Delicious Recipe: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home - Cake Decorist (2024)

Last Updated on May 4, 2023

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Strawberry glaze is used in so many recipes but it is well known that sauces can be one of the most challenging components when it comes to baking. I’ve used this tried and true quantities for every kind of occasion and recipe. My favorite is using it to top some cheesecake. I also love pouring it on top of a strawberry tart to make it glossy. My family loves the look!

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  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries. I recommend using good quality strawberries. If they are organic it is best! Remember also that you can repurpose overripe fruit for a recipe like this. So grab those farmer’s market strawberries you did not eat last week. They are probably sweeter than before and the best option for this recipe.
  • 1 cup of sugar. If this seems like a lot, you can tone it down a bit or replace it with artificial sweetener. If your strawberries are very ripe, they will not be as sour so you can get away with less sugar.
  • 2/4 cups of water. This will help us thin out the glaze and make the first simple syrup where we will cook the fruit.

Delicious Recipe: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home - Cake Decorist (1)

  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch. Cornstarch is a great option to thicken this glaze. Firstly, because you are cooking it and it will leave no raw flavor residue behind. It will also help in achieving a great sheen. Also because you do not need as much of it overall to achieve a great consistency. If you do not have it in your pantry you can replace it with wheat flour but you will need to double the amount to achieve the same result.
  • If you prefer your glaze to be vivid red, you will probably need to add some food coloring. Strawberry pulp is usually not as red and its color gets greyer when they are overripe. I recommend gel food coloring so as not to mess with the quantities.

How to Make the Perfect Strawberry Glaze

Step 1

The first thing we need is to make strawberry pureé. For this, you will want to mash the strawberries as much as you can with a fork. Of course, this will be easier if your strawberries are a bit overripe. But if they are not, do not worry, just put them into a food processor or blender and they will be ready in no time!

Step 2

Mix your sugar and cornstarch together in a medium bowl.

Step 3

Bring your saucepan over to medium heat and add your sugar and cornstarch.

Step 4

Add your water and mix until everything is dissolved.

Step 5

Next, you will want to pour in your strawberry pureé and mix it all together until it is well combined.

Step 6

Bring it to a boil and turn the heat back down to a slow simmer for 5 minutes.

Delicious Recipe: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home - Cake Decorist (2)

Step 7

Take it out of the heat and pour it into a bowl where you can use it or store it. Let it cool down for 10 to 15 minutes.

Your glaze is ready to be used! Of course, it will need to cool further depending on what you are going to use it for. For a cheesecake, you could use it warm.

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How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home

Strawberry glaze is used in so many recipes but it is well known that sauces can be one of the most challenging components when it comes to baking. I’ve used this tried and true quantities for every kind of occasion and recipe. My favorite is using it to top some cheesecake. I also love pouring it on top of a strawberry tart to make it glossy. My family loves the look!

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home




  • The first thing we need is to make strawberry pureé. For this, you will want to mash the strawberries as much as you can with a fork. Of course, this will be easier if your strawberries are a bit overripe. But if they are not, do not worry, just put them into a food processor or blender and they will be ready in no time!Mix your sugar and cornstarch together in a medium bowl.

  • Bring your saucepan over to medium heat and add your sugar and cornstarch.

  • Add your water and mix until everything is dissolved.

  • Next, you will want to pour in your strawberry pureé and mix it all together until it is well combined.

  • Bring it to a boil and turn the heat back down to a slow simmer for 5 minutes.

  • Take it out of the heat and pour it into a bowl where you can use it or store it. Let it cool down for 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Your glaze is ready to be used! Of course, it will need to cool further depending on what you are going to use it for. For a cheesecake, you could use it warm.


  • If you do not like seeds in your glaze, then consider pushing your strawberry pureé through a sieve before making your glaze. This will get rid of any seeds and lumps, giving you a smooth and shiny end result.

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One Final Tip: If you do not like seeds in your glaze, consider pushing your strawberry pureé through a sieve before making your glaze. This will get rid of any seeds and lumps, giving you a smooth and shiny end result.

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Delicious Recipe: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home - Cake Decorist (4)

Karen Rutherford

Karen is a passionate pastry chef who loves to create delicious baked goods. She has been in the culinary arts for over 10 years, honing her skills and perfecting her craft. Karen is known for her creativity and attention to detail, creating unique desserts that bring a smile to everyone’s face. She is always looking for ways to challenge herself and come up with new recipes that are both tasty and visually appealing. Karen loves to experiment with different flavors and textures, and she is committed to providing the highest quality of products to her customers.

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Delicious Recipe: How To Make Strawberry Glaze At Home - Cake Decorist (2024)


What is strawberry glaze made of? ›

What Is Strawberry Glaze Made Of? Strawberry glaze is made from just five ingredients: fresh strawberries, sugar, vanilla, lemon, and a touch of cornstarch for consistency.

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The easiest way to thicken strawberry sauce is to simmer it for longer. The longer you allow it to heat on the stove, the more moisture will evaporate. If your sauce isn't thickening on the stove, or you don't have the time to let it simmer longer, you can add a cornstarch slurry to thicken it.

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Do not use cornstarch since this ingredient will make your strawberry sauce/topping cloudy. How do I thicken strawberry sauce without cornstarch? Instead of using cornstarch to thicken your strawberry sauce/ topping add ¼ – ½ teaspoon of unflavored gelatin (powder) to make a thick and clear strawberry sauce/ topping.

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To add the strawberries, pipe hearts on the top of the cake using the red buttercream piping bag. Pipe on two little long dots at the top of each heart to transform them to strawberries. Pipe tiny pink dots on the surface of the hearts to make the strawberry seeds.

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A BASE GLAZE is a mixture of these three basic groups: SILICA, FLUX AND ALUMINA.

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Every glaze is made of the following 3 materials:
  • Silica – Creates glass. Examples: quartz, flint, pure silica.
  • Alumina – Stiffens the glaze so it doesn't slide off the clay. ...
  • Flux – Causes the glaze to melt at a low enough temperature to be used in ceramics.

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If you accidentally made your glaze too thin, simply whisk in more powdered sugar, a Tablespoon at a time.

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All-purpose flour: You can thicken sauces with all-purpose wheat flour. For every tablespoon of cornstarch, use three tablespoons of flour. Combine raw flour with cold water in a small bowl to form a paste, then add it into the sauce as it's simmering.

How do you thicken homemade glaze? ›

So, to revive your next glaze and get its texture back on track, add more powdered sugar as you go. Even if you've already whisked together your glaze, you can still alter its thickness. Just remember: A little sugar goes a long way.

Why won't my candied strawberries harden? ›

If you candied strawberries are not hardening, there could be a number of reasons. You didn't cook your syrup to the correct temperature. You must hit 305F. The candy shell is too thick and taking longer to harden.

Why is my glaze not shiny? ›

Other glazes are matte because they're underfired. An underfired glaze appears matte because it hasn't melted into glass yet. Adding Silica to an underfired glaze definitely won't make it glossy because adding Silica raises the melting temperature.

Does glaze go bad? ›

Glazes do not 'go bad' with age but, because different ingredients tend to come out of suspension at different rates, it is critical that the batch or bottle be mixed thoroughly before each application.

How do you keep strawberries from bleeding on a cake? ›

4 - Dice the strawberries and mix them with sugar to allow the juices to seep out of the berries so that they don't bleed on the cake. Strain the juice from the strawberries and then fill the cake.

Can you put strawberries in between cake layers? ›

If you are making something like a classic sponge cake or angel food cake with layers of whipped cream and strawberries, I would simply slice them and leave them raw. If you are filling a stacked and frosted cake, I would cook them down to a more jammy consistancy. You can puree it to make it smooth if desired.

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Give It A Coat

The “added support” comes from tossing the blotted fruit in a thin layer of flour or cornstarch. You'll find this technique across professional baking cookbooks, but it's a step often missed by home bakers. “Use a sieve to gently toss fruit in flour or cornstarch,” instructs Wise.

What is the main ingredient in glaze? ›

Glaze: there are more than 3 basic components in glaze, these are: silica, alumina, flux, colourants and modifiers. The common ingredients in glaze colours are, “ copper oxide", “copper carbonate", “cobalt oxide" and “ iron oxide.”

What was glaze made out of? ›

Glazes consist of silica, fluxes and aluminum oxide. Silica is the structural material for the glaze and if you heat it high enough it can turn to glass. Its melting temperature is too high for ceramic kilns, so silica is combined with fluxes, substances that prevent oxidation, to lower the melting point.

What is glaze and what is it made of? ›

Practically, glazes can seal your clay bodies once fired, making them waterproof and food-safe. Many clay bodies are not vitreous without being glazed, meaning if you added liquid to an unglazed ceramic, it would leak through the pores. Glazes are made up of three ingredients: glass-formers, fluxes, and stabilizers.

What's the difference between frosting and glaze? ›

Staffers in our test kitchen told me that frosting, icing, and glaze usually have different sets of ingredients. Frosting typically has a butter or cream cheese base, while icing and glaze are made from powdered sugar and water, juice, or milk.


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