Continents Of The World (2024)

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What are the Seven Continents?

There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. However, depending on where you live, you may have learned that there are five, six, or even four continents. This is because there is no official criteria for determining continents. While the position of landmasses on continental crust may be used to determine continents, geopolitical factors also affect their delineation. Below is an overview of the world's continent using the most popular classification system, the seven continent method.


North America

Sovereign Countries 23
Area (km2) 24,709,000 km2
Area (mi2) 9,540,000 mi2
Population 579,024,000
Population Density 23 km2
GDP (PPP) $26.03 Trillion
GDP per Capita $49,240
North America is the third largest continent in the world by land area. By population, it is the fourth largest. Sometimes considered to be asubcontinentof the Americas, North America is found entirely in the northern hemisphere and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Atlantic ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and South America to the south. North America is home to the longest land border in the world, which is shared between Canada the the United States.
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South America

Sovereign Countries 12
Area (km2) 17,840,000 km2
Area (mi2) 6,890,000 mi2
Population 423,581,078
Population Density 21 km2
GDP (PPP) $6.92 Trillion
GDP per Capita $8,560
South America is the world’s fourth largest continent by land area, and the world’s third most populous. It is mostly situated in the southern hemisphere, with the exception of a small area of the northernmost portion of the continent. It is found completely in the western hemisphere. South America is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south, and North America in the north.
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Sovereign Countries 50
Area (km2) 10,180,000 km2
Area (mi2) 3,930,000 mi2
Population 746,419,440
Population Density 73 km2
GDP (PPP) $29.01 Trillion
GDP per Capita $29,410
Europe is the world’s third most populated continent, and the sixth largest continent by land area. Although physically connected to Asia, Europe has historically been considered aseparate continentdue to cultural and linguistic differences. The Ural and Caucasus Mountains are generally thought to be the eastern boundary of Europe. The other borders of Europe include the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Europe is home to more than 10% of the world’s population.
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Sovereign Countries 54
Area (km2) 30,370,000 km2
Area (mi2) 11,730,000 mi2
Population 1,275,920,972
Population Density 36 km2
GDP (PPP) $7.16 Trillion
GDP per Capita $1,930
Africa is the world's second largest continent by both land area and population. Theequatorruns through Africa in the middle of the continent. Around one third of Africa is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Africa makes up about 20% of the world’s total land area. The Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea all surround Africa, to the east, west, and north respectively.
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Sovereign Countries 48
Area (km2) 44,579,000 km2
Area (mi2) 17,212,000 mi2
Population 4,560,667,108
Population Density 100 km2
GDP (PPP) $65.44 Trillion
GDP per Capita $7,350
Asia is the world’s largest continent both by population and by land area. Comprising of 30% of the world’s land area, Asia borders the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, and Europe to the west. Around 60% of the world’s population lives in Asia.
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Sovereign Countries 14
Area (km2) 8,525,989 km2
Area (mi2) 3,291,903 mi2
Population 41,570,842
Population Density 4 km2
GDP (PPP) $1.62 Trillion
GDP per Capita $41,037
Australia is the world’s smallest continent and second least populated. The term Oceania is also used to describe this region in order to differentiate it from the country of Australia. However, Oceania isnot a continentbut is instead a continental grouping. The term Australasia is also sometimes use to refer to this region. Countries included in the Australian continent include Australia, Papua New Guinea, and portions of Indonesia.
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Sovereign Countries N/A
Area (km2) 14,200,000 km2
Area (mi2) 5,500,000 mi2
Population 1,000
Population Density 0 km2
GDP per Capita N/A
Located at the South Pole, Antarctica hasno permanent populationand no countries. It is reserved for use as a scientific base. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent by land area, and the least populated continent. Antarctica is an island, and is completely surrounded by the Southern Ocean.
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Other Continental Divisions

Four Continents

Continents Of The World (8)
Afro-Eurasia / Old World
America / New World
Australia / Oceania
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The four continent model promotes the idea that all continents are landmasses divided by ocean. As Europe and Asia inhabit the landmass, and Africa and Asia are connected by the Isthmus of Suez, they are considered to compose one continent called “Afro-Eurasia.” In this model, North America and South America are thought of as one continent connected by the Isthmus of Panama.

Five Continents

Continents Of The World (9)
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In the five continent model, North and South America are considered to be one continent called America. Antarctica is omitted due to its lack of permanent habitation. This model is used by the United Nations and found in the Olympic Charter.

Six Continents (Version 1)

Continents Of The World (10)
Australia / Oceania
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This model is most commonly taught in western Europe, including France and Spain. Here, North and South America are considered to be one single continent of America.

Six Continents (Version 2)

Continents Of The World (11)
North America
South America
Australia / Oceania
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This model is mostly taught in Eastern Europe and Japan. In this model, North and South America are differentiated by Europe and Asia are combined in one continent of Eurasia.

Seven Continents

Continents Of The World (12)
North America
South America
Australia / Oceania
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The seven continent model is the most popularly accepted model. It is most commonly taught in English-speaking countries, as well as in China, India, and Pakistan.

Continents Of The World (2024)


What is the continent question answer? ›

A continent is a large continuous mass of land conventionally regarded as a collective region. There are seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia (listed from largest to smallest in size). Sometimes Europe and Asia are considered one continent called Eurasia.

Is it 5 or 7 continents? ›

There are seven continents in the world, according to most standards. In order from smallest to largest, they are: Oceania, Europe, Antarctica, South America, North America, Africa, and Asia.

Why do some people say there are seven continents while others say there are only five or six? ›

If you use this strict definition, then it's pretty ridiculous to say there are seven continents. Europe and Asia are divided by a mountain range, but they most definitely belong to one landmass. That's why Eastern Europe, Japan and Russia say there are only six continents, with Europe and Asia becoming Eurasia.

How many continents are there answers? ›

Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica are the seven continents of the world.

What is the secret continent? ›

Zealandia, considered a candidate for the Earth's eighth continent, was mostly lost to the sea. Geologists say they've now mapped the entire nearly two million square miles of the underwater land mass.

What is the secret continent on Earth? ›

Its isolation from Australia and large area support its definition as a continent—Zealandia. Zealandia was formerly part of Gondwana. Today it is 94% submerged, mainly as a result of widespread Late Cretaceous crustal thinning preceding supercontinent breakup and consequent isostatic balance.

Is there an 8th continent? ›

But in 2017, the story took an unexpected turn – the seven-continent model has been a mistake all along. Enter Zealandia, a long-lost land to the southeast of Australia, otherwise known as the planet's forgotten eighth continent.

Are there 7 or 9 continents? ›

This land makes up the seven continents we know and study today. The names of the continents, from smallest to largest in surface area, are as follows: Australia, Europe, Antarctica, South America, North America, Africa, and Asia. Amazingly, these continents make up a total of 57 million square miles of land!

What continent is the smallest? ›

Located in Earth's southern hemisphere, Australia is the smallest continent among the seven, spanning over 8 million square kilometers or 3 million square miles, National Geographic reports. Australia is both a country and a continent by itself.

Why is Europe not a continent? ›

Geographers may point to political and historical differences and designate Europe and Asia as separate continents, whereas a geologist may note the lack of a water boundary between the two continents, take into account that both Europe and Asia are on the same tectonic plate, and designate them as one continent— ...

What is the trick of seven continents? ›

For instance, one acrostic for remembering continents is "Eat an apple as a snack." The "E" in "Eat" helps you remember "Europe," while the "AN" in "an" reminds you of "Antarctica," and it continues down the line: "A" for "Australia," "AS" for "Asia," "A" for "Africa," "N" for "North America," and "S" for "South ...

Who decided the seven continents? ›

According to Arnold Toynbee, the original continental distinction was devised by ancient Greek mariners, who gave the names Europe and Asia to the lands on either side of the complex interior waterway running from the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, the Black Sea, and the Kerch ...

How many continents are sorry? ›

The most widely-used grouping of continents contains seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Is Russia a continent? ›

Russia is a transcontinental country, stretching vastly over two continents, Europe and Asia. It spans the northernmost edge of Eurasia, and has the world's fourth-longest coastline, at 37,653 km (23,396 mi).

Why are there 7 continents and not 5? ›

A continent could be a single landmass or a part of a very large landmass, as in the case of Asia or Europe. Due to this, the number of continents varies; up to seven or as few as four geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents. Most English-speaking countries recognize seven regions as continents.

What is a continent for kids? ›

A continent is a large solid area of land. Earth has seven continents. In order from largest to smallest, they are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Sometimes people think of Europe and Asia as a single continent called Eurasia.

What is the continent based on? ›

1.2). Continents can be defined based on plate tectonics, political boundaries, or historical custom.

What is the one continent? ›

From about 300-200 million years ago (late Paleozoic Era until the very late Triassic), the continent we now know as North America was contiguous with Africa, South America, and Europe. They all existed as a single continent called Pangea.

What makes the continent? ›

Continents are large expanses of Earth's crust that rise above sea level. Geologically, a continent is composed of rocks with lower density than the seafloor or mantle. The seven continents on Earth are Africa, Antarctica. Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.


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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.