Narc (2002) Movie Script | Subs like Script (2024)

An undercover narc dies, the investigation stalls, so the Detroit P.D. brings back Nick Tellis, fired 18-months ago when a stray bullet hits a pregnant woman. Tellis teams with Henry Oak, a friend of the dead narc and an aggressive cop constantly under the scrutiny of internal affairs. They follow leads, informants turn up dead, Nick's wife is unhappy he's back on the street, Henry's protective of the dead cop's wife. Nick reads and re-reads the case file, broods, watches Oak's heavy-handed style, sometimes joining in. The brass want to close out the case, Nick and Henry stay on it, and bits of evidence point them to an auto body shop. What actually happened; will Nick ever know? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

No! Put him down!


Mommy, mommy.

Mommy, mommy.

Listen to me!

Please... my baby!

Police. I'm police...

Mr. Dowd was pronounced dead
on arrival, Detroit Sinai.

Perforated cranial pan, projectile
fragmentation frontal lobe.

Now, the woman, Jenine Miller,
she subsequently lost the child.

Uterine damage,
hemorrhaging on admittance.

Infant died due to blood loss
suffered by the mother...

hospital records indicate acute
fetal trauma, gunshot wound.

This material was covered
some months ago.

Why is it being brought up again?

Have you had contact with
Miss Miller?

- I've spoken to her, yes.
- On what occasion did you speak...

with Miss Miller and
what prompted the conversation?

That's a personal...

Do you think, in retrospect, acting,
perhaps, less aggressively...

- this might have been prevented?
- What might have been prevented?

The infant's death.

That's very dangerous.
You know that?

- Hungry?
- Your foot... toe cheese.

- I'll bite it off.
- He's gonna wake up.

If the smell didn't wake him up
already, he's out.

- You like that smell.
- Yeah.

- So.
- So, what?

- So, how did it go?
- It went.


- What can I say?
- What did you say?

What do you think?
Ma'am, let me just, uh...

- Sorry. Your name again?
- Liz Detmer.

Right, Ms Detmer,
my duty assignment was solely...

undercover narcotic work. Do you
have any idea what that entails?

I have a general idea, yes.

OK. Well, then, Ms Detmer, you don't
know what you're talking about.

Expect to come out with this
"glad to be here" bullsh*t.

- Head hung low, hat in hand.
- That's ridiculous.

Well, I'm not gonna forget.

It's all what they say.

Then I don't understand why, you
know, you went and talked to them.

Cause they asked.

Mr. Tellis, that's not necessary.

If you haven't seen what I've seen
or done what I've done...

you don't know where
I'm coming from.

I am not an officer of the law,
Mr. Tellis, and therefore...

I have no formal training, but
I would expect someone that...

did would, perhaps,
behave judiciously...

exercising discretion and restraint
in necessary quantities...

Jesus Christ, lady, look,
we can do this all God damned day.

You want to assess all this blame,
I'm gonna call you on it.

So what is this? I can make it very
simple. You want to talk, I'll talk.

I have no problem with that. But if
this becomes some half-ass ambush...

and you're putting me under
the lamp, I will walk. Now.

Are you familiar with
the Michael Calvess case?


He was murdered.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

This investigation, which you may
or may not know...

has stretched over 60 days...

and failed to produce any
tangible or yield a single suspect.

It has not deterred or diminished
our efforts to apprehend and...

punish those responsible.

Throughout your undercover stint,
you maintained prolonged contact...

with the city's drug element. Would
that be an accurate statement?

- I had some relationships.
- Is it fair to say, given your...

rather abrupt discharge from the
ranks 18 months ago, that...

your cover in those contacts
might remain intact?

We feel that your presence in this
investigation would be invaluable...

and would warrant
complete reinstatement.

Homicide Division, detective grade.

When the suspects are caught and
charged and a verdict rendered...

you would be eligible for the
assignment of your choosing...

commensurate to sentencing.


I'm sorry.

I'm not interested.

Bear in mind, Mr. Tellis,
if I may be so bold that...

career opportunities
in law enforcement...

What a waste
of time that was.


Captain Mitchell Cheevers.
Thanks for coming down.

Oh, sure.

Listen, I want to apologize
for in there.

They get paid to put
people on the spot.

- They made their money today.
- Hold on.

You gonna make me f*cking chase
you, come on. Give me ten seconds.

Go ahead.

Calvess was a cop.

- Okay, he didn't deserve this.
- Nobody does.

Fine. Help me out. Come on, help me
catch these motherf*ckers.

Just come down here. Just look at
the files would you? Help me out.

I think that's ten. Time's up.

For who? What the f*ck else
are you gonna do?

They offering you something?

They asked me to look at some files.


- I swear to God.
- Files? Why?

Cause they got a dead cop and
dead ends and they're reaching.

This welfare, pension bullsh*t
is not gonna cut it.

I know. You just do something
else then.


- I do something else?
- Yeah.


What would that be?


Hey, Sergeant, has Michael Calvess'
personal effects cleared yet?



Lieutenant Oak, per departmental
mandate, is restricted...

from participating in the
Calvess investigation any further.

That's the log line and that's
the way it's been worded to me.

- Why is that?
- Well. He and Calvess were close.

He had been on collateral narcotic
investigations for over a year.

He was the first in the tunnel
that day. He discovered the body.

I like him. I do. He's got a
93 percent conviction rate.

He's swinging a big stick.

He makes solid collars
that make solid cases.

But, between you and me,
he's not stable.

He's all that sh*t a cop just
cannot be. Not right now.

Not in this city.
Not in this department.

We're talking about a marked man.

I swear to f*cking God I...

...for beating on your wife and
kids. You're f*cking dead.

Get off me. Get the f*ck off me!
Get off!

What the f*ck. Go get this piece
of sh*t out of here.

I've been listening, Captain.
We can both sit here and say...

...or we can assume that he's
adhering to this department ban.

You're a smart guy.
You know that's bullsh*t.

- I would hope so.
- Yes, but, again...

it's only a matter of time
before I.A. D...

brings down an
indictment on him.

Listen, do yourself a
favor concerning Oak.

I would just blow out all
this bullsh*t code of conduct...

and ethics inquiry and hinge this
whole thing on his involvement.

No. Would that be up to and
including your own involvement?

I don't understand.


if I go to bat for him, I'm gonna
have to do it contingent on you...

being his partner
for the duration.

- The duration of what?
- The duration of the investigation.

You asked me to read
some files, I did.

The tale of the tape is and this is
nothing you don't already know.

Is that your best shot at breaking
this is bringing him back on...

- go off the work he's already done.
- I don't want to waste more time.

Do you want on this
case roster, yes or no.

I'm not looking for an
active assignment.

I want a paycheck. This three-
quarters is not cutting this sh*t.

I don't wanna be with some guy
playing nine-ball on...

some perp's skull.

I'll tell you that.

I want a desk.

I need a desk.

Fine. Get me a conviction,
I'll get you a desk.

Like that?

Just like that.

I'm gonna get some coffee.

You must be somebody
something special.

- No, not really.
- No, not really?

Getting them to reassign me to a
case that I've been so resoundly...

removed from. You gotta admit
that takes some people to pull.

It's not what I did.
It's what you did.

The work you put in.

They know they're better off
with you than without you.

I'm just gonna say this, all right.
I don't know you...

so I refuse to f*ck around
with you anymore than I have to.

Internal Affairs set you up
with this?


No? Fringe ex-cop fallen out of
favor looking to get back...

behind a badge? They got files
three feet think on guys like you.

They bunted you on a reflex.

Probably. But I'm telling you
the truth.

You weren't approach or asked in any
way to keep tabs on me for I.A.?

No, I was not.

I don't blame you for asking.

You don't do what I did and
just waltz back in.

What does that tell you?

That tells me that this
investigation is running on fumes.

Don't get confused thinking that
this is about Calvess.

- I know it's not.
- This all politics.

This is a political appointment. It
is referendum. It's a squashing...

a race riot. You think those
assholes give a sh*t and a shake...

about Michael Calvess? They didn't
know him. They don't care about him.

And they can't forget
about him fast enough.

The only thing you need
to know about me...

that I'm gonna bag the
motherf*ckers that killed Mike.

If that means breaking every point
of procedure then they're broke.

His life was worth a little bit more
than a wreath and a rifle salute.

Understand? That's just me.
What about you?

What about me?

Why are you coming back to this
sh*t? Cops die daily. They die bad.

What makes Mike the exception?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Just something to do?


I know what time it is,
but you can still give me a kiss.

Audrey, I don't want to get into
this with you right now.

I just wanna go to sleep. I just
want to lay down next to you...

and go right to sleep. You want
to kick my ass all over...

in the morning that's...
that's fine, but I just wanna...

I'm f*cking beat, man.

Hi, did you ever
see these guys.

Jimmy Fredericks. It was his
street name. He'd be dirty...

Wait. What are you jumping up and
down for? What's the matter?

- Cold man.
- Shut up! Hey! Is it tougher?

Speak English will you?
You're in America, speak English.

You remember a guy
named Jimmy Springs?

You seen this guy? Street name
was Jimmy Fredericks.

A guy named Jimmy Fredericks.

What's his street name?

That's his name. Jimmy Fredericks.
Sometimes go by Calvess, no?

- Nothing?
- Nothing.

Sure about that?

I wanna ask you about a cat named
Jimmy Fredericks used to hang...

around here.

I don't know that guy.

I want to ask you a question about a
guy. A guy named Jimmy Fredericks.

No, I don't remember him. No.

- No.
- You're sure?

- Never seen him around here before.
- No.

Ask you a couple of questions.

A guy named Jimmy Fredericks.

Are you hurt right now? Listen
to me. Jimmy Fredericks.

Never seen him.
Never seen this guy.

Know a guy named Calvess?

Accuses her of sleeping around.
She denies it.

He grabs an aerosol can and some
matches and lights her head up.

So he mentions this Jimmy Fredericks
and Cheevers told us to route...

- this through you.
- And what's he saying.

He claims he used to snitch
for him. Says he'll trade...

what he has to say for some
type of sentence reduction.

We can't do that.
We're not gonna do that.

Well, we got him cuffed up there.
But he's got no pants on.

Tried to get a pair on him,
but the guy's f*cking beserk.

All right. What's her name?

- Louisa...
- What?

Louisa Nunez. That's all
we could get out of her.

- They married?
- Who knows?

Look what he f*cking did to me!

Let go of me! Let go! Octavio,
you're f*cking dead!

I hate you! f*ck! Let go of me!
Let the f*ck go of me!

Right there to the left.

Have fun.

Se?or, itchy co*ck.

Why you saying, man? What that?

Looks like you got yourself
a bad situation here.

What's your name, Octavio?
That's it?

Go and firebug on your old lady's
wig. What's all this drug stuff.

Did you see what she did
to my f*cking Jimmy?

What that puta bitch
did to my sh*t.

She out there tossing her nasty
snatch on the curb.

She come back here, poison puss*.

Now I can't hardly
even walk around.

I can't have no fabrics on,

Look at it. Check it out.
Check it out.

Okay, Hoss, let's just holster
that up, okay?

Never seen no sh*t like that.

Black and blue.

I can't wear no drawers or sh*t.

I go to take a piss, piss don't
even want to come out.

She f*cking set fire to my dick,
I'll burn her head down.

Great. You want to talk
to us about a Michael Calvess?


Michael Calvess. You used to
snitch for Michael Calvess...

his street name was Jimmy
Fredericks. What can you tell us?

- Yeah, yeah, him. He dead, right?
- That's right. He was killed.

Yeah, I seen that on TV, too.
Yo, could I get a quick hit?

What did you say?

My co*ck is killing me, man.

Let me get a quick hit.
A quick hit! I'll talk to you.


I'll talk to you.

It's almost impossible you're
this dumb. You're serious.

Yeah, just a quick one.

Please, bro.

f*cking junkies.

Who got a light. I used my
last match on that bitch.

Yo, man, I know my ass is
going to jail.

I ain't got no paper to post bail.
I'm f*cked. I'm f*cked.

What it gonna matter,
I hit this real quick.

It ain't gonna take time
or no sh*t like that, right?

I'll hit this and I'll talk
to you, guys. Come on.

Yo, my nerves, they're
all like jingle jangle. f*ck!

You're gonna tell us everything?

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Don't f*ck with us.

sh*t is f*cking heaven dog.

All right, enough. We took care of
you. Now talk to us about Calvess.

And knock that sh*t off, or else
I'm gonna turn a hose on you.

- It hurts.
- Stop picking at it then!

Now, Calvess, go! Talk to me.

I seen him over in Belle Isle
a few months back.

- He be friend with my boy Leo Lee.
- You know Leo Lee?

Yeah, you know him and sh*t?

Leonard Leflore is a punk. Narc used
to run raids on his ass every...

other day. So what
were they arguing about?

Some sh*t. Lee pinched on a buy.
That dude Clavess got a bad temper.

Hey! Listen to me. Nobody gives a
sh*t what you think you saw.

- Just tell us what happened.
- I'm telling you.

I saw him spit on him.

I saw him walk away talking about
nigg*r this, nigg*r that.

- Calvess?
- Yeah, man.

- Don't be f*cking with me.
- I'm not.

This sh*t ain't talking
too loud is it?

Yo, I swear that I saw him, man.
They like scrapping and sh*t.

They like argue.

So. You could use that, man?

f*cking asshole, look what
you f*cking did to me!

Right bitch! And I'll burn you!
f*ck you. I hate you.

Crotch rot, puss* stink. f*ck you!
Puta susia.

- I love you, baby. f*ck! I love you!
- f*ck you!

- That's a good woman.
- What do you know about Leflore?

Cause his name doesn't
do anything for me.

There's no mention of him in
any of Mike's duty summaries.

There's no FI card on him.

He's a nickel-bagger. Ran across
him maybe half a dozen times.

He's got two whole hobbies,
ganja and guns.

Other than that,
he's a f*cking bore.

But I guarantee he's got
outstanding warrants.

You want to run him?

Lay down on the floor,
this is the police!

Sorry to make you... I couldn't
get to Gabe's birthday party.

It just...
I just had a lot of stuff.

Don't worry about it.
We didn't miss you.

Thanks for the present anyway.

Nick Tellis this is a good
friend, Art Harlan.

He works with the coroner's office.

So I hear your name on the call
and this I have to see.

- What did you do, drown him?
- This might have to do with Mike.

Calvess? I thought they were
closing it out.

Not yet.

Okay, thanks guys.
This is good. Rub-a-dub-dub.

Oh, he's been here for awhile.

How long do you think?

I'm guessing he's sitting in this,
two, three weeks.

That long?

Oh, yeah, he's ripe.

Okay, subject has distended bloat,
upper-lower torso...

clotting and hematomic


What is it?


Back molar.

Blasted it right out of his head.

Most of his mandible is shaterred
along with the rest of...

the dental palette, so IDing him
outright will be a little tricky.


What have you got there?

Looks like a Mossberg SG 6-shot.
Don't know how he got this.

What? Why?

Cause it's tactical issue,
Metro PD. SWAT team uses it.

It looks like the serial
number's been filed down.

Let me see that.

It looks like our man
opted out with it.

No question about that.

Oh, damn!

I don't know about that.

Not on purpose.

Why, what do you mean?

There's no firing pin mark
on the casing.

Boy never even pulled the trigger.

So what do you think happened?

I'm stretching here, but,
knowing old Leo...

I think maybe he was high out
of his f*cking mind.

Reaches for the bong,
goes down, breaks.

His lazy ass is not getting out
of this warm water, so...

he sees the gauge, maybe,
and takes a little green bud...

decides to pop it
in the breech...

fires it up, starts
toking away...

forgets there's a shell in the
pipe. Flame hits the firing cap...

That's beautiful. Bubble bath, ear
full of tunes, smoking hubba...

and this is how
the evening ends. Art.

That's f*cking fantastic.

It still doesn't explain the
Mossberg. How did he get that?

Well, if it is tactical ordinance,
it could be an underground buy.

I mean, the armory has been
broken into a few times.

Yeah, it could be. Or he could
have known a cop.

Somebody who knew a cop.

What do you want to do about this?

Nothing. Just let Art finish up,
recovery sweep through...

if they find something good, if they
get a stolen weapons hit, great.

We came here to corroborate
Ruiz' story...

which we obviously can't do. All
right. It was all bullsh*t anyway.

- Hey, Art, I'll talk to you later.
- Okie-doke.

I hear bubbles.

I hear bubbles.

What are you guys doing? We had a
deal I thought, you and me there.

So you want to talk about this now
or do you want to wait or what?

I don't know.

Oh my God, what could we have
to talk about?

You know what, I can't believe
that you're out there again.

And don't say that you're not or
give me any of that crap.

What are you talking about? There's
hours involved. Sorry. There are.

- What do you want me to tell you?
- Tell me who uttered that famous...

"this job will either burn you out
or bury you." Remember saying that?

Yeah, it's Narcotics, Audrey.

I'm just curious, how bad that
you think that is was, huh?

Tell me what you remember cause
I'll tell you what I remember.

Five months pregnant, being in
a detox tank with you.

- Where is this coming from?
- Not sleeping.

And watching you climb the walls.
You remember that?

I'm a little late for bath time?
Well, excuse me...

I've been giving one
every day for seven months.

It's no big thing, like you can jump
in and then jump out again.

It is a big thing, all right?
A f*cking big thing.

- It's two weeks work.
- That's bullsh*t. That is...

That is bullsh*t. That's all you
want me to think that it is.

The other day I asked
why you wanted to do this...

you said that you didn't
know. Well, I got news for you...

you need to know and you need to
let me know, cause for the life...

of me I'm looking at you, holding
your son and I can't understand you.

You understand?

I can't understand why you'd ever
feel the need to go back to that.

Yeah, what if it was me who got
wasted out there, Audrey?

- That wasn't you.
- What if it was.

- That wasn't you.
- What if it was?

There are other people aside
from you, okay.

- You're a little...
- You know, I got the feeling...

This kid beaten half-dead. I could
have walked away. Anyone could've...

Instead... I took a gun and I blew
half his head off, okay?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You were right about the Mossberg.

Definitely, it's one of ours. Lab
pulled partial prints off of it.

One set belonged to Leflore, the
other belonged to Latroy Steeds.

They say he's got a bunch of drug
sh*t. Did 30 days in Wayne County.

- Got out a week ago.
- Do we know where he's at?

S-T-E-E-D-S. Larry, you're his
parole officer. He hasn't...

- Not once?
- We need an answer about that.

All right, let me know
if he shows, okay?

He hasn't checked in once.
Here, go on.

Let's sit on the house, see if
he shows up. Come on, go, go, go.

How long have you been
married, Nick?

Uh, about a year and a half.

Got any kids?

Yeah, one, I got a boy, big baby
boy. Almost ten months.

That's nice.

How long you been with your wife?

I lost her. We were married
just shy of sixteen years.

She had cancer.

- I didn't know. I'm sorry.
- That's okay.

We were talking wives.
You have one, I had one.

I been asked before. Be easier on
people if I took my ring off, but...

And avoid these embarrassing
little moments, but it's okay.

I like talking about her.

First detail I had was, was Vice.

I wanted Robbery-Homicide,
but I caught Vice.

- I worked Vice.
- I hated it. Just hated it.

I rode it to the seams hoping to
leapfrog out of there, but, no good.

No dice.

I'd come home just in bad shape.

Pissed off.

That's when I first started getting
an ulcer. Just miserable.

I'd lie down in her lap.
She'd rub my head.

Some nights, she'd sing me
to sleep.

I'd just lie there, staring at her.

It's still the best place
I've ever been.

Tell you this much. I became a much
better cop the day she died.

Any half-step, any hesitation
I had about the job was gone.

I'd see a dead-bolted door, I'd
break it down and be the first...

one in the room.

I started working joint task force,
the head cracking, wrecking crew.

Zombie squad.

It was a diversion. It was to just
keep from thinking about her.

I remember one night...

I went with the sheriffs
on a warrant raid.

This dipsh*t was selling meth
out of his apartment.

It was just a stop and pop. Broke
down the door. Rousted the guy.

I was in one of the back rooms
looking for junk.

And I hear something.

Turn around and see these, these
eyes staring at me from a closet.

It was a little girl.
A little ten-year-old girl, naked.

Shaking like a leaf,
she was scared to death.

Her stepfather was temping her
out for rent.

Wrapped her in my coat,
carried her out to the squad car.

I went back and I beat
that motherf*cker half dead.

I thought of my wife. I thought of
the baby we never had.

All the things about her
that I hung on to.

This little girl being brutalized.

A girl being abused has got nothing
to do with rules and regulations.

And everything to do
with right and wrong.

It's the same thing with Calvess.

- Who is the Cookie Monster?
- He loves cookies.

Cause every time in the morning,
I want cookies for dessert.

- Gone, no cookies left.
- No?

- None.
- Cause he eats them all.

He eats cookies for breakfast,
he eats cookies for dinner...

he eats cookies for lunch,
he eats cookies for anything.

This one won't let me out
of her sight.

She drags her dad's t-shirt around
with her wherever she goes.

Can you say hi to the man?


She's a little doll, though.

I want to thank you, Kathryn,
for letting me come by.

Oh, it was not a problem.
Thank you for bringing his things.

I wasn't too thrilled about going
through them, but I'm glad...

you brought them.

I haven't seen some of these
pictures for a long time.

You have to forgive me, cause I'm
convinced that anyway I go about...

- this is the wrong way, so...
- No, please.

I don't mind answering questions.
Did you know Mike?

No, I didn't. I never got the
chance to meet him. I wish I had.

I know his reputation, though.

But what I need to know more of,
I think, what I'm lacking.

I worked undercover narcotics for
2 and a half years myself so...

I know that life can be very
difficult. I know that it can be...

very problematic,
especially with a... family.

You know, maybe I...
Maybe not.

Baby you go check on your sister
for mommy? Put your things here.

What are you asking me now?

Well, I know it's personal.

But did things at work
adversely affect things here?

- Here at home.
- No.

Did he tell you what it was
that he was doing?

- Yes.
- Did that seem to bother him?

- Did it bother you?
- Yes, it did.

Well, there you have it.

You notice anything about his mood
in the weeks before?

Anything strange
about his behavior?

- No.
- Did he mention any names?

Maybe there was some people that
he was dealing with that came out.


I remember the day that
Mike was killed.

I was putting the girls to bed,
and I heard a knock.

And when I opened the door...

Henry was standing there
with tears in his eyes.

And I knew right away
that he was gone.

And I remember running back
to the girls' room...

And sitting on the edge of
their bed and just...

Staring at them.

I needed to see his face.

Hi. Hi, come here you.
How are you?

Give me a kiss. Where's my kiss?

I have someone here. He's been
asking me questions about Mike.


I need to talk to you
outside right now.

I'll be right back okay?

What are you doing talking
to her without me being here?

- I brought her husband's things over.
- You questioned her. What for?

Is this mother-may-I?

And some of this doesn't extend to
her. And don't get cute with me.

If you need to know what she said
about anything case-related...

- you refer to the file.
- I looked at them. They're thin.

What you don't do is talk to her
without notifying me in advance.

- That's not the way we do things.
- Why is that? What's the problem?

The problem is every question you
asked her, she's already answered.

She's been badgered and bothered
by cops and cop questions...

for two months now, and the biggest
problem is her husband is dead.

- You understand?
- I understand that.

Don't let it happen again.



It's a burn back; it's like table
scrap junk that they stew...

in a free base and then shoot. That
killed this guy I told you about.

I think he tried to sell the same
sh*t to Calvess. Yeah?

- Tellis, this is mace in records.
- Hey, what's going on?

I got this stuff. You're looking
for maps or hits?

- No. How many hits?
- I got 4 and they're vague.

- You got something to write with?
- Yep, go.

All right. R. Evans, R. Moseley.
G. G. Parks...

E. Schepps, the last one,
he got brought in ten months ago.

- I got that. You got an address?
- Yeah. Maps for the last guy?

4- 4- 3 Gratchit. Unit 2, I don't
know how good it is...

- but that's last address we got.
- That's good. I appreciate it.

They ran the comp through and about
ten months ago an overdose was...

brought into the ER, and this guy,
Schepps. Wait a minute.

Eugene Schepps, Jesus Christ, I know
Eugene Schepps. I know this guy.

You left the door unlocked.
You shouldn't. Anyone...

What the f*ck y'all doing
in my house, man?

No need to get up. We just...

- Hey, how's that?
- My f*cking eyes, man.

There you go.

A spicy little...

How are you, my man? Let me see.
Take a f*cking seat.

How you been, Deacon, good?

Jesus, do you still smoke the weed,
Deacon. You still sniffing glue.

Isn't this sh*t dated, dog? f*cked
with a bottle model glue a...

few years and sealed your sinuses
shut. You had to have them drilled.

Do you remember that, back in the
day. When you were still sucking...

back cans of hair spray? How're you
making your paper these days.

Six months old. Tighten auto. You
still stealing cars and...

- cutting them up or what, boss.
- Now I know your snitching, man.

You're that motherf*cker, Grimmy,
Dirty Ed or some sh*t.

- Wrong answer.
- f*ck that, I seen you man.

You were that motherf*cker hanging
around with Endo Joe and sh*t.

That's right. You know what
happened to him, right?

- He up in Jackson, man.
- No, no, no, he was.

See, he's dead now and he died
talking sh*t to some Aryans...

so they peeled him back and they
shanked his bitch ass 56 times.

We got a lot of pals like that,
don't we, huh?

I have to ask you about another dead
junky, named Dowd. You know him?

No? No? Are listening to me?

- Yeah, man.
- No?

You see, I do.
I know Dowd and I know Endo Joe.

I know what happened to that little
punk you used roll with, Jay-reed.

I know your daddy nicknamed you
Deacon, after Deacon Jones, cause

he had a little thing with him.
You know why I know that don't you?

- How, man?
- Cause I was and I still am a cop.

A f*cking cop. You trying to tell
me you a f*cking cop?

If you a cop, why you ain't
busting me back then?

Cause you're way to little
to bust, acorn.

f*ck. You're forgetting that I
used to smoke blunts with you.

I don't give a sh*t what you think.
Doesn't matter to me in the least...

but I'm about to tell you what does
matter and you're about to listen...

- like your life depended on it.
- What the f*ck, man?

A month ago, an undercover
officer was murdered.

Pedestrian tunnel off of
Houston and West Grand.

They beat him up; put a gun to his
head and put a bullet through it.

I don't want hear any sh*t about
what you don't know or...

what you didn't do, because we both
know you ain't got the nut sack...

for something that size. So I'm
positive you didn't kill him.

His name was Michael Calvess.
Take a gander at that buddy.

Now hold on a minute, man.

Ya'll motherf*ckers come up in
my f*cking crib and sh*t.

Wanna throw hot sauce and blind my
ass and now you want me to help you?

Street name, Jimmy Fredericks.
I know you know him.

Oh, my bet, my bet.
I know this motherf*cker.

I think I might have let him
suck on my dick once or twice.

Come here! You wanna be bounced
back to County, keep it up!

I'll have you wearing half shirts
and halter tops...

braiding some nigg*r's hair.
Piece of sh*t.

Oh, f*ck man. Don't beat a man.

You gonna act like a punk,
you're gonna played like one.

Listen, very, very carefully. They
found smack at the murder scene.

A mean f*cking mix. Now you took
some of this exact same stuff...

about ten months and it nearly
killed your dumb ass.

You don't the chemistry or
the sense God gave goats...

which means you didn't do the cook.
Now Dowd is dead, who sold to you?

- Whatever man.
- You gonna tell us? No?

You're a real f*cking smart ass,
you know that?

We're tossing every inch of
this place. Every inch!

What are you doing, man?
What's going on, man?

Where is it?

Oh God. This must be one of those
new refrigerator safes that lock...

you dumb f*cks. What's all this,
huh? What's all this, huh?

Oh, bagels and guns.
What do you know?

Come on, man, f*ck all
this sh*t, man!

You're unbelievably so f*cking
dumb. Are you kidding me?

This is the last time I'm gonna ask
you, who sold you? Who sold you?

It was f*cking Darnell, man.

He's gotta shield.

You all right?

Let me see. Where are you hit
in the neck?

Let's see. Let me call it in.
I'll call the paramedics.

Hang in there. I'll be right back.

He didn't do it.

I don't know if you're not listening
or you don't want to listen...

but he didn't do it.

What does that mean?
What evidence? What?

That means we're closing it out.

There's absolutely no way
that Shepps killed Calvess.

Now if you're closing because
of that, you're way off.

Neither one of us believe
that he did it.

He hadn't the balls to do this.
He didn't have the capabilities.

He didn't have the cold blood.
This guy did not do it.

And yet he had no compunction when
faced with possible arrest...

about trying to kill
both of you.

This is someone of questionable
mental stability with a pronounced...

history of drug use.

That you can pin motive on. That
can ride the rap after the fact...

cause this is what you're gonna do
lieu of. You all are jazzed up...

because this piece of sh*t that we
killed Shepps, was white.

So the racial card gets cooled and
you can forget about the dead cop.

- That's what this is all about.
- Henry ease off, all right.

We initiated and backed this effort
from the very beginning.

But factually irrefutable is the
following. You have a known criminal

with over 40 felony and misdemeanor
offenses, with a drug tie linking...

him directly to Calvess and
possession of stolen weapons...

narcotics, and identification
belonging to another slain officer.

Richard Tekulve was stabbed
to death three years ago.

And homicide got a confession
and conviction out of that...

so that's irrelevant. What are you
f*cking bringing that into it for?

It still denotes illicit
criminal activity.

Shepps came into possession of
the ID as either a result of...

or anticipation in murder
or through...

This guy was a 105 pounds
soaking wet.

These injuries that Calvess
sustained, they only could have...

come from two men of considerably
more size and strength.

That's not even taking into account.
Christ, there's no murder weapon.

What are we talking about here?

This matter is no longer mine.

You're serious?

It's the District Attorney's office;
it's the Commissioner of Police.

- That is so f*cked up.
- Yes, it is f*cked up.

This is so f*cked up.

Are we done?

You're so wrong, pal.
It's a bullsh*t.

I'm sorry, Nick.

I want you to stop now.

This is done.

It's not.

You know what, it has to be.

You know I wasn't happy
and that was fine.

But this is where I hit the wall.

Cause I've seen you
like this before.

I was willing to put myself through
it, but I can't do it anymore.

We didn't get them. We didn't
get the guys that did it.

We f*cking...

...didn't do it...

cause we... I lost him.
I lost him.

You know, you're running at this
for all the wrong reasons.

What, you think catching him is
gonna make you less like them.

Purified, just like Calvess. You
know what, that's bullsh*t, Nick.

Cause that's not what he was.
That's not what you are.

I love you. I do.

With everything that I am.
But I'm still gonna leave.

Cause I can't be with
you like this.

I'm not trying.

I'm done trying.

Look at this.

- Where did you get a warrant?
- Friends where friends count.

I run that name that Deacon gave us,
Darnell. This is what came back.

Darnell Berry, Big-D Love,
possession, trafficking.

His last arrest was pulling a gun
on an officer.

Look who he was booked with.

Eugene Deacon Shepps,
Latroy Steeds.

Steeds or Berry were never
questioned about Mike's murder.

They all used to work at Titan's
Auto. It was closed down...

after a flood six months ago.
I want to check this place out.



Do not f*cking move! Do not move!

Get down!

f*cking... tried to blow
my head off.

Is this Darnell? Let me you see
you! Let me f*cking see you!

You don't know what the f*cking
sh*t to talk about.

Give me my lawyer! I don't see no
badge, I don't see no warrant.

I'm Detective Lieutenant Henry Oak
of the Detroit Metropolitan...

Police Department. This is
Detective Sergeant Tellis.

We already know who you are,
which is why we are here.

You've been hiding from us
cause you killed a cop.

That cop's name was Michael
Calvess. Jimmy Fredericks.

Now I'm going to give you
the opportunity...

to come all the way clean
on this and confess.

If you choose, in your limited
wisdom, to f*ck around with me...

force my hand, then you're both
going out of here in a bag.

f*ck that!
What you doing is illegal.

Give me my f*cking phone call.

You're gonna need a lot
more than a phone call.

You got a jacket on you. Multiple
counts, assault B & E...

felony possession,
grand theft f*cking auto.

You add the murder of a decorated
cop and you've officially f*cked...

- yourself for life.
- I didn't murder no f*cking cop.


I'm gonna toss this place. Is there
anything you want to tell me?

Huh? No?


This is next.

Whose ride is this? Is this yours?
This must be your car, Darnell.

- This your car? Give me the keys.
- f*ck this! I'll not give you them.

Say it again. Say f*ck you again.
Say f*ck you again.

Say f*ck you again to me.
Your ride? Okay.

- What is this, man, take us in.
- You're gonna f*ck around with me?



Oh, look at that.

What are you throwing a coup?
You selling this to the Serbs?

Police issue.

That's from the impound.
Let's hear it.

What you been doing? Uh, Holmes?

You been sneaking into the impound.
You're in a lot of trouble.

This is it.

This is Calvess' gun.

This is Mike's gun.

What the f*ck are you doing with
a dead cop's gun?

Answer me. What are you doing
with a dead cop's gun? Answer me!

f*ck that. I don't know nothing
about no f*cking dead cop's gun.

This is a police issue revolver
that belongs to a slain officer.

- What are you doing with it?
- That was not in there.

That f*cking gun wasn't in there.

Shut up!
What are doing with it, huh?

That's f*cking bullsh*t.
It's a throwaway.

- It's a what?
- You planted that.

I planted it. Is that what you're
saying? I planted it?

Look at the blood on the barrel.

Look at the dried blood on the
trigger guard. Look at it!

Who f*cking planted that, huh?
Who planted that?

Who planted that? Listen to me.
Listen to me. You two better...

get a f*cking God damn groove
going right here...

cause you're in a life and death
struggle as of right f*cking now.

- I want to talk to my lawyer!
- What did you say?

- I want to talk to my lawyer.
- There are no lawyers, dumb f*ck.

It's just me and you and I am in
your sh*t for the duration.

Come on, man, you know planted
that sh*t.

Say one more f*cking thing. Please
say one more f*cking thing. Please.

In the f*cking trunk!
No I didn't do it. In the trunk!

What did I tell you?

They get dumber every year.
Okay, nice and easy, okay?

We'll get this over real quick. And
you're gonna tell me, loud and...

clear, what happened.

Two months ago, a walking tunnel
off of West Grand.

You found out there was an
undercover cop in the group.

You confronted him. You overpowered
him. And you beat him.

And you took his pistol off of him.

You took it.
You pointed it in his skull.

You pulled the trigger
and you killed him.

- He died instantly.
- That's a f*cking lie.

I lied? Remember Jimmy Fredericks.
Remember Fredericks, look at him.

Look at him. Look at him.
Look at him. Huh? Remember him?

- You f*cking remember him?
- He was a f*cking junky, man.

What did you just say?
He's what?

- Junky.
- That's bullsh*t, Darnell.

Come on. We saw that motherf*cker
every day. 3 or 4 times a day.

That's f*cking bullsh*t. You're
f*cking lying! You're lying!

You found out he was undercover.
You tried to sell him a bad score...

hoping it'd kill him. He
didn't use it, so you shot him.

So you're bullsh*t, you're
dealing. Motherf*ckers. f*ck you!

Where do you think we got them
f*cking cop guns from?

That motherf*cker used to swipe
that sh*t, sell it, and get high.

He was a cop! He was a cop you
killed! He had a wife. He had kids.

No! Stop! No, not like this.
No, stop!

We bring them in looking like this,
civil liberty lawyers'll crucify us.

We put them under duress, this bust
gets bounced at arraignment.

These two will color us Klan
and they f*cking walk.

They f*cking walk for good. Okay?
We're too close.

There's a kit in the car. We get
it, we roll prints off the pistol.

All right? You grab it. I'm gonna
get on the horn and call a wagon.

No! No, no, no.
Don't call it in. We're gonna...

get the confessions on tape.
Then we call it in.

I want some time alone
with these two. Okay?

All right. Yeah, okay.
Go grab the kit. All right?

We got conclusive guilt, the murder
weapon. It's heavy for conviction.

I'll go upstairs; I'll bag whatever
peripheral evidence I can find.

Let them get their f*cking sh*t
straight. Just for a minute.

This makes no sense to
knuckle down on them right now.

A brief reprieve. All right?
So suck it up.

Why you got to lock the door? Man,
why you got to lock door? sh*t.

- There's no f*cking time.
- Why things gonna get worse?

I wanna make some money for my kid,
my daughter, you better tell her...

- Look me in the eyes.
- I know you.

You that same fool killed
Elvin, man.

- How do you know that?
- How do you think?

Man, you think Calvess just blow
his own game. Blow his own spot.

What the f*ck are you talking
about? What?

Who do think snitched you off to
Dowd about being a f*cking cop?

You think that sh*t fell out the
f*cking sky or something?

Come on, man, he came after you
after Calvess told him you was 5-0.

He's a cop, he's a cop,
he's one of me, man.

The f*ck, you think we making
this sh*t up for? Huh?

We ain't got nothing to gain from
this sh*t. We both dead anyway.

Yo, man, y'all think Calvess is
some kind of a f*cking saint, man.

I got something about the furthest
thing from that motherf*cker.

That motherf*cker.

Listen to me, we have seconds. Make
every single one of them count.

Before he left, he yelled at you.
You yelled back and you said...

he knew who killed Calvess.
What does that mean?

That means that your f*cking
partner Oak is dirty man.

- He's f*cking lying to you.
- What did you say?

- He's lying to you.
- He's lying to me?

- Yeah, he's lying.
- What's he lying about?

He's lying about what went down in
that tunnel, who killed that cop.

Just about everything. Why do you
think we still up in here.

- It's cause he was dead.
- He's where?

- Motherf*cker.
- In the tunnel.

That morning, Calvess came around.

He told about he wanted to get some
get high. 6 o'clock in the morning.

We told him, you getting me up
this early, this sh*t...

better be worth my while,
better have some big money.

- You knew him by his real name.
- He came off for a couple of weeks.

Said his name was some
Fredericks something.

- Jimmy Fredericks. Yeah. Go.
- Yeah, but he got strung out man.

Turned straight bitch.
Blew his whole cover.

So you knew?

Everybody knew he was a cop, just
like everybody know that you...

and a handful of
motherf*ckers was cops.

Oh, man. You know, he kept us
out of his reports.

Tipped us off to who was getting
f*cking raided who was getting got.

- We kept him high.
- You say he supplied you with IDs.

- He supplied you with police IDs.
- All kinds of sh*t, man.

Badges, IDs, guns. Whenever he had
no money, he'd come trade up sh*t.

That morning, what was
his condition like that morning?

He wasn't looking so good, man.
Talking all kind of crazy sh*t.

Hands looking all shaky.
So we show up in the morning.

He got no money, nothing to trade.
What the f*ck was I supposed to do?

I told him to f*ck off, man,
I ain't giving him sh*t.

Before we know, this motherf*cker
starts straight tripping, man.

Talking about he gonna arrest us and
take us in if we don't comp his ass.

Then Oak showed up.

- Where?
- On the other side of the tunnel.

Did he say anything?

No, man. No. When we saw him,
Calvess seen him at the same time.

This motherf*cker just flipped.
Talking about arresting us.

- He started reaching for his gun.
- So what did you do?

I hit him, man.

Cause he's reaching for his gun,
you hit him.

I ain't trying to get shot by
nobody, specially no junky.

- All of sudden trying to be a cop.
- So what then?

He fell. Latroy hit in his face once
and then I kicked him again.

And then we ran.
And then Oak started shooting.

The Lieutenant fired on you?
How many times?

Three, four times.

Lieutenant fired on you three or
four times, you didn't get hit?

f*cking quickly, tell me what
happened then. Go.

When we was running, we heard
Oak yelling at Calvess.

- What the f*ck are you doing, Mike?
- So he did it.

He did what?

That's when he killed him, man.

- What did you just say to me?
- f*cking Calvess is a junky.

He blew his cover and
Oak killed him.

Look me straight f*cking in the
face and say that to me? Huh?

You think he ain't capable of
some sh*t like that?

You think he ain't got it in him?
He come there, see his partner...

all strung out like that. That
motherf*cker just flipped out.

Do you guys think that this is my
first f*cking walk in the park?


You cop selling to an officer,
you cop assaulting an officer...

but now you won't cop to
f*cking killing one. Why?

Because you want to f*cking spin
some f*cking bullsh*t...

cause you f*cking wasted him.
You f*cking wasted him.

Yeah, what?
It is over. It is f*cking over!

Just because I gave you a f*cking
shot to set it straight, Darnell...

and you f*cking pissed it away,
both of you pissed it away.

So all this sh*t that's coming down,
you brought all this on yourself.

You must be suspicious.

If you wasn't then why
the f*ck you locked the door, huh?

The only thing you need
to know about me...

that I'm going to bag the
motherf*ckers that killed Mike.

Where we grow up, man,
you kill a cop...

they will crown you King
motherf*cking Kong. You understand?

But there ain't nobody here
talking about killing no cop.

Come here and try to f*cking stick
this sh*t to some nigg*rs...

because he know that any time
you stick some sh*t to some nigg*rs,

it's gonna stay stuck.

Yo, when did you find that gun in
there? Huh? That gun that Oak...

found, Calvess' gun. You the
first one that looked in that trunk.

Did you see a brown bag
in there with no gun?

- Oh, God.
- No, you did not.

It came up when your back was
turned. Don't you see?

Hey! Hey!

Tellis, open the God damned door.

Why don't you dust it for
prints and we'll see...

whose prints come up off of
there. I'll bet you all the...

prints that come up off of there
belong to your man, Oak.

He planted it, man.
He put it there.

You got ten f*cking seconds, play
this back, for the record now. Go.

God damn it!
Open the door!

Hey, God...


What the f*ck was going on in there?
Why did you just lock me out?

I just asked you a question.
What did you lock me out for?

Were you tailing Calvess
the day he was killed?

- What?
- You heard me.

Did he compromise his cover? And
were you tailing him?

You talked to them after I left?

The Mossberg we got off Laflore,
Tekulve's ID and badge.

You heard them.

They're claiming Calvess supplied
them with stolen police issue...

to make junk buys. Can you explain
that, cause I am having a hell of...

a lot of trouble
figuring it out.

How long after I left
did you let those liberal...

stirrings in you spill out
all over the f*cking floor?

From the position I'm in, I don't
like where you're putting me in...

to ask these questions.
Now, were you following him?

It's not an indictment if you did,
but if you did I need to know that

and I need to know that now.

No. I was not tailing him.

But you were there before he died.

You were there before he died.
Tell me that I'm wrong.

You want to f*cking talk.

All right, we'll talk.


Mike was making
a bust that morning.

He had enough going against them
to make an arrest.

He needed backup.

- Off roster.
- Why?

Because he wanted to bring them
on his own.

So I stayed back. I waited.
And the buy went bad.

Then how come you couldn't identify
those guys in there right away?

They shot him and ran.

They shot them or you shot them
as they fled the scene.

What? What did they say to you?

The Lieutenant kill Calvess.

You must be out of
your f*cking mind.

As much as he meant to me,
you call up my integrity.

My commitment to that kid!

You're gonna let these f*cking
low-life pieces of sh*t smear that.

We're bringing them,
we're taking them in.

You're f*cking with something
you can't possibly understand.

- I'm taking them in. It's over now.
- You're a f*cking joke.

You know that.
You're a f*cking joke.

Your whole career's a f*cking joke.
A complete f*cking washout.

You popped that needle
freak in the park...

and in the process, you hit that
woman with a stray bullet...

costing her a bouncing baby.

- Enough!
- f*cking her up for life!

Enough! Stop!
Shut the f*ck up!

You're a lie.
A f*cking lie.

I got this from child welfare.

Kathryn Tunney, mother deceased.
Was removed from the custody of...

her stepfather Myron Cobb, November
23, 1985. Declared ward of the state.

Placed with foster parents.
Did you know that little girl?

I think you do.

I know you wanted to adopt her.
She's been in and out of...

trouble for years, and in and
out of foster homes.

A handful of arrests, mostly drug
related. You had them all squashed.

You bailed her out of
rehab lots of times.

When she was a minor, you needed
a doctor to sign the release.

So who did it?
Your old pal, Harlan.

Nick, this is a good friend
of mine, Art Harlan.

He signed her out of all those
clinics. See, I saw the signatures.

You made sure that Harlan was the
active ME on the Calvess case.

- Didn't you?
- There's been no connection to Mike.

Calvess? I thought
we were closing it out.

So, he could doctor
the autopsy, right?

Alter the lab reports,
make them look clean.

Made Calvess look clean.

He's as dirty as you are.

A filthy, f*cking
needle-ridden junky.

And you f*cking knew it, you
motherf*cker. You motherf*cker.

I'm calling this in right now.

Your gun and your shield
on the ground now.

I am so far from f*cking with you.

You're putting a gun in my face.
You're threatening my life.

I'm gonna take your life.
Gun and shield on the ground now.

You're a f*cking lie.

You just wanted me
to back your bullsh*t.

Sell your story so you could
railroad those pricks in there.

You pulled her out of all
that sh*t, didn't you.

You just couldn't afford
to break her heart again.

You just couldn't do it.

I get it, man. I get it.
He was a f*cking addict.

I mean, how long is it before
he starts pimping around, right?

All hopeless, right? Everything he
did was hopeless, didn't matter.

You just took this case so you
could bury him. Oh Good. Yeah.

Kill me. Kill me just like
you killed him.

Come on, buddy.

I'm going back in there
and finish this up.

- Come on.
- Go home.

This bullsh*t's over! You destroyed
his life, his family...

you f*cked it all up. So now...

you two are gonna tell me
that you killed him.

He identified himself, he attempted
to make an arrest...

you overpowered him
and you shot him.

Say it! You say it and
you get out of here.

You think I'm f*cking with you?

You think I'm f*cking with you?

You ready to talk?
You ready to talk?

This is Calvess' gun. This is the
gun that you used to kill him.

See the gun? Take it.
Take it in your hands!

Grip his gun!

You are going to tell me calmly.

Remember, I got two bullets left.
One for this head and one for this.

- You understand.
- Drop your weapon!

- You killed Calvess! Say it!
- I will shoot you where you stand.

I killed Calvess!

- Shut up! Shut up! Say it!
- I killed Calvess.

Don't you leave this with
me, Oak. Don't you do that.

I need to know,
cause there was no bust.

You killed him. You were there to
kill him. That's what you did.

You knew what he was.
You knew what he was.

You planted the gun
cause he was a junky.

I know you did and you killed him,
but you gotta tell me why?

Look me in the eyes
and tell me.

- They ruined him.
- Who?

They made him a junky.

The department... takes everything.

The pension, everything and the
family gets nothing.

Kathy gets nothing.

Why don't you tell me the truth,
you tell me the f*cking truth.

Look at me. Do not f*cking go!
Tell me!

Give me the gun!

What the f*ck are you doing here,
man?! Huh?

What're you doing here? What're you
doing in here. I'm taking you out.

- I'm getting you help.
- I don't want help.

You're not taking me anywhere!
I'm not going out!

Look at me! Do you know what
you're doing to Kathy?

What you're doing to the girls.
You know what they mean to me...

you're f*cking that up. You're
pissing away your entire life, Mike.

I won't have it! I won't have it!

I heard about this and I f*cking
waited. I ignored it.

Why Kathy didn't tell me, I have no
idea. But that's it. It's over.

I'm sorry I took so God damn long,
but it's over.

Oh my God!

Oh my God, Mike.

Oh my God.




Jesus Christ.

Oh Mike, my God, I'm sorry.
Oh my God, I'm sorry.

Narc (2002) Movie Script  | Subs like Script (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.