Julia Child's Berry Clafoutis Recipe (2024)



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I checked the original recipe, the one referenced in the article, and it's substantially different from this one (more berries, less sugar...) so don't blame Julia Child if it doesn't work for you. This isn't her recipe.

Roni Jordan

Nice recipe Anne, but the point here is to review the recipe, not use this as a forum for your own totally different dessert.


Prefer recipe from "A Provincial Table," by Richard Olney
2 TBS butter
1 pound apricots, halved and pitted
2 oz slivered almonds
2/3 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
3 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1-1/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 375F. Butter shallow baking dish. Arrange apricots, cut surface down in single layer. Add almonds. Whisk together 1/2 cup sugar, salt, eggs. Whisk in flour, add milk. Pour mixture over apricots. Sprinkle 1/4 cup sugar over surface. Dot with butter. Bake for 40 minutes til golden.


The negative comments are quite overblown and questionable. This recipe works fine as it is written here. If you want to reduce sugar, obviously that's fine too. Julia Child, in the Art of French Cooking, calls these clafoutis and flans interchangeably, and her basic recipe uses 2/3 cup sifted all-purpose flour, and 1/3 c. granulated sugar, and 3 cups (1 1/4 Ibs) blackberries or blueberries. The NYT version of the recipe works out fine, but Julia's version is BETTER.

Faded elegance

This is actually a recipe for clafouti, not flan. Clafoutis can often be too "eggy" so that they taste too custardy. You can solve the problem by using a little baking powder in the batter to help ensure the puffiness.


From Julia Child's actual cookbook the recipe is slightly different with the changes noted below for the master recipe

1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup flour

3 cups (about 1 1/4lb) stemmed and washed blackberries or blueberries


This looked dull, but I tried it. Cooled it just slightly then Hub and I spooned it into small dishes while it was still warm...one taste and there was silence. And then the yumming commenced and instead of proper, polite second helpings, we grabbed a big knife and drew a line across the clafoutis and ate it (vulture style) standing at the kitchen counter. See Joanne Chang's Flour cookbook for a variation... plums and vanilla AND a dab of almond extract.


As others have noted, this isn't quite a flan. I don't think it's really clafouti either. But it is delicious. I made it in a cast iron skillet and it browned beautifully.

Don Waring

What size baking dish? 9x13?


Great recipe. Thank you. This is "adapted" from dear Julia bakers, not directly hers - first clue is that 2% milk can be used. Now Folks, does that sound like the Julia we know and love??? :-)


It is Julia's recipe for clafoutis, not flan. I make it often, with many different fruits and also rhubarb.


Goodness this is tasty. I've made it several different times with different berries - raspberries this last time I think. It's incredibly good and guests love it and it takes virtually no effort.

Karolyn Schalk

This is only as good as the berries you use. Pick the smallest baking dish that will hold the ingredients, deeper is better since it will dry out less. If you have plums or other stone fruits go to Child's Clafouti recipe for plums in Mastering the Art of French Cooking - I think Volume 2.


We loved this. I used strawberries, because that's what I had, otherwise followed directions closely. Spreading the sugar (1/3 C) over the top before you bake is such a nice touch because it gets crispy. I used the same shape baking dish as the picture - assume similar size. Using a lot of butter to prep the dish is key - it came out of the pan very easily but other wise would have been sticky mess. Mine puffed up a lot - more like soufflé. Very pretty. Next time might serve ice cream with.


Calling this a "flan" is confusing. I expected something with an egg custard. Clafouti is a specific type of dish, like a cake, pie, tart, etc.

I've made the clafouti recipes from the original cookbook a number of times - she has several different ones for different fruits. I've made pear, blueberry, cherry. They are all good but should be made to be enjoyed immediately by a group because they do not keep well. A fresh, simple dessert for a summer evening.


Turned out great! A few changes I made, in case anyone is wondering if they'll work: Used 1/4 c sugar. Not sweet, which I liked.Only used 1 tsp vanilla (was running low) + 1/4 tsp almond extract.Beat eggs, sugar, salt, & vanilla until light in color, then added milk & flour. Not sure if it mattered, but texture turned out well! Didn't have enough fresh blueberries, used ~3/4 c frozen to supplement. Microwaved the frozen ones first & let drain very well.Perfect!


Add lemon peel 1 teaspoons


Great dessert, I’ll be making it again, hopefully with better results. My oven turned off somehow and it just sat there, I got the oven heating again it rose beautifully. I’m sure it wasn’t perfect but I remembered Julia saying “never apologize”. My friends loved it.


Made it today since I had some over ripe prunes for which I had no purpose.... Turned out really well. Largely followed recipe, added lemon zest to the sugar over the fruit as suggested in these notes. I used a slightly smaller springform cake pan (7 inch, I think) and let the first layer of batter set in that pan on the bottom of my oven while it was getting hot, for 10 minutes (starting when the oven was about 175 degrees). Using spelt flour and overripe fruit I added 1/4 cup flour. Yummy!!


Made this lovely dessert with frozen raspberries. It was done at exactly 50min. I may have over cooked the first layer of clafoutis on my stovetop. I noticed when I was cutting slices the bottom layer stuck to the bottom on my pie pan. Overall, a huge hit. Very versatile. A stunning addition to my dessert rotation.


I trusted NYT and made this for guests. It tastes like a blueberry omelet.


Has anyone used strawberries?


2 eggs, 2/3 recipe. 45 minutes, turn in oven at 25.

married to French dude

Such a great recipe. We added some lemon zest to the sugar before sprinkling it on top of the fruit. Possibly the best clafoutis we've made. The 2 minutes on the stovetop is the secret!


Mine lacked flavor, and the batter was dense and chewy. Maybe I overcooked it?


We needed to have dessert, so we decided to make this, and it was wonderful. The flavors were subtle, but delicious. Easy to make. Used cherries.


I think everyone who is saying this has twice the sugar of the original recipe is not reading it correctly - if you turn the page in your Julia Child you will see that the second 1/3 cup of sugar is sprinkled over the blackberries.


I plan make this soon, and will be using Califia Barista oat milk. I'll let you know how it turns out! Anyone else use alternatives to cow's milk for this?

Coco Capri

Great recipe, however I'd recommend covering it while you bake for the first 35 minutes or so. Then uncover it for the remainder. I was really hesitant to leave it uncovered the whole time (because the recipe doesn't say to cover it or not). Baked it in a Dutch oven and that worked great.


Came out rubbery. It may have been over cooked.

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Julia Child's Berry Clafoutis Recipe (2024)


Why is my cherry clafoutis rubbery? ›

If your oven is too hot the Cherry Clafoutis can easily overcook and become rubbery. Since all ovens run at slightly different temperatures I'd recommend an internal oven thermometer to ensure your oven is properly heated.

What is a clafoutis in English? ›

noun. cla·​fou·​ti ˌklä-fü-ˈtē variants or less commonly clafoutis. : a dessert consisting of a layer of fruit (such as cherries) topped with batter and baked.

What is an interesting fact about clafoutis? ›

Clafoutis originated in a region in south-central France called Limousin. Its name comes from the Occitan word “clafir,” meaning “to fill.” So popular was it “to fill” a dish with fruit and batter, that by the 19th century, clafoutis' renown had spread from Limousin to other regions of France and bordering countries.

How do you know when clafoutis is done? ›

How do you know when clafoutis is done? A cherry clafoutis is done when only the center wobbles slightly but the rest of the dessert is set. The top should look deeply golden for best flavor, in my opinion.

Should clafoutis be served hot or cold? ›

Clafoutis is most perfectly delicious when it's a bit warm or at room temperature, best eaten within an hour of coming out of the oven. Leftovers should be refrigerated, and they can for sure be enjoyed cold.

What does a clafoutis taste like? ›

How does clafoutis taste? Clafoutis has the texture of an oven-baked pancaked. It is sweet, but not terribly so, and the chunks of fresh fruit are enjoyable to the palate.

Is a Dutch baby the same as a clafoutis? ›

The Difference Between Clafoutis and a Dutch Baby

While both are mildly sweet and can be served for brunch as well as for dessert, a Dutch baby bakes up much more like a puffed-up pancake: with a golden, tender crust along the edges and soft, light, but custardy center.

When should I eat clafoutis? ›

A cherry clafoutis is never served hot, straight out of the oven. First leave to cool and either serve slightly warmed, at room temperature or chilled. Serve slices directly from the dish. Although served for dessert or teatime, we also love this chilled for breakfast or brunch on the weekends.

Is clafoutis similar to a cobbler? ›

Clafoutis Offers A Different Texture Than Cobbler

And while the fruit filling is generous, it's not the majority of the texture, like in a cobbler. Alternatively, cobblers serve up a fruit-forward medley with a slightly congealed but nonetheless runny filling.

What is the difference between clafoutis and cobbler? ›

Contrary to clafoutis, the fruit needs to be cooked down, which lends the dish more malleability in the integrated flavors. As a result, cobblers are more compote-like in palate, as opposed to clafoutis's more natural fruit taste.

Why is it called clafoutis? ›

The name clafoutis comes from the verb clafir, a rustic old word that means “to fill,” because after you arrange the fruit on a buttered baking dish, you fill the pan with eggy batter.

What is cherry clafoutis made of? ›

The basic ingredients are sugar, eggs, flour, and fruit. Easy! For this cherry clafoutis, we've also included some vanilla extract, almond extract, and blanched almonds. Right out of the oven, this clafoutis looks a little like a battlefield of cherries.

Where did UN clafoutis originate? ›

Clafoutis (also called millard) is a specialty of the Auvergne and Limousin regions of France. The name comes from an old Occitan word meaning “filling”. The recipe is quite simple and is basically the “flan” recipe with cherries added.

Why is my sponge rubbery? ›

A rubbery cake can be a result of various factors, from overmixing the batter to incorrect measurements or overbaking. It's essential to pay close attention to these details to ensure your baked creations come out just the way you want them.

What causes the muffins to be tough heavy or rubbery? ›

What causes the muffins to be tough, heavy or rubbery? A. Two things: too much egg and using a dark, nonstick pan. A large-size egg, about 1/4 cup, will give you the best results.

Why does my cake look rubbery? ›

If you mix incorrect measurements of sugar, butter, and eggs, the cake will become rubbery. You will notice that you have overmixed, the batter when the dough produces a smooth or watery texture. When the dough is overmixed, the air bubbles trapped in the mixture will be lost.

Why is my flan rubbery? ›

Don't skip the water bath. The steady and steamy temperature is what makes flans silky and soft. Always bake at the suggested temperature; steaming the flans at a higher temperature will make them flat, bubbly with holes all over, or have a rubbery texture.


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