Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (2024)

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Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (1) Subscribe to our Telegram Channel "maps4heroes.com" to be the first to receive NEW Maps and News for Heroes of Might & Magic 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2! Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (2)

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | ... | 151-153 |

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A Death Knight's Journey
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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A Death Knight's Journey - Your opinions [10]
Our story takes place just after the birth of the Necropolis. For those not familiar, the monsters that would serve all Necromancers, and their appopriate "tier" are decided in a battle royale. The heroes that founded the Necropolis evaluate their performance under the hero that chooses to lead each monster. The try-out was going very smoothly for the death knights, a favorite for the 6th tier, when they were cheated by the wraiths. The heroes unjustly gave the wraiths the 6th tier, and threw the death knights out. That night, the wraiths used their new power to exterminate the death knights. Zoltan, the death knight hero, fled with only a few surviving knights, and since that day, has sworn vengance upon the Wraiths.

Just a lady
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Just a lady - Your opinions [0]
Language: German
Lord Rufos, der Vater von Diana, ist gestorben und nun soll Diana das Reich weiter fuhren. In ihrer Kindheit hat Rufos sie an Andachin versprochen, damals noch ein guter Freund, in der Hoffnung, sie beide konnen das Reich gemeinsam gut fuhren und verteidigen.
Doch nun, da Andachin sich in Laufe der Zeit zum Nekromanten entwickelte, weil er keine Lust auf Ehrlichkeit und guten Heldentaten hatte, will er dieses Reich und alle Gegenden zusammen beherrschen. Dazu braucht er aber Diana, die mit ihm an seiner Seite herrschen und seine Interessen annehmen soll. Er verlangt nun sein Recht auf die Versprochene.
Doch Diana erhebt sich und will ihn aus der Welt schaffen.
Tales of Silentia
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Tales of Silentia - Your opinions [1]
Silentia used to be quiet and happy land once. Gates of the kingdom stood open for all races populating the continent. The only way to get there was a bridge on the Goldfish lake. It linked the country with the friendly kingdom - Nortwee, by which tradesmen travelled to Silentia from faraway lands. Everything was going wonderfully for the entire region around the Goldfish lake... However, one day, greed of Nortwee's king obscured him the right way, which he has followed so far. He made a plan to deprive Silentia her glories and to expand Nortwee's terrains...

TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Desperates - Your opinions [2]
The rich resources of land on the border between two countries that have long been the subject of dispute. And now the king sent you to capture and gain influence in the territory. He also pledged, if successful, to give the land at your disposal and found here county. Well now it is not only the public sphere, but also a personal interest.

TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Desperates - Your opinions [2]
Language: Russian
Богатые ресурсами земли на границе двух государств, давно являются предметом спора. И сейчас король направил вас захватить и укрепить влияние на этой территории. Он так же пообещал в случае успеха отдать эти земли в ваше распоряжение и основать здесь графство. Что ж теперь это не только государственный, но и личный интерес.

TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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coda - Your opinions [0]

To End All Hate- The Deciding Blow
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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To End All Hate- The Deciding Blow - Your opinions [0]
After aquiring both Tear's of Asha, both sides decided it was time to determine who would get them. The best way to do this is to bring one to each side, and whoever can conquer the other gets their Tear as well. So they brought a Tear to their encampment on a front not to far from where this bloodshed all started, and when they did something amazing happened. The entire Earth shook and the land around them broke away from the Planet! When the dust settled, it was just the two of them, stranded on an island. Whether the planet still existed or not meant nothing to them, This was their chance to finally end all hate...

To End All Hate - The Betrayal
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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To End All Hate - The Betrayal - Your opinions [2]
Before The Battle to End All Hate could end, the Academy happened to locate and retrieve the Tear of Asha. With their new power, they turned on the Inferno and crushed them. When the Haven sent a congradulatory present, the Academy turned on them as well, killing off the messenger. Now the Inferno and Haven have joined forces to put the Academy in its place, under their feet...

Let's Fight!
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Map created by I64

И снова война
TypeHeroes 5 Heroes 5 original
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Can be Human:6
И снова война - Your opinions [1]
Language: Russian
И снова шаткий мир между соседями был нарушен. Опять звенит сталь и дрожит земля. Идет война.
А тут еще и подземные владыки начали набирать силу. Собери армию и стань правителем этого мира!

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | ... | 151-153 |

Heroes 5 original| Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate| Heroes 5 Tribes of the East

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!

Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (20) Subscribe to our Telegram Channel "maps4heroes.com" to be the first to receive NEW Maps and News for Heroes of Might & Magic 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2! Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (21)

Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (22)

Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss 1.6.1 - Download Section

Heroes 5 News

Heroes Kingdoms news

New campaign "566 year - The Day of Fiery Tears" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Manual 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 Patch 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 FAQ from Fabrice Cambounet

Old horse cursors Mod for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Patch 1.6 released

The FIRST MAP "Mythical Realm" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5: Tribes of the east NOW released!

Heroes 5 hints: Mini Artifacts

Heroes 5: Tribes of the East GC 2007 Trailer

Staff reduction at Nival

Heroes 5 ToE: Dwarves alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Academy alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Demons and Orcs

Heroes 5 ToE: Necropolis alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Inferno alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Dungeon alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Sylvan alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Patch 1.5 released

SkillWheel in game

Heroes 5: First Official Map Contest

Heroes 5 walkthrough Hammers of Fate

Heroes 5 - The Skull of Shadows

Heroes 5 Patches 1.41+2.01 download

Heroes 5: Hammers of Fate : Cheats

Heroes 5 - New Dwarven Creatures - stats and abilities

The Heroes 5 expansion: Hammers of Fate has been released!!

Heroes 5 - Dwarven racial skills and abilities

Heroes 5 Patch 1.4 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 - Tapani's random map generator

Heroes 5 - Fortress Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 Fortress - Dwarves Faction

Heroes 5 Patch 1.3 download here - with Heroes 5 Map Editor

Heroes 5 - Renegates and Neutrals units

Heroes 5 walkthrough campaigns

Heroes 5 - Dragon Utopia. v. Haven

Heroes 5 Patch 1.2 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 Artefacts

Heroes 5 Spells and Magic

Heroes 5 - Patch 1.1 Bugfixes

Heroes 5 - FAQ about Hammers of fate expansion

About Heroes 5 Map Editor

FAQ by Heroes 5 producer Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - FAQ by Nival Interactive - 8 june 2006

Heroes 5 Haven Strategy

Heroes 5 - HEX-codes

Heroes 5 - DEMO

Heroes 5 - Wallpapers

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Music

Heroes 5 - Academy - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Dungeon - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Inferno - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Sylvan - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #3: The Battlefield

Heroes 5 - Necropolis - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Haven - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #2 - Handling A Beta Test

Heroes 5 - Magic

Heroes 5 - The Town Construction Interface

Heroes 5 - Creatures Special Abilities

Heroes 5 - Academy Faction

Heroes 5 - ACADEMY - Creatures

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Faction

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Faction

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Creatures

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - Live chat logs with Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - The Necromancers

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - Creatures

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - The Lords of Chaos

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - Creatures

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - The Knights of the Light

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - FAQ - July 2005

Heroes 5 - dev team's ambitions

Heroes 5 screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ

Heroes 5 - features

Heroes 5 - Homepage


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Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (23) Subscribe to our Telegram Channel "maps4heroes.com" to be the first to receive NEW Maps and News for Heroes of Might & Magic 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2! Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (24)

Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (25)

Heroes 5 Maps - Heroes 5 original (2024)


What is the strongest town in Heroes 5? ›

Strongest town overall is Sylvan. However its not that simple. Factions strengh is tied to the map. On small maps Academy with havez and Necro with kaspar are the best town/hero choices.

How do you use cheats in Heroes 5? ›

First Enable your cheats in the game (Pre-Patch)

cfg located in the 'profiles' folder within the game directory. Now, when you play a game, you will be able to open the cheat console by pressing the tilde key. (the tilde key is to the left of the number 1 and looks like this ~.

How long to beat Heroes 5? ›

Main Story1222h 3m
Main + Extras1249h 33m
Completionist541h 32m
All PlayStyles2947h 26m

How do you dig the Tear of Asha in Heroes 5? ›

In Heroes VI, it can be found by combining the four Fragments of the Moon Disc, and following the flash that appears on the mini-map. Each skirmish map may have multiple Tears of Asha.

Who is the most powerful character in Heroes? ›

Peter Petrelli

But it wasn't just the powers that made his character the best in the show, it was the fact he had morals, he was heavily linked with several major storylines and that made him incredibly important.

What is the strongest town contest? ›

In this bracket-style voting tournament, cities from coast to coast, including Canada, will compete for the “Strongest Town” title by shining a national spotlight on their progress toward safety, financial resiliency, housing and transportation. Cities will advance over five rounds, based on weekly voting periods.

Do cheat codes still work? ›

Many modern games have removed cheat codes entirely, except when used to unlock certain secret bonuses. The usage of real-time achievement tracking made it unfair for any one player to cheat. In online multiplayer games, cheating is frowned upon and disallowed, often leading to a ban.

Is cheat codes cheating? ›

You're only cheating yourself out of the entire experience of the game. If you're playing against someone competitively, however, and you use cheat codes to gain an unfair advantage, then that's clearly crossing the line into cheating.

What is cheat codes? ›

in a computer or video game, a secret password, set of numbers, series of buttons to press, etc., that makes something unusual happen, for example giving a player unusual abilities or allowing them to advance in the game : The disk also contains secret cheat codes to get additional ammunition or be able to skip levels.

How long to beat Heroes 6? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Might & Magic: Heroes VI is about 83 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 191 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How long does it take to beat No More Heroes 1? ›

Gameplay is all about using your Beam Katana (via Wii remote) to defeat enemies. How long is No More Heroes? When focusing on the main objectives, No More Heroes is about 11 Hours in length.

How long to play hero quest? ›

High Adventure in a World of Magic
Years active1989–1997, 2020–present
Playing timec. 90 minutes
ChanceDice rolling
4 more rows

How do you get hero of the storm? ›

Log into the Battle.net desktop app. Click the Heroes of the Storm icon on the left side of the app. Click Install.

Where is the Tear of Asha in Heroes 5 fall of the king? ›

Godric mentions that they need a Tear of Asha - the location has been kept safe inside the obelisks. There are 3 obelisks - one is in north, the second is in center and the third is in south-western part of the map. When excavated, building the Elrath's Sentinel using the Tear of Asha will complete the quest.

How do you dig in Heroes of Might and Magic 5? ›

You need to visit all of the oracles which will reveal the location of the tear in a puzzle map. Puzzle map can be viewed from the mission information. Position a hero over the place the golden ark is on the puzzle map and finish your turn.In next turn click "D" or the dig button,and youll find the tear. Phew!

Who is the best 5 star hero in idle heroes? ›

S Tier Heroes
  • Ithaqua is a 5-star hero from the Shadow faction that is classified as an Assassin in-game. ...
  • Horus is a 5-star hero from the Shadow faction that is classified as a Warrior in-game. ...
  • Amen-Ra is a 5-star hero from the Dark faction that is classified as a Priest in-game.
May 17, 2024

Who is the strongest hero in Heroes of the Storm? ›

While every Hero will always have good and bad matchups against certain other Heroes, the ones on this list have more opportunities to shine than any others.
  • 8 Johanna.
  • 7 Uther.
  • 6 Diablo.
  • 5 Valla.
  • 4 Leoric.
  • 3 Anub'arak.
  • 2 Azmodan.
  • 1 Rehgar.
Jan 21, 2023

What is the max HP in city of heroes? ›

ArchetypeBase HPMax HP
4 more rows

What is the longest task force in city of heroes? ›

This task force is regarded as the longest task force in the game. This long length is due to the incredible amount of traveling and "defeat all"'s. Because of this, the task force is sometimes referred to as "Quater-hell" by players.


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.