Rulers Of Time - xcoldonesx (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Rose: Moving Mannequins Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: Rose: Zoned out Chapter Text Chapter 3: Rose: Nestene Consciousness. Easy! Chapter Text Chapter 4: End of the World: Umpa Lumpas Chapter Text Chapter 5: End of the World: Prostitutes? Chapter Text Chapter 6: End of the World: Snappy Sidekicks?! Chapter Text Chapter 7: The Unquiet Dead: It's Cardiff Chapter Text Chapter 8: The Unquiet Dead: Bad Wolf & The Phoenix Chapter Text Chapter 9: The Unquiet Dead: Pity the Gelth Chapter Text Chapter 10: Inside the TARDIS Chapter Text Chapter 11: Whatever you say Cap Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Aliens of London: Fan-f*cking-tastic Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: World War Three: We'll be fine Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Believable Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Dalek: Exhibit A Chapter Text Chapter 16: Dalek: Not worth the Universe Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: The Long Game: Floor five hundred? Chapter Text Chapter 18: The Long Game: Pimple looking thing Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Father's Day: Pompous bastard Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Father's Day: Doctor! No! Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: The Empty Child: Bloody Horror Movie Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The Doctor Dances: What the fu- Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Little Boy Toy Chapter Text Chapter 24: Boom Town: You've jinxed us Chapter Text Chapter 25: Boom Town: Okay Debbie Downer Chapter Text Chapter 26: Bad Wolf: What is going on? Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Rose: Moving Mannequins


AN: Hello, I'm Fleur and this is my book containing a relationship between my OC Alula Smith and BBC's Ninth Doctor. I hope you enjoy this first chapter, comment any advice and let me know what you think :)
Disclaimer - I don't own BBC Doctor Who show, if I did there would most definitely be another surviving Timelord other than the Master.

~1~ = paragraph break

Chapter Text

Alarms are the most annoying thing in the world. Especially when your brain had taken you away to a wonderful world full of different creatures and planets with your favourite character, the man with a leather jacket and old face. Though the alarm, most of the time, saves me from the screams of terror, the scent of burning flesh and buildings that crumble before me as the wonderful place I once knew as a haven disappears before my eyes.

That's why, when my alarms shrill sound rings through my apartment and jolts my body awake I gasp for air, tugging my hair away from my face and wipe the sweat clustered on my brow with the back of my sleeve. My sharp breathing and fast heartbeat echoed through the room, my mind wandering off to what I had dreamt. The same man in a leather jacket but instead of an old face he has a new one, younger with quite large ears. His eyes held a deep sadness and lonely look in them, but his mouth said the opposite as a large smile plastered itself on his handsome features. A faint meow on the other side of the door helps me focus back to reality, and away from the man in my dreams.

I look over at the time my eyes focusing in on the digital clock on my bedside table. 6:00am in bold red flashes at me, the alarm still ringing through the air. Rolling over I slam it away from me the noise cutting off abruptly as it falls to what I think might be its end. Another harsh meow at the door lifts me up out of bed and to the entrance. I swing it open before getting ready for work.


I tug on my black doc martins before looking up into the mirror. My pale skin contrasts against the dark black cami top. My denim blue baggy jeans hung at my hip bones, black butterflies placed in a random pattern and sizes across the legs of my pants. Three necklaces hang around my neck each different lengths, my ears covered in different shapes and sized earrings. My dark unnatural red hair stops at my breast and styled in a shaggy mullet with curtains. My makeup done simple: some eyeliner, mascara and highlighter. Happy with the look I head to the door grabbing my purse and phone before leaving.

I have to catch the bus to get to work, work being a clothing store called Henriks, in which I worked with a blonde named Rose I think and some other colleagues. The only reason I know Rose, it's because we take turns in taking Wilson his lottery money as the security was too bloody lazy to do it himself.

I release a sigh of relief as the speaker announces that the store will be closing. If I had to deal with another angry middle aged woman with a terrible bob hairstyle again I will throw myself off of Big Ben. Huffing, I hurriedly grab the last things I had to take down to the basem*nt. Two mannequins had to be replaced because some teenagers decided to be twats and mess around with them. Steve and Sam both lost and arm and Steve lost a head. I drag the two behind me, into the lift and down the hall to the mannequin collection. I hurriedly abandon them there and start to turn back. Rattling causes me to spin back around, grabbing a mannequin arm to defend myself I approach the noise. In my attempts to move forwards a door in a distant part of the basem*nt slams shut interrupting my advance.

"I refuse to die like I'm in a f*cking horror movie." I mutter to myself before walking back to the mannequins and grabbing my bag. More rustling causes me to spin and grip the arm tighter. A high pitched shriek escapes my mouth as Rose comes rushing round the corner. I gasp as she grabs my hand, before running with her. "So why are we running?"

"Moving mannequins." she gasps before tugging me along. We turn corner after corner before the we end up at a dead end, our backs pressed again the wall. I raise the arm in defense as bodies move towards us. Only for the arm to be ripped out of my grip and attach itself back onto Sam. Well at least Sam is now in one piece. And trying to kill us. A warm hand grips my spare one, only now I realise how cold I am as my fingers seem to thaw. I keep my grip on Rose as the mystery person drags us along. Looking back I see Rose peering curiously at the stranger, following her lead I copy. Only for me to stop in shock then get dragged forwards because everyone else is still running. It's the man from my dream. What the actual f*ck.

We run into the lift, mannequins still trying to follow, I stand there watching as the stranger fights with Sam the mannequin before he tugs his arm off.

"Awwww, no Sam only just got his arm back." I whine to myself, only for both current passengers to look at me. "f*ck off." I retort.

"You pulled his arm off!" Rose exclaims as she leans against the wall.

"Yep, plastic." the mystery man replies throwing the arm at her.

"Very clever, nice trick. Who are they, students? This a student thing?"

"Why would they be students?" both the stranger and I question, I take the arm from Rose before hugging it as if it was my life line.

"I don't know!" she exclaims.

"You said it. Why students?" the man asks, crossing his arms and facing the lift doors. He glances back at me before turning around again.

"Cause that many people dressed up and being silly they got to be students." she explains. I nod along with her.

"I mean makes sense, except for the fact that I just carried both Sam and Steve (who are made out of plastic) down here cause some twats broke them. Although Sam got his arm back which you then took. He isn't going to be happy I imagine." I ramble looking up to be met by and amused stranger and worried Rose.

"What you said makes sense. Well done." he replies pointing at Rose.

"Thanks." she replies.

"They're not students."

"Ha, see." I point out.

"Whatever they are when Wilson finds them he'll call the police." Rose attempts to assure us.

"Who's Wilson?" he asks.

"Chief Electrician." I state.

"Wilson's dead." is his blunt retort. My face drops, and my mouth hangs slightly lower. I liked Wilson, he was a decent guy; even though it annoyed me that he wouldn't get his own lottery money.

"That's not funny. That's sick." Rose protests as the lift doors open, we walk out before I'm stopped at the lift button.

"Hold on, mind your eyes." the stranger orders, gently gripping my shoulders to move me out of the way. He pulls out a silver and blue wand thing, pointing it at the lift button.

"Who are you?" I question, looking up at the tall man. He briefly glances down at me before continuing down the corridor.

"Who's that lot down there? And really who are you?!" Rose demands, as she runs after him. Huffing I grip the arm tightly and continue the chase.

"They're living plastic creatures, they're being controlled by a relay device on the roof, which would be a great big problem if I didn't have this." he answers, waving a bombing device around. I subtly take a step away from him. "So I'm going to go upstairs and blow it up. I might well die in the process, but don't worry about me. Now go home. Go on and have your lovely beans on toast. And don't tell anyone this. You'll get them killed."

"I don't like beans." I mutter to myself, earning a grin from the man. I smile back, waving the plastic arm at him. He closes the door behind himself as he disappears back into the building.

Shrugging I turn around causing Rose to follow behind me, we're startled as the door opens again.

"I'm the Doctor, what's your name's?"


"Alula but I prefer Luna." is Roses' short reply and my relatively longer one.

"Well, nice to meet you Rose, Alula. Now run for your life!" he says with extra dramatics. Scoffing I spin on my heel and run with Rose right behind me. As we make it to a safe distance, we both try to act like we're not waiting for a building to explode. And then it does. People start screaming and running into us. The building we got money from went up in flames. It looks rather pretty.

I turn to Rose with a shook look.

"Do you want to stay with me? I think we should stick together." she offers. I nod slowly before shrugging my shoulders and following her down the street still clutching the mannequin arm.


After Jackie fussed over us we were joined by Mickey, Rose's boyfriend, who in all honesty I didn't like. He didn't seem very nice or supportive. More interested in football than his own girlfriends comfort. After all the fuss of the explosion we decide to go to sleep. Jackie passed me some pillows and a blanket before leaving my to curl up on the couch. I had already been given clothes to sleep in. Jackie offered me a large shirt which seemed to be a males, I'm assuming a significant other. Rose gives me some shorts and I'm set.

I slowly wake up, my neck cracking from the couch. I didn't have a dream surprisingly. I shuffle into the kitchen preparing some coffee before sitting in the living room and sifting through the magazines. Not too long after an alarm goes off, followed by Jackie yelling, "There's no point in getting up sweetheart, you've got no job to go to."

As everyone wakes up Jackie starts offering possible jobs. I chuckle at the thought of Rose working at Finch's the butchers. She playfully nudges me before the conversation is ended by a noise at the door.

"Mum, you're such a liar I told you to nail that cat flap down, we're gonna get strays." Rose complains.

"I did it weeks back." Jackie replies.

"No you thought about it."

I follow behind Rose as she crouches at the door, nails scattered on the floor near the cat flap. We both hold our breath as it rattles again. Before Rose gently pushes it open. She bolts up before opening the door and welcomed the sight of the Doctor.

"What're you doing here?" He questions.

"I live here." Rose retorts.

"I think she should be asking you that." I state watching the exchange.

"What you do that for." they continue, ignoring me.

"Cause I do." Rose replies. The Doctor pulls out his silver and blue thing again.

"Must've got the wrong signal. Your not plastic are you, nope bone head. Bye." he says tapping us both on the head. After all of this I'd had enough and grab his arm.

"You. Inside. Now." I order, dragging him inside as Rose locks the door. Jackie's voice echoes through the house as she's disturbed by our confrontation.

"Who is it?"

"It's about last night. He's part of the inquiry." Rose explains walking away from us and towards her mothers room. I gently tug the Doctors sleeve to make him follow us as we reach the doorway.

"She deserves compensation." Jackie orders. "They both do." I smile at that, Jackie is nice.

"Oh, we're talking millions." the Doctor plays along, not even glancing Jackie's way as he inspects the house, glancing around. I watch as Jackie's attitude completely changes. A sultry look plastered on her face.

"I'm in my dressing gown."

"Yes you are." the Doctor replies, completely oblivious. I muffle a giggle in my hand.

"There's a strange man in my bedroom." she continues, I grimace at where this was going.

"Yes, there is." the Doctor's focus on Jackie as the conversation goes on.

"Well, anything could happen." I silently gag at the thought, before high tailing it out of there and towards Rose.

"Rose you seriously need to get your mother under control." I whine. Rose is about to reply before the Doctor comes strolling in.

"Mind the mess, do you want a coffee?" Rose offers looking at us both expectantly. I nod smiling at her in thanks before lounging on the couch and pulling out a book. Looking down I only then realise I'm still in the oversized shirt and shorts.

"Yes please, just milk." the Doctor replies.

"We should go to the police." Rose suggests, I pull a face at that.

"I doubt they'd believe us." I input. The Doctor ignores Rose's comment before picking up a magazine and looking at the first page.

"That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien." he mutters to himself. Rose continues on with the idea of telling someone. The Doctor picks up a book this time. I watch in awe as he skims through the book reading it in a matter of seconds, "Hmm, sad ending." My mouth hangs open at that.

"What, how. Huh." I stutter, completely baffled. The Doctor grins back at me before picking up some mail reading out "Rose Tyler" he then turns to the mirror making some choice expressions.

"Ah could've been worse. Look at the ears!" he exclaims tugging at his lobes. I smile amused whilst shaking my head.

"If it's any condolence I find you look rather handsome." I state, smiling as his expression lights up. He picks up a deck of cards, doing some tricks. I wince at the thought of it all going wrong. And as if some high power listened the cards go flying. "Are you playing 52 card pick up?" I joke, crouching down to collect the cards. We both chuckle together as I place the deck on the side.

Rose comes in bearing coffee, I smile gratefully before taking a few large gulps. The Doctors attention seemed to be somewhere else though.

"What's that? Have you got a cat?"

"No we did have, but we just get strays now. They come off the estate." Rose replies.

"That's how I got mine. He just decided to stay instead." I say fondly. Watching as the man leans over the back of the couch. I gasp, choking on my coffee as Sam's arm come flying out from behind, gripping onto the Doctor's neck. He gasps for air as I hurry over to attempt to help. I tug at the plastic even though my attempts are abysmal. Rose glances over and watches as we struggle.

"I told Mickey to throw that out. You're all the same. Give a man a plastic hand-" Rose starts, I cut her off by yanking extra hard, the plastic comes flying at me, spinning around to grab my neck instead. I start choking, flailing around as I fall backwards into the coffee table. Scalding water spreading all over my arms as I struggle for air. The man comes rushing over with his screwdriver. Flinging it off of me he grabs it before pressing the button multiple times. The hand twitches until finally stopping movement. I sit there gasping for air. My hand caressing the now bruised and burnt skin.

"Its alright see, armless." he jests. I send a painful smile at him. He grimaces at my red irritated skin. I wave him off before rising from the floor.

"You think?!" Rose exclaims, she then proceeds to whack him with Sam's arm.

Chapter 2: Rose: Zoned out

Chapter Text

After I quickly change into my jeans and walk down all the stair Powell Estate owns I'm gasping for air. The two others continue walking as Rose hounds the Doctor with questions.

"Who are you?"

"Told ya the Doctor."

"Yeah but Doctor what?" she replies confused. I jog slightly to catch up.

"Just the Doctor."

"The Doctor?"

"Hello!" he exclaims, a childlike grin on his face. I giggle at this.

"How come you're called the Doctor? Did your parents give you it or did you?" I ask curious as to the origination, still rubbing my red arms.

"I did why?"

"Just curious. Is it 'cause you want to be like a doctor. Help people and stuff." I suggest smiling as he nods at me.

"Is this supposed to sound impressive?" Rose questions lagging behind slightly.

"Sort of." he replies.

"Come on then, you can tell me. I've seen enough." she says skipping up to him I don't bother correcting her, "Are you the police?"

The Doctor scoffs at the idea. "No, I was just passing through I'm a long way from home." he answers, he tone slightly less cheerful. I frown at this and watch his expression.

"But what have I done? How come those plastic things keep coming after us?" Rose queries.

"I don't think we're special Rose. We were just in the way I think." I voice. The Doctor nods agreeing with me before continuing,

"She's right the world doesn't revolve around you. They were after me not you. Last night in the shop I was there, you blundered in and almost ruined it all. This morning I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down. Only reason it fixed on you is because you met me."

"Excuse me, I didn't blunder in, I worked there." I retort, crossing my arms in a defensive manner.

"So what you're saying is that the entire world revolves around you?"

"Sort of yeah."

"You're full of it." I mutter still unimpressed.

"Sort of yeah." he answers grinning back at me. I roll my eyes before slowly zoning out. My eyes unfocusing but my limbs still world around me shifts into the dream landscape I became so familiar with.

The same old man in a leather jacket stood opposite me, his hand holding down a red crystal shaped button, we were in a shed like building dust and dirt covering everything. It then glitches to his body being engulfed with golden particles. His screams of agony cause a shudder to run through me. After seemingly a long time the glowing stops. A new man replaces the old one. This one with big ears and a younger face.

A hand holds mine I zone back in to hear a part of their conversation. Our surroundings had changed to outside a park. The two holding hands as well as the Doctor gripping mine.

"I can feel it. The turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour. I can feel it, we're falling through space, us three. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go..." he drifts off letting go of Rose's hand.

"Okay but like what did I miss?" I mutter to myself. The Doctor hears though and looks at me questioningly. "I zoned out. Only heard the part after my hand was grabbed." I explain, squeezing his hand as a signal. I really need to start taking my meds again.

"Just explaining how I'm not like you." he answers.

"Well yeah you're an alien." I blurted out. It is obvious.

"What did you just say?" he questions, his question turning serious. I think I stole his thunder.

"I'm sorry. But you not that sneaky, I mean you most definitely look like us... Or we look like you. Either way we look similar but you act completely different. Plus no human would have that much knowledge without an alien heritage involved." I ramble, scoffing at the put off expression on his face.

"Either way that's who I am. Now forget me Rose, Alula. Go home." he says taking the arm from Rose's grip.

"Hey that's Sam's arm." I shout after him. He continues walking towards a blue police box. I didn't think they still had those. I exhale slowly turning to talk to Rose only for her to have disappeared. Sighing I wrap my arms around my waist and head home. No point waiting around for people who apparently don't like me.


Sat on my bed I tug at my black jumper sleeve, fiddling with it as I think about the previous things that had happened. I probably wouldn't see either of them again as Rose isn't exactly a best friend. Well it's not like I actually have friends.

I fall back on my bed lying next to Rocket my cat. He meows before rolling over away from me. Nice. Seems everyone's leaving me today. I stand up adjusting my blue baggy ripped jeans before sliding some Converse Hightop's on. A walk will help.

The park was quiet as ever, a few old people and their dogs scattered around the grass. I stroll over to the bench before a noise distracts me. A wheezing sound almost. I follow the noise down an alleyway, the same police box as earlier sat there. Deciding to figure out what the hell was going on I stroll over to the box, the door swinging open for me. I gasp taking in the interior, it's smaller on the outside. I silently walk in, this is amazing. I creep forwards looking around in awe. The centerpiece was a blue/ green lighted column, rotor thing. The rest was golden with separate columns, circular patterns decorated the side walls. The room had corridors leading away to God knows where and a floor of grating which I guess you could say another level below. As I look down I can see the lower deck is full of storage containers and wires.

Suddenly the door swings open, the Doctor runs in holding a head that seemed vaguely familiar.

"Is that Mickey?" I question startling him as he spins around. I timidly wave before walking over. "I don't know how I got in here, she let me in." I answer his unsaid question. He nods his brow furrowed in confusion before attaching wires to the head. "Is there a reason you have a fake Mickey's head." I voice, strolling over to sit on the captain's chair. I find out that it spins, I'm going to have so much fun on this.

"It'll lead me to the person controlling it." he answers bustling around the centre.

"Is this a spaceship?"


"Where does it go?"

"Time and space." I nod in response cool.

"Has she got a name?" I ask, thinking of her possible names.

"Yeah, TARDIS. It stands for-"

"Wait I want to guess. So T is time obviously. S is space. Ummm give me a hint."

"The sizes of something." he replies watching me curiously.

"The length, width, the dimensions. Ohhh D is dimensions. So T is Time, A is and?" I ask he nods quickly I wrack my brain for things that would make sense then it clicks. "Got it. Time And Relative Dimension In Space." I grin child-like up at him. He nods smiling slightly with his brows furrowed before the doors swing open again.

Rose comes rushing in, freezing then running out. I turn to him in confusion but he wasn't watching. It takes a few moments until she's rushing back in.

"It's gonna follow us." she gasps, grabbing a side railing. "Oh hey Luna." I give a small smile in reply.

"The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door. Believe me they tried, now shut up a minute." the Doctor retorts using his silver and blue wand again.

"What is that cause i've been calling it a silver and blue wand the entire time and it's getting annoying." I question him. He looks up briefly before answering quietly,

"Sonic Screwdriver."

"But it doesn't look like a screwdriver..." I trail off after catching his glare. The Doctor starts talking to himself.

"The arm is too simple. But the head is perfect. I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." he explains placing the head on the control panel I'm assuming. "Right. Where'd you want to start?"

"Um, the inside's bigger than the outside." Rose states, her body still frozen, I smirk from my spot.

"Wow never would have seen that Rose. Personally think the outside is smaller than the inside. " I sarcastically say. Rolling his eyes the Doctor ignores my comment and speaks up.


"It's alien."

"Yep." he answers again.

"Hey I could've told you that." I wine swinging my legs.

"Are you alien?" Rose questions. I huff in annoyance was no one listening to me earlier.

"Yes. Is that alright?" He queries almost cautiously.

"Well why wouldn't it be." I ask almost naively. At the same time Rose nods.

"It's called the TARDIS this thing, T-A-R-D-I-S that's Time And Relative Dimension In Space." He finishes looking rather proud of himself. Rose suddenly starts to cry, I awkwardly sit there looking at the Doctor to ask what the hell to do. "That's okay, culture shock. It happens to the best of us." he attempts to comfort, he himself also not having a clue on why the sudden water works.

"Did they kill him!? Mickey?" she splutters, still crying. I stand up to stand next to the alien. "Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead?" she sobs.

"Oh I didn't think of that." the alien man says, at that statement I burst out cackling. Rose sends me an annoyed glare whilst the Doctor looks amused. Glad I could lighten up his mood with my rather confusing sense of humor.

"He's my boyfriend..." Rose starts but I'm distracted by the smell of burning. I turn to see plastic Mickey melting. I tug at the Doctor sleeve causing him to spin around at me. I point at the head causing him to go into a flurry of panic.

"Aww, no, no, no, NO!" he exclaims. He starts to press buttons but all I could think of was how the hell was he going to clean that up. A gust of wind on the back of my neck makes me smile slightly. The ships starts to shake and makes the noise again. I don't think it's supposed to make that noise...

"What are you doing?!" Rose exclaims her voice still thick from crying.

"Following the signal. It's fading!" the Doctor replies, rushing around and hitting things. The TARDIS flings us around, panicked I grip onto the railing which helped to keep me standing. When the loud noises finally stop the Doctor rushes out, not waiting for either of us to follow. I stumble towards the door, a bit dizzy from the ride.

Rose's distant yelling is muffled by the door slamming behind me. Its opened shortly after by Rose herself. I gaze around in wonder. We have moved.

"What the f*ck?" I mumble to myself, earning a reprimanding look from the Doctor, rolling my eyes I spin on the spot. Staring in awe at the London Eye as Rose starts asking more questions. I'm slowly getting sick of her voice, I must be tired. Turning I'm met by a frantic Doctor who was spinning around searching for God knows what.

"No, I lost the signal. I got so close." he sulks, walking over to the wall to lean against it. I follow, leaning closely next to him so our arms touched. Rose stares in wonder before shaking out of the shock.

"We've moved. Does it fly?"

"It disappears there and reappears here. You wouldn't understand." he snaps, still miffed about losing the signal. I gently nudge his arm causing him too look down at me.

"Just cause we're not alien. That's the only reason why, we're just not as advanced as your society." I state smiling at him. "I wonder what the futures like."

"Fantastic." he answers smiling slightly before turning back round to Rose.

"But we're... somewhere else, what about that headless thing it's still on the loose." Rose says indicating somewhere in the distance.

"Oh oh wait let me guess." I say putting my hand in the air. I will raise the Doctors spirits if it's the last thing I do. He smiles slightly before nodding to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. "It melted with the head. They're connected." I answer a smug grin on my face as the Doctor nods in approvement.

"Are you going to witter on all night?" the Doctor questions, although I don't know who it was aimed at. I slowly lower my hand dejectedly before shaking it off. He's annoyed which means he takes it out on others. It's almost human. The Doctor leaves me at the wall to walk towards the TARDIS. I huff turning around to lean my back against the bricks. Rose continues to (as the Doctor said) witter on about her boyfriend. The Doctors blank face at some of her comments make me giggle though. Sometimes he acted completely human then other times like an alien.

"You were right, you are alien!" Rose shouts at him, angry at the fact he forgot about Mickey. I mean when you think about it there are so many human, how do we expect him to remember all of them?

"If I did forget some kid called Mickey-"

"He's not a kid!"

"It's cause I'm trying to save the life of every other stupid ape blundering about on this planet, all right?!" he shouts, his body tense. I roll my eyes at the dramatics leaning further away from the squabbling pair.

"All right!" Rose snaps.

"Yes, it is!" is his sassy retort. He looks away crossing his arms whilst Rose walks to the other side of the wall. I look between the two who were acting like toddlers.

"So when your finished acting like children I have a question what the hell are we going to do now?!" I huff folding my arms across my chest. All I recieve is a huff from them both. "Fine ignore me. It wouldn't be the first time." I mumble. We return to silence as I stand there awkwardly.

"If you are an alien, how come you sound like you're from the north?" Rose asks breaking the silence.

"Lots of planets have a north." is the aliens reply.

"What's a police public call box." Rose asks again trying to make the Doctor talk to her.

"It's a telephone box, from the 1950's. It's a disguise." the Doctor answers, unravelling his arms and plastering a grin on his face. He gently pats the TARDIS as he answers.

"Why is the living plastic here?" I query stepping towards the TARDIS leaning against her gently.

"You've got a good planet, lots of smoke and oil; plenty of toxins and dioxins. Perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. It's food stock was destroyed in the war, its protein planet destr..." the Doctors voice slowly fades out as I'm sucked into my thoughts, the mention of war seemed to have done something to me. Panicked I stand up straight-

Fire everywhere, the citadel no longer standing in all it's beauty, the same man that stands in front of me in the present time is stood now his clothes raggedy and burnt. His eyes glisten with tears as he rushes into his TARDIS the doors locking behind them. My body moves to run after the spaceship, panicking as the world seems to shake. I rush around searching for something to escape in. A small pod that seems to be in good condition sat nearby, I scramble over, the sound of the TARDIS dematerialising pushes me quicker. I hook the pod to the time machine before hitchhiking my way to wherever the hell earth is.

I'm shaken out of my day dream by the Doctor grabbing my hand and running towards the eye of London.

"Can someone explain I zoned out again." I complain tugging the Doctors hand to get his attention.

"The Nestene Consciousness needs a transmitter, which just so happens to be the London Eye." he briefs before tugging me along to the metal structure. Fun I think.

Chapter 3: Rose: Nestene Consciousness. Easy!

Chapter Text

Cars honk at us as we drag each other across the road a grin plastered on our faces as we skip down the stairs. Once stopped outside of the London Eye was skid to a stop, slightly out of breathe we gather in a circle.

"Think. Plastic. Everywhere, every artificial thing waiting to be alive. The shop window dummies, phones, wires, cables." The Doctor explains.

"The breast implants." Rose comments, I cackle at the thought.

"The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath." I mutter gazing around our surroundings. another wall draws me away from the group. Leaning over I tuck my hair behind my ear to get a better look. A hatch leading down under the bridge draws my attention. "Doctor!" I hollar drawing the attention of my companions.

"Looks good to me." he comments before rushing down. I follow soon after smiling at the approval. Once down near the hatch we work together to heave it open, the rusted metal screeching at the unusual use. The Doctor moves to go first before I intercept and rush forwards. "I think Rose and I should go first." I state before clambering down, I slowly disappear down the hole watching as the Doctor stutters to reply with pale pink dusting his cheeks. Giggle I climb down the ladders. Red light emitting from ceiling lamps creates a creepy and suspicious atmosphere. Rose follows after me, her shoes thudding against the floor grating. We both wait at the bottom for the alien to follow us.

Once down the three of us make our way towards a door nearby, the Doctor slides it open before venturing further railing prevents us from falling down and off the ledge, I stroll over peering down. A vat full of glowing yellow liquid which was sliding and mixing around is the main thing lighting the large room. The Doctor leans next to me as he explains whatever it was, I had a sneaky suspicion that it was the Nestene Consciousness.

"The Nestene Consciousness. That's it, inside the vat it's a living creature. Living plastic creature."

"Well, tip in your anti plastic and let's go." Rose rushes, her tone panicked and fearful.

"No, we can't kill it. It might want to leave when it realises it's been caught." I ramble, grabbing the Doctors forearm.

Nodding the Doctor agrees with me as he replies, "I'm not here to kill it. I've got to give it a chance like Alula said."

"Please call me Luna I don't like Alula, caused me too many issues in my childhood." I beg facing the Doctor. He just grins shaking his head.

"Sorry no can do Alula."

"Fine then Doc, what do we do now?" he cringes at the nickname before rushing down the stairs to the vat. Rose and I make eye contact, sighing in sync before following.

The three of us pause on a lower level, Doc clears his throat before announcing our arrival to the other alien, "I seek an audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract, according to Convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." The alien twists and turns creating gurgling noises in reply. What the f*ck did it just say?An audience is approved.The thought flits through my brain, only for a second.

"Thank you. If I might have permission to approach." the Doctor requests, a cheesy grin plastered on his face. I giggle at his happiness, although both of our smiles vanish as Rose mutters an 'Oh, my God.' whilst running past us both and towards a huddled figure on another level, the huddle figure being the one and only Mickey.

"God, it's Mickey. Yay!" I sarcastically whisper, tapping my finger against the metal railing nervously. The alien to my left gently takes my hand before leading me down and after Rose, a fowl look smothering his features. Skipping behind the Doctor we walk past Rose and Mickey. The two chattering frantically between themselves.

"Doctor they kept him alive!" Rose exclaims pointing out the obvious.

"No sh*t Sherlock." I state, as the Doctor tugs me past the couple.

"Yeah, that was always a possibility. They had to keep him alive to maintain a copy." I shake my head at his oblivious thinking, knowing that Rose will attack him for it.

"You knew that and never said?!" she shouts, her face scrunched in exasperation.

"Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you!" the Doctor retorts sarcastically, before turning away from them and continuing down the the vat.

We pause at the edge of a ledge looming above the Nestene Consciousness.

"Am I addressing the Consciousness?" he queries. The plastic twists into a face replying to the question silently. "Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilisation by means of warp, shunt technology." he pauses as the creature replies, angrily spitting molten plastic around.

"Might we suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off!" I quip pissed at the alien. This causes the creature to uproar, rising slightly out off the vat. Rolling my eyes at the dramatics I scoff at its response. Trying to justify its reason for invading. "f*ck off you ugly ass looking slime ball, it's an invasion plain and simple." I snapped. It twists in anger talking over me.

"SHE IS TALKING!" the Doctor bellows. "This planet is just starting. These stupid, little people have just learnt to walk. They are capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf. Please, just go." he requests his voice tired.

"Doctor!" Rose yells, just before we're grabbed by mannequins. A familiar mannequin gripping my left arm.

"Steve! You found a head. Oh and an arm how lovely." I joke, the mannequins grip painfully tight on my wrist. "Ouch you bitch, I was being nice."

"Language Alula." the Doctor reprimands, fighting against the two mannequins holding him. How come I only got one. That's bullsh*t! One mannequin pulls out the vial of anti plastic from inside his inner pocket. The Nestene Consciousness growling at the discovery.

"Thats was insurance. I wasn't gonna use it!" Doc tries to justify. frantically pulling at the mannequins. I struggle as Steve drags me to the edge. "We were not attacking you. I'm here to help. We're not your enemy, I swear." he begs futilely struggling. The creatures starts spitting at us only the Doctor understanding its sentences. "What do you mean?" We turn together to see the TARDIS. "No, no, honestly no!" the plastic asks another question causing the Doctor to frantically look between the ship, me and the alien. "Yes, that's my ship." The alien rants on about something, only a few of the words was understandable to me.Timewar, your fault, last Eternal, last Timelord.

"That's not true." the Doctor replies, his voice thick with emotions. "I should know, I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world, I couldn't save any of them."

The Nestene Consciousness growls again causing Steve to drag me closer to the edge. I scream out kicking around.

"What's it doing?" Rose asks.

"It's the TARDIS, the Nestene has identified it as superior technology it's terrified. It's convinced that Alula isn't human. It's going to the final base. It's starting the invasion."

"Get out Rose! Run!" I scream, throwing my weight around in an attempt to escape Steve. He struggles to bring me to the edge. Rose turns around from us he hand to her ear, on the phone I guess. I bolt of lightening flies up breaking the ceiling. I pause my struggle to stare in worry at it, fear flooding my bloodstream. sh*t.

"It's the activation signal. It's transmitting. Get out Rose. Go!" the Doctor shouts, struggling against the plastic men. The ceiling begins to cave, rubble falling down. My feet reach the edge of the level, only my heels stay on the ground. I grip tightly onto anything panicked as Steve gives one last push. I start to fall, pulling him with me; I grab the edge with one hand, Steve holding the other.

"f*ck off you bastard!" I scream, kicking him in the head sending him into the molten plastic. I struggle to hold the ledge with both hands, my muscles straining.

"Alula hold on!" Doc shouts.

"Well, I'm not gonna let go!" I retort, my fingers slipping. "Hurry the f*ck up!"

I hear a thud, a mannequin flies over me the anti plastic following. An eruption causes my fingers to slip more, only holding by two fingers. I scream in exhaustion, painfully holding on. Two hands fling over the side, dragging my up just as I was about to let go. "Took you long enough!" I complain. Hugging the Doctor from the sprawled out position we were in. He hugs me back tightly. Heaving me up we run to the TARDIS, Mickey and Rose close behind.

As the TARDIS stops making her peculiar noise and the Doctor nods to the door a traumatised Mickey runs out with a worried Rose close by. I sat spinning on my new favourite seat whilst inspecting the bruising and burns on my arm from my hardcore scrap with a plastic arm. The Doctor watches me before walking out of the room and down one of the many corridors, he soon comes back holding a small jar containing a pinkish paste. I raise an eyebrow in confusion watching as he opens it and crouches in front of me.

"This will fix you up. From a planet called Kastro which was essentially a really big hospital." he explains before gently taking my hand and pulling my arm towards him, his fingers gentle as he rubs it in. He moves to one of the burns causing my to wince slightly. "Sorry." he mutters. Once finished he smiles slightly at me before placing the jar on the floor and walking to the doors. I follow closely with my sleeve rolled up. We stand side by side leaning on opposite doorways. "Nestene Consciousness. Easy!" he boasts attempting to draw Rose's attention away from her childlike quivering boyfriend. I giggle at her offended look.

"You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me." she retorts smugly.

"Yes we would." I reply sending a grateful smile.

"Yeah, thank you. Right then. I'll be off." he states pausing slightly, "Unless uh, I dunno. You could come with me." he offers looking at both Rose and I. "This box isn't just a Lonon hopper you know. It goes anywhere in the universe, free of charge." his face lighting up with a nervous smile. I nod rapidly going to open my mouth before I'm interrupted.

"Don't he's an alien, he's a thing!" Mickey exclaims, I send a sharp and angry glare at the sorry excuse of a man.

"First of all shut the f*ck up, he is a person and it doesn't matter if he's an alien or human; second of all it's up to Rose if she wants to go and third, yes Doctor I would love to come with you." I snap, smiling at the Doctor after expressing my dislike for Mickey.

"He's not invited." the Doctor adds indicating to Mickey. "What do ya think?" Rose pauses, weighing up the options. "You could stay here, fill you life with work and food and sleep; or you could go anywhere."

"Is it always this dangerous?" Rose questions shoving her hands in her back pockets. He nods in reply. Only then Mickey gets into a kneeling position and clings onto her waist, he really is a f*cking child. "Yeah, I can't. I've got to go and find my mum, plus someone's got to look after this stupid lump. So..."

The Doctor loses his large grin, a disappointed smile taking style, "Okay. See you around." he states before closing the doors. I look back at him, he is noticeably deflated and had lost his happy aura.

"What if she was told it travels in time as well. Everyone wants to time travel." I offer, his smile returns as he rapidly bustles around the TARDIS I cling to nearby railing I'm going to end up with brain damage. The wheezing sound stops as we arrive, he runs to the door poking his head and saying,

"By the way did I mention it also travels in time?" not to long after Rose enters and a smug looking Doctor winks at me. I chuckle heading over to my favourite seat. Rose giggles as the Doctor stands there all excited. This is going to be amazing.

Chapter 4: End of the World: Umpa Lumpas

Chapter Text

"Right you two who picks first." the Doctor says, leaning on the consol.

"Me!" Rose shots before I could open my mouth, I chuckle at her eagerness.

"Alrighty, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time? What's it gonna be?" he throws something up and down fiddling with the weird plastic thing. I giggle sitting up straight as Rose chooses.

"Forwards." she decides an excited smile plastered on her face.

"How far?" he adds, flicking a few switches.

"A hundred years." is her plain answer, I mean really. We could literally go so far and she's chosen the next century. The Doctor abides turning knobs and wheels as the TARDIS makes her wheezing noise. It stops as The Doctor turns back to Rose.

"There you go, step outside those doors and it's the 22nd century." he points to the doors.

"Your kidding." she says, an unbelieving expression on her face.

"That's boring though, what do you say Doctor?" I input.

"Yeah, d'you wanna go further?" he tempts.

"Fine by us." is Rose's response. He returns to the console, turning and twisting controls. I wonder whether they have to pass a driving test to learn how to fly them.

"Ten thousand years in the future. Outside is the year 12005, the new Roman Empire." I chuckle at his smug look.

"You think you're so impressive." I roll my eyes, Rose share a mischievous look with me.

"I am so impressive." is his hurt response.

"You wish." Rose laughs.

"Right then. You asked for it, I know exactly where to go." he takes the bait, going so far it causes me to nearly fall from the seat. It finally stops causing me to sigh in relief.

"Where are we." Rose questions glancing at the door

"I think you mean when." I mumble, standing up straightening the oversized shirt. The Doctor doesn't reply to either of us, just signals to the door.

We exit the spaceship. Entering a fancy looking room. The walls and floor seemed to be made from wood and yet lights that seemed most definitely futuristic scattered on the sides of the steps. Steps, that seemed almost like bleachers from american movies, led down to a shuttered window I'm assuming. Rose and I slowly walk down them, I turn to ask the Doctor where we were. He was distracted, using his sonic screwdriver on a panel opposite the shutters. I send a questioning look to which he just smiles. The shutters in front of us rise slowly, uncovering a scene I never thought I'd see in real life. Planet earth from an outside view.

Rose and I stand in awe, our mouths slightly ajar.

"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying." the alien says standing next to us with his arms crossed. "Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. You never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe the human race survives. This is the year 5.5/Apple/26. 5 billion years into your futures. And this is the day... Hold on..." he says looking down at his watch before a bright light draggs my attention, the sun expanding in a flurry of fire.

"This is the day the sun expands, isn't it. This is the end of the world." I say, looking up at the Doctor. He nods before looking back at the view. Rose and I send worried and upset looks at each other before watching as the sun continues to expand. Surely the Doctor won't just stand by and watch as billions of people die. Although he did say that the human race survives.

"Shuttles five and six now docking. Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. Earth-death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite"

"How can they forbid religion?" I mumble to myself. "Hey Doctor, wouldn't the TARDIS count as teleportation." I call as we quickly walk down a corridor. He ignores me and continues walking.

"When it says guests does it mean people." Rose asks jogging slightly to catch up to his pace.

"Depends on what you mean by people." he replies shortly.

"I mean people, what do you mean?"

"Aliens Rose." I answer for him. He smiles brightly before continuing to lead the way.

"What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for?" Rose queries. I nod along looking expectantly at the Doctor who had stopped outside a door and was busy opening it.

"It's not really a spaceship, it's an observation deck. The great and the good are coming to watch the planet burn." the Doctor answers. I scoff at that.

"More like the rich." I retort, he nods looking down at me. "Let me guess it's for fun." I continue a grimace replacing the Doctors grin.

We continue walking into the room which had just opened. A larger window for us to watch the end of the world. Lovely.

"Hold on, they did this once of Newsround Extra, the sun expanding." Rose states. "It takes hundreds of years."

"Millions." the Doctor and I reply, smiling at each other.

"The planets now the property of the national trust, they've been keeping it preserved. See down there," the Doctor continues pointing at some small satellites. "Gravity satellites holding back the sun."

"Is that why the planet hasn't changed, why the plates haven't shifted. Are they keeping it that way?" I add looking at the Earth.

"Yes that's a Classic Earth. But moneys ran out, nature takes over."

"How long left?" I question looking sadly at the planet.

"About half an hour, then the planet gets roasted." the Doctor answers.

"Is that why we're here, I mean is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the earth." Rose asks, her voice humorous. I watch the Doctor's expression. Smile sliding away.

"Please tell me that it's uninhabited now." I whisper, the room seemed to have gotten suddenly quieter.

"Its empty yes, It's time is up. They are all gone and left to travel the universe." the Doctor says a light smile back on his face.

"Just me then." Rose states.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" I sass. Rose giggles before correcting herself.

"Right sorry Luna, just us." I'm about to ask a question when a voice startles me.

"Who the hell are you?" I spin and am met by a blue man with pretty patterns on his skin glaring at the three of us.Crespallion.What the actual f*ck.

"That's nice thanks." the Doctor sasses, spinning on his heal to glare at the flustered Crespallion.

"How did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone, the guests have disembarked. They're on their way. Any second now-" he rants.

"Yes that's me, I'm a guest. See and invitation." he holds up a blank piece of paper. I didn't think aliens were that thick. "It's fine, The Doctor and my plus ones. Or shouldn't it be plus two." he points at Rose and I. "I'm the Doctor and this is Rose Tyler and Alula.."

"Smith." I offer, smiling gently at the man before us. He visibly calms down. "Hope that's alright."

"Well obviously. Apologies et cetera. If your on board we'd better start." he says, pausing before continuing. "Enjoy." He turns away allowing the Doctor to talk to us.

"Its slightly psychic. It shows whatever I want them to see." he explains. Confused I imput.

"Then why is it blank."

"No it says it right there, see, The Doctor and plus two." I shake my head at Rose.

"No really it's blank." the Doctor watches me curiously. I send him a look.

"It doesn't work on some people." he explains I nod slowly. Alrighty.

"He was blue." Rose states no emotion in her voice, is she already in shock over a blue man. I giggle at her stunned face.

"Yeah." is the Doctors oblivious reply. God sometimes he's so human and then other times he is completely oblivious to our thoughts and emotions.

"Okay." Rose mutters looking back at the Steward. I chuckle rolling my eyes at the pair before grabbing the Doctor's hand and following the Crespallion. The blue man walks up to a stand with a microscope, he starts to introduce us.

"We have in attendance the Doctor, Rose Tyler and Alula Smith. Thank you. All staff to their positions." once finished he claps his hands thrice causing multiple short/almost dwarf like people to bustle around, each covered in a leather looking suit and helmets.

"Holy sh*t they look like Umpa Lumpas." I cackle, the Doctor chuckles slightly, squeezing my hand.

"Hurry, now, thank you. Quick as we can. Come along, come along." the Steward orders the small people exit only two staying at the doorway. He pauses before reading of a im assuming a clipboard off of the stand, "And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest? Representing the Forest of Cheam, we have trees, namely: Jabe, Lute and Coffa." Three people enter, one female who looked like a princess in the gown she has, the other looking as if male guards. Each of them were most definitely alien, their skin a dark brown and bark like. Human like trees. Cool.

The Steward continues on, "There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you could keep the room circulating, thank you." I look over at the Doctor who seemed to be enjoying all the new possible people to interact with. I tug his hand gently.

"Is there any chance you brought gifts?" I ask, already knowing the answer. He shakes head an excited grin covering his handsome features.

"Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, we have the Moxx of Balhoon." a small blue naked man on what I could assume as an alien wheelchair slides in. The Steward continues to announce. "And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme." A group of black cloaked beings glide into the room, a pair of almost reptile looking aliens soon after, "The inventors of Hypo-slip Travel Systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you." I zone out the rest as he continues to announce. One thing bugging me was that small voice, reciting different species names as each was introduced. Just as it had before.

The three trees approach our trio. I smile politely at them.

"The Gift of Peace. I bring you a cutting of my Grandfather." she says, her voice soft. She hands a plant pot containing a twig in dirt to the Doctor. He smiles appreciatively before passing it to me. I smile down at it. Cool.

"Thank you. Yes, gifts. Er..." The Doctor starts to pat himself down, probably for a gift. I huff slightly amused by his lack of preparation, before coming up with an idea myself. Cutting in I step forwards,

"I give you in return air from my lungs." the Doctor stands impressed at my quick thinking. I smile smugly as Jabe becomes flustered.

"Oh, how... intimate." she stutters.

"There's more where that came from." I flirt.

"Oh I'm sure there is." she flirts back. I send her a wink before they walk away. This is fun. I turn to look at my companions. Rose looked almost distraught and the Doctor had a smug yet almost annoyed look.

"I guess this is no better time that I swing more ways than one. I'm pansexual." I disclose my hands make 'jazz-hands'. The Doctor chuckles at Rose's expression. She looked flabbergasted. "No need to look so shocked Rose. I thought it was obvious I'm not straight when my ex girlfriend picked me up for at least a year." she just stands there still confused. "It means I am sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity." I recite the definition. Rose nods slowly understanding. Our attention is dragged away as an other guest enters.

"From the Silver Devastation, the sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe." A large glass chamber rolls in, containing a large humanoid head with weird straggly hair and old squinting eyes. The blue man on wheels rolls over.

"The Moxx of Balhoon." the Doctor greets nod respectfully to the small man, I repeat his actions hoping to avoid any accidental insulting. We earn a small nod back,

"My felicitations on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily salivas." I can't. Rose flinches and makes a disgusted face as the Balhoonion hawks, spitting directly into her eye. I casually flick saliva off of the Doctors jacket who had a sh*t eating grin. I hold my hand against my mouth smothering my cackles. The Doctors shoulders shaking as he silently snickers.

The cloaked dudes approach our small trio. Their identity completely concealed the only bright thing on them is that very out of place, thick golden chains around each of their necks. I watch them curiously, something is off with them.

"Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. I bring you air from my lungs." the Doctor starts, copying my actions with the tree people. I snort as he opens his mouth unnaturally wide and exhales. Moving his head around just to reach all of them. It was a sight to behold.

"A gift of peace in all good faith." the cloak recites, I step slightly back as a metal claw emerges from the black fabric. Da f*ck? His 'hand' held a small metal ball, I take the object inspecting it. I look up to the leather jacket clad alien. He sends an inquisitive look at th unknown object before focusing back to the party as the Steward makes an other introduction.

"And last but not least, our very special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, and trees and multiforms, consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the last Human. The Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17." as he finishes the doors slide open to reveal a horrifying sight. Two white clothed men I'm assuming holding sprayers of a sort entered. Shortly followed by this Cassandra. A metal frame with skin tightly stretched across is, two eyes and some lips in the centre. The skin was that thin the veins could be seen through it. I feel myself pale at the sight of which humanity had become. At the base of her framing a jar holding some blue liquid and a brain, connected with wires to the skin.

Rose and I slowly advance towards her. We walk around her as she witters on. As her lips moved I could see the Doctor through them, his arms crossed and a large humoured grin covering his lips. Rose and I send each other a disturbed look. The f*ck she looks like a trampoline.

"I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference. Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty. I don't look a day over two thousand. Moisturise me. Moisturise me." her two minions spray her with whatever the f*ck it was. I shudder as her high pitched voice continues on she was obviously enjoying the spotlight. "Truly, I am the last Human. My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in its soil. I have come to honour them and say goodbye." she pauses tears seemed to actually escape her eyes. What the f*ck. She has no head, no tear ducts. How?My baffled expression remains on my face, the Doctor seemed to only then notice Rose and I's distraught. "Oh, no tears, no tears. I'm sorry. But behold, I bring gifts. From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg." Cassandra moves on quickly, one of the small Umpa Lumpa looking things carry out a large egg. "Legend says it had a wingspan of fifty feet and blew fire from its nostrils." my brows furrow together I open my mouth to retort but catch the Doctors gaze. His head slowly shaking from left to right. "Or was that my third husband? Oh, no. Oh, don't laugh. I'll get laughter lines." Cassandra continues, she really does like her own voice. "And here, another rarity." this time two small people bring out a jukebox, cool. "According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Play on!" I hug slightly as Toxic Love by Soft Cells seeps from the jukebox. I gently bob my head snorting as I catch the Doctor also dancing slightly to the tune.

I watch cautiously as aliens begin to bustle around, one that attracts my attention being the Face of Boe. He slides over towards me.

"Hello, I'm Alula Smith." I introduce, waving slightly at the jar. Although I jump nearly five feet in the air when a voice echoes through my thoughts.

"Ahh little moon. It's been a while since I've seen you."I raise a curious eyebrow."Don't fret, you will meet me soon, it's the future for you, yet so far into my past."

"So is your name really the Face of Boe? I imagine that's a title." I ask, his eyes skint as his lips tug up into a grin.

"I'm sure you'll be the first to figure it out little moon. At the moment in time I think you should return to your Doctor, stick with him. Eventually everything will become clear."the head then rolls away. Okay then. I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning I see the Doctor towering over me. I glance around quickly.

"Where is Rose?" he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders simultaneously before gripping my hand and dragging me to the doorway. We are stopped though when Jabe stops us a metal device in hand.

"Doctor?" we pause a blinding flash emitted from her device. I flinch slightly. It's alright it's not like I liked being able to see. "Thank you." she continues before we continue to chase a frantic blonde. Still clutching a slice of Jabes' grandaddy in my hand.

Chapter 5: End of the World: Prostitutes?

Chapter Text

We turn through twists and corridors, our blonde companion out of sight.

"Where could she have gone?" I mumble, the Doctor shrugs before tugging me through the corridors.

"Would the owner of the blue box in private gallery fifteen please report to the Steward's office immediately. Guests are reminded that use of teleportation devices is strictly forbidden under Peace Treaty 5.4/Cup16. Thank you."the Stewards voice rings through the speakers.

"Ha, see told ya!" I exclaim. The aliens snarky retort is interrupted by the constant countdown.

"Earth Death in twenty five minutes."

"Good too know." I grumble to myself. We look down the hall, watching as the Oompa Loompa looking dudes were pushing the TARDIS down the corridor, making noises of complaints.

"Oi, now, careful with that. Park it properly. No scratches." the Doctor warns, I watch curiously as one of them scuttles towards us. It holds a small card with writing. I take it before reading out loud.

"Have a nice day." I look up at the Doctor chuckling slightly at his confused expression. "Thanks I think."

I shove it in my pocket before sliding my hand into the Doctors, we continue the search for our lost friend.

"Rose? Are you in there?" I call out as we stroll into a room, the Doctor happily prances over to the stairs, flopping down on one to the left of Rose. I sit in between the two still holding the Doctor's hand.

"Aye, aye. What do you think, then?" he exclaims, peering excitedly at the two of us.

"Great. Yeah, fine." Rose starts, "Once you get past the slightly psychic paper." we both chuckle at that, even if it was blank to me. "They're just so alien. The aliens are so alien. You look at 'em and they're alien."

"Rose, they look alien. Because they are alien." I state, smiling ruefully at her. She rolls her eyes at me before looking away to the viewing window.

"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South." the Doctor jests, squeezing my hand gently. I giggle remembering a dream about that once, well at the time I believed it to be a nightmare.

"Where are you from?" Rose asks, the Doctor's entire demeanor changes. He looks down at our hands.

"All over the place." he avoids. Rose seems to get the hint that it was a sore subject. There's an awkward silence which I choose to fill.

"They all speak English. I assume that has something to do with you." I ask, taking the Doctors mind off of whatever was causing the crinkle in his forehead.

"It's a gift from the TARDIS. Telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates." he explains, leaning back to lounge on the ground. Our hands disconnecting at the movement. My hand feels empty now. Wait why the f*ck does it matter. I just met the guy. Albeit I have dreamt of him for a very long time but still.

"It's inside my brain?" Rose asks. I wince at the tone, I should've picked something else.

"Well in a good way." the Doctor tries to salvage.

"Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask?" Rose's voice getting louder as she continues.

"I didn't think about it like that." he admits.

"Rose I don't see why it's such a proble-" I start but she cuts me off yelling,

"No, you were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South. Who are you, then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you?"the Doctor sits up at this. I huff pissed at their arguing.

"I'm just the Doctor." his tone final.

"From what planet?" she pushes.

"Rose please stop." I beg standing up as it gets more heated.

"Well, it's not as if you'll know where it is!" he snaps.

"Where are you from?" she continues completely ignoring me.

"What does it matter?" the Doctor exclaims.

"Tell me who you are!" Rose demands. Oh my God they are like children.

"This is who I am, right here, right now, all right? All that counts is here and now, and this is me." he bellows, I flinch still stood between the two as Rose yells back,

"Yeah, and I'm here too because you brought me here, so just tell me!"

"SHUT THE f*ck UP!" I roar over them. The stand shocked, both slowly turning to me. "God you are like children. Rose he doesn't have to tell us anything, he doesn't know a single thing about us it's not fair for you to expect him to disclose his entire f*cking life." I say sternly before turning to the Doctor. "And you. Yes we may be human but you've got to give us some slack, she wasn't trying to hurt you. She just wants to know a bit more about the man who we quite literally followed across the universe." I then walk off, closer to the window. Watching the planet hoping it'll let me cool down. I'm soon joined with the two others who stand on either side of me.

"All right. As my mate Shareen says, don't argue with the designated driver." Rose speaks up,what I'm assuming is her apology. I turn expectantly to the alien who was already looking at me in guilt.

"I'm sorry for snapping." I think that's as close to an apology I'm going to get from him. I smile gently at him taking his hand. Rose pulls out her phone looking down at it dejectedly.

"A bit out of range I think." I say pulling my own out to see no bars.

"Tell you what." the Doctor says gently taking my phone from my hand. He drops my other hand to pull out his sonic. "With a little bit of jiggery pokery." he adds taking the back off and switching the battery. He hands it back before doing the same to Rose's. I giggle as Rose walks off to call her mother. I on the other hand was involved in a very serious game of Snake against some dude called UrMom135. As I win a cheer quietly to myself careful to not interrupt Rose's call. I look up to find the Doctor watching intently I smile at him before flashing him my screen. He grins back before taking my hand again.

We walk over to Rose, catching the last part of her conversation.

"No. I'm fine. Top of the world." she moves the phone away from her ear standing the shocked.

"Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill." I snort at Rose's face at that. Good job I didn't call anyone then.

"So, she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead."

"Everyone we knew/know is dead." I mumble after she whispered that. The mood suddenly becoming rather sombre.

"Bundle of laughs, you two are." he mutters squeezing my hand gently. The spacecraft shakes suddenly. Almost as if we hit something. "That's not supposed to happen."

"Honoured guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you."the PA states I look up at the Doctors face, something in my gut telling me that it wasn't a gravity pocket. We walk back to the other guest hand in hand with Rose trailing behind.

"That wasn't a gravity pocket, was it?" I ask looking up to the Doctor as he stops before looking at a controller on the wall.

"No, I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that." he answers before spinning around to talk to the beautiful tree coming towards us. I smile flirtily at her gaining a small one back.

"What do you think, Jabe? Listened to the engines. They've pitched up about thirty Hertz. That dodgy or what?" he rapidly spews.

"It's the sound of metal. It doesn't make any sense to me." she replies slightly confused. I smile slightly at that.

"Do you know where the engine room is?" I ask gently she turns her head gently to me.

"I don't know, but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest suite, I could show you and your husband and partner." she says indicating to the Doctor and Rose.

"No they're not my partners." I explain looking at Rose's awkward face.



"Prostitutes?" I wince at that. Rose is going to blow.

"Whatever I am, it must be invisible. Do you mind?" she voices insulted. "Tell you what, you three can go and pollinate. I'm going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson." she snaps.

"Don't start a fight." the Doctor warns I smile at that. Cassandra wouldn't last long. I turn to Jabe offering my arm.

"I am all yours." I flirt, winking at the two of them. Jabe rests her hand on my arm whilst the other alien took my free hand.

"And I want you two home by midnight." Rose orders before walking off. Smiling we walk off following Jabes directions.

"Earth death in 15 minutes."


We were walking behind the scenes, wires and tubes sticking out of the metal walls.

"Who's in charge of Platform One? Is there a Captain or what?" the Doctor queries, ducking under some low poles.

"There's just the Steward and the staff. All the rest is controlled by the metal mind." Jabe answers, confused by the question. I furrow my brow at 'metal mind'.

"You mean the computer? But who controls that?" I question, turning too look at her.

"The Corporation. They move Platform One from one artistic event to another." she answers as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But there's no one from the Corporation on board." Doc points out, this is weird.

"They're not needed. This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the Alpha class. Nothing can go wrong." Jabe replies, her lack of trust in the modern technology obvious. I wince at her phrasing though, flashbacks of history class when people were saying the same thing about a boat.

"Unsinkable?" I jest, only the Doctor understands. His face creasing as he holds his laughter.

"If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate."

"You're telling me. I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold." Doc says, I giggle slightly at the thought of the Doctor vibing in the ice. "So, what you're saying is, if we get in trouble there's no one to help us out?"

"I'm afraid not." Jabe answers, we all stop moving at this. Well that's great, some horror movie sh*t that is.

"Fantastic!" the Doctor exclaims, a grin plastered on his pink lips.

"I don't understand. In what way is that fantastic?" Jabe questions, her brows furrowed in raw confusion. We continue on travelling towards what I hope is the engine.

"So tell me, Jabe, what's a tree like you doing in a place like this?" I question, breaking the silence that had ensued for a hot minute.

"Respect for the Earth." is her small reply, I nod not believing her answer.

"Oh, come on. Everyone on this platform's worth zillions." Doc points out, he also not believing her.

"Well, perhaps it's a case of having to be seen at the right occasions." she truthfully adds.

"In case your share prices drop? I know you lot. You've got massive forests everywhere, roots everywhere, and there's always money in land." he states as we continue through the small corridor full of wires.

"All the same, we respect the Earth as family. So many species evolved from that planet. Mankind is only one. I'm another. My ancestors were transplanted from the planet down below, and I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest." Jabe discloses, I smile at that. That is incredible to think a walking, talking, sentient being can be from the trees back home.

"Excuse me." the Doctor says as we get to a control panel. He begins to scan that glowing screen as Jabe continues the conversation.

"And what about your ancestry, Doctor? Perhaps you could tell a story or two. Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left." she sympathetical states, the alien next to me ignores her though causing me to gently rest my hand on his shoulder. "I scanned you earlier. The metal machine had trouble identifying your species. It refused to admit your existence. And even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it. And you Alula, it refused to name you. Almost broke attempting to." the Doctors movements had ceased as his body tenses, his jaw clamped shut. My face twist in confusion, I'm human why would it have trouble identifying me? "Forgive me for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even exist. I just wanted to say how sorry I am." I slide my hand up and down the Doctors arm, tears gathering in our eyes. My brain had instantly gone back to the death and destruction in my dreams. Only it turns out they weren't dreams they were visions. He places his hand over mine, gently holding it. We intertwine our hands before standing up and ignoring our feelings and flashbacks.

We have finally found the place we needed. Thank God. Our trio walk into a room full of turbines spinning. The temperature had significantly dropped the second we entered.

"That's a great bit of air conditioning. Sort of nice and old fashioned. Bet they call it retro." Doc compliments. He bends down slightly to scan the panel, opening the front. "Gotcha." I shriek slightly as a metal spider-like thing crawls out.

"What the f*ck!" I exclaim, attempting to flatten the thing with my heel. It runs away and clambers up the wall. "What the hell is that?"

"Is it part of the retro?" Jabe asks, I shake my head. The Doctor holds his screwdriver up to the weird thing, only for it to be out of reach. Randomly, a long liana flies from Jabe hitting the creature knocking it out. The Doctor catches the spider before we turn to Jabe in awe.

"Hey, nice liana." we compliment in unison.

"Thank you. We're not supposed to show them in public." she blushes, I smirk nudging her.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." I flirt.

"Now then, who's been bringing their pets on board?" Doc interrupts, he seemed disgruntled.

"What does it do?" I question peering down at the now dead spider toy thing.

"Sabotage." he replies shortly.

"Earth death in 10 minutes."

"But the temperature's about to rocket." I point out, slightly panicked.

"Come on." Doc says, gripping my hand before we rush out of the room.

Chapter 6: End of the World: Snappy Sidekicks?!

Chapter Text

We rush into the main corridor, smoke and frantic chittering drawing our attention to a locked door. The Doctor holds his sonic to the panel once again,

"Hold on. Get back." he orders, gently letting go of my hand.

"Sun filter rising. Sun filter rising."

"Is the Steward in there?!" Jabe asks, astonished.

"You can smell him." is the Doctors not quite so remorseful reply

"Mmm barbequed Crespallion." I quietly state, they both look at me. One with pure fear and disgust the other with what I guess is disappointment and slight humor

"Hold on, there's another sun filter programmed to descend." he rushes out before hightailing it out of there. We chase after him, turning corners till I felt dizzy. We reach a door, someone banging on this inside frantically. The Doctor starts to work on the panel, frantically scanning and buzzing it with the sonic.

"Anyone in there?" I question, the bagning on the door still continuing.

"Let me out!" Roses voice shouts from the other side. I freeze, of course it's her.

"No we're going to let you become the sunday roast, yes we're trying to let your out!" I respond. Sparing a glance at the Doctor.

"Hold on. Give us two ticks." the Doc says, persevering with the computer.

"Sun filter rising, sun filter rising."

I let out a sigh of relief which must have jinxed it.

"Sun filter descending..."

"Just what we need. The computer's getting clever." he begins to pull at the panel.

"Stop mucking about!" Rose yells in fear.

"I'm not mucking about. It's fighting back." he says, I ring my hands as I watch unable to help in any way. I give up watching and grab the screwdriver. I slide in front of the Doctor shoving the device into the wires.

"Sun filter descending, sun filter rising. Sun filter rising."

I relax against the Doctor, letting my head roll back onto his chest. We both sigh in relief, he runs his hands comfortingly up and down my arms. We move apart to try the doors only for them to not move.

"The whole thing's jammed. I can't open the doors. Stay there!" we then run away heading towards the main observation gallery. We walk in on all the guest gathering. Jabe informing them on the situation. I can't believe it has escalated to this. The Doctor stolls over to Jabe, taking the metal spider from her grip.

"Summon the Steward!" the small blue man orders, Jabe turns to him.

"I'm afraid the Steward is dead." she discloses, everyone remaining gasps in what I assume as shock.

"Who killed him?" he questions, restless in his floating wheelchair.

"This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Talk to the Face. Talk to the Face." Cassandra, the skin trampoline exclaims. The Face of Boe shakes his head in denial. It can't have been him. That's a bit too obvious.

"Easy way of finding out. Someone bought their little pet on board. Let's send him back to master." Doc states, buzzing the spider with his Sonic and placing it on the ground. The thing scuttles forwards briefly pausing near Cassandra before sliding over to the group of black cloaked figures.

"The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. J'accuse!" the skin flap exclaims, I pull a face at her confidence. My brain slowly figures it out, a smirk rising to my face. I look over to my alien companion, he nods slightly.

Grinning I take a step forwards, "This is really kind of obvious, a bit too obvious. If you stop and think about it-" I start, the Doctor approaches the Meme's who swing at him. He catches the arm ripping it off. Damn. "A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that's all they are, an idea." I continue. My statement is followed by Doc ripping a wire out of the now detached arm causing them all to fall down.

"Remote controlled Droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. Go on, Jimbo. Go home." the Doctor continues, pushing the spider forwards with his leather boot. It scuttles towards the 'last human' as expected.

"I bet you two were the school swots and never got kissed. At arms!" she shouts outraged. I glare at the pissed of skin. What is she going to do?! She's skin! Her two henchmen lift their spray containers. Threatening us with moisturizer...

"What are you going to do, moisturise us?" the Doctor sarcastically quips.

"With acid." she adds, her face completely neutral. "Oh, you're too late, anyway. My spiders have control of the mainframe. Oh, you all carried them as gifts, tax free, past every code wall. I'm not just a pretty face." she explains, very proud of herself.

"You're not even that." I snap at her.

"Like you can talk, anyone who finds you remotely attractive must be blind." she hisses, I glare at her.

"Bitch." I simply state, crossing my arms over my chest. She rolls her eyes at me, the Doctor didn't give her a chance to reply as he interrupted.

"Sabotaging a ship while you're still inside it? How stupid's that?" she smirks at his baiting.

"I'd hoped to manufacture a hostage situation with myself as one of the victims. The compensation would have been enormous." she really wanted that main character moment.

"Five billion years and it still comes down to money." Doc grumbled, obviously displeased with humanity's greediness.

"Do you think it's cheap, looking like this? Flatness costs a fortune. I am the last human, Doctor. Me. Not that freaky little blonde kid of yours and your snappy sidekick."

"Snappy Sidekick?!" I shriek, thankfully my companion places his hand gently on my shoulder. I zone out slightly my mind trying to force me into one of the vision/dreams. I shake my head though, pushing against it. Now is not the time. I struggle to focus on the conversation and not the blurriness of my mind and sight, a dull throbbing entering my brain is I strain. Thankfully after a few seconds, the blurriness dissipates. The pain though stayed. I glance around catching Cassandra saying a few things before disappearing.

"The f*ck?" I say, staring at the place she was before she was sucked into a white light. An alarm starts to go off, everyone was muttering and panicking. The Doctor grabs my hand before shouting,

"Jabe come on. You lot, chill."


We had returned to the room with fans, the machine repeatedly stating,

"Heat levels critical."

The fans were blocking the way to the switch we needed. There was a lever which the Doctor noticed and pulled, all the fans slowed nearly to a stop. He moved to addvance causing the fans to return movement. He pauses staring at the deadly blades. Jabe hurriedly grabs the metal lever causing us to look at her.

"You can't. The heat's going to vent through this place." he exclaims. Without thinking I grab her by the arm and move her.

"Jabe go I can do it."

"No I insist."

"Jabe no, you're made out of wood. You'll go up in flames, I'll last a bit longer." I argue, she nods before hurrying out and I'm assuming to the rest of the guests.

"Alula." Doc states, he was staring at my his face distraught.

"I'll be fine Doc, hurry up before we get blown up." he nods I pull the lever and he advances.

I could feel my skin boiling, sticking to the metal which didn't help my pain. I bite my lip, clamping my mouth shut. The Doctor needed to focus and not hear my screams. My entire body started to burn, I gasp out in pain before dropping to the ground. My fall ripped the skin of my palms causing me to cry out. My headache disappears as a vision overcomes me.

My ship has detached from the TARDIS, I'm now floating in space with no supplies. I'm thankfully nearby a planet, Earth. The destination the Time Lord was heading, except I only have enough fuel to make it there, nowhere else.

I need food, therefore Earth here I come. My ship lands with a large bang, destroying whatever remained in its path. I stumbled from the ruins, my body remaining unharmed. The Time Lord I was following nowhere in sight.


I have spent the last month stealing and searching for the TARDIS and Doctor. Our psychic bond had been severed, causing me too loose hope in ever finding him. He's gone and I need to accept that and learn to live here. Even if that means losing who I am.

I feel my body sway, arms carrying me as they run. I look up to see the Doctor focused intently on his direction, his jaw clenched tight. I gasp at the pain flowing through me.

"Jesus christ, I'm not doing that again."

His head snaps down to me, relief flowing through him, "I'm not letting you do that again."

I nod, watching as we enter the main observation deck. Jabe was waiting anxiously near her guards, everyone looks up as we enter. He gently places me on the floor, allowing me to sit on one of the steps as rage and pure contempt rolled off of him. I look around to see the damage, many were sat on the floor with others tending to their injuries. Some crying with piles of dust in front of them. Thankfully I see all of Jabe and her guards stood near some others helping an injured Umpa Lumpa. Or whatever they're called. The Doctor rages around the room answering Roses question,

"You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm full of ideas, I'm bristling with them. Idea number one, teleportation through five thousand degrees needs some kind of feed. Idea number two, this feed must be hidden nearby." He strolls over the the ostridge egg Cassandra had brought, harshly slamming it into the stand causing it to shatter. He plucks a small grey device from the center of the pieces. "Idea number three, if you're as clever as me, then a teleportation feed can be reversed."

He pulls and twists a few things causing a shrill beep to emit from the device before the one and only bitchy trampoline's voice starts to echo. Soon followed by her image.

"Oh, you should have seen their little alien faces." she comes to realisation, her eyes flicking between our figures. "Oh."

"The last human." Doc states, his face pulled into a scowl.

"So, you passed my little test. Bravo. This makes you eligible to join, er, the Human Club." Cassandra stalls, her eyes twitching and flickering nervously. I roll my eyes at her audacity.

"People have died, Cassandra. You murdered them." I exclaim, scrambling to my feet before leaning on Rose who smiled at me. I wince at the flash of pain in my body but choose to ignore it.

"It depends on your definition of people, and that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take me to court then, Doctor, and watch me smile and cry and flutter..."


"And what?" Cassandra asks, his skin tightening with each second. Rose and I look at each other in horror.

"Creak. You're creaking." is Doc's blunt response, an almost cynical smile on his face.

"What? Ah! I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens. Moisturise me, moisturise me! Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! It's too hot!"

"You raised the temperature." the Doctor replies, his face now impassive.

"Have pity! Moisturise me! Oh, oh, Doctor. I'm sorry. I'll do anything." she baggs, her skin tightening and paling. Wrinkles forming all over. We stumble towards the Doctor.

"Help her." we state, looking up at the man beside us. He briefly looks at us,

"Everything has its time and everything dies."

"I am too young!" is Cassandra's final words as she explodes from the tension. Pieces of her flesh fly in all directions as I hide my face in Roses' hair. We both stand there in shock, I look up at Cassandra's empty frame.

"What the actual f*ck." I mutter to myself. The Doctor speed walks out of there. His leather jacket flowing behind him. I need sleep, pyjamas and a coffee.

We decide to return to the Observation Deck looking out at our now destroyed planet. The molten pieces of rock flying past us. A sense of melancholy takes hold of our minds, our planet is gone and no one was even watching. To busy saving ourselves. Footsteps behind us draws Rose's attention, she looks over her shoulder assumably at the Doctor. He stands next to us, on my right.

"The end of the Earth." I state looking out at the planet, not even sparing a glance anywhere else. "It's gone."

"We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go." Rose continues. Her voice breaking at the end. We were aware that in our time it was perfectly okay. But that didn't help our emotions, emotions have no logic after all.

"All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking." I muse, my voice wavering slightly causing me too clear my throat.

"It's just.." Rose starts, the Doctor offers me his hand.

"Come with me." he states leading us into the TARDIS.

Once inside the spaceship I quickly nip into the closet for a jumper (with the help of the TARDIS), the black one I was wearing was burnt and singed in multiple places. I pull a knitted muted coloured jumper over my head, quickly returning to the other two. Once I had returned Rose was already heading out the door, I stick to the doorway. The sound of bustling streets and cars drifting in from the outside. Children crying and people laughing, completely oblivious to what we had seen.

"You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky." Doc began, looking back at me. He holds his hand out to me which a reluctantly take, allowing him to bring me closer to himself. "My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time." I gently rest my head on his shoulder, hoping to cause some comfort.

"What happened?" Rose queries.

"There was a war and we lost." he replies simply. "It wasn't just us that suffered though, we took down our twin planet in the process."

"A war with who?" Rose doesn't gain an answer so she tries again, "What about your people?" I look up at the older man, his eyes seemed unfocused as he was sucked into old memories.

"I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else." he admits looking at Rose before resting on me.

"There's us." I mutter, looking into his eyes, we half smile at each other.

"You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?" he asks, I shake my head. There is no home, I live by myself with no family so what's the point.

"I don't know," Rose starts before inhaling deeply. "I want.. Can you smell chips?" she switches, short attention span much?

"Yeah." Doc chuckles obviously amused.

"I want chips." is her final response. I smile at the situation, the burns on my body still bugging my ability to focus.

They continue their conversation and begin walking.

"I'm gonna stay here. If that's okay." I state. The two spin on their heel looking at me in what I assume is worry. "Go on i'll be fine."

Not giving them a chance to respond I walk back inside our spaceship. The TARDIS lights up the path, hopefully towards the medical room. Once I arrive I spend the next few minutes searching shelf after shelf for some of the pink burn medicine. I found it after a while. Why is there so much?

I slid onto the counter, I may as well just out it where the burns are the worst. I unscrew the lid glancing down at my palms in deep concentration, the hand I used to hold the lever was a hell of a lot more mangled. I gently spread the paste on hissing at the pain. Once done with my hands I watch in awe as the skin stitches back together.

"That's f*cking magic." I whisper to myself as pull my jumper up to put some of the paste on my lower back.

"That really is magic." I hear a voice mutter, I look up to see Rose with a cone of chips and a look of awe. "I can help if you want?" I nod smiling at the blonde. I hold my jumper as she spread the medicine on. "I brought you some chips. Thought you might be hungry."

Chapter 7: The Unquiet Dead: It's Cardiff

Chapter Text

I hadn't really thought about where we would be sleeping. What I wasn't prepared for was our own rooms. The Doctor lead Rose and I too our individual rooms, each room hoad our name on the door. I smile brightly at the man before entering, the walls were dark emerald, a forest green colour. The bed was metal framed queen sized with grey sheets and a matching furry blanket at the feet. A vanity sat on the left whilst two doors were on the right, I prance over to them strolling past the numerous plants and decorations. Turns out one is a closet and the other my own bathroom. I the TARDIS, I glance around the room again admiring the small details. The roof had stars and constellations littered around, my walls adorned rustic looking shelves which held books I had read and books I hadn't, vines hung from these slightly obscuring pieces of art which are hung up. I smile slightly.

"This is amazing." I compliment, earning a hum from the TARDIS.

"She's outdone herself." I voice calls, the Doctor must have followed me in. I spun to him, he stood in the doorway hands in his jacket pockets. I smile brightly at him before moving to the bed, falling backwards so I could look up at the stars.

"Got any plans for today then?" I query as I shift my gaze from the ceiling to his standing figure, I watch as the Doctor moves closer to me.

"No, I thought maybe you humans should catch some shut eye before we started a new adventure."

"Only us humans, no Timelords sleeping." I state, he shakes his head as he stands there almost above me.

"We don't need as much sleep as you lot do."

"Those dark circles you have beg to differ." I cheekily remark, he rolls his before heading to the door.

"Sleep." he orders looking over his shoulder briefly before continuing his exit. I roll my eyes at him before lifting myself up out of the bed and stroll to the closet.

I open the door, the TARDIS having placed the pyjamas I wanted at the front. Plaid trousers and a tank top. I switch my clothing before skipping into the bathroom. Once my make up was removed and my hair tied up out of the way I slide into the bed snuggling into the warm duvet. I love the TARDIS.


The process to forget the essence of oneself was tricky, normal done as a punishment to criminals and normally performed by someone who had gone through courses and passed an exam. I myself am not one of these people, therefore had no clue on what the f*ck I was doing.

Closing my eyes I focus on the energy that made me what I am, forcing it to the back of my mind. I imagine a tall impenetrable wall sealing it off. Unlike Gallifreyans, Eternals had to hide their essence within themselves. Timelords were capable of removing it completely. Both methods resulted in exactly the same thing though, a human with no memory.

One thing that the elders had managed to leave out was how excruciating it was.

I jolt up out of bed my head throbbing as I pant heavily. Whatever I dreamt of must of scared the crap out of me. I wince slightly, the pain in my head not leaving. I swing my legs out of the bed, resting on the cooler floor which helped me ground myself. I'm done with sleeping.

Rapidly changing into some denim shorts, my trusty doc martins and a dark green baggy jumper I slide over to the mirror in the bathroom. The lovely TARDIS already placed the make up I wanted on the counter. Quickly adding some mascara, eyeliner and highlighter; I swipe my lip balm, sliding it into my shorts pocket before skipping out of my room.

I gently place my hand on the wall whilst whispering a thanks to the ship. Lights on the base of the floor light up leading the way to what I hoped was the kitchen. I follow blindly walking into Rose who was heading the same direction. She was dressed in different jeans, these a lighter blue than before. I couldn't tell what top she was wearing due to her zipped up hoodie. I smile brightly at her before we continue our trek. We arrive in the console, where the Doctor was flicking a few switches. I cough slightly alerting him of our wonderful presence.

"Right then, off we go. You humans have had your power nap." he announces rapidly flying around the controls. We barely had a chance to react before we were flung around like rag dolls. The spaceship acting as though we we're sailors travelling through the vast ocean straight into a hurricane. I cling to a nearby column as Rose clutches the bar surrounding the console. "Hold that down!" he orders Rose pointing briefly at a button, he then drags me towards the buttons and switches pointing to a lever for me to hold. We suddenly jolt to the left causing my grip to loosen slightly, and therefore the lever to return to an upright position. "I said hold it down!"

"I'd be able to hold it down better if someone could pilot this a hell of a lot calmer!" I snap back, shoving the lever down again.

"It's not going to work!" Rose shouts, clinging for dear life to the railing although still holding her button down.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?" he shouts, not breathing inbetween any of his words.

"What happened in 1860?" I question. Doc grins at me before answering,

"I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go!" we all fly to the left away from the console. I wall on someone as my back isn't met by the cold grating.

"Ugh." I groan, before bursting out in laughter. Not long after my companions join. We struggle to our feet, the person I fell on helping me up.

"Blimey!" Rose exclaims gently rubbing her arm. I giggle rolling my neck.

"You're telling me. Are you two all right?" he asks, focusing on one of the monitors.

"Yep." I answer shortly, joining him to look at the screen.

"Yeah. I think so. Nothing broken." Rose states walking over to us.

"Did we make it?" I ask gently at the same time Rose questions,

"Where are we?"

"I did it. Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860." Doc announces, a happy and content grin plastered on his face.

"That's so weird. It's Christmas." Rose says grinning at the both of us.

"Never mind that it's 1860!" I exclaim, smiling widely. "That's awesome!"

"All yours." the Doctor reminds pointing to the door. Rose and I smile before linking arms. I pause slightly though turning back to Doc.

"It's so weird though, it's Christmas 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still." I smile at the thought. It sounds wonderful to live like that.

"Not a bad life." he replies, still smiling.

"Better with three. Come on, then." Rose giggles, tugging me along to the door.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Doc interrupts, Rose and I glance at each other confused.

"1860..." I state, kinda obvious since I was just talking about it.

"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, you two. There's a wardrobe through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up!" he orders, leaning on the console with crossed arms. I huff following the directions. Well, following the lights on the floor.


Rose and I had been searching for a bit. the TARDIS had provided multiple different styled and coloured dresses. I huff looking for an emerald one. It's the one colour I adore. Hearing my desire the TARDIS moved the clothing rack revealing the dress I wanted; a floor length victorian styled dress, one designed for the middle class. The fabric a dark green with black buttons down the corset, the sleeves long and cuffed at the end. She also provided me with a black cloak to keep warm. I smile quickly, well as quickly as I could, switching my clothes. I leave my hair down to keep my neck warm unlike Rose who tied it up into a low bun. We smile at each others outfits before linking arms once again and returning to the console room. Rose had opted for a pink skirt with a black corset and matching cloak, rather similar to mine. We fiddly with the clothing, slightly uncomfortable in such attire.

"Don't worry Rose, you look radiant." I compliment, she smiles thankfully.

"Nothing compared to you."

We walk in, the Doctor looking up from whatever the hell he was doing. I let Rose go first, the Doctor smiling at her.

"Don't laugh." she orders, her voice filled with humor. He shakes his head before answering honestly,

"You look beautiful." I smile at the comment.

"That's what I was telling her." I add, joining the conversation. The Doctor's head swivels to me, reminding me slightly of a meerkat.

"Wow. You look exquisite." he compliments, I blush at this.

"That silver tongue of yours will get you nowhere." I chastise slightly.

"Well you both look lovely, considering." he adds, I roll my eyes at the considering. He couldn't have just left it.

"Considering what?" Rose questions, he head tilting slightly.

"Considering your humans." I scoff at his answer.

"Well sorry, not all of us can be Lords or Ladies of Time." I haughtily answer, smiling even though. "Anyway are you going to change, other than your jumper."

"No. Now come on." I huff at that, why do we have to wear uncomfortable clothing and he doesn't.

"You stay there. You've done this before. This is mine." Rose intervenes, stepping in front of the excited Timelord who had leapt up and headed to the exit.

She opens the door slowly, gingerly stepping out into the falling snow. I copy her actions, watching in awe as the white dots fall from the sky. Woah. I don't recall ever seeing snow before.

"I've never seen snow before."

"Oh you must have, it was snowing last Christmas." Rose answers, I furrow my brow in confusion, I remember last Christmas. But I don't remember what I did, who I was with. I shrug holding my hand out too catch the falling flakes.

"I got the flight a bit wrong." Doc calls, I shrug it was definitely expected with his driving.

"I don't care." Rose answers, enjoying the bustling people in the street.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869." he continues.

"Same thing." I reply.

"And it's not Naples." I roll my eyes at his persistence.

"I don't care." Rose repeats. Watching as many people walk around, assumably for some last minute christmas shopping.

"It's Cardiff." with this information Rose stops wandering.

"Right." she answers, I giggle before assuring the Timelord.

"I don't care. We're in the past! That's good enough for me." I smile, spinning on the spot, the snow catching in my red hair. Rose catches up to us, over whatever shock she had went into. We continue strolling down the street, my arm linked with both the Doctor and Rose. Our attentions is drawn as numerous people run out of a building, screaming some even crying.

"That's more like it." Doc grins, running away from us. Rose and I chasing after him. We pause at the doorway as we watch an old man and young woman grab a lady. I nod to Rose who heads towards the couple shouting,

"Oi, leave her alone! Doctor, I'll get them." she then proceeds to chase after the group.

"Be careful!" he yells back, turning to the man on stage. I reach the two, placing a hand on the Doctors arm. He smiles down at me before questioning the man. "Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor and that's Alula, by the way." the man remains horrified as Doc approaches. Leaping onto the stage to join the man, I however remain on the floor. Unable to copy his movements due to the f*cking dress.

"Doctor? You look more like a navvie." he insults, the Doctor frowns looking at me slightly insulted.

"What's wrong with this jumper?"

"Nothing. You look perfectly handsome." I assure him, smiling slightly at the grin on his face. The blue ghost like creature continues to fly around until settling into one of the gas lights.

"Gas, it's made of gas!" Doc exclaims. We then proceed to exit the building, in search of Rose. I look over to my left, catching a glimpse of Rose being shoved into a hearse before the young lady slams the door and hurries to the front.

"Rose!" I yell, running towards the now moving hearse. The Doctor not too far behind me grabs my hand leading me over to another carriage.

"You follow that hearse." Doc orders, pointing at the now shrinking kidnappers.

"Now!" I shout. Panic for my blonde friend weeping into my bones, taking over my mind. As much as she annoys me, she was the only thing keeping me sane on Earth. The mundane life was killing me.

The Timelord helped my into the carriage, following not long after myself. Both of us repeating our sentences, only for them to fall on deaf ears.

"I can't do that, sir, madame." the driver interrupts. We both stare at the man confused on why he couldn't follow a hearse.

"Why not?" Doc inquires.

"I'll tell you why not. I'll give you a very good reason why not. Because this is my coach." the man from the theatre raises his voice at us. We sit there before the Doctor drags me onto his lap and the man into the coach.

"Well, get in then!" he demands before turning to the driver once more. I sit there blushing profusely as he rests his hands on my hips. "Move!" he once again commands, the driver finally ushers the horses to move, tugging the wooden coach down the road.

"Please hurry, your losing them!" I say, leaning back slightly against the Doctors chest.

The driver turns in his seat, looking down at the three of us, "Everything in order, Mister Dickens?" his question causes my head to swivel to my right. Dickens? As in Charles Dickens. What the actual f*ck?! I wasn't the only one processing the drivers words as the alien I was sat on turns to the man as well.

"What did he say?" he states watching the man, Dickens also spoke at the same time,

"No, it is not!" he answers the driver.

"Dickens." I whisper to the Doctor in reply to his question.

"Dickens?" he repeats, a smile tugging his lips. his brows raised in what I guess is shock.

"Yes." Charles replies, only now focusing on us.

"Charles Dickens." Doc continues.


"The Charles Dickens?" I pipe up, awe filling my features as I look at the man sat with us. Let's be real here, this is f*cking awesome.

"Should I remove the gentleman and lady, sir?" the drivers question gets lost over the Doctors rambling.

"Charles Dickens? You're brilliant, you are. Completely one hundred percent brilliant. I've read them all. Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and what's the other one, the one with the ghost?" Doc riddles of his hands switching from between my hips to excited movements in the air. I smile widely at the man I was sat on, watching his eyes light up almost childishly.

"A Christmas Carol?" Charles offers. Looking rather amused by our reactions.

"No, no, no, the one with the trains.." Doc answers, his hands back on my torso.

"The Signal Man?" I offer, his smiles at my squeezing my hips in appreciation.

"That's it. Terrifying! The best short story ever written. You're a genius." he continues fangirling. Charles Dickens, smile his ego most definitely absorbing the constant compliments.

"You want me to get rid of them, sir?" the old man driving the coach queries again, Dickens turns to him.

"Er, no, I think they can stay." he answers, smiling at us. I smile back leaning into the Doctor again as the carriage jumps around from the rough road.

"Honestly, Charles. Can I call you Charles? I'm such a big fan." Doc continues, this moment had seemed to have made his day.

"A what? A big what?" Dickens questions, his brows furrowed at the new word. I wince at the aliens slip up.

"Fan. Number one fan, that's me." the Timelord continues oblivious to the confuzzled writer.

"How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?" Charles inputs, his brow still furrowed as he watches us.

"It means fanatic, devoted to." I answer. He nods slowly understanding now.

"I've got to say, that American bit in Martin Chuzzlewit, what's that about? Was that just padding or what? I mean, it's rubbish, that bit." Doc insults, and we were doing so well.

"I thought you said you were my fan." the man says disgruntled. Obviously insulted.

"Well, if you can't take criticism." I mutter back, the Doctor choking slightly on a chuckle.

"Forget about that. Come on, faster!" the Timelord orders, returning from his fangirl moment. I nod in encouragement, remembering the original reason for this endeavor.

"Who exactly is in that hearse?" Charles asks, looking between the pair of us.

"My friend. She's only nineteen. It's my fault. She's in my care, and now she's in danger." Doc answers, his voice lined with guilt, I cough (not subtly) and elbow him slightly.

"Our friend, and she has a mind of her own. She decided to come along with you just as I did. She also decided to run after an old man and seemingly harmless young woman." in comfort, he nods although not believing me.

"Why are we wasting my time talking about dry old books? This is much more important. Driver, be swift! The chase is on!" Dickens commands, eager to help.

Chapter 8: The Unquiet Dead: Bad Wolf & The Phoenix

Chapter Text

The three of us approach the door of a normal stereotypical looking house. A small golden bear like knocker on the black front door. I raise my hand slamming the metal three times before returning to the Doctors side. The young lady dressed as a maid answered the door, her eyes glinting with recognition when she looks over me,

"I'm sorry, sir's, madame. We're closed." she apologizes falsely, her eyes shifting as she lies.

"Nonsense. Since when did an Undertaker keep office hours? The dead don't die on schedule." Charles states, sending a disapproving look towards the young girl. "I demand to see your master." I roll my eyes at his audacity.

"He's not in, sir." she replies, smiling uncomfortably. I smile gently, hoping to catch her eye and persuade her. She starts closing the door only for it to be shoved open again as Dickens shouts,

"Don't lie to me, child! Summon him at once." I raise a hand which thankfully seemed to work and shut the obnoxious man up. Well you know what they say, don't meet your heroes.

"Please miss, all we want is the blonde you took. We assure you nothing else. We just want our friend back." I say, my voice gently as I ease towards the startled girl. She glances around desperately but doesn't make any move to close the door or move away from me.

"I'm awfully sorry, Mister Dickens, but the master's indisposed. And forgive me miss but I can't allow you in. It's my orders." she tries to explain. I nod finding a loophole, if you can even call it that.

"It's alright you don't have to let them in." I say, running straight under the girls arm and between her and the wall. She lets out a startled gasp. I was close enough to get past her before she reacted, the men tried to follow but the woman stood her ground.

"Having trouble with your gas?" I hear Doc say before I continue down the hallway. Not long after I hear Rose cry out. Begging to be let out. The Timelord and I don't even hesitate to run to the sound. An older man with white hair intercepting our path, he grips my forearm in a painful grip.

"How dare you, madame. This is my house!" he cries out, he doesn't stay long though, as I swing my leg up and between his legs. Effectively taking the man down.

"Piss off." I grumble down at him, the Doctor taking over and follows the sound of Rose's yells. We arrive to a door, Rose banging on the wood. Doc doesn't hesitate to kick the door down, uncovering a scene I wasn't expecting.

Rose stood with two pale, corpse looking creatures. One, a male, with his arm around her throat and hand over her mouth. The other, a lady, stood nearby about to do something to our friend.

"I think this is my dance." Doc quips, taking Rose by the arm and pulling her away. She falls into my arms shaking slightly. I rub her arms, noticing she was missing her cloak. I take mine off, resting it over her shoulders. This earned me a grateful smile from the blonde who stood on my right gripping my hand. Charles Dickens on my left started to complain about how this wasn't real. Effectively making me zone out.

"Our twin planet, Gallifrey is in need of our help and abilities," the commander begins, everyone knew what was happening. The war between Timelords and Daleks has not went well for our twin planet, leading to them asking for our help.We had all watched as they arrived. Their obnoxious gowns and frowning faces. We had all watched as Rassilon exited the TARDIS his head held high as he greeted Khiatthe as an old friend. The two share a look before disappearing back into the palace, the heart of Kastraya. We all felt the arrogance and time vortex radiating from the Gallifreyans.

"I trust that our armies, our soldiers. Will do everything in their power to help those from Gallifrey, defeat our now common enemy. And restore the balance the timeline and universes need." Commander continued, elighting a cheer from the cadets and squadrons. My fellow cadets cheer whilst I stand there debating. I didn't sign up to be dragged into a war between something we didn't start. But after all what was I expecting when I joined the military. "We're send a mix of cadets and lieutenants at first light tomorrow. The list will be found near the Base on the front of dorm doors."

I walk away from the crowds of cadets, gathering to talk about whether they wished to go or not. Heading straight to these lists. I walk down the familiar corridor and meet the dorm door.

-Esmoru Nochei
-Dalnae Ronde
-Cancuk Aldriast
-Ruxtica Selkonn
-Feppae Unmangi
-Droran Dideiss

My name catches my eye, at the top followed by a few of the cadets in this dorm. My body tenses at what was to come, I hear the scuffling of shoes as the rest of them head to the door. I push it open returning to what I was originally doing before the wake up call and 'inspirational' speech. Sleeping.

I slowly come back to reality. The Doctor gently shaking my shoulders, I look around to see Rose staring in concern whilst the rest of them seemed to have buggered off.

"Alula. Alula. What's wrong? Come back." Doc says gently. I blink rapidly, my eyes burning from them staying open. "When you say you zone out. What exactly happens?" he questions, worried and slightly panicked.

"How long was I gone?" I question, ignoring his. He huffs in aggravation.

"Too long for it to count as just zoning out. Did you see something? What was it?" He tries again.

"it doesn't matter. Right now we have gas people to worry about. And I need at talk with that old man. He kidnapped Rose, he isn't getting away with that." I mutter, my voice loosing volume as the Timelord in front of me glares down at me. "I promise, we will talk about it. Just not now." I grit out. Lying through my teeth. He nods gently releasing my shoulders before walking down the corridor and into a sitting room.

The maid was pouring tea with Dickens sat at the table, the creepy old man on the other hand was sat in the armchair, Rose glides past us heading straight towards him. I tense as the man leans forwards.

"First of all you drug me, then you kidnap me, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man." she rants, said man sits up straighter.

"I won't be spoken to like this!" he exclaims, glaring up at Rose.

"Yes you will, you'll sit there and listen to what she has to say. Because it's that or i'll deal with you." I shout angrily from my spot near the fire. He looks up, getting a good glance at me whilst slowly moving his hands over the spot I had kicked. I smile maliciously at him, before my gaze is interrupted by the maid, Rose continuing her rant in the background.

"What's your name?" I question lightly. Smiling at the girl.

"Gwyneth miss." she answers politely. "Here's you tea, we don't have coffee miss. Sorry for the complication." she says handing me a warm cup of tea. I furrow my brow, did they even have coffee in this time. I take a sip watching the old man starts talking.

"It's not my fault. It's this house. It always had a reputation." he starts, glancing around. "Haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back, and then the stiffs..." he continues, his eyes meet mine which glowered down at him. "The er, dear departed started getting restless." he corrects.

"Tommyrot." Charles dismisses taking a sip of his drink. I roll my eyes at the man once more.

"You witnessed it. Can't keep the beggars down, sir. They walk. And it's the queerest thing, but they hang on to scraps." he explains, slightly exasperated by the fact that the author seemed to not believe him. My attention slides to Doc as Gwyneth walks over offering tea, The Doctor being on the other side of the fire.

"Two sugars sir, just how you like it." she whispers as to not speak over her master. Doc watches with furrowed brows as she walks away, I sip my tea also watching the young lady with curious eyes. She definitely knows things she shouldn't.

"One old fellow who used to be a sexton almost walked into his own memorial service. Just like the old lady going to your performance, sir, just as she planned." the old man explains, I huff. We get it, something is controlling the dead. How lovely. I turn to the Doctor about to ask a question when he shouts out to Charles who seemed to be having a problem with believing this.

"Oh, Charles, you were there."

"I saw nothing but an illusion." he snaps back, this seemed to piss Doc off as he retorts with,

"If you're going to deny it, don't waste my time. Just shut up."

"Rude." I mutter.

"What about the gas?" the Timelord continues, questioning the old male.

"That's new, sir. Never seen anything like that." he admits, I nod absorbing the information. I had missed whatever happened with the zombie people so I was walking around blind at the moment.

"Means it's getting stronger, the rift's getting wider and something's sneaking through." Doc explains, I nod brows slightly furrowed as I wrap my head around.

"What's the rift?" I mutter.

"A weak point in time and space. A connection between this place and another. That's the cause of ghost stories, most of the time." the Doctor replies, my eyes snap to him which was already looking at me. How did he hear me?

"That's how I got the house so cheap. Stories going back generations." old man says, I really need his name, he was rather confused and seemed to be shocked as he sat back into his seat. "Echoes in the dark, queer songs in the air, and this feeling like a shadow passing over your soul. Mind you, truth be told, it's been good for business. Just what people expect from a gloomy old trade like mine." he continues, I roll my eyes at the mans dramatics. Doc seems to have noticed that Charles had walked out, he follows him whilst Rose and I follow where Gwyneth had gone.

We walk into the kitchen to find some washing and Gwyneth lighting a lamp. I wander of to the sink grabbing a cloth to start helping, Rose grabs a drying cloth and dries the already clean items.

"Please, miss's, you shouldn't be helping. It's not right." she complains, gently taking the cloths off of us. I step back seeing how important it was to her, Rose decides to start a conversation.

"Don't be daft. Sneed works you to death." so the old man is called Sneed, matches his attitude.

"How much do you get paid?" I question, resting against the counter.

"Eight pound a year, miss." she replies, Rose's mouth drops open in shock. That's a decent wage for this time period.

"How much?!" Rose exclaims, obviously not knowing about the differences between our time period and now.

"I know. I would've been happy with six." Gwyneth admits, wiping down a plate.

"So, did you go to school or what?" Rose asks, did she not listen during history?

"Rose. Of course she did." I state earning a small smile from Gwyneth.

"I did. What do you think I am, an urchin? I went every Sunday, nice and proper." she says proudly.

"What once a week?" Rose states, her voice full of disbelief.

"We did sums and everything. To be honest, I hated every second." the girl admits as if it was a big secret. I giggle at that nodding in agreement.

"Me too." I state, laughter in my voice.

"Don't tell anyone, but one week, I didn't go and ran on the heath all on my own." she declares, a mischievous smile on her pink lips.

"I did plenty of that. I used to go down the shops with my mate Shareen." Rose says, I nod once again. I remember skipping classes. It was always with this girl, I can't remember who she is though. "We used to go and look at boys."

The crude statement seemed to shut Gwyneth down who returned to her washing immediately afterwards.

"Well, I don't know much about that, miss."

"Come on, times haven't changed that much. I bet you've done the same. You too Luna." Rose says, attempting to make friends with the maid. I shake my head, not really recalling doing that whilst in school.

"I don't think so, miss." Gwyneth replies, a small smile still on her face.

"Gwyneth, you can tell us. I bet you've got your eye on someone." I say, smiling brightly at the girl.

"I suppose. There is one lad. The butcher's boy. He comes by every Tuesday. Such a lovely smile on him." she admits, a smile on her face.

"I like a nice smile. Good smile, nice bum." Rose says, turning to me. I giggle at the horrified look on Gwyneth's face.

"I prefer the eyes, they're the window to ones soul." I say. "I do like a smile though, and hands." I admit.

"Well, I have never heard the like." Gwyneth says, smiling at us.

"Ask him out. Give him a cup of tea or something, that's a start." Rose offers, I wince at the advice. It didn't seem very 19th century.

"I swear it is the strangest thing, miss's. You've got all the clothes and the breeding, but you talk like some sort of wild thing." she says, I smile at her.

"Maybe we are. Maybe that's a good thing. You need a bit more in your life than Mister Sneed." I say, smiling at her.

"Oh, now that's not fair." Gwyneth mutters, "He's not so bad, old Sneed. He was very kind to me to take me in because I lost my mum and dad to the flu when I was twelve." she explains when she sees our distrusting expesssions.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rose says, sympathy and understanding in her voice.

"Thank you, miss. But I'll be with them again, one day, sitting with them in paradise. I shall be so blessed. They're waiting for me. Maybe your dad's up there waiting for you too, miss." she addresses Rose. Who freezes at the subject.

"Maybe." Rose replies " Um, who told you he was dead?"

"I don't know. Must have been the Doctor." Gwyneth replies, turning away from us again.

"My father died years back." Rose continues.

"But you've been thinking about him lately more than ever." Gwyneth replies, her voice almost void of emotion.

"Suppose so."

"And you miss. No relocation of your past, only bits of importance. Faces in your dreams, the horrors you see as you sleep." she talks to me, I freeze. What the f*ck is going on.

"How do you know all this?" I demand, the niceness in my voice gone.

"Mister Sneed says I think too much. I'm all alone down here. I bet you've got dozens of servants, haven't you, miss?" Gwyneth changes the subject again. Smiling at the both of us.

"No, no servants where I'm from." Rose says, I shake my head still disturbed by what just happened.

"And you've come such a long way." she says, her eyes distant once again. She turns to me, "Especially you miss, furthest away out of all."

"What makes you think so?" Rose questions, her smile dropping slightly.

"You're from London. I've seen London in drawings, but never like that. All those people rushing about half naked, for shame. And the noise, and the metal boxes racing past, and the birds in the sky, no, they're metal as well. Metal birds with people in them. People are flying. And you, you've flown so far. Further than anyone. The things you've seen. The darkness, the big bad wolf." she spiels, turning back to me again. "You, your from further, seen further, fought more. Memories disguised as dreams. Head suppressing the truth. You've seen darkness. You've been the darkness. Trapped inside, peaking through the cracks. The burning phoenix." she continues. Snapping away from the both of us. What the f*ck?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, miss's." she apologizes, her face full of regret. I stand there in shock, what the f*ck. What the actual f*ck.

"It's all right." Rose assures, I nod unable to speak. Did I just get my mind read or something. I'm confused and scared.

"I can't help it. Ever since I was a little girl, my mam said I had the sight. She told me to hide it." she babbles, her voice squeaking at the end as her emotions got the best of her.

"But it's getting stronger, more powerful, is that right?" a voice adds from behind me. I skreech, jumping on the spot and spinning around. Holding a hand to my rapidly beating heart as I gasp for air. The familiar leather wearing alien stands there hands in pocket.

"Ass hat, I just had a heart attack." I complain. "I'm ready for bed." I mutter, dragging a hand down my face. How long has he been stood there?

"All the time, sir. Every night, voices in my head." Gwyneth replies, clutching the cloth to her stomach.

"You grew up on top of the rift. You're part of it. You're the key." he explains.

"I've tried to make sense of it, sir. Consulted with spiritualists, table rappers, all sorts." the maid discloses, obvious distressed by the whole situation.

"Well, that should help. You can show us what to do." he says, all of our faces twisting in confusion, what has this man got planned?

"What to do where, sir?" Gwyneth questions.

"We're going to have a seance." he answers. I shake my head. Nope, nope. Has he not watched horror movies. This is how they begin.

"No, no sir. I refuse, I aint dying because you want to do a seance. This is how they die in horror movies. This is how it begins." I ramble, shaking my head. Doc huffs grabbing my arm before dragging me down the corridor and into a room with seats all around the table. "When I die, cremate me please." I state, causing me to be shoved into the closest seat. "Rude." I grumble.

Chapter 9: The Unquiet Dead: Pity the Gelth

Chapter Text

I'm seated between the Doctor and Gwyneth, obviously refusing to sit next to the pervy man on Docs right.

"This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists, down in Bute Town. Come, we must all join hands." Gwyneth explains, gently taking my hand. Doc grips mine as we all look up to see Charles Dickens refusing.

"I can't take part in this." he complains standing from his seat in an attempt to leave, his exit though was interrupted by a certain Timelord.

"Humbug? Come on, open mind." he orders jokingly, Charles just looks even more upset as he turns to retort.

"This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I strive to unmask." he rants, I roll my eyes. Are all men this whiney this time period. "Seances! Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing!" Gwyneth looks down, slightly embarrassed at the harsh words.

"Hey leave her alone." I state, glowering at the man across from me.

"You don't command me woman, acting as though above me." he snaps, I huff at the mans audacity.

"Now, don't antagonise her. I love a happy medium. I most definitely prefer a happy Alula." the Doctor continues.

"I can't believe you just said that." I mutter, earning a grin from Rose and I's driver.

"Come on, we might need you." Doc convinces, Charles gives in and returns to his seat. "Good man. Now, Gwyneth, reach out." he commands.

"Speak to us. Are you there? Spirits, come. Speak to us that we may relieve your burden." Gwyneth starts, faint whispering and a sudden chill slowly drift through the room.

"Da f*ck." I whisper to myself, this earns a chastising squeeze in the hand from the Doctor.

"I see them. I feel them." Gwyneth continues, her head tilted up at the ceiling. My eyebrows raise at her wording.

"What's it saying?" Rose questions softly as we all look up. Blue tendrils of what looked almost like smoke twisted around above our heads.

"They can't get through the rift. Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it. Now, look deep. Allow them through." Doc encourages, Gwyneth focuses harder.

"I can't!" she exclaims, opening her eyes.

"Yes, you can. Just believe it. I have faith in you, Gwyneth. Make the link." I voice, squeezing her.

"Yes." she states, blue humanoid figures form behind her. A uneasy feeling in my gut causes me to inch closer to the Doctor and away from Gwyneth.

"Great God! Spirits from the other side." Sneed yells, eyes wide in fear.

"The other side of the universe." Doc adds, grinning in awe.

"Pity us. Pity the Gelth."the humanoid creatures voice, their ethereal voices drained of any emotions."There is so little time. Help us!"

"What do you want us to do?" our alien asks.

"The rift. Take the girl to the rift. Make the bridge."they state, my head snaps down to Gwyneth. What if it harms her? I imagine multiple creatures passing through you would take a large toll on the human body.

"What for?" Doc asks, also cautious of the foreign entities.

"We are so very few. The last of our kind. We face extinction."they explain, sympathy tugging at my heart. No species deserves to go extinct.

"Why, what happened?" I speak up, the main speakers head swivels towards me.

"Once we had a physical form like you, but then the war came."a sense of melancholy smothered the room, the mention of war seemed to do that.

"War? What war?" Charles questions, I nod along. Curious myself.

"The Time War."I drop my gaze to the Doctor, his eyes switch from the table to mine and then away again guiltily."The whole universe convulsed. The Time War raged. Invisible to smaller species but devastating to higher forms. Our bodies wasted away. We're trapped in this gaseous state."I tighten my grip on the Doctors hand hoping to cause some kind of comfort, even if he didn't react.

"So that's why you need the corpses." I sum up, addressing the creatures again.

"We want to stand tall, to feel the sunlight, to live again."they start of strong, my heart tugging in sympathy ever so slightly."We need a physical form, and your dead are abandoned. They're going to waste. Give them to us."thats where I draw the line. They aren't abandoned, they're at rest.

"But we can't." Rose protests, her mouth slightly ajar in shock.

"Why not?" the Doctor retorts, his gaze icy as he peers at Rose.

"It's not... I mean, it's not.." Rose stumbles over here words, trying to find the right phrase.

"Not decent? Not polite? It could save their lives." he snaps back. Even though I understand his view, there is something not right about the Gelth. They aren't telling the whole truth. I can feel it in my bones.

"Open the rift. Let the Gelth through. We're dying. Help us. Pity the Gelth!"the aliens continue to try and convince us. Plead with us. They suddenly disappeared, their forms slipping back into the gas pipes whilst Gwyneth's body falls forwards onto the table seemingly unconscious.

"Oh my God, Gwyneth!" I yelp sliding of my seat to the ground nearby her, Rose runs over to the other side. Together we gently lift the girl up to try and wake her. Charles begins to have some sort of existential crisis whilst we move Gwyneth over to the couch.

After a few moments she begins to awake, her eyelids fluttering open. She moves to sit up but is gently pushed back down by Rose who had gone full mother mode on the poor girl.

"It's all right. You just sleep." I gently say, resting a comforting hand on the young woman.

"But my angels, miss." she protests weakly, "They came, didn't they? They need me?"

Rose opens her mouth to answer but a Northern man's voice interrupts,

"They do need you, Gwyneth. You're they're only chance of survival." he states, leaning against the wall away from us. I send a glare towards the man, she had just woken up and was in no state some important decisions.

"I've told you, leave her alone." Rose orders, I nod along beside her.

"She's exhausted and she's not fighting your battles." I state, softening my gaze towards the man behind us before turning to Gwyneth and offering her a glass of water. "Drink this."

"Well, what did you say, Doctor? Explain it again. What are they?" Sneed questions, the man completely out of depth. I roll my eyes, the very presence of that man drives me up the walls. I shuffle to my feet heading over to the Doctor.

"Aliens." is his very dull, short and bored answer.

"Like foreigners, you mean?" Sneed further questions, struggling to get his head around the concept.

"Pretty foreign, yeah. From up there." Doc answers again, a small smile on his lips as he points to the roof.

"Brecon?" the old man queries, I snort very unlady like at that.

"Close. And they've been trying to get through from Brecon to Cardiff but the road's blocked. Only a few can get through and even then they're weak. They can only test drive the bodies for so long, then they have to revert to gas and hide in the pipes." Doc explains, humouring the old man and the rest of us as he clears the situation up.

"Which is why they need Gwyneth." I mutter, my face twisting into a frown. "Something about this doesn't feel right."

"Which is why they need the girl." Dickins pipes up, nodding over to Gwyneth. This causes Rose to stand up straight.

"They're not having her." she states, her tone final. The Doctor ignores this though and presses.

"But she can help. Living on the rift, she's become part of it. She can open it up, make a bridge and let them through." Doc tries to convince.

"Incredible. Ghosts that are not ghosts but beings from another world, who can only exist in our world by inhabiting cadavers." Charles speaks, the Doc nods along.

"Good system. It might work." he adds.

"You can't let them run around inside of dead people." Rose protests, walking over to us. I nod slightly. It's wrong, but they said they were going extinct.

"Why not? It's like recycling." the Doctor points out. I cringe slightly at his choice of example.

"Seriously though, you can't." Rose argues.

"Seriously though, I can."

"It's just wrong. Tell him Luna." Rose brings me into the spat.

"Those bodies were living people. We should respect them even in death." I begin. The Doctor goes to interrupt but I hold my hand up. "I understand both of your points of views, the weight of knowing we could have saved an entire species from extinction and we did nothing would be heavy, but what about what these dead people wanted. Their loved ones? Seeing their lost relatives or partners walking around on the street. Also not including the fact that there is something of with these 'Gelth', they aren't telling us something and have already made it obvious that they will go to any extent to get through, or have you forgotten the young man that they killed and how ready they were to kill Rose just for her body?"

Once finished they both stood there taking in my words, I sigh thinking I had gotten through to them. Only for the Doctor to open his mouth,

"Do you carry a donor card?" he demands, glaring at the pair of us now, like I hadn't just said that I understand his view.

"Bitch? How the hell is that the same? Did you just ignore what I said." I raise my voice, the audacity of men.

"That's different." Rose begins, this seemed to piss the alien off as he snaps back.

"It is different, yeah. It's a different morality. Get used to it or go home. You heard what they said, time's short. I can't worry about a few corpses when the last of the Gelth could be dying." I stand there shocked as he shouts at the pair of us.

"You're a f*cking bastard, 'a few corpses'. Those corpses were someone's loved ones! How would you feel if this was your people? Your dead relatives? Your lost ones? I can bet you wouldn't be so quick to offer them up!" I shout, pointing my finger at the Timelord. His eyes flash in an emotion I could only decipher as uncontrollable rage.

"Don't you dare bring up my people again! Understand?!" he bellows, I flinch at the volume, his eyes seemed to darken almost. Like out of a book. I nod, wiping any fear that was on my face away to a blank slate before walking away towards Gwyneth.

"I think Gwyneth should have a say." I state, not meeting either of their eyes. She nods thankfully.

"I know my own mind, and the angels need me. Doctor, what do I have to do?" she questions, the Doctor walks over to us.

"You don't have to do anything." he voices, his tone a polar opposite to his frustrated shouting prior.

"They've been singing to me since I was a child, sent by my mam on a holy mission. So tell me." her ideology made me smile slightly, still ever so superstitious.

"We need to find the rift. This house is on a weak spot, so there must be a spot that's weaker than any other. Mister Sneed, what's the weakest part of this house? The place where most of the ghosts have been seen?" the Doctor questions, turning to the old man.

"That would be the morgue." Sneed replies after a moment of thought.

"No chance you were going to say gazebo, is there?" Rose mutters, tugging my cloak around her shoulders.


We walk down the dirty, dungeon looking corridor. A freezing breeze biting into my bare skin. I walk behind everyone shivering, f*cking Time Lord, f*cking Gelth, f*cking winter weather. Why did I have to be nice and give Rose my cloak? Stupid, stupid me.

Whilst I was talking to myself the Timelord, that I was pissed off at, must have slowed down to walk beside me because next thing I knew a jacket was being placed over my shoulders.

"Your freezing." he states, walking along side me. I nod, to stubborn to actually talk to him. "Oh, the silent treatment then?" I shrug still not talking. "I'm not going to apologies."

"Well neither am I, just don't be surprised if this all goes tit* up." I snap glaring at the space ahead of me. He sighs loudly, either at my language or the fact that I'm still angry. Noting that I was in no way ready to talk to him he speeds up, leaving me to walk by myself.

"Urgh. Talk about Bleak House." he states outloud to the others, trying to make the situation lighter as the scent and sight of decaying bodies flood us.

"Doctor, I think the room is getting colder." Charles points out I nod along in agreement.

"Here they come." Rose mutters as blue gas flies past us. The Gelth settle in the archway.

"You've come to help. Praise the Doctor. Praise him."the leader chants, their voice angelic.

"Promise you won't hurt her." Rose shouts out only to be ignored.

"Promise!" I shout, my attempts ignored also.

"Hurry! Please, so little time. Pity the Gelth."they continue.

"I'll take you somewhere else after the transfer. Somewhere you can build proper bodies. This isn't a permanent solution, all right?" the Timelord tells them, at least he wasn't planning on keeping them here. "Okay, where's the weak point?"

"Here, beneath the arch."the Gelth reply, Gwyneth walks over to the arch standing in the middle. Rose rushes over her in one last attempt to change her mind.

"You don't have to do this." she states, holding Gwyneth's shoulders.

"My angels." is her only reply before she jolts away standing straight.

"Establish the bridge. Reach out to the void. Let us through!"the Gelth demand in loud voices.

"Yes, I can see you. I can see you. Come!" Gwyneth calls out.

"Bridgehead establishing."

"Come to me. Come to this world, poor lost souls!"

"It is begun. The bridge is made."the aliens state in victory, I flinch back when Gwyneth's mouth opens wide. Gelth figures rushing out of her in a larger magnitude of numbers than perceived."She has given herself to the Gelth. The bridge is open. We descend."

"Given?" I loudly state, "Gwyneth? What the f*ck does that mean you f*cking dead smurfs."

"The Gelth will come through in force."they rage, the blue turning red as their humanoid figures create elongated fangs.

"You said that you were few in number." Dickens shouts.

"A few billion. And all of us in need of corpses."they clarify, the blue figures disappear into the dead surrounding us.

"Gwyneth, stop this. Listen to your master. This has gone far enough. Stop dabbling, child, and leave these things alone, I beg of you." Sneed begs, whilst focused on Gwyneth a Gelth approaches the man. I reach out to grab him making contact with his arm at the same time of the Gelth. We play a brief game of tug of war until the Gelth rips Sneed from my grasp and the Doctor winds an arm around my waist dragging my backwards as I stumble slightly.

"Mr Sneed!" I shout, the Gelth reaches his head and snaps the old man's neck, I stand there frozen. I had him, I could have saved him. A blue wisp rushes into the now vacant space.

"I think it's gone a little bit wrong." the Timelord holding me mutters walking us backwards towards a gated wall.

"We need bodies. All of you. Dead. The human race. Dead."the Gelth leader demands, pointing at us.

"Gwyneth, stop them! Send them back now!" the Doctor shouts, hoping to solve the now fatal situation.

"Three more bodies. Convert them. Make them vessels for the Gelth."

"Doctor, I can't. I'm sorry. This new world of yours is too much for me. I'm so-" Charles starts only to be cut off as he runs away leaving us to deal with the Gelth. Asshat. We walk backwards until we reach the metal gate, slamming it shut creating a barrier between us and our looming demise.

"Give yourself to glory. Sacrifice your lives for the Gelth."the Gelth inside Sneed demands, I shakily press myself against the wall behind us.

"I trusted you. I pitied you!" the Timelord spits out, angry at himself and the Gelth for tricking him.

"Is it the right time to say I told you so?" I hiss at the man on my right.

"We don't want your pity. We want this world and all its flesh."they bite back, each dead person gripping the bars shaking in futile attempts to shake the gate loose.

"Not while I'm alive." the Doctor retorts defiantly, blatantly ignoring my own comment.

"Then live no more."the aliens snark, a smooth comeback that I can give them.

"But I can't die. Tell me I can't. I haven't even been born yet. It's impossible for me to die. Isn't it?" Rose rambles, the obvious looming death seemed to be making her nervous.

"I don't think that's how it works, time isn't straight it's rather wibbly." I answer, the Doctor nods along.

"I'm sorry. Time isn't a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You can be born in the twentieth century and die in the nineteenth and it's all my fault. I brought you here." he guiltily continues.

"We decided to come along." I mutter looking over at the man.

"It's not your fault. I wanted to come." Rose replies, I nod in agreement.

"What about me? I saw the fall of Troy, World War Five. I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party. Now I'm going to die in a dungeon in Cardiff." the man beside me whines, of course this is what he is thinking of. What else would one think of during a fatal situation.

"It's not just dying. We'll become one of them." I add, obviously helping -note the sarcasm- Rose sends me a disturbed look before fearfully glaring at the possessed corpses.

"We'll go down fighting, yeah?" Rose states, gripping my left hand.

"Yeah." The doctor replies, gently taking my right. I allow the hand to stay, after all we might die in a few minutes.

"Together?" I mutter, staring at our death.

"Yeah." they both reply. I feel a small tug on my arm the Doctor was holding. I turn my head slightly facing the man.

"I'm so glad I met you." he whispers, I smile slightly don't you just love a life threatened action of affection.

"Me too." I whisper back. He smiles gently at me, the three of us coming to terms with our death. Although the silent thinking didn't last long when the traitor himself comes running in.

"Doctor! Doctor! Turn off the flame, turn up the gas! Now, fill the room, all of it, now!" Dickens yells, flitting around the room turning all the gas lamps up to max.

"What're you doing?" Doc questions, his face twisted in confusion.

"Turn it all on. Flood the place!" Charles explains, the Timelord's face lights up with understanding.

"Brilliant. Gas." Doc mutters, smiling widely at the three.

"What, so we choke to death instead?" I snark, not particularly fond of the idea of suffocating.

"Am I correct, Doctor? These creatures are gaseous." Charles continues, covering his mouth in a cloth.

"Fill the room with gas, it'll draw them out of the host." Doc explains, I nod along finally understanding.

"Suck them into the air like poison from a wound!" I add, smiling brightly.

"I hope, oh Lord, I hope that this theory will be validated soon, if not immediately." Charles stutters slightly as the zombie like being start to leave Rose, Doc and I and head towards him.

"Plenty more." the Doctor pipes up, gripping the pipe nearby in his hand and wrenching it free. snapping the metal in half. Gas floods the area quicker, welp no going back now. The bodies begin to drop as the Gelth are dragged into the air, wailing and screaming.

"It's working." I mutter, opening the gate. Doc rushes past to stand in front of Gwyneth, Rose and I trailing behind him.

"Gwyneth, send them back. They lied. They're not angels." the Timelord tries to convince.

"Liars?" she states, something about her is off.

"Look at them!" the Doctor demands, "If your mother and father could look down and see this, they'd tell you the same. They'd give you the strength. Now send them back!"

"I can't breathe." Rose gasps out, I frown slightly at myself. If Rose is suffocating, shouldn't I?

"Charles, get them out." Doc orders not sparing a glance back. Charles moves to guide us out, only for Rose to shrug his arm off.

"I'm not leaving her!" she exclaims passionately.

"I'm not even being affected, sorry Doc there is no way you're getting rid of me." I state, crossing my arms over my chest. My hands covered by the length of the jacket's sleeves.

"They're too strong." Gwyneth whimpers, her eyes still void.

"Remember that world you saw? Rose's world? All those people. None of it will exist unless you send them back through the rift." Doc tries, thinking the Gwyneth wouldn't because she empathised with the Gelth.

"I can't send them back. But I can hold them. Hold them in this place, hold them here. Get out." she orders, her hand disappears into her pocket bringing out some matches.

"No!" I shout lunging forwards, Charles wraps a hand around my bicep preventing my advance.

"You can't!" Rose shouts out, proceeding to cough loudly after.

"Leave this place." Gwyneth continues, I squirm removing Charles's grip.

"No! Gwyneth No! You can't!" I yell, I only make it three more paces as the Doctor wraps an arm around my waist, effectively halting me. I squirm and wriggle hoping to help Gwyneth only for the Doctor to grab me by my shoulders and shake me.

"Alula, get out. Go now. I won't leave her while she's still in danger. Rose you too, now go!" he demands, shoving me towards the door.

"No." I defy, Rose and Charles running past me. "I'm not leaving."

"Alula now! I will get her out. Now get out of the danger!"

"I'm not leaving you! I'm not focused on Gwyneth, it's you. I don't think it's Gwyneth anymore, she feels different." I shout, the Doctor nods slightly unsure on what to do with the information. He slowly raises his hand to Gwyneth's neck, dropping it promptly after.

"I'm sorry." he mutters, I was right.

"Thank you." I say, stepping closer to the young lady. I place a kiss on her forehead before I'm dragged away as the Timelord takes my hand and sprints out.

Just as we make it half a meter from the front door the building behind us explodes. We fly forwards, Doc landing on the ground whilst I land on him. I sit up slowly, aching all over. The Doctor and I grimly look at each other, Gwyneth saved the world and now she's dead. I slide off of the man below me to stand up.

"I'm going to the TARDIS." is all I say, the Timelord nods slightly. Gently squeezing my shoulder before allowing me to walk away.

"She's unlocked." he mutters as I depart.

Chapter 10: Inside the TARDIS

Chapter Text

I stand in the shower of my room, ridding myself of the debris from the explosion. I quickly change into my pyjamas before grabbing a book from the bookshelf and slipping into bed. Physically I felt exhausted but my mind wouldn't shut up. It kept repeatedly playing Gwyneth's words and the daydreams I keep getting, sometimes with new things added. I stare blankly at the page, the words not registering in the slightest. Conceding I crawl out of the bed, sliding a hoodie over the top of my holey T-shirt and black short biker shorts. A walk should help subdue my racing mind.

The dreams and vision never seemed in order, some were of a little girl meeting two people - who I assumed were her parents - on a gorgeous red planet with silver trees and a large dome shaped city, others were of a soldier fighting against pepper pots using inhuman abilities on both the red planet and another, one more golden with beautiful ivory buildings. It hurt to try and order the fantasies, as if my brain was being ripped out of my skull. A dull throb behind my eyes warns me to stop dwelling on my issue, instead I focus on where to go. The TARDIS is infinite, there are to be many rooms dedicated to entertainment. I could go to the pool for a swim or maybe try the kitchen. Baking seemed to always relax me in a weird way. It kept me focused on measuring and mixing instead of my swirling thoughts.

I shuffle down the corridors, following the flickering lights on the floor in hopes that the TARDIS was leading me to the kitchen. Humming a tune under my breath I finally make it to the kitchen, the oven and lights turned on for me. I slide over to the radio on the side, turning the dial on the small device to flick stations. I patiently wait until classic rock slowly seeps from the speakers.Good Old Fashioned Lover Boyby Queen fills the room, quiet enough that it doesn't wake my companions but loud enough that it drowned out my mind. Swaying my hips I dance around the kitchen, gathering the needed ingredients to make cookies. When picking up the flour bag the bag spilt, a white cloud emerging and slowly settling on me and my clothes. Giggling I wipe my hand on my cheek hoping to rid myself of the flour.

I contently mix the ingredients, losing myself to the music and familiar actions of baking. My previous worries and thoughts no longer plaguing my mind. I slide over to the oven, baking tray in hand filled with unbaked cookies. Crouching down to the oven I stare at the multiple dials and switches, he couldn't have a normal oven could he? Yes the oven is on but I don't know what temperature or how long I should leave the cookies in. I rock back on my heels huffing. Placing the tray down on the side I spin a few dials and a random switch I seemed to have turned the hob on and made the machine make a random noise. I sigh, tilting my head back I look up at the ceiling.

"Hey T, any chance you could help me?" I ask, hoping the TARDIS would assist me. After a few minutes of silence I scoff at the sentient ship, no help from her then. Giving up I flop backwards to lie on the floor, arms and legs splayed in a star position. My eyes flicker closed, childishly sulking at the fact the ship had ignored me. I listen to the music still echoing through the room, enjoying the peace. My sulking though is interrupted as the Kitchen door swings open, footsteps approaching my laying form. I snap my eyes open to watch as Doc stands nearby watching me curiously, his leather jacket missing which left him in a jumper and jeans. He steps closer, his feet now next to my head. Tilting my chin back I look up at him smiling at him. He peers down at me, his eyes flicking over my body his eyes hesitating slightly at my bare legs before snapping back to my face. The TARDIS did listen, she must have sent the Doctor to help me, "Hiya Doc, I need help with the oven, I'm making cookies. And your oven is most definitely NOT from my time period. Like why is there so many dials and switches. Also what's with the little screen?" I ramble, shooting up to stand. Now toe to toe with the man, he leans backwards nodding before sidestepping me. I watch curiously as he turns to dials, flips a switch and taps the screen. He scrolls on the screen before selecting 'Baking' he picks up the cookies, placing the tray into the main oven and leaving it. He spins on his heel, facing me now. He the steps past me towards the fruit bowl, returning with a banana and an apple.

He ever so politely throws the apple at me, sitting down at the kitchen table. I follow perching on the wooden chair. "Thanks for the help, is there any chance there is a manual for the oven. I'd rather use that than annoy you every time I want to bake." I explain.

"There should be a manual in the library, the TARDIS should help you find it." he answers, taking a bite of his banana. "It doesn't annoy me. Helping you. It gives me something to do, even if it is for five minutes." I nod smiling at the alien.

"Mmm yes, the whole not sleeping thing." I mumble, not believing him.

"Yes, the whole not sleeping thing." he mimics. I roll my eyes, taking in his appearance.

"I wasn't lying when I said you have dark circles, you should really go and sleep. You look like you haven't slept for centuries."

"Sometimes it isn't as simple as just sleeping." he mumbles, I stare at him for a few seconds.

"Nightmares." I state simply. His eyes snap to mine before wandering around the room. Almost looking for a way to flee. "I get them to, why do you think I'm baking at a time like this? Well I'm assuming the time is late, it's not like you can tell."

His lips tug slightly either at my rambling or at my attempt to make him at ease. "Your zoning out thing." he starts, moving the conversation away from himself and to me. "You're not zoning out are you, I think you're seeing things."a

"That's one way to make me sound crazy." I mumble, disgruntled by the topic change. "The answer is yes, I see things. Always about this one person, either as a little girl or a soldier on alien planets." I move my gaze from the Doc's curious one to the oven. Resting my chin on my palm. "They're just daydreams. I have pills for them, it got to a point where I was more zoned out than lucid but they made me feel weird though so I stopped taking them. It's getting bad though, again. Do you think we could stop by my apartment to get the pills?"

I glance back at the alien sat across from me, his expression still curious. He nods slowly, watching me as I finish my apple.

"I have a feeling that these aren't simple daydreams." he states, not explaining further. I watch him, hoping he would give something away. His eyes flick up to meet mine, the hard blue of his eyes meeting my different coloured eyes, one a forest green colour and the other stormy grey. I suddenly yawn quite loudly, cutting off the staring contest. "Go. Sleep." he orders gently. "I might even sleep as well."


The TARDIS gently raised the brightness of my bedroom lights to wake me. I roll onto my back, the harsh light burning my drowsy eyes. I wince slightly before pulling myself out of the bed. I change my clothes quickly; sliding on fishnet tights, short lacey black slip on dress and an oversized earth brown knitted jumper. I twist my hair back into a claw black butterfly claw clip. Doing some simple makeup and eyeliner I slide my docs on before strolling to the console room. It seemed Rose hadn't awoken yet as I perch on the spinning seat, fiddling with my jewellery. I spin around, keeping myself entertained until the others join me.

After a few moments my chair abruptly stops spinning, I tightly grip the sides yelping slightly at the sudden stop. I look to see the Doctor grinning at me his hand holding the seat still. I playfully stick my tongue out at him, hopping down from the chair.

"Are we ready Doc, is Rose up yet?" I question, leaning against the glowing console.

"Yup, getting ready. You humans do take your time." he whines, fiddling with the controls. "Right a quick pit stop at Earth for your pills and then back into time and space."

I nod along, pulling the sleeves of my jumper over my hands. Do I really want to get those pills. My thoughts stop as Rose enters the room, she adorns a new outfit. Must've done the same as I and gotten one from the TARDIS. She wore light blue flared jeans, a dark grey t-shirt and a pink hoodie.

"Bloody hell you took forever, now we can go." Doc exclaims, flitting around the console. "You live on the estate right?" he asks me, I nod moving to grip the railing. With a mad smile he slams down a leaver. Pointing at a button in front of me for me to push he runs to the other side of the controls. I press it down, causing us all to go flying to the right. "What did you do?" he shouts at me, over the rasping of the time machine.

"I only did what you told me to!" I shout back, he runs back around the console. Grabbing the monitor which is filled with circular patterns and flashing light. "What does that mean?"

He glances at me and then to Rose, said person is clinging to one of the coral structures, her hair in her face. "It means, we're being hijacked. Well not hijacked, no one can hijack the TARDIS. Whoever they are is trying to get our attention to go to them. It's a form of distress signal, except however receives it has no choice in whether they're helping or not. So we're being dragged." he answers, rushing about. THe TARDIS jolts and knocks about. Our bodies flinging about, I'm forced into the railing causing pain to shoot across my hip. Well that's going to bruise. Eventually the TARDIS stops, our bodies flying to the floor. I land nearby Rose, whilst Doc lay somewhere on the other side of the controls. He shoots up, as if we hadn't just been flung around the time machine. Rose and I on the other hand groan in pain, slowly clambering to our feet before watching the doors carefully. God knows what's on the other side of those doors.

"So Doc, where and when are we?" I ask, stumbling over to the Timelord.

"We are on some sort of spaceship in the year 2178, humans have recently created interstellar travel. Have colonised at least 3 nearby star systems and have just begun their travel across the stars. So the question is. Why are we needed?" he riddled off, prancing over to the doors. Rose and I follow closely, the three of us exiting the TARDIS in a bundle of nerves and excitement. Our trio is met by the inside of an atypical metal spaceship, something one would have expected when thinking of aliens. The corridors empty, illuminated by the beams of light running down the path on the roof. I slide ahead of the group, heading over to a doorway nearby. As I approach the doors open, hissing slightly as they move.

The new room contained crates, multiple crates filled with random things. I peer curiously into one, the crate contained bags of preserved food. All vacuum packed. I slide the lid of another crate off, peering down to see a sh*t tonne of bullets. Nearby a crate full of guns that were too tall for the lid to fit.

"Doc.. these crates have guns and ammo in." I state, turning back to my companions. Except there is no one there. "Oh f*ck me."

"Gladly would doll, except I don't know who you are." a voice calls out from the other side of the room. I spin around to see a pervy looking white man, greasy brown hair and uncut beard with his gun pointed straight at me. "How 'bout you come over here, i'll tie you up and we go see the boss. We can have some alone time then."

"Thanks. But no thanks." I state, spinning on my heel running at the door. I skid to a halt in the corridor, choosing right before sprinting that direction. I hear the man's loud footsteps behind me, quickly gaining on me. I turn corner after corner until I trip over some wiring on the floor. Falling forwards, I catch myself with my hands, scrambling to stand I stumble forwards. Suddenly a hand wraps around my hair yanking me backwards, I cry out at the sharp pain.

"C'mon dollface, let's go see the boss." he states, leaning his face way too close for comfort before grabbing my wrists. He harshly pulls them behind my back, binding them with zip ties. He purposely tightens them till they cut the blood circulation.

"f*cking bastard, that's too tight. Let me go!" I shout, twisting in his grip. He grumbles, gripping my hair once again causing me to cry out again. He stalks down the corridors, dragging me behind him quite literally by the hair.

We eventually come to a stop in a room filled with people. They were crowded around something or someone. Pervy man, sharply tugs my hair, dragging me through the crowd.

"f*cking bastard, stop that. I'm not a dog." I cry out, stumbling over my feet as I'm dragged.

"Then stop whining like a bitch." he snaps back. "Hey boss, look what I found." he announces. Pushing me forwards and kicking my knee out from under me.

"You dickhe*d." I snap, spitting at his feet. I uncomfortably tug at my bindings, glaring up at the man in front of me. A dark skinned man stood facing the crowd, his face also bearded and his clothes slightly worn.

"You don't happen to be Alula do you?" he asks, I narrow my eyes at the man. Weary of him since I had just been dragged like an animal to him. "A nice lookin man and woman just came through here searching for you. They've gone for refreshments. After all you're our guests." he explains, I nod slightly.

"If I'm your guest then why am I tied up like a prisoner." I state, watching the men and women around me. He nods to the pervy man who stoops down dragging a knife under the plastic and breaking it apart. I snap my hand to my wrist, rubbing them to alleviate the pain.

"Show our guest the refreshments Mikhail." the 'boss' says.

"Wait, you know my name. What's yours?" I ask.

"Avalk." he answers before nodding to Mikhail the perv.

I follow the man down corridors, our travel this time rather short. We enter a white cafeteria-like room with some people scattered eating. I glance around, hoping to catch the sight of my companions. I spot Rose's hair and hoodie before she spots me. I sprint away from Mikhail towards them, leaping at the girl wrapping her in a hug.

"Holy sh*t. Never let me wander off again, I've got a bad feeling about this place." I start, smiling at Rose. Her face remains impassive, looking at me in slight confusion before collecting her food and walking off to eat. I spin to Mikhail, who had began to leave the room. I chase after him.

"Where is my other friend, the man?" he ignores me, shrugging my arm off. Huffing I trail the perv, hopefully he'll either show me where the Doctor is or lead me back to Avalk. Keeping closed I follow the man back down the corridors, we re-enter the same room as earlier. Avalk stands nearby, watching expectantly as Mikhail enters the room. Deciding to hide before I create a terrible plan I stuck behind a pile of broken and dismembered electronics.

"Does the girl suspect anything?" Avalk questions, his tone hard.

"She questioned the whereabouts of the male, she also showed distrust of the blonde." Mikhail answers, his posture soldier like. Arms held behind his back and feet shoulder width apart.

"Report if she shows too much interest in the male, and run some scans on her. Make sure she is human, after all the man isn't." Avalk orders, nodding in finality to the perv man. I watch as Mikhail salutes before spinning on his heel and exiting. "Nick, check up on our prisoners. Run some more tests on our newest addition." The man adds, now addressing another white man, this one with blonde hair. The man follows his orders, walking past me and down the corridors.

Choosing to follow Nick, I stopped down after him. We eventually make it to another set of doors, everything in this ship looks the same. Slipping in after him, I duck behind some crates, peering over them to watch. The new room had three figures tied up, their heads bowed. A futuristic looking camera in front of the closest, that must be the scanner. Nick walks over to the wall, flipping a switch which causes the lights to blink on after a moment. I withhold a gasp at the sight of the Doctor restrained, his arms above his body holding himself up. His shoes barely touch the floor. His jacket lay thrown on the floor, they had allowed him some dignity leaving him in his jumper and jeans. The other two figures were alien-like. One with a feminine figure, blue-ish skin which held white strips over her arms, dark chin length raven hair held back in a hair tie; this person had been stripped to her bra and shorts. The other was a more masculine build, his skin tone human-like and olive; closer to the skin tone of an italian. The alien thing about him was his antennae and tail. Both a few shades darker than his skin, this creature was also stripped, revealing a complex and intricate tribal tattoo. Blonde short hair sat on top of his head, a total contrast to the other. The only similarity the two strangers held were the injuries, they looked as if the two had been whipped or struck with something. The raw skin bleeding leaves smudges of red. I glance around hoping for something to use for protection, I won't be any use if I'm caught.

Whilst I was admiring the other captives, Nick had gone around switching the camera looking machine on. Pulling out another chain to connect next to the Doctor. Ah, that must be for me. How nice of him. My main query is why Doc and the other two are being scanned and seemingly tortured, this ship seems to be a cargo ship. What would a cargo ship have to do with aliens. Maybe they're stowaways, they could be the ones who sent the distress signal. They look distressed.

I shift around, careful to remain hidden behind the crates. A metal pole catches my eye. Hard and long, I could knock someone out with that. I hold it tightly with both hands, shifting to watch as Nick throws the chains around, attaching it to the roof. With his back turned I make my advance, creeping behind the man I swing squeezing my eyes shut as his body drops.

"I really hope I didn't kill him. I want my first murder to mean something." I mutter, kicking the man slightly before tying him to the chain that had been put up for me. Oh the irony.

"Alula?" Doc groans, looking up at me. I smile brightly at the bound man.

"Gods, I leave you two for a few seconds and you get captured and make friends." I tsch grabbing the timelords leather jacket and removing his screwdriver. "Hello by the way, my name is Luna." I add, introducing myself to the other two who had been staring at me.

"Syndra." the male states. Nodding to the female next to him, "This is Pen."

Nodding, I turn to the Doctor "Just aim and think right." he nods watching as I proceed to free him.

"Where is Rose?"

"She was in the cafeteria, I saw her first. She isn't herself though, she didn't even recognise me."

"They probably drugged her." he explains, I nod finally getting through the restraints. His body drops at the sudden change, falling slightly. I hold him to me, allowing him to recuperate. "Thanks." he mutters.

"Free the others I'll check the door. Last I heard they were looking for me, I'm sure it won't be long until a search party is sent out." Doc nods at my order, freeing the other two. "Mind telling me why you were all strung up like cattle?"

"Realised I was alien after doing a scan on me without me realising. When you wandered off Rose and I came across Avalk, asked why the distress signal. He said he didn't send it. Explained that they were having an issue with a few stowaways, I offered to help. A few minutes later Rose is being taken away and I'm stuck here." he tells, scanning the other two as they huddled together. "Syndra said that they were escaping from poachers, them and two others. When Avalk first found them it was shoot first ask later. He killed one of them."

Chapter 11: Whatever you say Cap


AN: My update times have been set to every week on Sundays, purely because my GCSEs are starting next week and I will be struggling to write chapters. -Fleur

Also TW this chapter does contain slight scenes of what is sexual harassment, just a warning for people who are triggered by these things. :/

Chapter Text

"I'm sorry what? He just killed them. Wait what about the other." I ask, disturbed and upset by how easy this Avalk killed.

"Nym is hiding." a female voice announces, I turn to see Pen now standing fully no longer leaning against her companion. "We told them to hide. Get help."

"Did they send the distress signal. Could they do that?" I ask, looking back at the Doctor.

"With the right materials yes."

I nod taking in the information. So all we have to do is fix Rose, find Nym and get the hell outta here.

"First we find and fix Rose. We need all of us to pull the rest of it off." Doc starts, pulling us together to form a circle. "I'll check the cameras with Alula, Pen you need to gather things to fight back with. Preferably not guns. Syndra I need you to create a distraction, blow something up or break stuff. I don't know and I don't care as long as it keeps them occupied long enough for us to escape when the time is right. Just make sure the distraction is in the west corridor, our exit is in the east. I'll tell you when to make the distraction."

We all nod, understanding our positions. Doc grabs my hand, dragging me down the corridors to the security camera room. I don't understand what help I'm going to be, after all I'm human and have no comprehension of alien technology.

"Doc, don't you think I would be more useful with Sandra. I can blow things up. I think." I question, speeding up to match the Timelords speed so he wasn't dragging me behind him.

"I'd rather you're with me and not with an alien I don't know or trust." he explains, tightening his grip on my hand. I nod squeezing his hand back.

"Did they hurt you?" I mutter, looking up at him. I watch as his expression changes to a grimace before switching back to a blank slate.

"It doesn't matter." he answers shortly, releasing my hand to sonic a passcode panel.

"Of course it does. You might be alien, but I'm pretty sure you still feel pain Doc." I state, watching as he runs around the room switching on different machines. One looking similar to a monitor. He ignores me though and focuses on the task at hand, rolling my eyes I take note to bring the conversation up later once Rose was asleep.


"Doc how much longer do you think we will be here?" I question, my back now painfully aching from sitting on the floor against the metal wall.

"Oh stop whining. I'm nearly done." he snaps, rapidly typing on the keyboard.

"How is it taking you so long to hack into some cameras?" I mutter, rolling my neck.

"I'd like to see you do it." he grumbles, glancing back at me for a moment. I simply reply by childishly sticking my tongue out at him. "How mature."

"You know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go find Rose myself. They haven't set off some kind of alarm yet so they must not know you lot have escaped. Therefore I am relatively safe until then. Just have to dodge Mikhail for a bit." I exclaim, standing up. My joints crack and pop at the change of stance.

I swiftly leave the room, not giving the Doctor a chance to prevent me from leaving. I begin to aimlessly roam around the corridors, hoping that at some point I will find Rose by some miracle.

After waltzing around I finally find the cafeteria again. Somehow still with people in it. I glance around hoping to see my blonde friend lingering, it was a stupid wish because who stays in the cafeteria for more than an hour. A girl can dream I guess. I sigh slightly put down by the fact I couldn't find her. Maybe I should ask around, although that might raise suspicion. What would the Doctor do?

I turn to exit my body swaying to the side slightly as I'm knocked away by someone. I spin to give said someone a shout only for the words to die in my throat when I see Mikhail staring at me. f*ck. sh*t. Bollocks. Taking his momentary shock as a blessing I sprint out of the room, speeding down new corridors and turns.

My haste only causes my downfall though as I trip over something once again. A wave of deja vu hitting me as I attempt to get up only for me to be grabbed by the pervy man once again.

"This seems to be a common occurrence for us baby. You on the floor with me above you." I shiver in disgust, God I hate men. "I've been trying to find you. Thought we could continue our conversation before I took you to Boss." he adds, his slimy hands gliding down my sides.

"f*ck you." I bite out squirming away from him, I gain enough room to shove my leg up between us and kick him off. "Never happening you predator."

Just as he stands up the lights start flashing red. A loud siren like noise flooding the entire place. It seems they've realised that their prisoners are missing.

Mikhail, looks from the lights to me. His brain seeming to work over time before he reaches out to me. My knee jerk reaction being to pull my fist back and punch him square in the face. He reels back, gasping in pain as blood gushes from his nose.

"You f*cking bitch. You're going to regret that." he shouts out. I flip him off before running off, my hopes off finding Rose pittered out as I decide to find the Doctor again. I am never wearing a dress again.


As I return to the corridor Doc was in I'm grabbed from the side and dragged into a room. A teenage looking alien stood there holding their hand over my mouth. Their body was white, small black spots dotted randomly around - similar to a dalmation - the teenagers head had no hair and their face held feline like eyes, a bright amber colour. I watch them as they examine me, their head tilted. I gently raise my hands pulling it away. I wonder what species they are,Liriristhe mystery voice whispers again. I really need to get Doc to bring me back to Earth.

"I'm guessing you're Nym." I state offering a smile to the young person. They nod offering my a smile as well. "Well I guess you can help me find the rest of them. Do you know where my friends are, they're probably with Pen or Syndra."

The alien simply nods before motioning for me to follow. They climb up into a vent shaft their head popping back out before signalling for me to follow.

I hate small spaces. I swear to anything and everything this better be worth it. Holding my breath I slowly climb up into the air vent. Trying to focus on the person in front of me I gradually follow Nym. Said alien turns back to me after a few more moments of crawling, they point down at a grid before opening it and swinging gracefully down.

I shimmy forwards, poking my head over the hole to look inside. The Doctor, Pen, Nym and Rose stood in the room. Nym points up at me causing me to flinch back slightly as their eyes all follow the pointing hand. I wave at them which cause Rose to grinn up at me.

"Will someone help me, I hate small spaces and am slowly panicking. I also chose to wear a dress but my dignity is that last thing on my mind right now." I explain, the Doc nods moving a chair from the side of the room to below the hole before standing on said chair.

"Climb down I'll catch you." he states, now a bit closer. I nod taking a deep breath before sliding my legs through the gap. I flinch ad hands gently grip the sides of my thighs, looking down to see Doc watching me. He smiles encouragingly which helps me let go of the shaft above me and hold onto the Doctor's shoulders. His hands shift to my waist as another pair of hands holds my dress down. Doc lowers me onto the floor and Rose releases my dress.

"Well atleast I still have my dignity. Also, I've been looking for you. Got into some trouble as well whilst I was at it." I start pointing at Rose, I then turn to Doc "And you. Never let me leave your side again. I ran into Mikhail, he is such a predator." I shiver slightly at the recall of the situation I had previously found myself in. They both nod slowly before I randomly lung at Rose holding her tightly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, they just injected me with something. Doctor reversed it though." she answers, pulling back to smile at the man.

"It was just a simple mind medicine, chemicals used to induce certain brain waves that makes the mind susceptible to influences. Use the chemical then give the patient certain orders and they follow them until the medicine wears off." he rambles, shrugging the thanks off.

"So like brainwashing. Just a bit less Bucky Barnes with the electricity and a bit more like Yolena." I state, wrapping my head around it. The Doc pauses before nodding.

"Yeah." he answers. I smile glad that I was beginning to understand his science babble. It's an accomplishment. "Since we have Nym and Rose all we need to do is signal to Syndra for the explosion and safely get to the TARDIS."

"Right so how are we telling Syndra?" I ask, bouncing on the balls of my feet. The four of them turn to me, their brows raised expectantly. "Um no thanks." I add, catching onto what they were insinuating.

"Come on Alula, I need to go to the TARDIS so we can get away quickly. Rose has just come back from brainwashing, Pen and Nym are reuniting. Have a heart." Doc taunts, opening the door for me.

"I just crawled through a f*cking vent for nothing." I grumble at him.

"Language." he replies, his voice is ever so slightly smug. I huff quickening my pace to a jog yelling out as I round the corner.

"Whatever you say Cap."

I eventually speed to a sprint, this was after realising that if I run into anyone then they'll know and since everyone is kinda looking for us maybe jogging through the spaceship wasn't a good idea. As I enter a completely foreign corridor I nearly run straight into the back of Mikhail, said alien stood waiting for what I assume is the signal. He spins at the sound of my heavy footfall and panting breath.

"Mikhail, we need to, start, the distraction." I gasp out, folded in two whilst attempting to catch my breath. He nods shifting to the corridor wall, I look up briefly to see the wall torn apart. Numerous wires and pipes ripped out and mismatched, this all I'm assuming makes a big bang. He nods over at me which I take as a sign to run, I stumble slightly as he attaches something before sprinting past me. I spin, sprint away; my stumble caused me to lag behind slightly. As the explosion took place the force sends me forwards, my head hitting the floor which was all my mind needed before sucking me into another daydream.

I stand high above my battalion, friends and foe dying at each others hand. Embarrassingly more friends. The cries of death and scent of my burning people helped make my decision slightly easier. This quadrant of the war was important, if we lost then the Daleks will move to the second city of Gallifrey, Arcadia. If that happens then the Last Great Time War is lost, Daleks and their allies will rule over Time. This possible outcome caused the High Councils of both my planet and Gallifrey to send me a message; 'Stop the enemy, even if it leads to the demise of our side. After all your battalion is only a fraction of the rest of our armies.'

I'm General Nudea, The Phoenix. Forced to kill her family and possibly myself in the process.

Breathing deeply I focus on my essence. The fires around me roaring and doubling in size as my Nether sweeps through the battlefield, the fire gathers in front of me building in pressure, size and temperature. My body struggles with exhaustion, stumbling slightly I drop to my knees. The fire spluttered slightly at the flux of focus. I gather the last of my energy, forcing the fire wave across the armies. Ending the Battle of Kastraya.

I thankfully snap out of it as Syndra shakes my lying form, he eventually gives up throwing me over his shoulder before running away to the TARDIS. Still disorientated, I wince at the pain in my head. Pressing my fingers to the front of my scalp, I bring them away to see blood maring my skin. I swear if I have a concussion I'm suing the Doctor.

"Syndra, I'm good let me down." I announce after a few moments, allowing myself to get my bearings before I sprint to the TARDIS. He nods, politely setting me down before continuing to sprint. We race down the metallic corridors, turning around twists and turns. Syndra ten times more graceful and orderly then I, I'm stumbling and staggering as the world keeps tilting.

We eventually make it the rest of the group, who were waiting outside of the TARDIS. As we round the corner Doc opens the doors before becoming everyone inside, the TARDIS rotor already pulsing. He must have been setting it up for our arrival. This is the smoothest adventure yet, I'm surprised we made it this far. I slide onto my favourite chair, gripping the bar as we're hurtled into the Vortex. After a few moments the shaking stops, Doc spins to face the now traumatised looking aliens.

"We're floating in the Time Vortex, completely safe. Right. Where are you from? I can send you back or if you want to go somewhere new, I just need to know where to drop you off." he explains, folding his arms across his chest whilst leaning against the console. The three new passengers glance at one another, a silent conversation between them before Pen faces Doc again.

"New place, in the Praist Galaxy." Pen requests, well that totally wasn't pre-planned. I glance around to see Rose except she seemed to have disappeared. Slipping off of the seat I gently walk over to my other companion, leaning on the console as I look up at him.

"Doc, where is Rose?" I mutter, wincing slightly. I need some painkillers. He looks down at me, his eyes flicking over my features before taking in the blood slowly running down the side of my face. I bring my sleeve up to wipe the trail away, almost self consciously. His brain seems to slowly add the factors of my appearance together before rapidly pushing him into action.

"Alula, what the hell happened. I swear I have never had a companion get injured so much. You've got a concussion, sit down for Rassilon's sake." he orders, switching from checking my head to dragging me to the chair I had just left. "Pen, Syndra, Nym hold on we're going to the Praist Galaxy; what do you feel about Asteroid 9, well known for its market." he rambles flying around the console at a speed he had never done before. The flight seemed almost steady and calm, which I'm not complaining about.

He stops abruptly, almost sprinting over to the doors. The trio following him, he swings the doors open, ushering them out before closing them quickly. Setting off about the console once again. We stop at what I'm assuming is the Vortex. He gently pulls me from the seat before leading me down to the most used room, med bay. I sit down on the bed patiently waiting as he gathers different medical supplies, some human and others very much alien. I fiddle with my jumper sleeve, slightly worried for Rose before shrugging it off. I don't know her, I don't understand why I'm getting so attached.

I continue to fidget and twist my tights as I wait patiently for the Timelord, said person gently places his gathered things beside me before tilting my head up. He rapidly sets to work on my injury, cleaning it before pulling out this laser looking thing.

"This will sting slightly." he warns before switching it on. I flinch at the sensation, at least he wasn't lying about it stinging. He brings a hand up to hold my face in place, a blush flooding my cheeks at the situation. He carries on doing something before scanning me with the sonic. "You have to stay awake for another 3 hours, just to be careful." he orders, "You can stay with me we can keep each other occupied."

I nod, smiling gratefully at the alien in front of me, "Cheers, Doc. Also is Rose okay?"

"Yeah, she is asleep. I told her to get some shut-eye after being brainwashed for a bit." he informs me, holding a hand out for me to take. I hop off the bed, gripping his hand before allowing him to lead me down the corridors. "We can go play some board games, read something, and talk about stuff. Anything as long as it doesn't make you sleep."

"How about a game of chess?"

Chapter 12: Aliens of London: Fan-f*cking-tastic


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We have finally made it to Earth. After hoping to land on Earth 2005 for three tries, we made it. I quickly jump out of the time machine leaving no chance of randomly leaving the planet and somehow ending up elsewhere. I should feed Rocket and then find my pills, maybe make a trip to the pharmacy to restock before disappearing into time and space. I turn to Doc, watching as both him and Rose exit the time and space machine.

"How long have I been gone?" Rose questions, slowly walking backwards away from the Doctor.

"About twelve hours." he replies, leaning on the TARDIS doorway. I nod slowly retreating like Rosie.

"Oh. Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum." she clarifies, Doc nods understanding.

"What're you going to tell her?" he queries, smiling slightly at the thought of Jackie's reaction to Rose travelling in Time and Space.

"I don't know. I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours?" she pauses also imagining it before laughing, "No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later. Oh, don't you disappear." she orders before spinning on her heel and running off.

"Right I'm popping home for my cat and medication, might make a trip to the Pharmacy as well." I briefly explain, before also sprinting off.


I round the final corner before making it to my house, unlocking it quickly before slipping inside. I rush into my room calling out for my feline friend only to be met by silence. Frowning I think back, did I let him out? I can't remember. I must have otherwise he'd be here, I sigh strolling into my room rooting in my bedside table before locating the pills I need. I rattle the tube for or five contains colliding with the side. Huffing I grab a navy blue zipped hoodie from my wardrobe, slipping it over my lacy cami top before strolling down to the pharmacy.

Once I arrive, I casually slip down the once familiar aisles. Before finally making it to the counter. The familiar friendly 30 year old lady stood there, her thick rimmed glasses still too loose to the point the sat further down her nose than they were meant to. Her hair is a short blonde bob hairstyle.

"Hi Sam, how're you?" I ask politely, making small talk.

"Oh my gosh, Luna! I thought I'd never see you again, last I heard you moved or something. Where have you been for the last year?!" she excitedly rushes out, I pause slowly absorbing what she said.

"I'm sorry what?" I question slowly, watching as Sam continues to rattle on in her excited way. Last year?

"Yeah, heard you went and that's why no one was seeing you around." she explains, I nod slowly. "So where have you been for the last year, anywhere exciting."

"Um, just travelling around, nowhere too exciting. Just quiet places. Is there anyway I can get my pills?" I answer, leaning on the counter slightly. I've been gone a year, what happened to Rocket?

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, you've been gone too long, the prescription needs to be re-checked with your GP." she explains, smiling sweetly at me. I nod before waving and practically sprinting out of the building I swear when I find the Doctor he is getting a slap.


Turns out I didn't need to slap him, Jackie had already sorted that out when she found out Doc had employed Rose as a 'companion' and that (and I quote) that it's alright Rose isn't the only one I have an other. Jackie now thinks he is some kind of predator/pedophile.

"I think it serves you right for making us arrive a year late." I comment, walking over to the Doc who was nursing his cheek. I had found them both on the roof, Rose sat on a graffiti wall. "It's a shame I missed it though, would have been funny." I add, hoisting myself up to sit on the other side of the Doctor.

"Good job no one asked what you think then isn't it." the Timelord grumble, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I can't tell her. I can't even begin." Rose starts, looking over at us. "She's never going to forgive me. And I missed a year."

"Was it good?" I question also thinking about how long we were gone, my main worry right now was Rocket. Anything could have happened to him.

"Middling." Doc answers, shrugging.

"You're so useless." Rose snips, rolling her eyes fondly.

"Well, if it's this much trouble, are you going to stay here now?" he questions, craning his neck to look at her.

"I don't know. I can't do that to her again, though." she answers, he turns to me.

"Nah I'm not staying." I answer.

"But what about your family? Friends, aren't they worried?" Rose questions, turning to me.

"No one knew I was gone, I don't have friends or family Rose. The Pharmacy thought I had moved house." I answer glaring at my hands on my lap. "And the only person I liked is f*cking gone." I add, obviously frustrated.

"I'm sorry." Doc mutters, placing his hand on my knee. I smile slightly at him in acknowledgement.

"My mum slapped you!" Rose exclaims suddenly, trying to deter the conversation. I giggle at the reminder, causing Rose to smile in accomplishment.

"Nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." he grumbles, rubbing his cheek once again. I giggle once again earning a glare from the grumpy Timelord. I simply nudge him with my knee in return.

"Your face." Rose continues, chuckling at the memory.

"It hurt!" he protests.

"You're so gay." Rose states, leaning back on her hands. I roll my eyes at her before sitting up straight,

"When you say nine hundred years?" I ask, leaning forwards my arm resting on the Timelords shoulder.

"That's my age." he affirms

"You're nine hundred years old." I question, my chin dropping.


"Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to, other than Luna. We've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and we can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and the only people on planet Earth who know they exist." she exclaims, now standing.

"Well I doubt we're the only ones Rose." I add before a loud beeping horn and a loud spaceship comes flying over the estate, Doc grabs me dragging me off the wall and down to duck. The ship seems to be crashing, a trail of black smoke following the ship as it narrowly misses the Tower Bridge and Dives for the Thames. In its crash the spaceship takes out Big Ben on it's way.

"Oh, that's just not fair." Rose whines as sirens start across London. The world now knows about aliens.


Our trio sprint down the street full of parked cars, many of the drivers had left their vehicles all grumbling and complaining. We race down the road hoping to make it to the spaceship crash, although with our luck soldiers and official army vehicles were blocking the road. Deterring the pedestrians.

"It's blocked off." Doc exclaims, his head falling back in frustration. I huff, panting slightly from the short run.

"We're miles from the centre. The city must be grid locked. The whole of London must be closing down." Rose states, surveying the area.

"I know. I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic!" Doc shouts, chuckling in excitement.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" I question, turning my head to look at the alien.

"Nope." he replies shortly, still grinning.

"Do you recognise the ship?" Rose asks, staring at him hopefully.

"Nope." he repeats.

"Do you know why it crashed?" I try.

"Nope." is his now annoying response.

"Oh, I'm so glad we've got you." I snap huffing at the man.

"I bet you are. This is what I travel for, Alula. To see history happening right in front of us." he explains, practically bouncing on the spot.

"Well, let's go and see it. Never mind the traffic, we've got the Tardis." Rose states, watching the soldiers in distaste.

"Better not." Doc answers; I nod along adding,

"They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London. We don't want to shove another one on top."

"Yeah, but yours looks like a big blue box. No one's going to notice." Rose tries, disgruntled by the idea of not seeing the alien invaders.

"You'd be surprised. Emergency like this, there'll be all kinds of people watching." he states, doing a quick scan of the area before looking at us, "Trust me. The TARDIS stays where it is." he finishes taking a firm tone.

"So history's happening and we're stuck here." Rose complains.

"Yes, we are." the Doctor answers.

"We could always do what everybody else does." I start, looking at my companions, "We could watch it on TV."

Rose grins slightly nodding with my idea whilst on the other hand the Doctor looks perplexed by the idea. I chuckle slightly at his expression before grabbing his hand and directing him back to Powell Estate.


The Doctor and I sat on the main couch flicking through channels, Jackie comes strolling in with two cups of tea passing one to me and Rose. Our trio had been joined by Ru one of Jackie's friends.

"I've got no choice." Jackie exclaims, grabbing the phone from the new coffee table to call someone.

"You've broken your mother's heart. And I can bet your parents are in despair." Ru Chan says to Rose and I, her statement causes me to roll my eyes. Yeah what parents.

"I either make him feel welcome, or risk never seeing you again." Jackie continues shouting over Ru.

"I cradled her like a child." Jackie's friend continues,

"No offense Mrs Chan, but we don't care." I snap folding my arms after placing my tea on the table.

"Oi, I'm trying to listen." Doc complains, rubbing his temple.

"His current whereabouts. News is just coming in. We can go to Tom at the Embankment."the reporter states before the screen switches to a blonde man.

"They've found a body. It's unconfirmed, but I'm being told a body has been found in the wreckage. A body of non-terrestrial origins. It's being brought ashore."both the Doctor and I sit up at that. Our eyebrows shoot upwards.

Our small group slowly grows as three more people enter the small flat, the already claustrophobic sitting room getting smaller with each overlapping shout and person. I attempt to focus on the tv, suddenly the channel switches, I look down to see Tim my neighbour to be holding the controls. The doctor begins to wrestle said toddler causing me to sigh knowing there is no way Doc will win without hurting Tim.

"Tim. We need that, yes we do little man." I playfully say, pulling the small toddler onto my lap. "We can watch Blue Peter later, I promise. I'll even come round, and I'll bring some cookies. Yes I will." I continue before tickling the infant, I glance over to the Doctor to see him watching us. I smile brightly at him causing him to quickly look away, ears tinted pink. "Go on, go back to mummy." I whisper in the child ear before gently placing him on the ground.

"Albion Hospital. We still don't know whether it's alive or dead. Whitehall is denying everything."the reporter continues, without the child to keep me distracted the number of people starts to get to me, I wish I could go to the TARDIS. She's way better company. The noises of people chattering gets louder until someone drops something, the bang resonates through me dragging my mind into another vision.

A bomb falls, the shockwave causing many of us to collapse to the ground. Screaming surrounds me as another hits, closer this time. I'm thrown back by the blast, my hand landing in something wet. Looking to my left I'm met by a nightmarish sight, my hand in some poor young dead man's mouth. I scream pulling my hand back, the pale skin painted in dark almost black red. I scurry to my feet, turning quickly in hopes of seeing my commander. My plait slaps me in the face as the wind picks up, I look around hoping to see anyone from my planet. There isn't any. I stumble over a hill, my boots sinking deep into the mud hydrated with blood. My haste movements pause though as I horrifying voice calls out,


"Doc I'm going to the TARDIS." I state, not even looking back to see if he heard. I stumbled out of the room the word exterminate running through my brain, grabbing my hoodie on the way out. I had chosen black joggers, black trainers and a lacey cropped cami top. The navy hoodie was required to keep me relatively warm.

As I reach our home I then realise that Doc probably locked it and I don't have the key. After a few curses my brain catches up and remembers that she is telepathic.

"Hey T, fancy letting me in so I can get a cup of tea. And maybe a book." I whisper, pressing a hand to the magnificent door swings gently open, her golden light flooding into the rather depressing street. The TARDIS always has a homely, motherly feeling. I prefer her presence to almost anything. "Thank you darling."

I quickly enter the kitchen, happy to see a steaming cup of tea sat on the side waiting for me. "You're a star." I compliment, tilting my head to the ceiling. On my way out I press a hand to the wall in thanks. After a few steps the door to the library opens, she must have moved it closer for me. I slip inside, cradling my mug with the Andromeda galaxy on it. I walk over to the familiar desk, one that I had been spending a lot of free time at since sleep was not my friend. I have two piles at the moment, one for what I want to read and the other for things I want to re-read. I'm obviously going through the read pile first. I select the top book before walking back to the console room, tea still in hand. I lower myself onto the spinning captains chair, very content with the quiet that I finally had. Casually sipping my tea and reading the book with one hand. The serenity of the moment helped calm me down from the overwhelming number of people I just witnessed, and the vision. The vision. Flashes of searing pain in my left hand flood my brain, I wince dropping my book. God I need to take those pills, maybe not now though. Especially since the after effects aren't pretty.

My thinking is interrupted as the Doctor runs into the TARDIS, pausing when he sees me.

"What, how, huh. I locked the door." he stutters, looking between me and the door.

"Yup, and since I don't have a key, T had to be a darling and let me in." I answer, standing up and approaching the Timelord. He then surprises me by whipping his hand out, a silver key attached to a matching chain in his palm. I stare in complete shock at his, A TARDIS key? A TARDIS key!

"Oh my God, really." I ask, looking into his eyes to see any flicker of doubt. He nods, smiling at my reaction. I shriek slightly, gently taking the key before slipping it over my head. I then lunge at the man in front of me wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I rush out, excitement and gratitude flooding my body. I don't even know why I am so excited. "Anyway, what are you doing here. And where is our lovely Rosie?" I question noting that he came in alone.

"We are going to do a little hop to see our fallen alien." he answers, sprinting like a madman around the console. He occasionally points at something for me to press, pull, swing or hit. At one point he brought out the mallet, giving the console a tap which seemed to do something and we began flying straight again. Our trip this time was quick and snappy, a guess that's because we were only travelling a few miles to the left.

We both exit the spaceship, our exit slightly blocked by boxes on one of those trolley's you see used by the workers in supermarkets. The Doctor sighs, shuffling out; I follow then turn back pulling the door shut. We both sneak through the room, reaching the door which is conveniently locked. Doc pulls out his sonic screwdriver, buzzing the lock only for the device to make a rather obnoxious and loud noise. In sync both the Doctor and I hush the small device. He then continues to use it and thankfully the sonic is quieter, we are terrible at sneaking into places. As we swing the door open we're greeted by the sight of 6 or so soldiers with guns lounging around in what seemed to be a staff room.

"Fan-f*cking-tastic." I drawl, sending the soldiers and awkward smile as they turn to us. The soldiers take a moment to react before all pulling their guns on us, the lights at the ends slightly blinding me. "DO me a favour and turn them down would ya, it's not like it's dark." I mutter, squinting against the light. They stand still, staring at the pair of us; Docs only response is grinning at the group of armed men. Our small gathering is interrupted by a fearful feminine scream. Doc takes this moment to sprint past them whilst shouting,

"Defence plan delta! Come on. Move! Move!"

We rush down the corridors, ormed men following. Low key feeling bad ass right now not going to lie. Our group is met by the sight of a cowering scientist. Her dark hair tied back and her face held dark rimmed glasses. She shouts out at our arrival, "It's alive."

Doc turns back to the soldiers, "Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown." he orders. I smile slightly, damn I love it when the Doc takes control. The soldiers stand for a few minutes, looking at each other in confusion of who the new man was.

"You heard him, f*cking move!" I shout, glaring at the men.

"My god. It's still alive." the woman whimpers, still on the floor. I move over to her crouching and placing an awkward hand on the frazzled woman. "I swear it was dead."

"Could've been in shock, hibernating." I suggest, this earns and approving look from my companion.

"What does it look like?" Doc questions, the scientists answer is interrupted by a scuttle and crashing of metal. "It's still here."

"I swear to God this is creepy as hell." I mutter as the Timelord proceeds to signal for a soldier to join us. He stations the man near the scientist whilst signalling for me to come with him, huffing I rise to a stand.

"You go that way I go this way." he mutters before taking slow steps forwards. I nod moving more to the right of the direction the noise came from. Another noise cause the Doctor and I to fall into a crawl. Both of us crawling around opposite sides of a table in the room, I peer around the corner met face to face with a standing, walking pig on it's hind legs. The poor things squeals loudly, running at me and knocking me. I flail due to being unbalanced from the crouch, landing on my arse. Scrambling to get up I race after the creature.

"Don't shoot." I shout as I run past, Doc following closely. We turn another corner, a group of soldiers at the end of the path, "Don't shoot. Don't f*cking shoot." I yell, trying to speed up. How the hell is this little thing outrunning me. As it continues to squeal, running down the corridor a bang resonates through the base.

I gasp, sliding to the floor catching the poor creature before it could hit the floor. I frantically press a hand to its wound. "What the f*ck is wrong with you?! It was scared!" I shout, holding the poor pig. I gently stroke it's forehead as the little thing dies, at least it isn't hurting anymore. I stand up practically shaking with anger. I don't understand why this animal's death is bothering me so much, I run my hands frantically through my hair whilst turning to the Doctor. He gently places a hand to my shoulder, noticing my mixed emotions of sadness, anger and raw frustration. He then pulls me into a short embrace, squeezing me tightly before taking his turn to glare at the soldier.


AN: sorry for the day delay, completely forgot to upload it.3

Chapter 13: World War Three: We'll be fine


AN: I'm so sorry, I was on holiday and had no data or wifi. I offer this very long chapter and another one afterwards in hopes of forgiveness :) - Fleur.

Chapter Text

As Doc and the scientist study the deceased creature, I stand off to the side taking slow sips of some water I had been given. I pull my pills out of my pocket, the five remaining rattle in their container; I remain holding the pot with a vice grip, contemplating whether to take them. I way the pros and cons in my head; Pros - the daydreams reduce or stop altogether, I'm not constantly tormented by daytime nightmares, or Cons - i'm thrown into a pit of sometimes crippling pain, I get migraines and mood swings. I might as well try. I throw one into my mouth, gulping down water which rinses my mouth of the tangy bitter taste. The effects take place almost instantly, with a minute delay. Sharp chest pains and a searing headache, after a while I had gotten used to the pain but since I haven't taken them in a while the pain is intense. Inhaling sharply I focus on the Doctors back, facing the murdered creature and not me.

Requiring some support I walk over to the pair, sliding my hand into my companions hoping he'd assume that I'm just after support since Steven (the pig) died. He gently squeezes my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my knuckles before turning to Sato the scientist as she struggles to grasp the concept of the truth right now.

"I just assumed that's what aliens look like, but you're saying it's an ordinary pig from Earth." she states, clutching a notepad and pencil to her chest.

"More like a mermaid." Doc clarifies, "Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat, gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now someone's taken a pig, opened up it's brain, stuck bits on, then they've strapped it in that ship and made it dive bomb."

"It must've been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke." I grumble, staring down at Steven with pity.

"So it's a fake, a pretend, like the mermaid." Sato starts, Doc gently begins to lead me away as the scientist becomes oblivious to our presence, "But the technology augmenting its brain, it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. But why would they do that? Doctor? Luna?" I faintly hear her call as we stroll down the corridors. We then hurry back to the TARDIS as Sato tries to chase us.

Once inside Doc sets the time machine to take us back to Powell Estate, I slide onto the captain's chair and bring my legs to my chest. After witnessing the innocent animals death all I can think of is Rocket. We land calmer than before only a small few bumps. Barely seconds after we land Rose comes running in, I stand up preparing for her to go off at us for taking a short trip down the road without her.

"All right, so I lied. We went and had a look. But the whole crash landing's a fake." Doc starts, glancing at Rose briefly, "I thought so. Just too perfect. I mean, hitting Big Ben. Come on, so I thought let's go and have a look," he continues, "And Alula was already in the TARDIS so we went-"

"My mum's here." Rose interrupts, I spin leaning on the console to see both Jackie and Mickey awkwardly standing in the doorway. Jackie looks like she's about to keel over and Mickey looks like an angry mouse.

"Oh, that's just what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic. Or you." he complains, spinning to me as well.

"What got your knickers in a twist Mickey Mouse." I drawl crossing my arms, I watch amused as he seems to blow up at my comment.

"You ruined my life, both of ya. They thought she was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you." he shouts, pointing his finger at the two of us.

"You see what I mean? Domestic." Doc exclaims, turning back to the monitor on the console.

"Why didn't you just say she was travelling, I mean everyone thought I was." I state, watching as the man approaches us.

"I bet you don't even remember my name." he continues completely ignoring me.

"Ignore me then you bastard."

"Ricky." the Timelord replies simply, smirking as he answers wrong.

"It's Mickey." he corrects.

"No, it's Ricky." I add, watching in amusem*nt as he grows evermore frustrated.

"I think I know my own name."

"You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?" I snap at him, turning back to the console. Jackie then runs out, overwhelmed by the impossible police box.

"Mum, don't!-" Rose starts, taking a few steps in her direction. She turns to us before ordering, "Don't go anywhere. Don't start a fight!" she adds pointedly looking at us. I roll my eyes before sending her a cheeky grin. She then runs back in looking at the screen.

"That was a real spaceship." she questions, looking at us. I nod, answering.


"So it's all a pack of lies? What is it, then? Are they invading?" she continues, trying to catch up with what we know.

"Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert." Mickey comments. I nod looking back at him suspiciously.

"Good point! So, what're they up to?" Doc answers, briefly glancing at the man standing behind us all and back at the screen again.


The Doctor now remained lay under the console and grating on the floor, I sat cross legged nearby watching curiously as he works and occasionally helping where two pairs of hands are needed. We sit contently in silence until Mickey comes over. I giggle slightly as the Doc places the sonic into his mouth instead of giving it to me.

"So, what're you doing down there?" Mickey questions, moving near me.

"Ricky." Doc starts, his words though slurred from the device still in his mouth. I lean down taking it from her lips and hold it for him.

"Mickey." he tries to correct, glaring down.

"Ricky," I begin, irritated with his attitude to the Doctor and I. "If we were to even begin to explain what Doc is doing to the controls of this frankly magnificent ALIEN ship. How on God's green earth would you a man with barely passed gcse's and no job even begin to understand?" I snark, glaring heatedly at the man.

"Alright I was just asking, no need to be a bitch." he retorts, glaring at me.

"Well, shut it." Doc snips from under the console.

Mickey thankfully leaves us alone to badger Rose, I huff rolling my neck before looking down at the Doctor. He was already watching me before looking back at his work.

"You took the pill." he states, glancing back at me.

"Mhmm." I reply, nodding.

"Is this why your heart is running quicker than normal?" he asks, holding a hand out for the sonic. I pass it to him before answering,

"Yup, one of the many side effects."

"Why take them then."

"I'd rather be lucid for the majority of my life rather than trapped in daydreams which are more like nightmares." I sass, sighing at my own tone. "I'm sorry, its the drugs, mood swings are a side effect." I apologize the best I can. He nods returning to his work. "Do you think you could show me what ya doing?"

He looks up at me before grinning. He shimmies over, making room for me to crawl under with him and lay under the console together. After a few explanations and directed fixes, together we sort out the rest of the radar.

"Got it! Ha, ha!" I exclaim, bearing the sonic screwdriver above me. I turn to the Doctor, rolling to meet a very thoughtful looking expression only an inch away from me. "I did it." I state, smiling at him, he shakes his head before grinning wildly at me. We clamber out of the grating before running over to Rose and Mickey disturbing their conversation.

"Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of that spaceship." Doc briefly explains, his face illuminated by the blue green hue from the TARDIS console. "Here we go. Hold on." he orders, I slide around the console, flipping a few common switches that do minimal functions. "Come on."

"That's the spaceship on its way to Earth, see?" I state to the other humans, I point at the monitor in front of me. A diagram of the ship doing a slingshot around the Earth.

"Hold on. See? The spaceship did a slingshot round the Earth before it landed." Doc points out, I nod in agreement.

"Meaning it came from Earth originally."

"What does that mean? Is it alien or not?" she questions, looking between us.

"It means it came from Earth in the first place like Alula said. It went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived, they've been here for a while. The question is, what have they been doing?" the Timelord responds. Doc begins to flick through the Earth channels hoping for some more information about what's happening right now. I take over flicking through as Mickey steps forwards.

"How many channels do you get?" he questions, briefly perking up as football blips across the screen.

"All the basic packages." Doc replies simply. Crossing his arms as he watches the different channels flash by.

"You get sports channels?"

"Yes, we get the football." I answer his unasked question.

"Hold on, I know that lot." Doc states, placing his hand over mine to stop me from flicking past a group of army looking members. I glance at him curiously, and how does he know them?

"It is looking likely that the Government's bringing in alien specialists - those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space."the woman presenting explains.

"UNIT. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people." Doc adds, pointing at the members on the screen.

"How do you know them?" Rose pipes up, glancing at our companion before scanning the men and women.

"'Cos he's worked for them." Mickey answers, his face now plastered with a smug grin. "Oh yeah, don't think I sat on my backside for twelve months, Doctor. I read up on you." he continues, a sh*t eating grin covering his face. I roll my eyes at his arrogance. "You look deep enough on the Internet or in the history books, and there's his name, followed by a list of the dead."

"That's nice. Good boy, Ricky." Doc replies tightly, his fists clenched.

"Mickey get your head out of your ass, if the Doctor wasn't around we'd all be dead by now. He can't save everyone, no one is capable of that." I snap, standing almost protectively in front of the Doctors body. Chest to chest with Mickey, my brows raised just daring for him to say something stupid. Doc places a warm hand on my shoulder, his thumb rubbing the base of my neck; my tense shoulders unravel.

"If you know them, why don't you go and help?" Rose pips in, glancing warily between Mickey and I.

"They wouldn't recognise me. I've changed a lot since the old days." Doc answers quickly, I look up at him. My brows furrowed. How can he have changed that much? "Besides, the world's on a knife-edge. There's aliens out there and fake aliens. We want to keep this alien out of the mix." he adds, pointing at himself. "I'm going undercover. And er, I'd better keep the Tardis out of sight. Ricky, you've got a car. You can do some driving." he orders, sliding his hand down my arm to take ahold of my hand.

"Where to?" Mickey begrudgingly asked.

"The roads are clearing. Let's go and have a look at that spaceship." I state, bouncing on the balls of my feet. We all leave the TARDIS, Doc still holding my hand.

As our group walked onto the street torch lights illuminate the dark street, the sound of a helicopter above us causing me to jump slightly. A speaker shouts out, "Do not move!"

I watch as Mickey dives away behind some bins, I flip him off before raising my hands. "Move away from the box and raise your hands above your head!"

Multiple police cars and Saxon personnel surround us. Guns raised threatening us to do anything deemed threatening. We all turn at the sound of Jackie shouting,

"No! Rose!" she's intercepted by a soldier, who grabs her and refuses to let her go. "That's my daughter! No!"

Doc looks up at the helicopter, smiling like the cheshire cat before shouting out,

"Take me to my leader." he then turns to me muttering "I've always wanted to say that." I roll my eyes fondly before allowing them to drag me away and into a police car.

I'm shoved into the middle, Doc on my left and Rose on my right. The car's a bit small for three people though therefore leading to my legs slightly lying on top of the Doctor's. I huff, overwhelmed slightly with the amount of physical contact occurring. Rose shifts slightly, making herself comfortable on the leather seats.

"This is a bit posh. If I knew it was going to be like this, being arrested, I would have done it years ago." she comments, looking over the car.

"Rose we most definitely are not getting arrested, they aren't this nice. Don't you remember me being arrested?" I question looking over to the blonde, she furrows her brows slightly before nodding.

"Yeah you were in handcuffs."

"We're not being arrested, we're being escorted." Doc answers Rose, turning to me with a look of surprise. "You've been arrested, what did you do?"

"Beat someone with a bat. Apparently you're not allowed to beat up sex offenders." I grumble, still pissed with the fact that I was arrested for getting revenge on someone who hurt my at the time girlfriend.

"Where are we going?" Rose questions, watching amused at the Timelords facial expression.

He snaps out of his stupor answering, "Where'd you think? Downing Street."

"You're kidding." we both gasp,

"Why the f*ck are we going there?" I question, my jaw dropped.

"I'm not joking."

"10 Downing Street?" Rose repeats in disbelief.

"That's the one." Doc answers, looking out the window to his left.

"Oh, my God. I'm going to 10 Downing Street?" Rose excitedly exclaims I cough loudly at her numbering, "Sorry, we're. How come?"

"I hate to say it, but Mickey was right." Doc starts, I scoff loudly at his sentence causing him to glare at me. I simply stick my tongue out in response. "Over the years I've visited this planet a lot of times, and I've been," he hesitates before admitting, "noticed."

"And now they need you?" I ask, nudging his shoulder with mine.

"Like it said on the news. They're gathering experts in alien knowledge." he says not quite so humbly, "And who's the biggest expert of the lot?"

"Patrick Moore?" I giggle, watching satisfied as his ego is knocked down slightly.

"Apart from him." he answers, his grin dropping looking almost upset.


"Oh, don't you just love it." Rose happily states, smiling at us.

"I'm telling you. Lloyd George, he used to drink me under the table." Doc randomly informs before turning to us and asking, "Who's the Prime Minister now?"

"How should we know? We missed a year." I answer, grinning up at the man, his excitement contagious.

Our vehicle finally pulls to a stop, I curiously peer across the Doctor and through the window. An overwhelming crowd of reports stand nearby, their cameras flashing already. I sigh heavily, my stomach knotting as I follow Doc out. He reaches down gently taking my hand before waving and smiling confidently at the crowd. This caused the journalists to shout out questions whilst rapidly snapping photos of us. I wince at the flashing brightly lights, smiling briefly before closely following the Doctor.

As we step into the building we're escorted down the corridors and towards a room, many other officials lining to get inside the same room. Armed guards stand scattered around all against a wall. The room is filled with chattering men and women, all anxious to know why they were called here. A man enters the room, instantly gathering everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can we convene? Quick as we can, please." he begins, he then pulls out a ID card holding it up for everyone to see. "It's this way on the right, and can I remind you, ID cards are to be worn at all times." he turns to us holding out two to us. One with the Doctors name on it and the other with mine. I stand there confused before gently taking the card. "Here's your ID card's. I'm sorry, your companion doesn't have clearance."

"I don't go anywhere without her." Doc states, looking down at the ID.

"You're the code nine, not her. And I'm under strict orders to not let you and Alula separate. I'm sorry, Doctor. It is the Doctor, isn't it? She'll have to stay outside." the man states, looking truly sympathetic.

"She's staying with me." Doc repeats, his tone flat.

"Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let her in and that's a fact." the official tries again.

"What's your name?" I lean forward, reading the ID card he had pinned on his jacket. "Indra Ganesh. Right Indra, either we all go or none of us go so what's it going to be?"

Indra goes to answer but Rose interrupts him, placing a hand on my shoulder, "It's alright. You two go."

"No Rosie,I'm not leaving you by yourself." I retort, looking at my blonde friend, "You know what I'll stick with you whilst Doc goes in."

A random woman approaches our group interrupting the Doc's and I's eye contact, "Excuse me. Are you the Doctor?"

"Sure?" Doc questions us, we both nod and smile.

"We'll be fine, we can do some independent detective work." I answer, smiling up at the alien. He sighs still looking a bit unsure about leaving us. "Go, find out some more information you'll be more use in there." I encourage.

"Alright, I suppose so. Don't get in any trouble." he orders, glancing back at us as he disappears into the room. I clutch the ID card in my hands, turning to face Indra and a new woman.
"You haven't got clearance. Now leave it." he snaps at the woman, seemingly fed up with her. He turns to us slightly uncomfortable with my presence, "I'm going to have to leave you with security."

"It's all right. I'll look after them. Let me be of some use." the woman pipes up, taking our arms in her grip before guiding us down a random hall. "Walk with me. Just keep walking." she then orders to us, her voice low. "That's right. Don't look round. Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North." she introduces herself, pulling out her own ID card.

"Hi." I answer, wrenching my arm out of her grasp. She has a really strong grip.

"This friend of yours, he's an expert, is that right? He knows about aliens?" she frantically questions, her voice wavering slightly. I nod slightly uncomfortable at the sudden emotions.

"Why do you want to know?" Rose questions watching the woman with distrust. Harriet then begins to sob, covering her face with her hands as her shoulders shake as she cries. I stand there unsure on how to act causing Rose to roll her eyes before gently gripping Harriet's arms, drawing her into a hug. Once she calmed she led us into a drawing room, she ran over to a cabinet opening the oak doors. She hesitantly grabs something from inside before dropping it onto the table in front of Rose and I. I stare down in horror as the skin of a man lays on the table, clothes on with a zip at the forehead.

"What the f*ck?!" I exclaim, poking the squidgy material in disgust.

"They turned the body into a suit. A disguise for the thing inside!" Harriet frantically explains, before whimpering.

"It's alright. I believe you." Rose assures, comforting the lady.

"It's alien. They must have some serious technology behind this." I state, picking up the skin to inspect it. "If we could find it."

"We could use it." Rose finishes, I nod in her direction.

"Look at us, proper detectives we are." I state, high fiving Rose as I pass her. Rose grins at me before moving over to another cabinet. She swings the doors open, squealing when a body in a black suit falls out. I run forwards, pressing two fingers to the limp man's neck.

"No pulse." I state, standing up again.

"Oh, my God! Is that the-" Rose starts as she gets a look at the man's face. Indra suddenly walks in, probably hearing Rose's squeal earlier.

"Harriet, for God's sake. This has gone beyond a joke. You cannot just wander." he reprimands, walking over to our group. "Oh, my God. That's the Prime Minister!"

"Oh! Has someone been naughty?" a high pitched feminine voice calls out, we collectively spin around to see a large woman with an emerald green skirt and blazer walk into the room. A slightly unnerving smile plastered across her lips. She proceeds to close the door behind herself, trapping us in the room.

"That's impossible. He left this afternoon." Indra starts, refusing to comprehend that he had just found the body of the Prime Minister. "The Prime Minister left Downing Street. He was driven away!"

"And who told you that?" I question, watching the new woman warrily.

"Me." she calls out before raising her hand to her forehead. She brushes aside her blonde hair to reveal a zipper. I wince as she unzips her head, a blinding blue light filling the room. We all watch entranced as the woman starts to pull the skin off of herself, revealing a tall green alien with bug-like eyes. Its neck is abnormally long and its fingers hold three dangerously sharp long talons. The creature reaches forwards grabbing Indra with its claws, it pushes him high up on the wall, squeezing the life out of him. I'm suddenly encased in electricity, the voltage coursing through me. I scream out, looking down to see the ID card still tightly gripped in my left hand. Gasping out in pain I use all my strength to throw the card away, it flies towards the alien just missing its body. I gasp, breathing heavily as my body recovers from the sudden current. My limbs twitch slightly, electricity running through me. Rose goes to reach for me but is held back by Harriet,

"She still has electricity flowing through her, it might pass to you if you get too close." she explains, I gasp on the floor. Still watching in horror as the alien kills Indra, suddenly it's body is encased in and electric field much like mine earlier. It screeches in pain as the voltage floods it. Rose grabs my arms hoisting me up as we all begin to run, we form a line of sorts each holding the person in fronts' hand. Our group race through identical corridors with no clue on where we're going until Harriet abruptly stops. "No, wait. They're still in there. The emergency protocols. We need them." She then runs back leaving Rose and I to roll our eyes before chasing after her. As we enter the room again, the alien is no longer electrified and begins chasing us. We turn tail and sprint out of the room.

We enter another room with an exit on the other side, I turn briefly to close the door only for it to be broken open by the green monster. We collectively yelp as it proceeds to chase us, way too close for comfort. We proceed to race down a corridor full of suits of armour, vases and another door nearby. I reach said exit tugging at the handle only for it not to budge. Behind us I hear the lift bell ding, I spin around to see the Doctor smiling up at the alien whilst keeping it distracted. I grab Rose's hand before dragging them out and back through the way we came. We reach another room, one filled with furniture.

"Hide!" I call out, running to hide behind some curtains. Harriet hides behind the folding screen nearby whilst Rose crouches behind the sofa. We all flinch as the door bursts open, the only sounds being my pulse and the aliens weird crackling noises.

"Oh, such fun. Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humeykins, come to me. Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big, green lips." seh taunts, I grimace at her sentence before taking a big breath as I watch Rose stand up from her hiding spot and run over to the closest curtain. I press a hand to my mouth hoping to muffle my panting. "My brothers." the alien suddenly calls out, I take a quick glimpse from behind the curtain to see two more joining us.

"Happy hunting?" one asks, its voice crackly.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink." the female answers, hissing afterwards.

"Sweat and fear." the male adds, snarling.

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones." the other new comer insults.

"And two ripe youngsters except maybe not, although both hormones and adrenaline. One human whilst the other unknown with some sort of heat. Both fresh enough to bend before they snap." the female alien describes, it suddenly pulls away a curtain, Rose lets out an ear piercing scream. I jump out of my spot watching in horror as the creature swings its arm down, I lung into the claws path, taking the injury instead of Rose. Both Rose and Harriet cry out, I whimper as pain ricochets through my arm.

"No! Take me first! Take me!" Harrie shouts out as the alien goes to grab both Rose and I. I lean against the wall nearby, my hand wrapped tightly around my shirt, trying to draw my focus away from my throbbing arm. As the aliens go to attack Harriet Doc bursts through the door, a fire extinguisher in hand. He sprays both of the male green aliens, covering the pair in CO2.

"Out, with me!" he orders, Rose thankfully thinks quickly and pulls the curtain and its railing over the female, preventing it from grabbing either of us. We both run over to the Doctor, said man turns to our new friend. "Who the hell are you?" he demands.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." Harriet replies, reciting her status.

"Nice to meet you."


"Can we f*cking run instead of exchanging pleasantries. It's life or death!" I grit out, they take the hint thankfully and proceed to run. I follow closely, lagging slightly due to a sudden dizziness blurring my senses. Our group runs down familiar corridors, Doc shouting out:

"We need to get to the Cabinet Room."

"The Emergency Protocols are in there." Harriet informs, "They give instructions for aliens."

"Harriet Jones, I like you." Doc compliments, my stomach twist with a foreign emotion.

"And I like you too." Harriet replies, grinning up at my companion. I roll my eyes as annoyance infects my blood. We make it to the room, the green creatures still chasing us. We pause in the doorway, Doc grabbing a nearby decanter filled with some sort of alcohol. The three aliens reach us, each twitching to grab us.

"One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof, we all go up. So back off." he threatens, holding is sonic screwdriver up to the beverage. The aliens all take one step back, believing the lie. "Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

"They're aliens." Harriet answers, mistaking the question, Doc rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Yes. I got that, thanks." he glances back. I wince as I shift my injured arm, I finally decide to maybe take a look, glancing down at the injury I huff at the sight of my torn up hoodie, I then notice a long pale thing sticking out of my arm; gripping it I tug the foreign object out.

"Who are you, if not human?" one of the male 'Slitheen' asks.

"Who's not human?" Harriet questions, glancing around at the three of us.

"He's not human." Rose informs, nodding her head at Doc.

"He's not human?" she repeats, not believing her.

"Can I have a bit of hush?" Doc demands, sending an annoyed glare back.

"Sorry." the elder lady apologises.

"So, what's the plan?" the Timelord questions, returning his focus back to the enemy.

"But he's got a Northern accent." Harriet continues, Doc's request of silence forgotten.

"Lots of planets have a north." I snap, quoting the Doc from when we last asked the question.

"I said hush." Doc repeats, "Come on. You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. It's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of government. What for, invasion?"

"Why would we invade this God-forsaken rock?" one of them answers, grimacing at the idea.

"Then something's brought the Slitheen race here. What is it?" Doc questions, the aliens start cackling.

"The Slitheen race?" one of the male's repeats.

"Slitheen is not our species. Slitheen is our surname. Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day-Slitheen at your service." the other male, Jocrassa, continues.

"So, you're family." I state, leaning on the doorway.

"A family business." Jocrassa answers.

"Then you're out to make a profit. How can you do that on a God-forsaken rock?" Doc questions, sucking up all of the new information.

"Ah, excuse me? Your device will do what? Triplicate the flammability?" the other male pipes up, his belief in the Docs threat dwindling.

"Is that what I said?" Doc answers, well there goes that.

"You're making it up." the alien points out.

"Ah, well! Nice try." Doc concedes. He turns, offering the decanter to the MP. "Harriet, have a drink. I think you're gonna need it."

"You pass it to the left first." she points out.

"Sorry." he replies, passing it to me.

"Thanks." I mutter, taking a large swig of it. Hoping to take the edge off of the pain.

"Now we can end this hunt with a slaughter." the unnamed male alien calls out.

"Don't you think we should run?" Rose anxiously questions, eyeing the bloodthirsty creatures.

"Fascinating history, Downing Street. Two thousand years ago, this was marsh land. 1730, it was occupied by a Mister Chicken. He was a nice man." Doc rambles, I anxiously move backwards stumbling slightly. "1796, this was the Cabinet Room. If the Cabinet's in session and in danger, these are about the four most safest walls in the whole of Great Britain. End of lesson." he then proceeds to lift a small panel and press a button. A metal shutters slide down blocking all the windows and the doors. "Installed in 1991. Three inches of steel lining every single wall. They'll never get in." he proudly announces. I wince leaning against the table.

"And how do we get out?" I angrily demand, the pain in my arm causing my mood to significantly drop.

"Ah." he states, wincing when he catches my glare. A wave of dizziness causes my legs to buckle slightly, I hold my body up with both of my arms. "Alula. Woah, hey whats wrong?" Doc questions, rushing forwards to hold me up. I lean against him, sweat growing on my brow.

"The Slitheen caught her, she jumped in front to take the attack instead of me." Rose answers, worriedly looking down at me.

"So worth it." I answer, smiling softly at my friend.

"You need to rest, I'll figure out what's wrong with you." Doc orders, he gently picks me up moving me to the table.

"Indra." I randomly say, I receive a few confused glances. I lift my hand to point at the body of him crumpled on the floor. "Indra Ganesh." I then lose consciousness.


I wince as I'm awoken by the sound of shouting. I rise my head slightly to see Rose, Harriet and Doc all facing one another at the other end of the table. I squint slightly at the sight of the Doctor without his leather jacket. I slowly sit up, looking to where I was lying to see said jacket bundled up to act like a pillow. I gently pick it up, noticing a cloth tightly wrapped around my wound, another extremely wrapped just above, cutting the blood circulation.

"Right, If we're going to find their weakness, we need to find out where they're from. Which planet. So, judging by their basic shape, that narrows it down to five thousand planets within travelling distance. What else do we know about them? Information!" Doc demands, his hands on the table and his head down.

"They're green." Rose shouts out,

"Yep, narrows it down." Doc answers, looking up. He meets my eyes, a large smile splitting his face.

"Good sense of smell." I say quietly, smiling as Doc nods.

"Narrows it down, good girl." Doc answers, moving around the table towards me.

"They can smell adrenaline." Rose calls, sending a bright smile towards me.

"Narrows it down." the Timelord nods.

"The pig technology." Harriet calls out sat down at the table.

"Narrows it down." my companion repeats.

"The spaceship in the Thames, you said slipstream engine?" Rose recalls, her face scrunched up as she remembers.

"Narrows it down." Doc calls, his face lighting up as we get closer to the species. Our little contest is broken when an other voice calls out,

"It's getting in!" I do a double take, confused at why the hell Mickey Smith is on speaker.

"They hunt like it's a ritual." I add, still confused.

"Narrows it down."

"Wait a minute. Did you notice? When they fart, if you'll pardon the word, it doesn't just smell like a fart, if you'll pardon the word, it's something else. What is it? It's more like.." Harriet starts, struggling.

"Bad breath!" Both Rose and I shout.

"That's it!" the MP exclaims.

"Calcium decay! Now, that narrows it down!" Doc shouts, he moves around almost pacing as his mind works overtime.

"We're getting there, Mum!" Rose calls, I frown looking at the phone as Mickey calls out.

"Too late."

"Calcium phosphate. Organic calcium. Living calcium. Creatures made out of living calcium. What else? What else?" Doc questions, his hands on his head.

"Hyphenated surname." I state, the Doc rushes over.

"Yes! That narrows it down to one planet. Raxacoricofallapatorius!" he kisses my forehead, a pink blush colour my cheeks at the affection.

"Oh, yeah, great. We could write them a letter." Mickey sarcastically answers, I roll my eyes at the man.

"Get into the kitchen!" Doc orders, helping me down off the table.

"My God, it's going to rip us apart!" Jackie's shrill terrified voice shouts out.

"Calcium, weakened by the compression field. Acetic acid. Vinegar!" Doc brainstorms, I nod along understanding where this was going.

"Just like Hannibal." I add.

"Just like Hannibal. Mickey, have you got any vinegar?" Doc answers, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"How should I know?" Mickey replies incredulously.

"It's your kitchen." Doc answers, eyebrows raised.

"Cupboard by the sink, middle shelf." Rose informs, I turn to her brow raised in question.

"Oh, give it here. What do you need?" Jackie calls through now in possession of the phone.

"Anything with vinegar!" I answer.

"Are you better now Luna, they told me you were injured." Jackie questions, the sound of the alien attempting to get in seeping through the call.

"Yes, thanks Jackie."

"Right, gherkins. Yeah, pickled onions. Pickled eggs." my face twists in disgust at the number of revolting foods. Doc and I share a disturbed look before turning to Rose.

"And you kiss this man?" he asks, Rose simply sticks her tongue out.

The sound of the door breaking down causes us to stop, it's silent then there is a large bang and a wet squelching sound. I gag slightly at the noise. Even though disgusted we all relax, sighing in relief.

"Hannibal?" Rose questions, now a bit more relaxed.

"Hannibal crossed the Alps by dissolving boulders with vinegar." I explain, leaning against the Doctor feeling sleepy.

"Oh. Well, there you go then."

We all raise glasses, toasting before drinking the contents of the decanter. Our little celebration though is interrupted as Mickey brings the phone close to the television, one of the Slitheen talking through it.

The new 'Prime Minister' orders for all of the nations to attack. We listen intently annoyed at the aliens.

"He's making it up. There's no weapons up there, there's no threat. He just invented it." Doc exclaims, pissed at them.

"Do you think they'll believe him?" Harriet asks, worried at the idea.

"They did last time." Rose points out.

"That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle. They want the whole world panicking, because you lot, you get scared, you lash out." Doc rants, ironically lashing out at us.

"They release the defence code." I add.

"And the Slitheen go nuclear." Doc finishes.

"But why?" the MP questions, Doc ignores her. Moving past us and towards the door. He opens the metal shutters, the three aliens outside turn to us.

"You get the codes, release the missiles, but not into space because there's nothing there. You attack every other country on Earth. They retaliate, fight back. World War Three. Whole planet gets nuked." he riddles off, explaining it out loud helped his brain add the pieces.

"And we can sit through it safe in our spaceship waiting in the Thames. Not crashed, just parked. Only two minutes away." the female Slitheen, now in human form, gloats.

"But you'll destroy the planet, this beautiful place. What for?" Harriet demands, appalled.

"Profit. That's what the signal is beaming into space. An advert." Doc explains, his contempt for the creatures clear in his voice.

"The sale of the century. We reduce the Earth to molten slag, then sell it piece by piece. Radioactive chucks, capable of powering every cut-price star liner and budget cargo ship. There's a recession out there, Doctor. People are buying cheap. This rock becomes raw fuel." the lady explains, smile manically.

"At the cost of five billion lives." I exclaim, glaring at the creatures. The woman looks over at me, her brows shooting up.

"Bargain. And how are you alive? Any human would be dead from my poison." she answers, her head tilted. I shoot her a questioning look before the Doctor regains control of the conversation.

"I give you a choice. Leave this planet or I'll stop you." he threatens. The aliens burst into unbelieving laughter.

"What, you? Trapped in your box?" she taunts, not believing the Timelord.

"Yes. Me." he states darkly, closing the door on their disbelieving faces and yet slightly unnerved expressions.


We all sit huddled in the cabinet. Doc had previously explained that to prevent World War 3 we have to blow up Downing Street. Rose then proposed we ride it out in the solid metal cabinet. After the Doctor admitted that he didn't want to do it due to potentially killing me and Rose, Harriet ordered him into explaining. We sit waiting, clutching each others hands. I sat between Doc and Rose, clutching their hands for the last time.

"Here we go. Nice knowing you." Harriet states, I nod. Looking up at the Doc to see him already watching me.

"We'll be fine." I comfort him, squeezing his hand. He remains unconvinced, I'm unable to say anything else before Harriet states,


We're flung around, I shout out in pain as I knock my injured arm. We finally stop spinning, landing with a big thud. I open my eyes, finding my floor rather comfortable. I look down to see myself sprawled on the Doctor, his arms wrapped securely around my waist. I blush crimson, watching as he also opens his eyes. He looks down to see me lay on him, thankfully it's too dark to see my flush. He tightens his hold before releasing me, I swiftly rise helping him up. His eyes instantly snap to my arm which I'm cradling. He gently guides me out after kicking the door open. If I wasn't injured and slightly dizzy I would have ogled over him as he did it since anyone kicking down doors is hot.

A guard runs up to us, assisting Harriet in her descend.

"Oh, my God. Are you alright?" he questions, the MP nods before pulling out her identification.

"Harriet Jones. MP, Flydale North. I want you to contact UN immediately. Tell the ambassadors the crisis is over. They can step down. Go on, tell the news."

"Yes, ma'am." he answers after reading the ID.

"Someone's got a hell of a job sorting this lot out. Oh, Lord. We haven't even got a Prime Minister." Harriet realises, looking around at the rubble.

"Maybe you should have a go." I offer, smiling at the woman.

"Me? Huh. I'm only a back-bencher." she denies, I smirk not believing her.

"I'd vote for you." Rose encourages.

"Now, don't be silly. Look, I'd better go and see if I can help." she states before rushing off. Doc turns to us a knowing smile on his face.

"I thought I knew the name. Harriet Jones, future Prime Minister. Elected for three successive terms. The architect of Britain's Golden Age." he explains before we turn and head back to the TARDIS.

Rose had decided to go back to her mother, I remain with the Doctor since I didn't have anyone to check in with.

"Hey Doc imma go get the rest of my stuff. I'll be back in like 10 minutes." I inform him, stepping out of the Time and Space machine.

Chapter 14: Believable


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I rush back inside, carrying a duffle bag and suitcase. I leave the luggage near the door skipping over to the Doctor who stood leaning over the console looking deep in thought.

"Hiya Doc." I greet. Smiling at the man. He nods in an answer reading something on the monitor intently. "Watcha doing?"

"Nothing." he answers quickly, switching the console off before I could see it.

"Mhmm, very believable." I answer, crossing my arms to watch the man with raised brows. He simply looks at me with a blank face. "Right fine whatever, keep secrets couldn't care less." I snip, turning heel grabbing my bags before waltzing out of the console room. I hear him sigh loudly behind me before calling out,

"Whatever, come here I'll show you." I grin in victory, dropping my bags to skip over to the alien. "I am creating a dispersal to cancel the Slitheens' advert." he explains, tugging at his ear slightly. I watch him with squinted eyes not believing a word. He looks over at me expectantly as he brings up a screen with waving lines.

"What are you hiding Doc?" I state watching as he turns the monitor off.

"Nothing." he answers quickly. I watch him for a few more seconds before shaking my head.

"Okay then, are we getting Rose?" I state, he nods running over to a phone on the console.

"Yup. I'm gonna ring her." he answers, giving me a side glance before typing in her number. I nod, moving to go back to my bags and put them in my room. Except my bags aren't there anymore. I smile brightly at the ceiling.

"Thanks girl." I whisper, patting the closest wall. "Doc I'm in need of some coffee want anything whilst I'm in the kitchen?"

"Tea thanks." DOc answers quickly, moving the phone away from his ear before returning to his conversation with our companion.

I stroll down the corridors, happy to see the kitchen only a few turns away. Once done making my coffee and Doc's I grab two of the cookies I recently made before making my way back to the console, the food and drinks on a tray. Not forgetting my book which I had left on the kitchen table.

"Your tea my dear friend." I announce in a regal voice. Dramatically offering the tray with our drinks and cookies.

"Why thank you my dear lady." he replies, matching my energy. I laugh loudly curtsying before placing the tray near one of the columns on the floor. My coffee and book in hand, the cookie hanging from my mouth. I jump onto my spinning chair, gently swaying myself left to right whilst opening my book on my lap. I'm now reading Solitaire by Alice Oseman, a book from the future Doc has allowed me to read. Apparently some of the can ruing the 'very fabric of time' and cause a paradox or something if I read them.

After a few chapters I look up to watch the Doctor work, my coffee and cookie long finished. Doc now resided under the console fixing something, his jacket discarded on a nearby railing. "Can you tell me things about your species?" I query, moving from my chair to stand at the end of the Timelords legs. I gently nudge his foot with mine, getting his attention. He instantly freezes movement, his head whipping up to look at me.

"Why?" he questions, suddenly guarded.

"Because I would like to know a bit more about one of my close friends." I state, smiling down at him. He sits up properly now, watching as I move to flop down next to him. We lean against the console, sat on the grated floor.

"Well for starters we have a double circulatory system." he begins, starting with anatomy. "I have two hearts."

"You have two hearts? No way." I state, looking at him with pure disbelief. I get onto my knees, pressing my hands to his chest on either side. I feel the odd pulse beating in fours, both organs pumping away. He looks from my hands to my face watching as my disbelief turns to awe.

"We also have this trick, which helps us avoid death." he vaguely continues, I remain in the same position feeling oddly calm with the beat of his pulse beneath my hands. I look up at him, curious. "We, what we call, regenerate. It's where if we're dying or are seriously injured we change every cell in our bodies."

"Is that not painful?" I question, giving him my full attention. He nods, seemingly wincing at the memory. "How many times have you regenerated?"

"This is my ninth face as the Doctor." he answers, subconsciously running a hand over his face.

"Hence why you were commenting on it when we first met." I note, it makes a bit more sense now. Doc nods, smiling at me. "You don't have to tell me more, just a little bit every now and then. I just want to get to know you Doc." I mutter, sitting back next to him. He grins down at me, his eyes flicking between mine. The silence we were calmly sat in is broken as the a loud knock sounds from the TARDIS doors. We share a confused look before both getting up and heading to the door. We swing the doors open only to see a boy about 11 standing there. We quickly exit the blue box, blocking his view of the inside before sending questioning looks at the kid.

"Um, I got your message." he mumbles, switching his weight between his feet. I send another confused look but Doc just nods, walking back into the spaceship. He returns shortly with a bucket filled with soapy water and a scrubbing brush. I follow the two as Doc leads the child to the other side of T. I read the new writing curiously.The Phoenix and Bad Wolfpainted in white spray paint. Doc places the cleaning instruments on the floor, giving the kid the brush before waltzing back into the box. I follow him closely not entirely confused but still a bit weirded out with the fact that those words were the exact same as what Gwynneth said.


Doc had thankfully waited for Rose. And after she said her goodbyes, said person joined us in the console room. Whilst we had been patiently waiting Doc decided to tend to my wounds. Applying some of the magical cream that visibly stitched my skin back together. He told me the area will be tender though at to try and not knock it about too much.

Once back in the same room, Rose proposed that we all get some sleep. Mainly hinting to us humans but one look at the Docs dark eyes told me maybe he will as well.

My dreamless slumber is interrupted by loud vibrating noise echoing through my bedroom. I spring up, wincing at the noise.

"What?" I question, glaring at the ceiling. The room lights simply flash, I huff getting out of my bed. I tug at my cropped tank top, sliding one of my hoodies over the top to add some heat since the short shorts are not providing anything. "Is it Rose?" I question, this provides a low hum. "Is it Doc?" I try, T chirps in reply. At this I quickly exit my room, following the lights on the floor to a room that wasn't there before. The door gently swings open to allow me access, as soon as the door opens the sound of mournful cries and despair filled whimpers fill my ears. I rush into the room, greeted with the sight of my Timelord thrashing in his bed still asleep. "Doctor!" I call out approaching the tormented man, I frantically grab his shoulders shaking them to wake him. "Doctor please."

I gently tap his cheek, watching with wide eyes as he stops thrashing. His eyes flutter open, his brain slowly catching up before he shoots up. Still panting he crawls away from me.

"What. How. Why the hell are you in here?!" he demands. I flinch at his tone but approach him nonetheless.

"T woke me and brought me here." I explain, pointing to the roof. "Doc, are you okay?" I question softly, placing a gentle hand on the man.

"I'm fine." he answers shortly. "I'm always fine."

"You're allowed to not be okay Doctor." I whisper to him, sitting down on the bed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine now. I'm sorry the TARDIS woke you. Please I just want to be alone." he begs, looking up at me with glassy eyes. Conceding I stand up, walking to the doorway.

"Hey, if you ever need me. It doesn't matter what time, don't be afraid to find me. I'm always willing to just listen." I offer, watching as the man nods before lying back down. I take it as a hint exiting, the room to return to mine. I spend the rest of the night tossing and turning. Worrying about him for the entire time, one of my main issues being his denial of my help.


AN: This one is extra short and I don't like it but here you go.

Please don't be a silent reader, I'm always open to criticism. :) - Fleur.

Chapter 15: Dalek: Exhibit A

Chapter Text

It doesn't matter how many times the Timelord flies the TARDIS, each time without fail he manages to knock Rose and I either on our ass's or into the console to the point where I have a lovely bruise as proof. Luckily this landing I was still in my room, T has a habit of making sure your room stays reasonably level when he lands reducing the damage which can be caused. For example falling out of your bed or slipping in the shower, not to mention the risk of damaging the bits and bobs we gather throughout our travels.

"I swear to f*cking God, I will go back to the Supernova - or where ever the hell you threw the manual - and get it back just to teach you how to drive your own fricking spaceship." I rant stalking into the console room still arranging my jewellery. I had been changing when Doc decided to start our journey for today, thankfully I had done my make up and was half dressed. The outfit of today is simple light blue straight-legged baggy dungarees with one strap unbuckling paired with a dark blue patterned oversized long-sleeved t-shirt. I still have my black doc martens in hand as I stumble into the room. "Don't think I won't because I'm sure T will help me, I can guarantee she doesn't enjoy being driven by a lunatic."

"Yeah whatever, like to see you try." Doc grumbles, sulking over to the doors. "Plus I didn't even mean for the landing to be so rough, some kind of signal was drawing the TARDIS off course."

"Excuses, excuses." I joke, Doc just rolls his eyes. We all step out of the time machine, looking around for any notifying landmarks.

"Where are we?" Rose questions tucking a bit of hair behind her ears, I look over at her smiling at her outfit of the day. Her hair is up in messy half up half down style, some hair left to frame her face; she has her favourite dark blue denim flare jeans on with a white tank top and a hot pink and grey zipped hoodie on top. Her look finished with most definitely overused not quite so white trainers.

"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground." Doc answers Rose, distracted.

"And when are we?" I query, wandering over to the light switch on the wall.

"Two thousand and twelve."

"God, that's so close. So I should be twenty six." Rose states, looking disgusted at the number.

"Ew I'd be twenty nine." I cringe, my face twisting in disgust. I still feel like a teenager. I watch as the Doc leans down slightly to look inside one of the many exhibits around us. I quickly reach up turning the light on helping him to get a better view. I received a small smile in thanks.

"Blimey. It's a great big museum." Rose states, spinning on the spot to look at all the cases full of alien-like artifacts.

"An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby." I comment, leaning down to look at a case containing a large meteorite looking silver rock.

"They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust. That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship." Doc riddles off as we walk past artifacts from Rose and I's future.

"That's a bit of Slitheen!" Rose exclaims, pointing to the arm of one of our Raxacoricofallapatorian 'friends' arm.

"That's a Slitheen's arm. It's been stuffed." I state, looking at it slightly disgusted, stuffed creatures has always creeped me out.

"Oh, look at you." Doc calls out, me and my blonde friend turn to see the Doctor standing on the other side of the room. The casing he's looking in held what seemed like a metal humanoid head. As soon as I look at the now dead creature a sharp pain stabs the side of my skull, I intake a sharp breath wincing at the pain.

"What is it?" Rose questions, stepping closer.

"An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit." Doc answers, his voice trailing off. "I'm getting old." he sighs.

"Is that where the signal's coming from?" she questions, looking at the head curiously.

"No, it's stone dead." Doc informs, glancing around. "The signal's alive. Something's reaching out, calling for help."

I turn around to get a look at another creature's head, only as I take a step towards the casing and an alarm rings through the building. I spin on the spot to see Docs fingers touching the glass.

"Seriously?" I comment, looking at the Timelord with a mix of exasperation and disappointment. He sends me a sheepish smile to which I send a small one back, although my expression falls when a thought passes by as the room fills with armed men. "If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A." Both of my companions faces drop at my statement, Doc awkwardly smiles at the men pointing guns at our trio.


We're escorted through corridor after corridor, whenever I slow down I receive a harsh jab in the back via the butt of a guards gun. Finally we arrive at our apparent destination, a study of sorts with two men conversing. One of the men sat down in the chair who looks like a pervert, he's a white and apparent rich man with a brown mustache and receding hairline. The other man was younger (at least 20 years old) with brown hair, this one is standing showing the older man something.

"What does it do?" the older man demands, picking up the what looked to be and instrument of sorts.

"Well, you see the tubes on the side? It must be to channel something. I think maybe fuel." the younger boy answers, a familiar british accent in his voice.

"I really wouldn't hold it like that." Doc pipes up, watching the two men with a bored expression.

"Shut it." the female leading us snaps, I glare at her sharply.

"Really, though, that's wrong." I state, staring at the two men with disdain.

"Is it dangerous?" the Brit questions, looking at me with the most disgusting look in his eyes.

"No," Doc answers, moving ever so slightly to stand in front of me causing the man's eyes to snap from me to my companion. "It just looks silly."

Doc reaches across the table towards the object, although freezes as all the guards co*ck their guns. I release a breath when the american passes the object over.

"You just need to be," Doc starts, he gently runs his hands across the surface of the device. A high pitched hum emits from the instrument. "Delicate."

"I want a go." I request gently taking the instrument from him, I move the tips of my fingers gently across the device sideways. Smiling brightly as the instrument releases a note slowly lowering in pitch as I go across. I continue to stroke the device enjoying the sounds it releases.

"It's a musical instrument." the American states, watching as it makes music.

"And it's a long way from home." Doc notes, gently taking the device from me.

"Here, let me." the older man essentially demands before snatching the instrument from my friends hands. As he attempts to produce nice notes he uses to heavy a hand causing the instrument to release harsh jagged notes.

"He did say delicate." I comment, wincing as he makes a significantly high whining tone.

"It reacts to the smallest fingerprint. It needs precision." Doc explains. The man takes that into account and continues to play decent sounds.

"Very good. Quite the expert." Doc compliments watching the man.

"As are you." he answers before throwing the instrument over his shoulder.

"What the f*ck?" I exclaim, although I am completely ignored as the two men watch each other carefully.

"Who exactly are you?" the American questions.

"I'm the Doctor. And who are you?"

"Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extra-terrestrial artefacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake." the collector states not believing it in the slightest.

"Pretty much sums us up, yeah." I comment, rolling my eyes at the Doctors cheeky grin.

"The question is, how did you get in? Fifty three floors down, with your little cat burglar accomplices." the American queries, his gaze moving from Doc to Rose and I, his eyes move up and down our figures hesitating on my chest before looking back at the alien next to me "You're quite a collector yourself, they're rather pretty."

"We're going to smack you if you keep looking us up and down like we're meat." I state, smiling sweetly at the man.

"I'm nineteen you predator." Rose snips, crossing her arms whilst glaring at the man.

"She's English too! Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy. Got you a girlfriend. Maybe even two."

"This is Mister Henry Van Statten." the Brit states, introducing the american.

"And who's he when he's at home?" Rose sasses.

"Mister Van Statten owns the internet."

"Don't be stupid. No one owns the internet." Rose retorts, rolling her eyes.

"And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kids?" Van Statten answers, smirking.

"So you're just about an expert in everything except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up." Doc remarks, his eyes cold and hard.

"And you claim greater knowledge?" Statten taunts standing to his full height as he gradually approaches us.

"I don't need to make claims, I know how good I am." the alien boasts, holding his head high.

"And yet, I captured you. Right next to the Cage." the American states, "What were you doing down there?"

"You tell me." Doc responds, smirking as he efficiently annoys the other man.

"The cage contains my one living specimen."

"And what's that?" Doc questions, intrigued now. That is probably what set the signal off, and you can bet we are freeing them. Especially since god knows what Van Statten is willing to do to an alive person.

"Like you don't know."

"Show us." I demand, worried for the creature.

"You want to see it?" Statten states, regarding the Doc and I with curious looks.

"Blimey, you can smell the testosterone." Rose remarks, rolling her eyes at the two men.

"I know, next thing you know they'll be whipping out rulers." I add, Rose and I giggling as the two men ignore us.

"Goddard, inform the Cage we're heading down. You, English. Look after the girls. Go and canoodle or spoon or whatever it is you British do. And you, Doctor with no name, come and see my pet." Statten orders, Doc glances down at us meeting my eyes.

"Doc I'm not leaving you alone with him." I state glaring over at the man. "God knows what he's done to the poor creature."

"I can't have you coming with, you'll be safer with the harmless boy and not the predator. Stay here, look after Rose and maybe do some snooping." Doc states, smiling encouragingly at me before turning and following Van Statten.


It turns out the Brits name is Adam Mitchell, a boy that somehow managed to get a job where he does inventory for a rich twat. Adam had led Rose and I to his 'workshop', hoping to impress us I think. I just hope he focuses on Rose and not me.

"Sorry about the mess. Mister Van Statten sort of lets me do my own thing, so long as I deliver the goods." he rambles before strolling over to a table overflowing with different space artifacts ranging from weapons to pieces of metal. "What do you think that is?" Adam questions, holding one of the pieces of metal out to us. Rose takes it, glancing it over before handing it to me.

"A lump of metal?" Rose answers, unsure. She glances over at me for the real answer.

"Yeah. Yeah, but I think, well, I'm almost certain, it's from the hull of a spacecraft." Adam informs, I refrain from snorting knowing for a fact that it is a metal compound used to craft weapons by Sycorax and other creatures. Someone must have dropped whilst travelling near the Milky-way. "The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet, spacecraft, aliens, visitors to Earth. They really exist." Adam reveals, we both smirk knowing full well that it is real.

"That's amazing." I reply, sarcasm dripping off my words.

"I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life." he replies, not noting my tone.

"I'm gobsmacked, yeah." Rose states, not sounding at all convincing, "And you do what, sit here and catalogue it?"

"Best job in the world." he boasts, I nod sarcastically before turning to a computer behind me. Curious I turned it on, Adam already signed in meaning I didn't have to try and figure out his password. Although it wouldn't be hard, I imagine it would be his name.

"Imagine if you could get out there. Travel amongst the stars and see it for real." Rose states, watching for his reaction. At Roses words I send her a sharp warning glance, there is no way in hell that man is coming with us.

"Yeah, I'd give anything. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Not in our lifetimes."Adam answers sounding upset.

"Oh, you never know. What about all those people who say they've been inside of spaceships and things and talked to aliens?" Rose questions, looking at some of his other artifacts. I roll my eyes still facing away from the pair, I have found a load of files, each a camera throughout the entire building.

"I think they're nutters." Adam answer truthfully. I snap my head backwards looking at the man with the most incredulous expression ever.

"God forbid anyone actually experienced something alien." I mumble, I do not like Adam something about him is messing with me.

"Yeah, me too." Rose lies through her teeth, wincing at the glare I send her. "So, how'd you end up here?"

"Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit." he admits, a smile plastered on his lips.

"Oh, so you're a genius." I state, studying him from where I'm now leaning on the chair near the computer. My attempts to find anything has been paused since all of the camera's are named in numbers and not their location.

"Sorry, but yeah. I can't help it. I was born clever." he claims, god his ego is huge. "When I was eight, I logged onto the US Defence System. Nearly caused World War Three." he boasts, sounding proud by the fact that he nearly caused multiple deaths.

"What, and that's funny, is it?" I demand, standing straight now.

"Well, you should've been there just to see them running about. Fantastic!" Adam joyfully exclaims, I glare at the boy.

"It's not funny Adam, nearly causing World War Three isn't something to be proud of. Nearly causing multiple deaths isn't something you should be proud of. It isn't cool and it sure as hell isn't badass." I snap, spinning on my heel to try and find the Doctor through the camera.

"You sound like the Doctor." Rose comments, indicating to the boys use of 'fantastic'.

"The Doctor wouldn't be excited over nearly causing a World War." I voice, watching as Rose's expression falters slightly.

"Are you and him?" Adam questions Rose, avoiding me slightly now.

"No, we're just friends. Him and Luna though." Rose answers, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Him and Luna what?" I remark, furrowing my eyebrows at her statement. "What does that mean?"

"Well good." Adam responds, a small smirk on his face.

"Why's that good?" Rose questions, watching him with a small smirk of her own.

"It just is." I cringe at their conversation, trying to block them out as I flip through the cameras.

"So, wouldn't you rather be downstairs? I mean, you've got these bits of metal and stuff, but Mister Van Statten's got a living creature down there." Rose changes the conversation, I smirk as I finally make it to the camera's on the level we were on. According to Van Statten we were near the living creature so therefore the camera's are as well.

"Yeah. Yeah, well, I did ask, but he keeps it to himself. Although, if you're a genius, it doesn't take long to patch through on the comm system." he coyly answers, moving to the computer but is stopped as I turn announcing.

"Oh well it's a good job I'm here." I move to the side to press a button my back to the screen, the screen changes showing the room containing the creature.

"It doesn't do much, the alien. It's weird." Adam states, moving to sit at the computer. He types a few things connecting the sound. "It's kind of useless. It's just like this great big pepper pot."

At his description I spin to face the screen, horror flooding me. It's the things from my daydreams, the creatures that kill everyone including the girl. I watch as a man drills into its casing, a sick sense of enjoyment fills me as I watch it scream.

"It's being tortured! Where's the Doctor?" Rose exclaims, horrified by the idea of torture. If only she knew what I've seen.

"I don't know." Adam answers, looking slightly traumatised.

"Take me down there now." Rose demands, turning to Adam. He nods slightly confused.

"I'm going to find the Doctor. Don't get hurt or anything." I order before sprinting out of the room, my boots slapping loudly against the concrete flooring.

I sprint down the stairs, making it past the Cage and towards another holding cell. As I make it into the area, three guards leap towards me. Grabbing my upper arms before dragging my into one of the many rooms.

"Where is the Doctor?! Get the f*ck off of me you bastards!" I shout, wriggling in their grip. They ignore me simply dragging me into the room, I go to shout again except the words die in my throat as I see my companion strung up, half stripped. "Doctor!" I yell, his head snaps staring at me in shock. I turn to Van Statten red hot rage filling me, "Let him go you wanker."

"Ooo, little missy here seems to have a mouth." he cackles, moving towards me. The men holding me shove me to my knees, holding my arms behind me. I hold my head high glaring heatedly at the American. He places his hand on my face caressing it. I openly gag at his touch watching as his fragile masculinity is hit by my lack of respect, "Now, I wonder just what this little mouth of yours can do." he states with a suggestive smirk.

"I'm sorry, I don't go for perverts, especially when they're American." I spit, snapping my head away from his hand. In retaliation the man raises his hand, snapping it across my face. A stinging sensation spreads across the left side of my face, I cackle through spitting at his feet. "You hit like a little girl."

Am I dancing in the face of danger, almost asking for the obviously dangerous man to kill me. Probably. But it is keeping their attention off of the Doctor which is keeping him relatively unharmed.

Back to Mister Van Statten the man practically shakes with anger, although instead of hitting me he nods to the men holding me. They follow some sort of unspoken order, dragging me to my feet before dragging me to a wall. They stand behind me, each holding my arms securely behind me back making me face the Doctor. Said friend still strung up and watching me with concerned eyes. The American walks over to a technological device that I have no idea what it does, he holds his hand above a button.

"Now, smile." he states, pressing the controls causing a red laser to shoot at Doc. He gasps in pain, squirming as the light travels down his body.

"Stop it. Please, leave him alone." I yell, scrabbling in the mens hold.

"Two hearts! Binary vascular system. Oh, I am so going to patent this." the American states happily, I knew I shouldn't have let the Doctor go with him.

"So that's your secret. You don't just collect this stuff, you scavenge it." Doc snarls, panting from the exertion.

"This technology has been falling to Earth for centuries. All it took was the right mind to use it properly." Statten replies simply, "Oh, the advances I've made from alien junk. You have no idea, Doctor. Broadband? Roswell. Just last year my scientists cultivated bacteria from the Russian crater, and do you know what we found? The cure for the common cold. Kept it strictly within the laboratory of course. No need to get people excited. Why sell one cure when I can sell a thousand palliatives?"

"You're disgusting, not everything is about money you egotistical, self obsessed, son of a bitch!" I shout, struggling in the guards grip. The man turns to me, his expression dark a glint in his eye that sends a shiver through me. I inhale sharply, there is no way in hell I'm showing this bitch my fear.

"Do you know what a Dalek is, Van Statten?" Doc calls out, drawing the man's attention off of me. "A Dalek is honest. It does what it was born to do for the survival of its species. That creature in your dungeon is better than you."

"In that case, I will be true to myself and continue."

"Listen to me! That thing downstairs is going to kill every last one of us!" Doc cries out desperate to make him see reason, the name Dalek swirls in my head.

"Nothing can escape the Cage." Van Statten proudly states, denying the fact that we are all going to die. He proceeds to blast the Doctor again. My companion crying out this time, I cry out struggling in the grip. As Van Statten pauses Doc gasps breathing out,

"But it's woken up. It knows I'm here. It's going to get out. Van Statten, I swear, no one on this base is safe. No one on this planet!" he begs, hoping to sway the man.

The man doesn't reply, simply running the machine again, grinning malevolently as Doc screams. I struggle in my guards grips watching in horror as Van Statten continues to torture Doc. Suddenly the lights start flashing red as a man starts shouting over the comms,

"Condition Red. Condition Red. I repeat, this is not a drill!"

This causes my guards to freeze, their shock giving me the time to thankfully break out. I kick one in the balls, flinging my elbow into the other's face. I storm my way over to Van Statten, the man looking at me in shock. I swing my right fist into his face, cleanly into his nose. I watch with satisfaction as he cries out clutching the now broken bone in his hands. A guard grabs me as Van Statten is passed a tissue, I shrug out if the guards grip running over to Doc tugging at the chains holding him. Van Statten's eyes flick between me and the alarm going off.

Chapter 16: Dalek: Not worth the Universe


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Release me if you want to live." Doc states, his voice is void of emotion. Van Statten freezes, deciding before nodding. I move out of the way as the men unbind the Doctor. He falls forwards, slumping from the sudden freedom. Rushing forwards I hold him up, slowly falling to the ground with him; he leans on to me his face pressed into the area where my neck and shoulder meets. Breathing heavily I let him recuperate, gently running my hand up and down his bare back.

"Get his clothes." I state, over my shoulder. I hear the men scuffle around before one of the guards gives me Docs green jumper and leather jacket. "Come on let's get you decent." I say, keeping my voice low.

After helping him get his jumper over his head and his arms in the sleeves, he adamantly tells me he can do his jacket and that he doesn't need my help. I roll my eyes watching as he stumbles slightly before running into the lift and to an office where Rose is on the screen with a military man.

"You've got to keep it in that cell." he orders, standing in front of the screen. Rose runs over leaning on something to get close to the camera.

"Doctor, it's all my fault." she explains, guilty and hoping he won't be upset.

"I've sealed the compartment. It can't get out, that lock's got a billion combinations." the guard informs, joining Rose.

"A Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat." Doc states, his voice filled with panic. I watch as Van Statten peaks up at the information, the man is probably learning more about the alien now than he has done for the entire time he's had it. We watch the air tense as the Dalek proceeds to do just that, opening the door. I hold my breath as it approaches the group, the guards firing. Although all the bullets they shoot at it seems to do little to slowing it down.

"Don't shoot it! I want it unharmed." Van Statten orders.

"Rose, just get out of there!" I exclaim, watching in horror as the alien approaches them. The Dalek turns to our screen, approaching before shoving its plunger through the screen, our side goes blank. The lady who brought us here moved over to a computer, turning it on and showing us some information. The lights all turn off as the Dalek absorbs the power.

"We're losing power sir." she informs Statten. "It's draining the base. Oh, my God. It's draining entire power supplies for the whole of Utah."

"It's downloading." I state, anxiously glancing around.

"Downloading what?" Van questions, briefly glancing at me.

"Sir, the entire West Coast has gone down." she informs.

"It's not just energy. That Dalek just absorbed the entire internet. It knows everything." Doc informs, looking at the screen with slight fear.

"sh*t." I gasp, "Doc, Rose is with it." I say, turning to the man.

"The cameras in the vault have gone down." the woman informs, glancing back.

"We've only got emergency power. It's eaten everything else. You've got to kill it now!" Doc demands.

"All guards to converge in the Metaltron cage, immediately." she orders into her ear piece.

"Tell them to stop shooting at it." Van Statten orders, facing the woman.

"But it's killing them!" she shouts, shocked at his request.

"They're dispensable. That Dalek is unique. I don't want a scratch on its bodywork, do you hear me? Do you hear me?" he shouts, I stamp on his foot digging my heel into his toes.

"I will break your nose again." I yell, facing the man. Watching with satisfaction as the man suffles back sightly. To my horror though the sound of gunfire stops, not due to Stattens demand. The order hadn't been passed along, their lack of movement is due to the fact that the creature had killed them all.

"That's us, right below the surface. That's the cage, and that's the Dalek." the woman explains, pointing at different parts of a a map.

"This museum of yours. Have you got any alien weapons?" Doc asks, I spin looking at him with slight horror. The Doctor asking about weapons.

"Lots of them, but the trouble is the Dalek's between us and them." the woman answers.

"We've got to keep that thing alive. We could just seal the entire vault, trap it down there." Van Statten demands, refusing to kill the murder bot.

"Leaving everyone trapped with it. Rose is down there. I won't let that happen. Have you got that?" I shout, "It's got to go through this area. What's that?"

"Weapons testing."

"Give guns to the technicians, the lawyers, anyone. Everyone. Only then have you got a chance of killing it." Doc orders, I turn watching him with wary eyes.

I mull over Rose, if I get to her I can get her back here. I'll remember the way, plus I'm pretty sure with all my daydreams about this alien I have some idea on how to survive slightly longer. Making my mind I turn to Doc,

"I'm going to Rose, if I go I can get her back here." I state, already walking back to the doorway. Doc doesn't hear me, simply waving me off he's distracted with typing to cut the Dalek off. Rolling my eyes I sprint out of the room, he is going to be pissed when he finds out where I'm going.

I sprint down the stairs, the lift now off limits. Last I looked at the map Rose was on level 53, I run faster than ever.

"Rose." I shout, reaching my friend. I stop panting heavily from my exercise. Her, Adam and a soldier stood on the stairs, all watching the Dalek. I gasp at the sight of it, watching them before looking at the stairs. "What the f*ck are you doing. Do you really think some stairs are going to stop it?"

"Great big alien death machine defeated by a flight of stairs." Addam taunts, smiling.

"Now listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate then I can guarantee that Mister van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong, but people have died, and that stops right now. The killing stops. Have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?" the soldier orders, aiming her gun at it.

"El-ev-ate." it states, the aliens casing starts hovering.

"I f*cking told you!" I shout grabbing Rose's hand and dragging her up the stairs.

"Oh my God." Rose gasps, stumbling after me.

"Adam, get her out of here." the soldier orders, she nods to me before turning back.

"Come with us. You can't stop it." I try, looking at the woman whilst Adam and Rose race past me.

"Someone's got to try. Now get out! Don't look back. Just run." she states, before turning back and shooting at the thing.

I turn racing after my friend, tipping slightly on a stair. My ankle bends awkwardly, pain filling my leg. I ignore it though running away from the Dalek and after Rose and Adam. We race through the building, we make it to a large docking area of sorts, soldiers aiming their guns in our direction.

"Hold your fire! You three, get the hell out of there!" one of them yells, we sprint over to the back of the room. Adam and Rose stop, turning to watch the fall out.

"Rose, come one please, we have to go back to the Doctor." I beg, tugging on her arm.

"Rose, we'll be fine, these soldiers will kill it." Adam, assures her. Rose looks between us before nodding and standing next to Adam.

"Rose please! I know these. They won't be able to stop it." I cry out, a tear rolling down my cheek as the likelihood that all of these people will die. Including us if we don't go. The Dalek arrives causing Adam to practically eat his words and grab Rose, dragging her out.

"It was looking at me." Rose states, pausing our escape.

"Yeah, it wants to f*cking murder us." I inform, tugging her arm.

"I know, but it was looking right at me." she repeats.

"So? It's just a sort of metal eye thing. It's looking all around." Adam states, tugging her hand.

"I don't know. It's like there's something inside, looking at me, like, like it knows me." she mutters.

"Yeah there's an alien inside the casing but either way it's still going to kill us so let's go. Now!" I order, tugging her into a run. Our trio hesitate in our escape as the sound of all the men dying reaches our ears. We continue running up the stairs, I keep shouting for them to hurry up and make it back to the top of the building.

We make it to level 49 when Rose's phone starts ringing.

"This isn't the best time." Rose states into the phone. Doc asks something to which she answers, "Level 49."

Doc explains something to her which causes her to exclaim, "Can't you stop them closing?"

"What's he doing?" I question, she turns to me.

"He's closing the vault, from level 46."

At the information I groan loudly, my leg throbbing in pain. I'm going to offer myself to the Dalek in a minute. Rose offers me the phone, informing Adam on what is happening before we all speed up. We make it level 46, running down the corridor to the vault doors. Adam remains ahead of us, Rose only one step ahead of me.

"We're nearly there. Give us two seconds." I shout into the phone, stumbling slightly. My shoe slipping, my ankle protesting in pain.

"I'm sorry." he states, I watch in horror as the bulkhead starts closing, Adam runs under it turning back to us. Rose grabs my hand dragging me behind her.

"Come on!" Adam shouts, he holds a hand out for Rose to which I shove her forwards. Rose falls under the metal just before it closes. I rest my head against the cool metal panting in exertion and pain. Slowly I bring the phone to my ear.

"Alula, where are you? Did you and Rose make it?" Doc asks frantically through the phone.

"Sorry, I was a bit slow." I breathe into Rose's phone, turning to my oncoming death. "See you, then, Doc. It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault." I add, knowing that he would blame himself. "And do you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"Alula. No." he whispers broken. I clench my eyes shut and breathing deeply before lowering the phone. The Dalek stops in front of me, raising its gun before shouting.

"EXTERMINATE!" I close my eyes, jumping causing the phone to clatter to the ground.


The Doctor stood there in shock, Van Statten wincing as the man threw the ear piece to the ground. Goddard has her head bowed, saddened by the death of the young woman who had showed such spite for her boss.

"I killed her." Doctor states, his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry." the American voices, the Timelord spins his eyes raging at the man's audacity.

"I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry? I could've killed that Dalek in its cell, but you stopped me." he snarls, approaching the man. The Oncoming Storm swirling in his eyes.

"It was the prize of my collection!" he tries to justify.

"Your collection!?" he bellows, "Well was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Alula? Let me tell you something, Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore, to be part of something greater."

"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars!"

"You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them." he growls, "You're about as far from the stars as you can get. And you took her down with you. She was twenty two years old." he trails off, his hearts clenching at how young she really was, "She had so much ahead of her."


"Go on then, kill me." I shout at the alien, opening my eyes as the thing watches me, "Why're you doing this? Why are you prolonging it?"

"I am armed. I will kill. It is my pur-pose." it shouts.

"They're all dead because of you. All those men, women, children, soldiers." I exclaim, remembering to all the death the Daleks caused in whatever my dreams where.

"They are dead be-cause of Rose Ty-ler and me." it corrects.

"And now what? What're you waiting for?" I shout, exasperated.

"I feel your fear."

"What do you expect? I'm about to die." I snap.

"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear." it shouts, the alien shoots at the walls surrounding me. "Rose Ty-ler gave me life. What else has she gi-ven me? I am con-tam-in-at-ed." it rants, the aliens words segregated. The Dalek proceeds to shove me with it's weapon, holding me in front of the camera.

"Open the bulkhead or Alula Smith dies." it demands, facing the camera with me.

"You're alive!" Doc exclaims, his voice thick with emotion. I smile slightly at his worry.

"You can't get rid of me." I state, smiling at the camera comfortingly. "You alright?"

"I thought you were dead." he states, his voice cracking. I smile sadly at the camera lens.

"Op-en the bulk-head!" the Dalek demands, I rapidly shake my head.

"Don't do it!" I shout. "Don't you dare, I'm not worth the universe."

"What use are emo-tions if you will not save the wo-man you love?" the pepper pot states, pressing the gun into my back. Love? The Doctor doesn't love me.

"I killed her once. I can't do it again." is all Doc replies with, the bulkhead begins to slowly start opening.

"For f*cks sake." I mutter, wincing as the alien forces me ahead.

We enter the lift, which is apparently now working. Don't know why we couldn't have used that whilst trying to escape the Dalek but you know.

"I'm begging you, don't kill them. You didn't kill me." I plead facing the alien. It spins it stalk to me, nearly hitting me with it.

"But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?" it shouts, I choose to remain silent now with it already on edge one wrong move and I'll be toast. The lift doors open as we reach level 1. Van Statten, the woman and Rose all stand there fear on their faces.

"Don't move. Don't do anything. It's beginning to question itself." I order, slowly following the unstable murder bot.

"Van Statten. You tortured me. Why?" it demands, aiming its gun at the now cowering man.

The man begins to stumble for words, "I wanted to help you. I just, I don't know. I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you. I wanted you better. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk!"

"Then hear me talk now. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" it shouts backing him into a wall.

"Don't do it! Don't kill him! You don't have to do this anymore. There must be something else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want?" Rose shouts, rushing forwards. The Dalek considers her words before admitting,

"I want freedom."

Rose and I follow it as it travels to a different part of the level, the Dalek shoots a hole in the roof. Sun beams shine through, warming my skin. I tilt my head back, absorbing the light as much as I can.

"You're out. You made it." Rose states, watching us.

"I never thought I'd feel the sunlight again." I speak, my eyes fluttering open to look over at the alien.

"How does it feel?" it questions

"Warm." I answer, not really knowing how to describe it. The pepper pot surprises us by opening its casing. I watch in weird curiosity as an octopus looking creature with one eye is revealed. The alien holds up a tendril, feeling the light for probably the first time.

"Get out of the way." someone shouts, Rose and I spin to see a disturbing sight. The Doctor holding a gun, aiming it in our direction. "Alula, get out of the way now!"

"No. I'm not letting you do this." I stand my ground, Rose and I forming a wall between the Dalek and the Timelord.

"That thing killed hundreds of people." he shouts, looking at us incredulously.

"It's not the one pointing the gun at me." I deadpan.

"I've got to do this. I've got to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, my people. I've got nothing left." he begs, adjusting his grip on the weapon. I send a sympathetic smile to him.

"I understand, Doc I truly understand. But this isn't the Doctor, the Doctor helps people. And he hates guns." I state approaching the man.

"Look at it." Rose calls out, moving to the side. We watch as Doc's expression changes to confusion.

"What's it doing?"

"It's the sunlight, that's all it wants." I answer, resting my hand on the front of his gun, slowly lowering it.

"But it can't-"

"It couldn't kill Van Statten, it couldn't kill Alula. It's changing. What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into?" Rose questions, her voice raised.

"I couldn't. I wasn't." he breaks, the gun clattering to the ground. "Alula. They're all dead." he numbly states, I move forwards clutching his hand.

"Why do we survive?" the Dalek questions.

"I don't know." Doc answers, survivors guilt hitting him hard.

"I am the last of the Daleks." it admits.

"You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating." Doc explains, watching the alien.

"Into what?"

"Something new. I'm sorry." I state, leaning on the Doctor slightly to alleviate my ankle pain.

"Isn't that better?" Rose asks, confused.

"Not for a Dalek." Doc answers watching it cautiously.

"I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die." it screeches.

"I can't do that." Rose protests, looking horrified at the request.

"This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey!"

"Do it." she shakely orders, moving backwards.

"Are you frightened, Rose Tyler?" it asks.

"Yeah." Rose admits.

"So am I. Exterminate." it finishes, closing its casing before rising in the air. The balls surrounding its lower half leave the Dalek, forming a ball around it. The Dalek then implodes leaving nothing behind. We stand there, watching with many emotions swirling.


"A little piece of home. Better than nothing." Doc states, patting the side of the TARDIS. I smile sadly, leaning next to him. A wave of pain hits my chest, I wince pressing a hand to my heart. One of the side effects of my meds. Heart and chest pain.

"Is that the end of it, the Time War?" Rose questions.

"I'm the only one left. I win. How about that?" Doc responds, a fake smile on his face.

"The Dalek survived. Maybe some of your people did too." Rose proposes.

"I'd know. In here." he answers, tapping his head. He'd obviously already thought of this. "Feels like there's no one."

"Well then, good thing we're not going anywhere." I pipe up, smiling as the man's lips tug slightly.

"Yeah." he responds, looking over at me. I smile, winking at him. Our conversation is interrupted as Adam runs over.

"We'd better get out. Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement, like it never existed." he rushes.

"About time." I mutter, moving to the T's door, I pull out my key opening the doors.

"I'll have to go back home." he continues, obviously hinting to something.

"Better hurry up then." I announce.

"The next flight to Heathrow leaves at fifteen hundred hours." Doc adds, crossing his arms to look at the man with full distaste.

"Adam was saying that all his life he wanted to see the stars." Rose starts, looking at Doc meaningfully.

"Tell him to go and stand outside then." the Timelord responds dryly. I cackle at his response.

"He's all on his own, Doctor, and he did help." she tries again.

"He left Al down there." he protests, sending the man a glare.

"So did you and I." she points out.

"Yeah but I like you two, I don't like him." I add, sending my own look to Adam.

"What're you talking about? We've got to leave." said man announces.

"Plus, he's a bit pretty." Doc states, watching Rose with a knowing look.

"I hadn't noticed." she answers with false innocence.

"Really, I don't see it." I state.

"On your own head." Doc concedes. Following me into our Time machine.

"What're you doing? She said cement. She wasn't joking. We're going to get sealed in." he shouts as we all enter the TARDIS.


AN: Two updates in one day, thought I'd be nice since I had finished the entire chapter and post it all.

Don't be afraid to give feedback and please follow. I always try to follow your instructions - Fleur

Chapter 17: The Long Game: Floor five hundred?

Chapter Text

I roll my eyes at Adam as he stumbles into the TARDIS. Eventually he joins us, Rose smiling as he looks around in awe.

"Right you humans need to sleep, off you go." Doc orders, speeding around the console to set us into drift. I watch as he tries to distract himself, I remain in my seat on the captain's chair, tugging my sleeves over my hands. "You to Alula." he adds as soon as he spots me still around.

"No thanks, I know I won't sleep." I respond, standing up. I slowly approach him, watching as he absently fiddles with different controls on the console. Once I reach him I gently wrap my arms around his waist, feeling his body tense underneath me.

"What are you doing?" he mumbles, standing rigid.

"I'm comforting my friend who was tortured, had to watch me die and reface the species that killed his entire planet." I answer, pulling away to look at his face. I watch as a tear rolls down his cheek, his hand moving to wipe it away quickly. "Come on Doc , I'm your friend let me help you." I whisper. He goes rigid again, muscles tensed as he spins on his heel pushing me away.

"I don't need your help." he snarls, his eyes glossy as his lips pull back in anger. I stumbled away from him, eyes wide. "I won't ever need your help. I'm fine. And I always will be. I will NEVER need a humans help." he spits, emphasising the word your. My face flushes with anger as hurt fills me.

"Fine, I was offering to help you you bastard. You obviously don't see me as a friend, I'm just some other stupid ape that God forbid tried to connect with one of the mighty Timelords!" I shout, spinning on my heel and racing to my room. f*cking Timelords and their mood swings. I sigh angrily as I make it to my bed, not even caring to eat of get changed I throw myself onto the duvet. Reaching over to the bedside table where my Ipod and headphones sat wrapped up. I shove my headphones over my ears, kicking off my boots before blasting my playlist. Afterall with the meds I'm never going to get any sleep.


Remaining awake whilst everyone else is asleep or avoiding you is boring, for the past 10 hours I have done so many different things. I've read three books, painted a small watercolour picture, re-arranged my bookshelf and I am in the process of bleaching my hair. Is it going to burn it? Probably. Do I give a f*ck? Not at all. But you know what, I'll look badass with platinum blonde hair. I'm also deciding on whether to cut it or not, but I think I might leave it till it grows out a bit more. After all it is only just reaching my breasts. Although I am feeling like having bangs instead of curtains.

As my timer goes off I peel the foil off of my head, my hair is an almost white colour. I excitedly step into the shower, the colour corrector T had given me help to create one colour in my hair. Once done I half dry my hair with a towel before brushing it. I grab a pair of hair scissors that appeared on the side as I was in the shower.


Maybe T shouldn't have given me scissors. I now stand blow drying my just-below-the-earlobe length platinum blonde hair. I now have a very layered, very short hair style with thin bangs and a lot of face framing. Changing my appearance is one of the many things I do when my feelings are hurt, especially by guys. Even though I'm disappointed with my lack of self control I am happy with the way it turned out.

Grinning at my reflection I skip into the closet the TARDIS has given me, picking an outfit for today. I choose ripped olive green wide shorts with fishnet tights that have a spider web like pattern in them; I match this with a black corset like top that shows my chest slightly. I grab one of the many zipped hoodies T has for my choosing the same green as my shorts. Sliding it one I choose my jewellery: Multiple thick and thin silver rings, a collection of silver necklaces all ranging in length, silver bangles and a black leather bracelet on my other wrist as long as my usual collection of earrings. I slide my doc boots on changing the laces to match my shorts before doing my makeup.

I do the same makeup as normal, this time adding silver eyeshadow to the corners of my eyes and a different lip. Choosing nude lipstick and cover that with some gloss, I grab my iPod and headphones, slipping the black headphones around my neck and the iPod into my hoodie pocket before slipping into the corridor. I skip through the TARDIS heading to the kitchen, except T had another idea and sends me to the console. I walk in to see Adam, Rose and the Doctor stood talking. Well sh*t. I just wanted some coffee.

"Sup Rosie." I state walking into the room with confidence, I waltz over to my chair. I turn sitting down before looking up at them all, Adam stands mouth dropped with a disgusting look in his eyes, Rose on the other hand is practically shaking in excitement whilst the Doctor stands mouth wide and and weird look in his eyes.

"I love it!" Rose exclaims, she rushes over holding my hair in her hands. "You have to cut mine, It's beginning to annoy me." she states, pulling away to look at the others. "Anyways are we going?"

"Going where?" I question, looking up at the blonde next to me.

"We're taking Adam on his first trip. We were just waiting for you." she explains, I nod.

"Should've just knocked, I haven't slept." I state, standing to help fly.

We all, except Adam, help the Doctor fly the time and space machine. We land rather calmly, only bumping slightly. Adam still finds it rough though as he falls to the floor.

Rose, the Doctor and I exit the spaceship. Rose explains that she wants to impress Adam. We step onto an observation deck.

"So, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute, space station, and go and try that gate over there. Off you go." the man informs pointing to a gate nearby. He then leans on the TARDIS a grin on his face.

"Two hundred thousand?" Rose double checks. I nod, assuring her.

"Two hundred thousand." I repeat, she smiles at me in thanks.

"Right." she states knocking on the door, "Adam? Out you come." laughter lines her voice.

"Oh, my God." Adam exclaims, his jaw dropping. I giggle at his expression, as much as I don't like him his reaction is humorous.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Rose assures closing the door behind him.

"Where are we?" Adam queries scanning the area.

"Good question. Let's see. So, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen.." Rose starts pausing so that we could hear the engines running. "Engines. We're on some sort of space station. Yeah, definitely a space station."

"It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down." I mumble, taking my hoodie off to wrap it around my waist. Rose nods in my direction, tugging at the neck of her hot pink and black jacket.

"Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on!" she excitedly announces we all follow her Adam in awe whilst I watch her bemused. Oh and the Doctor. We climb to a smaller observation deck, this one against a window that supplied a view of the Earth.

"Here we go! And this is.." Rose starts, looking at the planet trailing off. "I'll let the Doctor describe it."

"The Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire. And there it is, planet Earth at its height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety six billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle." Doc rattles off, proud to be in the centre of the attention all watch the view, a thud resounds behind us. Adam's body hitting the floor.

"He's your boyfriend." I point out to Rose, chuckling at the unconscious boy.

"Not anymore." she grumbles, looking down at him with a mix of guilt and disappointment. I pat her shoulder walking over to the guy, I kick his leg trying to wake him up. He finally wakes as I hit him again groaning as he clutches the back of his head.

We all walk out, following the Doctor through the space station. The area we enter seems fairly quiet, mosta of the stalls closed for lunch break.

"Come on, Adam. Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners-" Doc begins to ramble his arms around Rose and Adam, I roll my eyes at his chosen ignorance of my presence. Although a snort slips through my straight face facade when a man shoves the trio out of the way whilst yelling,

"Out of the way!"

Suddenly the place is teeming with life, the stalls open as customers form large queues throughout the space.

"Thank you very much indeed. Somebody there? That's great. What do you want, love? All right, keep moving. I'll be with you lot in a minute. Here you are." one servers announces rather loudly, their voices all begin to merge slightly.

"One at a time." another shouts at his queue as many try to skip it.

"What now, what was it? Kronkburger with cheese, kronkburger with pajatos. Do you want a drink?" one of the vendors nearby serves the man in front of him. A man shove past us knocking me into a nearby customer who thankfully steadies me. "Oi, you, mate. Stop pushing. Get back. I said, back." the vendor orders at the man skipping the queue.

"Fine cuisine?" I remark, taking a close look at the food before backing away.

"My watch must be wrong." the Doctor complains, pulling his sleeve back to look at his watch, "No, it's fine. That's weird."

"That's what comes from showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was." I dryly state, totally not upset with his attitude towards me.

"My history's perfect." he snaps at me, rolling his eyes.

"Well, obviously not." Rose pipes in, looking between us with a questioning look.

But before she could ask either of us an oblivious Adam decides to state the obvious, "They're all human."

"Oh my God really Adam? So glad we have you otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell." I drawl sarcastically, crossing my arms whilst watching him. Choosing to ignore my remark he continues.

"What about the millions of planets, the millions of species? Where are they?"

"Good question. Actually, that is a good question." the Timelord answers, it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Adam, me old mate, you must be starving."

"No, I'm just a bit time sick." he denies, looking green at the thought of eating the kronkburger.

"No such thing." I state, watching the two males with a bored look. They both ignore me once again.

"No, you just need a bit of grub." the Doctor states, turning to the vendor nearby, "Oi, mate - how much is a kronkburger?"

"Two credits twenty, sweetheart. Now join the queue." he answer shortly before turning back to his magnitude of customers.

"Money. We need money." the alien states, spinning around to find somewhere which offered money.

"A cashpoint." I state, pointing at said cash point. We stroll over, the Timelord using his sonic to scam some credits.

"Attention all staff. All coverage of the Glasgow water riots being transferred five through nine."a reporter announces through the speakers.

"There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets." he states, giving Rose two credits and Adam one. The credits were a small thing metal like stick with engravings on it.
"How does it work?" I question, just because he's being a total arse doesn't mean I'm going to pretend like I know everything.

"Go and find out. Stop nagging me." he snaps before turning to Adam who looks about as clueless as I feel. "The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers." he explains with extreme detail. Rose and I share a look which the Doctor caught, "Or is that just me? Stop asking questions, go and do it. Off you go, then. Your first date." he adds, sending Rose and Adam a pointed look.

"You're going to get a smack, you are." Rose threatens, throwing her spare credit at me before skipping off with Adam. The man turns to me but I simply spin on my heel to walk off, my exit though is postponed when he grabs my arm yanking me back.

"What now. Want to yell at me some more now that Rose and Adam are gone again?" I snap, glaring up at the man whilst yanking my arm free. His winces at my action, I roll my eyes. WHat reaction was he expecting?

"No, um, I, you're staying with me." he begins, ending the sentence with an order.

"I'm sorry do I look like one of your soldiers, you don't get to yell at me, avoid me, snap at me and then treat me like a foot soldier." I hiss, crossing my arms whilst taking steps backwards. "If you want me to join you, you can start with apologising." I add, standing for a few seconds. I really don't know why I'm bothering, it's not like he actually cares for me. He stands awkwardly, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth before giving up and walking away towards some young women. I stick my middle fingers up at his retreating figure before venturing into the future market.

I pass a few screens until one catches my eyes, The Face of Boe sat in his tank with the headline, 'The Face of Boe pregnancy announcement'. I stand there for a few seconds, before shrugging and heading towards a trinket stall. The stall had three sections, decoration, jewellery and fabrics. I choose to admire the jewellery and since I have unlimited credits I can buy whatever I want. A few golden necklaces stand out, a long bar with long swirling scribed lines that contain separate circles and lines seem to form some sort of written language on the gold. The other a small seal of circular writing, similar to the bar but very much different at the same time. I pick up them, running my fingers over the engravings, surely the TARDIS should have translated it.

"This please." I request, showing the vendor the items, she nods taking my credit stick before scanning it. Her eyes widen as she reads the 'unlimited' before giving it back with a wide smile. What you want to bet she took more than needed. I smile at her nonetheless slipping the bar necklace over my head onto my neck whilst putting the circular one into the pocket of my hoodie. I spot Rose and Adam sat eating, Adam on the phone whilst Rose slurps her slush. I skip over to the pair plonking down beside them. "Hiya." I greet, declining Rose's offer of some of her food.

"I'm fine, and I'll call you later. Love you. Bye." Adam finishes his call, turning to Rose. "That is so-"

He's interrupted as an alarm suddenly rings throughout the level, the people quickly pack up before practically running out.

"Oi! Mutt and Jeff! Over here!" the Timelord hollars from the nearby, we turn to see him waving us over, the two women from early stood near him. I huff, rising from my seat to follow Rose who obediently listens. Adam trailing behind the pair of us.

The two women lead us into a white room with a chair in the center and seven kneeling spaces surrounding it. A table lay in front of the knelt people, each with a green area for them to place their hands. The black lady remains standing whilst the white woman goes to join the others surrounding the chair.

"Now, everybody behave. We have a management inspection." the lady standing orders before turning to us. "How do you want it, by the book?"

"Right from scratch, thanks." the Timelord requests nodding at her.

"Okay. So, ladies, gentlemen, multi-sex, undecided or robot,- my name is Cathica Santini Khadeni." she introduces turning to us whilst adding, "That's Cathica with a C, in case you want to write to Floor five hundred praising me, and please do. Now, please feel free to ask any questions. The process of news gathering must be open, honest, and beyond bias. That's company policy."

"Actually, it's the law." the white lady pips in, smiling sweetly at the Doctor.

"Yes, thank you, Suki. Okay, keep it calm. Don't show off for the guests. Here we go." she continues moving to the center chair. She lies back settling into it. "And engage safety." she orders, the other people hold their hands over the green hand spots, the walls light up in a moving sequence around the room. The central woman snaps her fingers causing the most disturbing sight ever. Her head opens a little door showing her brain.

"What the actual f*ck." I mumble, leaning away from the railing slightly.

"And three, two, and spike." she announces, the people on the outside all place their hands down, causing a beam of white energy to fly towards her head entering her brain.

"Compressed information, streaming into her. Reports from every city, every country, every planet, and they all get packaged inside her head. She becomes part of the software. Her brain is the computer." the man beside me explains.

"If it all goes through her, she must be a genius." Rose points out, glancing at the woman with slight disgust.

"She doesn't remember any of it. There's too much. Her head would blow up." I respond remembering the book I read about Human Technology over the ages. "The brain's the processor. As soon as it closes, she forgets."

"So, what about all these people round the edge?" Rose questions, following the Doctor as he walks around the room. She points to one of the members on the outside.

"They've all got tiny little chips in their head, connecting them to her and they transmit six hundred channels. Every single fact in the Empire beams out of this place. Now that's what I call power." he explains, I crouch down near one disturbed by their lack of awareness.

"Not the sort of power you'd want though. It's wrong. Outdated." I state, standing up. Apparently to the book this sort of technology should've been done with about a century ago.

"Do you want to get out?" Rose gently questions a peakish looking Adam, he shakes his head adamantly.

"No. No, this technology, it's amazing." he answers in awe. God it's all about power and knowledge with him.

"This technology's wrong." the Doctor states, his brows furrowed.

"That's what Luna said." Rose replies, smiling at me.

"Oh, yeah." he responds, sending me a look.

"Trouble?" I question, already knowing the answer.


Our conversation is cut off as the white lady is zapped by the green pads, she yanks her hands away cradling them. In effect the rest of them pull their hands off as the white beam stops, the middle ladies head closes as she shoots to a sitting position.

"Come off it, Suki. I wasn't even halfway. What was that for?" she snaps, glaring at the lady.

"Sorry." she answers, I step up in front of Suki

"There was a glitch. She didn't do anything." I state, crossing my eyes whilst raising my brow. Challenging her to say anything else. She simply huffs, swinging herself out of the chair.

"Promotion."the Tannoy announces, a hologram appears on the wall.

"Come on. This is it. Come on. Oh God, make it me. Come on, say my name, say my name, say my name." Cathica wishes enthusiastically, standing in front of the screen.

"Promotion for Suki Macrae Cantrell. Please proceed to Floor five hundred."it announces, Suki's eyes widen whilst Cathica's turn into slits as she glares at the woman.

"I don't believe it. Floor five hundred." Suki excitedly states, walking toward the wall as if to double check it was real.

"How the hell did you manage that? I'm above you." Cathica shouts angrily.

"I don't know. I just applied on the off chance and they've said yes." she replies, a grin appearing on her face.

"That's so not fair. I've been applying to Floor five hundred for three years." the salty woman complains. Huffing as she crosses her arms.

"What's Floor five hundred?" I question, gathering my travelling partners attention.

"The walls are made of gold." the Timelord answers shortly, his face twisted in a perplexed expression.


We now stand in front of the lift. Suki saying goodbye to us and Cathica. Cathica looked almost grateful for the woman's departure which really annoys me since so far Suki has been a really nice person.

"Cathica, I'm going to miss you." Suki says, a sad smile on her pink lips. She turns to us smiling brightly. "Floor five hundred, thank you."

"I didn't do anything." the Timelord on my left admits, a large grin on his face.

"Well, you're my lucky charm." she happily responds, I send her a small smile. Her happiness seems to be contagious.

"All right. I'll hug anyone." the Doctor accepts, bringing the woman into a hug. Suki turns to me her arms out. I shake my head trying to decline the contact although I'm completely ignored. She wraps her small yet surprisingly strong arms around me before pulling away.

"What happened to consent in the future." I grumble, a false smile on my face. Rose wanders over to Adam, trying to raise his spirits since the man looks bored out of his mind. I watch closely as Rose hands him something, the boy smiling before standing up and walking away in the direction of the observation deck. A smug grin tugging his lips as he leaves Rose.

"All staff are reminded that the sixteen forty break session has been shortened by ten minutes. Thank you."the tannoy announces, I look up at the ceiling wondering how that doesn't become annoying. My attention is brought back to Suki as she realises just how long she had been talking to us.

"Oh, my God, I've got to go. I can't keep them waiting." she starts, running into the lift with her bags in hand. "I'm sorry. Say goodbye to Steve for me. Bye!" she adds frantically, barely ending her sentence before the doors close.

"Good riddance." Cathica announces as the doors close. I spin to her opening my mouth to tell her to f*ck off before the Doctor interrupts, moving in front of me.

"You're talking like you'll never see her again. She's only going upstairs." he notices, looking at the lady whilst Rose gives her a judgmental glance.

"We won't. Once you go to Floor five hundred you never come back." Cathica responds before leading us away. We walk through a cafeteria and back to the room from early, this time it's deserted.

"Have you ever been up there?" I question her, something about this all isn't sitting right.

"I can't. You need a key for the lift, and you only get a key with promotion. No one gets to five hundred except for the chosen few." she explains, grabbing a folder with information to read. "Look, they only give us twenty minutes of maintenance. Can't you give it a rest?" she demands, sighing tiredly.

"But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down?" the Doctor asks, sitting down in the central seat.

"I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived. That's medical. That's when I got my head done, and then I came straight here. Satellite Five, you work, eat and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all." Cathica answers, taking notes whilst inspecting the machinery. "You're not management, are you."

"At last. She's clever, it took you long enough." I comment, leaning on the back of the Timelords chair.

"Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything." she informs, walking to the other side of the room to perform more inspections.

"Don't you even ask?" Doctor questions, watching her walk around.

"Well, why would I?" she retorts, I roll my eyes.

"Maybe because it's your job, you're a journalist." I state, looking at her with a bored expression. "Why's all the crew human?" I add hoping to point some things out to her.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"There's no aliens on board. Why?" the Timelord repeats my question, understanding where I was going with it.

"I don't know. No real reason. They're not banned or anything." she replies, bending under our stare's.

"Then where are they?" he states, looking at her pointedly.

"I suppose immigration's tightened up. It's had to, what with all the threats." she begins, fumbling for reasons.

"What threats?" I continue.

"I don't know all of them. Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see. Just lots of little reasons, that's all." she responds, flustered with the onslaught.

"Adding up to one great big fact, and you didn't even notice." Doc - no, the Doctor - points out.

"Doctor, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything." she points out, not believing what we were trying to tell her.

"I can see better. This society's the wrong shape, even the technology." he boasts.

"It's cutting edge." she protests insulted.

"It's backwards. There's a great big door in your head. You should've gotten rid of it years ago." I answer, looking at the woman incredulously. Who in their right mind think that is cutting edge?

"So, what do you think's going on?" Rose pipes up, looking at the Timelord expectantly.

"It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude. It's the way people think. The great and bountiful Human Empire's stunted. Something's holding it back." he answers, Rose nods along.

"And how would you know?" Cathica snips, looking at the man frustrated.

"Trust me, humanity's been set back about ninety years." he deadpans, looking up at the woman. "When did Satellite Five start broadcasting?"

"Ninety one years ago." she answers, pausing as she thinks this over. Her eyes widen slightly when she realises how our information adds up.

Chapter 18: The Long Game: Pimple looking thing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Our group moves towards a panel. We all help - except Cathica - the Timelord to tear apart the wall, revealing millions of wires and other electrical things including a screen. The Doctor sonicking the screen in hopes to find something useful.

"We are so going to get in trouble. You're not allowed to touch the mainframe. You're going to get told off." Cathica complains, nervously looking around.

"Rose, tell her to button it." the alien snaps, annoyed with the woman's constant complaints.

"Cathica shut the hell up or piss off." I state, looking t the woman who simply rolls her eyes.

"You can't just vandalise the place. Someone's going to notice!" the screen starts sparking causing Cathica to start panicking even more. "This is nothing to do with me. I'm going back to work.

"Go on, then. See you!" the Timelord responds, not even looking at her.

She spins on her heel returning to us, "I can't just leave you, can I!"

"If you want to be useful, get them to turn the heating down. It's boiling." I grumble at her, Rose nods with me.

"What's wrong with this place? Can't they do something about it?" she questions, tugging at her shirt uncomfortable with the heat.

"I don't know. We keep asking. Something to do with the turbine." Cathica answers, not really thinking about it at all. How can she be so oblivious?

"Something to do with the turbine." the alien mimics childishly rolling his eyes whilst still messing with the screen.

"Well, I don't know!" she replies, exasperated.

"Exactly. I give up on you, Cathica. Now, Rose. Look at Rose. Rose is asking the right kind of question." Doctor declares pointing his sonic at Rose briefly before returning to work.

"Thanks but Luna said it first." she answers, nudging me slightly when she noticed I wasn't really paying attention anymore.

"Why is it so hot?" he continues, completely ignoring Roses reply.

"One minute you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating!" Cathica snaps, looking completely done with him. I couldn't blame her.

"Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important." he retorts, equally fed up. The Timelord rips off a group of wires with a sheepish look on his face. He finally manages to sort the screen, images and diagrams appear bits of information flashing across the screen. "Here we go. Satellite Five, pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout."

"This is ridiculous. You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange and you're looking at pipes?" the human woman states, not seeing the reason for what we were doing.

"But there's something wrong." I point out, indicating to the plumbing.

"I suppose." she admits, looking at it closely.

"Why, what is it?" Rose questions, not understanding the images.

"The ventilation system. Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working full to channel massive amounts of heat down." I answer, pointing at different parts of the layout as I do. She nods understanding better now.

"All the way from the top." the Doctor adds, pointing to the top.

"Floor five hundred." Rose adds, our suspicions slowly add together.

"Something up there is generating tons and tons of heat." he continues, looking excited.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip?" Rose replies, smiling at me before holding a hand to the Doctor to help him up.

Our exit is disrupted as Cathica calls out, "You can't. You need a key."

"Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here. Here we go. Override two one five point nine." the Timelord replies, using the sonic once again. The numbers 215.9976/31 flash across the screen.

"How come it's given you the code?" she questions, confused on how he did it so easily.

"Someone up there likes us." I reply, both the Doctor and I look up at the camera nearby. I had noticed it watching us when the Doctor kept frequently checking on it.

"Come on. Come with us." Rose offers Cathica as she, Doctor and I step into the lift. Rose stood on the Doctors right whilst I stand on his left.

"No way." Cathica rejects, shifting her weight with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Bye!" the Timelord exclaims with false enthusiasm.

"Well, don't mention my name. When you get in trouble, just don't involve me." she orders before storming off in a rush.

"That's her gone." I mutter watching her walk off.

"Adam's given up. Looks like it's just us." the Timelord adds, offering me a large smile.

"Yeah." Rose answers smiling at me.

"Yup." I answer, sending her a smile back.

"Good." the Timelord replies, turning to press the lift button next to me.

"Yep." Rose and I answer in unison, the Timelord gingerly takes my hand. I snap my eyes up to him, surprised to see him already watching me intently. I smile slightly at him, internally deciding whether to reject his hold or not. I gently tighten my grip on his larger hand deciding that since we don't know if we're going to survive our trip to the 'wonderful' Floor five hundred that no one returns from or not, that forgiving him for a little bit won't hurt me.

"Are either of you going to explain to me what happened?" Rose questions from the other side of the lift, I look up to see our blonde friend leaning against the wall her arms crossed as she watches us intently. "Don't think I haven't noticed the snide comments or looks, and I have definitely noticed the significant distance between the two of you." she continues her brow raised in question.

"Nothing Rose it was something silly, I misunderstood my importance and it won't happen again." I answer quickly, removing my hand from the Timelords as I lean against the wall.

"No-" the Doctor starts but is stopped as we arrive. I ignore the pair of them before walking out into the floor, only stopping when I actually take it in. The supposed floor 500 that is made of gold turns out to be a floor covered in ice. Icicles cover everything forming walls and dangerous spikes. My companions follow me the Doctor taking a few steps ahead of me.

"The walls are not made of gold. You two should go back downstairs." the Timelord states, briefly looking back at us.

"Tough." I repy, rubbing my arms in hope of causing warmth. We walk around slightly, turning a corner to find a man with white hair looking slightly too cold for comfort. He turns to us from his position standing behind a group of people all sat in chairs at a long desk, their hands on matching green places like downstairs.

"I started without you." he informs with laughter lining his speech, looking at us with curiosity. "This is fascinating. Satellite Five contains every piece of information within the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Birth certificates, shopping habits, bank statements, but you two, you don't exist. Not a trace. No birth, no job, not the slightest kiss. How can you walk through the world and not leave a single footprint?" he questions looking almost impressed. Rose slowly approaches some of the workers before catching sight of a familiar face.

"Suki. Suki! Hello? Can you hear me? Suki?" she questions her, gently shaking the woman who doesn't even seem to realise she's there. Unlike the other workers Suki isn't covered in icicles, her hands though are still on the handprints.

"What have you done to her?" I demand, spinning to the white-haired man.

"I think she's dead." the Doctor answers grimly, looking between us and the man.

"But she's working." Rose denies.

"They've all got chips in their head, and the chips keep going." the Timelord explains.

"Like puppets." I continue, glaring heatedly at the man.

"Oh! You're full of information." he excitedly exclaims, smiling creepily at us. "But it's only fair we get some information back, because apparently, you're no one. It's so rare not to know something. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter, because we're off. Nice to meet you." the Doctor retorts before turning to us, "Come on." our exit is interrupted as 4 other frozen dead people come out from somewhere, grabbing the Doctor and I whilst Suki grips Rose's arm tightly.

"Tell me who you are." ice-man demands, his voice still playful.

"Since that information's keeping us alive, we're hardly going to say, are we." I snip, glaring at the man as the hands holding me dig into my arms, their ice cold temperature almost burning my naked skin.

"Well, perhaps my Editor in Chief can convince you otherwise." icicle dude replies.

"And who's that?" my male companion questions, shifting in his captors grip.

"It may interest you to know that this is not the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. In fact, it's not actually human at all. It's merely a place where humans happen to live." he explains, the man is interrupted as an animalistic growl sound from above.

"Yeah." ice-man says before being interrupted again. "Yeah, sorry." he turns back to us "It's a place where humans are allowed to live by kind permission of my client." the man then snaps his fingers pointing up. We all in sync look up the sight horrifying. An alien as large as the entire roof remains stuck to it, its head reared with sharp pointed teeth snapping at us as it growls.

"Doctor, what is that pimple looking thing?" I query looking over to the Doctor to see him fighting off a smile at my wording.

"You mean that thing's in charge of Satellite Five?" The Doctor questions, skipping past my query.

"That thing, as you put it, is in charge of the human race. For almost a hundred years, mankind has been shaped and guided, his knowledge and ambition strictly controlled by it's broadcast news, edited by my superior, your master, and humanity's guiding light, the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. I call him Max." the ice-man informs a smug grin on his pasty looking lips.

"Oh that's nice isn't it." I sass, smiling sarcastically at the man.

The icy man smiles in reply before ordering the 'zombies' to move us, we're placed in a collection of manacles, the Doctor on my right whilst Rose on his other side. I wiggle and shake my arms in a futile attempt to get rid of the bindings.

"Create a climate of fear and it's easy to keep the borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast repeated often enough can destabilise an economy, invent an enemy, change a vote." the ice-man explains, efficiently completing the villain atmosphere whilst describing his master plan to us.

"So all the people on Earth are like, slaves." Rose questions, waving her hands slightly from their bound place.

"Well, now, there's an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved?" the man retorts, approaching us.

"Yes." I answer bluntly, glaring at the floor in front of me before meeting the man's eyes.

"I was hoping for a philosophical debate." the man replies, slowly approaching me. I maintain my glare as his hand reaches out barely touching my skin as he strokes the side of my face. "Is that all I'm going to get? Yes?" the man replies, mocking my answer.

"Yes." the Doctor pitches in his body tense. "Get away from her." he all but growls.

"You're no fun." the man whines, proceeding to stroke my neck and then collarbone. I am never wearing revealing clothing again.

"Let me out of these manacles. You'll find out how much fun I am." the Timelord threatens, shaking the manacles.

The man simply laughs before addressing me, "Oh, he's tough, isn't he." he then turns motioning to the computers with a proud grin on his face, "But, come on. Isn't it a great system? You've got to admire it, just a little bit."

"You can't hide something on this scale." I state, watching the man carefully. "Somebody must have noticed."

"From time to time, someone, yes, but the computer chip system allows me to see inside their brains. I can see the smallest doubt and crush it." he informs, proceeding to approach me again. I swear these men are going to make me a lesbian. "Then they just carry on, living the life, strutting about downstairs and all over the surface of the Earth like they're so individual, when of course, they're not. They're just cattle. In that respect, the Jagrafess hasn't changed a thing." the man continues to describe his master plan, completely oblivious to Cathica stood around the corner looking at the alien in shock and disgust.

"What about you? You're not a, uh Jagra, belly" Rose queries, stumbling slightly on the species.

"Jagrafess." both the Doctor and I offer, the Timelord seeming distracted whilst I'm trying to keep a neutral face as the ice-man proceeds to stroke my face again.

"Jagrafess. You're not a Jagrafess. You're human." Rose continues, nodding in our direction in thanks.

"Yeah, well, simply being human doesn't pay very well." the man replies, rolling his eyes.

"But you couldn't have done this all on your own." I pipe in, pulling my head away from him.

"No. I represent a consortium of banks. Money prefers a long-term investment. Also, the Jagrafess needed a little hand to install himself." he explains, walking back to stand in front of us.

"No wonder, a creature that size. What's his life span?" the Doctor pitches in, looking up at the alien briefly.

Ice-man smiles slightly before replying, "Three thousand years."

"That's one hell of a metabolism generating all that heat." I note, smirking at the Doctor who then loudly announces,

"That's why Satellite Five's so hot. You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs. Jagrafess stays cool, it stays alive. Satellite Five is one great big life support system."

The Doctors little announcement causes the ice-man to smile happy with the Timelords display of knowledge.

"But that's why you're so dangerous. Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown." he questions, clasping his hands in front of himself. "Who are you?" he then snaps his fingers causing electricity to surge through the manacles and into us. Rose and the Doctor are lucky, they left their coats on meaning their arms have a layer of fabric between their skin and the electricity. I on the other hand was stupid and had removed my hoodie, leaving my skin bare. Thankfully the electricity stops, Rose and I hang there panting whilst the Timelord snaps up,

"Leave her alone. I'm the Doctor, she's Rose Tyler and this is Alula Smith. We're nothing, we're just wandering." he rushes, hoping to prevent anymore electric shocks.

"Tell me who you are!" the man demands, losing his patience.

"He just said!" I snap, holding my head up to glare at the man before dropping it again.

"Yes, but who do you work for?" he demands, "Who sent you? Who knows about us?" I roll my eyes, he isn't even letting us answer, "Who exactly-" he then abruptly stops. Above us the Jagrafess growls. "Time Lord." he suddenly states, pointing at my companion.

"What?" Doc questions quickly, confused and worried on how he had the information.

"Yes. The last of the Time Lords in his travelling machine. Oh, with his little human girls from long ago." he continues stroking my face again, an excited grin on his face.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I snap, panic written on my face. Shifting away from him with no success.

"Time travel." he replies simply.

"Someone's been telling you lies." Doctor tries, worried with his information.

"Young master Adam Mitchell?" ice-man replies, snapping his fingers causing the large screen to show Adam with his head open and light beaming from him into the machine.

"Oh, my God. His head!" Rose exclaims, horrified by the boy's stupidity.

"What the hell's he done? What the hell's he gone and done? They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything." Doc rages, struggling in his manacles even more stress than earlier.

"And through him, I know everything about you. Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T, A, R, D, I, S." ice-man boasts, smirking at us, "Tardis."

"Well, you'll never get your hands on her." I snap, struggling in the manacles. I love T too much to let some man come anywhere near her.

"I'll die first." the Timelord snaps, glaring heatedly at the man in front of us.

"Die all you like. I don't need you. I've got the key." the man states, on the screen a TARDIS key floats from Adams pocket.

"You and your boyfriends!" I snap at Rose, struggling in the manacles again.

"Today, we are the headlines. We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing." ice-man excitedly exclaims, smiling like a child on christmas.

"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions. Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold." the Doctor adds, hoping to provoke Cathica who was still listening in. She finally takes the initiative and disappears from the corner. Suddenly on the screen the light stops, Adams head closes and the TARDIS key drops to the floor.

"What's happening? Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?" ice-man panics ordering his workers to find out. The monitor changes to Cathica sat in a broadcast chair nearby.

"It's Cathica." Rose and I state, smiling at the screen.

"And she's thinking. She's using what she knows." Doctor excitedly informs, smiling in victory.

"Terminate her access." the man orders, seeing his plan crumble before his eyes.

"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it." Doc exclaims, happy to see the man's plan fail.

"Look at that it's getting hot." I state, indicating to the melting icicles on the roof. I wince looking up at the alien who begins to thrash and cry out.

"I said, terminate. Burn out her mind." the ice-man orders fumbling now. Suddenly all of the computers spark and shatter, the 'zombies' crumble to the ground as the man is thrown to the floor. The station starts shaking. All of the sparking causes Rose and I's manacles to spark and cut out. I rapidly shrugged them off before facing the Doctor. I fumble in his pockets, pausing slightly to look back and see Suki being thrown to the ground by a frantic ice-man. Finally gripping the sonic screwdriver I press the button pointing at the manacles and thinking of them opening. Thankfully it works and the manacles spark before opening. Doc smiles gratefully at me before gripping my hand and running out of the room.

We sprint to Cathica, Doc snapping his fingers to close her head before shaking her to get her up and out. Behind us the Jagrafess explodes causing the station to rock before finally settling. We all smile at one another happy to be alive and that we saved the day once again without too many casualties.


We all stand back on platform 139, Cathica stood nearby hoping to convince us to stay and help explain.

"We're just going to go. I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage." Doc states, smiling encouragingly at the woman.

"You'll have to stay and explain it. No one's going to believe me." she protests, looking at Rose and I for help.

"They might start believing a lot of things now." I comment, looking around as everyone helps each other tidy up since the little 'quake' they had. "The human race should accelerate. All back to normal."

"What about your friend?" Cathica questions, nodding to Adam who stands near the TARDIS. I turn around glaring at the man in question.

"He's not my friend." both the Doctor and I retort, huffing at the mention. Doc stands up before heading towards our space and time machine, Rose and I trailing behind.

"Now, don't-" Rose tries but is completely ignored.

"I'm all right now. Much better. And I've got the key. Look, it's. It all worked out for the best, didn't it?" Adma rambles, noting the dangerously angry expression on the Timelords face. "You know, it's not actually my fault, because you were in charge." he tries which causes me to snap.

"You endangered the TARDIS and the Doctor. All because you wanted to know information that would change time and cause too many problems to think of. Don't even for a second blame the Doctor since Rose was the one that convinced him to let you come with us. We didn't want you here for this exact reason. We knew you were too stupid to not f*ck up." I snap, pushing the man harshly back into the TARDIS, he stumbles tripping on his feet before roughly landing into the railing around the console. The Doctor quickly flies the TARDIS, barely any hiccups and bumps on the way. I roughly drag Adam to his feet before the Doctor takes him from my grip and shoves him out of the door.

"It's my house. I'm home! Oh, my God, I'm home!" he exclaims excitedly, the fear on his face is gone. He doesn't even feel guilty about what he's done. "Blimey. I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock."

"I wanted to, sadly T doesn't have one." I snap, crossing my arms whilst leaning against the doorway of the TARDIS.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?" Doc questions, already knowing the answer.

"No. What do you mean?" Adam answers, playing dumb. The Timelord walks over to the phone, picking it up before turning to us.

"The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world like Al said." he states, placing it back down before sonicking the device. It sparks and explodes. Doc turns walking past Adam and back to me, "That's it, then. See you."

"How do you mean, 'see you'?" Adam questions watching the Doctor take my hand, I stand up straight from my leaning position ready to enter the TARDIS again.

"As in goodbye, adios, sayonara." I snap, pausing in against the door of T with the Doctor.

"But what about me? You can't just go. I've got my head. I've got a chip type two. My head opens." Adam explains, hoping to get us to keep him.

Doc smirks raising his other hand to click his fingers, "What, like this? Adams, head opens, revealing his brain.

"Don't." Adam snaps, clicking his fingers to close it.

"Don't do what?" I question innocently before snapping my own fingers. Giggling as Adam's face slowly turns red from frustration.

"Stop it!" he shouts, closing his head again.

"All right now you two, that's enough. Stop it." Rose reprimands.

"Thank you." Adam says, smiling at Rose, she smirks herself whilst clicking her own fingers. "Oi!" the man exclaims. closing his head again.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." Rose reasons, smiling at Adams face.

"The whole of history could have changed because of you." the Timelord informs, looking at the boy with disappointment. I squeeze his hand gently, rubbing my thumb across his knuckles.

"I just wanted to help." Adam tries to justify. I snort, shaking my head.

"No you were helping yourself." I state, watching the boy as he starts stumbling over his words.

"And I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am, but you can't just leave me like this." he stutters, looking at us pleadingly.

"Yes we can. 'Cause if you show that head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average, unseen." the Doctor explains, "Good luck." he then moves and pushes the TARDIS door open, still holding my hand.

"But I want to come with you." Adam tries for a final time.

"I only take the best. I've got Alula. And Rose." he answers, gently tugging my hand to bring me inside, allowing Rose to say goodbye.

"I'm happy to know that you think of Rose and I as the best." I tease, the Doctor still holding my hand as he guides me to the console. He turns to me, a guilty expression on his face.

"Alula-" he starts, his sentence is interrupted by Rose who enters, she looks up to see us before awkwardly walking to the corridors.

"I'm just going to go have a shower and start food." she explains, slowly walking down the corridor. "Luna join me when you want."

Doc turns back to me, his expression still guilty. "What you said before in the lift. I think of you as a friend, please don't believe any different. I was out of line saying what I said when all you wanted to do was comfort me, I just. I don't, I don't know how to accept it when people help me because I'm better off alone. That way when my companions inevitably do leave me it doesn't hurt as much." he tries to explain, I smile at his attempts. "Please believe me, I care for you. I just don't want to be hurt again."

"Doc I'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise, and you shouldn't deny yourself happiness just because you know it's going to hurt when it ends. That's what life is, you should enjoy it in the moment and not think of how it's going to inevitably hurt in the end." I state.

"But, you grow old. You wither and die, and I have to watch that happen. Watch you slowly die or you die too early because of an adventure. Like with the Dalek. You could've easily been killed." he states, tugging his hand out of mine.

"Doc, it was my choice to go down there and get Rose through the door, I made that choice and you have no way or right to stop me from making those types of choices." I state, watching as the mans face twists in frustration.

"Al, Timelords have a way of cheating death. We change everything about ourselves, every cell changes. We call it regeneration. When I die I become a new man, a man with the same underlying beliefs and thoughts but new preferences, new likes and dislikes." he explains, I listen intently. The Timelord is finally giving something about himself albeit something we had already briefly talked about, and I'm not complaining. His description also reminds me of the old man, who was engulfed in a bright golden light before changing into the Doctor's face. Did I really have a dream about this Doctor's regeneration? What the hell is happening to me? "But humans can't do that, once you're dead you stay dead. And if that happens to you-" he starts, breaking off at the end. I chose to change the subject since he was getting so upset.

"So which person. Face are you on now?" I ask gently, approaching the man to lean against the console next to him. I just hope he doesn't realise we already had this conversation. He turns to me, tears welling in his eyes. He frantically blinks them away before answering.

"Uh, nineth. I, is it alright. I expected you to be slightly fearful or sceptical." he answers, looking at me closely. I had surprised myself with my acceptance when he originally told me but since I'm pretty sure I had dreamt of one of his regenerations it wasn't as much of a shock.

"I believe you, something tells me you're being truthful." I answer not telling him the real reason. If I did he would probably think I'm loony. I mean how many people have dreams of a time travelling aliens past? Not many.


AN: hope you liked this, please don't be scared to give any helpful criticism I try to listen ;) - Fleur

Chapter 19: Father's Day: Pompous bastard


AN: Sorry for the late update, completely forgot to update due to the past busy weeks I've had, recently got a job and its been a bit hectic. -Fleur

Chapter Text

For the last two days the TARDIS trio have been taking a break from the running, after our last adventure that nearly ended with the Doctor being decapitated by an alien prince we decided to have a few days of rest. And by rest I mean pure mind-melting boredom. Ever since the Station something changed in the relationship between Doc and I, he isn't as bossy and dare I say it more affectionate. It's weird but I'm not complaining, Finishing the second book of the morning I decide maybe a swim or going to the exercise room, just to keep myself busy. As I stroll over to the pool first, my bikini on with an essentially see through slip on over the top and a towel in my hand. Rose appears around the corner, looking up at the sound of my bare feet padding on the floor, she intercepts my travels her manicured hand gently grips my upper arm before dragging me backwards.

"Hey Rosie, where're we going?" I ask, twisting my body so that I could sort of walk with her instead of being dragged backwards stumbling. She ignores me though and proceeds to take me wherever. Only when the sound of metal sizzling and other mechanic noises do I realise she is taking me to the Doctor, mainly the console room which is where he is tinkering on more things. As said man comes into sight, I wriggle out of her grip before skipping over to him, he was sat cross legged near the console. His sonic aimed at some part of the controls, I wrap my arms around his shoulders causing him to look up and back at me. "I think Rosie wants you cause I was planning on going for a swim and I get dragged here." I state, pulling back before offering him my hand. After hauling him up we move over to the jump seat, I sit down on it whilst Doc moves behind, leaning on the back with his arms either side of my head. His chin resting on the top of my skull.

Rose moves in front of us, fiddling with her sleeves as she leans against the console. Her face is pale with anxiety, she looks almost sick. She clears her throat before quietly starting out,

"Peter Alan Tyler my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954. He died 1987, 7th of November on The day that Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married. He was always having adventures and would love to see me, that's what Mum always says. So I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive." she states, looking at us, mainly the Timelord hopefully.

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" Doc asks tentatively, his fingers fiddling with the collar of my slip on.

"All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of time or something, then never mind, just leave it." she replies quickly, every and all of her defenses coming back up thinking the Doctor was telling her he couldn't.

"No, I can do anything." he states, I gently nudge my head up into his chin. "I'm, we're just more worried about you."

"I want to see him." she assures, I nibble the bottom of my lip, something about this is setting my stomach into summersaults. Or is that because the Doctor is touching me, or both?

"Are you sure Rosie, I feel like this is a big thing seeing someone you have longed to see and know whilst you know the date they die. It will be a heavy burden." I gently say, leaning back so my head rests on the Doctor's chest. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, goosebumps littering my naked arms. That's one of the many things I've noticed, goosebumps whenever the alien touches me. My heart skips a beat when he holds me like this. It's a silly crush that will flash by before anything happens, I mean nothing can happen especially between a mentally f*cked up human and an amazing alien hero.

"Your wish is my command." Doc answers, smiling at Rose. "But be careful what you wish for." he gently squeezes me before pulling away, rushing around the console whilst sending us into the vortex. As we land roughly I choose to remain behind, I don't like weddings much, and my head is throbbing. The pills don't seem to be working well anymore, there are more side effects and my sleep is back to being filled with nightmares. Some of the daydreams have come back as well, thankfully they so far are whilst I'm alone. That and I am still in my swimwear and a slip on, with no shoes. Maybe I should go for that swim.


Once in the pool room I slide the slip on off and jump in, resting at the bottom of the pool for some time. Underwater is one of my favourite things, it's quiet and away from the world. When submerged it's just me and my thoughts, although the serenity inevitably ends when my body demands oxygen. Kicking off of the bottom I surge to the surface, breathing deeply as I break the surface. I roll onto my back, floating on the water top. My body relaxes as my senses are numbed, the smell of chlorine dissipating and the sound of the water moving retreats into the background until disappearing completely. Each sense is filled with the sound smell and sight of destruction and death.

Struggling I rise to my feet, I glance around stopping when I catch sight of a falling body. Nina.

"Nina no, no please." I exclaim, racing over to her now crumpled body. The Dalek had just shot me, except I didn't die. She stopped it, she saved me. Frantic I rushed my hands over her trying to find the wound. "Where is it? Where are you injured." I ask, not really wanting an answer. I watch as her hand pulls away from just below her breasts, slick with her blood. "No, no, no, no!" I shout, frantically looking around in vain hope to find help. "Please, Ni, you can't- You can't leave me." I sob, my voice wavering as she lifts her bloody hand to my cheek, her eyes watery as her breathing comes out in harsh gasps.

"Es, I- I love you." she mumbles, stroking the apple of my cheeks with her thumb. "Save us. Save us, Phoenix. You know how-" her hand slowly falls, eyes losing life as she stares blankly. I fall back onto the ground, clutching her to my chest as sobs and wails fall from my lips. Pure and utter agony filling my heart, she sacrificed herself, over exerted herself and her abilities to save me. Just so that I can end it. End the war, and save hopefully some people. Except I don't know how. I can't use the Nether, they only go so far. Maybe the Gallifreyans have something. Something they aren't willing to use, since their arrogance and self preservation controls their actions.

I'm dragged forcefully from the 'vision' when my head fully submerges under the water, I splutter coughing the water from my lungs as I kick my legs hastily. Maybe a swim wasn't the best idea. Gasping I struggle to make it to the pool ledge, my hands grip the pool side tightly my chest heaving as I gasp for air.

"All I wanted to do was have a nice swim." I whine to myself, my voice slightly raspy. Once my lungs settle I pull myself up and out of the water, lying at the water edge.

"Alula, Al? Al-" the Doctors voice echoes into the room, I hear his footsteps gradually getting closer before his head pops in the doorway. "Oh, there you are."

"Mhmm." I reply, pushing myself off the floor to walk, well stumble, over to a towel.

"Are you alright?" he questions, strolling over to me as I briefly pat dry myself. I nod, towel drying my hair. He watches my closely before shrugging and walking back out calling over his shoulder, "Ready to come with us, we're going to visit the day Rose's dad dies. She'll need our support."

I inhale sharply at his statement, the day he died? How is that safe? Surely that is too risky, what if Rose tries to stop it? Doubts fill my mind, I can only wait and see what happens though. Shrugging off my doubt I changed into some plain baggy light blue denim jeans, a cropped long sleeved loose grey top with a v-neck some rainbow striped socks and black converse. I leave my hair down, letting it air dry before putting on some of my normal jewellery. Necklaces layered and my rings adorn my slightly pruned skin, I do my makeup; keeping to the basic moisturizer, mascara, highlighter and some tinted lip balm.

Once ready I make my way towards the waiting pair, Rose stands anxiously at the doorway whilst the Doctor remains leaning on the console fiddling with some of the controls. I clear my throat as I approach, the pair snapping the heads in my direction.

"Let's go meet dear ole' daddy Tyler." I state, holding my hands out to the pair. The Doctor takes my right hand whilst Rose tightly grips my other, I squeeze their hands encouragingly before we all leave the space and time machine. Rose bites her thumb nail as she looks up at the sky, her brow furrowing slightly.

"It's so weird. The day my father died. I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day." she explains, she was right. The day was slightly sunny, a typical autumn day in the uk.

"The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight." Doc voices, a grim smile on his face.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask, repeating my question.

"Yeah." she nods, heading ahead to lead us to the road. We make it to Jordan Road, standing on the curb as we await for the moment that changes Rose's life. "This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present, a vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase."

A small green van turns around the corner, number plate D602 PKW. Rose makes a sharp intake of breath leading me to believe that this is Pete.

"He got out of his car." Rose explains, we watch as the van pulls over not too far down the street from us. "And crossed the road." Mr Tyler reaches across his car to get the present before sliding out of his seat. Just as he closes the door a beige car starts approaching. "Oh, God. This is it." Rose whimpers. I grip Rose's hand tighter as we watch Mr Tyler and the car collide. She hides her face in my shoulder, flinching harshly as the sound of Pete making contact with the car. I quickly memorize the number plate, NEH 793W.

"Go to him, quick." Doc encourages, nudging her we all look up to see the man attempting to move, his body slightly twitching in pain. She does the opposite though and runs off, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. The Doctor and I share a look before running after her, we find her crouched against a wall sobbing into her arms. We quietly sit either side of her, offering silent support. The sound of ambulance sirens disrupts the silence, we all look up at the sound.

"It's too late now. By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead." she mumbles, her voice thick with emotion. "He can't die on his own. Can I try again?" she requests, her face determined. The Timelord and I share a look of hesitance and concern. So many things can go wrong. Although as the Doctor looks back at Rose's pleading eyes I see his thought process slowly change.

"No. Doctor, Rose no. I know you want to try again Rosie but this isn't a good idea." I start, frantic to catch up with the pair who had decided to head towards our time machine. The pair ignore me though, "Doctor. Doctor stop!" he stops, spinning to face me. "You know we shouldn't do this, it's going to go wrong and you know it. This will cause a weak spot in time, and God knows who or what will want to use that to their advantage." I try, hoping the TIMElord would understand. His face hardens though as Rose tugs on his hand.

"What would you know about time, I'm the Timelord so stop trying to act like you know more than me." he all but snarls at me. I frown at his reply, before turning to Rose in hopes to get her too understand instead.

"Rose. Rose understand that as much as you want to do this it isn't going to be good."

"And how would you know. Huh?" she snaps at me.

"I have a really bad feeling Rose." I answer, not thinking about how lame that sounds. She chuckles humorlessly rolling her eyes.

"A feeling." she mocks, before walking off and into the TARDIS. The Doctor follows her, without watching to see if I follow.


We now stand not too far away from our past selves.

"Right, that's the first us. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and they follow, then go to your dad." he explains, admitting without intention that what I had said was in fact correct. We watch as the green van pulls up again.

Past Rose muttering "Oh, God. This is it."

"I can't do this." Rose states, looking on in horror as her dad exits the vehicle.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here." Doctor comforts, his words send Rose in a flurry. She bolts forwards, I reach out to grab her briefly missing her jacket.

"Rose! No!" we shout, watching in utter horror as she bolts past our past selves and towards her father. As the beige car approaches she shoves her father out of the cars path, the vase rolls and me and the aline watch as our past selves share a look before the trio disappears.

"I did it. I saved your life." Rose states in disbelief. The Doctors hands tighten into hard fists, his glare fixing on our blonde friend.

"Blimey, did you see the speed of it? Did you get his number?" Pete questions, slightly shook.

"I really did it. Oh, my God, look at you. You're alive! That car was going to kill you." Rose gushes, overly happy with what she had just done. A sickening feeling settles in my stomach, sh*t is about to hit the fan.

"Give me some credit, I did see it coming. I wasn't going to walk under it, was I." Pete tries to maintain his dignity, if it wasn't such a serious situation I might have chuckled at the irony.

"I'm Rose." she introduces smiling at the man.

"That's a coincidence. That's my daughter's name." he replies, still looking around almost skittish as if he expected another surprise attack.

"That's a great name. Good choice. Well done." Rose preens, the two slowly calm down. I watch the pair with a sense of disappointment, I had truly expected better from Rose. Especially since the Doctor had already given us a brief crash course on fixed points in time.

"Right, I'd better shift. I've got a wedding to go to." the man informs, the adrenalin of his near death experiences slowly dissipating.

Rose quickly blurts out, "Is that Sarah Clarke's wedding?"

"Yeah, are you going?" the man answers, curiously.

"Yeah." she nods, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans.

"You, your friend and her boyfriend need a lift?" the man questions, I frown. Boyfriend? I look down to see the Timelord gripping my hand tightly, his vice-like grip actually causing a tingling sensation in my hand. Rose looks back at us, her happy expression faltering slightly at our glares.

"I hate to be the person who says it but-" I start only to abruptly stop when the Doctor turns his hard glare on me. I freeze at the sight of his icy steel blue eyes focused on me, his expression that of a heartless man. Someone who had seen and done things, one without mercy or care for his own wellbeing. I clamp my mouth shut as he turns away from me, slowly approaching the blonde who waved us over and simultaneously dragging me along.

The trip to Pete Tyler's car was relatively short, although it felt as though we were drowning. The atmosphere is tense which isn't helping with my anxiety. Ever since his 'miraculous' survival the feeling of being watched won't leave me. A sickening feeling settling in my stomach causing my body to feel off. I can't explain it but I really wish it would go away.

Once we arrive our group enters the middle aged man's home, the room and corridors all scattered with random chemicals and objects. I disregard them though as Mr Tyler turns to us.

"Right, there we go. Sorry about the mess." he awkwardly apologies. "If you want a cup of tea, the kitchens just down there, milk's in the fridge. Well, it would be, wouldn't it." hsi thoughts begin to trail off, "Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt, make a lot of money out of that. Sell it to students and things." he trails off. "I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me for a minute. Got to go and change." he then leaves the room, leaving an over the moon blonde and the enraged Timelord alone.

Ignorant to the Doctor's fury Rose starts to excitedly inspect different trophies and other items around the house, "All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard. She used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink." The Doctor and I lean against the doorway, a permanent scowl resting on his face whilst I smile softly. "Here it is, on display. Where it should be. Third prize at the bowling. First two got to go to Didcot. Health drinks. Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He was so clever. Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this. Now he can." she finally looks up to see us. My expression falls back to my glare, the sickening feeling amping up ever so slightly. "Okay, look I'll tell him you're not together." she naively informs, oblivious the the ticking time bomb next to me.

"When we met, I said travel with me in space. You said no. Then I said time machine." Doc starts, his arms crossed as anger seeps into his words.

"It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening and I thought, I can stop it." Rose explains, I frown at her opening my mouth to but in but stop as the Timelord rounds in on me.

"And you, did you know this was what she was going to do. Did you plan it together, scheming at this brilliant plan." he sneers, "I did it again. I picked another set of stupid apes. I should've known. It's not about showing you the universe. It never is. It's about the universe doing something for you." he angrily continues, not giving me the chance to defend myself, my eyes sting at his insults. He thought I had done this, how am I to blame when I tried to stop them?

"What the f*ck is wrong with you, you pompous bastard? I tried to stop you. Both of you." I snarl, red tinting my sight. "I am the one who tried to prevent this but because you," I stab my finger into his chest, "know better you decided to be a twat and do whatever you can to help the poor fatherless young innocent girl." I snap, glaring at the pair. "I can't believe you!"

"Because you definitely knew this was going to happen, the all knowing Alula Smith. Sooo knowledgeable and intelligent that she knows better. You're a stupid ape, why would I follow anything you say." he snaps back, his words bouncing off of me this time. There is no way I am allowing an arrogant man make me cry. "I should have known better than offering an ape anything."

"So it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad." Rose pitches in, heatedly glaring at us.

"I know what I'm doing, you don't. Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point." he growls.

"You just f*cking repeated what I said. And I'M a stupid ape. You arrogant selfish twat!"

"But he's alive!" Rose exclaims in disbelief.

"He's not meant to be!" I snap, turning my gaze at her.

"My entire planet died. My whole family. Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them?" the Timelord adds, I flinch at his lack of emotion.

"But it's not like I've changed history. Not much. I mean he's never going to be a world leader. He's not going to start World War Three or anything." she attempts to fix the situation.

"Rose, there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man. That's the most important thing in creation." the Doctor states, approaching the blond.

"The whole world's different because he's alive." I add, remaining in the doorway.

"What, would you rather him dead?" she snaps, glaring at him.

"I'm not saying that." the man protests I on the other hand add.

"Yes." this causes the blonde to round in on me.

"What and you have a say? You're just a mentally ill, crazy lady with no family or loved ones that followed an alien in the hopes of escaping your tragically boring dead life." she snarls, I flinch ever so slightly. She isn't wrong.

"Rose you don't understand what you've done." I state, numbness seeping into my bones.

"And you do? You can't even stay in reality long enough to realise where you're unwanted. Why don't you just f*ck off back to your daydreams and remain useless." she yells, the Doctor remains on the sidelines watching us with narrowed eyes.

"Oh f*ck off you bleach blonde bitch." I snarl back, turning away from the pair before storming out of the place. I hear some distant shouting behind me Rose yelling,

"No, I get it! For once, you're not the most important man in my life."

I quicken my pace hoping to hide in the very deep depths of the multi dimensional spaceship. Somewhere where neither of them can find me, somewhere where I will get lost. As I make it to the familiar blue box that had become my home a sob escapes my lips. I press a hand to the doors, the sickening feeling increasing to the point where bile shoots up my throat. Turning away I heave up the little to no contents of my stomach, pure stomach acid burning my throat and mouth. The taste and smell cause me to dry heave. Gasping, I fall to my knees the world spinning as the feeling of being watched floods over me again. I haunch over slightly as sobs wrack my body, I press a hand to my mouth muffling the noise as tears roll down my cheeks. I had truly thought the two had become my friends. Hell even my weird dysfunctional family. And yet the pair turn on me as quick as the wind. Once I calm down I pick out some tissues from my pockets, wiping away the snot and tears I gently shift so that I'm resting my back against the wall on the right of the TARDIS.

I sit, tilting my head back, allowing my stomach to settle. It also gave me time to truly process what was said, a few tears leak down my face. I frustratedly rub them away. Why does it hurt so much? At the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching I snap my head and eyes up and open. Snapping my attention to the brisk walking Timelord, his eyes focused solely on me. I hurriedly stand up, pressing myself against the wall hoping it would just swallow me. He pauses in front of me, briefly taking in the sight of my surroundings before focusing on me. I self consciously squirm, very aware that I probably reek of vomit and my eyes and nose are probably red and puffy. My skin definitely marred with tear stains.

His glare softens before swirling into self hatred and guilt, he steps forwards causing my to sharply take a breath. What is he going to do? And where is Rose.

"Alula." he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "I- I'm so sorry. I can't believe I even thought that you were involved with her foolish actions." he apologises. "I, I was so angry I couldn't see reason, I mean you were the one who tried to warn me. I- I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am." he continues, his gaze locked on my tear stained cheeks. My mind works slowly to comprehend his statement, he was sorry. Do I forgive him? What he had said had genuinely hurt, to the point of tears.

"I can't forgive you." I state, staring at him. His head bows, fists clenched tightly. "Not right now, I need to think. I, you hurt me." I continue, feeling very exposed. He nods in understanding before slowly walking to the box, he turns to me expecting my too follow. I slowly walk over, standing on his right as he swings the doors open. The interior causing me to stumble, the sick feeling flooding through me again. I turn dry heaving once again, nothing coming up though as nothing remains in my stomach. I feel a large hand gently rub my back, resting on my neck as he gently rubs the exposed skin.

"She's gone." I mumble, stumbling as I stand. "Doctor. How bad is this?"

Chapter 20: Father's Day: Doctor! No!


AN: Sorry it's late, I've been struggling with motivation and ideas. That and I've got a very busy summer job so my time schedule is all over the place. Hope you enjoy - Fleur

Chapter Text

We rush down the streets, our fingers intertwined as we run to Rose. The sight of the empty TARDIS exterior caused the Doctor to go into a flurry, dragging me behind him as I'm slowly consumed by my thoughts. Was I being overly sensitive earlier? Did he really mean his apology or is he just desperate to make sure he isn't alone again. I can't tell what he's truly feelings are, how can I know for certain that he's sorry and that he won't turn on me so quickly again. Although I can understand the effects of war, some (humans at least) are permanently damaged after war, they come home with a magnitude of mental problems. Many are consumed by survivors guilt, which I think is the last Timelords main issue. His entire planet is gone, family and friends. That has to cause some issues. Slowly I start to sympathise with him, he just needs someone to help him out of this dark pit he seems to have created for himself.

A rather loud "Rose! Get in the church!" snaps me out of my thoughts, startled I stumble before noticing that there was a large bat-like creature eating people. What the f*ck?

The said satanic looking thing hisses at us before swooping down its talons outstretched in the hopes of grabbing Rose. The Doctor surges forwards, still holding my hand, and knocks Rose down. I follow stumbling over and past them as I finally get my hand out of his grip. I narrowly duck from the sharp claws of the creature before hurriedly racing over to a fallen over man and helping him into the church.

"Get in the church!" I order the multitude of people screaming and running around. Coming back out of the church to see the Timelord also gathering people. We all briefly stop when two more of the creatures quite literally appear out of thin air.

"What the actual f-" I'm cut off as one swoops at me, a large body knocking right into me and sending me to the ground. I open my clenched shut eyes to see the Doctor hovering over me, I blush at the position we found ourselves in. His left leg resting in between mine whilst he straddles my left leg, his hands on either side of my face holding himself up. We both seem to take notice of the life and death situation, the Doctor jumps up before helping me arise.

"Oh, my God. What are they? What are they?" A lady starts shouting, her voice high pitched with panic.

"Inside!" the Doctor orders, ushering as many people into the old building.

"Sarah!" a man desperately calls, a woman in a white long dress runs over to him. Clutching him in fear.

"Stay in there!" I shout to a man who stepped out of the church, he ignores me though and starts running. The creature follows him, devouring the man whole. I watch in horror as he screams echo.

"In!" the Timelord shouts before leading everyone into the building and closing the doors. I breath deeply, calming my racing heart before sliding over to the Doctors side.

"What can I do to help?" I question, eager to get away from the frantic crowd.

"Make sure all the doors are locked." he orders, not even sparing me a glance whilst he sonics the doors lock. I nod before rushing off, searching the building for doors and windows. I faintly hear the Doctor ordering the rest of our now large group to also close the doors. I run back in after finding some of the doors with key locks, I need the sonic.

I enter the main room to see the Doctor stopped by Jackie.

"What're you jabbering on about, time?" she demands, her hair curled nicely whilst she wears an elegant pink dress. She looks beautiful.

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining." the Timelord complains, running over to a nearby window briefly sonicking it.

"How do you know my name?" the mother demands, now disturbed by him.

"I haven't got time for this." the Doctor shouts over her, Jackie continues though.

"I've never met you in my life!"

"No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this. Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go! And! Check! The! Doors!" Doc snaps, punctuating each word. Jackie quickly quiets before mumbling a,

"Yes, sir." and rushing off. I stop beside the man as the groom approaches us.

"I should have done that ages ago." Doc excitedly comments to me. I smile up at him, causing his eyes too brighten ever so slightly.

The groom clears his throat getting our attention, "My dad was out there." he informs sadly.

"You can mourn him later. Right now we've got to concentrate on keeping ourselves alive." I pipe in, giving the man a sympathetic glance.

"My dad had-" the man starts again.

"There's nothing I can do for him." Doc interrupts, shutting the man down.

"No, but he had this phone thing." the man states, holding out a long rectangle, a phone from that time period. "I can't get it to work. I keep getting this voice."

He holds the phone up near our ears, a voice repeating through the speaker.

"Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you."

"That's the very first phone call. Alexander Graham Bell." the Timelord states, his brows furrowed.

"I don't think the telephone's going to be much use." I state, also confused. What is going on?

"But someone must have called the police!" the man protests. His exclamation gathers the attention of the rest of the panicked crowd.

"Police can't help you now. No one can. Nothing in this universe can harm those things." the Doctor voices, talking to all of the group.

"Time's been damaged and they've come to sterilise the wound." I add, slowly gathering what's happening.

"And they do that by consuming everything inside." he continues, nodding in my direction to confirm my statement.

"Is this because.. Is this my fault?" Rose questions, her face pale and guilt ridden.

"Yes." I answer, not sparing her a look. I then turn to the Doctor. "Some of the doors at the back need a key, we'll need your screwdriver." he nods before allowing me to show him the doors. On our way we briefly check the occasional window. We make it to the back room, candles and other religious bits and bobs lay around.

I pull the windows tightly closed, using the sonic to lock them before gently tossing the device to the Doctor. Our silence is interrupted by Pete joining us, her uses some keys to lock the door.

"Well where'd ya find them?" I mumble, ignored by both of the men.

"There's smoke coming up from the city but no sirens. I don't think it's just us. I think these things are all over the place. Maybe the whole world." Pete comments, we gather around the window, watching as smoke drifts in the air from the buildings in the distance. Our surroundings are eerily quiet except for the occasional screech and hiss of the aliens. A beige car swerves around the corner, I snap my attention to it. The same number plate as the car that is to kill Mr Tyler, I make eye contact with the Doctor. We watch as the car swerves around nothing, the driver protecting his eyes as if he hit something before it then disappears into thin air. "Was that a car?" Pete questions, catching a brief sighting of the vehicle.

"It's not important. Don't worry about it." Doc denies, before gently taking my hand and walking away. We head towards a large door on the side of the church, one of the aliens outside slamming itself into it. I flinch as the door moves slightly, the Doctor starts to press the door and simultaneously sonick it shut. I join his, leaning on the door with my full weight. Our little mission is interrupted when the groom approaches us again, this time with the bride.

I smile gently at the pair, her dress is gorgeous.

"Excuse me, Mister.. um, Miss..." the man speaks, not knowing our names.

"Doctor." Doc adds, turning to look at the couple. The man then turns to me.

"Oh, I'm Alula Smith. Preferably Luna though." I smile at them, "I like your dress by the way, it's beautiful."

The bride blushes but doesn't speak up, her hand remains pressed against her stomach.

"You seem to know what's going on." the groom voices, as I press harder against the door.

"I give that impression, yeah." Doc answers, scanning the door some more.

"I just wanted to ask-" he starts but is cut off by his partner.

"Can you save us?" This gathers Doc's attention as he leaves the door. Approaching the couple with a certain look I couldn't put my tongue on.

"Who are you then?" Doc questions lightly, I move off of the door to lean against a pillar nearby.

"Stuart Hoskins." the man answers.

"Sarah Clark."

"And one extra. Boy or girl?" I input, smiling softly as Sarah gently rubs her stomach.

"I don't know. I don't want to know, really." she answers, smiling herself.

"How did all this get started?" Doc questions, standing near me.

"Outside the Beatbox Club, two in the morning." Stuart answers, looking at his fiance.

"Street corner. I'd lost my purse, didn't have money for a taxi." Sarah continues, reminiscing about their meeting.

"I took her home." the groom continues, a smile still on his face.

"Then what? Asked her for a date?" Doc questions, looking genuinely interested.

"Wrote his number on the back of my hand." Sarah continues.

"Smooth." I comment. A sense of envy flittering through me.

"Never got rid of her since. My dad said-" Stuart cuts off, remembering that his father had been eaten.

"I don't know what this is all about, and I know we're not important." Sarah starts, I cut her off though.

"Who said you're not important?"

"I've travelled to all sorts of places, done things you couldn't even imagine, but you two. Street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home. I've never had a life like that." Doc answers, smiling at the couple. I gently take his hand causing him to smile down at me.

"Yes. We'll try and save you." I add, resting my head on the wall near me.

After Sarah and Stuart left, the Doctor heads off to sort some more doors out. I on the other hand move to the pews, sitting on the second one in from the front. I catch sight of a frantic Jackie, wandering around asking if people would look after her daughter whilst she sort something out. After getting rejected a few times I call out,

"Jackie, I can look after her." her gaze snaps onto me, her eyes slightly untrusting. "I won't do anything, I'll just keep her entertained for a bit whilst you do whatever you need." she gives in, handing me the car seat gently before walking off. Young Rose gazes up at me tiredly, her eyes scrunched up as if she had just awoken. I pull out my TARDIS key, gently swinging it in front of the infant who giggles as she tries to catch it. I start to gently hum a random tune, the lyrics long forgotten but I never can get rid of the music.

I slowly stop swinging the key, watching as the babes eyes softly flutter close as she listens to my humming. By no means can I sing, but my humming is acceptable. I sigh gently stroking the back of her hand, it has always amazed me how soft babies skin is, untouched by the horrors and evil of the world. As much as I don't really like children, babies can sometimes be cute.

"You look almost peaceful." a voice gently states, I gently look up to see the Doctor watching us. His eyes soft with a wistful and yearning look, I smile up at him before turning back to the child. The little girl gently wraps her small hand around my index finger, holding it as tightly as her weak grip could.

"As much as children tend to annoy me, there is something about their innocence and oblivion to the true world that I admire." I mumble, keeping my voice low as the infant sleeps.

"Mhmm, they are untouched by the bad in the universe." Doc agrees, sitting down next to me.

"Doctor." I ask, getting the mans attention.

"Mhmm." he answers, looking up to watch my expression.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" I finish, I watch as his expression twists before he looks down avoiding my eye contact. "I'm not trying to start something again, I just want to know why. I mean this could have all been avoided..."

"I, I know how it feels to know that someone you love is going to die, and want to help them. In my situation I can't do anything for my people, it would truly shatter time. But Rose. Rose could, she had a small opportunity to say goodbye or offer comfort for both Pete and herself. I wanted to give that to her, especially since I can't. I was too wrapped up in making sure someone doesn't even feel a glimpse of what I do- I didn't even realise that it was wrong." he explains, fiddling with the edge of the baby chair. "I promise to listen more, to try and detach my emotions from my actions. I got too emotional and this is the outcome." he adds, waving his arms around to gesture to the situation.

"Don't ever apologize for wanting to help others Doc. You aren't a bad man, no matter what you think of yourself. And yes sometimes emotions shouldn't be used to dictate actions, but they are just as useful as logic." I gently state, placing a hand on the mans arm. He nods, placing his own hand on top of mine. We both watch as young Rose sleeps, her little hand occasionally reaching up to her head before not making it and dropping back to her side or chest.

The Timelord reaches across us to gently push the baby's headband off of its head, "I tend to find that the babies never like head accessories." he informs, tucking the fabric between the side of the car seat. His action causes her to stir ever so slightly, her beautiful blue eyes peering up at the new face in wonder.

"Little Rosie, meeting the Doctor for the first time." I comment, gently tugging my finger from her hand. "Oh how you change."

"Causing so many problems as well. Now, Rose you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you? Are you?" he gently commands the infant. She looks up at him with a face of slight disturbance.

"Only you would kind of threaten a child." I mumble, smiling at the weird situation. Our small trio is soon joined by the older version of the infant, I tense as she pauses near us.

"Jackie gave her to Al to look after. Thought I'd help. How times change." Doc informs her, She nods smiling awkwardly.

"I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken." she comments, reaching forwards to touch her young self. I quickly grab her hand as the Doctor shouts,

"No!" then in a lower voice he continues, "Don't touch the baby. You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger."

"The paradox might let them in." I add, smiling down at a rather confused baby. Dejected adult Rose snaps her hand out of my grip.

"Can't do anything right, can I?" she mumbles, still pissed the Doctor retorts.

"Since you ask, no. So, don't. Touch. The. Baby." Rose flinches slightly as he punctuates his words, I roll my eyes. I'm done with the arguing, we can do that when our lives aren't in danger.

"I'm not stupid." Rose replies, crossing her arms.

"You could have fooled me." Doc snaps, at this I elbow him in the side. He looks down at me to which I just raise my eyebrows at him. "All right, I'm sorry." the Timelord apologizes, "I wasn't really going to leave you on your own."

"I know." Rose replies, I roll my eyes at her confidence.

"But between us three, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out." I frowned, at his statement. It sounds as if he's given up.

"You'll think of something." I assure, resting my head on his shoulder. Then add, "No pressure."

"The entire Earth's been sterilised. This, and other places like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them." he explains, angrily continuing, "There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. My people would have stopped this. But they're all gone." his tone falters, grief twisting through his rage, "And now I'm going the same way."

"If I'd realised-" Rose starts only to be cut off my Doc,

"Just tell me you're sorry." she rapidly nods her head.

"I am. I'm sorry."

"Not just me you have to apologize to." he adds, looking pointedly at me. Her face twists with guilt as she looks over at me, fiddling with her hands awkwardly.

"I- Luna I'm so sorry. I don't even know why I said any of it, none of it's true." she mumbles, looking up at me briefly. "Please forgive me."

"Rose, it doesn't matter." I reply, smiling slightly. There's no point in starting anything right now, especially since we may die.

Relieved Rose lunges at the pair of us. Dragging the Timelord and I into a hug, I break the hug as a burning sensation in the palm of my hand. Screeching I practically throw the glowing key from my hand.

"Ow f*ck, bastard, sh*t." I growl, clutching my hand in a futile attempt to ease the burning pain.

"What the hell? Al, you okay?" Doc hurriedly questions, gently taking my hand. "What happened?"

"TARDIS key f*cking scolded me." I grumble a reply, watching curiously as Doc pulls out some of the burn cream from his jacket pocket. "Wha- why is that in your pocket?"

He smiles up at me smugly whilst applying the paste to my burn, "Because you my dear friend, have a habit of burning yourself."

Once done, he turns to the key. Curious as to why. He finds my key slightly under a nearby pew, glowing vibrantly. His expression rapidly brightens, his excitement flooding back into him. He throws his jacket off revealing his olive green v-neck jumper, before he grabs the key with the leather and turns to us with a large grin. Holding the key he moves to the pulpit at the front of the church,

"It's telling me it's still connected to the Tardis." he happily informs, relief flooding me. Maybe there is a chance after all. Holding the key he moves to the pulpit at the front of the church, turns to the others in the church who had come to notice the commotion. "The inside of my ship was thrown out of the wound but we can use this to bring it back. And once I've got my ship back, then I can mend everything. Now, I just need a bit of power. Has anybody got a battery?"

Stuart reaches forwards, holding out his fathers telephone, "This one big enough?"


"Brilliant thanks Stuart." I praise, smiling at the possibility of our survival.

"Good old dad. There you go." Stuart happily hands the device over. Since the Doctors hands become full with both the key and the battery I reach into his back pocket, offering the tool to him. He smiles before nodding to the battery,

"Just need to do a bit of charging up and then we can bring everyone back." I point the hand sized device at the battery, the end glowing blue.

After a few moments the Doctor and I switch positions, me holding things whilst he makes some sort of contraption. After placing the battery on the floor, he turns to me.

"Just place the key roughly where the lock would be, and let go." he orders, I look at him with pure confusion but proceed nonetheless. As if by magic the key remains in the air, the TARDIS fading around the glowing metal. Her groaning reaches the ears of everyone, as if she's struggling and/or in pain.

"This isn't hurting her is it?" I ask quietly watching as Doc's brows furrow in worry.

"I hope not." he mumbles, I nod before realising the Timelord stood next to me without his leather jacket. I gently nudge his arm, holding the fabric out to him.

"You don't look right without it." I add, he grins before shoving his arms through the holes and pulling the leather on. energized he runs back over to the pulpit.

"Right, no one touches that key. Have you got that? Don't touch it. Anyone touches that key, it'll be, well, zap." he orders, "Just leave it be and everything will be fine. We'll get out of here. All of us." he then turns to the marrying couple. "Stuart, Sarah you're going to get married, just like I said."

We all move back to sitting down, Rose, the Doctor and I sat side by side in a pew. After many peaceful moments of silence (minus the aliens screeching outside) Rose timidly clears her throat. Gaining our attention, I curiously hold my head up and off of the Doctors shoulder to look at her.

"When time gets sorted out-" Rose starts, cut off by Doc who says,

"Everybody here forgets what happened. And don't worry, the thing that you changed will stay changed." he assures.

"You mean I'll still be alive, though I'm meant to be dead. That's why I haven't done anything with my life, why I didn't mean anything." Pete cuts in, staring at us expectantly. I look down, for some reason guilt tearing away at me from his statement.

"It doesn't work like that." Doc contradicts, looking at the man with some sort of pity.

"Rubbish. I'm so useless I couldn't even die properly." Mr Tyler snaps, then lowers his voice to continue, "Now it's my fault all of this has happened."

"This is my fault." Rose interrupts, looking at he father with teary eyes.

"No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault." Pete replies, staring at his daughter with love, my heart clenches with yearning for some paternal relationship. I have always brushed off the fact that I'd never had parents, something I chose to look over otherwise I'd get stuck in a pit of self pity and yearning. I sigh heavily at the father-daughter relationship, envious of Rose.

To break me from my thoughts, a pissed Jackie storms over to our gathering. She overhears our conversation, young Rose bundled in her arms. "Her dad? How are you her dad?" she questions, her voice cracking with emotion, "How old were you, twelve? Oh, that's disgusting." her lips turn up in disgust.

"Jacks, listen. This is Rose." Pete attempts to solve the situation, smiling awkwardly. Doc stands up, sick of the 'domestics' as he'd say. I follow closely, choosing to avoid the slowly aggravated Jackie. Doc and I stand side by side against a nearby wall, not too far away from the arguing family. We watch it fold out before panic floods through me. Pete reaches over to baby Rose, passing the infant to adult Rose.

"Rose! No!" I cry out, racing over in a futile attempt to stop their contact. Once there I practically threw the child at Jackie, my attempts though are useless. I turn in horror as another creature appears in the church. The Timelord rushes in front of me, I standing protectively in front of Jackie.

"Everyone, behind me! I'm the oldest thing in here." he bellows, all the guests run behind him, I rush forwards gripping his hand tightly whilst exclaiming.

"Doctor! No!" he looks down at me, clutching my hand back. I sob as the alien swoops down, diving at us. I tighten my grip, in hopes of going with the last of the Timelords, only for the man beside me to shove me away last minute. I stumble to the ground, staring in horror at the spot we last stood. The alien latches onto him, consuming him whole. After consuming the man I had come to call my best friend the bat-like alien flies off, taking the TARDIS key out with it. I watch in shock as the metal clatters to the floor.

The panicked screams of the other guests slowly muffles, words jumbling as my breathing becomes hard. My chest spasming in pain as my heart races out of my chest. Everything sounded as if I was underwater, listening to those above. I faintly hear Rose cry out,

"It's cold. The key's cold. Oh, my God, he's dead. This is all my fault. Both of you. All of you. The whole world."

Red floods my gaze, I snap my head to her. My knees clutched to my chest with tears rolling down my face.

"Yes. It is your fault, you're a selfish bitch that just took out the only person who had any chance of saving us. You've condemned the last of the human race because you couldn't do one thing!" I scream, my face flushing in my rage. Tears race down my red cheeks, a sob escaping my lips. "What part of 'don't touch the baby' didn't you get?" I add, my voice significantly quieter.

I remain on the floor, sobbing as my world quite literally comes crashing down. The only person I thought of as a true friend just died in front of me and now I'm abandoned in a new time zone with no money, job, home, family. Nothing. I come to realise that maybe it wasn't a small crush that would go away, as I feel my heart shatter at the thought of going on without the last Timelord. Expected to laugh without his stupid jokes being the reason, or expected to live without our petty arguments to start my day.

These thoughts only cause me to cry harder, I bury my face in my knees, curling up into the smallest ball possible. Eventually the tears stop, I shift so that I'm lay on my back on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling. I close my eyes, listening to the footsteps around me. A large hand starts to gently run over my hair, petting my head. I reopen my eyes to see a familiar leather-clad alien crouched beside me. Tears spike in my eyes again, I shoot off of the floor and throw myself at him. Wrapping my arms tightly around his neck as a few tears trickle down my face.

"Woah." he chuckles, rubbing a hand up and down my side as he uses his other to balance himself. I shove my face into the side of his neck, clutching him closely.

"You died." I croak, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. "I thought- I thought you were dead."

"That's normally what happens when you're eaten but a big bat." he retorts, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Stop, I, I thought I was alone again." I mumble, hugging the man again. My emotions running wild as the relief of seeing him alive settles, a smidge of anger worms its way in. I pull back from the hug, repeatedly slapping the side of his shoulder whilst punctuating, "Don't, you, ever, do, that, again. You, stupid, timeboy." he gently grabs my hands whilst whining.

"Stop hitting me. God you're abusive." I simply glare heatedly at him, he rolls his eyes though the hint of a smile on his lips causes me to smile up at him.

"Please, don't ever sacrifice yourself again. Not just because I would be heartbroken, but because the universe needs you."

He sits there in shock, intensely searching my face for any hint of false sincerity. He slowly nods before pulling me into his chest, I comply and rest my ear over his left heart. Listening to the soothing double heartbeat as exhaustion from the embarrassing amount of crying I've done today tugs at my eyelids. A small yawn escapes my lips, Doc's arms tighten around my shoulders. I sigh in content before briefly remembering that we were on the church floor at the end of the world. Although it must've been sorted out since Doc is back, that must mean that Pete figured out that he had to die to fix it. I frown slightly, Mr Tyler is a weird one and I don't know whether I like him.

Chapter 21: The Empty Child: Bloody Horror Movie


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since Rose's f*ck up we'd been laying low, spending more time in the TARDIS and less outside helping. I liked it at first, the peace and lack of constant running but now I'm bored. And from the Doctors behaviour it's safe to say he's bored as well. The alien is practically bouncing off the walls, this morning he made at least three new devices, each with the most random functions. One is a banana peeler and the other a very extremely quick kettle thing that essentially makes our kettles blow up because it heats the water too fast. Or like the Timelord rather loudly shouted, 'human products are just too inferior to handle proper technology and science'.

Staying inside though isn't all bad, I've managed to spend more time with the man. Staying up late until I'm fighting to keep my eyes open whilst watching movie marathons; or competing in either a baking or swimming competition. One time we even went as far as just sitting with each other whilst reading our own books, at one point of the night I had finished my book. The Doctor then read out loud slowly lulling me to sleep with Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. These moments made it harder for me to ignore my brewing emotions, after his 'death' and the realisation that I have a growing crush on the alien I've decided to ignore it since there is no way in hell anyone would reciprocate those feelings. That though doesn't mean I can't let that little part of me enjoy the tender moments we share and hope for just a second that something would happen.

"ALULA!" A very loud yell echoes throughout the TARDIS, I jolt out of my bed before racing to the door.

"WHAT?!" I bellow back, I then take notice of Rose running down the corridor and at me.

"He needs help." she frantically calls, panting when she reaches me. "He's done something to a part of the TARDIS in the most random places in a corridor and now the lights are flickering there and there's a bit of smoke and she seems angry you need to get him out." she adds in one breathe, panting heavily once finished.

"Okaay then. Lead the way blondie." I reply shortly, tugging my green zipped hoodie tighter. I trail behind her as she speed walks in the direction of the crazed Timelord. We find him after a quick search, the alien had moved to the kitchen. Fiddling with the back of our new kettle which I had to coax the TARDIS into giving us after he f*cked up the last one. "What are you doing?" I loudly announce, the man in front of me jumps in shock before spinning to greet me with a guilty face. "I told you to stop bullying the kettles."

"Yeah well I don't recall agreeing to listen to you." he retorts, pushing the kettle away from himself slowly. I roll my eyes before grabbing his hand and dragging him out. "Where the hell are you taking me?!" he exclaims, stumbling behind me. It doesn't take long for him to straighten out and he walks alongside me easily.

"We," I start, tugging his hand to add emphasis, "Are going to the console where YOU are going to fly us somewhere we can help people." I reply, all but shoving him at the console.

The man stutters and incoherently protests. "But, I, no, why?"

"Because you are going insane and we need to give the TARDIS some quiet. Let her recuperate after you try to destroy her internal organs."

The man opens his mouth to reply but chooses to comply, snapping his jaw shut before excitedly bounding around the console. He seems so eager which only confuses me as to why we haven't gone anywhere recently. I store it to ask him later when we're alone again. Our bodies sway and lightly collide as our friend drives us through time and space, I sigh in relief at the seemingly calm ride.

"Maybe, your flying is getting better." I compliment, smiling over the console at Doc. He grins widely back before suddenly disappearing from my view as the ship practically does a flip. I land left, right and centre, bending in ways I didn't even think I could before we're forced onto the floor. As always the Doctor recovers quickly, frantically scurrying around the controls and dragging the monitors. I unsteadily rise, my vision swimming as a pounding settles in my head. The TARDIS harshly jolts, as if unable to stay on the right track. "I talked too soon." I cry out, clutching the railing with a vice-like grip that turned my knuckles white. Sirens start flooding the spaceship, a red hue flashing across the screens.

"Oh shut up!" Doc snaps, pushing me aside to rapidly press a load of buttons. I childishly poke my tongue out at him which earns an eye roll from my friends. "It's mauve." he mutters, practically ripping the screen off of the TARDIS centre when swinging it to himself.

"What?!" I shout at him, not quite catching his mumblings.

"It's mauve!" he yells back, "The universally recognised colour for danger."

"What happened to red?" Rose pipes in, clinging onto the railing almost as tightly as I am.

"That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp." he rants, smiling widely at us as he adds. "Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing."

I chuckle at him, earning a grin in return. "What you doing?" I question, watching as the man prances around the console to my side, slamming and twisting mutiple buttons near me.

"It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the Tardis. Where it goes, we go."

You did what to T?" I loudly demand. Frowning over at the slightly sheepish Timelord.

"And that's safe, is it?" Rose questions, slightly uneasy with the idea.

Nodding the Doctor grins, "Totally." Just as he finishes the console explodes, sparks erupting near my clenched hands. I yelp letting go which was a fatal mistake as I'm sent to the ground. Thankfully Doc reacted quickly, grabbing my arm and heaving me up. I smile in thanks before glaring at him. He sheepishly smiles down at me before adding, "Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably there."


"No, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks, getting away from us."

"What exactly is this thing?" Rose cries out, her body harshly swaying.

Doc simply shrugs, "No idea."

"Then why the f*ck are we chasing it?" I question making eye contact with the Timelord.

"It's mauve and dangerous, and about thirty seconds from the centre of London." he explains.



We had found a doorway nearby that led to a stage with a woman singing 'It had to be you' by Frank Sinatra. We stand in the doorway waiting patiently for her to finish, I hum gently along to the song, remembering the lyrics vaguely. The beautiful singers stops, exiting the stage which the Doctor took as an invitation.

"Excuse me. Excuse me." he gathers the crowd's attention. I move to stand on the side, near the stairs to the stage. "Could I have everybody's attention just for a mo? Be very quick."

I chuckle at his awkwardness, glancing around the room. A few posters scattered around catch my eye, Hitler will send no warning poster with a plane dropping a bomb. I stand tense as I fixate on the paper, he brought us to f*cking World War 2.

"Hello! Might seem like a stupid question, but has anything fallen from the sky recently?" Doc asks blindly, I choke back a laugh whilst the audience all cackle at him. "Sorry, have I said something funny? It's just, there's this thing that I need to find. Would've fallen from the sky a couple of days ago." he continues obliviously.

Suddenly a harsh siren fills the building, causing the crowd to sober up and quickly scatter. Confused and slightly annoyed the Timelord still persevered. "Would've landed quite near here. With a very loud-" I finally put him out of his misery by ripping a poster off of the wall and presenting it to him. "Bang."

I finally start cackling, clutching my stomach as I gasp for breath. "You're so oblivious, it was obvious."

"Yeah yeah laugh it up, you could have stopped me at any point but chose to stand there." he grumpily replies, a smile tugging his lips. I finally calm down, smiling brightly up at him. I reach out taking his hand before heading off back through the doorway.

"Where do you think Rose went." I question, swinging our hands slightly. He shrugs a large smile on his stupid face as he calls out.

"Rose?" I repeat, after no reply and seemingly no sight of the blonde we start running down the alleyways. Panic rising as there is no sign of our friend.

"Rose!" we call out together, stopping in our tracks when we managed to find the TARDIS. As we walk towards it a yowl to my right catches my attention. I look over to see a small black cat on top of some bins.

"Aww your adorable aren't you." I mumble, gently petting the cat. Noticing my distraction Doc stops near me. He gently picks the feline up, stroking it whilst talking,

"You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing." he complains, I scoff slightly insulted. "Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me."

"Okay old man, what am I roast beef. Last I checked I didn't wander off." I pout, sulking slightly whilst moving towards him to pet the cat. The small moment though is interrupted as a sudden ringing echoes down the alley, I jump at the interruption glancing at the TARDIS confused. Doc passes the small cat to me to approaching the phone on the outside of our time machine cautiously.

"How can you be ringing? What's that about, ringing?" he rambles, flitting between watching the now annoying phone and looking at me confused. "What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone?"

"I dunno, maybe answer it?" I sarcastically reply, still holding that cat which gently taps my face for attention.

"Don't answer it. It's not for you." a new voice calls out. Startled I spin on the spot to see a young woman, about my age stood in the alleyway.

"And how do you know that?" I question her, taking a small step away from her and towards my companion.

"'Cos I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it." she replies, I frown at her lack of explanation. The small cat starts to wriggle so I walk over to the nearest bin and gently place the feline down.

"Well, if you know so much, tell me this. How can it be ringing?" Doc queries her as I pet the cat, "It's not even a real phone. It's not connected, it's not-" he cuts himself off. I turn around to see the young woman gone and a rather frustrated Doctor.

"You gonna answer it now? It's beginning to annoy me." I ask, walking over to the alien to watch as he picks the receiver up.

"Hello? Hello? This is the Doctor speaking. How may I help you?" he cheekily answers, I roll my eyes; this man can never be serious I swear.

My small humour is cut off though when a child's voice answers through the phone, "Mummy? Mummy?

"Who is this? Who's speaking?" I gently reply into the phone, holding onto the Doctors hand to pull the phone towards me.

"Are you my mummy?" they simply question, I furrow my brows at the weird question.

"Who is this?" Doc repeats my question, taking a hold of my hand as I stand there in confusion. How does the child not know who his mother is?


"How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything." Doc tries, annoyed and confused.

"Mummy?" the child repeats before the phone cuts off. I stand there discombobulated as the Time Lord places the phone back in its holder. Rather confused, we decide to store the confused child for a later problem and return to searching for our lost blonde friend.

I quickly stick my head into the TARDIS, "Rose? Rose, are you in there?" I call, but with no reply I turn to the Doctor. My worried gaze reaching his blue eyes, "Doc, what if something happened to her?"

"I'm sure she's fine Al." he closes the distance between us, placing his hands on my upper arms; his thumbs gently rubbing up and down as I chew my lip in worry. "Come on, let's look some more."

He slides his left hand down my right arm, taking my hand before tugging me along. We turn out at the end of the alley, shouting behind a wall getting our attention,

"The planes are coming. Can't you hear them?" A female voice shouts out, we both share a look before hoisting ourselves up and onto the dustbins near the wall, holding tightly to the edge as we take in the backgarden; a large woman ushering her son into the shelter, "Into the shelter. None of your nonsense, now move it!"

The lady pauses, looking up at the sky before opening the door to the shelter, "Come on, hurry up, get in there. Come on." she then turns back to the house, my head following her, "Arthur! Arthur, Will you hurry up? Didn't you hear the siren?"

A similar sized man exits the house, looking rather disgruntled. "Middle of dinner, every night. Blooming Germans. Don't you eat?" he shouts, I roll my eyes, his only priority should be getting his family safe.

"I can hear the planes!" his wife whimpers, ushering him to walk faster.

"Don't you eat?!" the man shouts to the planes, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he leisurely strolls down the garden.

"Oh, keep your voice down, will you? It's an air raid!" his wife orders, finally closing the door.

We both share a cheeky grin, our attention is brought back to the garden as a familiar figure walks into the house. The girl from earlier disappears into the now neglected house.

"Looks fun, shall we join her?" Doc proposes, jumping over the wall. I grin down at him hoisting myself up to sit on the wall and look down at him,

"Why of course kind sir." I respond, holding to his shoulders as I jump down; his hands on my waist as he assists my descent. "Thank you." I smile up at him, I get a grin back before he grabs my hand.

We reach the window, watching as the young girl sets the table for multiple. Young children all flooding the house, their clothes dirty and ragged in places; I tighten my hold on Docs hand as my chest tightens. A deep sorrow for these kids seeping into me. We slide into the house, careful to not make a noise. I gently shut the door behind me.

"It's got to be black market. You couldn't get all this on coupons." one of the boys states, staring at the large meal with large eyes.

The girl tsks, "Ernie, how many times? We are guests in this house. We will not make comments of that kind. Washing up." she orders, the children all laugh at Ernie's demise. The boy whines slightly but doesn't say anything else. Another boy seems to have caught her attention though, "Haven't seen you at one of these before."

"He told me about it." he responds smiling at Ernie.

"Sleeping rough?" Nancy responds, the kid looks down shamefully.

"Yes, miss."

"All right, then. One slice each, and I want to see everyone chewing properly." Nancy welcomes the child, watching each other kids take one slice each. The Doc gently pulls us to the last free seat, he seats himself quietly before pulling me onto his lap. I blush profusely before leaning back slightly. My cheeks rosy and hot as he reaches under my arms to the plate putting a couple roasted potatoes on his plate before putting some on mine, I smile gratefully. Watching as the meat gets passed around.

Each child saying 'thank you, miss' before it reaches the Doctors hand who also chimes in,
"Thanks, miss!" the children all panic, some stand whilsts others nearly choke on their mouthful.

"You scared them." I scold slightly, smiling as he places a slice on his and then my plate. I then address the children, "It's all right."

"Everybody stay where you are!" Nancy orders, comforting the children.

"Good here, innit? Who's got the salt?" Doc continues, I roll my eyes at his poor social timings.

"Back in your seats. He shouldn't be here either." this causes all the kids to return to their seats, seeming more comfortable with us knowing we weren't meant to be here as well.

"So, you lot, what's the story?" Doc questions, swallowing his mouthful. I chew on the carrots, slightly disturbed by their coldness.

"What do you mean?" the child named Ernie queried.

"You're homeless, yes?" I reply, leaning back into the Doctors chest.

"Living rough?" Doc continues, the kids look at us suspiciously.

"Why do you want to know that? Are you a copper?" one asks, his face scrunched up.

"Of course I'm not a copper. What's a copper going to do with you lot anyway? Arrest you for starving?" he answers, eating half of his meat.

It's what, 1941. Shouldn't you have been evacuated to the country by now." I question softly, moving my piece of meat onto the Doctors plate. When did he last eat?

"I was evacuated. Sent me to a farm." A kid replied,

"So why'd you come back?" Doc questioned, placing a hand on my hip.

"There was a man there." the kid replied, I look down at my now empty plate. Poor kid.

"Yeah, same with Ernie. Two homes ago." another kid pitches in, I look at Ernie, watching as he shrugs it off.

"Shut up. It's better on the streets anyway. It's better food." Ernie responds, digging into his meal.

"So, that's what you do, is it, Nancy?" Doc questions, looking down the table to the girl.

"What is?" she responds, watching us closely.

"As soon as the sirens go, you find a big fat family meal still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and bingo! Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London Town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you." he replies, smiling slightly.

"Something wrong with that?" she snips back defensively.

"Wrong with it?" he repeats.

"It's brilliant, Nancy. Not everyone would help so many people with no strings attached." I continue.

"Why'd you follow me? What do you want?" she questions, slightly exasperated by us.

"We want to know how a phone that isn't a phone gets a phone call. You seem to be the one to ask." he states, watching her as he chews on his potatoes.

"I did you a favour. I told you not to answer it, that's all I'm telling you." she replies, shaking her head. I watch the kids, their heads bouncing back and forth like the conversation was tennis.

"Great, thanks." I reply dryly, my attention now on the girl.

"And we want to find a blonde in a Union Jack. I mean a specific one. I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving. Anybody seen a girl like that?" he adds, rambling as he reaches for the meat I gave him. I watch as Nancy leans over the table towards us, out of instinct I grab her wrist. Her hand holding the Doctors plate who watches her. "What have I done wrong?"

"You took two slices. No blondes, no flags. And let go of my arm. Anything else before you leave?" she replies, glaring at me. I hold her gaze, Docs thumb once again stroking up and down on my hip though distracts me, but as Nancy pulls her wrist free and moves the plate away I grab the slice of meat and place it on my plate.

"It was my slice that I gave him." I respond, allowing Doc to quickly eat the slice. He must've been starving.

"Yeah, there is actually. Thanks for asking. Something I've been looking for. Would've fallen from the sky about a month ago, but not a bomb." Doc starts rambling, pulling out a sketch pad and pencil, drawing a rough sketch of a cylinder, "Not the usual kind, anyway. Wouldn't have exploded. Probably would have just buried itself in the ground somewhere, and it would have looked something like this." he shows the awful drawing to the kids. Before any of them could reply a knock at the door causes us all to jump.

"Mummy? Are you in there, mummy?" the same child from the phone calls from out front of the house. He gently nudges my off of his lap, I trail behind him to the window. Pulling the floral curtain back to see a boy in a gas mask standing at the window.

"Mummy?" they repeat. Pressing a hand against the window pane.

"Who was the last one in?" Nancy questions, standing as the kids all stare in slight horror at the child. What's so scary about a scared boy?

"Them." Ernie points at us. I shake my head.

"No, they came round the back. Who came in the front?" she demands, her tone turning more urgent.

"Me." one child confessed.

"Did you close the door?" she hurriedly asks. The boy hesitates. "Did you close the door?" she repeats, when there's no answer she hurries into the hallway.

"Mummy? Mummy? Mummy?" the child repeats, Doc and I chase after the young woman. Watching as she closes the slowly opening door and locks it shut.

"What's this, then? It's never easy being the only child left out in the cold, you know." Doc states, watching rather confused. I watch the child outside worried for him.

"Why don't we just let him in. There is plenty of food." I state, holding Doc's hand.

"I suppose you'd know." Nancy snarks to the Doctor, completely ignoring me.

Doc's gaze darkens slightly. "I do actually, yes." I squeeze his hand tightly.

Nancy gives in to his unwavering gaze, "It's not exactly a child." she hesitates after, watching our reactions. I open my mouth to respond but the child repeats 'mummy?'; its voice startling us all. The children let out small squeaks and squeals of fear, most still sat at the table waiting for Nancy.

"Right, everybody out." Nancy orders, they all stand in a hurry some of the younger ones struggle with their coats. "Across the back garden and under the fence. Now! Go!

I reach a nearby little girl not much older than four, struggling with her coat. "Let me help." I mumble gently, untangling the coat from the chair and guiding it onto her. I wrap her scarf around her neck before motioning for her to run with the others, "Go on. Follow the others, you'll be perfectly fine." I smile awkwardly at it.

"Come on, baby, we've got to go, all right?" Nancy tells the young one, leading her to the door. "It's just like a game. Just like chasing, go on. Go!"

I watch as the little girl runs off, so young and she lives on the streets. It's sick. The child's voice calls out again through the front door, "Mummy? Mummy? Please let me in, mummy. Please let me in, mummy." I spin on the spot, watching as the boys hand stretches out through the letterbox.

"Are you all right? You must be terrified." I respond, creeping closer to the scared child.

"Please let me in." he pleads, stretching towards me. My own hand moves towards the poor kid but before anything else could occur a ceramic vase is thrown at the door, due to the Doctors keen reflexes he grabs my round my waist and hoists me away. But not before a flying shard slices my palm. I hiss quickly clutching my injured appendage to my chest as I send a glare at my assailant.

"You mustn't let him touch you!" Nancy shouts, full of panic.

"What happens if he touches us?" The doc replies, interrupting whatever rude comment that was about to fall from my lips.

She stops for a second before cryptically replying, "He'll make you like him."

I roll my eyes before demanding, "And what's he like? And don't give me another half assed response."

"I've got to go." she replies, ignoring my question.

My alien companion though interrupts, "Nancy what's he like?"

The young woman concedes at his serious gaze, "He's empty."

I go to open my mouth, but am once again stopped as the shrill ringing of the telephone causes us all the jolt slightly.

"Why does nothing let me f*cking speak?" I question rhetorically, crossing my arms before unwrapping them quickly as a biting pain shoots through my hand. We all peer at the ringing device before Nancy panickedly announces,

"It's him. He can make phones ring. He can. Just like with that police box you saw." her eyes wide with worry. I sigh before picking up the receiver, the child's voice calls out through the speaker,

"Are you my mummy?" I sliver of fears trickles down my spine, at first it had been worrying but now after hearing the same phrase repeated like a stuck record it was more unnerving. Nancy snatches the phone out of my hands to return it, although this doesn't stops the boys voice as it echoes around the house through varying types of speakers, the radio and then the toy monkey.

"This is like a bloody horror movie." I state, spinning around back to the door. In her fear Nancy edges towards the back of the house.

"You stay if you want to." she states before running off out the back.

"Mummy? Let me in please, mummy. Please let me in." the poor boy calls out through the door, The Doctor and I share a sad glance before simultaneously crouching beside the door.

"Your mummy isn't here." Doc responds gently, watching the door with curiosity.

"Are you my mummy?" he queries, waiting for an answer.

"No mummies here. Nobody here but us chickens." Doc replies, before catching my joking glare and adding, "Well, this chicken."

"I'm scared." the boy whimpers, causing my heart to clench.

"Why are those other children frightened of you?" I question gently, although I'm ignored as the boy repeats,

"Please let me in, mummy. I'm scared of the bombs." This causes me to stand quickly, sharing a glance with the Doctor and the same thought before undoing the bolts that lock the door.

"Okay. We're opening the door now." he informs, opening it once I'd undone the last bolt. We both are met by an empty front porch, confused we both step out a few steps with our heads on a swivel. Except there is no sign of the child having ever been there.


The Doctor never fails to surprise. Like right now, the man is hunting down Nancy like some canine. Apparently his nose is special, I mean not only can he time travel the alien also has enhanced senses.

"So if you have an enhanced sense of smell, how's your hearing." I question, walking backwards as he leads the way. He sends me a glance sideways and rolls his eyes at my grin before replying,

"Good enough that if I concentrate I can hear your heartbeat." he states quickly, I quirk an eyebrow internally hoping that he hasn't tried that. The amount of times this man has got me flustered is... uncountable.

"Oh.." I trail off, lost in thought. I break the silence as another thought pops into my brain, "Wait so does that mean touch is weird for you?"

My companion simply shrugs his shoulders before grabbing my hand to pull me into an enclosed space on the railway track. I hadn't even realised we were walking along a track.

"How'd you follow me here?" Nancy calls out, as she turns on her heel to see us.

"He's got a really cool nose." I answer, fidgeting on my feet. Nancy frowns at my reply, staring at us with mistrust. I mean understandable we did kind of stalk her.

She watches us closely, "People can't usually follow me if I don't want them to."

Doc simply smiles brightly at her replying with a bouncy, "My nose has special powers."

Nancy's eyes glimmer with humour as she smirks towards us, "Yeah? That's why it's..." she trails, waving a hand over her own nose. I start cackling at her insinuation whilst the alien beside me looks lost.

"What?" he questions, watching as I cackle.

Nancy continues on, "Do your ears have special powers too?" This causes me to lose control, I fold over clutching my stomach. His lost face just makes it so much better.

"Oh bless you and your obliviousness. She's talking about your nose and ear size." I explain between laughter. His face drops into a frown at this, seemingly slightly hurt. His hand reaches up slightly touching his ears, "Oh don't worry just because they're bigger than average doesn't mean you're not attractive." I continue, before processing my words and slamming a hand over my mouth. My cheeks flush a light pink as I avoid his wide smirk.

"Goodnight, Mister. Miss." Nancy interrupts, saving me with a small smirk on her face.

This though seems to snap Doc back into business, "Nancy, there's something chasing you and the other kids. Looks like a boy and it isn't a boy, and it started about a month ago, right?" he starts, watching as she avoids eye contact. "The thing we're looking for, the thing that fell from the sky, that's when it landed."

"You know what we're after, don't you?" I ask gently, "You can tell us Nancy. We're trying to help."

The young woman watches us closely, "There was a bomb. A bomb that wasn't a bomb. Fell the other end of Limehouse Green Station." she concedes. Having forgotten his manner the Doctor demands she led us there.

"There's soldiers guarding it. Barbed wire. You'll never get through." Nancy warns, hoping to avoid going.

"Try me." he retorts, crossing his arms of his jumper clad chest.

"You sure you want to know what's going on in there?" Nancy confirms, looking at us with hope that we'd change our answer.

"We really want to know." I answer, shifting my weight to lean against the Doctor.

Nancy watches us for a moment before nodding her head, "Then there's someone you need to talk to first."

"And who's that?" I respond, tilting my head.

"The Doctor."


"Do you think it's like a past or future version of you." I mumble to the Doctor beside me. He shakes his head, looking from Nancy to me.

"I know for a fact it isn't past but the future well it could be. Which means this is going to get very tricky." he replies, taking my hand as we walk up the hill to the barbed wire.

We stand on a metal bridge not too far from the camp with soldiers, Doc holds a pair of alien tech binoculars to his face as Nancy points out the object.

"The bomb's under that tarpaulin. They put the fence up over night. See that building? The hospital." she shifts her pointing hand further right, the large building with a few lights on stood behind the mass of soldiers and tents.

"What about it?" I mumble, smiling as the Doctor holds the binoculars to me. I watch as the soldiers patrol the area, rifles at the ready.

"That's where the doctor is. You should talk to him." Nancy replies, standing on a few steps higher than us.

"For now, I'm more interested in getting us in there." Doc replies, indicating to the fallen 'bomb'.

Nancy huffs, "Talk to the doctor first." she insists.

"Why? Why is this Doctor so important Nancy?" I query, annoyed with her persistence.

She ignores my tone replying, "Because then maybe you won't want to get inside."

"Not ominous in the f*cking slightest." I sneer, the pills pain side effects start creeping into me, starting at my chest. I rub circles on my sternum watching the oblivious soldiers. I zone out, the repeating motion of my attempt at soothing the pain lulls me to a blurry and half visible vision.

The Doctor had agreed. After a heated fight over the risks and the sacrifice we were about to make we agreed that saving the universe is more a priority than our own planets. The Timelords call it The Moment. A weapon that will freeze the events and everyone and everything in it. Constantly stuck in this state, state of burning and agony.

Overhead warships sped through the sky, their loud rumble startling me from the 'vision'. I rejoined the conversation as my senses came back to me, my hand still soothing the heartburn.

"What is?" Nancy questions, watching the Doctor with attentive eyes.

"1941. Right now, not very far from here, the German war machine is rolling up the map of Europe. Country after country, falling like dominoes. Nothing can stop it. Nothing. Until one tiny, damp little island says 'No. No. Not here.' A mouse in front of a lion. You're amazing, the lot of you. Don't know what you do to Hitler, but you frighten the hell out of me." he rambles, peering up at the war over our heads. He turns to Nancy, a small smile on his lips, "Off you go, then. Do what you've got to do. Save the world."

The young woman smiles before turning, Doc takes my hand and we turn the opposite way down towards the hospital.


Large rusted gates tower over us as we stand at the entrance, worn lettering spelling, 'Albion Hospital' above the gates shine out in the night. With a quick shine of the sonic Doc swings, loudly, the gates open. Holding it for me before taking my hand again. We quietly enter the building, an eerie silence throughout the building which sends a cold shudder through me. I tighten my grip on Doc's hand, shifting closer to him as we enter a darker section. With so little light that I couldn't see ahead of myself.

We enter a ward, more light peering through the windows from the moon. All of the hospital beds lay in rows; each and every single bed holds a lifeless body. Men, women, children all lay motionless. The weirdest aspect was what they were all wearing, not hospital gowns, but normal day to day clothes and gas masks. Every last one of them wore a gas mask.

"What the f*ck?" I mumble, separating slightly from my alien to get a closer look, the darkness making it hard for my eyes to focus. We walk to another ward, the same; we go to enter the hallway again only for the door behind us to squeak loudly. I jump slightly, my heart reaching a new top speed. "f*ck off!"

We turn to see an old man in a white lab coat, his right hand clutching a walking stick as he approaches us.

"You'll find them everywhere. In every bed, in every ward. Hundreds of them." he informs us, his voice gravelly and tired.

"Yes, we saw." Doc states, watching the male human closely.

"Why are they still wearing gas masks?" I query, stepping back closer to my companion.

"They're not. Who are you?" the man replies, I quirk an eyebrow. Either I'm blind or he is.

"I'm, er..." Doc trails off, "Are you the doctor?"

The man nods, "Doctor Constantine. And you are?" he repeats.

"We're friends of Nancy." I answer this time offering a hand to shake but he looks down at it before shuffling back slightly. I frown but lower my hand.

"Nancy? That means you must've been asking about the bomb." he states, slowly walking to the middle of the room, towards a desk and chair.

"Yep." I chirp.

"What do you know about it?"


"That's why we're asking. What do you know?" I add on.

The man turns to us before ominously replying, "Only what it's done." he states, motioning around the room.

"These people, they were all caught up in the blast?" Doc questions, I peer around, all of these the same. Lay motionless with gas masks.

"None of them were." Doctor Constantine replies, chuckling which quickly transitions into aggressive coughing. He slowly lowers himself down in the chair nearby.

"You're really sick." I state, watching the man catch his breath.

"Dying, I should think. I just haven't been able to find the time." he jokes, I chuckle slightly turning to see the Doctor gazing intently at the patients with intense calculating eyes. "Are you a doctor?" Constantine asks him.

My companion shrugs him off, "I have my moments." I roll my eyes at the irony.

"Have you examined any of them yet?" Clementine suggests. He quickly warns him, "Don't touch the flesh."

"Which one?" Doc replies, walking towards the closest patient.

"Any one." Constantine replies, complying Doc scans the patient with the sonic before frowning.

Constantine clears his throat, "Conclusions?"

Doc frowns slightly harder before listing off, "Massive head trauma, mostly to the left side. Partial collapse of the chest cavity, mostly to the right. There's some scarring on the back of the hand and the gas mask seems to be fused to the flesh, but I can't see any burns." his tone tense with confusion. I also frown, my eyes trailing down to the back of the patient's hand, the same scar that the young boy had.

"Examine another one." Constantine requests, Doc complies shouting out it wasn't possible. This repeated for another two more patients as Doc becomes more and more interested and most like excited.

"They've all got the same injuries." I state, my brows furrowed. Constantine agrees, watching us closely.

"Exactly the same." Doc adds.


"Identical, all of them, right down to the scar on the back of the hand." Doc rambles, scanning another patient as I watch Constantine. The old man's eyes trail down to his own hand, I follow letting a quiet gasp. His hand held the same scar. "How did this happen? How did it start?" Doc continues, oblivious to our danger.

"When that bomb dropped, there was just one victim."

"Dead?" Doc asks, I roll my eyes. Like someone would have survived that.

"At first. His injuries were truly dreadful. By the following morning, every doctor and nurse who had treated him, who had touched him, had those exact same injuries. By the morning after that, every patient in the same ward, the exact same injuries. Within a week, the entire hospital. Physical injuries, as plague." I take a small step back from Constantine, taking my Timelords hand. "Can you explain that? What would you say was the cause of death?"

"The head trauma." Doc answers.


"Asphyxiation." I state.


"The collapse of the chest cavity." Doc guesses, his face tense.

"No." Constantine repeats, leaning back in the chair.

"All right. What was the cause of death?" Doc concedes.

"There wasn't one."

"They're not dead." I mumble in horror, my eyes widen as the man hits a nearby metal bucket with his walking stick. The loud clanging ringing in my sensitive head. I jump a small noise escaping me as all the patients sit up simultaneously.

"It's alright they're harmless. They just sit there, no heartbeat, no life signs of any kind. They just don't die."

"And they've just been left here?" I question, still on edge.

"Nobody's doing anything?" Doc continues, coming up behind me placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. All the patients slowly lie down, we must have bored them.

Dr Constantine clears his throat, "I try and make them comfortable. What else is there?"

"Just you?" Doc questions, glancing around uncomfortably.

"You're the only one here?" I add, empathy pooling out of me as I glance at him with a still cautious look.

"Before this war began, I was a father and a grandfather." the old man starts, his voice grave, "Now I am neither. But I'm still a doctor."

I smile at the commitment, it's nice to know that there are some good humans out there.

My alien companion's face drops slightly, his eyes dull as he responds, "Yeah. I know the feeling." I gently place a hand on top of the Doc's, squeezing it to hopefully offer some comfort.

"I suspect the plan is to blow up the hospital and blame it on a German bomb." Constantine states out loud, his theory was most like probable.

"Probably too late." Doc answers, his face still dark and sombre.

"No. There are isolated cases-" the old man coughs breaking his sentence, "Isolated cases breaking out all...", the man dry heaves again I move forwards to help but Doc grabs my hand gently. "over London. Stay back, stay back." the old man demands, holding his hand out to. "Listen to me. Top floor. Room 802." he pauses again swallowing thickly, That's where they took the first victim, the one from the crash site. And you must find Nancy again."

"Nancy?" Doc repeats, I tilt my head in confusion.

The dying man nods, "It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying." he adds, I grin internally. I knew it! "She won't tell me, but she mi- mummy." the man grasps at his neck, making a strangled choking sound. "Are you my mummy?"

I watch in horror as his face starts to contort grotesquely, his mouth extended and eyes bulging, bug like; the skin of his face spreading black like an ink stain, his transformation slow and gory. I stand in shock, stuck in a morbid fascination.

"Doctor.. What the f*ck?" I mumble, my words quiet and slow. I stand still staring at the man, my hands shaking slightly. When there is no reply I glance to my left to see the man glaring at the now unconscious 'man'. I unsteadily re-take my alien hand, squeezing it. I receive a gentle pulse back before we're both torn from our shock.

"Hello?" a masculine voice, calls out. My head swivels, still holding the Doctor's hand.

"Hello?" Rose's voice follows, my ears perk up at this.

"Rose?" I call out, unsure about the new voice.

"Hello?" the other person calls again. I share an uncertain glance with my companion. What the f*ck is going on? We both move out to the corridor, where we meet Rose in all her glory with a tall dark haired guy with blue eyes. His RAF greatcoat catches my eye as does his military outfit underneath.

The newcomer flashes a bright charming smile, his teeth unnaturally white, "Good evening. Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness." his voice quick but assertive. He reaches out and shakes the Doctors hand, before turning to me. His gaze becomes flirtier if even possible and his voice lowers slightly. "And who are you?" he questions, staring intently at my face. I glance at him blankly, before leaning away and subconsciously inching closer to the Doctor.

"Luna." I reply shortly, tensing slightly before quickly relaxing when I realise it was only the Doctor who had placed two hands on my shoulders. His thumbs rub in a circular motion as he watches Jack with suspicious eyes.

"I've been hearing all about you on the way over." Jack continues either ignoring or oblivious to the waves of tenseness radiating from the alien behind me.

"He knows." Rose breaks the awkward stare between the two, "I had to tell him about us being Time Agents." I send a rather confused look to the blond woman.

"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Spock." Jack states, his eyes flicking over our tense stand. He then walks the way we had come, back to the creepy patients.

"Mister Spock?" I question, a large grin on my face now that the stranger is gone. "Also who the f*ck is he?" I add jabbing a finger in said person's direction.

"What was I supposed to say? He doesn't have a name." she exclaims, rolling her eyes at the man (still holding onto me), "Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor who?"

"Nine centuries in, I'm coping." he responds, running his hands down my arms before quickly manoeuvring to take my hand and start walking to follow the new guy. "Where've you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz." he adds, turning to Rose.

"Yeah it's not a good time for a stroll." I add, giving my friend a one over.

"Who's strolling? I went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid." she answers, my eyebrows shoot to the sky.

"I'm sorry?"

"What?!" Doc exclaims, I shake my head in exasperation.

Rose disregards the severity and moves the conversation, "Listen, what's a Chula warship?"

I perk up at this also curious. I can't wait to learn more.

"Chula?" Doc repeats, not giving an answer in the slightest.

"No she said chips. Yes Chula." I retort, I think my nerves are still on edge still. We all make it back to the previous room, Jack checking out the patients injuries in the same disbelief ads we were.

Still not trusting him Doc and I watch him closely, Doc questioning him on the ship.

"He said it was a warship." Rose replies for them "He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer." she explains, I raise a brow in suspicion.

"What kind of warship?" my alien friend adds, his arms crossed now as I simply flop to the floor and sit criss cross at his feet.

"Does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this." the military dude dismisses.

"This started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it." I snap, how oblivious can one be?

"What kind of warship?" my friend behind me repeats, his voice tenser than before.

The man rolls his eyes before exclaiming, "An ambulance! Look." Jack pulls his sleeve up revealing a futuristic looking watch, after a bit of typing a hologram of the cylinder warship appears. "That's what you chased through the Time Vortex. It's space junk. I wanted to kid you it was valuable." he starts, I roll my eyes; he's a con-man. "It's empty. I made sure of it. Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels." he wanders off of the point for a bit but I smile at the Tardis appreciation. "And threw you the bait."

Rose's face drops slightly, his shoulders rolling as she echoes, "Bait?"

"I wanted to sell it to you and then destroy it before you found out it was junk." the criminal explains, I sigh loudly leaning my head against the Doctors leg.

"You said it was a war ship." Rose accuses, her voice raised slightly.

Jack winces, "They have ambulances in wars." he excuses. "It was a con. I was conning you. That's what I am, I'm a con man!" he rants, not appreciating the judging stares. "I thought you were Time Agents. You're not, are you." he accuses, now judging us.

"Oh sue us, we're just a couple more freelancers." I snip, fiddling with the laces of my shoes.

"Oh. Should have known. The way you guys are blending in with the local colour. I mean, Flag Girl was bad enough, but U-Boat Captain and Fashion Disaster." Jack rudely snaps at us, I look down at my low waisted blue jeans, converse, simple band shirt and my green zipped hoodie. I didn't think it was that bad of an outfit. "Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship." he denies, catching my glance at my own outfit. I swear a flash of regret in his eyes was visible, or maybe that was just my sh*tty eyesight.

"What is happening here, Doctor?" Rose addresses the man I'm leaning against.

"Human DNA is being rewritten by an idiot." he grumbles with pure irritation. I huff, deciding that moving might distract me from the growing pain in my chest and limbs. Thankfully the excruciating migraines haven't started. I lean away from Doc, moving to stand which he notices and helps me. Grabbing my hand and pulling me the rest of the way.

"Thank you." I mumble, holding onto his hand. I get a smile in response before Rose continues her conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know." did he just admit to not knowing? "Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?" he rhetorically asks.

"Did he just say he doesn't know?" I conspiratorially whisper to Rose. She grins before replying in the same loud whisper.

"I think he did. For once he doesn't know everything."

We both giggle as the Timelord ignores us, simply rolling his eyes at our theatrics. He loves us really.


Hi... yes its been a while. I've been doing a-levels and had lost complete motivation for this story but i
I think I'm back so I hope you enjoy???

Chapter 22: The Doctor Dances: What the fu-


haha hi. I kind of forgot about this and with everything going on it just ended up at the bottom of my list of things to do. Buttt I am hoping to continue so please do still review and anything you can tell me to improve this would be appreciated. ~ Fleur

Chapter Text

We were back with the patients, Rose checking them over completely disturbed by the unconscious state. As she called them 'gas mask zombies'. I had joined her in inspecting them closer, in a morbid fascination to the way they looked. I go to lean over them, only for the lady I was looking at to suddenly sit upright. A small yelp escapes my lips as I jolt back. I shuffle backwards, reaching the Doctor at a new speed whilst gripping his hand.

"What's happening?" Rose calls out, her voice slightly higher as we all go back to back. The patients all start standing from their beds.

"What the fu-"

"I don't know." Doc responds to Rose, cutting off my statement. The gas mask army starts approaching us at a slow dawdle.

"Mummy?" they all echo, their voice repeatedly shouting at us.

"Don't let them touch you." Doc orders, tugging me closer to him, my chest against his back as he positions himself as a shield.

"What happens if they touch us?" Rose questions, as we slowly get backed against the wall.

"You're looking at it." I respond, fear seeping into my bones as they get closer. This is definitely some horror movie bullsh*t.

They all move to reach us, I watch in terror as they enter reaching distance.

"Go to your room!" Doc suddenly shouts, I flinch at the sudden loudness but watch in amazement as the army stops. They tilt their head looking directly at the alien now, "Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross. Go to your room!" They collectively bow their heads before shuffling away back to their respective beds. Doc releases a large sigh looking down at me, "I'm really glad that worked."

"Those would have been terrible last words." I agree, earning a large grin from him as he squeezes my hand. I grin back, finally getting my heart back to a normal rate. Jack and Rose relax their posture, small sighs escaping them as well.

"Why are they all wearing gas masks?" Rose questions, as she moves back to the centre of the room.

"They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone." Jack responds, looking over the back to unconscious patients; this time just at a further distance.

A question that had been bugging me makes me turn to the dark haired man, "How was your con supposed to work?"

"Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck." he explains, his expression not the slightest bit remorseful. "The perfect self-cleaning con." he sits down onto the chair at the desk. I get slight flashbacks to Constantine.

"Yeah. Perfect." Doc responds dryly.

"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day." the man continues, I watch him closely before glancing at the Doctors unhappy face. "Getting a hint of disapproval."

"Oh my God, really?" I sarcastically respond, crossing my arms as I stand side by side with Doc.

"Take a look around the room. This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did." he replies, glaring at the man.

"It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty." Jack replies, I roll my eyes. He's still denying.

"Lula, Rose." Doc states, gently tugging me by my hand as he walks the opposite direction to the arrogant man.

Rose, quickly follows, "Are we getting out of here?" she asks hopefully.

"We're going upstairs."

"I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living. I harmed no-one." the soldier promises, hopeful to prove his innocence. "I don't know what's happening here, but believe me-"

"What? You had nothing to do with it." I snap, angry at his constant talking. My chest and now head is painfully throbbing, I really just need to sleep. Not listen to the man chatter away; I wince slightly, walking alongside the Doctor whilst rubbing my chest with my free hand. I look up to my companion who was watching me closely, he catches my gaze before turning to Jack.

"I'll tell you what's happening. You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day."

The air raid siren sounds again, we all stop for a second at the noise. "What's that?" Rose questions, looking around.

"The all clear." Jack states, his expression sombre.

"I wish." Doc retorts, pushing the nearby door open and heading up.

We make it to a metal door, I push against it straining before conceding.

"Yeah I don't think that's moving anytime soon." I mumble, watch the Doc give a half arsed try before he sticks his head over the banister.

"Mister Spock?" Jack calls from below, he and Rose had lagged behind.

"Doctor, Luna?" Rose calls, they both spin on their heel though as the Timelord calls out.

"Have you got a blaster?" I frowned watching the man with confusion. Why would he want a gun?

"Sure!" Jack replies excitedly, sprinting up the stairs to us with Rose in tow.

"The night your space-junk landed, someone was hurt." Doc starts,

"This was where they were taken." I finish.

"What happened?" Rose questions, tilting her head.

Doc shrugs before addressing Jack, "Let's find out. Get it open."

"What's wrong with your sonic screwdriver?" I mumble, holding onto his hand again.

"Nothing." the alien responds not meeting my gaze. I furrow my brows confused as we watch Jacks blaster evaporate the lock for the door.

"Well that's fancy." I state.

"Sonic blaster, 51st century. Weapon Factories of Villengard?" Doc riddles off, taking the blaster from Jack to inspect it.

"You've been to the factories?" Jack asks, watching the man closely.

"Once." Doc and I respond. Grinning at each other as the memories of our late night escapade comes back.

"Well, they're gone now, destroyed. The main reactor went critical. Vaporized the lot." Jack complains, I bite my lip as Doc squeezes my hand both of us suppressing our laughter.

"Like I said. Once. There's a banana grove there, now. I like bananas." Doc rambles.

"Hmm, I'm not a fan. Don't like the texture. Apples on the other hand." I add, we may or may not have had a small tiff on which fruit should have been there.

Rose rolls her eyes at us before twirling a piece of hair as she flirtily looks at Jack, "Nice blast pattern."

"Digital." Jack replies with an equally seductive smile. I roll my eyes, before tugging Doc into the room. We all enter slowly, I switch the light with a quick flick; our eyes roaming the damage. The room looked like someone had a tantrum, the chair and table turned over with bits and pieces strewn everywhere. The glass window to another room shattered all over a tape player.

"What do you think?" Doc asks, the question mainly aimed at Jack.

"Something got out of here." he responds slowly.

"No sh*t." I sass earning a pinch from my companion.

"Yeah. And?" Doc continues.

"Something powerful. Angry." I state, a certain feeling filling me.

"Powerful and angry." Doc repeats, nodding as he approaches the tape. I separate from the alien and quietly make my way to the other room. My brows furrow as I walk over the glass and torn paper. Crayon scribbles and drawings lay across the floor. Other kids toys scattered as though a tornado had hit.

"A child?" I mumble, jumping as Jack speaks up from behind me.

"I suppose this explains Mummy."

"How could a child do this?" Rose asks, her eyes wide at the destroyed room.

"Enough anger and you can do anything." I reply, picking up the teddy bear on the floor.

"Do you know where you are?" Suddenly the voice of Constantine calls out. I spin to see the tape spinning.

"Are you my mummy?" the child calls again. The same one from the house with Nancy. I look up and meets Doc's eyes.

"Are you aware of what's around you? Can you see?"

"Are you my mummy?" the child repeats over the tape.

"What do you want? Do you know-" Constantine is cut off as the child repeats its question again and again.

"Doctor, I've heard this voice before." Rose mumbles, as her and Jack move back to the other room.

"Me too." Doc and reply, I tighten my grip on the teddy. The boy repeats its question.

"Always are you my mummy?. Like he doesn't know." she continues. I look down clenching my eyes shut. I know the feeling.


"Why doesn't he know?"

"Can you sense it?" Doc randomly asks, his gears turning.

Jack stands to his left, "Sense what?"

"Coming out of the walls. Can you feel it?" he asks, I nod.

"Confusion, fear." I answer quietly. Although from the lack of reactions I don't think anyone heard. My chest clenches again, but this time a wave of dizziness hits.


"Funny little human brains. How do you get around in those things?" Doc rambles, now stressed as the child continuously repeats it's question. I move forwards and into the doorway splitting the two rooms.

"When he's stressed, he likes to insult species." Rose mumbles to Jack who had held an offended look after Docs comment. I roll my eyes at her statement, acting like she knew him so well. No, I'm just being jealous.

"Rose, I'm thinking."

"He cuts himself shaving, he does half an hour on life forms he's cleverer than." I chuckle remembering when Rose and I had been relaxing in the kitchen when his loud grunt of pain caused us to curiously go, he had blood on his chin and when he saw us he just started. We couldn't shut him up.

"Or if he stumps his toe he'll stand there and instantly start shouting in as many different languages as he possibly can." I add, strolling up to him as he rolls his eyes. A small blush touching his ears as I gently take his hand. My back facing the other room.

"There are these children living rough round the bomb sites. They come out during air-raids looking for food." Doc states, changing the conversations direction. "Suppose they were there when this thing, whatever it was, landed?"

"It was a med-ship. It was harmless." Jack responds, I huff loudly.

"Yes, you keep saying harmless." I snap. Resting my head on the doorway behind me, one hand clasping Doc's and the other holding the teddy.

"Suppose one of them was affected, altered?" Doc replies, watching Jack.

"Altered how?" Rose questions, focused on the Doctor as his brain works away at the problem.

"I'm here!" the child calls out, a small clicking sound accompanying it.

"It's afraid. Terribly afraid and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do. It's got the power of a god." Doc rambles, his posture slowly tensing. My life flashes before my eyes as the child calls out again.

"And you just sent it to its room." I mumble, refusing to turn around as I know what stood there.

"I'm here. Can't you see me?" the child questions hopelessly.

"What's that noise?" Rose queries, oblivious to our danger.

"End of the tape." I answer.

"It ran out about thirty seconds ago." Doc adds. "I sent it to it's room. This is it's room."

We all turn to see the boy standing between us and the door. "Are you my mummy? Mummy?" he asks, his face tilted in my direction.

"Doc?" I mumble fearfully, my grip on his hand tightening.

"Okay, on my signal make for the door." Jack confidently announces as we all watch the dangerous child carefully. Jack shouts out "Now!" as he pulls his 'blaster' from his pocket. Only he holds a banana in place, bearing it at the child. I laugh out, the comical scene highly amusing to my pained and adrenaline high mind.

Doc grins widely before pulling the real blaster from his pocket, aiming at the wall nearby and make a large square hole. "Go now! Don't drop the banana!" he demands.

"Why not?!" Jack squawks.

"Good source of potassium!" both Doc and I reply, grinning at each other like idiots. As we all stumble through the gap, Jack snatches the blaster from the Doctor before repairing the wall.

"Digital rewind. Nice switch." he compliments Doc.

"It's from the groves of Villengard. I thought it was appropriate." my alien responds, I chuckle earning an pull from behind by my waist.

"There's really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard and you did that?" Jack asks, watching us with a smile.

"Bananas are good." Doc replies not answering. I smile and nod,

"Really good guns as well." I add, shooting him with my fingers playfully. Our jesting is cut short though as the wall starts to crack. We all jump, Doc switching to grabbing my hand before shouting out and dragging me along.

"Come on!"

Our escape though is short lived as patients starts scuffling towards us, from the direction we were running to. "Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."

"It's keeping us here till it can get at us." I state in horror, "That's just rude."

"It's controlling them?" Jack questions, as we stumble backwards.

"It is them. It's every living thing in this hospital."

"Not us though." I answer, enjoying the glare I get from the man holding my hand.

"Okay. This can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and as a triple-enfolded sonic disrupter. Doc, what you got?" Jack riddles off, as we go back to back. Herded by the gas mask patients.

"I've got a sonic, er... Oh, never mind." Doc states, holding his sonic in his hand.


"It's sonic, okay? Let's leave it at that." Doc snaps, looking down at my with a glare as I giggle.

"Disrupter? Cannon? What?" Jack pushes.

"It's sonic! Totally sonic! I am soniced up!" Doc shouts back, I laugh harder.

Jack frustratedly shouts, "A sonic what?!"

"Screwdriver!" I finally answer, Jack makes a rather loud noise of shock whilst Doc just grumbles at me. Although any comment is halted as the boy breaks through the wall, I look to Jack and grab his blaster. Pushing it down before meeting Rose's eyes and pushing the button.

"Going down!" we both call, as the floor beneath us disappears.

The fall is quick and harsh, I land on top of the Doctor. He groans as his back smacks against the floor.

"I'm so sorry, Doc are you okay?" I question, he nods, pulling us up to our feet whilst I dust a bit of debris from his jacket.

"Could've used a warning." Doc grumbles, sending me a joking wink.

"Oh, the gratitude." Rose retorts.

"What part of 'doing down' wasn't explanatory?"

"Who has a sonic screwdriver?" Jack exclaims,

"Oh you're still stuck up on that." I reply, watching as he ignores me and waves his hands at the Doctor.

"I do." Doc replies, not appreciating the tone.

"Lights." Rose mumbles before walking away slightly.

"Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, ooo, this could be a little more sonic?" Jack continues.

"What, you've never been bored?" Doc responds, "Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?" We all flinch slightly as Rose finds the switch, only the sudden light reveals that we were stood in a patient ward full of gas masked patients. They all in unison sit up at the disruption.

"Mummy. Mummy." they start chanting.

"Door." I point out, leading us to the nearby exit. We stand anxiously as Jack tries the blaster on the lock.

"No just take your time." I snark.

"Damn it!" the man exclaims when it doesn't work, he hits the weapon against his hand. "It's the special features. They really drain the battery."

"The battery?" Rose and I repeat indignantly.

"That's so lame!" Rose continues, I nod along.

"And you were really judging the sonic. At least it doesn't have a battery." I judge.

"I was going to send for another one, but somebody's got to blow up the factory." Jack snaps, sending a glare in our direction. I simply flip him off.

"Oh, I know. First day we met him, he blew our job up. That's practically how he communicates." Rose informs, I giggle at the memory. Those mannequins had been quite the adrenaline rush.

"Okay, that door should hold it for a bit." Doc states, finishing with whatever he was doing to said door.

"The door? The wall didn't stop it." I exclaim, watching as Jack restlessly stalks around the room.

"Well, it's got to find us first! Come on, we're not done yet! Assets, assets!" Doc responds, as Jack flops down onto the rocking chair.

"Well, I've got a banana, and in a pinch you could put up some shelves."

"Window." I point out, getting up onto the window ledge to look out said window. Only the bars are thick and the drop looked massive.

"Barred. Sheer drop outside. Seven stories." Jack replies shooting the idea down. I simply stick my tongue out.

"And no other exits." Rose adds, looking around the room.

"Well, the assets conversation went in a flash, didn't it?" Jack sarcastically states.

"So, where'd you pick this one up, then?" Doc irritably remarks.

"Doctor." Rose replies messing around in the wheelchair.

"She was hanging from a barrage balloon, I had an invisible spaceship. I never stood a chance." Jack romantically replies.

"Okay. One, we've got to get out of here. Two, we can't get out of here. Have I missed anything?" Doc ignores Jack, I chuckle looking back at Jack only he wasn't there.

"Yeah. Jack just disappeared." I state. Watching as Doc turns to see the empty space and begin sulking.


Doc and I were sat on the window ledge, Doc with his hands around my waist as I sit on his lap. Most definitely enjoying the contact. We had taken a break from trying to escape, deciding to just chill for a bit.

"Okay, so he's vanished into thin air. Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?" Rose complains, leaning on the wall nearby.

"I'm making an effort not to be insulted." Doc retorts, fiddling with my bracelets.

"Well you don't need to be." I reply, blushing slightly as he smirks at me whilst quirking an eyebrow.

"I mean, men." Rose continues. I cringe at her sad attempt to save what she had said.

"Okay, thanks, that really helped." Doc mumbles, I simply pat his hand, leaning more into him.

Suddenly Jack's voice starts calling out through a nearby radio, "Rose? Luna? Doctor? Can you hear me? I'm back on my ship." he pauses before explaining, "Used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you. It's security-keyed to my molecular structure." Doc quickly stand not before making sure I didn't face plant the floor, he turns the radio tugging at the shredded wires. "I'm working on it. Hang in there."

"How're you speaking to us?" Doc asks, holding the broken end up for Rose to see.

"Om-Com. I can call anything with a speaker grill." Jack explains.

"Now there's a coincidence." I mumble, so can the child.

Jack catches it though and queries, "What is?"

"The child can Om-Com, too." Doc replies, echoing my thoughts.

"He can?" Rose questions, having not been present for our experience with the child.

Doc nods, "Anything with a speaker grill. Even the Tardis phone."

"What, you mean the child can phone us?" Rose asks.

I go to answer but the child's taunting voice comes through the radio, "And I can hear you. Coming to find you. Coming to find you."

"Cause that's not creepy at all." I mumble, taking the Doctor's hand earning a comforting squeeze in return.

Jack says disturbed voice now comes through the device, "Doctor, can you hear that?"

"Loud and clear." Doc replies at the same time as I respond, "Crystal."

"I'll try to block out the signal. Least I can do." Jack, oh so humbly, informs us.

"Coming to find you, mummy." the child's lilting voice threatens once again.

Jack's last words were, "Remember this one, Rose?" and after a few clacks of keys and buttons Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller overcomes the child. Echoing through the room we were trapped in. Both the Timeelord and I look over at Rose with questioning expressions.

"Our song." she meekly responds. A small blush on her face and ears. I chuckle nudging her whilst mimicking her.

"Our song." I copy, with a dreamy look and a fan of my hand.

"Oh shove off." Rose replies, a grin on her lips. I didn't notice but Doc had moved back to the window ledge, sonicking the bars in what I'm guessing is an attempt to remove them.

"What you doing?" Rose questions from her new seat in the wheelchair. Rocking back and forth as we wait for Jack to beam us up.

"Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete, loosen the bars." he replies, not really sparing a glance at her. I sit near his feet leaning against the back of his legs, my head near his knees.

"You don't think he's coming back, do you?" I mumble, Doc stops for a moment looking down at me. I look back at him watching as he mulls the question before he snaps his gaze away.

"Wouldn't bet my life." he finally replies.

"Why don't you trust him?" Rose asks, leaning back in the chair.

"Why do you?" he reflects quickly.

"He saved my life." Rose responds, I chuckle adding.

"Bloke-wise, that's up there with flossing." I earn a giggle from Rose but Doc continues to 'resonate' concrete.

"I trust him because he's like you." Rose adds, "Except with dating and dancing." there's a long pause in which the Doctor looks back and with a roll of his eyes chooses to not respond to that comment. "What?"

"You just assume I'm-" Doc breaks off.

"What?" I ask, now invested in the conversation.

"You just assume that I don't dance." he finishes, still not looking at the pair of us.

"What, are you telling me you do dance?" I taunt, lazily looking at the man whilst simultaneously blushing at the images in my head.

Doc's ears tinge red at the tips as he nods, "Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume at some point I've danced."

"You?" Rose adds, a cheeky smirk on her lips.


"Doesn't the universe implode or something if you 'dance'?"

"Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast." he responds, now past the blushing stage. In response Rose and I share a cheeky grin I turn up the radio, holding a hand out to the man.

"You've got the moves?" I taunt, wiggling my fingers as the man looks down from the ledge.

"Show us your moves." Rose adds, sitting in her wheelchair still rocking it back and forth. Although she does do a wheely this time.

"Al, I'm trying to resonate concrete." he complains, I tug him down from the ledge. To which he puts up no fight.

"Jack'll be back." Rose states confidently. I nod along, holding out my to hands for the Doctor to take.

"Come on Doc, the world doesn't because you danced." the man in question looks down at my hands thoughtfully and does take them in his. We gently way before his eyebrows furrow and he turns to Rose quickly.

"Barrage balloon?"

"What?" Rose and I question.

"You were hanging from a barrage balloon." he clarifies, still holding one of my hands to grab Rose's hand with his other. He prods at the palm curiously, I catch on quickly though. Hanging from a barrage balloon that high, she's bound to have some rope burn.

"Oh, yeah. About two minutes after you left me. Thousands of feet above London, middle of a German air-raid, Union Jack all over my chest." she retells, smiling at us.

"Only you Rosie." I giggle, imagining the scene.

"I've travelled with a lot of people, but you two are setting new records for jeopardy friendly. Especially miss injuries each adventure here." he states to us, tugging my arms as he talks of me.

"Is this you dancing? Because I've got notes." I dryly respond.

"Hanging from a rope thousands feet above London. Not a cut, not a bruise." he states, ignoring me as he inspects the unmarred skin.

"Yeah, I know. Captain Jack fixed me up." Rose replies tugging her hand from the doctors grip.

"Oh, we're calling him Captain Jack now, are we?" the Timelord mutters disgruntled.

"Well, his name is Jack and he is a Captain." I reply, smiling up at the man who meets my gaze with a raised brow.

"He's not really a Captain, Alula." the man responds,

"Do you know what I think? I think you're experiencing Captain envy." Rose inputs, giggling as the man sends her a glare. "You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them. Don't leave poor Luna standing there."

"If ever he was a Captain, he's been defrocked." Doc snootily replies, I chuckle as Rosie's face turns mischievous.

"Yeah? Shame we missed that." I state, sharing a smirk with Rose as Docs ears tinge red once again.

"Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock. Most people notice when they've been teleported." Jacks voice suddenly states, not over the radio though. I flush a light pink as his sights set on Doctor and I's hands, "You guys are so sweet. Sorry about the delay. I had to take the nav-com offline to override the teleport security."

Noticing his gaze the Doctor quickly moves away, although still holds one hand. My heart twinges at the rejection. "You can spend ten minutes overriding your own protocols? Maybe you should remember whose ship it is."

"Oh, I do. She was gorgeous. Like I told her, be back in five minutes." Jack teases, sitting down in the captain seat. I roll my eyes leaning on the Doctors shoulder as he leans against a pole; his head swivelling around as he takes in the new surroundings.

"This is a Chula ship." he finally states, his eyes snapping to mine as I rest my head against him. My head throbbing causing me to shut my eyes for a second.

"Yeah, just like that medical transporter." Jack responds, I frown at this. Medical? "Only this one is dangerous."

Doc suddenly snaps his fingers, glowing yellow specks suddenly crowd around his hand focusing on his palm. They then move to me, spreading to my forearm which i had spilled boiling water on the day prior when Doc upset the TARDIS causing her to shake as I was making pasta.

"They're what fixed my hands up Jack called them er..." Rose cuts off, scrunching her nose as she tries to remeber their name.

"Nanobots?" I guess, watching them intently.

"Nanogenes." Doc finishes getting a nod from Rosie.

"Nanogenes, yeah."

"Sub-atomic robots. There's millions of them in here, see? Burned my hand on the console when we landed." Doc informs, I grab his hand with worried eyes; I hadn't noticed this, I hope it didn't hurt too much. "All better now." Doc reassures squeezing my hand with the fixed hand once I finish inspecting. "They activate when the bulk head's sealed. Check you out for damage, fix any physical flaws." he then turns to me. "What did they heal on your arm?"

"Oh, a burn." Docs eyes widen he yanks my arm pulling my sleeve up to inspect the now unmarred skin.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he questions rather aggressively.

"Because it didn't hurt?" I respond, tilting my head as I watch him frown even more.

"We'll talk about this later." is all he says before turning back to the con-man. "Take us to the crash site. I need to see your space junk."

"As soon as I get the nav-com back online. Make yourself comfortable." Jack replies, sending a wink in our direction as he adds, "Carry on with whatever it was you were doing."

"We were talking about dancing." Doc responds naively.

"It didn't look like talking." Jack responds with a cheeky grin on his face.

"It didn't feel like dancing." I mumble, catching the eye of the Timelord next to me who just smiles at me not hearing what I had said.


The Doc and I were sat on the bed in the cabin. My legs draped over the alien's lap as I lean against the hull of the ship my eyes closed as I try to block out the light. My head is still banging and all I want to do is sleep. I feel the Doctor gently rub circles on my thigh, allowing me to relax as we listen in on Jack and Rose's conversation.

"So, you used to be a Time Agent now you're trying to con them?" Rose questions him, attempting to get to know the man.

"If it makes me sound any better, it's not for the money." Jack excuses.

"For what?"

"Woke up one day when I was still working for them, found they'd stolen two years of my memories." Jack replies, "I'd like them back."

Rose inhales sharply, I can envision her face. Mouth slightly open, leaning forwards as her eyes watch him widely. "They stole your memories?"

"Two years of my life. No idea what I did." he pauses, I open my eyes to see him looking in our direction. "Your friends over there don't trust me, and for all I know they're right not to." Doc and I share a look. "Okay, we're good to go. Crash site?" Jack switches the conversation not catching the Doc and I's silent conversation of whether we had misjudged this man.

We all stand, Doc holding my hand as we wait for Jack to teleport us back down. As I blink the scenery changes from the technological insides of the Chula ship to the 1940's England war zone. We all walk towards the fence watching the soldiers walk around the perimeter or off to follow out orders.

"There it is. Hey, they've got Algy on duty. It must be important." Jack rambles, I watch him fix onto a young looking man.

"We've got to get past him." Doc states, I nod the unasked question heading in Rose and I's direction.

"Are the words distract the guard heading in our general direction?" I grunt, unhappy with what I was possibly going to have to do. I turn to Jack eyes wide with realisation. "Unless he doesn't swing that way."

"I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town." He admits, I grin slyly. "Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him. Don't wait up." he assures Rose who had opened her mouth, before running off down to the man in question. I turn to Rose who's eyes had widened.

"Relax, he's a 51st century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing." Doc assures her, grinning in my direction.

"How flexible? Like Luna or..."

"Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy." he adds, I chuckle at the implication.


"So many species. So little time." I reply, grinning at her slightly disturbed face. Probably imagining mixed alien races 'dancing'.

"What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and.."

"Dance." Doc and I respond, sharing a cheeky grin. We watch as the two men converse for a few seconds before suddenly Algy jerks. Folding over as he transforms into another patient. Without waiting we race down the hill, yelling at the nearby soldiers to stay away.

"The effect's become air-borne." I gasp in horror. Rose gasps nearby obviously this now means that anyone can be affected, including us.

"What's keeping us safe?" Rose whispers, her eyes wide in fear.

Grimly the Doctor responds, "Nothing."

"Didn't you say a bomb was going to land here?" Rose asks again, shaking slightly from what could either be the cold or her terror.

"Never mind about that." Doc dismisses, he must already have a plan if he's going to dismiss it so easily. "If the contaminants airborne now, there's hours left."

"For what?" Jack questions, still keeping an eye out for our surroundings. I'm about to reply but faint singing catches my attention. A woman signing Rock-a-bye baby faintly travels in the wind. I catch Docs eye and as if he understood my thoughts he answers Jack and My question at once.

"Till nothing, forever. For the entire human race. And can anyone else hear singing?"

I waste no time for an answer though and creep off as Jack and Rose answer and state something. I follow the lullaby to the nearby warehouse, very much disturbed to see Nancy singing to a soldier now a gas mask zombie. Presumably the singing is whats keeping it asleep, so when she notices me I motion for her to continue without speaking; picking the lock with a pin -a trick I had learnt on on of our many adventures- allowing me to undo the handcuffs holding her hostage. We both creep from the building, keeping her singing until we were back to the group.

A relatively deep voice clears their throat behind me. I spin on my heel to meet the disapproving gaze of my Timelord friend. I sheepishly smile but earn a quirk of the brow and a deeper frown. Although with no words exchanged I know I'll be in for a lesson on not wandering off.

In the silence as a group we make our way to the tube we had been chasing through timelines. "You see? Just an ambulance." Jack states, watching as Doc circles the 'ambulance' in question.

"That's an ambulance?" Nancy's perplexed voice pitches in, looking at the four of us with an expression that reads 'which asylum did they escape from'.

"It's hard to explain." Rose starts but I simply reply,

"It's from another world." I then make my way over to Doc, clasping his hand whilst commenting, "They've been trying to get in."

"Of course they have. They think they've got their hands on Hitler's latest secret weapon." He looks over to Jack who was busy messing with a keypad. "What're you doing?"

"The sooner you see this thing is empty, the sooner you'll know I had nothing to do with it." he explains, he types something and next thing there's a bright flash and a screeching alarm. My sight blinded turning to darkness,

Screeching and sharp flashing lights surround me. This time not set off by me but a Timelord, we had coincidentally arrived to steal the same thing. His TARDIS made his escape a lot easier than my nether drained mundane run from the angry Timelord soldiers. Since I single-handedly eradicated everyone on Kastraya my nether has almost diminished to nothing. The cost of genocide.

I awake to a familiar scent, leather, bananas and oil. I open my eyes to the blurred scene causing a shot of adrenaline; us surrounded by multiple gas-mask zombies. Standing quickly, a bit too quickly, I stumble quickly grabbing the Doctor's hand with his jacket over my shoulders. Why was I on the floor. Why did I have an episode when the pills stop them. Doc quickly glances at me before squeezing my hand, turning back to the rather terrifying sight before us.

Rose not realising I am back questions Doc, "So what're we going to do?" she turns only to see me and smiles widely. "I'm going to hug you so hard you faint again. Why would you go do that when we're in the Blitz." she teases, I smirk at her.

"When else am I going to get sleep with him around." tugging on the alien in questions arm.

"It's my fault." Nancy mumbles, having not heard our jesting.

"No." Doc responds, turning to the young woman.

"No, it's all my fault."

"How can it be your-" he pauses eyes widening, the patients all move forwards echoing their question. "Nancy, what age are you? Twenty? Twenty one? Older than you look, yes?" I get distracted from the questions as a whistling above us gets progressively louder. The bomb.

"Doctor, that bomb. We've got seconds." Jack panicked states.

"You can teleport us out?" Rose questions, trying to come up with an escape.

"Not you guys." Jack admits, not looking in her now panicking blue eyes. "The nav-com's back online. Going to take too long to override the protocols." he explains, facing the Doctor.

"So it's volcano day. Do what you've got to do." the alien simply responds, not looking away from Nancy. Jack nods and vanishes in front of us. I don't know how long it will take for me to not be bothered by that. "How old were you five years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen? Old enough to give birth, anyway." Doc starts ranting, I notice her tensening gaze as she grits her teeth.

I speak gently over the Doctor, making sure my tone is soft and understanding as I speak to the young woman. "He's not your brother, is he? A teenage single mother in 1941, you hid and you lied to make it easier. Even lied to him."

Just in time the small gas mask child in question opens the gate and joins us all, "Are you my mummy?"

"He's going to keep asking, Nancy. He's never going to stop." Doc states, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.


"Tell him, Nancy." I push.

"The future of the human race is in your hands. Trust me and tell him." Doc adds, she turns to us. Meeting both of our gazes before turning back to the child. They pair walk towards each other; one with a tearful gaze and the other dark and emotionless.

"Are you my mummy?" Jamie repeats over and over again, almost a sense of urgency in the voice.

Nancy kneels in "Yes, yes I am your mummy."

"Mummy?" he tilts his head.

"I'm here." the child repeats the same question and Nancy tries to get him to understand.

"He doesn't understand. There's not enough of him left." Doc whispers, his eyes tensing ever so slightly with realisation.

"I am your mummy. I will always be your mummy. I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry." Nancy sobs, leaning towards the child and embracing him. I hold my breathe, grasping the Doctors hand as the golden cloud of nanogenes swarm the pair.

Rose jerks in alarm, "What's happening? Doctor, it's changing her, we should-" she moves forward but Doc grabs her arm.

"Shush!" he snaps, I send him a look for the unnecessary meanness, he ignores me though "Come on, please. Come on, you clever little nanogenes. Figure it out! The mother, she's the mother. It's got to be enough information. Figure it out." he mumbles to himself.

"What's happening?" I mumble to him, tightening my grip on his hand to grab his attention.

"They're recognising the same DNA and hopefully rectifying the mistake." We all watch tensely, the pair separate and Nancy falls to the ground. Whilst the Doc goes to Jamie I lean down and help Nancy back up with the assistance of Rosie.

"Oh, come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one." Doc happily mumbles to himself. Already knowing the outcome.

He removes the mask, met with the small chubby round face of Jamie. "Ha-ha! Welcome back! Twenty years till pop music - you're going to love it." he exclaims spinning around with the child in his arms before gently setting him down. I smile softly at the sight.

"What happened?" Nancy echoes my own previous question.

"The nanogenes recognised the superior information, the parent DNA. They didn't change you because you changed them! Ha-ha! Mother knows best!" Doc quickly informs her.

"Doctor, that bomb." Rose reminds us. I look up seeing the plane over us.

"Taken care of it."

"How?" Rose queries.

"Psychology." he ominously responds. We watch the bomb come hurtling down to us at speed before it's stopped second before impact. Floating mid air with Jack straddling.

"Doctor!" he proudly greets.

"Good lad!" Doc praises, still grinning widely.

"The bomb's already commenced detonation. I've put it in stasis but it won't last long." Jack informs, I nod but furrow my brow. How is Jack going to get rid of it then and survive?

"Change of plans, don't need the bomb. Get rid of it, safely as you can?" Doc orders, not really looking at the man floating with the bomb. Said man mockingly salutes at the Timelord before turning to Rose and I.

"Rose?" Jack calls out.


"Goodbye." he states, his eyes then meet mine a sense of acceptance in them that causes my brows to furrow. He gives me almost imperceptible nods before disappearing from sight.

Although he suddenly reappears to compliment Rose's shirt and my converse before disappearing again along with the bomb. I turn to the Doctor whose hand I'm holding again.

"What are you doing?" gently I question watching as he gently releases my palm and raises his hands in front of himself. The golden bots flooding the surrounding area of his arms, a familiar scene to me as my head pinches in pain as I remember the other time I had seen the old man in the same position. Except his seemed a lot more painful in comparison to the Doctor who stands with the most gleeful expression I had ever seen his face adorn, I sigh softly hoping to maintain or at the very least see this carefree expression of emotion again.

Doc meets my gaze with soft eyes before responding, "Software patch. Going to email the upgrade. You want moves, Al? I'll give you moves." he throws his arms out casting the golden cloud to the army of zombified patients. All of which hit the floor simultaneously "Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!"

"Doctor Constantine. Who never left his patients. Back on your feet, constant doctor. The world doesn't want to get by without you just yet, and I don't blame it one bit. These are your patients. All better now." Doc approaches Dr. Constantine.

"Yes, yes, so it seems. They also seem to be standing around in a disused railway station. Is there any particular reason for that?" the man questions looking rather perplexed.

"Yeah, well, you know, cutbacks. Listen, whatever was wrong with them in the past, you're probably going to find that they're cured." Doc states, I watch as the physicians brows fly up in surprise.

"Just tell them what a great doctor you are." I offer sharing a small chuckle with my Timelord.

"Right, you lot. Lots to do. Beat the Germans, save the world. Don't forget the welfare state! Setting this to self-destruct, soon as everybody's clear. History says there was an explosion here. Who am I to argue with history?" Doc rambles flying high on the joy surging through him. I roll my eyes chuckling as Rose and I simultaneously respond,

"Usually the first in line."

The man ignores us though grabbing my hand and leading us back to our sentient home. A gust of warm air greeting us as we walk in. I head to the jumpseat as Doc whizzes around the console. I pull my legs up to sit cross cross, watching the alien fondly.

"The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, because I just told them to. Nancy and Jamie will go to Doctor Constantine for help, ditto. All in all, all things considered, fantastic!" Doc spouts off not notices Rose's downcast expression and my tensed face. His gaze looks up at my lack of response, catching my face his lips part slightly as if to say something.

"Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas." Rose laughs, cutting whatever the Timelord was going to do or say as she catches his attention with the one sentence.

"Who says I'm not, red bicycle when you were twelve?"

"What?" Rose gasps, her face slack.

"And everybody lives, Rose! Everybody lives! I need more days like this." he moves on as if he hadn't just dropped a bomb on Rose. He almost skips over to me wrapping his arms around my shoulders nearly pulling me off the seat as I tuck myself into his chest wrapping my own arms around his waist.

"Doctor." Rose stutters out, fiddling nervously with her bracelet. I send her a comforting nod which seems to help.

"Go on, ask me anything. I'm on fire."

"What about Jack? Why'd he say goodbye?" she questions, Docs arms tense around me causing my face to tilt of at his watching his jaw clench and eyes flit down to mine. I place a gentle hand on his hoping to offer comfort or strength. This does spur him into action though, and as soon as Rose had finished the sentence we were on Jacks ship with music playing in the background again.

I head over to the pair in hopes to coach them into successfully dancing the waltz as Rose nearly loses a few toes. As we pass the door I stick my head out of it, watching as Jack Harkness sits with a sombre face enjoying what he thinks to be his last drink.

"Well, hurry up then!" I call out, his head snapping in my direction but I head inside leaving the door open. Turning back to see the Doctor attempt to twirl Rose only ending up with her arm up her back in a make shift half-nelson. I chuckle, heading over to the pair to lean against the console.

"Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time don't get my arm up my back. No extra points for a half-nelson." Rose exclaims in the beginning.

"I'm sure I used to know this stuff." he mumbles to my standing in front of me looking down at me as I smile brightly up at him. He turns his head to Jack, "Close the door, will you? Your ship's about to blow up. There's going to be a draught."

"Welcome to the Tardis." I offer, stepping towards Jack and start walking over to the man who stands in awe of the magnificent ship.

"Much bigger on the inside." he comments once he closes the door.

"You'd better be." Doc grumbles.

"Jack, a dance?" I offer, holding my hand out to him. Although just as our hands were about touch the song changes from Moonlight Sinatra to Glen Miller's In the Mood swing song.

"Alula!" Doc calls out, I turn to him watching bemused as he slowly walks to me snapping his fingers in time to the new song.

"What?" I question a smile splitting my face.

"I can dance! I can dance!" he exclaims happily.

"Actually, Doctor, I thought Jack might like this dance." I tease knowing full well that I would rather dance with the Timelord.

"I'm sure he would, Al. I'm absolutely certain. But with Rose." he adds, grabbing my other hand and spinning me away from Jack and to his chest. His actions cause an eruption of giggles from me as we spin and twist around the console. The Doctor leads us around and around in pure ecstasy. I catch Rose and Jack joining the dance in the corner of my eye on the opposite side of the console. Our hands grasp each others tightly, eyes wide with excitement as we continue dancing with each other; twisting and turning around each other like two liquids before we reach the end of the song when Doc allows me to fall into a dip. I tilt my head back, a breathy laugh escaping my lips before I'm pulled back up and closer to the Doctor than before. We stand chest to chest, close enough that his breath fans my face intermingling with my own pants. Our chests heave in unison from the exertion, my eyes trail up his face hesitating on his lips before snapping to his eyes. His pupils blown wide as he watches me our faces so incredibly close, one of his hands trail from my hand to the back of my neck as the other wraps around my waist. I tilt my head back and just as he was about to kiss me Jack's timed cough abruptly pulls us from the moment. Docs eyes widen as we almost jump away from each other. I turn to Jack and Rose, watching Rose whack Jack with a scowl on her face. I turn back to where Doc had been, except he had disappeared. My shoulders slump as my thoughts run wild. What just happened?

Chapter 23: Little Boy Toy

Chapter Text

I don't think the Doctor has ever gone out of his way to avoid me as much as he has for the past week. The Timelord is either hidden away in the depths of the TARDIS or when I finally catch some sleep he's out saving planets. Even when I go with them it's like we've reverted back to the first meeting coldness. I lay in my room ,sulking since he has decided he can't act like the 900 year old man he is, with my headphones blasting music as I read a new book I'd found in the library, the books and English translation of an alien species called The Eternals apparently they're in the constellation called Kasterborous and the species in itself is incredible. Their abilities align themselves with the power of deities, although apparently they have disappeared after a war which was mentioned briefly in the first section. I flip back to the table of contents, intrigued to find more with this war or more to the fact what and how these creatures had managed to disappear from the face of the galaxy. A new figure in my room scares the sh*t out of me. Since my back was facing the door my fluffy blanket wrapped around my shoulders as I hunch over the book; the figure though in the corner of my eye causing me to throw my book in their direction with a yelp.

With quick reflexes the intruder in question, the Doctor, grabs the book mid air snapping it closed without even looking. I sat there, mouth open at the display before snapping it shut after realising I had been staring for slightly too long. He sends me an awkward smile before offering the book in my direction but not after catching a glimpse at the title which causes a slight line to define on his forehead. He awkwardly stands there as I take my headphones of and place the book beside me, watching him closely to gauge if this was a 'can you f*ck off' or a 'lets just forget' talk. I gently clear my throat hoping to influence a movement behind his eyes, and it seems to work since his own eyes widen before he licks his lips and starts,

"I just wanted to say that my actions recently have been uncalled for and most likely hurtful. You haven't done anything wrong and it was all me. Uh yeah..." he starts strong, his words trailing as he watches my face to try and predict my reaction.

"Rose spoke to you." is my first sentence, watching as his head drops looking down at his hands clasped in front of him.

"Yeah." he mumbles.

I sigh, dragging a hand down my face, "If you're going to apologise I don't want it to be because you've been shoved through my door with it locked behind you." I flop backwards to lie on my bed now, staring at the constellations above me decorating my roof.

"No Alula, believe me all Rose did was open my eyes to my arrogant and selfish behaviour." he responds moving closer and sitting on the bed beside me. I feel the mattress dip under the added weight. I nod, my eyes clouding before I try and blink back the emotions rising.

"I just don't understand what happened. You're my best friend." I state, refusing to look in his directions as I display a vulnerable side that most don't see. He nods solemnly his eyes avoiding mine as he utters.

"I would like us to forget what happened. Well no not forget that's not possible but I don't want what could have happened to change anything between us. You're my friend Al, I don't want to lose you." he whispers, my heart clenches as I try not to cry in front of him. He wanted to forget.

"Okay." I respond, not looking at him as he nods, his hand hovering near me as if he could hear the sound of my heart cracking. "You can go now."

He sighs, retracting his hand and leaving without a fuss. And once my door shuts the tears start. Grabbing the nearest thing I chuck it at the door rage mixing with my grief. How dare he do this? Ignore me for a week then tell me to forget anything happened? I choke on the air around me. My throat closing as I struggle to regulate my breathing. Falling off the bed as I try to make it to the shower, stumbling in I quickly turn the water to the sink on and splash my face. A trick I'd picked up that helped me with panic attacks; helped ground me or something. The freezing water sends shivers wracking my body as I stand pyjama clad with water dripping from my face and down my neck. I look in the mirror at my bloodshot eyes and wet face.

Fine. If he wants to forget lets forget, it's not like it meant anything.

"Didn't mean anything to me." I mutter, returning to my bed as my breathing settles. His words swirl my head as I grab my anti-psychotics from the table beside my bed. I think the only good part about them is the sedation they provide at times. Mix them with a bit of alcohol and I'm out like a light but I'm not starting that up again. Not after what happened. I shake my head removing the thoughts as I lay down, shoving my headphones on a drifting away; forgetting the Doctor and all about the book lay at the end of my bed.


The TARDIS lights turn up in brightness helps me finally wake up. Hopefully today will be better, not full of awkwardness as the past week has been. With a deep sigh I pull myself out of the comfort of the warm duvet; hoping to choose a comfortable outfit since my mood understandably isn't brilliant. I pull out some baggy loose black jeans, an oversized deep blue v-neck fleece and my black converse. I pull my hair back in a plait, the smaller strands falling out from my inability to keep a tight plait on my own head. They frame my face though so it's allowed. I stick in some simple hooped earrings in my lobe piercings, the only ones that I change daily, and replace my necklaces with a single cat charmed necklace. I hold the charm tightly my thoughts focusing on my own feline friend, he was more of an emotional support animal than a pet. Maybe Rosie will let me ring her mum on her phone so I can see if Jackie knows. After all last time I saw the woman she was shouting and she wasn't in the mood to help me find my cat. With a small smile to myself in the mirror and an appreciative pat on the wall for T I head down the corridors in hope to find my only human friend. First I hit her room which was useless since she didn't really spend much time in it; she prefers to be in the kitchen or the pool. The never ending list of slides and fun pool activities always kept the blonde busy when Doctor decided to force a rest on us. I head to the kitchen first since I wanted to grab a coffee on my way through; without looking up I grab the kettle filling it at the sink before placing it back and flicking it on. I turn to rest against the side waiting for the water to boil when I see the one and only person I didn't want to see standing at the fridge, a banana in hand awkwardly looking anywhere but my eyes. I spin on my heel if he's going to ignore me then two can play that game; my chest squeezes at the silence the sound of water boiling filling the air. But I've never been able to stand awkward silence and it isn't long until I turn to him to state,

"I'm looking for Rose, know where she is?" without looking at him I pour the water onto the coffee granules in my mug. The water quickly turning a dark brown almost black, I give it a quick swirl with a teaspoon before turning to Doc who sits at the kitchen table his brows furrowed whilst glaring heatedly at his banana. I clear my throat slightly, taking a sip when he turns to me.

"Oh, I saw her with Jack in the movie room, they were watching some show." he responds after a few blinks. I nod, leaving the room as quickly as I could whilst holding the mug steady. I think I catch the Doctor opening his mouth to say something in the corner of my eye but when I'm not stopped as I pass him I second guess myself.

I make my way to the entertainment room, this is my second favourite room excluding my bedroom. My will always be the library, whilst my own room has a small collection of books, the libraries never ending rows and columns with the fire place to sit down at on the love seats and couches with a surprising magnitude of blankets and square pillows strewn around the atmospheric room. I take a mouthful of coffee as I enter the entertainment room, the pair sat near each other on the couch whilst good old Zoolander on the screen. Show my arse, shows just how much that Timelord knows of human stuff.

"Oooo Zoolander. Now that's a good laugh." I state. Sitting down on the couch to the left of Rose, taking another mouthful of the coffee. "Saw the Doctor in the kitchen." I whisper to Rose, watching the comedy at the same time. Her eyes widen before she turns to me, a small smile on her lips. "I wouldn't be too happy, he ignored me until I asked where you were." I grumble, my cheeks tinging red with my anger.

"Ignore him, he's being stupid. He'll apologise soon, just you watch." she confidently states, placing a comforting hand on my knee. I smile sadly my emotions running high causing small tears to line my vision. I blink them away nodding with her words, but not a single atom in my body believes her words. The concept of the Doctor apologising for his words is very low, even lower is the likelihood of him meaning the apology. We enjoy the time together just watching the movie and occasionally laughing at them. Small moments like this are the best. Team TARDIS, a name Jack made, might be the best thing right now. The only constant being Rose and Jacks crude comments to each other and Jack and I's playful bullying. Everything else is a gamble. Especially the aliens in our life.


Why is that the Doctors stupidity always comes to bite us in the arse. Running through the corridors Rose and I are panting heavily as we sprint away from the blue blob thing chasing behind us, a surprisingly fast alien that has a vendetta against the Doctor after the Timelord insulted its child. Hopefully Jack is with the Doctor and not captured because we all got separated as the hunt for us began, Rose and I found each other as we collided in a hallway. The shrill screech of the creature focuses me back in as we manage to find a room to hide in. We both duck in hiding together behind large metal drawers on one side of the room near the door; I point to the door as we watch the jelly like creature sludge around the room, it's face sniffing the air. Rose nods, following my lead as I creep out of the room; what I didn't take into account is the slug-like trail the alien had left behind. This slippy substance causes me to fall a yelp escaping me as I hit the ground hard, the wind knocked from me as I lay gasping. My shock is short lived though when the creature hears me, turning with a feral bellow and starts towards us. I scramble, quickly grabbing the door and throwing my body against it to close it. Rose rushes to help me, both twist the door closed with the large wheel handle. We smile widely at each other, high fiving as I twist my back to try and get rid of the twinge growing through my spine. To our shock though the creatures starts to seep through the seams of the door, which we now discover is not sealed fully. We both yelp and start running again, a chuckle escaping us as I slip again. Maybe converse weren't the best idea, they provide no grip.

We quickly scrabble down the corridor hoping that our game of cat and mouse would eventually lead us to Jack and the Doctor who has a plan. All very hopeful thinking but you never know. Rose and I grabbed each other's hands, sliding down the corridor and back to the canteen of the spaceship we were racing through, in hopes to hid behind some of the many machines and stacked tables in there. But as we breach the doorway an extremely uncomfortable wet thing wraps around my ankle, my body dragging down to the ground breaking my grip on Rose's hand as the alien drags my back and down.

"Luna!" she shouts out, spinning on her heel whilst staggering backwards her eyes wide with horror as she looks at me and my new friend. Another voice shouts out the same thing, bellowing across the weirdly sterile white room.

"ALULA!" the Doctors voice echoes, his eyes equally as wide as the creatures grabs me. It's weird jelly-like self not really holding more like smothering my skin. I cry out when it travels further on my, now covering my entire arm and shoulder. I swear to God if this is how I die. Out of nowhere the creature starts to almost vibrate, I look up to see the Doctor and one of the surviving ship members, Darren, with this weird machine thing. Darren aiming it in our direction as Doctor aims his sonic switching what I'm assuming is the frequency. My alien captor pulsates aggressively before finally exploding, the blue jelly-like substance covering my body and the nearby area. I stand frozen, afraid that if I moved there was a high chance I would end up on the floor.

"I am covered in an alien." I state semi calmly, my voice wavering slightly when I open my eyes. "I now know how Jackie and Mickey felt with the Slitheen." I make eye contact with Rose who stands there her hand over her mouth in slight shock. A small giggle leaving her as she shakes her head at me. With my comments the trio in the room run over, Darren staring at me with disgust whilst Rosie and the Doctor wrap there arms around me, laughing in relief as we group hug.

"Doctor, where's Jack?" Rose questions as we pull away, Doc sheepishly looking down at us opening his mouth to answer.

"Jack was stuck cleaning up Blue aliens Purple friend when we ran into him. Meaning I missed all the fun because Doc here volunteered me to help the rest of them." said man announces as he struts in, he may as well have his hands on his hips.

"I wouldn't call this fun." I drawl, my voice low and monotone. They all look back at me, their eyes trailing my form as blue goo drips off me. I am still yet to move from my position. I grab Rose's arm, using her as I ease myself out of the main puddle of my deceased captor. The floor now overly slippy, as if I needed anything else to help me fall. Once out of the puddle I shiver walking towards the male members of our group. Noting my quaking shoulders, the Doctor quickly shrugs his jacket of holding out for me to stick my arms in. I stand looking at it intently, my gaze wandering up to his own intense look; his eyes challenging me to refuse his offer. Sighing I concede turning around to slot my arms in, the warmth from his body sending a pleased shudder through me as if I'm defrosting. "Who would have thought alien goo would be so cold."


The landing to the alien planet we just survived was quite rocky, Doc's excuse is that the TARDIS is running low. As in the Time and Space multi dimensional ship needs fuelling up.

"So you're telling me that we've just got to pop to Cardiff of all places to fill up the wonderful and amazing TARDIS that travels through time and space." I state, my face pinched with distrust. "I can't tell if you're pulling my leg or not."

"Not pulling your leg, promise." he responds a small smile tugging his lips. I hum in response before jolting as Rose skips merrily in.

"Mickey is meeting us at Cardiff he's gonna bring my passport as well. Oh and a surprise for you Al." I furrow my brows,

"Why your passport, we have the psychic paper." I respond, shifting to rest my legs over the arm rest of the jump seat.

"Cause I might need it." she responds, leaning nearby as the Doctor whizzes around the console.

"You don't need your passport-" he starts but is cut off as Jack struts in.

"It's just an excuse to see your boyfriend." he teases her, ruffling my hair on the way past.

"Hey! It takes effort to look this good." he simply sticks his tongue out in response.

After a few turbulent rocks and me nearly falling due to my improper position we finally land in one piece. I sigh in relief retracting my white knuckle grip as I stretch the sore digits.

"God someone else should drive." I mumble, an offended 'Oi' makes me look up at the Doctor I offer him a tongue pressed to my teeth smile before looking over at Rosie who was checking her phone every few seconds. "Hey Rosie, we've got plenty of time Doc said it would take a while for us to fully charge. You'll see your little boy toy." she rolls her eyes nudging me but the small grin on her face tells me she didn't take offence. I stand up, approaching Jack and the Doc who were crouched around a certain spot on the TARDIS. "What ya looking at?"

"The Spacial Geometer is being dodgy, so we're having a look." I nod, vaguely remembering the purpose of this piece, he had brought it up before,

"That's the part that allows the TARDIS to move through space, right?" he nods, sending me a proud smile.

"How did you know that?" Jack asks, sending me a surprised look.

"Cause Doc here was telling me about one of his past encounters with this part. Something about leaving them lying around and then having to go hunt each piece down in loads of different countries." I respond, crouching near the pair. "Any way I can help?" I offer, already bored with the whole waiting thing.

"Yeah if you could go grab the tool bag and my screwdriver." Doc responds, I nod. Rising moving to the other side of the console, the bag under the main console and his sonic set near the time rotor at the centre of the console. I set the bag down and hold the sonic ready. "Okay now setting 26A that will scan it to tell us whats wrong."

I nod, changing the setting and scanning the pieces; the information rushes through my head and I nod. "There's something blocked up, needs unclogging I think. Or maybe changing?" Still unsure on how to efficiently read the information that sonic provided sometimes.

"That'll be why the particles get to the second piece but then struggle past to the third." Jack responds, whilst Doc nods pulling at two pieces. He removes a small tube attaching the pair and sure enough some debris or something was clogging the pipe.

"Haha I'm just too good." I boast, grinning happily at the pair. Fully aware that either of them could have easily done what I did. Doc grins dragging the bag to him and shoving his arm in. The sight reminds me greatly of Mary Poppins as his arm disappears down and down up to his shoulder. With a victorious sound he pulls his arm out producing a new and clean pipe instead. He pass the pieces and new tube to me, I smile at him before taking the grease he offered using my hands to ensure a tight seal with no risk of it rubbing and causing abrasions.

After a while I had somehow managed to help them fix quite a few parts, grease and oil on my hands and some on my neck where my hair had irritated me as I worked. Thankfully the Doctor helped and with his clean hands had tied my hair back for me. A knock on the TARDIS doors scared the sh*t out of all of us, the four of us simultaneously jolting. Mickey Mouse must be here.

Chapter 24: Boom Town: You've jinxed us

Chapter Text

"Who the hell are you?" Jack questions, leaning on the doorway with what I would bet on was a flirty look.

A very familiar slightly annoying voice retorted incredulously, "What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness." Jack responded with a grin, "Whatever your selling, we're not buying." I snort at this, rolling my eyes at the pair.

"Get out of my way!" Mickey snaps, shoving past the 51st Century guy and into the TARDIS.

"Don't tell me. This must be Mickey." he states, making his way back to the console watching the man look around at us all.

"Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" the Doctor exclaims, lowering from the platform in the console room, a red flashing head torch on his head.

"It's Mickey!"

"Don't listen to him, he's winding you up." Rose placated, grinning at her boyfriend.

"You look fantastic." he responds with, grinning at her as the two hug.

"Aw, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that?" Jack complains, nudging my arm as we watch the couple. I simply raise an eyebrow.

"Buy me a drink first." came the Timelords response.

"You're such hard work." Jack wined. I chuckle at that, hiding my grin behind a hand.

"But worth it." Doctor points out.

"Did you manage to find it?" Rose asks, as the pair release their hold on each other.

Mickey smiles, reaching into his jacket pulling out a passport. "There you go."

Rose happily takes it raising it in the air, "I can go anywhere now." I chuckle rolling my eyes.

"I told you, you don't need a passport." the Timelord adds, slightly disgruntled

"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything." she informs, smugly. I laugh loudly at her this time, "You'll see Luna we'll be stuck somewhere and you'll get deported or something."

I roll my eyes, positive that the Doctor wouldn't let it happen. "That's what the psychic paper is for." I pointed out.

"Sounds like your staying, then." Mickey lowers the mood, Jack, Doctor and I all avert our gaze. "So, what're you doing in Cardiff?" he changes the subject, "And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with big-ears up there," he insults. Glaring slightly at the two male members.

"Oi!" Doc lets out indignantly. I gigle earning myself a small glare.

"Look in the mirror. But this guy, I don't know, he's kind of.."

"Handsome?" Jack inputs smiling smugly.

"More like cheesy." I cough, smiling sweetly when the man turns to me.

"Early 21st century slang. Is cheesy good or bad?"

"It's bad." Mickey deadpans.

"But bad means good, isn't that right?" Jack tries again, grinning at the 21st century man.

"Are you saying I'm not handsome?" the Doctor questions still hung up.

"OF course not." I respond, my mouth running far too fast for my brain to even comprehend that i'd said that out loud. I slap a hand over my mouth turning to the Timelord who was watching me with a raised brow. "Ummm."

"We just stopped off. We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions." Rose starts explaining.

"The rift was healed back in 1869." Doc adds leaning against the console next to me.

"Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth, because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway but she saved the world and closed it." I add, watching as Mickeys eyes switch between us like a tennis match.

"But closing a rift always leaves a scar, and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race," Jack adds.

"But perfect for the Tardis, so just park it here for a couple of days right on top of the scar and," Doc.

"Open up the engines, soak up the radiation." I add.

"Like filling her up with petrol and off we go!" Rose and I state, grinning madly.

"Into time!" Jack shouts happily.

"And space!" We all shout, high fiving and grinning madly at each other.

"My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you?" Mickey grumbles.

"Yeah." Doc and I respond, grinning at each other.

Rose shrugs, "Yeah."

"Yep!" Jack adds, a smirk on his face.

"Hey Rickey, Rosie said you had a surprise for me." I recall, standing straight now. Rose's smile widens even more. The man nods heading out of the doors before quickly walking back in. A carrier in his hand. I furrow my brow in confusion. He places it down and opens the door. I crouch watching in confusion before pure relief and joy floods me. A familiar tortoiseshell cat timidly walks out, seeing me though he trills in happiness. Tears fall from my eyes as I scoop up my little baby. "Oh my God, Rocket I thought you were gone." I state waterly, petting his soft fur as he buries his head under my chin. Soft purrs vibrating from him. I look up to see the Doctor watching with soft eyes, I smile just knowing that he had something to do with this. It was perfectly timed, I had been talking to Rose and the Doctor about how much I missed him and hoped he was okay. One of the problems with having an outdoor cat is you never know if they'd return. That and the fact I was gone for a year. "Thank you so much Mickey. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"So you're neighbour, Sharon, she said he'd been scratching at your door not long after you guys came back for a year. No-one knows where he'd been but I've been looking after him ever since you guys left again." I nod not wanting to dwell on where he had been.

"The Doctor and I have been talking, he's agreed that Rocket can stay. On the Tardis, so long as he doesn't run for it and end up on some planet everything should be good." Rosie adds, reaching out the pet the back of Rocket. I grin gently placing him down watching as Rose crouches to pet him some more as I turn to the Doctor. I lunge at him before he could react wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. His own hands around waist as he stabilises himself.

"Thank you so much." I state, burying my head in his neck. He doesn't respond, just tightens his hold around me. He gently pulls away from me, a look in his eyes I couldn't differentiate.

"The Tardis has made a room for Rocket, one that will have everything he wants and needs." he explains, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly. I smile brightly gazing down at my long lost companion.

"Thank you so much, come with me to get him settled?" I offer, hoping to solve some more tension at the same time. Whilst he was no longer giving me the cold shoulder it could still get awkward, and I'm sick of it. He nods, gently crouching to give Rocket a pet before standing and turning to lead the way. I gently pick him back up holding him close whilst petting him as we make our way through the time machine. Eventually he opens a door and walks in, holding it open on the other side; I follow closely pausing as I take in the room. The room looks a lot like a normal house room, cat beds lay on one side of the room where as on the other were various climbing trees and other such things, scratching posts and toys lay throughout the room, even little hiding spaces. On the furthest wall was a counter and a door, the counter held a wide variety of cat foods and treats, a bowls on the table empty whilst on the floor near the door was a running water machine. I head towards the door curious, gently placing Rocket down I notice the cat flap at the bottom of the door before opening the door. A small field with a few trees greeted me, fairly tall grass and a small patio attached from the door way; the sun in the sky was warm but not over heating and a nice breeze fluttered across my face. I stepped out with the Doctor close behind me as Rocket curiously walked further out, the patio held a coffee table and single cushioned bench. One that could hold three people at most, a basket on the floor that held blankets and a few cushions placed on the couch. The Patio had a roof over it, it was beautiful.

"Doctor." I mumble, standing still as I watch Rocket sniff everything his curiosity winning against his trepidation. The man looks over to me from where he was standing looking out to the grassy field, "Thank you. For everything." he simply smiles, choosing not to respond.


"Should take another twenty four hours, which means we've got time to kill." Doctor announced as we all walked out of the Tardis, after making sure everything was set and being assured by the Doctor that the Tardis had made sure the room had it's own gravity field, meaning when the Doctors horrible driving tries to tumble us around Rocket and the room would remain unaffected. I smile brightly as the Timelord holds the door open for me to walk through, Rosie walks around before me smiling brightly as she spins taking in our surroundings. Roald Darhl Plass shined in the harsh breeze and nice sun telling us it was probably about autumn time; making us thankful for out clothes, Rose was wearing a nice denim skirt with tights, her pink long sleeved top and her denim jacket over the top as well as her new scarf which I had picked out for her when we visited this asteroid market. She had picked out a green black and grey speckled scarf for me which I also adorned with my leather jacket, long sleeved dark green top, fingerless gloves and black shorts with some black tights, I have some dark green leg warmers as well as my doc martins. I link arms with Rose grinning at her as we stand waiting for the rest of them to come out of the time and space machine, and for Doc to lock her.

"That old lady's staring." Mickey points out, looking over at said old lady who was indeed staring us down.

Jack took it as an opportunity to flirt with the man, "Probably wondering what four people could do inside a small wooden box."

"What are you captain of, the Innuendo Squad?" quickly responds, slightly raising an eyebrow at the man. Jack simply makes a 'W' with his hands before spinning on his heel and leading the group away.

"Wait, the Tardis, we can't just leave it. Doesn't it get noticed?" Tricky Mickey questions, I feel a bit more appreciation for his concern over the Tardis.

"Yeah, what's with the police box? Why does it look like that?" Jack questions, returning to us after proving his point.

"It's a cloaking device." I point out, lifting a hand to tug a loose hair from my lip gloss the wind being unforgiving and blowing right back into it.

"It's called a chameleon circuit. The Tardis is meant to disguise itself wherever it lands, like if this was Ancient Rome, it'd be a statue on a plinth or something. But I landed in the 1960s, it disguised itself as a police box, and the circuit got stuck." Doc explains, leaning against the wooden box. I smile unwrapping from Rose to prance over to the Time machine, placing a loving hand on her exterior.

"So it copied a real thing? There actually was police boxes?" Mickey questioned.

"Yeah, they were on street corners. Phone for help before they had radios and mobiles. If they arrested someone, they could shove them inside till help came, like a little prison cell." I explained just before the Doctor could who pouted as he looked over at me.

"Why don't you just fix the circuit?" Jack queried, obviously intrigued.

Doc frowns, dropping his pout and looks over at the other men, "I like it, don't you?"

"I love it." Rosie and I answer in sync, We chuckle slightly high fiving as I skip back over. Linking arms once again.

"But that's what I meant. There's no police boxes anymore, so doesn't it get noticed?" Mickey asks again, I'm all down for some learning but this is getting annoying.

"Ricky, let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap bang in the middle of town, what do they do?" he pauses for dramatic effect placing his hands on Mickey's shoulders, "Walk past it. Now, stop your nagging. Let's go and explore."

"What's the plan?" I question, holding the Timelord hand in my free one, keeping my arm linked with Rose's.

"I don't know. Cardiff, early 21st century and the wind's coming from the east. Trust me. Safest place in the universe." Doc responds causing Jack, Rose and I to groan loudly.

"I can't believe you just said that, especially after last time. Next thing you know we're going to be chased by weird little gremlin looking warriors through a jungle because you've jinxed us." I state, glaring playfully up at the alien.

"Oi! It's only happened once, making it a coincidence. Not my fault." he defends we simply roll our eyes and continue onwards.

"Ooo we should get chips." Rose states when the smell of fresh chips wafts through the air. I open my mouth to agree but my stomach takes the reigns, growling loudly causing a small blush to appear on my face.

"Well there's our answer." Doc responds, dragging us to the nearby ATM machine, withdrawing about £30 which is a bit excessive and heads into the chip shop. Jack, Mickey and the Doctor go sit down after handing me the money and telling Rosie and I their orders. I roll my eyes, before dragging my blonde friend with me.

After quickly ordering, we hand the money over getting our change back; I pocket it before grabbing the three large fries paper wrapped packets and the paper wrapped cheese and onion pie, battered sausage and normal sausage. We quickly return to the group, handing each their food, Doc had wanted just chips and so did I so we shared one of the large fries. Whilst Rose and Jack shared another pack, Jack with the pie and Rose with a normal sausage; Mickey the battered sausage and the last chip packet. I sit down next to the Doctor, Mickey, Jack and Rose on the other side of the table. I nibble on the chips, watching with intrigue as Jack starts up a couple stories.


"I swear, six feet tall and with big tusks-" Jack states, Rose and I giggling as the story progressively got worse. Doc chuckling as he rest his arm on the back of my seat.

"You're lying through your teeth!" the Timelord states.

"I'd have gone bonkers! That's the word - bonkers!" Rose cackles, I laugh loudly at his face.

"I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean tusks! And it's woken, and it's not happy."

"How could you not know it was there?" I gasp out, leaning back and resting my head on the Doctors arm.

"And we're standing there, fifteen of us, naked," Jack continues.

"Naked?!" Rosie exclaims.

"And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me. And then it roars, and we are running. Oh my God, we are running! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and I say-"

"I knew we should've turned left!" Mickey steals the line.

"That's my line!" Jack protests laughing nonetheless.

"I don't believe you. I don't believe a word you say ever. That is so brilliant." Rose laughs, wiping tears from her eyes as she calms down. "Did you ever get your clothes back?"

Doc next to me tenses, I straighten up sensing his troubled thoughts and turn to him. "Doc? What's wrong?"

He doesn't respond simply standing, walking over to a nearby old man and snatching the paper from his hands. I quickly stood walking over at a new speed, sending a quick apology to the man before looking at the page the Timelord seemed so angry at.

"And I was having such a nice day." he complains, turning the paper over to show the others who had now turned their attention to us.

"Come on then lets go get this bitch." I state, turning to the Doctor who had picked up my coat and scarf as we prepared to leave. I quickly tug the jacket on and go to take the scarf except he beats me to it, gently wrapping the fabric around my neck before taking my hand in his. What the hell was that for?


"According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit. Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you and little moon go face to face with her. That'll designate Exit One, I'll cover Exit Two. Rose, you Exit Three. Mickey Smith, you take Exit Four. Have you got that?" Jack quickly riddled off, I smile brightly at the nickname. And glance over to the Doctor who was stood watching the man with a disgruntled look.

"Excuse me. Who's in charge?" he demands, crossing his arms over his chest with faux irritation.

"Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir." Jack states, rolling his eyes.

"Right, here's the plan." Doc pauses, waiting a while and makes eye contact with me, "Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else?" he adds a wide grin as Jack smiles widely at the man.

"Present arms." he orders, we all do so. Pulling our mobiles out

"Ready." We all echo, pressing our phones to set up our phones.

"Speed dial?" Jack questions again.

"Yup." Doc and I respond.

"Ready." is Rose reply as she presses the final button.

"Check." Mickey responds.

"See you in hell." Jack grins as we all head off in our own directions. Doc takes my hand as we walk straight up to the mayor's office. A man in a desk sat outside it.

"Hello, We've come to see the Lord Mayor." Doc happily greets, smiling brightly.

"Have you got an appointment?" the man asks, sending us a warm smile.

"No, just old friends passing by. Bit of a surprise." Doc replies.

"Can't wait to see her face." I add, with a smile of my own.

"Well, she's just having a cup of tea." the man replies, seeming hesitant.

"Just go in there and tell her the Doctor would like to see her." the Timelord responds, I grin wider at this just knowing it's gonna send her running.

"Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor. Tell her exactly that. The Doctor."

"Hang on a tick." the man adds, quickly disappearing into the room. We wait a few moments before the crash and shatter of china could be heard and the man returns. His eyes wide.

"The Lord Mayor says thank you for popping by. She'd love to have a chat, but, er, she's up to her eyes in paperwork. Perhaps if you could make an appointment for next week?"

"She's climbing out of the window, isn't she?" I state, watching the man.

"Yes, she is." he admits, quickly moving out of our way as we rush forwards. Racing across the room to the window attached to a small balcony. I quickly hold my phone to my ear telling the other.

"Slitheen heading north." get positives back I pocket the phone again. Suddenly the man from before shoves me to the floor and attempts to push the Doctor over the balcony edge. With a loud growl I quickly rose to my feet, gripping the back of the mans suit and dragging him off of the Timelord. I threw him back into the room, and raced to where the Slitheen had been climbing down to the ground by some scaffolding. Making quick work of it I see Margret fiddling with her jewellery as she quick walks away. Rose and Jack closing in on her; I sprint full force.

"Who's on Exit Four?!" Jack exclaims, watching as she scuttles ahead of me.

"That was Mickey!" Rose replies.

"Here I am." said useless person appears, I block it out though focusing on grabbing the alien.

"Mickey the idiot."

"Oh, be fair. she's not exactly going to outrun us, is she?" Rose comments. I quickly lunge at her, scrambling with the woman as she yelps. She shoves me off of her and presses something in her hands.

"She's got a teleport! That's cheating! Now we're never going to get her." Jack whines. I growl frustrated, standing up and dusting off my tights.

"Oh, the Doctor's very good at teleports." Rose responds, we watch as the man raises his sonic to where the woman disappeared. And just on queue she reappeared only this time slightly closer and running straight at us, she freezes, spins on her heels and scuttles the other way pressing the teleport again. Once again the Doctor uses the sonic, she reappears and then disappears. This happens one more time where she reappears right in front of us, gasping for breath as she glares at our group.

"I could do this all day." Doc smugly states, holding the sonic up threatening.

"This is persecution." she rasps, finally standing straight, "Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?" she has the audacity to whine.

"You killed over 20 people, tried to kill us and destroy this entire planet simply for profit. And God knows how many people you've killed since you escaped."

"Apart from that."

Chapter 25: Boom Town: Okay Debbie Downer

Chapter Text

Once Jack had a good grip on her shoulder we retreated back to the Mayor's Office, a small prototype of a nuclear plant sat on the desk in the middle.

Doc starts to talk out loud, his thoughts running as he tries to figure out what her plan is, "So, you're a Slitheen, you're on Earth, you're trapped. Your family get killed but you teleport out just in the nick of time. You have no means of escape. What do you do? You build a nuclear power station. But what for?"

"A philanthropic gesture. I've learnt the error of my ways." came the aliens response, attempting an innocent look on her face as I circle the small building.

"And it just so happens to be right on top of the rift." I retort, sending a flat look in her direction.

Her face twitches ever so slightly before she straightens it out, "What rift would that be?"

"A rift in space and time. If this power station went into meltdown, the entire planet would go-" Jack answers proceeding to make an explosion sound using his hands for emphasis.

"This station is designed to explode the minute it reaches capacity." Doc points out, looking over the diagrams.

Rose looking extra concerned for the people asks, "Didn't anyone notice? Isn't there someone in London checking this sort of stuff?"

"We're in Cardiff. London doesn't care. The South Wales coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice." Margaret answers, she then pauses reflecting on her words adding, "Oh. I sound like a Welshman. God help me, I've gone native."

"But why would she do that? A great big explosion, she'd only end up killing herself." Mickey asks, leaning against a table.

"She's got a name, you know." the Slitheen snaps.

"She's not even a she, she's a thing." Mickey retorts, glaring at the hostile alien.

"Oh, but she's clever." Doc mumbles, pulling out the middle section of the model revealing a long almost surfboard with electronics underneath. "Fantastic."

"Is that a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?" Jack questions his eyes brightening with excitement. I chuckle slightly as he practically bounces in spot at the sight of the sciency surfboard.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Doc responds, holding it out for Jack to look at.

"Oo, genius! You didn't build this." Jack tells the alien, Margaret looks slightly insulted.

"I have my hobbies. A little tinkering."

"No, no, no. I mean, you really didn't build this. Way beyond you."

"I bet she stole it." Mickey grumbles, I nod, that is definitely the most viable option.

"It fell into my hands." she protests I roll my eyes.

"Is it a weapon?" Rose asks, looking at the machine with curiosity. I shake my head.

"It looks like a surfboard so I'm assuming transport?" I state, looking over to the Doctor for confirmation. He nods grinning wildly as he pats my head. I send him a glare back.

"Little Moons right, it's transport. You see, if the reactor blows, the rift opens. Phenomenal cosmic disaster. But this thing shrouds you in a forcefield. You have this energy bubble, so you're safe. Then you feed it coordinates, stand on top, and ride the concussion all the way out of the solar system."

"It's a surfboard." Mickey states, as if he hadn't heard me.

"A pan-dimensional surfboard, yeah."

"And it would've worked." Margaret grumbles,

"If it weren't for you meddling kids." I mumble to Rose earning a loud grin as Margaret continues, having not heard me.

"I'd have surfed away from this dead end dump and back to civilisation."

"You'd blow up a whole planet just to get a lift?" Mickey looks at the alien in disbelief.

"Like stepping on an anthill." she sneers.

"And you wonder why we want to stop you. That right there, you haven't changed one bit." I sneer back at her.

"How'd you think of the name?" Doc questions, I look over to see the name Blaidd Drwg

"What, Blaidd Drwg? It's Welsh." she responds moving her gaze from me.

"I know, but how did you think of it?" Doc asks again, more frustrated this time.

"I chose it at random, that's all There were two options and I got someone to pick between them. I don't know. It just sounded good. Does it matter?"

"Blaidd Drwg." Doc mumbles, mulling the words over. I feeling of dread swirls in my stomach at the name.

"What was the other option?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"Y Ffenics." she responds, then adds, "I thought it'd be to on the nose."

"What do they mean?"

"Bad Wolf." Doc responds whilst I state,

"The Phoenix."

"But I've heard that before. Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times. Same with The Phoenix." Rose hurriedly tells us, panic edging its way into her voice.

"Everywhere we go. Two names following us. Bad Wolf and The Phoenix.

"How can they be following us?" I mutter, looking up at the Doctor as he stands near us.

"Nah, just a coincidence. Like hearing a word on the radio then hearing it all day. Never mind. Things to do." Doc quickly brushes off after gazing down into my eyes. I furrow my brow at the dismissal. "Margaret, we're going to take you home."

"Hold on, isn't that the easy option, like letting her go?" Jack protests, I shrug slightly. Surely they will punish her. After all Earth is a Level 5 planet.

"I don't believe it! We actually get to go to Raxa." Rose stumbles over the word. "Wait a minute! Raxacor-"

"Raxacoricofallapatorius." Doc and I state, grinning madly at each other.

"Raxacorico," Rose slowly enunciates.

"fallapatorius." Doc continues.

"Raxacoricofallapatorius. That's it! I did it!" Rose squeals with happiness, I giggle with her, high fiving my friend.

"They have the death penalty. The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago and found guilty with no chance of appeal. According to the statutes of government, the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do you make of that, Doctor? Take me home and you take me to my death." Margaret interrupts, dampening the mood.

"Okay Debbie Downer." I snap, "It's not our fault you broke the law."

"Not my problem." Doc responds, his face blank of emotion as he places a hand on my upper arm.


We quickly made work of getting back to the Tardis, Jack and the Doctor mulling over the idea of using the extrapolator as an energy source. I was standing near them eager to learn what I could about the amazing ship.

"This ship is impossible. It's superb. How do you get the outside around the inside?" Margaret asks, looking around the time machine with a glint in her eyes I didn't appreciate. She was up to something.

"Like I'd give you the secret, yeah." Doc scoffs, I smile slightly at her expression.

"I almost feel better about being defeated. I never stood a chance. This is the technology of the gods." she marvels, I roll my eyes at her dramatics.

"Don't worship me - I'd make a very bad god. You wouldn't get a day off, for starters." Doc responds, earning a chuckle from me as I unwrap my scarf hanging it over a Y-beam. "Jack, how we doing, big fella?"

"This extrapolator's top of the range. Where did you get it?" Jack questions, briefly looking over to the Slitheen.

"Oh, I don't know. Some airlock sale?"

"What's that? The space equivalent of a car boot sale?" I grumble, loud enough that the Doctor let out a bark of laughter and Rose chuckled slightly.

"Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power." Jack states, attaching a few wires to the underneath of the console.

"But we can use it for fuel?" I ask, crouching down near Jack to watch as he used the console wires to plug in the extrapolator.

"It's not compatible, but it should knock off about twelve hours. We'll be ready to go by morning."

"Then we're stuck here overnight." Doc slightly complains, I chuckle at his disgruntled face.

"I'm in no hurry." the Slitheen inputs.

"Well no sh*t." I retort, standing up to lean against the console near the Doctor who was messing with some of the console on top.

"We've got a prisoner. The police box is really a police box." Rose exclaims happily, I roll my eyes fondly as she stands near Mickey a grin on her face.

"You're not just police, though. Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you." the Slitheen states, her voice low as she tries to guilt trip us; Rose's face drops at this, she looks away with a dampened mood. Mickey's face hardens as he realises this as well.

"Well, you deserve it." Mickey snaps, laying a hand over Rose's shoulder.

"You're very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood, which makes you better than me, how, exactly? Long night ahead Let's see who can look me in the eye." the alien almost hisses, staring them in the eyes, Mickey Rose and Jack quickly look away. Doc barely glances over before returning to his job and she meets my eyes. I send a cold smirk, as her eyes widen with the lack of guilt on my face.

"Nice try, basic manipulation you bitch. Guilt tripping them, well it isn't going to work on me. You see 'Margaret'." I emphasis the name standing straight as I saunter slightly closer to the alien, "You're pleading out of a dead woman's lips, you're pleading for mercy after killing hundreds if not thousands of people and planning on killing billions more. So sending you to your death is easy for me. You could even say it's like stepping on an ant hill." I finish, maintaining eye contact as she recovers from me. A small smirk on her lips,

"And I thought the Doctor was bad." she states simply, causing my brow to furrow. The silence echoes for a few seconds before Mickey and Rose leave the Tardis going out for dinner plans with the extra time, I chuckle watching them on the monitor. I hope it works out for them.

"So, what's on?" Jacks voice appears right over my shoulder. I spin to see him watching the screen.

"T'was just thinking about how I hope it works out between them, Mickey's loyalty to Rose is obvious. I mean who can say that they've had someone come to Cardiff from London just to give them a passport." I answer, turning back and turning the monitor off.

"Well you can say that you have a Timelord man that takes you travelling to see the stars, I don't think many can say that." Jack responds, gently nudging my with his elbow earning a small smile from me.

"I gather it's not always like this, having to wait. I bet you're always the first to leave, Doctor. Never mind the consequences, off you go. You butchered my family and then ran for the stars, am I right? But not this time. At last you have consequences. How does it feel?" the Slitheen continues her nagging. When do you think she'll get the hint that we aren't going to give in?

"I didn't butcher them." Doc snaps back, a slight tone shift in his voice which causes me to look aver at him. I reach out placing a hand on his arm.

"Don't answer back. That's what she wants." I mumble, he nods.

"I didn't." he assures Jack who had looked up at Margaret's statement to watch the Doctor, "What about you? You had an emergency teleport. You didn't zap them to safety, did you?"

"It only carries one. I had to fly without coordinates. I ended up on a skip in the Isle of Dogs." this causes the three of us to chuckle, Margaret sits there slightly glaring at us, "It wasn't funny."

"Sorry. It is a bit funny." Doc replies, laughing slightly again this time she joins in.

"Do I get a last request?" Margaret asks, clearing her throat.

"Depends on what it is." I reply, crossing my arms to look at the murderous alien.

"I grew quite fond of my little human life. All those rituals. The brushing of the teeth, and the complicated way they cook things. There's a little restaurant just round the Bay. It became quite a favourite of mine." she explains, Doc walks over leaning on a nearby railing.

"Is that what you want, a last meal?" Doc questions looking sceptically down at her.

"Don't I have rights?" she snaps back.

"Not really no." I retort harshly.

"Oh, like she's not going to try to escape." Jack grumbles, looking away from the console.

"Except I can never escape the Doctor, so where's the danger? I wonder if you could do it? To sit with a creature you're about to kill and take supper. How strong is your stomach?" she taunts.

"Strong enough." Doc responds, his face carefully blank.

"I wonder. I've seen you fight your enemies, now dine with them." she adds, she is so dramatic.

"You won't change my mind." Doc responds, warning the alien.

"Prove it." she almost flirts? back.

Doc watches her before shaking his head, "There are people out there. If you slip away just for one second, they'll be in danger."

"Except I've got these." Jack voices, we look over to see him holding two bangles that looked like separated hand cuffs.

"You both wear one. If she moves more than ten feet away, she gets zapped by ten thousand volts." he explains easily, I grin slightly at the look of fear that flashed over her face.

Grinning Doc spins on his heel, "Margaret, would you like to come out to dinner? My treat."

"Dinner in bondage. Works for me." I roll my eyes at the Slitheens response. Doc surprises me by turning in my direction.

"Al, would you like to keep me company I'm gonna need it. Plus a free meal on the Mayor." he asks, holding his hand out to me as Jack pops the bangle on the other one and the other bangle on Margaret. I grin looking up at the man with a nod, I take his hand squeezing it gently. Since this is the closest I'm gonna get to a date with the alien I might as well enjoy it.


Margaret led the way to the restaurant and we sat on a small table, Doc and I on one side with Margaret on the other. We were ordering food as I sipped on my glass of double vodka co*ke, with a straw obviously.

"Here we are, out on a date, and you haven't even asked my proper name." Margaret points out I huff taking a long sip of the drink before looking over to the Doc who feeds into it.

"It's not a date. What's your name?"

"Blon. I am Blon Fel Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. That's what it'll say on my death certificate." she just had to add that didn't she.

"Nice to meet you, Blon." Doc responds with sarcastic smile.

"Wish I could say it's been a pleasure." I mumble, glaring at Blon.

"I'm sure. Look, that's where I was living as Margaret. Nice little flat, over there, on the top. Next to the one with the light on." she points over to the window causing the Doctor to look over, I watch with a very unimpressed gaze when she pours powder into his drink. "Two bedrooms, bayside view. I was rather content. Don't suppose I'll see it again." she continues, Doc turns back watching as I switch the glasses whilst I nod nonchalantly with what she was saying.

"Sounds nice." I state, looking over the menu again.

"Thank you." both of them say to me, I smile up at them.


"Tell me then, Doctor. What do you know of our species?" Blon challenges, Doc shrugs.

"Only what I've seen."

"Did you know, for example, in extreme cases, when her life is in danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger." Blon suddenly snaps her finger in my direction a green blur heading my way but thankfully the Doctors Timelord reflexes meant that he quickly reached out and grabbed it mid air.

"Yes, I did." he responds, placing the dart down near his plate.

"Just checking. And one more thing, between you and me." she whispers, falsely looking around and leaning closer. Drawing the Doctor in. "As a final resort, the excess poison can be exhaled through the lungs." she whispers then begins to exhale towards his mouth. Except this time I was prepared already grabbing a napkin and shoving it in her mouth.

"That's better. Now then, what do you think? Mmm, steak looks nice. Steak and chips." Doc states, I nod along.

"I'm thinking just some chips. Although that does mean I've had chips twice today." I muse, looking at the menu again.

"Oh that's alright I don't think two sets of chips in one day is going to harm you." the Doctor replies, setting his menu down. I grin over at him motioning for the waiter again.

We began eating our meals in silence, only for Blon to go and ruin it,

"Public execution's a slow death. They prepare a thin acetic acid, lower me into the cauldron and boil me. The acidity is perfectly gauged to strip away the skin. Internal organs fall out into the liquid, and I become soup. And still alive, still screaming." I pause looking down at my chips, thankfully I only have about 5 left because that just spoiled my appetite.

Doc shrugs though, chewing on some steak before responding, "I don't make the law."

"But you deliver it. Will you stay to watch?"

"What else can I do?" Doc states, his eyes challenging her.

"The Slitheen family's huge. There's a lot more of us, all scattered off-world. Take me to them. Take me somewhere safe."

"But then you'll just start again." I point out downing the rest of my drink.

"I promise I won't." she swears, looking between us with begging eyes. I just couldn't find it within myself to feel pity.

"You've been in that skin suit too long. You've forgotten. There used to be a real Margaret Blaine. You killed her and stripped her and used the skin. You're pleading for mercy out of a dead woman's lips." Doc almost growls, repeating my previous words.

"Perhaps I have got used to it. A human life, an ordinary life. That's all I'm asking. Give me a chance, Doctor. I can change." Blon begs, I watch her with a closed expression.

"I don't believe you." I state, watching as her gaze switches to me.

"I promise you I've changed since we last met. There was this girl, just today. A young thing, something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the blood lust rising, just as the family taught me, I was going to kill her without a thought. And then I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now. She's walking around this city because I can change. I did change. I know I can't prove it-" she rambles, Doc cuts her off though,

"I believe you."

"Then you know I'm capable of better."

"It doesn't mean anything." I respond, the atmosphere of our table turning solemn.

"I spared her life." she protests.

"You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you excuse slaughtering millions. Because every once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you are kind." I respond, watching her as I straighten up in my seat.

"Only a killer would know that. Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Doctor, Alula. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go." she pleads. I frown at her words. "In the family Slitheen, we had no choice. I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill. It's all I know. Doctor, are you even listening to me?" she continues only our attention had been dragged elsewhere. The ground felt as though it was rumbling, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. Something was wrong.

"Can you hear that?" Doc quickly questions.

"I'm begging for my life."

"No, listen, shush." I snap, focusing on the area a loud rumble filling the air the table quaking and then suddenly the restaurant window shatters, showering the nearby people with glass. A small yelp escapes me as the ground quakes, I stumble to my feet with the help of the Doctor. We race out of the building, I sprint back to the Tardis stumbling every now and then but leave the Doctor with Blon it's not like she'll get far. As I bust in through the doors I watch in horror at the sight.

"What the hell are you doing?" I exclaim, racing over trying to help a frantic Jack who was tearing at the wires connecting the extrapolator to the Tardis.

"It just went crazy!" he shouts. Doc and Blon quickly enter.

"It's the rift. Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's going to disappear!" Doc shouts out over the rumbling, I stand moving near the door to keep an eye on Blon. Rose rushes in looking over the situation with wide eyes.

"It's the extrapolator. I've disconnected it but it's still feeding off the engine! It's using the Tardis. I can't stop it!" Jack shouts out, tugging at the machine.

"Never mind Cardiff, it's going to rip open the planet." Doc yells, panickedly rushing around the console.

"What is it? What's happening?!" Rose shouts out, I look over at Rose next to me watching as Blon goes to grab her. With reflexes I didn't think I had I quickly launch myself at Rosie, taking her place as Blon slides and arm out of her suit and wrap her hand tightly around my neck.

"Oh, just little old me." Blon innocently informs. "One wrong move and she snaps like a promise."

"I might've known." Doc growls, I gasp for breath as the air comes through in a thin stream. This gonna bruise like hell.

"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it. You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet." Jack looks at me, his eyes hardening. Although Blon must've taken it as hesitation as she tightened her grip on my throat. No barely any air was getting in. I let out a chocked gasp, feeling my face turning red. Jack quickly places the space surfboard at her feet.

"Thank you. Just as I planned."

"I - thought you needed." I pause trying to gasp in air, "to blow up the nuclear - power station." my words shattered and fractured as I wheeze for air.

"Failing that, if I were to be arrested, then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Doctor. So the extrapolator was programmed to go to plan B. To lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. And what a power source it found. I'm back on schedule, thanks to you." Blon reveals, this is why I didn't trust her.

"The rift's going to convulse. You'll destroy the whole planet." Jack cries out.

"And you with it!" she evilly replies, dragging me by my throat as she moves forwards to stand on the extrapolator. "While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back, boys. Surf's up."

Only as she finishes her sentence a lovely warm gold light fills the room, I move my eyes over to the console watching as gold swirls leak from the Tardis. "Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart."

"So sue me." she snarls.

"It's not just any old power source. It's the Tardis. My Tardis. The best ship in the universe."

"It'll make wonderful scrap." Blon sneers.

"What's that light?" Rose questions.

"The heart of the Tardis. This ship's alive. You've opened its soul."

"It's so bright." Blon mumbles, her eyes locked on the light similar to mine. I feel her grip loosen around my neck except as I gaze into the light I don't really notice.

"Look at it, Margaret."

"Beautiful." she mumbles.

"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light." she fully releases her grip on me turning to the Doctor with a weird smile.

"Thank you." she whispers and suddenly disappears in light. My gaze though remains locked on the Tardis heart, the warm light and singing making me feel warm and I'm suddenly dragged harshly into a sort of vision.

I'm floating in darkness nothingness swallowing me, I curl slightly my legs to my chest as I float. In front of me a swirling gold light slowly brightens, and soon enough a swirling golden figure floats with me. Her entire being swirling like dust her hair flared as her eyes shine bright. I watch in awe as she approaches me.

"Phoenix, it is soon your time to return. You will be whole again. Not fragmented." she states her ethereal voice lulling me, her presence overall comforting.

"What does that mean?" I whisper, looking up at the ethereal being. "And who are you?"

"You know me as a blue box, but I am time; the future, present and past I see all. And I see your truth."

"The Tardis." I gasp looking at the being with even more respect. She nods gently.

"You will soon understand when Bad Wolf comes to protect, the Phoenix will rise."

Harshly I am dragged from the vision, my eyes focusing on a man's face in front of me. I gasp loudly, my throat screaming at me as debilitating pain fills me. A tear rolls down my cheek as I try to inhale or even talk.

"Don't try to talk, she's damaged the tissue deeply." Doc mumbles, gently holding my head still looking into my eyes. His gaze helps fend off the growing panic. "I'm going to pick you up and take you to the med bay." I nod, allowing him to sweep me up, I curl into his chest the thoughts of the Tardis swirling in my head.

Chapter 26: Bad Wolf: What is going on?

Chapter Text

I sit patiently in the Med Bay; the Doctor's form rummaging through draws gathering different tools as I twist one of my rings around my finger. The Tardis's words and apparition melded to my brain as I think over her words, 'The Phoenix will rise.' this is getting creepy, how many times now has that name come up? And what the hell did she mean by becoming whole again. Was this about her weird visions? After all her mind is the only fragmented thing about her that she knows of. She keeps her musings to herself though, looking up when the Doctors leather clad torso enters her peripheral vision. He holds a small machine that looked weirdly like those machines that are used for laser hair removal, I scrunch my brows as I look suspiciously at the device.

"This is a dermal regenerator, it'll heal the dermis layer of your throat; reduce the pain and hopefully ease your talking." he explains holding the device up to my throat after I nod, I feel the thing buzz as he glides it over my skin the pain is already reducing. "I also have a salve for the severe bruising, it'll speed up your healing about 3 times its usual speed so the bruising should be gone by the next few days." I nod, still not trusting for the pain to not come back if I spoke. He gently picks up the salve taking some on his fingers gently massaging it between his own fingers before tilting my chin up with a gentle nudge under my chin, I blush at the motion thankful for my head tilted away from him as he focuses on massaging the salve into my skin. His calloused fingers were surprisingly gentle as they glide across my smooth once creamy skin. Once done I look back at him my head still craning up to see him as he rises to his full height. He looks down at me with a stormy look in his eyes, a look I don't think I have seen before. It causes a fire to spark in my stomach causing me to shift slightly, it was full of unbridled emotion. I blush heavily looking down at my hands as the intense eye-contact becomes too much.

"Putting yourself in Rose's place was incredible dangerous, and stupid." he chastises after a moment of silence. I roll my eyes, great a lecture. "But also incredibly brave." he adds almost sensing the edge of an argument and saving himself magnificently.

"I- I couldn't just stand by and watch my friend get hurt." I input knowing I didn't need to fight for my case but felt as though I should. Thankfully my throat only stings at the usage. A dull ache does begin to form though. "Thank you Doctor."

"You're welcome little Star." he fondly replies, my heart skips a beat at the pet name.

"Little Star?" I question a small grin on my face as his ears tint red.

"Well if Jack can call you little moon then I think I can call you little star." he protests. I giggle nodding my head.

"Yeah I have no problems with it but, I go by Luna hence, little moon. Why little star?"

"Did you know that there is a Double Giant Star in the Ursa Major constellation named the Alula Borealis and Australis, the two stars orbit one called the Mizar. It was the first twin star to be discovered by earth orbiting another star. 27 light years away from your home planet. The Alula Borealis is similar to the sun in its composition but is smaller, used to be a brown dwarf." he cuts off his own tangent looking down at me, I watch intrigued at how his brain worked. "So little star." he adds a small smile of his own gracing his lips.

"I love it. I never knew I shared a name with a star." I grin, "Could we see it?" I request looking back up at him.

He grins nodding happily down at me, he lifts his hand gently placing it against my cheek. I lean into it slightly, a small blush across my cheeks which he brushes with his thumb. My eyes flutter closed to their own accords, the exhaustion of the day weighing down on me.

"Come on Doctor we need to get Margaret back!" Jacks voice echoes down the corridors of the Tardis, the serene moment shattered as the Timelord moves his hand away.

"Come along little star. Let's get Margaret to a nursery."


Kyoto in the 14th century is beautiful, if only we had the opportunity to truly enjoy the scenery. Thanks to the Doctor we are all running for our lives from Samurai soldiers since our designated driver can't keep his trap shut. I sprint down the road, slightly lost but following Jack as we had been separated from Doc and Rose; hopefully he knows where he's going. As we turn another corner the sight of a blue box enters our field of vision, I let out a relieved laugh my legs pumping faster as our escape is near, the soldiers behind us continue their pursuit calling out to us. We quickly enter, the doors falling open as we run in; Doc and Rose already in waiting for us and without skipping a beat the Timelord is whizzing around the console taking us away and back to the vortex. I fall back against the jump seat my heart beating wildly as we all relax in relief. I am never letting that man do the talking ever again.

Just as I open my mouth a bright white light enters the control room, the Tardis shuddering more violently than normal.

"Doctor what the f*ck." I exclaim, rushing to my feet.

"Alula? Alula-" but before anything else could be said the bright white filled my vision, and then dark.


"Ugh. What the f*ck did Jack let me drink?" I groan, my head throbbing as my sight slowly comes back to me. I roll over expecting my pillows only for my cheek to greet cold concrete. "What.." I trail off my eyes focusing, suddenly a pair of hands are on my helping me up. I struggle, shrugging the foreign hands off me as a young man comes into my view it takes a second for my brain to catch up with him speaking.

"You're going to feel a bit off, the transmat beam scrambles your head." he explains, I nod looking around uncomfortably in hopes to see a familiar face. Only I'm greeted with an odd room, the wall is covered in weapons ranging from hunting knives to shot guns. There are 7 other people in the room other than myself, each geared with camouflaged clothing, combat boots, and weapons. The same get up is thrusted into my arms as I'm directed to a divider for me to change behind.

"What is going on? Where am I?" I question, but am ignored. The only response I get is to change. I frown but concede, after all I'm significantly out numbered. The almost military gear fitted well, and I quickly return to the group of people. The group consisted of three women and four men, I slowly began nicknames for each of them based on their appearance. The men consisted of Nerd, Steroids, Accountant, and John Doe; each due to the fact that the guy with glasses who looked about my age and was secluded from the group fit the name, the man whose muscles were the size of my head, the man who had a very prickish sense about him and perfect hair and the dude that helped me up. John Doe was the only one I was interested in knowing his real name. The women on the other hand were harder, GI Jane, a woman who looked like she could kill me with her pinky; Preppy, a girl about my age who had her hair in a high ponytail and ribbon; and Old Lady, quite self explanatory. "Do you guys know what's going on?" I ask, looking over as they each grab weapons. GI Jane turns holding a hunting knife out to me,

"The transmat beam is making your head fuzzy it'll clear up soon." she states, before grabbing a shotgun off the wall and a box of cartridges. I nod, taking the knife and attaching it to my belt. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something, or someone. I frown watching these people closely, why do we need weapons and where the hell am I.

"Final call! Everyone in positions! Prep the Droids." a man calls out, I look over to see a large film camera and lights which I must've missed in my previous disorientation.

Slowly, a pair of droids roll through the doors; their arms not arms but a gun and knife. I instinctively take a step back.

"Okay and rolling!" the man calls out. My eyes grow wide as the Droids activate, their electronic eyes glowing red.

"Welcome to The Hunted." my eyes grow wide. What? "Where we are the hunters and you are the prey." I look around my eyes wide as fear slowly trickles down my spine.

"What's going on?" I beg John Doe, he looks down at me with a weird look.

"You've been chosen." he replies as if it answered all my questions. I pull a face, I guess I'll just find out.

The droids continue talking, a prize for whoever makes it to a certain check point first. Apparently a couple obstacle courses and the droids chasing us are in between us and that reward. After a few moments I realise that this is a game show, a weird game show but still a game show. The Droids red eyes are fixed on us as we all are lined up in front of a large door that looks like a garage door, it slides open a lot like star wars and the Droids behind us start whirring.

"On the count, The Chase will begin. One. Two." they pause for dramatic effect, "Three, Hunt!"

Time seemed to move slowly as I watch the Accountant, Preppy and GI Jane tear out of the room; only Nerd and Steroids don't, Steroids turns to the teenager a regular revolver in his hands as he shoots him. The boy doesn't even cry out as his body hits the floor, a blood splatter on the wall. I let out a choked gasp, he just killed him. Like actually killed him. Only the even weirder part is that the boy's body disappears in a white bolt, his remains turning to dust. I unfreeze as the man turns to me, Old Lady and John Doe. Only for the Old Lady next to me to disintegrate. I turn in horror as one Droids arm is pointed in our direction, its gun smoking slightly like an old western movie. This causes me to sprint off, my legs never moving faster as I shoot out of the 'garage' room and into what looks like a forest. I skid under trees and over roots; sprinting away with a new speed as my gasps come out short. What the f*ck.


I eventually remember everything, the Doctor, Rose and Jack the Tardis. Kyoto in 1336 and the Slitheen. And the reality of my situation causes my blood to go cold, it may only be myself here and I'm going to have to either rely on the Doctor finding me on time or win this game. I quickly found a large enough tree for me to hide in, I quickly scramble up the branches finding a thick enough branch that was high up but good enough that I can rest on. I lean my back against the trunk, relaxing slightly. I need to make it to the check point, the quicker I get there the quicker this game is over. I reach into the many pockets of the jacket that they gave me only to now realise that my name is stitched into the front of it. ALULA stares up at me as I furrow my brow. How, that means I'm meant to be here but I can't be. Deciding that my name on my clothes was the least of my worries I dig out a map, the 'garage' and checkpoint represented as two buildings. There are three different paths that are marked that the 'players' can take, all the while the Droids are chasing after us so we can't stop which is what I'm doing right now. With my break done and a new mindset I clamber down the tree and head off in the middle paths route direction.

If the beginning consists of at least two people getting killed I dread to think what these obstacles are going to do. I make my way my senses on high alert as I make sure no one tries to take me out of the competition early, who would have though this is what I'd be doing.

"I swear I saw her go this way." I hear a jumbled whisper, I quickly scurry to a bush crouching down and hiding. One good thing is that with the Doctor you learn pretty quickly how to be quiet. "Maybe she went down the other route." a gruff voice responds, through the bush I watch as Steroids and John Doe walk down the 'path' John Doe with a machete in his hand and Steroids a gun that looks a lot like a hunting gun. What the f*ck. I breathe lowly, keeping my breaths slow and small as my heart thumps away. The pair walk past continuing down the path nattering away like old pals. Once I can't hear them I rise, sticking to the shrubbery as I creep after them; I can use them as test dummies on the path and obstacles I decide.

After a while the pair in front come to a long ravine, the gap between this side and the other too long to jump. An obstacle course consisting of swinging spiked rams and unstable bridges fills the gap. Whoever came up with this was either a Jumanji or Indiana Jones fan. A whole genre that the Doctor introduced me to whilst we were watching movies. I watch as the pair make their way across, leaping across three pillars like hop scotch and landing on a tilting plate that resembled a seesaw. I cringe turning away as Steroids slips, his shout searing into my brain and a crunch that I don't think I'll ever forget enters the clearing. With John Doe in the middle of the ravine gap I safely come out of my hiding spot, looking down to the bottom of the gap, only there is no mangled body, nothing at the bottom that I could see resembled a pancaked man. Did he disintegrate as well? I look up to see John Doe further down the obstacle course and with new courage I leap. I jump landing on the first pillar using my momentum to continue onto the second then the third. I pause looking at the seesaw, I steel myself. Taking a big breath I jump, my feet slipping slightly and I crouch down holding onto the sides of it as it tips under my weight. Once settled I walk slowly up the incline, reaching the middle I take three cautious steps forwards my arm out either side of me as it tilts forwards at the change of mass. I quickly make it to the end only to look at the next one and see it far too high for me. A platform that had the swinging things I needed to dodge, that one is all about timing but from where I am I can't reach it. It's too high. Damn it why wasn't I watching John Doe do it.

I walk back to the other end of the seesaw, watching at the end opposing me rises to the height needed for me to reach the next platform. Knowing what I needed to do, I step forwards preparing myself to sprint. Another good thing about space travel with a Timelord. You can run bloody fast. I sprint, passing the centre and climbing the incline with impressive speed if I can say. Just as the seesaw shifts beneath me I use my momentum to launch myself up and forwards, only I jumped too early and the platform is too far away. I reach out just about grabbing the ledge, hanging off of it as a grunt escapes my lips as my shoulders pull at the motion. I let out a relieved gasp, I made it. I swing one leg up using that to hoist myself up onto the platform. Thankfully the swinging rams of death were the easiest part, all about timing as I make it to the final obstacle a swinging bridge. John Doe was long since onto the other side and was watching me closely, a smirk on his face. I huff glaring at the man, as I step onto the bridge. Suddenly it starts swinging, back and forth. Even when swinging closer to the other side the gap was too large to simply step off. Timing was going to be everything as well as a good jump.

I let the bridge swing twice getting the rhythm, and as it hits its furthest away point I start running. The bridge swinging towards the other side. I reach the end and leap.

A loud grunt leaving me as I reach the ground, I collapse to the ground my knees buckling as I land. The breath is knocked out of me at my impact and I gasp rolling over to slowly rise. My eyes snapping over to John Doe who slowly claps his machete tucked under his arm.

"Well done. That was amazing." he states, his eyes no longer calm but cold and calculating. I glare, hauling myself and instinctively resting my hand on the hunting knife I was given. He follows the motion eyes tensing. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh yeah." I taunt, tilting my head watching as he swings the machete.


He lunges at me, a small yelp escapes me as I dive to the side. But he recovers quickly slashing at my open back catching the left side of it. I cry out spinning, the knife now in my hands as I lash out at him, catching his arm deeply. He hisses a weird grin on his face. He leaps at me, his arms holding the machete over his head as he aims to slash it down on me. With moves I didn't know I had I quickly slash his open torso, my legs moving of their own accords and taking his legs out from underneath him. He winces, a hand pressed tightly over his now bleeding torso. I just f*cking sliced and diced him. I take a few steps back, the man in no condition to chase, only a buzzing noise fills the air; we both look to the side of the ravine we came from, a Droid hovering over it with its gun aimed on us. I take multiple steps back now, my chest heaving.

"No don't leave me. They'll kill me." John Doe cries out, I shake my head tears of my own filling my eyes. I quickly turn tail and run, flinching as a robotic voice calls out.

"Gotcha." a light flashes and the man shouts out.

"You killed me." before silence. I gasp out a choked breath, my feet racing following the path quickly. My knife clenched tightly in my trembling hand. I shake violently as I suddenly reach a building similar to the 'garage'. I scramble inside, a large button sits on the opposite end of the warehouse looking room. Preppy suddenly appears next to me, shaking herself as we meet gazes. Our eyes snap back to the button and we race off. I scramble, halfway there as we both sprint for our lives; only I'm paused by a familiar face on the right corner of the room, the door open and the Doctor stood shouting my name. My feet slow, in shock detouring towards him.

"Doctor!" I shout out in relief, Rose and Jack stood behind him. I head in his direction my feet faltering when the familiar buzzing of the Droid fills my brain. I spin, the Droid at the mouth of the room, time seems to slow as my head spins over to the button. Preppy's hand on it. My hair stands on edge as I slowly turn to the Doctor, the gap between us far to big even with him running at me.

"Gotcha!" I hear and the now familiar light fills the room. I meet the Doctors eyes tears rolling down my cheeks as I watch him shout out my name.


A searing pain fills me and then nothing.

Rulers Of Time - xcoldonesx (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.