingof the items. We look forward tochallenging theparishagainnext year to con nueour supportof theSt.VincentdePaulFoodPantry. OnMay22, theCouncilheld itsannualKnightofthe Year Banquet. This year's award recipients wereKnightoftheYearJoeZupi,FamilyoftheYearPat&DianeCorcoran,andYouthoftheYearMichaelaMaimone.TheawardwinnersareexcellentexamplesofwhatitmeanstobeKnightsandlivingaChris anLife. Elec onswererecentlyheld.Newofficerstotaketheirposi onasofJuly1,2016are



Chancellor—BrianBradburneWarden—Bre Reisinger


Trustees‐BobFrench,ChrisHiles,DouglasFrench, The Councilmeets the second and fourth Tues‐daysofthemonthat6:45p.m.intheSt.JohnBoscoRoomintheParishCenter. Anyac veCatholicManage18andabove arewelcome to submit an applica on to join thecouncil. Applica onscan be found in theves bule of church orcontactanyKnight. Fr. McGivneyPrayforus.


Miryante Orphanage

Mission Trip — Pat & Diane Corcoran

The nine member Uganda Mission Team has been mee ngmonthly to prepare for its July 28th departure forMiryanteOr‐phanage. It is preparing for severalwork projects including theconstruc on of five hand washing sta ons around the cam‐pus. Also, it is our inten on to take and fit the childrenwith“ShoesthatGrow”which ishighlyadjustablefootwearthatcouldlast up to 5 years. We are excited to meet the children ofMiryanteandtakepartinthedailylifeofthisyoung,thrivingcom‐munity.AvideoproducedaboutMiryanteOrphanageandcanbefound at: h ps:// nueourprep‐ara on.

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (10)

PSR Update — Tess Hatmacher

Divine Mercy Cenacle

—Judy Harness

St. Vincent de Paul Society —Bob Weisenberger

The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 10

Highlights from St. Peter’s,St.VincentdePaulSociety forperiodOctober 1, 2015 throughMarch 31,2016(FiscalYear2016)isasfollows: Yourgenerosityfromour5thSunday collec ons, your use of theSunday dona on envelopes desig‐na ngSt.VincentdePaul,alongwithfood, and other dona ons con nues

tobegreatlyappreciated. Our Food Pantry volunteers have assisted 1,634individualsandfamilymemberswithfoodfromourshelves We also assist those we serve by helping themthroughsomeoftheirunusuallifechallengesandstruggles.Wehavearrangementwithothercommunityagencies,gov‐ernmentoffices,localstores,pharmacies,u li esforwater,electricandgas.Vouchersareissuedtoindividualforitemsthatwe do not generally stock such asmilk, eggs,meat,fresh vegetables and dairy products adult and children’sshoesandclothing. TheTreasurerwriteschecksandmailsthemtou litycompanies.Inthepast6months,ourrefer‐ralshaveassisted496individualsandwehaveprovidedgas‐oline vouchers toassist103 individuals. Ourexpenses forthepast6monthshaveexceeded$22,000.00. Otherperson‐to‐personworksof serviceprovidedbyourvolunteersincludehomevisits,prisonvisits,hospitalvisits,eldercarevisits,spiritualaidandsacramentsmee ngwith906individuals. TheFranciscanSistersof the ImmaculateHeartofMary (FIH) Sister LeonardMary, Sister AmeliaMary, andSisterShaniMarycon nuetoprovidereadings,medita ons,and reflec ons at ourmee ngs and are available to offerprayerwiththosewhenrequested. Thees mateddollarvalueofdonatedfoodtoourpantryso far thisfiscalyearexceeds$17,000.00. Thees ‐mateddollarvalueoffooddistributedexceeds$13,000.00.

In October 2015, a freezer was purchased for ourfoodpantry.Someparishionershavemadesureithasstayedstocked with items such as frozen turkeys, sausages, andgroundbeef. A special thanks to those individuals for theirdona ons. Also,wewouldliketosendoutspecialthankstoTheFatherCharlesGriffinCouncil15793oftheKnightsofColum‐busforpar cipa ng inthe“40CansforLent”programspon‐soredbytheSupremecouncil. Thefinalcounttotaled3,079pounds of food donated and $1,373.00 inmonetary dona‐ons. Our“HatsOff”tothoseknightswhohelpedwiththe

program.Thanks, too, toGla elteremployeeswhodonatedfoodforthisdrive. OnMarch12,2016ourvolunteersa endedOzanamOrienta onTraining heldhere at St. Pe‐ter’s sponsorbythe Columbusdiocese. St.Vincent de Paulrepresenta vesfrom severalother parishesalso a ended.Thiswas a veryupli ing andmovingprogram to renewourVincen an Spirituality and tofocusmoredeeplyonthoseweserve. A thank you goes to our parish Youth Groups andBishop Flaget students and staffwho have sponsored fundraisersanddonatedfoodandfundstoourconference. Finally,a pofthehatgoesouttoallofourparish‐ioners for thesupportyouhavegiven tohelpusHelpThoseWeServe.


The DivineMercy Cenacle con nues tomeet on

the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 2pm. We have just completed




sick and dying. The group is commi ed to praying the

Chapletdailyforthe inten onsofourparishfamily. Inter‐



Divine Mercy Cenacle —Judy Harness

Donations to the Food Pantry Can be made by putting in the basket in the vestibule of church

Or bringing to the parish office during business hours.

Items that are always needed include Cereal Soup

Crackers Canned fruit

Personal hygiene items

The pantry will also take any grocery bags that You may have.

Your support of the Food Pantry has been greatly appreciated.

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (11)

Page 11

It’s Nillaand theBee! Bish‐opFlaget5thgrad‐er Nilla Rajan par‐cipated in the

Scripps Na onalSpelling Bee inWashington, D.C.,on May 25‐26th.The bee was tele‐vised on ESPNchannels, so weenjoyedbeingable

towatchNilla in ac on. We are soproudofher andheraccomplishment. Innova ve Leader Ins tute: Mrs. Laura CorcoranandMrs.Terrina Fahnestockwere chosen topar cipate inthe Ba elle Innova ve Leader Ins tute for the upcomingschoolyear.Thisisthe4thcohorttogothroughthistrainingwhichisfundedthroughBa elleaswellasfederalStraightAFunds. Mrs.CorcoranandMrs.Fahnestockwerechosentoreceive grants for the program which cover most of thetraining. Through this training, Mrs. Corcoran and Mrs.Fahnestock will be working on the development of ourSTEM/STREAMplansforthenextthreeyears. Weareveryexcitedaboutthisopportunityand lookforwardtogrowingourschoolthroughthiscrea veprogram. STEM/STREAM:Forthoseofyouwhoarenotinun‐datedwith educa onal jargon every day, STEM educa onstands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math,while STREAM educa on stands for Science, Technology,Religion,Engineering,Arts,andMath. Theseschoolsstandout for their commitment to problem‐based learning andpreparingallstudentstocompete intheglobalcommunity.Somepeoplesaythat it is“justgoodteaching.” Noma erhowyoulookatit,thistypeofteachingisfocusedonmakingsure thatall students (not just the talentedandgi ed)arechallengedtolearninwaysthatwillhelpthemtoreachtheirgoals, understand their responsibility as a ci zen, and beprepared for the challenging careers that await studentswhowillgraduate inthenext5‐10years. Someofthestu‐dents inour7thgradewillbeworking in jobs thathaven’tevenbeeninventedyet.Therefore,itisimpera vethatweprepare them to face challengeswith afirm founda on incri calthinking,problem‐solving,collabora on,andcommu‐nica onskills.AtFlaget,wealsobelievethatthefaithdevel‐opment is just as important as the academic founda on.Therefore,we are commi ed tomaking sure thatour stu‐dentsareprepared in theSTREAM studies. Next year,wewill apply for a STEM designa on from the state ofOhio.(Unfortunately, there is no official STREAM designa on atthis me.)Wewillcon nuetoworktoprovideanoutstand‐ingeduca ontoallofthestudentsinourschool.Thankyouforhelpingustodothis.

From the Principal’s Desk —Laura Corcoran

State Science Day: Bishop Flaget had four stu‐dentsa endStateScienceDayonMay14th.Weareveryproudofthestudentsandareawai ngwordofanyspecialawardsthattheymighthavewon.However,wedoknowtheirfinalscoresandareproudtoannouncethefollowingsuccesses: OliviaWannemacher ‐Excellent ra ngonherstudy ofwhether or not poppy seeds can cause a falseposi veonadrugtest;Jarre Seebohm ‐Superioronhisstudy of whether fer lizers really make soybeans growbe er;StephanieHirsch‐SuperioronthestudyoftheuseofSmartFreshonfruittoextenditsshelf‐life;andCarmenCorcoran ‐Superioronherstudyofthebestmoisturizerstousefordryskin.Weareveryproudofthestudentsforall of their hardwork and also commendMrs. DanielleMcDaniel forallof the me andeffort that sheput intoge ngthestudentsreadyforthisspecialevent. Big thanks to FatherDooley for braving the 7thand8thgradeclasstriptoCharleston,SouthCarolina,withus.Wehadagreat meexploringCharlestonandlearnedalot.WevisitedtheOldCharlestonMarket,FortSumter,BooneHallPlanta on, theOldCustomsHouse andDun‐geon,andPatriot’sPointMilitaryMuseums.Wea endedan audience par cipa on play, took a private charter toMorrisIslandtoexplore,wenttothebeach,learnedaboutthe Gullah Culture, tried new southern foods, and ex‐plored an aircra carrier! We also got to seeMrs. SuziCunningham!Itwasalotoffun,andwewishtoespeciallythankSt.Peter’sforallowingustoholdthefishfryatSt.Peter’s thisyear. Becauseof your support, the studentsonlyhadtopay$100forthisawesomefour‐daytrip! Wewouldalso like to thankeveryonewho sup‐ported the2016DinnerAuc on. Itwasa lotof fun,andweraisedover$43000 for theschool. Thankstoallwhowereabletoa endordonateditemstothefundraiser. BishopFlagethasbeenapprovedasaJohnPeter‐son School,whichmeans thatwe arenowmore able tohelp studentswith specialneeds. ThePeterson Scholar‐shipshelptoprovidespecialservicesforstudentswhoareon IEPs(individualized learningplans)and, insomecases,willhelpthefamiliespaythetui on.Ifyouareinterestedin learningmoreabout thisprogram,pleasecontactMrs.Corcoranat740‐253‐0433. Bishop Flaget is also an EdChoice ExpansionSchool. EdChoiceExpansionscholarshipsareavailable tostudentsinkindergartenthroughthirdgradewhosefamilyincomefallsbelow200%ofthepovertylevel.(Forafamilyoffour,anincomeoflessthan$48,600wouldbeeligible.)These full‐tui on scholarships are renewable every yearun lgradua onunlessthefamilyincomedoubles.PleasecontactMrs.Corcoranformoreinforma on. School isouton June1st,butwewill returnonAugust24th.Wewillbeintheofficethroughoutthesum‐mer,soifyouneedanything,pleasecallandleaveames‐sageorcallMrs.Corcoranonhercellphoneat740‐253‐0433.


The Rock

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH· 2019. 9. 19.· The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (12)

Marriageprepara on andpre‐Cana classes are required. Thus,the engaged couple must make ini al arrangements by con‐tac ng theparish at least sixmonthsprior to thedesiredmar‐riagedate.Youoryourfianceeshouldbearegisteredparishion‐erforatleastsixmonthsbeforebeginningprepara on.

St. Peter Church

285 W. Water Street Chillicothe, OH 45601

Address Service Requested


Chillicothe, OH 45601 Permit No. 251


Marriage Preparation

Pre‐Bap sm instruc on for parents who have not previouslya ended,andforparentsforwhichithasbeen4yearsorlongersincetheBap smoftheir lastchild, isrequired. Pleasecalltheoffice tomakearrangements forclasses. Bap smsareheldonthethirdSaturdaya erthe5:00pmMassbyappointmentonly.

Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Because the sickandhomeboundareprevented from cele‐bra ng the Eucharistwith the rest of the community, thevisits duringwhich they receive Holy Communion are veryimportant.InreceivingtheBodyandBloodofChrist,thesick

areunited sacramentally to the Lordandare reu‐nitedwiththeEucharis ccommunity.Ifyouoran‐other parishioner you know is unable to a endMass,pleasecontacttheofficesothattheBodyofChristcanbebroughttohimorher.

Bethesda Healing Ministry

Weareagroupofmothersand fatherswho have suffered the experience ofabor on. We gather twice amonth toshare,heal,andgrow. Wearenowex‐periencingthegi ofGod’shealinglove.We’ve been there: We Understand.Contactusat614‐718‐0277.

PREGNANT&NEEDHELP?CallOp onLineat1‐800‐395‐HELP.

Confiden al, caring assistance is available.24hoursaday,7daysaweek.


Monday & Thursdays 5:00 –5:15 p.m.

Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration

Thursdays - 9:00 a.m.-9:00

(except Thanksgiving Day and Holy Thursday)



ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH The Rock CHILLICOTHE, OH · 2019. 9. 19. · The Newsletter of St. Peter Chillicothe Page 3 From the Deacon — Deacon Reed Hauser Catholic E que ©e – - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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