Callisto Chonicles: Chapters 5-8 Battle of Shonada Delta - ColCharybdis (2024)

Ch. 5 Rescue Mission


In Launch Bay Alpha, Mission Specialist Fenmarnas checked the last box on the list. So far, she had not seen the crew assignments for either the shuttle, the Viper dispersion team, or the Viper escort. Fenmarnas shook her head. She could have just missed the Lt. Colonel's assignments she thought, but a quick archive search showed nothing.

She fired off a memo to Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, informing him that the shuttle was prepped and ready for launch as soon as its crew arrived. The dispersion tank was being filled on the last Viper. Launch could occur as soon as the crew assembled.

A separate memo informed Charybdis that Shuttle Number One, now repaired, was ready to transport the recyclable material from the new opening to Forge Ship Alpha. The MasterWelders were packed and ready to return to their ship as well.

Now, if she just had four crews, she could pat those Warriors on the helmets, and send them packing.

* * *

In Vessel Engineering, Lieutenant Lucian tried to contact ForgeMaster Kharkarian for the third time in the last centar. He hated to be a pest, but he was seriously concerned about the results of his tests on the broken landing strut. Failing again, he put in a call to Assistant ForgeMaster Bodaca, who had been sound asleep before receiving the call. Lucian quickly explained his disturbing findings to the unhappy but now alert man, who said he would locate Kharkarian immediately.

* * *


To: Commander Sheba, Lt. Col. Charybdis, Lt. Titon

From: Lt. LucianG

RE: Viper QC Issue

The broken landing strut from Lt. TracyB144's Viper has been analyzed to determine why it snapped during the accident. It should be noted that Lt. Tracy's Viper was one of three new Vipers recently received from the Forge Ships.

Structural analysis showed that under the estimated loading at the time of the fracture, the landing gear should have bent severely, but had ample ductility to bend without breaking. Property tests conducted aboard the Callisto, while not as accurate as those done in the testing labs of the forge ships, still show that the modulus of elasticity, and the corresponding ductility, was much lower than required by the typical testing program. In fact, it was only 25 percent of the required value. This is so far below specification that it would appear that this lack of quality had to have been ignored by those doing the QC checks on the Forge Ship.

ForgeMaster Kharkarian has been sought for assistance, but so far, he has not been located. Any information he provides will be forwarded to you as soon as it is available.

The other Vipers from the same production group should be checked for problems prior to flying again. In addition, all Vipers should be checked for any similar problems as soon as possible.

Lt. LucianG

* * *

In the Gold Squadron Barracks Annex, the ship's Electrician was just finishing the wiring of the new door to the space from the corridor. The last superconductor cable went into place, and the door slid open as required.

When the Callisto had been designed, the ship was originally to have four slightly smaller squadrons, with two on duty each shift. The Annex would have served as the barracks for one of the other squadrons, after the necessary facilities were installed. The workers were now putting the final touches on the paint. The annex would be ready for set up next cycle, as soon as the barracks and lockers, which were now standing in the corner of the room, were set in their places.

* * *

The shuttle was dark and gloomy. The survivors sat huddled in a group in the smoke-filled room. All were careful not to touch each other or anything, as a precaution to keep their envirosuits from disintegrating. Hope of rescue was starting to disappear from the group, seemingly almost as fast as the light disappeared after the lightning strikes against the planet.

* * *


“Ensign Conan, waiting for orders.”
* * *

Lt Skyler was looking for Captain Brie to beg to go on mission.

”Sleep, we don't need no stinking sleep. We are Warriors,” thought Skyler.
* * *
The shuttle's power batteries were slightly damaged during the landing. The reactor core is leaking now.
Cain said, "Shut down all non-essential equipment. Save all the power we can to run the recycling gear for our air."
"Check on that crewman...oh no!" Without warning another of the mining team had expired. Cain thought, “Keep them on board, they deserve a full Colonial burial. Not going to let this damned planet have them!”
Cain said, "Do we have enough power to fire off another round?"
Lt. Mossy said, "No we don't. Maybe a few short bursts at best. Not near what we need to re-ignite the ore, I'm afraid."

"Understood. Everyone try to sleep. It will save resources.”

Cain's personal entry: "With my last breath I will curse this planet. It may take us all, but it can never take who we are." With aggravation, Cain yelled upward, "We're not dead yet...where are you?"

Lt. Mossy had never seen Cain so angry or afraid. She made a joke, "Well, you didn't leave your vintage Ambrosa out where anyone could find it...did you?"

Cain looked at Mossy, and finally smiled and laughed. The two wanted to embrace, but didn't dare. And we wait....

* * *


In the briefing, Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis said, “With the recent mishap on the planet surface...and the diminished manpower of Gold Squadron, Commander Sheba has decided that the rescue mission is going to be a dual-role mission combining elements of both Gold AND Black squadrons!”

“Captain Brie: Assign FOUR Gold Squadron warriors who will fly the vipers in the spreading operation. They have to be extremely good pilots!!!!

“Captain Joey: You are to assign TWO viper escorts to assist in the spreading operation and to maintain visual and commlink communications with the bridge of the Callisto and TWO pilots to take in the shuttle for the landing operation. I don't need to tell you that the two Warriors on the shuttle will be in EXTREME DANGER!!! Make sure they are your best people.

“Let's get to it!!!!”


As the story spread that the Captains were starting to fill out their rosters for the missions, Warrior volunteers started coming out of the proverbial "woodwork." Some were even surprises, as everyone jockeyed for a slot on the mission that would mean life or death for the stranded Warriors on Shonada Delta.

* * *

Lieutenant Lucian was not at all happy. During his ten centon stay in Sick Bay for the checkup, concluded only moments before, Nurse Holodoc had said he was fit for most duty, but she had kept him grounded since his bruised shoulder was still just a tiny bit sore, and she wanted to be safe rather than sorry! Lucian's explosive, "No, you can't do that!" was met by an almost equally forceful, "Oh yes, I can!" from Holodoc.

While Lucian didn't have that many actual centars flying Vipers (versus uncountable centars "flying" the simulation before joining the fleet), his actual shuttle piloting experience stretched back for over 25 yahrens. He groused, he probably had more hours flying them than most of the regular, non-Warrior, shuttle pilots did. Heck, he'd been flying a shuttle for longer than many of the new Warrior recruits had been alive, and he knew almost every aspect of their maintenance and repair from all those years on the Odyssey Nine. The O-9's shuttle had been the previous generation model of the current shuttle, so he'd checked out easily in it on joining the Callisto. Besides, he was more familiar with what needed to be done with the transfer operation than most, and he'd been on a number of very hostile planets during those years of exploration. It didn't make sense for him not to go, IF one could forget about a little tenderness in the shoulder.

Reaching a decision, he almost flew down the corridor to find Captain Joey. Maybe he could get her to pull some strings and get him declared fit for the mission.

* * *


Captain Brie was once again agonizing over her decision. She needed to pick four warriors. They would be flying with two from Black Squadron. That meant they weren't all used to working together. Brie wasn't sure of that at all, but, she had her orders, and she needed to follow them.

Most of Gold Squadron had heard about the mission, and most of them had also volunteered. That made things easier in one way and harder in another. "Lieutenant Skyler needs to go. He's been there. Lieutenant SiressEden as well. Although he's only been with us for a while, I've been impressed with Ensign Conan. That's three. One more..." Brie thought about Lt. Amy. She knew that Amy would want to go. She finally posted the orders:

"The following warriors are to prepare and report for the upcoming mission with Black Squadron. Lt. SiressEden, who will be in command of the mission. Also assigned are Lt. Skyler, Lt. Amy and Ensign Conan.

Captain Brie"

* * *


Lieutenant Amy grabbed her gear and made her way toward the briefing for the upcoming rescue mission. She walked with confidence, filled with a sense of purpose. This was to be a key point in her young career. No previous assignment carried the importance of this one—and never had she felt so confident of her abilities.

The smaller duties, like the temporary barracks assignment she had handled, bugged her to distraction, she knew too well. Try as she might, she always did a good job of making herself look bad in dealing with them. On the surface, her performance should have precluded her from involvement in the rescue operation, but Lieutenant Amy was there anyway. Let'em talk, she thought. She knew that when the big ones came along she could take her performance to the highest level, and she aimed to prove that now to everyone.

It would be good to get into her Viper again. The last few times had been only to dust the dice and clean the windows. And then there was Najinn, out there somewhere. She needed to be out there, helping in anyway she could. And the one who could have stood in her way understood that, and let her go.

And Captain Brie—she could have stopped it too, but put her reservations and her good friendship aside and made the decision. Now it was up to Lieutenant Amy to make good on it. At the briefing, she vowed to take Brie aside and thank her, and tell her that she wouldn't be sorry.

* * *


Lieutenant Skyler learns he is going on the mission. He had been waiting for this since his return from the last mission. Something about leaving his fellow Warriors and friends on that rock didn't set to well with him.

He grabbed his gear and headed for the briefing room. Lieutenant Amy was just ahead of him in the hall. He was glad to see she was going as well.

* * *


Lieutenant Siress Eden reporting for the rescue mission. Even though she has been ill of late and overwhelmed with other duties, as soon as she realized that fellow warriors were in need, she rushed to assume her duties. She looks forward to working with the fine warriors from Black Squadron. Captain Brie can be assured that Lieutenant Eden will execute her duties to her full abilities and will not quit till the mission is a success.

* * *


Ensign Conan said, “Reporting for the mission.”

* * *


I was born a little more than 3 yahrens after the Cylons destroyed the twelve colonies. I have only known spaceships as my home, with only stories and pictures to show me what should have been my true home, now lying in ruins somewhere across the stars. Though I didn’t experience the joys of the colonies, or the terror of the night they were lost to our people, I still feel the sense of loss that still hangs over the fleet these many yahrens later.

I was born on an agro ship, the fleet’s finest. My father was, and still is a farmer there. My mom works in the technical support stations on the same ship. I grew up helping in the fields, tending to the crops with my dad, or following my mom around the rows of instrumentation that kept the ship operations going smoothly. I was schooled by my parents, so for the longest time the agro ship was the only home I knew. My parents groomed me to continue on in this important work, supplying food for the fleet. Food was crated up and shipped out on shuttles that I watched disappear into the stars, as they carried our crops to people I was told lived on other ships.

Sometimes I could see some of these other ships, through the clear dome of the biosphere I grew up tending. They would appear as if from nowhere, suddenly in view for a few moments before fading again. My dad called it spacing. I thought the word was funny, since we were all in space. He meant that the other ships needed to stay a certain distance from each other. Then he would scold me for looking up so much when the work at hand was at our feet.

When I was about 13 yahrens old, I met a warrior who had been injured in battle. He walked with a bad limp, and was assigned to our agro ship as a security officer. A lot of the time he just sat at his station, and when I was in the way of my mom or dad, I would end up sitting with him, listening to his wondrous stories of adventure and battle amongst the stars. He had seen duty on many ships, but his favorite stories were about a ship that he called the ‘Aggi.’ I thought this was funny too. What an odd name for a ship. He said it was short for ‘Agamemnon.’ I stuck with ‘Aggi’ because it was easier to pronounce. He talked often about a warrior named Najinn, a warrior now stationed on the Battlestar Callisto.

Through his stories I felt the first stirrings of another calling for my life. I slowly became dissatisfied with life as a farmer. Never seeing the outside of an agro ship became an idea I slowly grew uncomfortable with. I continued to help my parents, but inside I was changing in ways they never foresaw. I began spending more time getting to know the flight crew, and through them I got to experience the thrill of being on the bridge, and even sitting in the captain’s chair. Any chance I could, I would be somewhere where I could learn something about flying. I was hooked on something that I couldn’t get out of my blood. By the time I reached 16 yahrens old, I had made my decision to join the military and be a Colonial Warrior.

Selling this to my parents was not easy. I showed them the things I had learned, and the promotional recruitment video made countless yahrens ago by an officer named Omega.
None of these things made a difference to them, and I left the agro ship without their blessing. The biggest moment of my life—leaving the agro ship for the first time—my destination the Battlestar Callisto, I made alone and in tears. My parents hadn’t even come to see me off. It wasn’t until 2 yahrens later that I learned that they had been there, not knowing exactly how to handle what was happening. A simple ‘may the lords go with you’ would have been fine.

Just 19 yahrens old, I now defend the fleet, fighting along side other brave warriors, including Najinn, the warrior from the stories of my childhood. I’m Lt. Amy now,
quite young for such a rank but trying my best to be what everyone expects me to be. My parents are proud of what I have achieved, but I think they still would rather me stay safe aboard the agro ship. But as I told them the last time I visited them, “There isn’t a safe place anywhere in the fleet.” But there are people aboard the Callisto that make me feel like it's where I belong, and I'll defend it to the end.

* * *

Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis said to Captain Brie:
“Having noticed your duty roster for the upcoming mission, I agree with your assessment of those whom you have picked, all except for one...

“I cannot help but notice that Lieutenant Amy has been acting rather...erratically lately. I seriously have to wonder if she is capable mentally and emotionally to handle a mission of this type and significance right now given all her other important duties onboard the Callisto.

“I must urge you to SERIOUSLY reconsider your assignment of Lieutenant Amy on this particular mission.”

* * *


Brie said, “I can understand your concerns about Lieutenant Amy. Yes, she is young, and yes it was difficult for her to handle her last assignment. I put the blame for that on myself, I gave her too much responsibility too soon. But I have gotten to know Lieutenant Amy quite well, and she's stronger than she seems.

“If you want me to take her off the mission I will, but I am sure that she can handle it. With so many members of Gold Squadron missing or injured at the moment I really believe that she's the best person for the job. I'm not sure who else I COULD send. If it's not Lieutenant Amy, then maybe we should instead have three pilots from each squadron.

“I do stand by my decision, but I will await any further orders from either you or the Commander.”

* * *


Charybdis thought for a moment then said, “The scientists have confirmed that we need SIX fully-loaded Vipers in order to clear the area for the shuttle to go in and land and effect the rescue.

“Seeing as to how important it is and that there is no one else to fly, then... I guess the order will have to stand. Sometimes we must put personal issues aside for the greater good.

“Lieutenant Amy will go on the mission as planned. May the Lords of Kobol be with her and the others.”

* * *


Carbon dioxide filled the air as the Warriors were feeling the cold of the shuttle. The temperature varied dramatically on this rust colored hell hole. At night the temperature dropped below –80 degrees Celsius and during the day it rose to roughly 45 degrees Celsius. It was an inhospitable rock, and it was their home for now. The shuttle rocked under the increasingly volatile seismic shifts, each shake brought the prospect of a break in the crust and magma flow closer.

Najinn lay in the survival bag, thinking of his scanners results, why was the planet like this? It was so strange to find volcanic activity like this. The planetoids surface must be one continuous crust. Hence the intense volcanic activity and unpredictable nature of the magma flows. But, if that is the case, if that is the truth then were is the atmospheric pressure? If this planetoid was as it appeared to be, which would be a first on this mission he thought, then the magma would produce huge volcanoes, produce low magma flows of incredibly smooth lava, sheared by the pressure of the atmosphere. An atmosphere that should exert a pressure ten or twenty times more powerful than the mission had found thus far.

His thoughts took him to the only conclusion; the core couldn’t be as hot as the geology said it should be. The planetoid’s core for some reason wasn’t fueling the magma cycle as it should. It was almost as if the magma was forced into a sub surface lake beneath the crust. The core was, well, just plain unfathomable.

Najinn finished his report to Lieutenant Cain, “And Sir, the oxygen levels gives us at best 10 centars left, our suits will be useless in less than 6 centars and the force field will expire with the present battery power in 12 centars. The situation is not good, Sir.”

Najinn thought to be honest the situation was bad, they were going to find it very difficult to get out of this one.

“Najinn, thanks. Okay everyone, we have four flare rockets left. And we have roughly 10 centars to get rescued. I am not going to lie to you, this doesn’t look good. But if I know the Callisto, Captain Brie and the Lieutenant Colonel will be looking for us. They will not give up so we can’t. Lets keep it together Warriors.”

Najinn sat back and thought how he would love to be sat having a drink in the officers bar with Lieutenant Amy right now. He realized how silly he had let himself get, emotionally attached to a young Lieutenant who he didn’t really know, but he felt he wanted to get to know. But, was he going to be able to get to know her? He thought was he going to be able to tell her how important she had become to him? He thought just his luck, to find someone he could connect with, someone who he thought felt a similar connection, and here he was about to die. Okay, pull yourself together man; you know you have been in worse situations than this.

He laughed to himself, the last time he was this close to death was aboard the ‘Aggi’ on her last mission. The small fleet lead by the ‘Aggi’ had found the Galactica, but had been followed by the Cylons. He really didn’t want to think about it, his dreams about that mission were bad enough, he just thought losing the Aggi, the maelstrom of that encounter with the Cylon Base-Stars was as close to death as he had come, but he thought, until now. This was pretty bad. He started thinking about how he could get more oxygen from the planet. Could they convert the atmosphere some how? How could they prolong their resources and survive for longer?

* * *


Cain read Najinn’s report, also finding this a very odd planet. In a low voice Cain muttered, “Even a gas giant has oxygen and nitrogen...we're missing something here.”

Noticing Najinn's sad expression as he looked at a likeness of Amy, he went back to talk to him. Sitting next to Najinn, Cain started talking Triad, dating, and finally about the wife he had lost 10 yahren ago. The chat eventually turned to science, the planet, and our resources. With the slow reduction of O2 from our breathing equipment, we weren't thinking very clear at all. Almost pure nitrogen now, we struggled to keep a thought. Cain thought to himself, “If we do die, at least we won't know it.” Najinn continued to do calculations...we wait.


Charybdis was upset.


“We are running out of time. I still have not received Captain Joey' list for those warriors going on the rescue and escort mission (two on the shuttle and two flying escort).

“Captain Brie, given the dire circ*mstances and the unknown whereabouts of Captain Joey, please get with the Black Squadron SEC and choose the warriors from that squadron ASAP!!!!!

“The mission launches immediately afterwards. We MUST get to that planet and try to rescue our fellow warriors, IF they are still alive,” Charybdis concluded.

* * *


Brie responded, saying, “Looking over the Black Squadron roster, I would recommend Lieutenant Titon (Black Squadron's SEC) and Lieutenant Merak for the mission. If either of them are unable to make it, then either ShebaApollo or LucianG (if he's feeling up to it and cleared by Doc).

“I leave the final decision up to Lieutenant Titon, since he is the Black Squadron Second-in-Command,” she said. “Now those warriors I mentioned previously are for the shuttle. I would also recommend Ensigns BatGal and Randrius to fly escort.”

* * *



To: Commander Sheba, Lt. Col. Charybdis, All rescue mission Viper Pilots

From: Lt. LucianG

Due to our current shortage of pilots, all six Vipers scheduled to fly the seeding mission have been equipped with spreader tanks. The mechanics have just finished retrofitting drop releases, so that after the "seeding" material has been spread, all six Vipers will be able to drop their tanks and fight IF AND ONLY IF necessary. That way, all six will be able to escort and defend if necessary.

According to Mission Specialist Fenmarnas, launch will be possible immediately upon arrival of the crews.

* * *

Lt. Lucian stepped out of the practically completed Gold Squadron Barracks Annex. With the exception of the plumbing problem in the annex washroom, all was compete, and the furniture was being moved in. The black bunks, which had arrived earlier than expected, were being positioned as he exited the room, and the gold lockers were standing in the corridor, lined up against the wall.

The lieutenant not been able to locate Captain Joey or Doc to try to get a seat on the rescue shuttle, so he decided on the next possible course of action. He headed back to Sick Bay to apologize to Nurse Holodoc. He hadn't meant to have cross words with her the first time. Maybe in a reasonable conversation, he could convince her that the soreness would not interfere with his ability to help pilot the shuttle. In the shorthanded situation aboard the O-9, he'd always had to function no matter how bad he felt, unless he just couldn't get out of his bunk. With many more people with the ability to duplicate efforts, things were somewhat different aboard the Callisto, but Lucian's sense of duty remained.

When he walked into Sick Bay, he saw Nurse Holodoc in the office. He tapped lightly on the open door, and said, "Excuse me, Nurse Holodoc, I owe you an apology, and I'm here to make good on it. Please forgive me..."

* * *


Randrius had been one of the first to volunteer for the Black squad spots on the mission. He felt himself getting restless and he knew what he needed, to get into the pilot seat and have something to do. He wanted badly to get the mission.

* * *


Captain Brie shook her head. It was bad enough that she had to send her own pilots out on yet another dangerous mission, she was now supposed to recommend pilots from Black Squadron as well. "Darn morning sickness," Brie muttered. She was happy for Captain Joey, even joked about the lengths that Joey went to for Black Squadron to catch up to Gold memberwise. But Brie didn't like to have to make decisions for people she didn't know that well. She had confidence in her own warriors, but didn't know the strengths and weaknesses of the members of Black. "Well," she said, "at least the final decision isn't mine. I'm just making recommendations. Titon can make the final list."

Brie also thought about what Lt. Col. Charybdis had said about Lt. Amy. She was worried about Amy, and had at first wondered if Amy belonged on the mission. But Amy was a darn good pilot, and Brie knew from experience that once you're inside a viper and your life is on the line everything can come into focus. She hoped.

* * *


Titon concurred with Brie’s choices, and the pilots quickly assembled.

“Lieutenants Titon and Merak standing by in Alpha landing for launch!”

It felt good to be back in co*ckpit, even if it was a shuttle.

* * *


“Lt Skyler to Flight Control, all systems check, ready for launch on your command.”

* * *


“Ensign Conan to Flight Control. Sytems check okay, ready for launch.”

* * *


Flight Specialist Geenie said, “Transferring control to Vipers and shuttle, landing bay Alpha.

“Launch when ready!!!”

* * *


Six specially modified Vipers, each with a belly tank and spreader system, shot down the Callisto’s launch tubes. The shuttle launched a few microns later, and the rescue team was on the way to Shonada Delta. Lieutenant Siress Eden, with Ensign Conan in the front, ordered the Vipers into their escort positions. Skyler and Amy had the rear, high, and Ensigns BatGal and Randrius were rear, low.

Upon reaching the planet a short time later, Siress Eden had the Viper pilots assemble their ships in line as Fenmarnas and Solon had instructed. Lieutenant Titon piloted the shuttle, while Lieutenant Merak zeroed in on the target coordinates on the planet, readying their shuttle for the rapid drop in and planned quick exit. Siress Eden said, “Lieutenant Titon, this is it. Are you ready? Lieutenant Merak, have you verified the location? Viper pilots, report in, and prepare to spread the seeding ions on my mark.”


Lieutenant Amy held her viper in formation, awaiting her turn to spread her load of seeding ions. She was alert, ready for action when her turn came, and yet her mind drifted as she looked at the angry planet below....

She thought back to the Callisto. At the briefing she had but a few seconds to pull Captain Brie aside to thank her for selecting her for the mission. “You won't be sorry,” Amy had said. But Brie had a funny look as if Amy had struck a nerve. There wasn't time to pursue it further, but Amy vowed she would.

She had then gone to the flight deck, striding purposefully to her Viper. She remembered the look that the flight deck crewman had shot her when he looked up to see it was she. She ignored the look and grabbed her helmet from him, climbing into her ship. As the canopy came down she could hear somebody behind the crewman saying something she might have mis-heard. Something about why she was flying and hadn't the Lieutenant Colonel been against her going. Amy hoped it wasn't true, for she thought she had his support in this. Something else to pursue later, she thought.

She gave the thumbs up to the crewman, but she couldn't muster up the confident look she had earlier. She shook off the feelings of doubt. To hell with the others if they didn't have faith in her! Too late now anyway, and they'll realize later that she can do fine. Amy punched the three turbo buttons with a bit more force than required, and waited for the signal to launch.

When it came, she hit the turbos and relished in the feelings as she was pushed backward into her seat from the force of the thrust. She came out of the tube, the starfield spread out before her. She assumed her spot in the formation, and from her view in the rear she could see the shuttle before her, and the vipers out ahead of it. Then off they had gone to Shonada Delta.

Still awaiting the signal to begin her run at the planet, Lieutenant Amy swatted her dice with growing impatience. “Lets go!” she thought. Her attention went from the swaying dice to a piece of paper stuck in her instrument panel—Najinn's note, written what seemed like ages ago, wrinkled and a bit worse for wear, was stuck there as further incentive for Amy to do a good job. Hold on Najinn! We'll be there soon!

Ahead, Amy could see the first Viper beginning it's run. She gripped the stick intently and awaited her signal to go.

* * *


“Ready as ordered!”

* * *


“Lt. Skyler checking in. Ready to start my run on your orders.”

* * *


“Randrius here, in position and ready to began run.”

* * *


At about the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis on board the Callisto said, “It is my pleasure to announce that Ensigns sistatron and Intimadator have joined the Colonial Military. They have been assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto for their tours of duty.

“Ensign Intimadator will serve under Captain Brie in Gold Squadron. Ensign sistatron has yet to be assigned. Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, out.”

Captain Brie met the new Ensigns and said, “Stow your gear quickly and be ready to report for duty! Welcome aboard the Callisto!”

“I hope you'll join in our [rpg] fun!” said Lieutenant Amy via the comm.
Lieutenant Cain, trapped on the planet, somehow signaled, “Welcome aboard! You are added to the G/S roster Intimadator, and Sisatron I will add you when you choose a squadron.”

Lieutenant Lucian ran into the two new Ensigns and said, “Great to have both of you aboard! Ensign sistatron, we'd love to have you in Black Squadron!”

Ensign Randrius said via the comm, “Welcome aboard, hope you have fun.”

“Welcome aboard the Callisto!” sounded Ensign BatGal from her Viper. “Say, Ensign Sistatron, wouldn't you just LOVE to be a part of the "elite of the fleet"? BLACK SQUADRON would LOVE to have you! NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!”

* * *


Lieutenant Amy watched as the second Viper made it's run at the planet Shonada Delta, hoping to stabilize the atmosphere so that the rescue shuttle could land. The sky stretching out below her had already seemed to change. It looked a lot less angrier to her than when they had first arrived. The Viper disappeared into the atmosphere as she tried to follow it with her eyes.

A voice came over the comlink: “Lieutenant Amy, go get 'em!”

“Roger that,” Lieutenant Amy replied. This was it! Time to get busy. Amy gripped the stick tightly and kicked in her turbos. The viper jumped to life, and Amy was winging her way toward Shonada Delta.

Contact with the atmosphere began turbulence, and the Viper rocked Amy as it was buffeted by the constantly changing conditions of the planet. Amy gripped the stick tighter, and held the Viper on course. The shaking got worse, but Amy had been briefed on what to expect. Several readouts indicated that the Viper was being severely tested, but Amy couldn't back out now.

Nearing her drop zone, Amy could barely see. The sky was a endless series of flashes and sparking, the brightness of which was blinding to her. She pressed on, counting back from five....

Now! She released her cargo, hearing the hissing noises as it made contact with the atmosphere. Something rocked her Viper as she pulled back on the stick, trying to head for the upper atmosphere and the safety of space. The Viper wouldn't respond, and Amy felt herself sliding down further into the hostile airspace! She could feel the sinking feeling in her stomach as the Viper sank further and further toward the surface of the planet.

Hitting several buttons on the console, Amy tried to get some answer from the controls. The Viper shook mightily, her lucky dice dancing crazily before her. Suddenly, she felt the Viper's turbos kicking in. The powerful thrusters engaged, breaking her freefall, boosting her upward at last! She heard the whine as the Viper strained to regain it's lost altitude.

Climbing higher, Amy's face was knotted in concentration. “Come on,” she urged. “Just a little further!”

Up ahead, she could see the atmosphere thinning, slowly revealing the stars a little at a time. Finally, she emerged completely from the planet's grip, and the shaking Viper steadied down into a smooth ride. Lieutenant Amy immediately began a systems check as she radioed through her comlink: “Mission accomplished!” After a pause, she added, “It's rough down there!”

* * *


With the start of spraying the ions into the atmosphere toward the planet, they were immediately attracted to the ions in the atmosphere. The resulting condensate began to fall from the sky to the ground below. Within a centon, the “hole” in the atmosphere was noticeably deeper, as the noxious gas temporarily dissipated; however, at the sides of the “hole,” new orange, purple, and mauve-colored tendrils were wafting back into the area. From above, the two Black Squadron Vipers exploded their tank releases, and prepared to escort the shuttle back to the Callisto. Their tanks dropped from their position, and fell into the swirling mists beyond the “hole.” Lieutenant Siress Eden ordered her Gold Squadron Vipers to circle until the shuttle was off the ground, at which time they would proceed to return to the Callisto with their tanks.

As the last of the condensate reached the ground, the shuttle was already half way to the ground. Suddenly, Merak called out to Lieutenant Titon, “Sensors do not locate them where they’re supposed to be. They’re not there! Do you see them?”


In the grounded shuttle everyone still alive was intoxicated from the nitrogen levels. Most had gone into deep sleep. Cain was barely conscious but looked out the shuttle windows when it seemed like sunlight was poking through the gaseous clouds above. Squinting, shaking his head as yellowish light surrounded the area, he said, “Am I dreaming, or are we dead?”

Mossy replied, “I don't know?....Is it......SNOWING?”

“Yes! A miracle!”

“Not a miracle Cain, the CALLISTO!” Mossy said, smiling.

Cain awoke the other members. “We're saved...they're here looking for us.”

Mossy said, “They're too far away..I'll go to them.”

Cain replied, “No you won't Lieutenant. You'll never make it.” Cain grabbed the Fire control stick and squeezed the trigger. Seven or eight bright bursts from the lasers streaked upward, then the generators finally died. Did they see it?”

“We wait,” thought Cain.

* * *


Lieutenant Ben, awaking asked, “A while ago, Lieutenant, you mentioned an expired Warrior. Would that have been me, by any chance?”

* * *


Cain laughed at Ben’s intoxicated attempt at humor, and said, “You ain't getting out of duty that easy. Nope, you're very much alive yet, but will need to go immediately to MedLab on our return.” Becoming serious again, he said, “The deceased were from the mining team.”

* * *


“No—wait! Turbo laser fire from below, but originating from over a kilometer from where they're supposed to be!” Titon exclaimed. “We're going to have to make this very quick if we're ever going to get off the ground! They’re way too close to the edge of that soup, and it’s starting to cave back in on us.”

Merak nodded, “Let’s get our people, and a canister of ore each if it’s within easy reach. Otherwise, let’s bag it.”

Through the face plate of the coated envirosuit helmet, Merak could see the grim resolution and agreement on Titon's face. As the shuttle approached the mangled shuttle below, the Warriors in the rescue shuttle suddenly heard crackling from their suit-to-suit communicators as if someone's communicator was locked on. Titon set his shuttle down gently, less than 5 meters from the door of the other shuttle. The poisonous gas was starting to blow back into the area, and both Warriors knew that the storms would be starting again soon. They had to be away before that happened.

As Merak reached for the shuttle door, Titon called out on suit-to-suit, “Knock, knock, you guys need a ride back to the Callisto?”

* * *


Cain said, “Is that you Titon? Hey, sorry I broke your new shuttle.”

Everyone eyes filled with tears as the rescue team help escort and carry the dead and injured to the rescue shuttle. Everyone had to move very quickly. Cain said, “Hold on a micron, something I gotta do first.” Cain set the timer on the Solonite charge given him by the Commander. “Sorry Titon, Commander's orders. Say goodbye to your masterpiece.”

Titon replied, “C'mon buddy, lets go home.” Cain was helped to the shuttle, as was everyone else. Their legs could no longer support their weight.

A couple of canisters of the ore were being dragged to the shuttle in haste. The storm hole was collapsing. Orders to MedLab “Get ready” were made, although Dr. BKJ was way ahead of that. The good Doctor and Nurse Holodoc were waiting in the DeCon room for the crew’s return.

* * *


As soon as Merak dragged the second canister of ore onto the shuttle, Titon slammed and sealed the door behind him. Both Warriors almost jumped to the flight deck, buckled into place, and immediately lifted off, having left the engines going for the entire 6.5 centons while they were on the ground. Just as the shuttle was about to leave the ground, Ensign Najinn felt one last seismic quiver, but the shuttle was off, and he was no longer worried about it.

Outside the shuttle, the lightning was starting to jump from the clouds to the earth. Titon took off at maximum speed, determined to get out of the atmosphere before the heavy-duty roll lightning started. As far as this crew was concerned, a trip back down to Shonada Delta was not in the cards.

* * *

On the bridge of the Battlestar Callisto, one of the bridge crew reported to Commander Sheba and Lt. Colonel Charybdis, “There was another energy spike beyond the ion cloud a few moments ago. It lasted about 5 microns, then disappeared as if it had never been there.” A quick review of the scanning record revealed the spike exactly as reported. Commander Sheba said, “Contact the Galactica. We may have a problem. And get that shuttle crew home, NOW! Order Gold Squadron Vipers to blow those tanks. If this is what I think it may be, we won't have time to get those tanks off aboard the Callisto. Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, ship to Red Alert, agreed?”

* * *


Najinn lay in the shuttle, exhausted, finding it difficult to breath, his lungs seared by the toxic nitrogen atmosphere in the crippled shuttle. Like the others he lay drifting in and out of consciousness.

When the rescue shuttle had descended to the planet surface, Lieutenant Titon realized just what the first shuttle had been through. The scorched trail of the crash landing, and the impact crater. He could see the damaged hull and it wasn’t pretty. He and his team moved quickly, helping the warriors and miners out of their tomb like shuttle and into the rescue vehicle. Lt Titon was hurrying his warriors along, each carrying the exhausted and oxygen deprived members of Lt Cain’s team. Titon was amazed they had survived this long. He and Cain were pleased to see each other. Cain, obviously in pain planted a charge and headed out across to the rescue shuttle.

Titon stood in the now abandoned hulk of the mission shuttle he felt the ground shake beneath him, violently, abruptly, he could see steam rising through the forward windows, some 100 yards in front of the shuttle. He realised, and ran as quickly as he could.

“Come on, we have to get out of here, NOW!”, he helped an Ensign pick up the struggling body of Lt Cain, and helped them both across to his shuttle.

“Everyone onboard, we all here!”

“Yes, go Titon, go” Cain forced his sentence through his painful vocal chords, his throat was burning, it was so painful.

Titon sealed the hatch, ran to the co*ckpit, punched in the launch sequence and the shuttle lifted into the lightening filled atmosphere.

Najin rolled over and peered out of the shuttles window to see the refuge, the tomb, the mission shuttle engulfed in a torrent of flowing molten lava. It was like a river of deep red death, the shuttle succumbed to the flow and disappeared below the surface. Then there was an almighty explosion as the charge blew the mission shuttle into little pieces, it erupted through the lava, and subsided as the flow carried the debris away.

Najin rolled back, he thought at least he was off the planet, at least he was alive. They had made it, they were going home. He would see Lt Amy again, he smiled, and fell unconscious.


Lt. Amy continued her systems check, unsatisfied with the readouts. Everything checked out, a result that should have pleased her, but the feel of the viper was all wrong. She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but she felt uneasy about the condition of her ship.

Holding in formation, Amy was back to waiting. The shuttle should appear at any moment. Yup, any moment now. Amy swatted at the dice nervously. The seeding had gone well, but the planet seemed to be getting angry again, the sky below her swirling, sparking, and the tiny oasis of calm they had seeded closed in on itself,even as she watched.

She heard a straining sound, and a small thump. It lasted only a moment, but it wasn't supposed to be there. The viper definately wasnt right. After being so determined to get out on a mission, Lt. Amy was getting antsy for the Callisto. COME ON, shuttle! Where are you?

Her scanner screen lit up, and Amy was confused by what she saw. Geez, she thought, is this thing going too? It was an energy spike, and pretty close. No way, she thought! Resetting the scanners, she was relieved to see the scanner clear. Yes, the viper would need a real overhaul when she got back. The uneasy feeling she had grew within her.

Suddenly, the shuttle emerged from the planet below! Ghostlike at first, the ship came out of the upper atmosphere, and the comlink was filled with cheers from the pilots of the vipers that were waiting for this moment. Amy let out a yelp of relief. Great, she thought! Now let's go home. With concern, she gripped the stick and waited for the command to head back to the Callisto.

* * *


Randrius allowed a relieved smile to crawl onto his face as watch the rescue shuttle come into sight.
His relief was dampened slightly by an energy spike nearby. He felt his gut grow cold as he began to have suspicions.
"Anyone else get a reading on that energy spike there? I don't know why, but I've got got a bad feeling about it."

* * *


I am pleased to announce that Ensign jarrynn has joined the Colonial Military and is assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto.

In a very interesting turn of events, however, he will be assigned to the Med Lab under Dr. BKJ!

welcome our newest Warrior!

Lt. Col. Charybdis

Ensign Jarrynn,

You are most welcomed to join our medical staff!!! Please send e-mail and state your qulifications and what medical position you are seeking.



Glad to have you serving aboard the Callisto! Our medical staff is first rate, but I'm sure they're always glad to get the additional help!

Welcome aboard!

Lt. Lucian,
Black Squadron/Engineering
Battlestar Callisto

Welcome aboard the Callisto, Jarrynn.


It's good to be aboard finally! Brie, don't worry I have a great pilot coming your way. Keep an eye for a MaraJade. She is a dear friend of mine who has saved my tail many times. =)

Doc, I have sent my credentials via email to you. =) I would like to add that I am quite a quick learner and will strive to do my best to serve. =)
I can't wait to meet the crew! =) But beware I am a little shy at times so I am not offstandish. =) Thanks to all for the warm welcomes!


Welcome to the team Ensign Jarrynn. You made it just in time as things are beginning to get hot here on the Callisto!!!

All the Best
Ensign Najinn

Glad to finally have you aboard! I'll keep my eyes open for MaraJade.

It's great to have so many Star Wars fans joining us these days!

Make that announcement to read: "SHE will serve with Dr. BKJ in the med lab!!!"

Lt. Col. Charybdis

Sir, do not be sorry. =) I knew what you meant and that is all that matters. =)

Welcome, Ensign Jarrynn!

We are happy to have you aboard the Callisto!

Ens. BatGal
Black Squadron
Battlestar Callisto

P.S. Join me for drinks on the Rising Star -- my treat!
Thanks for the offer! I will have to take you up on it when all is calmer. =)
Welcome aboard the Callisto! Hope it's as fun for you here as it is fo the rest of us!

Lt. Ben


Even before Lt. Col. Charybdis had a chance to respond to her comment about upping alert status, an ensign ran up to Commander Sheba. “Priority call from Galactica, Ma’am.”

Sheba motioned to Charybdis to accompany her to take the call in her private briefing room.

* * *

A few centons before, the Galactica’s sensors had detected the same energy spike in the ion cloud. Due to the greater distance, the readings were not as precise, but a quick analysis of the data automatically forwarded by the Callisto led Commander Apollo to reach the same conclusion as Commander Sheba.

“Mr. President, the fleet is at the jump point to our next planned system,” Apollo said. “The Callisto is several centars behind us, with potentially grave danger immediately behind it. Due to their recent accident related to the ore shortage, their already short-staffed squadrons are critically low on pilots.

“Courses of potential action considered include:

1. The Callisto abandons their rescue shuttle, and immediately catches up to the fleet. Morally and morale wise, this is not an option.

2. The Galactica returns to help the Callisto, potentially leaving the fleet undefended if new enemies arrive. Again, this is not an option.

3. The Galactica and the rest of the fleet with the exception of the Callisto are at the jump point. We exit the system, leaving the Callisto to fight their way to the alternate jump point. Depending on what they face, this might be an acceptable option. Unfortunately, we don’t know what is out there.

4. The Galactica and the rest of the fleet with the exception of the Callisto are at the jump point. We exit the system, leaving the Callisto to fight their way to the alternate jump point; however, in this scenario, we send reinforcements to the Callisto to help them in case they have to fight a rear guard action.

“Militarily, number 4 is the best course of action. There are currently four full squadrons aboard the Galactica, with numerous cadets in training. The Callisto has two squadrons, one of which is very undermanned. With your agreement, I plan to dispatch Silver Spar Squadron, first shift, to assist the Callisto. The Silver Spar Warriors will be posted to the Callisto until such time as the Callisto rejoins the fleet.”

President Tigh nodded thoughtfully, carefully considering the implications. His embattled position on the Council of Twelve would not be helped by this; however, if the news could be given to the fleet in such a way that it appeared that the fleet’s primary defense was not being weakened, he should be able to weather the storm in the Council. Tigh stood, saying, “Commander, while I do not like it, militarily, it is the best option. We cannot afford to lose the Callisto. If it is undermanned, we must do what we can to reinforce it. Step up the recruiting effort, quietly. Increase the size of all current squadrons on the Galactica from among the new cadets, and transfer a few senior pilots to Silver Spar from the other squadrons to help in training. Send the Silver Spar Vipers and their pilots to the Callisto. The remaining warriors will be given new Vipers as they are available.”

Commander Apollo immediately gave the order.

* * *

Commander Sheba saw Apollo and Tigh on the viewscreen. Apollo quickly briefed Sheba on the decision. “Hold off whatever is out there until after our escape, then jump from the alternate point. Follow Plan Epsilon. We will see you soon. May the Lords be with you. Galactica, out.”

A few centons later, thirty Silver Spar Vipers were scorching their way across the system toward the Callisto. The ships of the fleet began their jump toward their next destination.

* * *

The rescue shuttle and the escort Vipers continued their journey back to the Callisto. The landing bay personnel were on standby to immediately refuel and prepare all the incoming Vipers for relaunch.

* * *

Aboard the Callisto, Sheba waited. She had the ion cloud being watched closely. Once the shuttle and its escorts returned, and the Silver Spar warriors arrived, the Callisto would make flank speed for the alternate jump point. The ship remained on yellow alert.

* * *


I hereby announce that Ensign GalacticaFan has joined the Colonial Military and has been assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto.

She will serve under Cpt. Joey in Black Squadron.

Welcome aboard our newest Warrior!

Lt. Col. Charybdis

Welcome to the Callisto! I know you'll like it here.

Captain Brie
Gold Squadron
Ensign GalacticaFan,

Welcome to Black Squadron -- the "elite of the fleet"!

Ens. BatGal
Black Squadron
Battlestar Callisto

P.S. Drinks are on me the next time you visit the Rising Star!

Welcome aboard, I'm sure Black squad will be glad to have you.

Ensign Randrius Yuirt
Black Squadron
Cain said, “Capt. Joey buys the first round of drinks for new warriors (hic) Welcome aboard!!”
Ensign GalacticaFan,

Great to have you in Black Squadron!

Now, quit fooling around! Get to your Viper, and go get some bad guys!

Lt. LucianG,
Black Squadron,
Battlestar Callisto
To my colleagues,
thankyou for my warm welcome i will certainly take you up on your offer BatGal, i'll get the next round in. Capt Joey thanks for the drinks offer i will love to have another drink, i sound like a raving alcoholic, but as Lt. LucianG says i have to get into my Viper i have to get used to flying these Babies, speak to you all soon.
Wendy. Galacticafan

Ensign Jarrynn is wringing her hands in nervousness as she awaits to hear from Doc about her position. Knowing that there is a shuttle with injured hopefully coming in soon, she is hoping she meets the Doc's approval. Thoughts run thru her head as she ponders her descision to join the Calisto. Will she be able to meet the needs of those who need her help? Will Doc approve of her? Will she make friends on this new ship? Jutting her chin forward, squaring her shoulders and looking proud, Jarrynn refuses to show her fear.
* * *
(inspired by The Strawberry Alarm Clock’s “Incense and Peppermints”)

Snipers, fights and wars, cripplin' mankind
Power and politics, can’t be defined
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind
Vipers and Battlestars, the passage of time

Who knows if the threats are real or a ruse?
Freedom to win and everything to lose

Vipers and Battlestars, the fleet’s only hope
Against Cylons or Ovions, whatever may interlope

Get over yourself, get over yourself, yeah, yeah
Get a grip on yourself, get a grip on yourself, yeah, yeah, yeah!

To divide this fracked universe in two
Throw your pride to one side, it's the least you can do
Bureaucrats and politics, nothing is new
A metron gauge for lunatics, one point of view

Who knows if the threats are real or a ruse?
Freedom to win and everything to lose

Snipers, fights and wars, cripplin' mankind
Power and politics, can’t be defined
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind
Vipers and Battlestars, the passage of time

Who knows if the threats are real or a ruse?
Freedom to win and everything to lose

Vipers and Battlestars
Vipers and Battlestars



Ensign BatGal couldn’t get those haunted lyrics and the equally eerie music out of her head since she dreamed of them during her last sleep period. Those extra performances on the Rising Star were catching up with her.

What was she thinking? Was this another one of her premonitions? This wasn’t the time for self-doubt or negativity. This wasn’t like BatGal at all! Wasn’t it just a few sectons ago that the others teased her about her positive attitude and outspokenness? LucianG even told her that she would have been a perfect candidate for Academy cheerleader, if such a thing existed at Academy!

Right now, she needed to keep her focus on the mission and on the rescue shuttle that was just ahead of her, carrying the precious cargo of fellow warriors who had almost been lost forever on that fracked-up planet now far behind them.
* * *
The shuttle and the escorts were well over half way back to the Callisto from the planet. Again, Lt. Merak called Sick Bay to give an update on the condition of the patients. The two remaining miners and Lt. Ben, who had spent more time outside than the others, were in the worst shape. All three were currently unconsious, or maybe just in a very deep sleep. Lt. Najinn and Lt. Krissy appeared to be sleeping peacefully now that they could breathe again. Lt. Mossycat was nursing a drink in her seat, coughing occasionally. Lt. Cain had moved up to the front, just behind Titon and Merak, and was telling the others about the adventure, between rather frequent coughing spells. This particular nightmare was almost over.

* * *

Lt. Amy shifted her Viper again, ever so slightly. Something was definitely wrong. "CLANK!" Since sound does not travel through the depths of space, she knew that something must be hitting her Viper. She hit her comm to ask her fellow warriors for help.

* * *

The Silver Spar Warriors were winging toward the Callisto with turbo thrusters engaged. They would have to land and refuel. Flight Specialist Jenny on the bridge passed along orders for the flight to land in Landing Bay Beta on arrival. They were still almost a centar away.

A few meters away on the bridge, one of the bridge crew said, "Commander Sheba, Lt. Colonel Charybdis, we think you should see this. Long range scanner shows that the ion cloud, or at least it looks like part of it, is moving toward the Callisto at a rapid pace."

Commander Sheba looked at the scanner, and asked, "Is this maximum enhancement?" The crewman made a minor adjustment and said, looking at Commander Sheba, "That little change is the best we can do."

Sheba was not looking at the crewman. Staring intently at the screen, she said, "No, that is good enough." The "cloud" on the screen had coalesced into numerous blobs moving away from the ion cloud. Sheba continued, "Sound RED ALERT! We have many, many Cylons incoming!"

At the estimated speed that was quickly calculated, the Cylons were about 80 centons away. They would arrive before the Vipers from Silver Spar squadron, and only a few centons after the shuttle and Viper escort.

* * *

All hands to battle stations!!!!

All Viper pilots to landing bays!!!

We have a massive Cylon attack force moving this way. Prepare all shield defense systems and activate the laser batteries!!

Holy Frack!!!! This is the last thing we needed!!!!

Lt. Col. Charybdis
* * *
In the Engineering Lab, Lt. Lucian was once again attempting to contact ForgeMaster Kharkarian, not knowing that the rest of the fleet had already left the system. Of course, once again, he was having no success. Calls to Assistant ForgeMaster Bodaca also went unanswered. As he was about to contact Security to find out what was happening, the red alert signal sounded, and he like everyone else aboard ship jumped and ran toward their battle
stations. He'd talk to Kharkarian later after this current emergency, whatever it was, ended.

* * *

On the bridge, the officers were informed of the latest news. The Callisto could probably outrun the Cylon attack force, but only at the cost of the shuttle and the crew, since the Callisto was well past Shonada Delta by this time. The Cylons appeared to have broken into four main groups, each with an estimated 100 Raiders. At current, the Callisto could man just under 100 Vipers, including the few retired Warrior reserves, if the Silver Spar warriors arrived.

Commander Sheba said, "There are at least two Base-Stars in that cloud. They may be trying to pull us toward them, so that the rest of their forces can attack. Where is that shuttle? And what is the ETA for the Silver Spar warriors?"

Ive heard the claxon and waiting for further orders, i am unable to get to the rising star for my drinks so i might as well get into my Viper and shoot some bad guys.

* * *
Randrius curses as new information comes in to there situation.
"Oh frack, this ain't good."
Randrius began making adjustments to his own sensors, trying to get a reading on the Cylons himself. Unfortunately, his sensor lacked the power of the Callisto's.
He recieves a distress call from Lt. Amy seconds later.
"They had to pick a time like this for everything to go to hell, didn't they," he mutters to himself.
To Amy, he says, "Your hearing clanking noises? Any power failure or anything?"
Her reply was a negative, "Well, you'll probably be fine for the moment, tell me if systems start blowin', ok? Something probably got knocked loose by the turbulance."
He sighed, "It get's better and better."
"Come on, let's get this piece of felgercarb were escorting home safe and sound, ok?"
* * *
Commander Sheba asked, "Lt. Colonel Charybdis, what is the status of our Viper escort? Do they need to refuel, or can we send them directly into battle with the remainder of our force? And how quickly can we refuel and relaunch Silver Spar if we land half in each launch bay?"

After listening to his response, she signalled for shipwide broadcast. "Callisto Warriors, we face a large number of Cylons. We have not seen this many in one group in yahrens. We can defeat them, but only if we work together as a team. We will use attack plan Beta 7. Concentrate on the middle two groups, single pass straight through, turn, and head back toward the Callisto. Do not attack the plane high or low groups. Hopefully, most of the Raiders will have been ordered to attack this ship, so only a few will chase after you. You can pick off more from the rear as you chase us down. We will be accelerating away, since we have calculated a jump point nearby. Do NOT try to be a hero and go after ships to far away, to the rear, or after any Base-Stars that appear. Do what damage you can, then head back here. This should buy us enough time to get Silver Spar Squadron on board and refueled. Good luck and may the Lords be with you all. Commander Sheba, out."

* * *

Lt. Lucian was strapped into his Viper with helmet on before he even realized that he was still on medical restriction for the sore shoulder. "What the heck?" he thought, "If I don't fly, then someone else may die because I wasn't there to cover their back." In his comm, he said, "Ensign BatGal--felgercarb! She's not here. Good luck, girl! Control, who is my wing on this little shindig?"

The flight officer responded, "Ensign Wendy will be your wingman if the formation breaks. Good luck, sir."

"Thanks!" Lucian replied. "Ensign Wendy, did you copy that? You'll be on my left. If our formation breaks, you'll stick to me like glue, understood? We use the cutting manuevers here just like in simulation, and we'll cover each other. Remember though, here, you never ever let them hit you. If you do, you're dead, and so am I. We live, I'm buying the drinks. Questions? Good. Now just stay calm, and the launch order will come shortly."

* * *

In other Vipers throught both launch bays, similar discussions were being held. It could probably be calculated that the Rising Star would need a new stock of ambrosia if everyone made it through.

* * *

Aboard Lt. Amy's Viper, another shift led to another clang from below. Amy asked the other Viper pilots, "Can one of you drop down and check the bottom of my Viper? I think my problem may be getting worse."
* * *
Skyler eased his stick over and slid under Lt Amy's Viper.

"Amy, one of your bolts failed to blow. The spray tank is just hanging there. Try blowing it again and see if it releases."
* * *
Lt LucianG,
Ensign Wendy, ready to do her job, i am honoured to be your Wingman Sir, on my first flight out, i won't let you down, as i am hanging out for that cup of Ambrosia on the Rising Star, I WILL STICK TO YOUR SIDE THROUGH THICK AND THIN.
* * *

Ensing MaraJade has joined the Colonial Military (just in time too!!!) and has been assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto.

She will serve under Cpt. Brie in Gold Squadron.

Also, Ensign startsistatron has been assigned to serve under Cpt. Brie in Gold Squadron as well.


Now get to battle stations!!!

Lt. Col. Charybdis

Welcome you both to Gold Squadron! Stow your gear and report for duty!!!

Captain Brie
Gold Squadron

(MaraJade, glad to see you made it!)
I'm stuck on a viper out here, but welcome you two. We need all the help we can get right now. Get to your battlestations quick.

Ensign Randrius
Black Squad
Ensigns MaraJade and Starsistatron:

Welcome aboard! We can really use the reinforcements right now.

Now, jump in those Vipers and be ready to launch. The Cylons are coming!

Lt. LucianG,
Black Squadron
MaraJade!!! ha ha got you to join in the middle of a crisis! =) gotta love me sometimes!

Brie, watch out for her!!! i forgot to warn ya ... she is a prankster... she loves to "surprise" her roomies and flight crewman. so please watch out!
MaraJade, dont you *dare* come back bloody... you know what will happen!! I will passout... so much for being in sick bay huh??
BatGal said, “Welcome to the Callisto!!! Please join me for drinks on the Rising Star -- my treat!!!”

Hearing the welcome then the orders from her new squad leader, MaraJade, stows her gear. Looking around the quarters, wondering if she will ever get to meet her roomies or will they come back? Shaking these thoughts from her head, and focusing on the important task ahead. Grabbing what she needed and heading for the launch bay, getting pumped from the adrenaline of the thought of getting into a spar on her first day. Jumping into a viper, hoping to make it her own one day, MaraJade made an oath to make sure she came back in one piece as well as bring the others back too. But hey she knows her friend Jarrynn is in the med bay. Oh wait she passes out with blood, she chuckled. I still owe that one a prank, she thought. Once again the task at hand brought Mara back to the present.

"Ready to light this candle!!Brie, I won't let ya down!"
* * *
Heading towards the Callisto in her viper, Ensign BatGal looked at the rescue shuttle which was just slightly ahead of her. Then, she looked around at the other escort vipers piloted by Lts. SiressEden, Amy, Skyler and Ensigns Randrius and Conan. (It felt strange flying in a formation that didn’t include Lt. LucianG!) She wondered what was going through their minds at that very moment.

She was thinking about her Academy days --- and how she and the other cadets couldn’t wait to finally fly a viper!

The cadets’ mantra floated through her mind for a brief moment…

The Academy Cadet Mantra
(Inspired by The Doors' "Light My Fire")

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
I've never wanted to fly a viper.

Come on let me fly my viper
Come on let me fly my viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire.

The time to hesitate is through
No time for more flight simulation
Requests to launch have been approved
Warriors -- to your battlestations!

Come on let me fly my viper
Come on let me fly my viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire.

The time to hesitate is through
No time for more flight simulation
Requests to launch have been approved
Warriors -- to your battlestations!

Come on let me fly my viper
Come on let me fly my viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire, yeah

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
I've never wanted to fly a viper.

Come on let me fly my viper
Come on let me fly my viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire


The memory of that crazy song made BatGal smile, but then…


“What the frack was that???!!!” BatGal said aloud, forgetting about the comm-link.

“I heard it too, BatGal,” said Randrius, “and we’d better get that shuttle back to the Callisto, NOW!”

CH. 6 On the Defense


The shuttle and the escorts were well over half way back to the Callisto from the planet. Again, Lieutenant Merak called Sick Bay to give an update on the condition of the patients. The two remaining miners and Lieutenant Ben, who had spent more time outside than the others, were in the worst shape. All three were currently unconscious, or maybe just in a very deep sleep. Lieutenant Najinn and Lieutenant Krissy appeared to be sleeping peacefully now that they could breathe again. Lieutenant Mossycat was nursing a drink in her seat, coughing occasionally. Lieutenant Cain had moved up to the front, just behind Titon and Merak, and was telling the others about the adventure, between rather frequent coughing spells. This particular nightmare was almost over.

* * *

Lieutenant Amy shifted her Viper again, ever so slightly. Something was definitely wrong. "CLANK!" Since sound does not travel through the depths of space, she knew that something must be hitting her Viper. She hit her comm to ask her fellow warriors for help.

* * *

The Silver Spar Warriors were winging toward the Callisto with turbo thrusters engaged. They would have to land and refuel. Flight Specialist Jenny on the bridge passed along orders for the flight to land in Landing Bay Beta on arrival. They were still almost a centar away.

A few meters away on the bridge, one of the bridge crew said, "Commander Sheba, Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, we think you should see this. Long range scanner shows that the ion cloud, or at least it looks like part of it, is moving toward the Callisto at a rapid pace."

Commander Sheba looked at the scanner, and asked, "Is this maximum enhancement?" The crewman made a minor adjustment and said, looking at Commander Sheba, "That little change is the best we can do."

Sheba was not looking at the crewman. Staring intently at the screen, she said, "No, that is good enough." The "cloud" on the screen had coalesced into numerous blobs moving away from the ion cloud. Sheba continued, "Sound RED ALERT! We have many, many Cylons incoming!"

At the estimated speed that was quickly calculated, the Cylons were about 80 centons away. They would arrive before the Vipers from Silver Spar squadron, and only a few centons after the shuttle and Viper escort.


“All hands to battle stations!!!! All Viper pilots to landing bays!!!” said Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis via the ship’s intercom.

“We have a massive Cylon attack force moving this way. Prepare all shield defense systems and activate the laser batteries!!!”

To himself he said, “Holy Frack!!!! This is the last thing we needed!!!!


In the Engineering Lab, Lieutenant Lucian was once again attempting to contact ForgeMaster Kharkarian, not knowing that the rest of the fleet had already left the system. Of course, once again, he was having no success. Calls to Assistant ForgeMaster Bodaca also went unanswered. As he was about to contact Security to find out what was happening, the red alert signal sounded, and he like everyone else aboard ship jumped and ran toward their battle stations. He'd talk to Kharkarian later after this current emergency, whatever it was, ended.

* * *

On the bridge, the officers were informed of the latest news. The Callisto could probably outrun the Cylon attack force, but only at the cost of the shuttle and the crew, since the Callisto was well past Shonada Delta by this time. The Cylons appeared to have broken into four main groups, each with an estimated 100 Raiders. At current, the Callisto could man just under 100 Vipers, including the few retired Warrior reserves, if the Silver Spar warriors arrived.

Commander Sheba said, "There are at least two Base-Stars in that cloud. They may be trying to pull us toward them, so that the rest of their forces can attack. Where is that shuttle? And what is the ETA for the Silver Spar warriors?"


I’ve heard the claxon and am waiting for further orders. I am unable to get to the Rising Star for my drinks so I might as well get into my Viper and shoot some bad guys.


Randrius curses as new information comes in about the situation. "Oh frack, this ain't good." Randrius began making adjustments to his own sensors, trying to get a reading on the Cylons himself. Unfortunately, his sensor lacked the power of the Callisto's. He received a distress call from Lieutenant Amy seconds later. "They had to pick a time like this for everything to go to hell, didn't they," he muttered to himself. To Amy, he said, "Your hearing clanking noises? Any power failure or anything?"
Her reply was a negative. "Well, you'll probably be fine for the moment, tell me if systems start blowin', ok? Something probably got knocked loose by the turbulence."

He sighed, "It get's better and better."

"Come on, let's get this piece of felgercarb we’re escorting home safe and sound, ok?"


Commander Sheba asked, "Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, what is the status of our Viper escort? Do they need to refuel, or can we send them directly into battle with the remainder of our force? And how quickly can we refuel and relaunch Silver Spar if we land half in each launch bay?"

After listening to his response, she signaled for ship wide broadcast. "Callisto Warriors, we face a large number of Cylons. We have not seen this many in one group in yahrens. We can defeat them, but only if we work together as a team. We will use attack plan Beta 7. Concentrate on the middle two groups, single pass straight through, turn, and head back toward the Callisto. Do not attack the plane high or low groups. Hopefully, most of the Raiders will have been ordered to attack this ship, so only a few will chase after you. You can pick off more from the rear as you chase us down. We will be accelerating away, since we have calculated a jump point nearby. Do NOT try to be a hero and go after ships to far away, to the rear, or after any Base-Stars that appear. Do what damage you can, and then head back here. This should buy us enough time to get Silver Spar Squadron on board and refueled. Good luck and may the Lords be with you all. Commander Sheba, out."

* * *

Lieutenant Lucian was strapped into his Viper with helmet on before he even realized that he was still on medical restriction for the sore shoulder. "What the heck?" he thought, "If I don't fly, then someone else may die because I wasn't there to cover their back." In his comm, he said, "Ensign BatGal--felgercarb! She's not here. Good luck, girl! Control, who is my wing on this little shindig?"

The flight officer responded, "Ensign Wendy will be your wingman if the formation breaks. Good luck, sir."

"Thanks!" Lucian replied. "Ensign Wendy, did you copy that? You'll be on my left. If our formation breaks, you'll stick to me like glue, understood? We use the cutting maneuvers here just like in simulation, and we'll cover each other. Remember though, here, you never ever let them hit you. If you do, you're dead, and so am I. We live, I'm buying the drinks. Questions? Good. Now just stay calm, and the launch order will come shortly."

* * *

In other Vipers throughout both launch bays, similar discussions were being held. It could probably be calculated that the Rising Star would need a new stock of ambrosia if everyone made it through.

* * *

Aboard Lieutenant Amy's Viper, another shift led to another clang from below. Amy asked the other Viper pilots, "Can one of you drop down and check the bottom of my Viper? I think my problem may be getting worse."


Skyler eased his stick over and slid under Lt Amy's Viper.

"Amy, one of your bolts failed to blow. The spray tank is just hanging there. Try blowing it again and see if it releases."


“Lt Lucian, Ensign Wendy, ready to do her job. I am honored to be your Wingman Sir, on my first flight out. I won't let you down, as I am hanging out for that cup of Ambrosia on the Rising Star. I WILL STICK TO YOUR SIDE THROUGH THICK AND THIN.


Memo from Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis:

Ensign MaraJade has joined the Colonial Military (just in time too!!!) and has been assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto. She will serve under Captain Brie in Gold Squadron. Also, Ensign Starsistatron has been assigned to serve under Captain Brie in Gold Squadron as well. Congratulations!!!

Now get to battle stations!!!


Captain Brie said, “Welcome you both to Gold Squadron! Stow your gear and report for duty!!!”


“I'm stuck on a Viper out here, but welcome you two. We need all the help we can get right now. Get to your battlestations quick.”

Ensigns MaraJade and Starsistatron: Welcome aboard! We can really use the reinforcements right now. Now, jump in those Vipers and be ready to launch. The Cylons are coming!


MaraJade!!! Ha ha, got you to join in the middle of a crisis! Gotta love me sometimes!

Brie, watch out for her!!! I forgot to warn ya ... she is a prankster... she loves to "surprise" her roomies and flight crewman. so please watch out!

MaraJade, don’t you *dare* come back bloody... you know what will happen!! I will passout... so much for being in Sick Bay, huh??


Welcome to the Callisto!!! Please join me for drinks on the Rising Star -- my treat!!! After we finish the Cylons!


Hearing the welcome then the orders from her new squad leader, MaraJade, stows her gear. Looking around the quarters, wondering if she will ever get to meet her roomies or will they come back? Shaking these thoughts from her head, and focusing on the important task ahead. Grabbing what she needed and heading for the launch bay, getting pumped from the adrenaline of the thought of getting into a spar on her first day. Jumping into a Viper, hoping to make it her own one day, MaraJade made an oath to make sure she came back in one piece as well as bring the others back too. But hey, she knows her friend Jarrynn is in the med bay. Oh wait! She passes out with blood, she chuckled. I still owe that one a prank, she thought. Once again the task at hand brought Mara back to the present.

"Ready to light this candle!! Brie, I won't let ya down!"


Heading towards the Callisto in her Viper, Ensign BatGal looked at the rescue shuttle that was just slightly ahead of her. Then, she looked around at the other escort Vipers piloted by Lieutenants SiressEden, Amy, Skyler and Ensigns Randrius and Conan. (It felt strange flying in a formation that didn’t include Lieutenant Lucian!) She wondered what was going through their minds at that very moment.

She was thinking about her Academy days -- and how she and the other cadets couldn’t wait to finally fly a Viper!

The cadets’ mantra floated through her mind for a brief moment…

The Academy Cadet Mantra
(Inspired by The Doors' "Light My Fire")

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
I've never wanted to fly a Viper.

Come on let me fly my Viper
Come on let me fly my Viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire.

The time to hesitate is through
No time for more flight simulation
Requests to launch have been approved
Warriors -- to your battlestations!

Come on let me fly my Viper
Come on let me fly my Viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire.

The time to hesitate is through
No time for more flight simulation
Requests to launch have been approved
Warriors -- to your battlestations!

Come on let me fly my Viper
Come on let me fly my Viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire, yeah

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
I've never wanted to fly a Viper.

Come on let me fly my Viper
Come on let me fly my Viper
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire
Let me set the Cylons on fire


The memory of that crazy song made BatGal smile, but then…


“What the frack was that???!!!” BatGal said aloud, forgetting about the comm-link.

“I heard it too, BatGal,” said Randrius, “and we’d better get that shuttle back to the Callisto, NOW!”


“It appears that the scans have detected approximately 350 Cylon raiders moving in our direction. Estimated time of arrival at the Callisto is approximately 40 centons. The shuttle escort mission should get here right at about that time as well. Silver Spar will arrive in approximately 60 centons,” said Charybdis to the crew.

“That means we have to hold off the Cylons with the forces we have, land and reload the Vipers who were on the escort mission, AND land and refuel the Silver Spar squadron 20 centons later in the heat of the battle. All Gold and Black squadron pilots to their ships immediately!!!!!!

“We must hold them off as long as possible. Use hit and run tactics and don't let them get behind you!!!! We're used to these odds. You all can do it!!”

Geenie said, “Launch bays on red alert. Transferring control to all Vipers.

Launch when ready!!!!!!”


"MaraJade ready to launch." Oh frack!

"Who is my wing? I didn't get that in the welcome!" Shaking her head. So much has happened in the first day on board she wasn't able to ask all the normal questions. Hoping to hear more orders, the feeling of the engines starting up shaking the Viper she was in. Suddenly MaraJade had a feeling of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear she will not get to meet everyone. Feeling this, she put it deep within her drawing upon the anger that these Cylons are keeping the shuttle from coming in. "Of all the low down dirty tricks" she muttered. Keeping with the anger, she started to get antsy to get up and out to take some of those cylons out. And not forgetting she still doesn't have her orders or who her wing is.


After several failed attempts by Lieutenant Amy to blow the tank, Lieutenant Skyler moved his ship back into position under her Viper. From this even closer vantage point, Lieutenant Skyler could see that the explosive release bolt for the last strut on Lieutenant Amy's dispersion tank had indeed fired; however, it had only succeeded in shredding the end of the metal. The tank was now released, but the twisted metal was caught on the mounting hole in the Viper. It didn't look like it was going to come off without a fight, either.

Lieutenant Skyler winced. "Amy, we've got to talk. This is going to be more difficult than we thought." And the Cylons were still coming.


"Well it's official! I am a nurse in Med Lab! I have a specialty in eyes, so should you need me...." *giggling* "but I must warn you I have a nasty habit of fainting if there is a lot of blood."*nervously giggling*

Walking around the med bay, getting myself familiar with it, I can't shake the thought of the shuttle coming in. "Oh please let them make it and the warriors too." *sighing*

Making rounds again, I walk over to Doc, who also is awaiting that shuttle. Knowing Holodoc, the headnurse, is out busy on another case, I know I will get to meet her later.

"Doc, a few questions? Should we get medical transports ready to get to the shuttle once it lands so we can get the injured in immediately? Do we know any of the conditions of them? And a selfish question, which I almost feel horrible to ask, but where do, I bunk up? Do I have any bunk mates?" Cringing from having to ask the last question but really getting nervous for the shuttle and those that it carries.

"Waiting always kills me," I said, cracking a nervous smile. But seeing Doc and from her earlier meeting with her, knowing I know I will be a welcomed addition. I know I can learn a lot from her.


I am now back on duty in Med Lab to help treat the injured Warriors that come in. It will be a change of pace from my last tour.

Once everything calms back down & the Warriors are safe aboard the Callisto & their injuries seen to I would like to treat the doctor & new nurse to dinner.


To Jarrynn: You should have been advised by now that most of us who were on the planet have some serious eye burns. Med Lab will be very busy! *caugh caugh...squint*

Jarrynn also received the following note: You will receive a bunk in the Medical suite.


Eye conditions already!! wow!! I guess I would need to know what kind of sytems you are having and what was the conditions on the planet. sorry just needing to know now so I can get the supplies ready. =) From what I was briefed on from the planet its not a hospitable one." *slapping head on forehead* (geez that sounded stupid) "but any info could and would be much helpful"
Turning to Holodoc, " I am glad to finally meet you! I hope to learn much from you and Doc!" *grinning* "and dinner will sound good once things calm down" *giggle* "but hey my old friend Mara is out there getting ready to launch so I am sure her and the other warriors will get that shuttle to us in one piece. Still any idea of what kind of eye problems I am looking at would be helpful," as I go digging in my bags looking for all my supplies thinking and planning for the worst.

still searching for stuff,
Ensign Jarrynn


Captain Brie was tired of sending out warriors from her squadron on dangerous missions while she stayed behind. She wasn't thrilled about sending out Black Squadron warriors either. She hated to make life and death decisions. But now the Cylons were coming, and she was soon to be back where she felt the most comfortable, in her Viper.

She tried not to think too hard about the upcoming battle. The recruitment campaign had worked well, and although there were now a lot of warriors there wasn't all that much experience. The loss of life could be tremendous. She prayed it wouldn't be.

Through the commotion, Brie was looking for someone. They had met only once, she hoped she would recognize the face. She stopped a technician as he tried to run by. "Have you seen Ensign MaraJade?" she asked. "Who?" was his reply. "One of the new ensigns, MaraJade," Brie said. "She's just arrived. She's supposed to be my wing, but I can't seem to find her." "Sorry," the tech replied as he walked off.

Brie continued to ask everyone she saw. Surely someone would find MaraJade and pass along her orders.


"Hey Captain Brie! I am already sitting in a Viper waiting for ya! I got a little cylon happy! Awaiting your orders and I am honored to be your wing! So let's light this candle and get our guys back safe and sound. Hey if I can take out some tin cans I will love that!"

MaraJade, feeling pretty confident now about the upcoming mission. (Note to self - make sure you do not jump the gun anymore also once we get back make sure to start practical jokes on roomies once I see where I am)
"Don't worry Captain-I am not that bad! I just like to keep things upbeat (smiling a devious grin) and hey it keeps morale up. Ready when you are!"


Glad to have you with us. Just stick close, listen to orders, and we'll make it out of this alive.


"Roger that Captain. Just lead the way and I will bust up some tin cans...Oh yeah don't worry I got your back. Just say the word!"

All the adrenaline MaraJade was feeling earlier was flooding back again. (Wow! she though, I am flying with the Captain! Better not screw up this time - wait I haven't yet so what am I worried about?!) Shaking her head she followed Captain Brie out of launch bay.

"Let's end this rival party and get everyone back. I can't wait to meet everyone and someone named BatGal offered to buy a drink." Smiling at that last comment, MaraJade felt like she had a home finally.

"Awaiting your orders Captain Brie."


Skyler's mind raced at light speed. How do we remove the tank, without removing the Viper from Amy. If I could just grab it an pull, yeah, thats it.

"SiressEden" Skyler spoke into his comm link "do you think we could pull that tank off with a tow line?"

Skyler waited for her command.

"I am in position to attach my tow line on your order." he added. Not wanting to waste to much time, knowing the Callisto just went to red alert.


Lieutenant Skyler,

Upon hearing your voice transmissions about Lieutenant Amy's Viper, I believe that it is too dangerous a manouver to try and attach a tow line to the spreader tank at this time, especially with 350 Cylon raiders just 20 centons away!!!

Not only that, but we cannot ready the landing bays for an emergency landing for Lieutenant Amy since many of our Vipers will need to land and refuel during the battle. I'm afraid that you will have to stay out there for the duration.

I suggest you stick with Lieutenant Amy and get out of harm's way during the battle as much as possible.

Do not engage the enemy!!! Repeat, do not engage the enemy with Lieutenant Amy's Viper in its present condition. It will be the end of both of you!!!


Don't worry Lt Amy,
we will keep them tin heads away from you, just keep your head down and we'll have a drink in the Rising Star very soon.


“Don't worry, Amy, they'll get to you through my flaming Viper. I'll cover yah."
He powers up his weapons and await the first wave. "Come get some, you stupid wastes of tin."


Lieutenant Amy ran her system check again, and again things came back normal. Yet the joystick was still sluggish. Lucian may have been correct about the spreader tank failing to disengage, but he didn't know about the lightening that had struck her Viper during her spreading run at Shonada Delta, or the sickening freefall she fell into before her turbos had finally kicked in. The tank could account for some of the noise she heard, but not the whine she heard occasionally from somewhere inside the ship, or the other thumps that came with it.

I'm keeping that under my helmet, Amy thought. If there's an attack force coming, I'm not going off to hide from it.

That's ALL I need right now, with the way things have gone for me aboard the Callisto. If I duck this fight, I might as well join the Cylons for all the reception I'll get on board my own battlestar!

Lieutenant Amy hit her comlink, set for Viper to Viper. Time to talk to Skyler on a closed channel.

Najinn lay awake on the shuttle, the treatment he had received from the rescue team had left him feeling much better. It still hurt to breath out but it wasn't half as bad as it had been.

He listened to the chatter of the co*ckpit and realized that Lt Cain was relaying a communication to Skyler and the escort Vipers. It was about Amy, she had problems, she was in trouble. As he gathered what was going on he realised how serious the damage to her Viper had been. She had to lose that spreader tank.

Najinn felt a lump in his throat, he just found it so ironic so bloody ironic, here was he and the away team mission rescued by the others and Amy was the one who wound up with the crippled Viper. Was this a Universe thing he thought just the Universe having a cruel joke. He was very very concered about Amy, but felt so helpless.

Then it was made clear that the Cylons were closing on the Callisto. Najinn just sat back, just sat back and thought what the hell else could go wrong, he stopped himself, that was tempting fate. He turned his attention back to Amy's plight, I so hope she gets back safely.


Randrius watched the little pinpricks of light leap from the Callisto. The Cylons were now close enough even his personal Viper hyped-up sensors began to pick up the Cylon craft. He eyed his fuel indicator nervously and stayed on escort.

He listened in on the situation of Amy and decides to make a pass under Amy's Viper to see the situation himself. He winced as he saw what was going on. Skyler was right, only a strong physical pull was going to dislodge that thing.

He watches the Callisto steadily grow in his view. 'C'mon,' he thought, 'please let us have enough time to get in an refuel.'


On receiving their orders, Vipers began to burst forth from the Battlestar Callisto. As Lieutenant Lucian took his turn, he felt his body slammed back against the seat, as if he was powerless to do anything. Moments later, however, a feeling of pure freedom shot through him as his Viper exited into the vastness of space. Millions of stars shined like crystals in the distance, but only for a moment, as he moved his stick to turn his ship back toward the star Shonada. Toward the rear of the Callisto, he flew, toward the incoming enemy, which lit up his scanner as four masses rather than as individual blips representing ships. Looking to left and right, he saw that his flight of Vipers had assembled. Ensign Wendy was there to his left, and slightly back. Lieutenant Ghazban and Ensign Dragonfire were just over from Ensign Wendy. Finally, Lieutenant Stadia and Lieutenant Starwing made up the rest of the flight, far to the left. Lieutenant ShebaApollo's flight was just a short distance away, and other flights were above and below. On command from flight control, ten wings of Vipers, in their planned positions, hit their turbothrusters, and blasted toward the advancing Cylons.

Lieutenant Lucian said through the scrambled commlink, "Black Ice, this is Ice Leader, lasers are hot. Repeat, lasers are hot. Make your shots count, folks. Let's stick together, cut through as we were briefed, and then come back up from their rear. Commander Sheba held us out in order to pull them toward the Callisto, so they probably won't break to chase us. That way, we'll cut down their numbers before all hades breaks loose. Happy hunting!"

* * *

In Sick Bay, Lieutenant Tracy was sitting on the side of her bunk. She was still feeling quite dizzy from the crash just over a cycle earlier, and her broken ribs hurt like crazy. Still, she slipped on her boots and slipped out of Sick Bay to go to the bridge. Although she couldn't fly, maybe she could relieve someone else who could.

* * *

To speed up the process, Lieutenant Skyler stayed with Lieutenant Amy, veering off away from the Callisto, while the remainder of the flight escorted the shuttle toward the Callisto. From this distance, maybe the Cylons would not notice them. Skyler was once again almost close enough to the remains of the dispersion tank to touch it, but doing so could be disasterous if the two Vipers' tracjectories were changed even by a tiny amount. Blasting it was out, and the Lieutenant Colonel had ordered them not to try anything fancy. Skyler again switched his comm to private ship to ship. "Amy, do you have any suggestions?"

* * *

Flight Specialist Geenie had handed her the list a few moments before. Sheba looked through the names. Gold Squadron was 46 warriors strong (deducting those being transferred to the new medical unit), but of those, Cain, Mossycat, Krissy, Ben, and Najinn were on the shuttle, Siress Eden, Skyler, Amy, and Conan were flying escort, and Lieutenant Tracy was in Sick Bay. That left six wings of six flying against the Cylons. In Black Squadron, 31 warriors strong, Captain Joey was on maternity leave and could not fly, Titon, the second in command was flying the shuttle, along with Lieutenant Merak, and two others, Ensigns BatGal and Randrius were flying escort. That left twenty-six Vipers in the initial attack group, one of whom was supposed to be on flight restrictions. Four bridge personnel had been pressed back into service to fly with Black Squadron. Altogether, the Callisto was sending out 66 Vipers to take on about 400 Raiders. The thirty Silver Spar warriors would be a welcome addition, along with any of the escorts that could continue to fly. The odds did not look good in her eyes.

"Laser batteries are active, Ma'am," said a crewman. "We'll make them eat a pile of hot plasma before we let them give us a bloody nose!"

* * *

"Black Squadron, this is Black Leader," said Lieutenant ShebaApollo, "we are going in. Fire on target and at will. NOW!!!" Turbolasers on 26 Vipers stabbed repeatedly into the mass of oncoming Raiders. Firey explosions, which were quickly extinguished as the released oxygen was consumed, began to light up the sky. The Cylons obligingly shot back, returning the favor.

Captain Marcona, a retired Viper pilot and now second shift bridge officer, was flying with Black Squadron. Despite not having had much flight time within the last few yahrens, he knew he could still outdo the Cylons. Squeezing off three shots in the volley style, he pulled the amazing feat of destroying two different Cylon ships; however, as he twisted to line up for the next shot, his lack of recent flight experience proved to be his undoing, as his ship took a direct hit from another Cylon Raider, which briefly lit up the sky. The first Warrior of the day had died.

Lieutenant Lucian yelled into the comm as he twisted his ship repeatedly to keep the Cylons from getting a lock, "Keeping going Black Ice, stay together as a team! It's just like practice! We'll be through in just another few microns! Stick with me Wendy!" Already some of the Cylons had broken off in various directions to pick up on the Colonial Warriors, although most seemed intent on going after the Callisto. Lucian fired at one almost dead on, noticing as he did that it was one of a few in the group with a little globe mounted on a frame in front of the ship. As the hot plasma from his blast hit the ship, he was about to cry out about getting another one, when to his astonishment, the burst disipated in an almost evil glow around the front of the Raider!

"HOLY FRACK!!! The bastards with the big balls have energy shields!" he exclaimed. "The entire front of the ship was protected from a dead-on hit! Watch it folks!"


Aboard the Callisto, flight control reeled from the news, but quickly isolated the problem. About thirty of the Raiders were giving off a slightly different energy signal than most. A warning was quickly issued to all Warriors.

* * *

The flights of Vipers slid through Raiders' ranks, and those that were not being pursued quickly came about breaking into two ship teams to begin their individual work. Lieutenant Lucian and Ensign Wendy were twisting their ships around when Lucian spotted one of the ball-toy Cylons coming around with two others in tow. Not waiting for the computer targeter to register, he fired off a quick volley at the lead Cylon. The first two shots missed wide, but the third lit the edge of the energy sphere, but slipped past to crash through the Raider. The resulting explosion was about three times larger than typical due to the massive energy stored in the shielding sphere. The blast knocked both of the escorting Cylons off course, where they were polished off by other Warriors. "Hit the shielded ones from the back end," Lucian called out to all. "That shield sphere goes off like a major solenite charge!"

* * *

The first group of Raiders had now closed on the Callisto. The front of the ship was in shadow cast by its own back end, but the firey lances in all directions lit up the sky, in conjunction with a few Raiders attacking the Callisto. Suddenly, four incoming escort Vipers let fly their response, destroying two Raiders. Most flew on, although a couple of others broke off, heading in the direction from which the escorts had just come.

* * *

On one of the Cylon Raiders, the navigation robot said, "Sensors detect two more Vipers ahead. Both are proceeding slowly, and do not appear to be attempting to engage or close with the Galactica."

"Go after them," deadpanned the Cylon commander. "We will destroy them all."

* * *

Moments later, Skyler said to Amy as his scanner sounded, "I think we're about to have company!"

* * *

Gold Squadron's Warriors were cutting their own brand of destruction through the midst of the Cylon horde. Still, there were far too many Cylons. The battle raged on!

Lieutenant Titon deftly slipped the shuttle into the Callisto's shadow, tracking close to the front of the ship. In the distance, all around the Callisto, Cylon Raiders were arriving from the remnants of the two inner groups of Raiders. The two outer groups were still several centons away, since they had swung out and up or down. Numerous Vipers chased the Cylons, picking off the tin-heads one at a time. Titon swung the shuttle under and around, moving as quickly as possible, with the intent of arriving in the landing bay quickly, and more importantly, in one piece!

* * *

Lieutenant Botwandar, formerly "retired" Viper pilot and now bridge officer, tracked closely to the side of Lieutenant Regis. Both the Black Squadron pilot and the assignee were making their shots count. Three incoming Cylons swept by, not realizing that their number had been reduced by two until moments later. A large group of Raiders came through from a sharp angle above, splitting the two Vipers. Moments later, Regis shouted, "HELP! Lightning Three! I've got some goons on my tail, and I can't shake them. Four, where are you?"

Botwandar yelled in reply, "Got ya! I'm trying! I've got a couple of my own! Ready for scissors cross, now!"

Both pilots relieved the other of one of their pursuers in brilliant flashes in the manuever, but Regis wasn't completely lucky. His second Raider ship shot through his right wing, sending his ship into a spin. As the ship destructed, Regis pulled the ejection lever, and his co*ckpit flew out into space, riding the wave of the explosion of his ship. Weakly, he called out, "Help. Lightning Three. Hurt. Need a pickup. Out."

* * *

Titon was now in the home stretch. As he came around toward the entrance to the landing bay, he saw numerous laser flashes from the nearby batteries. Merak, manning the shuttles limited armament, started firing frantically at an incoming flight. The shuttle took a glancing hit, knocking it off course, but Titon held on, manuevering the shuttle into the bay. Moments later, as the wounded shuttle settled onto the deck, Titon said, "Whew! Safe!!!" High fiving with Merak, they popped the hatch and started helping the wounded off the shuttle, and off to Sick Bay.

The four escort Vipers landed moments later. The service crews frantically refueled the Vipers, while the Warriors remained seated in their co*ckpits. They launched on command within two centons.

Outside, the battle raged on.

* * *


"Skyler!" Lieutenant Amy shouted as she checked her rear scanner, "We've been spotted! Looks like we'll have to fight!" Her rear scan showed three, then four Cylon Raiders altering course to pursue them. Frack, she thought, I guess it was too much to expect a little slack from these guys!

Skyler veered left, kicking in his turbos.

To her annoyance, Amy’s Viper was still sluggish, the sleek fighter’s turbos engaging seconds after she tried to kick them in. It was a lag time that could be deadly to her. As long as they keep kicking in, she thought, at least I have a chance. She could feel the impact as the hanging tank banged around beneath her, and the whining noise began to get a little bit louder.

Right away Amy could see a Cylon falling in behind Skyler, drawing a bead on him. From her position high above him, she swung she Viper into a dive. On her attack computer, the Cylon ship danced around the bullseye. He was proving tough to line up. Was it true, or was it another fault in her ship’s systems? Amy had no way to tell.

“Skyler! One on your tail!” Amy shouted, louder than really was needed, but her excitement was too much to be contained. “Yo”, Skyler replied, “Better hurry! I can’t shake him!”

Amy bore down on the Cylon. The attack computer still showed the alien craft to be eluding her attempts to line it up. Amy ignored the readout. She knew when she had one of these dirty tinheads lined up. She fired away, and followed the laser torpedo with her eyes as it descended toward the Cylon, still in hot pursuit of Skyler. A moment later, the enemy ship erupted in a glowing fireball, which was quickly snuffed out in the vaccum of space.

“Thank you!” shouted Skyler. “Sure thing”, Amy replied, but she already had swung her Viper into a roll, arcing away from Skyler. She kicked in the turbos, and after an agonizing heartbeat of delay, they responded. Amy shook her head in disgust, and with her free hand snapped off the attack computer. She had proved to herself that it wasn’t working right, and would have to go with her gut instincts.


Randrius was about to enter the landing bay when he noticed Raiders coming in at Amy and Skyler.
"Oh no you don't, you bastards!"
He swung his Viper away and saw that one was now glued to Skyler's tail and Amy was trying to lock him up. He locked on after a few seconds and let loose a volley of scarlet boLieutenant He watched at least four shots hull the craft and it detonated.
"Told you I wouldn't let em get yah! Get your asses home, I'll cover yah."
He noticed a Raider attempting to get in on his rear.
"Catch me if you can, you little frack!" Randrius went into a complex, evasive corkscrew manuever and then dived suddenly and cut his turbos. The Raider was unable to match speeds in time and shot past, giving Randrius a perfect opportunity to light his up, which he did.
"HA! HA! Oh yeah! Payback sucks, don't it?!!"


Lieutenant Amy had just begun an arcing loop when she heard a sickening thump. It was a sound she had heard before, when she had been spreading ions at Shonada Delta. Instead of the muffled sounds of the powerful turbo engines, she now heard nothing. She wiggled the stick and punched at some buttons on the console, but there was nothing. Suddenly she was without the boosters she desperately needed. Her Viper slowed to a crawl, and the joystick stiffened up considerably.

In the space of a heartbeat, she watched the Cylon fighter she had been about to pursue swing around and head toward her. Seconds stretched out into agonizing centuries as the ship loomed larger, rocking slightly as it locked in on her. Amy’s senses were heightened, and she could actually see the centurions inside the ship. The three cylons, their silver skins cast in a purple light, would be the last thing Lieutenant Amy would see. It was no use crying for help. It was too late.

Thousands of thoughts poured through Amy’s mind, as if they were trying to get through before oblivion came. Her days growing up on the agro ship, and the last time she had visited her parents there. The day she first set foot on the Callisto, and how proud she felt when she became a warrior. She thought of her good friend Brie, and how she had told the captain that she wouldn’t be sorry for sending her out. She thought of the friends she had grown to love, and the ones she had only begun to know. Her eyes fell on Najinn’s note, tucked securely to her console. “Goodbye” she whispered. Then she thought of Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, and the way she had behaved the last time she saw him. Her last thought would be of him.

The Cylon was near point blank range, and it’s torpedoes flashed out toward her. The sky was filled with fire as suddenly the alien ship exploded into tiny fragments. Amy’s Viper was pushed sideways a second before the torpedoes would have found their mark. A second explosion of fire knocked Amy’s ship forward, the force of which delivered a sharp blow into her back, nearly knocking the wind from her. She passed through the fireball before her even as it dissipated in the airless void of space.

As if to make her survival more miraculous, her Viper awoke from it’s slumber. Lights and dials lit up, and with her thumb still pressed on the turbo button, the engines kicked in taking Amy away from the hot zone. Was it Skyler? It must have been! I have no idea why, she thought, but the lords are with me!

“Thank yoooou!” Amy cried out as her breath returned to her. Her heart was pumping madly. Just moments from death, she now never felt more alive.

She noticed as she swung her Viper around that the banging noise of the tank was gone! It had either been blown off, or was now bent at such an angle as to not be banging at the underside of her ship. Great for now, Amy thought. But what happens when it’s time to land? She looked at her fuel gauge. Not great, but not bad. If I can conserve the turbos, she thought, then laughed at herself. Conserve them! I can’t even count on them!

Two Cylons were down, two to go.


Randrius whirls his ship around and give chase to another Raider. He scraped another off Skylers tail with a surgical kill, his fire going straight into the Raider co*ckpit and killing the crew, leaving the ship itself intact to drift for eternity.
"Oh man, that was beautiful."
"I can take this last one, you two head in and refuel, I'll join you in a minute."
He set off in pursuit of the last of the four Raiders.


"...Lieutenant Wackbag and Ensign Intimadator will fly together, as will Lieutenant Deke and Ensign Startsistatron. Ensign MaraJade will be my wing, as previously stated. All warriors to your Vipers!"

Captain Brie had given final orders to Gold Squadron, and it was time to launch. She was nervous, not for her own life but for the lives of others. There were so many new members! She had tried her best to pair off the warriors who had been with Gold Squadron for awhile with the new ensigns. She wished more than anything that Lieutenant Cain could be out there. She thanked the Lords that the shuttle was back, and that her friends were still alive.

As the members of Gold Squadron launched, Brie wondered how many of them would return. She knew that they could beat the odds, but at what cost? The news of front energy shields on the Cylon Raiders was terrible, their whole attack plan would be different from the last time they had engaged the Cylons.

Next thing she knew, they were in the middle of the battle. So far the ensigns had proved that they could fly, but could they fight? Two Raiders were headed towards Brie and MaraJade. Brie fied dead on...nothing. "Frack, it must be those energy shields. Mara, I'll try to keep their attention. You fly around behind, they're supposed to be vunerable back there." "But Captain," Mara protested, "you'll be an open target. That's suicide!" "Only if you miss," Brie said quickly. "If anything happens to me, Lieutenant Wackbag is in temporary command. Now orders, Ensign!" Brie could see Mara breaking off, and she tried her best to keep the Cylons attention. It seemed to be working. Brie realized that she could be dead within moments. She prayed that MaraJade was a good shot.


(Why would the captain make her go back and do the shooting? Shouldn't it be her so that the Captain could stay for the group. NO ! I can do this. I will NOT let her down!) MaraJaded was thinking.
Moving into position behind the first Raider, lining up on him making sure she wasn't going to shoot Brie instead. Taking a deep breath, MaraJade squeezed the fire button and let the lasers rip! Seeing the Raider hit and explode a sigh of relief passed through her as she yelled
"YaHoo!!! Got it Captain! Which ones next?" Seeing another one coming up from behind Brie, MaraJade moved into position again.
"Youhoo-I'll make ya famous," as she sent another volley of laser fire to make Brie's tail clear. Letting another sigh escape.
"Hey Captain, just so you know this is killing me seeing you put yourself in such dangers, but hey you ordered it. Now breathe Captain I am doing pretty good back here just don't let them sneak up on you like that! Its horrible for my nerves!" Trying to make a slight joke of the situation. No one told her it was going to be like this in the academy.


"Good job, Ensign!" Captain Brie told her wing. "Let's try it again." "Captain," MaraJade said cautiously, "shouldn't we switch postions?" "We'll stick with what works," Brie insisted. She was determined to risk her own life instead of the new recruit's. "There's three more coming up fast. Get into position, Ensign."


"Good job, Ensign!" Captain Brie told her wing. "Let's try it again." "Captain," MaraJade said cautiously, "shouldn't we switch postions?" "We'll stick with what works," Brie insisted. She was determined to risk her own life instead of the new recruit's. "There's three more coming up fast. Get into position, Ensign."

Moving into position only to see that one of the cylons took a shot at Brie. The first one missed. The second shot was too close to her Viper's nose.
"Captain!! Are you ok? Keep him busy!! I am still tied up with these other buggers. Hang on just a little longer!" (Please hang on a little longer) Mara whispered. Letting go of all control, she just let the volley of lasers go. One down then the other. Then intently focusing on the stubborn one still following Brie, who was up till now doing a real good job keeping from getting hit.

"Captain-I am right behind you again. Let's see if I can get the vermon off your tail." Just as she said that the cylons got a good hit on Brie's ship. MaraJade feeling like she just lost the Captain, let off the shots at the cylon ship blasting it to bits. Not seeing her ship immediately, Mara's heart sank. She had failed. Then a voice chirped in her head,
"MaraJade you sure like to take your time don't you?!" It was Captain Brie!
"Uh sorry about that Captain, it won't happen again. How bad is the damage?" Crossing her fingers that it's not too bad.
"Not too bad. I can still fight. Just got a little crispy that's all. Next time hurry it up!" Mara could almost see a smile on that last one.
"Is that an order Captain? No problem! Just one request, keep moving!"
MaraJade knew she found a Captain that she could really get along with.


Randrius watched Skyler and Amy enter the relative safety of the landing bay and breathed a sigh of relief. He vectored in and landed.
Jumping out, he told a nearby tech, "Refuel this bird as fast as humanly possible, I need back out there."
The tech nodded and went to work.
He stared out the window, "I'll be there soon, Black squad, I won't let you down."

"Ensign Randrius to launch bay 7."
Randrius practically raced from the ready-room. After launching, he put his turbos to full-power. He headed towards the nearest fray, where three Black squad Vipers were engaged with five Raiders.
"Time to even the odds a little," he cut his turbos and locked on to an enemy Raider. His fire ripped the little ships rear to flaming pieces.
He looked into the distance and saw the pinpricks of explosions, lasers, and torpedoes. It was almost pretty, until he reminded himself that each of those flashes was fueled by a life, whether Cylon or human, they were lives nontheless.


Skyler jumps from his Viper as the tech hooks up the refueling line and rushes to Amy's Viper. He had just s few centons before he could relaunch.

"Amy, are you ok? I noticed your Viper died for a senton."
Amy tried to play it off, but Skyler knew better.

"Amy, you can not go fight if you can not count on this Viper. Grab another one ,or get the tech to start on it now. I don't want you out there to be a target for the tin cans. You are to good a warrior, and friend for that." Skyler steped down from her wing and climbed back into his Viper.

He knew he couldn't stop Amy from launching, well, he could report what he had seen to Col Chraybdis, but she was already in her Viper, and one kick of the turbos would hurl her back into the battle, if they fired at all. He knew this was something she had to decide for herself....

I was thinking Second and put senton. Hey's its close...


As soon as some of the members of the shuttle mission disembarked from their ships, I made my way to the landing bay to check on them. I had some bad news for some...

"Those of you who are OK to fly, get to your ships!!! Merak, Titon and the escort pilots need to get out there immmediately and join their squadrons!! Those who were on the shuttle mission need to get to sick bay on the double for decontamination!!!

As I was finishing my orders, I noticed that Lieutenant Amy had landed (with the tank dragging behind her Viper) and had begun to refuel.

I ran up to her as she was sitting in the co*ckpit. She looked a little shaky, but was in one piece. I was proud of her. I didn't want her on this mission and she had gotten way more than she bargained for. She had been through a lot today, but I could tell she was a Warrior!

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Amy, thank the Lords you're safe!! You can't go back out there. This Viper is in no condition to fly. The techs need time with it. Take some time to slow down. You've just gone through a heck of an ordeal."

I saw the look in her eyes. She was determined. I knew she wanted to go back out there. Amy replied, "I'm part of Gold Squadron and my squadron is out there fighting to the death. What you order for them, you order for me too."

I knew she was right. She had the same fire that Cmdr. Sheba had. I had spent a lot of time with the Commander, and I could see the same drive, the same determination. Amy could almost pass for Sheba' daughter! "Frack, I'm not going to be able to stop you, am I?"

Amy shook her head. I knew it. I took a long look down the launch tube where I could just peer out of the opening. Flashes of light burst around the aperture and every now and then a ship whizzed by. I felt so helpless. Ever since I moved to the bridge, the excitement had died down. I wanted to get back out there. I wanted to be part of Gold Squadron again! Besides, they could use my piloting expertise.

I turned to Amy, "Amy, follow me" She jumped out of the co*ckpit and followed me a short ways down the launch prep areas. There sat several Vipers belonging to some of those on the shuttle mission. They were fully loaded and ready for combat.

"Jump in battlestarben's ship," I told her and I found a flight helmet on the seat of Lieutenant Cain's Viper. I thought to myself, the commander's going to kill me for this!

I jumped in Cain's ship and prepared to launch. On the ship comm I tuned in Amy and told her," Amy, stick on my wing and we'll be alright. Prepare to launch!"

The co*ckpits closed as we powered up. I turned to look over at her ship. She was ready and she looked back at me. I nodded ever so slightly, her lip curled up in a slight smile that I could just make out.


The Vipers roard to life and we shot out of the launch tubes. It felt great!!!!


Head Nurse Lt Holodoc is ready & waiting for any injuries that might come into the Med Lab. Things should be a breeze with the new nurse on staff.


Glad to help you in any way I can!

"is it always this stressful when they are out there like this? boy I sound like the newbie. while waiting anything I can learn from you and Doc, I would love to learn!"

i am still hoping the guys on the shuttle get here soon. hearing that there are eye problems gets me nervous. I mean we only have one set so time is essential. now where did those dark glasses go?? hhhhmmm still digging and searching. hoping to hear something soon. I hope to learn much from the head nurse. I hope I can help out as much as I can.


It tends to get a little crazy around here when there are reports of injuries. This is the first time that I have had to deal with eye injuries. So I guess I better do a little brush up reading on it to be ready when the injuried warriors do arrive.


"ensign jarrynn reporting to let you know that I just finished the eye exams on Najinn and Cain. No perm damage done just some minor burns and abrasions to the eye surface. I ordered them *still snikering* yes ma'am I did say ordered , them to wear the dark shades until I see them again in 7 cycles" -should we last that long I thought as I felt the hits on the calisto. please let our warriors end this cylon annoyance soon, but it seems we have more coming- "sorry ma'am just was getting nervous with the battle outside. I administered drops for the eyes and a heavy creamy drop for at night before they go to sleep and also a eye friendly burn relief cream. I wouldn't want them to claw at their eyes due to itching. that would defeat my purpose. I now turn them over to you for further review and possible release. unless I missed something that they aren't telling me *grinning and shaking head* you know how warriors can get during a battle and they are acking to get into. Awaiting further orders."
Feeling like I did a good job on my first real exam, and just praying that Najinn and Cain haven't missed telling me something about their eyes or injuries, I report to Headnurse Holodoc. I still can't get over how I told them "its an order..." about the shades. I try to hide my amusem*nt on it. An ensign of all things trying to order! I know it sounds absurd but if needs be to show how serious I am I will get Holodoc or Doc to back up my prescription. Eye's have always been a fascination for me and I guess it was due to my mother being an eye specialist. guess it's in the genes. =) and it was good to have my knowledge tested and used to help someone else. -I just pray that they didn't miss telling me something.-
Ensign Jarrynn
Med Lab eye specialist
Battlestar Calisto


Skyler was worried about Amy. He knew she wouldn't back down, and that she would fight, even with a busted up ship.

The flight crew had finished fueling his Viper, and pushed it in to launch position. He looked over his shoulder and saw the Col talking to her. He felt better, he knew he wouldn't let that Viper launch in its condition. He saw Amy climb out of her Viper and climb in a new one, and the Col climbed in the one beside her. He hadn't seen Charybdis in a Viper since Core Command had bumped him to a bridge officer. Seeing him in the co*ckpit brought back memories of when he first arrived on the Callisto and Charybdis was his CO. It seemed a lifetime ago....

"Transferring control to Vipers Lieutenant Skyler, launch when ready!!!"

Skyler was brought back to reality just as Amy's new Viper rocketed down the tube.

He pushed the turbo button and sped down the tube, and was spit into sapce, and the biggest battle since the fleet was destroyed 20 yarhen ago.


Twenty-four centons had passed since they had launched. During this time, the Colonial Warriors had destroyed just over 45 of the enemy ships, while losing two of their own. Lieutenant Regis might still be alive, but at this point, no one could be sure. So far, Commander Sheba thought, we have beaten the odds. A quick glance at the tactical station showed that things were about to get much worse, with the two other groups of Cylons arriving within the next two centons. Silver Spar Squadron would sweep in less than two centons after that, if there was anything left to visit. With about 200 more Cylon Raiders sweeping in from multiple directions, it was going to get much worse before it got better. She needed more reinforcements, and there was only one more place to find them. She had her aide call the Viper training staff.

Turning back to the front port, she asked, “And where is Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis? Have him report immediately.”

* * *

Lieutenant Botwandar continued his battle with the two pursuing Cylons. On losing Lieutenant Regis, he had twisted and jinked his Viper as quickly as he could, trying to escape from the Raiders on his tale. Now he called out, “Lightning Four—need help! I can’t seem to shake these guys!” Again, he danced his ship down just in time to miss being cremated by the Cylon blaze. Checking his position, he felt this was as good as any. He hit reverse thruster, and watched the first Cylon shoot past him. Suddenly, the Viper’s siren sounded. Just as his thumb jumped to the turbothrust button, less than two microns after the siren sounded, the second Cylon craft smashed into his ship, destroying both in a brilliant blast.

* * *

A short distance away, Lieutenant Aussie fired a blast at another Cylon. Luck had been mixed for Aussie today. So far, the lieutenant was still alive, indicating “good” luck, but not a single shot taken had scored against the tinheads (very bad!). This time the blast lit up the front of the oncoming Viper. “Felgercarb!” Aussie said. Lieutenant Aussie’s wingman, Lieutenant MacPaul fired again as well, again without success, and both began a twist to try to align themselves to take out the “Shield-lon” as it had been dubbed by Lieutenant Starwing.

As Aussie came about, a spinning chunk of metal ripped past the Viper. It hit the left turbo laser, setting off an alarm in the co*ckpit. The damaged weapon spewed plasma into space and made it difficult to steer the Viper. Lieutenant Aussie called to Lieutenant MacPaul, “I’ve got problems! I don’t think I can fire this thing without turning into ashes. I’m going to try to land on the Callisto and get this replaced. We’ve got a long way to go before this fight is over!”

* * *

In the Callisto Academy, four trainers were lecturing to the group of cadets about the battle raging outside the ship. Specific maneuvers picked up by the exterior monitors were displayed, analyzed, and critiqued, with the intent of giving the twelve cadets in the room some additional insight into ways of defeating the Cylons. The call from the bridge took Captain Lazant by surprise. On the monitor, Major CureMode said, “Captain Lazant, we must have additional reinforcements. Commander Sheba has ordered that you and your staff are to report to Launch Bay Beta with your four top cadets. These young warriors are to be commissioned as Ensigns, and will join the battle as your wingmen. Your Vipers will be ready on your arrival. Captain Lazant, your wing will launch when ready. Please congratulate the new Ensigns on their promotions on behalf of Commander Sheba and the entire crew of the Callisto. May the Lords be with you. CureMode out.”

* * *

In the battle raging outside the ship, the Vipers were slowly loosing ground to the pressing Raiders. Due to their superior numbers, more Raiders were beginning to slip away from the Vipers and begin attacks on the Callisto. The laser batteries were dealing their own particular brand of death and destruction to the Cylons, but it was far too little too late. Laser turret number 11 was first to feel the Cylons’ sting when a damaged Raider spun directly into it, blasting a major hole in the side of the ship. Bulkheads sealed quickly, but eight humans met their end in the explosion or in the sealed off area. The Cylon’s now had a target area.

A few moments later, the first of the two remaining Cylon waves arrived just after the last wave of Warriors from the Callisto arrived. Laser blasts lit space around the Callisto as both sides began their struggle in earnest.


The hit that Captain Brie had taken hadn't caused any major damage to her Viper. Her confidence in MaraJade was growing, she was beginning to really like the new ensign.

A group of Cylon Raiders had broken off from the main group, and were attacking the Callisto. Brie realized that they had provided her with a unique oportunity. She also knew that they only had one chance. "Deke, Wackbag, and your wings, come with me. You too, Mara. The rest of Gold Squadron, continue where you are." Brie led the group towards the Callisto. The Cylons were in front of them, making their front energy shields useless. Frack, there were a lot of them. "Okay, here's the plan. Deke, you and your wing hang back, clean up any that come after us. Keep us out of trouble. The rest of us will try to get as many as we can. This will have to be quick."

Brie was still worried about the ensigns. MaraJade had proven herself, Brie was alive because of her. She didn't know about the rest. It seemed an obvious thing to say, but she said it anyway, "Just make sure you DON'T hit the Callisto."


Hearing Cpt. Brie's new orders, Ensign MaraJade complied. Seeing all the cylons in front of her it was almost overwhelming.
"Yeesh there's a lot of them!" She didn't realize her com was on.
"Keep the chatter to a minimum. Let's just keep them off the Calisto." Brie had responded, bringing her back to the reality of it all.
"Sorry Captain. Well let's blow them back to the hole they crawled out of!" MaraJade proceeded to follow them with a vengance. She was not going to let them take away her new home or her new friends. Taking two out, she realized that she was being tailed.
"Uhm guys!!! Someone get this dirtbag off of me?!!! Soon would be nice!" Boy! Where did these things learn to fly? It was mimicking her every move. Then she heard Brie's voice on the com.
"When I say now pull up and pull hard! I got him!" Brie said then she yelled "NOW!" MaraJade pulled up as hard as she could, feeling the strain on her Viper, as it whined in protest. Cpt. Brie shot her pursuer and had one on her tail. MaraJade came in and picked it off. No way she would let the Captain go down with out a fight. Seeing another one going after the Calisto, she moved in to knock this one out. Boy it was getting to close. In her mind she heard the Cpt.'s orders in not hitting the Calisto, she chased as fast as she could. At this rate she may crash herself.(Here's hoping I was paying attention in class to pull this off). Coming up from behind, she took out the raider at a close proximity to the Calisto. Blinded by the fireblast, she lost her bearings as to where the Calisto was to her.
"Ensign! Pull up!!! Pull up!!!" MaraJade pulled the Viper up. Shaking her head to regain her bearings. "Ensign are you ok?"
"Yeah Captain! Just singed the bottom of the Viper, that's all." Marajade proceeded to fight. (Boy that was too close she thought) "Uh Captain? Thanks for well uh getting that one off of me."
"Let's call it even! And you are welcome now cut the chatter and get back to fighting." Brie smiled. Boy the Ensign's can get embarrassed easily when it comes to saving their butts.


In the sick bay, Ensign Najinn was protesting his health,

“Look I'm ok, I can fly, I'm ok, come on clear me to fly.”

“Ensign, I will clear you as and when I am ready.” Replied Lt Holodoc.

The team had made it back to the Callisto, it was one hell of a mission, one dangerous roller coaster ride, but they were alive. Najinn caught a glimpse of Lt Amy as she was heading across the launch bay towards the teams Vipers with Charybdis, while he was being whisked off to sick bay. He was so relieved that she was safe, at least at the moment, but with the battle raging she would need all her experience and skills to get through it. He just wished he could be out there with her and the others.

The fight was being relayed throughout the ship as the crew rushed around their duties at full red alert. The Callisto was an impressive ship even more so when she was operating at battlestations. The crew knew their roles, they knew their lives depended on teamwork, on the well trained and executed professionalism. Any member of the fleet would desire to serve aboard her, which caused a bit of rivalry with the Galactica.

Most of the away team were walking wounded, Najinn and Cain were reasonably ok, exhausted, but Najinn thought he was able to fly. He wanted to fly, he was desperate to get out there with his crewmates. The question was would the med team clear him?


Meanwhile Black Squadron was still in the throes of battle with the new design Raiders, it was harder to shoot em down, but shoot them down they did. After seeing that gold squadron was safely back on the callisto, Lt Lucian was more determined to keep the cylons away from our home. Ensign Wendy stuck to his tail, ensuring that nothing came in between them, she was so pumped up with adrenalin,that sick bay could be stocked up for centuries. But she knew that she had to protect her colleagues and that she did, Lt Lucian began to realise that he could trust her to fight her way through, her upbringing in a tough area had made her tough and she could fight if she needed to. The cylons tried to make hole in Black Squadrons formations but they were so tight that they were finding it hard to break through, the group that had made to it the Callisto had gone round the back out of Black Squadrons view.

The Lt on seeing the attack ordered the Squadron to pull up on thier thrusters and to tail back to the Callisto, to defend her at any cost, on pulling around the group of warriors noticed the three Vipers coming out of the lauch bay, yippee Gold Squardron was beginning to relauch and help the weary worrior in the battle to defend the Battlestar.


Randrius had just caught back up to Black squad watch them circle back towards the Callisto. He fell in formation with them and hit his turbos.
He smiled, being among a squadron again brought back memories, both good and bad. He had never been in this large of a squad, his old group, at their height of power, had had a mere eight Vipers.
He shook himself from his memories and focused on the battle once more.


Commander Sheba watched the news of the battle. With 159 laser turrets firing, she had to hope that her warriors would remember to stay far enough away to allow the laser batteries to be effective. Now, the first of the two remaining Cylon forces was attacking, and the Viper forces were doing what they could to reduce the threat. Still, there were over 330 Raiders left, and if her suspicions were correct, there would likely be more before too long. She knew that she did not have enough Vipers to deal with this threat alone.

"Major CureMode, bring us around, 130 mark 50," Commander Sheba said.

CureMode looked at her with an 'are you sure?' look, but immediately issued the order. With a grin, he continued, "Heading directly toward 100 incoming Cylons, I'm sure the Commander will want all forward laser cannons powered, as well as the laser turrets. Commander, what about missle banks?"

Sheba hesitated for only a moment before answering, "Activate ALL laser cannons, on alternating sequence, 2/3 front, 1/3 rear, so we don't draw down our power reserves. We'll be drawing some of the current group with us from behind, pulling them away from our Viper forces. Activate missle banks 1 through 4, 10 missles each, and banks 11 and 12, 6 missles each." She continued giving orders for a full centon before stopping. The bridge hummed with activity as the orders were dispensed. The sleeping giant known as the Callisto was going to WAR!

* * *

From Launch Bay Beta, a C.O.R.A. unmanned rescue/recon drone suddenly burst out into space. The computerized artificial intelligence immediately activated enhanced turbos, blasting it through the battlezone in microns. Its tracking mechanism began to home in on the beacon in Lieutenant Regis' ejected co*ckpit. Moments later, the C.O.R.A. fired retros and nav thrusters in the precise sequence necessary to bring the drone. It's grapple system engaged the co*ckpit module and locked in place. The enhanced turbos fired again, and the drone and its precious cargo were heading home.

* * *

Captain Buellah, Commander, Silver Spar Squadron, watched in the distance as the Callisto turned, as rapidly as a battlestar can turn, to align with the next incoming group of Cylons. Into his comm, Captain Buellah said, "Silver Spar, this is Spar Leader. You heard the orders. We don't have to like them, we just have to follow them. We fight till our fuel is exhausted if necessary, but we must protect that ship. If I have my guess, by the time we finish one or two sweeps, she'll be back to get us. Let's do it.

Moments later, Silver Spar Squadron shot straight through the swirling mass of fighting machines. Nine more Cylons exploded in the process. As they were starting to make their first turn, another group of Raiders swept in from far below, and the first two Silver Spar Vipers exploded in reply. Captain Buellah thought to himself as he squeezed off another volley of shots, the battle is now fully joined. I hope.

* * *

Commander Sheba was having almost identical thoughts on the bridge of the Battlestar Callisto. The order to brace had been given, and the first ranks of oncoming Cylons had started to fire their lasers. As they got closer, Sheba waited, waited, and finally said, "NOW! FIRE all forward weapons!" Death and Destruction, the twin destroyers, leapt from the Callisto into the midst of the oncoming Cylons. The surviving Cylon ships were suddenly veering off in multiple directions, to escape the wrath of the human leviathon.

Even as the cheer surged through the bridge, the Callisto was once again altering course to return to the main battle to rescue her children. An ashen-faced Major CureMode placed a ripped printout in Commander Sheba's hand.

She looked down at the paper.



Quantity (200) incoming bogeys, presumed Cylon Raiders, based on origin within ion cloud. ETA: 35 centons.

Quantity (2) Cylon Base-Stars, following bogeys. ETA: 45 centons.



"Ok you two! I know you want to fight but I can't permit that until I know how bad your eyes really are so sit still. The sooner we get this over with the sooner Head nurse Holodoc or Doc can release you." Ensign Jarrynn said with a sigh. -boy warriors can be such babies at times- Jarrynn thought. -but I wonder how many more will be coming in.-Thinking of the raging battle put my mind back where it needs to be. "Now I am going to put some drops in your eyes to make them dialate so I can see if there is any permanent damage. It may sting a little but DON'T rub them!" Putting the drops in and seeing the guys flinch. "i warned you it would sting! now I am going to use this black light to see if there are any perm damages to your corneas and optic nerve. so please look straight ahead." -i want to make a quick exam but again I know that the eyes are the only ones you have and from what they explained I want to make sure that there are no long term problems.- Looking in the darkness into both Najinn's and Cain's eyes, trying to remain calm on the inside. -could they tell this was my first real exam? please let me do a good job- Seeing on Najinn there was no real perm damage just some minor external burns and abrasions to the eye. some drops and heavier drops at night would help with that. also some burn oinment that is friendly to the eyes would help with the minor burns.
"Najinn and Cain, ok here's your report to take to Holodoc or Doc. You have no perm damage however you do have some minor burns and some abrasions so here are the drops and creams for you to use and trust me I will know if you are using them or not. Also right now you do need to wear some dark shades to help with the sensitivity to the lights. It will go with time. I can't officially clear you, you must go to Doc or Holodoc for that. But even if they clear you, you must wear the shades. they will attach to the helmets to make it easier for you see. If we get out of this I want to see you both in 7 cycles. and you have better wear those shades, its uhm an *pausing as I thought how silly this will sound since one of them out ranks me* its an order *feeling more confident after saying it*. if needs be I will get Doc to order it as well. should you have anymore problems with your sight or pain report back immediately!" Jarrynn smiled as she realized she just made it thru her first exam. -wow this was better than I thought! I hope they will listen to me-
"now you need to go to Holodoc or Doc for release, unless I missed something?"

Ensign Jarrynn
Med Lab eye specialist
Battlestar Calisto


Lieutenant Cain barely succeeded in suppressing another cough. Dark glasses or no, he knew he was needed in the battle just outside the ship. If Ensign Jarrynn found out how much of that noxious gas he'd actually breathed in the shuttle, she wouldn't let him out of Sick Bay for a sentar! To stretch the air supply in their envirosuit tanks, the shuttle crew had turned their filters to maximum, and pulled every bit of oxygen possible out of the cabin. Most of the dizziness had subsided since being rescued, but he had a feeling the nausea would last for a long while. Still, if he could fight it off, Nurse Holodoc might clear him, and he would go help his fellow warriors.

Lieutenant Mossycat lay on the next bunk, sleeping. She coughed periodically, as if her lungs were just testing that it really was oxygen she was breathing. Mossy was obviously exhausted, as was Cain, but so far, he at least had resisted the urge to sleep.

Lieutenant Krissy, Lieutenant Battlestar Ben, and the two miners had the worst cases of the gas poisoning. Nurse Holodoc had hooked all four up to oxygen canulas to assist them with their breathing. Ben had already vomited a couple of times, so now there was little remaining on his stomach. An IV was set up, giving him some much needed fluids.

Ensign Najinn, like Cain, was ready to walk out of Sick Bay. When the door to Sick Bay flew open, he saw Doc rush in with an emergency cart. A burn victim from the damaged area of the ship, Najinn suspected. Supressing a cough as best he could, he quickly grabbed his jacket and exited Sick Bay. Considering the fight going on at the moment, he suspected that the flight crews would not be checking medical release status all that closely. As he exited the room, he caught Cain's eyes. Cain nodded, saw it was clear, and quickly followed.

As the two warriors began to run down the corridor to get to Launch Bay Alpha, they were passed by a couple of crew members pushing another emergency cart. Cain barely recognized the battered and burned form of Lieutenant Regis of Black Squadron, who had been returned to the Callisto by a C.O.R.A. drone only a few moments before. Cain mentally saluted the brave warrior as he started to run, slowly due to the difficulty breathing, behind the younger and faster Najinn.

* * *

On the bridge, Commander Sheba was pleased with the effects of the Callisto's attack on the last incoming group of Cylons. Well, make that current incoming group, she thought. It's remains had scattered and would take a couple of centons to regroup in any type of formation. Tracking Control estimated that the Callisto had taken out about 40 percent of the force in that brief span, partly due to direct hits on several of the shielded Raiders. Sheba suspected that the Cylons would think twice before they used those again.

Overall, the Callisto's forces had taken out something over 100 Raiders. Usually, the Cylons would withdraw on losing between 25 and 33 percent of their attack forces. Of course, this just never know.

Now, she ordered the Callisto back into the heart of the space battle. By her calculations, they had less than 20 centons to get their crews back aboard and escape before the next wave of Raiders arrived, and the two Base-Stars were right behind them. That was not a party she planned to attend!


"Ensign Najinn..." turing around to where he was sitting, flabbergasted and searching the lab to see where he went. -oh no! I have already lost 1 *still searching* no 2 patients. please don't let me get written up for this- as I silently prayed for their safety. I am sure they weren't tell the whole truth by seeing the others from the shuttle. But they are warriors to the death it seems. Walking over to help with Mossycat. Seeing her finally in a calm sleep still having coughing fits as her lungs start to recieve the much needed oxygen. Seeing the others as, well a sense of concern for those two. -if these guys are this bad, then what about the ones who snuck out? what good will they do if they are hacking the whole time?- realizing I must accept my fate I slink over to where Holodoc and Doc are working on a miner from the shuttle. Taking a deep breath and swallowing all fear but knowing it must be done.

"Uhm Holodoc, Doc... uh well hhhmm how does one say this...*nervous giggle* never mind. -seeing all the blood remember I faint easily-" -I will deal with this on my own! taking off in a run after the two escapees from sick bay. It was easy to catch up to Cain. Najinn was still ahead of them. Grabbing Cain's arm.
"now where do you think you are going??"jarrynn asked, almost demanded. thinking only of his own safety and life.


Alright Najinn & Cain, I saw you two sneak out of sickbay. You get your tales back here right this minute for the final check by me or the Doctor & that's an Order! Very little gets by me in situations like this.

Jarrynn: Good work on taking care of their eyes.

Lt Holodoc
Head Nurse
Gold Squadron


Cylon warriors are stronger than humans, but they are slower. Their advantage comes in the fact that they don't need rest in the sense that humans do. As such, their reaction times generally stay the same throughout an extended battle. On the other hand, as humans tire, their reactions slow and become less sharp. As this happens in battle, the advantage slowly begins to swing toward the robotic race....

* * *

Silver Spar's warriors had been flying for several centars. On coming into the battle zone, their ships were operating on limited fuel, since they had been on turbos for much of the trip from the Galactica to the Callisto. Now, they found that they could not refuel as originally planned, and most of the Warriors were tired and stiff. They had already lost four of their number to the enemy, and Captain Buellah was urging his tiring warriors to stay together. The Callisto had completed a turn and was coming back this way. His wings would begin to land and refuel as soon as it arrived.

"This is Spar Leader, QuickSilver and SilverSpur wings, move toward the Callisto, then cut and cross back across our middle group. Take out as many as--"

"AAAAYYYYYHHH!!!" SilverSpur Two, one of the newer ensigns flying in battle for the first time, cut a little too sharply across the front of SilverSpur Leader. Both had to jerk hard on the stick to pull out in time. Spar Leader could barely see the action, and started to shout, "Lookout!" when a trio of Cylons shot past from about 60 degrees out of plane. The lances of light hit both Vipers directly, killing the Warriors immediately, and turning the Vipers into firey balls of rapidly separating molten metal. One of the other SilverSpur Warriors incinerated one of the Cylon craft as it tried to escape, but the other two pulled away to try to set up another attack run.

* * *

Captain Lazant, Lieutenant Martinzi, the two other trainers, and four newly promoted Ensigns from the Cadet Corps had blasted out of the Callisto a few centons earlier. Operating as a single wing, hastily code named Dasher for the way they had had to dash into the battle, they had already succeeded in taking out two Raiders. Now, however, things were coming apart.

Lieutenant Martinzi, on the far end of the wing, screamed at his young wingman, a young woman named Spritina, "Twist right, full spiral, and pull--" The explosion that had been Ensign Spritina cut Martinzi like a knife. She had been promising, but she had needed another couple of sentons to be ready to even think about going into battle, much less a maelstrom such as this. He cut around, swinging in behind Dasher Six, since Seven was now scattered through space. He didn't even notice the tear on his cheek as he prepared to shoot at the next enemy ship.

* * *

Within a few short centons, Silver Spar Squadron lost six more Warriors. Captain Buellah was now worried that with the condition of his men and women, he might not have anyone left at the end of this fight. Seeing a break, he ordered his Warriors to pull back and regroup. The Callisto was coming into the midst of the fray, and might buy them a few microns to make themselves effective again.


Randrius broke off from the main group and headed toward another fray. Dasher wing was engaged by twice there number of Raider and they needed help. His first shots caught a Raider pursuing Lazant. Without a word, he dived into the fray. Two Cylon swung in on his tail as one.
"OK, you little bastards, catch me if you can."
He hit his turbos and went into a tight starboard turn. He rolled and sideslipped to port, then dived, entering a corkscrew spin as he did so. Half on instinct, he found a Cylon's tail and vaporized him. At his arrival it had been fifteen on seven. As he left, it was now eight on seven.
He heard Captain Lazant transmit a thank you, which he acknowledge. Now he hit his turbos and tried to catch up to the Black's again. Maybe even pick off a couple of Raiders that now trailed them.


Black Ice wing had done damage to the enemy, but so far had taken little in return. On Lieutenant Lucian's scanner, he saw a large and reassembled group of Raiders coming in from behind the Callisto. Veering off sharply, Black Ice stabbed into the oncoming enemy, as some other Warriors defended the landing bay area on the other side of the ship.

With the fire from the rear of the Callisto providing cover, the group of six Black Squadron Warriors approached at a relatively sharp angle from below the plane of the incoming Raiders, before shallowing out to fire at the few Raiders that peeled off to meet their attack. Laser fire lanced out from both sides, with the Raiders fluttering their “wings” in an attempt to prevent a targeting lock, and the Viper pilots twisting their craft to keep the Cylons from locking on to them. Lieutenant Lucian was disappointed to see only six opposing Raiders; in his opinion, Black Ice wing wasn’t getting the respect it deserved, and the Cylons would have to pay for the slight, and pay quickly. Unfortunately, the Cylon commanders had evidently ordered most craft to pursue the Callisto instead of taking on the interceptors. That means, Lucian thought, they are probably learning to combat us more effectively. Well, we’ll just have to be a little more creative! “Black Ice,” he said to the wing, “180 high twist, 20 degrees offset, blasting on the pullout. Wings, stay with your lead. Ice Two,” he said to Wendy, “hang on, we’ll be exposed if they counter just right. Now!”

Lasers blazing, the two groups swept through each other. Lieutenant Stadia nailed one Cylon, but other than that, everyone on both sides avoided everyone else’s fire for the pass. The Vipers immediately went into their climb. As they went through the maneuver, their scanners suddenly lit up, indicating that a second group had peeled off and were coming straight for their pullout position. They pulled out early, completely out of position, but safe to start another attack setup all over again. And that, Lucian thought, seeing that his entire flight wing was safe and reasonably in order, is the way of combat. So Black Ice turned once more, and shot off after the rest of the Cylon attack force to try yet again.

* * *

The Dashers had not fared well in the last few centons since receiving help from Ensign Randrius. Despite giving as well as they had taken, Captain Lazant knew that for Colonial Warriors, that was not good enough. Lieutenant Resonat was now his wing, and Lieutenant Martinzi and one of the young Ensigns whose name he could not even remember at the moment, were all that was left of his group. Martinzi was currently shouting that he had one on his tail, and where was Dasher Four? Captain Lazant came around in time to see the Raider and fire at almost precisely the same time the Cylon did. Lazant flew through the fiery remains of the Cylon a micron later. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the explosion of Lieutenant Martinzi’s Viper. Hitting his comm., he called, “Mar-tin-zi! Frell! Did anyone see if Martinzi ejected?” Before he could give a coordinate, his craft was rocked by fire from more incoming Cylons, he had to turn to deal with them, to draw them away from the area where he hoped the C.O.R.A. would find a defenseless, but intact, ejection co*ckpit.

Martinzi was dazed and disoriented. He flipped the small switch to activate his homing beacon, in hopes that a C.O.R.A. drone could be dispatched to bring him home. He killed his helmet lighting, since there was an old story that told of a Warrior who was picked off in his ejection co*ckpit due to the Cylon spotting the dim lighting. He hit his comm, but got no response.

With Cylon and Colonial craft zooming all around, with lasers firing, he now knew that he would have to be very lucky to be picked up at all. His ejection co*ckpit might would function for up to several cycles, but he knew that the Callisto would not be here anywhere close to that long.

It would take even more than he knew to be rescued, however, since his homing beacon had been damaged by the explosion. He waited silently, dying slowly, not knowing that no one would ever know his fate.


Through all the cross firing, and concentrating closely, on following her wing, Ensign Wendy,blew the hair from her eye's her body was aching and tired, how much more of this could she take, with little sleep, (due to excitement and partying with her former cadet friends) as a fully fledged fighter pilot she didn't expect to jump into the co*ckpit on her first day, let alone fly for what it seemed like centons fighting the tiresome cylons. all she wanted to do was get back to her bunk and catch up on some sleep.
Out the corner of her eye she thought that she had seen a small missile leave the burn up of the Viper that had just taken a hit, "eh Lt have I just imagined it, was that an ejection from a co*ckpit I have just seen?" At the same time, she heard Lazant’s call about Martinzi, but no location.
"Let’s hope, Wendy. Where did you see it?" asked the Lieutenant
"There on the right I thought I saw a flash from that Viper we have just lost" as she looked over she saw a faint glow from the interior light then, as she was just about to mention the glow, the light extinguished with this she thought that's it i'm loosing my mind i'm seeing lights that disappear, but with her intuition she knew what it really was, it was Lt Martinzi, who had ejected from his burning craft, she had just finished the study time on safety from the co*ckpit, as she was going to speak again, Lucian was on the com link to the Callista,
Pilot needs assistance, pilot needs assistance, he gave the co-ordinates over to the Callista, so that a CORA could be disptched to collect the fallen pilot.

Lets hope that it was not too late for the poor man or woman that was out there in the dark waiting for assistance, just the thought made Wendy shiver, could she get used to this unecessary figting she had never known peace time, but she could never realise why the fighting had to be so, all she wanted was peace and her next sleep period.


After running to catch up with Lieutenant Cain. He was easier to catch than Najinn. Grabbing his arm, Ensign Jarrynn still out of breath, demanded -out of fear-
"Where do you think you are going?" Seeing the need to go in Cain's eyes, I released his arm, resigned and sighed. Placing a gentle hand on his arm,
"Please if you start to feel worse promise me" *looking at Lieutenant Cain in the eyes* "promise me you will return immediately. You are no good to us if you are sick in your Viper. And just make sure you and Najinn are wearing your dark sheilds. Don't worry about me. If I get written up, well that is my worry... just don't play hero if you are seriously sick." Against my better judgement, I let go of Lieutenant Cain's arm. "Just be careful and report back the moment this is over!!!" I watch him run to catch up to Najinn. I hope this descision I made won't come back to haunt me. I hope Doc will understand. Heading back to sickbay to help out, I hope I just didn't sign their death sentences.


The following was inspired from posts by Skyler (th. 472) and Charybdis (th. 474)! Also Randius’s postings too! Good going guys!


For kicks, written this from inside Lieutenant Amy’s head, picking up the events as Amy and Skyler head to the Callisto to refuel…


Randius sure was kicking tail out there! And I needed it right at that moment. Gratefully I swung around and headed for the Callisto to refuel. Skyler indicated that the spreader tank that was still stubbornly clinging to the bottom of my Viper wouldn’t be in the way when I would land. Callisto flight command seconded that opinion, so towards the bay I went.

On final approach, I saw an explosion off to one side. Randius was still with us, protecting Skyler and me as we came in. Thank you, Randius! After the long mission to Shonada Delta, and now the raging battle, the break for refueling would be a welcome relief. I felt sore all over.

I landed the bird without a hitch, and taxied over to the refueling area. The techs there gave me a look. “We can’t service you now”; one of them called out as I raised the canopy. “We’re only refueling Vipers that are undamaged!” He was looking at the mangled tank underneath my Viper.

“Grab the fracking thing and twist it off”, I snapped at him. “I’m going back out. Refuel me”. He looked at me doubtfully, then called several other techs over. One began the fueling operation; the other two disappeared underneath my ship. It began to rock, and I guess they were really trying to twist it off. I busied myself with my co*ckpit readouts, and tried to take a closer look at the stubborn joystick.

The first tech popped his head up. “It ain’t coming off, Lieutenant”; he said shaking his head. “It’s like the thing was welded there”.

“Forget it”, I replied. “I’ll take it out like it is”. The tech just nodded. Things were too crazy at the moment to haggle about it. He moved on to another Viper. Skyler’s Viper. It had taxied up next to mine. The techs got on it fast, beginning the refuel routine.

Skyler hopped out and came over to my Viper. Good! I’d welcome the chance to offer thanks and blessings. "Amy, are you ok? I noticed your Viper died for a centon”, Skyler asked. I offered a few words to downplay the felgercarb my Viper had put me through. Skyler continued: "Amy, you can not go fight if you can not count on this Viper. Grab another one, or get the tech to start on it now. I don't want you out there to be a target for the tin cans. You are too good a warrior, and friend for that."

I just nodded, and Skyler hopped down off of the wing, and headed back to his ship. I admit he looked pretty concerned, and I’m sure he was, but I wasn’t in the mood for more of the same: people telling me what I could or couldn’t do. I didn’t want to snap at Skyler, so I didn’t say anything. Truth was, my impatience was getting to me again. I didn’t need this fracking Viper acting up. It had nearly got me killed. But I couldn’t turn my back on my brothers out there, and get out of fighting on a stinking technicality. Back in his Viper, Skyler fired his turbos and was gone. Good luck, Skyler.

I looked down at my mischievous joystick, and fiddled with it while refueling continued. When I looked up, I saw Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis heading my way. Oh, great! Another one who’s going to tell me what I can’t do! I know the look I gave him. I looked like I got caught doing something I shouldn’t be doing. Actually, from my reflection on the dials of the co*ckpit, I looked like hell. I’d been half a heartbeat from death, so I guess I wouldn’t look like a glamour queen right about now anyway.

Looking into Charybdis’s eyes, I saw something I hadn’t noticed before. It was a look of pride that I’d longed for from the Lieutenant Colonel. Just a little approval. Just to be accepted as a warrior on my own merit. At that moment, I finally got it! Unexpectedly, a few tears began to well up in my eyes. I didn’t want to tell him right then, but when I was headed for eternity out there, thoughts of him were the ones I was taking with me.

He reached up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Amy, thank the Lords you're safe! You can't go back out there. This Viper is in no condition to fly. The techs need time with it. Take some time to slow down. You've just gone through a heck of an ordeal." Okay, that sure killed the mood.

I gave him the look of death. I was pretty good at it when it came time to put my foot down about something. I actually think he dreaded the appearance of that look! I gave it to him square in the eyes. "I'm part of Gold Squadron and my squadron is out there fighting to the death. What you order for them, you order for me too." End of discussion.

I watched him wrestle with it a little. He was searching my face with his eyes, and I couldn’t tell really what he was looking for in it. A look of resignation crossed over his face. "Frack, I'm not going to be able to stop you, am I?" Bingo! The look wins again.

I shook my head at him. No way.

He looked down the launch tube. I looked too, and could see the flashes of the battle that still raged outside. He looked back at me after a micron, and a different look passed briefly over him. It almost looked wistful. Then he grew determined. "Amy, follow me" he said. I nearly shot back, “Oh no, I’m not falling for that one”, but I didn’t. I knew somehow that he wasn’t pulling a fast one on me to keep me from launching. I got up, taking his hand for help in climbing down.

He led me down the launch prep area, his hand still firmly in mine. We stopped near the end, where some pristine Vipers stood. "Jump in Battlestar ben's ship," he said, releasing my hand after a pause. I gave him a look of thanks, and ran up to the waiting Viper. I regretted Ben not being here to fly it himself. “Don’t worry, Ben”, I thought, trying to mentally send him a message, wherever he was. “I’ll take care of your Viper” [note, it is believed that Ben crashed a borrowed Viper!].

I stood with one foot in the co*ckpit, and took the opportunity to remove my helmet for a second. It felt like I’d worn it for a yahren. I ran a hand through my hair, smoothing it back before putting the helmet back on. As I jumped into the Viper, I looked down to where I expected Charybdis to be, but he wasn’t standing next to Ben’s Viper! He had climbed into the next one over! Our eyes met, and I gave him a little smile.

" Amy, stick on my wing and we'll be alright. Prepare to launch!" Charybdis’s voice crackled through my COM system. After a moment, he shouted "Launch!"

I hit the three turbo buttons, and launched down the tube. The delay that I was getting used to on my own Viper wasn’t present in Ben’s, and I got pounded back into my seat a bit more forcefully than usual. Ahead of me I could see the stars, and in a moment I was among them. As we cleared the ship, Charybdis executed a roll to the right, and I was right there beside him. At that moment, it felt like that was where I’d always be.


Man! It felt great to be behind the stick of a Viper again. It had almost been a yahren since my last recon patrol, but the time away had not been for nought. I had spent a considerable time in the simulators. Still, there's nothing to take the place of actually being out there...and to get right into a battle!

Amy stuck on my wing as we made our way past the rear of the Callisto. Strafing attacks were being made by some Cylon raiders from behind as they tried to land bombs into the landing bays. The one vulnerable area of any battlestar is the entrance to the bays. Once they are hit, then the Vipers cannot land to reload or refuel. Since we had almost all of our Vipers in the battle, I decided to stick close to the battlestar to make absolutely sure that the bays stayed clear. I told Amy my plan to stay above the rear end of the Callisto and when any raiders came from behind, we would circle around to nail 'em before they knew what him 'em!

Several times they came and on all occasions, we managed to shoot down at least one. My reflexes were good, not the greatest, but they served me well. I was really surprised with Amy. I remember one run when we came in behind the raiders, one split off from the group and tried to pinwheel behind us. She pulled off straight up and looped over him so that as he tried to line us up, I was already gone and Amy swooped in on him from behind and sent him to smithereens!! She was really showing what she could do. As I knew before we launched, she was doing just fine and she showed the true spirit of a Colonial Warrior. I would make sure to tell her that once this was all over. We could get back to some sanity again...

We had lost a few Warriors in the battle, damn good Warriors. But overall, we were holding our own and even turning the tide. Machines will never be a match for humans, no matter how many they throw at us. We'll be waiting for them every time!

I could already see some of the Cylon wings begin to turn back toward their baseships... the baseships!! Holy Frack!!! Even with depleted numbers they will get the chance to refuel and start another attack. We will have to finish this up, land everyone aboard the Callisto and get the frack out of here before the Cylons come back.

I began to round up some of the Silver Spar pilots into a flight wing as the battle wound down. It was time to start thinking about heading home.

It seems that we would live to fight another day, but the tinheads sure gave us a black eye this time.

I led Amy and the rest of the pilots in a perimeter sweep to keep any other Cylon stragglers at bay, that way we could finish up near the Callisto and have a clear shot at landing.

THere was still some hot fighting in and around the ship, but Gold and Black squadrons seemed to have it under control.

It was a fine day for the Warriors! Now we had to recover and regroup to fight another day!


"We've done all we can do from here," Captain Brie infomed the group that was with her. "Let's head back over to the main battle." "Roger, Captain," MaraJade replied. They had done their best to keep some of the Cylon Raiders away from the Callisto. Brie was pleased with the way that the new ensigns were handling themselves, the mixing of new and more experienced warriors seemed to be working.

As Brie tried to turn her Viper, she felt a slight hesitation. She refused to believe that there was anything wrong with her Viper. Sure, she had taken a hit earlier, but it had been responding ever since. She tried another quick turn, there was another hesitation. "Captain, are you all right?" Mara asked. Brie realized that she must have looked silly, turning around for no apparent reason. "I'm fine, Ensign," Brie lied. "Just checking the controls. Can never be too careful."

Soon they were back in the thick of the battle. Things finally seemed to be on their side, but there were enough Cylons around to not relax quite yet. The more she fought, the more Brie realized that there was indeed something wrong with her Viper. The hesitation was growing worse. "Gall monging Cylons," Brie muttered under her breath as another raider exploded in front of her. "Captain, check rear scan," Mara suggested. Sure enough, there were three raiders on their tails, and no one close enough to save them. "When I count to three, hit reverse thrusters," Brie said calmly. "One...two...three!" Both Brie and her wing hit reverse. Brie could tell from her scanner that MaraJade was now safely behind the raiders. Unfortunately for Brie, the hesitation had occurred again.


Not seeing Brie make it back from the reverse thrust, MaraJade panicked! (Did the cylons get her before she made it back?!) Getting angry over this, MaraJade went after them with a vengance. After taking the first one out, she could see Brie's Viper just sitting there. Seeing the fumes coming from the hit she took earlier, she knew this was not good! Taking care of the other two, she pulled up along side Brie's Viper. Seeing her through the canopy, Brie was not looking very good. She was leaned over and it looked bad. Sensing the calmness around her, Brie looked up and shook her head as if clearing her vision. Then it looked like she was gasping.
"Captain, are you ok?"Mara asked with more concern then she wanted to come out. (Does she know how bad it really is?)
"Ensign, the hit earlier did more damage than we thought. The Viper refused to manuver and I got hit again. There's a fuel smell in here. Man my head is killing me!!"Reaching up and touching her head she realized she was bleeding."Mara I am bleeding.And I can't see straight. I am not sure I will get back in one piece." MaraJade's concern hightened! She had to move quick! Changing her comm channel to the Calisto.
"Ensign MaraJade to Calisto! Mayday! Captain Brie is hit and injured. Injuries consist of head lession which is bleeding and blurred vision, also there is a fume in the co*ckpit and causing dizziness. Permission to bring her in?!"
"Calisto to Ensign MaraJade....bring her in! Will report to Med Lab to let them know to expect her." Changing her comm again,
"Ok Captain, Calisto said to bring you in. Come on nice and easy I will stay with you the whole time. I will NOT leave my wing. That is one thing I learned in the academy. So let's say we take these birds home?" After many close calls and scarey moments, both Vipers landed. Helping Brie out of her ship and letting the techs deal with her Viper, MaraJade looked around. No sign of the Medical group yet. I am not waiting around! Grabbing Brie's arm and taking her weight on with her, MaraJade took her down to the sick bay. After handing her over to Holodoc and Jarrynn, and after many reassurances that she will be ok, MaraJade headed back to report in and await further orders. (Atleast Brie is alive! Thank the Lords of Kobol! It could have been worse!)


Captain Brie knew that she was lucky to be alive. But she also realized that they all were. She wanted more than anything to get back in the battle, she figured a little oxygen and a bandage were all she needed. But she also knew better than arguing with the medical staff. Even if she DID outrank most of them, they could still write her up.

Brie looked at her new friend MaraJade. They had saved each other's lives countless times that day. Brie wanted to thank her, but she also knew it was all part of being a warrior. Mara had a proud yet worried look on her face. "Ensign," Brie said, realizing it hurt to talk. "Yes, Captain?" Mara said. Brie smiled weakly. "Get back to your Viper. There's still a battle to be won." "Yes Captain," Mara replied and walked towards the door. As it closed behind her, Brie quietly mumbled, "thanks." She didn't know whether or not MaraJade had heard.


Head Nurse Lt Holodoc got started on treating Capt Brie's injuries. Holodoc started out by getting some oxygen to Capt Brie & then started cleaning away the dried blood to get a better look at the head injury. It didn't take long with some help from Ensign Jarrynn even though she was a little quisy around blood. Lt Holodoc then started to seal the wound & bandage it. Holodoc had Capt Brie stay in Med Lab for awhile longer for obersavation & for the Doctor to take a look once she arrived back in Med Lab before giving the final release.


Randrius was flying like one possessed. He and his Viper were one, his Viper like an extra appendage, sensors like extra eyes, and turbolasers like a new pair of fists.
He dodged and weaved through the furball around the Callisto. His kill number, though he didn't know this at the moment, was well over a dozen. Two Cylons came in his aft and he reacted, but not soon enough. One of the Raiders shot scored near his engine, smoke began to flood his co*ckpit and his systems diagnostics lit up like a fireworks display before the Viper went dead.
He pulled a lever that activated the secondary generator he had put in yahrens before, but never used, he was suddenly glad he had it.
He studied his computer as the ship came back on-line. There was signifigant damage to his sensors and his turbos were out. He also had a slow fuel leak.
This was not good, but it wasn't bad enough to go in. He decided against retreating. Instead, he whirled his craft around, attempting to get back in his groove. His fire nailed the guilty party, turning them into a spectacular fireball.
"Hurt, but not out, buddy."


Skyler had no problem bustin raiders apart. They were everywhere. In fact, you didn't have to aim to hit one, just hold the fire button down.

As Skyler was banking to locate a new target, he saw Randrius take a hit. He pointed his Viper in that direction and kicked in the turbos. Before he got in range, he saw Randrius's Viper come back to life, and blast the approaching raider. He smiled for a second before he noticed two raiders approaching from his right side. Not enough time, so he lined up with them straight, holding turbos and firing.

Skyler destroyed the first one a micron, while the second took a sucide run on his Viper. Skyler kept firing, but this one appered to have sheilds. A micron before they were to smash into each other the raider's sheilds failed, and erupted into a supernova. Skyler held the controls steady as he passed through the fire/debris feild, peices of the raider slamming into his ship. It took a micron for the spots to clear, and he was off hunting Cylons again.

He made several more passes taking out 4 more raiders before having to refuel. Once in the landing bay the tech were at it again. Just as they were finished refueling one of the tech's approached with something in his hand.

Skyler raised his canopy..

"Hey Lieutenant Got a present for ya." and he tossed something shiney up to the co*ckpit.
"Found it embedded in you underbelly, didn't damage anything, you are ready for launch."

Skyler looked caught the object gave the thumbs up, closed the canopy, and looked at the shiney peice of scrap and thought to himself. *Man that was too close*
He then opened a small storage compartment and stowed the scrap peice of Cylon Helmet Armor the tech had pulled from his Viper, and launched to collect some more.


As she watched the sickbay crew work on her Captain, and new friend, she hoped that Brie would be ok. Hearing her speak thru the pain, telling to go back to fight on, MaraJade turned and headed out. For a moment she thought she heard a whispered thanks. Smiling to herself, she murmured " you're welcome get well." Hanging her head as she walked along the halls, listening to the sounds of her boots on the metal floors. For the first time since coming to the Calisto she felt alone. She had been alone most of her life, fighting just to get into the academy, then she found herself under Brie's wing. Silence hung heavy in the air. Climbing back into her Viper, realizing she would now fight on her own, unless there was someone needing a wing. Shaking her head, "nope it's just you and me kid," she said almost sadly. Putting her helmet back on, signaling the techs she was ready.
"Core command, Ensign Jarrynn ready to launch. Awaiting any orders." (I will get them for you, that's a promise, Captain. Here's hoping I can cover my own butt.)


"Raiders in range in four centons, Commander. Over 50 percent of the previously engaged Raiders have been destroyed or withdrawn. Base-Stars in range in six centons," the scanner operator said.

Commander Sheba ordered, "Halt all launches immediately. Our warriors are to disengage the Raiders as quickly as possible and return to the Callisto. We must be out of here in three centons. Are the calculations nearly complete?" Receiving an affirmative, the asked, "How are those C.O.R.A.'s doing? Do we have all our people who ejected?"

"Yes, Comman--"

The explosions rocked the ship! Two Raiders, successfully slipping through the protective laser fire, slammed their craft into the side of the Callisto, ending their mechanical lives in an attempt to disable the Battlestar. While their attempt did not succeed, firefighters were immediately dispatched to the damaged section. Several of the remaining Vipers were fighting off the last few Raiders in range capable of performing similar feats.

"Damage control reports no serious structural damage, although there are several casualties in the area, Commander. We can move to the jump location as soon as our Warriors are on board," Major CureMode reported.

"As soon as those last few are aboard, we jump from the newly computed location instead of the designated jump site. We just don't have time to get there before those Raiders arrive, with the Base-Stars pulling up right behind them," Sheba said. In her mind, she was thinking about the Base-Stars coming in much faster than had originally been calculated. Sensor/tracking interface would have to be updated immediately. "Tell those reluctant-to-disengage Warriors, they have less than two centons to be aboard if they don't want to be left behind, permanently!"


This is Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis.

Disengage and return to Callisto at once. Return to Callisto at once!!!

Get to the nearest landing bay to get clearance. Land at once!

Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis


Skyler had just gotten back to the thick of battle. Targeting a Cylon Raider and vaporizing it. He banked to find another when the orders cracked across his comm system.

"Callisto to all Warriors, return to the Callisto now. We depart in 2 Centons. If you are not onboard you will be left behind."

A single word escaped his lips. "Frack!"

"Why now" thought Skyler "we have the tin heads on the run."
"I hate having to tuck tail and run, but the Commander knows what she is doing."

Skyler turned his Viper in the direction of the Callisto, and kick his turbos. Smiling as his targeting scanners pick up a lone raider between him and the Callisto.

"Trying to sneak through are you" His targeting computer locked on and the Vipers laser cannons lashed out and turned the craft in a fireball.

Skyler approached the landing bay. Looking to make sure there weren't any damaged Vipers needing to land first, he signaled his approach and landed. The tech quickly moved his Viper to the side to make room for the next returning Warrior.


MaraJade was ready to launch again, when she heard the orders to return. Climbing out of her Viper as quickly as possible to allow the tech to move it out of the way for the returning warriors. Walking a little more faster this time, she went back to the sickbay. Finding Brie, sleeping with the oxygen still going to make sure she is ok and a bandage on her head. Upon her walking up Brie, opened her eyes and managed a smile that turned to confusion after looking around.
"Captain, they are calling all Vipers back, so I didn't get a chance to go back out," (which is fine by me-I didn't have anyone to cover my tail). "I thought I would head back in and see how you are. I told you I would not leave my wing." Both women started laughing. "You know they say laughter is the best medicine. Now get some sleep. Hopefully no one will forget I am still on board, and get me some orders or I may end up heading to a bunk and crash. Unless of coarse you have new orders for me?"


On hearing the command to return, Ensign Wendy was just getting her next wave of adrenalin, in her sights between herself and the Lt was a tin headed raider she knew that this shot would have to count, if by any chance she missed this crucial hit, she would have lost her first partner on her first mission,
sweat glistened on her forehead and creases of concentration was written over her face, on firing the round of lasers there was an explosion so intense it appeared to have warmed her face, in an instant her vision was wiped away by the intensity of the fire, her heart missed a beat,
"oh frack iv'e shot the Lt as well, has Lucian got any family, will I have to meet his grieved mother, wife, child, by the lords of Kobol what have I done."
God shooting Ensign said the Lt over the com link, then as her vision cleared, she noticed that his Viper was banking to the right.Lets get back to the Callisto before they leave with out us. stated Lucian.
Yes Sir exhaled the Ensign, she would not have to be the bearer of bad news to Lucian's family afterall.
Clearance was given to land on Alpha deck, once out of the co*ckpit with knees shaking the young Ensign met the Lt for the first time and was relieved to know that he was just as shook up as she was, well now she said to the others gathered around what do we do now?


Randrius heard the recall order, "Frack!"
He knew that he would need help. "Randrius here, anyone nearby, I need cover. My turbos are dead and I'm gonna take awhile.
He put his engines to full power and headed back to the Callisto, keeping a nervous eye on his sensor read-out. Three Raiders looped in toward.
"I need help now!!!!" he hollered as the first enemy shots blazed past his craft. He dodged and weaved his best, only spectacular evasive flying was keeping him from becoming a fireball.

Seconds later, Randrius was thrown back into his seat when his turbos reconnected abruptly.
"Oh, thank you baby, I love you too," He patted his Viper lovingly.

Minutes later, he landed and emerged into what amounted to a sea of pilots. 'I'll be damned, I made it,' he thought.


As Doc was rushing a serious burn victim to med lab he noticed Cain & Najiin rushing by. She gave it no thought but continued on her way. Another burn victim was close behind and time was of the essence. When the other burn victim arrived Doc requested Nurse Holodoc to help with the cleaning of the damaged areas. "These wounds need to be cleanned before I can assess what degree of burns we are working with." "By the way, I'm glad to see that you are not afraid to let those warriors know who is in control here in this Med Lab." Holodoc smiled as both she and Doc shot a glance over to a very guilty looking Cain & Najiin.
We'll have another look at them when we are finished here. Till then let them stew a little." Doc and Nurse Holodoc proceeded to work on the burn victims.

Ensign Jarryn was checking on the patients who had breathed noxious gas into their lungs. Lieutenant Mossycat seemed to be doing much better. Her coughing was down to a minimum and her breathing seemed to be less hindered. Doc was considering taking her off the oxygen soon to see if her lungs could handle it alone. Lieutenant Krissy and Lieutenant Battlestar Ben were stable but it was the two miners who were of the most concern to Doc. She was concern that the gas had already eaten through a major portion of their lungs. Recovery would be long in coming, if at all. If only Charybdis had made sure a med tech was aboard for this mission !! Accidents will happen ,yes, but had a med tech been along some of these injuries would not be as severe as they are!! Something had to be done and in Docs'
mind she already knew what she was going to do!!!!


It is by regulations that all away teams must have a med-tech aboard. Who the frack was in charge of the mission and why wasn't a Med-tech assigned?

Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis


Captain Brie was glad that Ensign MaraJade had come back to sick bay. Brie felt weak, but better. More than anything she felt foolish that she was there when there were REAL patients that the medical staff should have been attending to.

"I guess we'll need to find you a bunk," Brie told Mara. "You signed on in the middle of our expansion for Gold Squadon barracks. Lieutenant Amy will be able to..." Brie never finished her sentence. She knew that Amy had been in trouble during the battle. It dawned on her that she didn't know if Amy had made it. She didn't know WHO in her squadron was still alive.

"Actually, there's something you can do for me," Brie said to Mara in a hushed tone. "I need to get up to the bridge."

"But, Captain, you're wounded," MaraJade reminded her.

"Nothing more than a bump on the head," Brie replied. "I'm sure they would have released me by now, but they have people who actually need medical attention around here. Besides, they need to prepare for the new wounded who are sure to be arriving. They don't need to be falling over me."

"Are you sure?" Mara asked. Brie nodded. "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

"Just cover for me if anyone comes in here," Brie said. "It should just be for a few centons. Keep Holodoc and Jarrynn busy."

"How?" Mara asked.

Brie smiled. "I've heard you're quite a prankster, you'll think of something." She slipped on her jacket and headed out the door.
"I'm sure they would have released me by now, but they have BEEN TOO BUSY WITH people who actually need medical attention around here.


Captain Brie, just where do you think you are going without getting final clearance from the doctor? You seem to of forgotten that Ensign Najinn & Lt Cain couldn't sneak out on me without me know about it & neither can you. I suggest you think it over again before heading out & not checking with the doctor first.

Lt Holodoc
Head Nurse
Gold Squadron


I am pleased to announce that two new Ensigns have signed on and have been assigned aboard the Battlestar Callisto!

Please welcome Ensign Kris (who is Ensign Jarrynn's sister and goes by the scifi username of MedievalSong) and Ensign Anubis (who goes by the scifi username of walksallroads).

And in a surprising move, BOTH new Warriors are hereby assigned to serve under Cpt. Joey in Black Squadron.

Looks like the Black Squadron recruiting channel is operational again, eh?

Welcome our newest Warriors! Where were they in the middle of the fight? It's about time!!!

Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis


Welcome to the Callisto!

Ensigns Kris and Anubis,

Welcome aboard! Always glad to welcome new folks to our crew.

As for the Lieutenant Colonel's question about where the new ensigns were in the middle of the fight, they must have been with the Dashers!

Lieutenant LucianG,
Black Squadron,
Battlestar Callisto


WELCOME TO BLACK SQUADRON (the ELITE of the fleet!) !!!

You will be very, very happy here!


Ens. BatGal
Black Squadron (The not-so-few-anymore, but still proud!)
Battlestar Callisto


Hiya Anubis and Kris, welcome to black squadron, hey i'm not the newest Ensign on the block now, good to have you both aboard.
meet you in the rising star sometime.


Welcome aboard, you two. I say this out of character since I am currently in one hell of a furball with no turbos. *Sigh* Oh well, welcome to the best squad in the fleet.

Ensign Randrius
Black Squadron
Battlestar Callisto


Hi to all and I am glad to be part of the Black Squadron! So after reading post 498 obviously I am already hit!! Did anyone think as to how my TWIN is going to handle this?? If not check out her post!! lol =) She is going to freak!!! lol Also I need the help from Black Squadron!!!I will post a seperate one for this so please read it!!

well I hope to be out of sick bay soon!! or hey come visit me!!

Ensign Kris


The last Vipers had disengaged and landed aboard the Battlestar Callisto. Immediately on being informed, Commander Sheba ordered, "Bring us to flank speed, to the jump point, and engage at will."

The Cylon Raiders closing in on the Callisto suddenly were left far behind as the Battlestar engaged the light drive ["Alderson drive"--see previous comments]. Within a micron, the Callisto was gone, on her way to a new uncharted system.

Sheba looked around the bridge. There were a number of faces missing. "We are going into definitely uncharted territory, traveling to a different system than we'd even planned as our contingency. We must have damage and casualty reports from all areas as quickly as possible. It looks like we'll have about seven cycles before we arrive, and the next system could be even more hostile than this one," she said. "Let's get to it folks, I want a full status report in 50 centons. Also, please locate Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis. I thought I heard his voice on the Viper frequency a centon ago."

* * *

In Landing Bay Beta, Captain Lazant and Lieutenant Resonat met the last surviving ensign of their wing, Ensign Anubis. The young ensign had done well in the battle. Most of all, Anubis had survived. Lazant was surprised when a tech ran up to him. "Captain," the tech said, "Ensign Kris was picked up by one of the C.O.R.A.’s! She’s been rushed to the Med Lab for some minor treatment. The medtech said she should be fine.”

Lazant asked, “How is Martinzi?”

“Sir, I haven’t seen the Lieutenant. Was he injured?”

“What do you mean, was he injured? He had to eject, and a C.O.R.A. was dispatched to pick him up. Where is he?” Captain Lazant demanded.

“Sir, I was with search and rescue, sir,” the tech stammered, “and Lieutenant Martinzi was not brought in, sir. At least not to our bay.”

Lazant didn’t even hear the final “sir.” He was already running toward Ops to find out what had happened to his friend.

* * *

In the Shonada system, Lieutenant Martinzi had been greatly relieved when he felt the C.O.R.A. latch on to his ejection co*ckpit. A few centons later, the C.O.R.A. landed on the Callisto. He was a little confused as to why the drone had caught his co*ckpit at such an odd angle; he’d have to discuss it in his next class with the recruits. Still, to be back on board felt wonderful, considering only a few centons before, he didn’t know if he would ever see his friends again!

When the co*ckpit opened, downward of all directions, he released his harness and fell out on the deck. As he started to arise, he was startled to feel the hardness and see the silver gleam of the metallic hands and arms that caught his arms and pulled him upward. Then he saw the single red eye…and screamed.


Doc and Nurse Holodoc had cleaned and treated the burn victims as best as they could for now. Lieutenant Regis was the worst;a simple coating of Silver Sulfadiazin would not accomplish much. It was most imporant at this time that his burns be watched and kept clean. Both patients were started on an IV drip and would be under around the clock survelance. This completed, Doc decided to take a look at Najinn and Cain to see if they could, indeed, be put back on duty.

"So, you both seem to be in a hurry to get back on duty. Regardless of whether or not your eyes have been given a chance to recoup. I'll be the judge of that," Doc said, preceding to examine Cain's eyes. "Hmm," was all she said.

Walking over to Najinn she said, "Next," flashing a small light into his eyes also. "Okay. As Nurse Holodoc has informed you it is very important that you keep wearing these dark glasses. It is my recomendation that you refrain from any flying for at least one more day. I cannot force you to do this but I highly recomend it. You may go."

With that Doc turned and walked towards another patient pausing for a moment and then spinning on her heels to face the exiting pilots, "Wait!" she yelled causing both of the men to turn. "I would like you gentlemen to do me a favor. Would you please inform Charybidis that I need to speak with him as soon as possible," her voice held a sense of urgency. "Please have him set up a meeting with me at his earliest convenience. I have been trying to get in contact with him but with so many things happening I have had little time." The warriors nodded their heads in agreement and walked out of the room in search of Charybidis.

"As far as you, Captin Brie," Doc said waving her finger in her face. "You will not leave this sick bay until I say so! You have recieved a severe blow to the head and I will keep you here under observation until I see fit. Do you understand?"


You tell 'em like it is doctor. Some of the warriors just have to be reminded of who is in charge at times like this.

Lt Holodoc
Head Nurse
Gold Squadron


The ship lurched forward and we were gone. All the remaining Vipers had landed and the injured where whisked away as fast as possible to the Med Labs.

Those of us who were still in one piece jumped out of our co*ckpits and congregated a bit in the landing bays to tell of our experiences.

I congratulated most of the men and women I could see for a job well done. I reminded the flight leaders to have their full reports ready for Cmdr. Sheba to look over. She will definitely want to know about those new Cylon fighters we encountered.

I looked up at Cain's ship and gave it a pat next to the co*ckpit. Cain will be relieved that I didn't get a scratch on her. She's a good one. Very responsive.

I looked over at Amy's ship and she was just opening her co*ckpit. I ran over and asked if she was alright. She nodded and pulled her flight helmet over hear head. I wondered how such a young woman could have such determination and fortitude. How she could be so...

She climbed down from the small ramp that the landing techs attach to the Vipers and almost fell into my arms. She grimaced in pain as she reached down toward her ankle. She must have banged it on the inside of the console during her manouvering in battle. I'd better get her over to sick bay just in case. If it's a serious injury, she shouldn't be walking around on it.

She put her arm around my neck as I helped her to the lift...


"I mean you no disrespect," Brie pleaded to the good doctor. "I've just GOT to get up to the bridge! I need to know what's going on...and who's left."

"Captain," Doc said without backing down. "You've got a head injury, AND," glacing at Ensign MaraJade, "setting a bad example."

Mara, I need your help!


"Doc, did you get my report on the eye exams? Where would you like me to work now?" Ensign Jarrynn asked.

The IL-4 series Cylon known as Smedelin sat in his command chair. The gold command centurion had detailed the Cylon losses, which were appreciable, but not devestating. The Command Centurion continued, "Analysis shows that eight additional Raiders were lost due to the presence of the shields than if they had not been used at all." Smedelin was pleased that he had only equipped a few of his ships with the shielding devices. "Also, Raider BR-743983 reports that the Galactica has 'jumped' out of the system. The bearing has been relayed to navigation. We should know the precise target system within a few centars.”

Smedelin hesitated as if processing the information, with an almost robotic smile that he had made the right choice. Then, he ordered both Base Ships to follow as soon as possible. “Also, as soon as the location is known, send a request via messenger ship to our Imperious Leader for additional Base-Star backup. Don't forget to report on the complete failure of the shielding devices and our intelligent questioning of their effectiveness.” When the gold warrior did not leave, Smedelin asked, “Is there something else, Centurion?”

The Centurion answered, “One other thing, Commander. We have captured one of the Colonial Warriors with a strange emb—”

“We have captured a Colonial and I was not informed?” Smedelin demanded softly in the way that only an IL-4 of his type could. “Bring him to me at once. With the information he will give us, we will crush the Galactica and the Colonials once and for all!”


Note: Most of Chapter 7 was lost when the SciFi Board deleted the posts. The following fragments opened the chapter, followed by a few short synopses and additional recovered fragments….

Lt. Resonat finally had a break to search for Ensign Kris, who had been his wing in the battle. He was proud of his Ensigns Kris and Anubis, who had been his students, but also of the other two young Ensigns who had given their lives in “Dasher Wing” protecting the Callisto. He was particularly proud of Kris, and he arrived in the MedLab to thank her personally and check on her recovery.

Kris saw Lt. Resonat as he approached the bed where she was resting. Her temporary amnesia suddenly cleared. She didn’t remember the actual blow she took when her ejection co*ckpit fired, releasing it from the exploding Viper below her, but she now remembered the battle. She had stayed with Resonat throughout the early part of the battle, taking several shots at the ever-circling horde of Raiders. One of her shots had even hit a Raider—at the same time it was hit by another Warrior, but she was now sure that it had to have been her shot that caused its destruction! She might have been a brand new Ensign during the battle, but she had done her duty to her fellow Warriors and her Battlestar, and now she had a new sense of fulfillment. My! Kris thought. Her old teacher does have a nice smile!

The dark haired Resonat flashed the smile again as he shook her hand and thanked her for sticking with him as long as she did in the battle. “Without you there beside me, I’m sure I’d have been blown to smithereens a couple of times over,” he said. “Together, we gave the bad guys something else to think about so they couldn’t come after one of us alone. When you got in trouble, I was able to take out the first one, but the second one was locked, and he hit you before I smoked him for you. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to him in time, but I’m relieved you’re okay. Now before I quit talking shop and move on to other things, I just want you to know, I’d be glad to give you the last few flight lessons that you missed before your abrupt, but deserved promotion. Now,” smiling again, “since you’re technically not a recruit anymore, can you tell me a little about yourself, Ensign?”

* * *

Descara wailed again, “It hurts, you bastards! Let me out of this infernal place, and take me to Sick Bay where they can make me feel better. Please!!!”

The guards gave a quick call to Lt. Merak, who was in charge of security for the shift. Merak gave permission to take the prisoner, in wrist-to-waist chains only to the Med Lab for treatment. Considering his attitude, Merak said to keep Descara from getting too close to anyone. The prisoner was a nutcase who should be transferred to the prison barge. When we ever catch up with it, he thought.

The guards almost dragged him into the MedLab. “Doc! We’ve got an ill one here! He’s got an acute stomachache, and he’s a mean one. Be careful!” The guards kept him in check as the MedLab personnel decided who would deal with the prisoner.

* * *

He had no clue as to the time, but Lt. Lucian’s ejection co*ckpit computer model had finally worked, and then worked repeatedly under numerous conditions. Of course, there were even more numerous others for which it could never work, but if it could work for some, it might reduce the loss of pilots in a battle by a significant amount (up to about fifteen percent was Lucian’s guesstimate). The modifications were possible aboard the Callisto, so he had fired off a memo to Lt. Titon, copying Commander Sheba and Lt. Colonel Charybdis. Lt. Lucian flipped off the light in the Engineering Lab and headed for his bunk in the Black Squadron barracks. He had to get some sleep before beginning the next round of SIM training at the start of the next cycle.

* * *

Commander Sheba and Lt. Colonel Charybdis meet with the Captains, their seconds, and the surviving top Bridge Officers to review the situation. Following the Battle of Shonada, the Callisto had been forced to flee in a different direction from the rest of the Fleet to throw off pursuit. At the meeting, Sheba was obviously concerned, saying, “We are now alone, without support from other ships, and the fleet is without our protection.” The plan was for the Callisto to jump to a system code named Garrano, quickly find another jump point, and then exit that system as soon as possible before the Cylons arrived. From Garrano, it would be necessary to make a jump to at least one more system before making a final jump to rejoin the fleet. Sheba had continued, “If we are delayed, it may take yahrens to find them.”

The Callisto’s supplies were generally considered to be at a moderate level, though some items were already in short supply since it had not been possible to resupply prior to the Battle of Shonada. Because of the probability of Cylon pursuit, and the possibility of more Cylons in the upcoming systems, Sheba was concerned that it might take more time than planned to overtake the Fleet. Therefore, she ordered immediate additional conservation steps to help stretch the remaining supplies. The selection, and as a result, the quality, of food and drink available was reduced in the mess halls and officers club.

Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis made the announcement to the ship’s company about the conservations steps. In addition, he announced the basic plan regarding how the Callisto would be overtaking the Fleet in the near future, though he did not give the exact details. Since the Callisto must be ready for a fight to the finish if the Cylons get to the next system before the battlestar, he ordered that all Warriors were to participate in Viper simulations. Several SIM shifts were scheduled, and started immediately.

* * *

The Black Squadron SIM training went quite well, with many Warriors participating. The Gold Squadron SIM training was scheduled for just after Black Squadron completed its turn.

* * *

In their off-duty time, a number of Warriors started developing relationships and exploring the battlestar.

* * *

Captain Lazant couldn’t sleep. It was the second sleep period since the battle, and all he could think about was Lt. Martinzi’s death. Being blown to bit by those bastards was one thing, as he had initially believed, but a moment later, seeing what he had believed to be Martinzi’s ejection co*ckpit, he had had great hopes of having his best friend rescued. A later statement that the C.O.R.A.’s had picked up all of the floating ejection co*ckpits had been a huge relief—until, on his return to the Callisto, he found that Martinzi’s loosed co*ckpit had not even been recorded by the bridge personnel! Then, to compound the inanity, the bridge officer who knew about the report of Martinzi’s co*ckpit didn’t even tell Commander Sheba so she could order forces to locate it and a C.O.R.A. to pick it up.

Flipping the light back on, and not having to even say “Sorry” since Martinzi was gone, he looked over the printout of the battle record again. “Why?” he asked again for at least the hundredth time. One name on the list glared at him like a shining beacon. One person could have—NO, make that SHOULD have made a difference but did not. “Why?” he asked himself again for what, he suddenly decided, was the final time. It was time to ask someone who had the power to answer! He slipped on his clothes and boots and headed out the door, going to see that someone.

* * *

The Callisto continued on its long jump to the Garrano system.

Ch. 8 Internal Battles
Note: Part of Chapter 8 was lost when the SciFi Board deleted the posts. Fortunately, we had saved a number of sections, so the following are synopses and recovered text fragments which tell the basic story….>


Captain Lazant’s visit with Commander Sheba had gone even better than he’d expected. While she warned him about his proposed action, she had not been able to refute his evidence, and had allowed him to proceed. Over the next few cycles later, as the Callisto continued its jump to the Garrano system, Lazant investigated fully and finally filed charges against Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis for dereliction of duty related to the abandonment and death of Lazant’s friend, Lieutenant Martinzi.

Charybdis was very surprised and angry at the accusations. He got Science Officer Solon to act as his Protector. Solon, who was approximately 80 yahrens of age, had been involved in legal action for a number of yahrens earlier in his life, but he hadn’t been involved in a real case in nearly 40 yahrens. Solon is not the same individual who had been the Opposer in Starbuck’s tribunal over 20 yahrens ago, and claimed no relationship to that man.

* * *

At the beginning of the Tribunal, Lazant gave his opening statement, and began calling witnesses laying out his case. Major Buellah was named chief Tribune.

Lazant questioned several people from among the Callisto’s Bridge personnel regarding Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis’s actions on the day of the battle.

Next, Lazant called Nurse Holodoc regarding the Lieutenant Colonel’s sleeplessness and medical condition. Then the Tribunal broke for lunch.

* * *

With Black Squadron having completed its simulator exercise, Gold Squadron had its turn starting the same morning as the Tribunal….

* * *


As Captain Brie was about to enter the room where the sims were held, she ran into Lt. Resonat. He looked like it was the last place where he wanted to be. "Lt., " Brie said, "you don't need to be here. I've run these before. And I have a surprise or two planned. So take some time off!" Brie watched as he practically ran out of the room. She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw him take something out of his pocket.

Brie looked at the eight people that she had chosen to take part in the simulator exercise. Lt. Cain was a good friend, her second-in-command, and probably more capable of leading the squadron than she was. He had turned down a promotion to stay with the squadron, a move that Brie didn't fully understand until she had been in the same position. Lt. Ben was young but had proven himself time and time again. Brie didn't know Ensign Conan too well, but he had shown that he was capable. Ensign ThunderWarrior was the newest member of Gold Squadron, his participation in the sim was important, Brie needed to see what he was capable of and how he would react to various situations. Brie glanced at the other four. Lt. Amy and Ensign MaraJade had entered together. Brie and Amy were good friends. Amy had been hiding something, some secret, for awhile. Brie had thought she knew what it was, but after seeing Amy with Najinn at the Officers' Club she wasn't as sure. Ensign Najinn. Brie knew that he was haunted by something. He had become friends with Amy, but the two of them now wouldn't even look at each other. It was obviously uncomfortable, and Brie felt a twinge of guilt at what she was about to do. She glanced at her new friend Ensign MaraJade. Mara hadn't been around long but had certainly livened things up. She stood next to Lt. Skyler, although they didn't look at each other they both had slight smiles on their faces.

"Good, you're all here and on time," Brie started matter-of-factly. "I'm going to be running the excercise, you're going to be in the sims. Quick background, for the purpose of this exercise we're out to destroy a basestar. No problem, right?" Cain and Ben both laughed hard, everyone else remained quiet. "Now, we're not thinking about the Callisto, imagine that Black Squadron is taking care of any raiders that get through, although we don't want them to have to work too hard now, do we?" Cain and Ben both laughed again. Brie was glad that her jokes weren't falling flat for everyone. "Now, I'm going to pair you off, a Lt. and an Ensign. Since Lt. Cain is the most experienced, Ensign ThunderWarrior will be his wing."

MaraJade raised her hand. "Captain," she said quietly, "Am I still your wing?"

"If this were a real battle, yes," Brie replied. "But for the purpose of this exercise I'm back on the Callisto playing Pyramid. And winning big, by the way. So, Mara, since you asked, right now you're Lt. Skyler's wing." Skyler, Mara and Amy all looked at Brie with surprise. She decided not to explain. "Lt. Ben, your wing will be Ensign Conan. That leaves," she paused for a moment, "Lt. Amy and Ensign Najinn." Najinn looked at the floor, Amy raised her hand.

"Captain, a moment alone?" Amy asked. Brie nodded and motioned for Amy to join her on the side, away from the group. "I don't know if it's a good idea to put Najinn and me together."

Brie had seen this coming and knew exactly what she wanted to say. "Lt., you told me that you could handle this. Has that changed?"

"No, Ma'am," Amy said quietly.

"Good," Brie stated. "If you can't handle this in the sim, then you won't be able to handle it in a real battle. You're a good warrior, Lt. You can do this." Brie headed back towards the group and Amy followed. "I want everyone at some time during the exercise today to have command, but we'll start off with Lt. Cain as the leader. Everyone ready?" All eight nodded. "Good, then to your ships."

* * *

Najinn looked at the floor when Capt Brie put him and Amy together in the sim.

Amy had immediately questioned the idea, and this hurt Najin, he was a professional and she was a professional they had to work together, and he thought she understood that. But he also realised how complicated things were and how she must be feeling. He again kicked himself, but he knew why Capt Brie had paired them, she was testing them.

To be honest at Capt Brie saying it was a base star that they were taking down, Najin's mind rushed to the last battle with the Aggi. He had been through a nightmare with that mission and here he had to face those demons in a sim, but whether it was in a sim or not the fact remained he had to face his nightmares. And he thought he could if he was wing to Amy's lead, he completely trusted her.

He looked straight at Amy as she turned back from speaking with Capt Brie;

"Lt, It's ok. This is professional time, you can trust me. We have to be able to work together. You know my mind on this Amy, I have been open and honest with you. We can work this together. I trust you, and I hope you trust me. Friends first and foremost, colleagues and warriors who know our jobs."

He tried to reassure her, and he would prove to her in the sim he could be professional and competent. He had to face his nightmares and he would. He had prove to himself he could be professional. He would draw on his yahren of experience to make sure he acted with the upmost integrity and professionalism. He would show Amy he was a good warrior, and trusted friend and colleague. That was the best way to take the pressure off of her, and that was just what he was going to do.
* * *

The sim started, with Cain in command. A basestar and what seemed like thousands of Cylon raiders were coming at them. Captain Brie hated to watch, but she knew how important this was, how deadly NOT having these exercises would be. The first one "killed" was Lt. Ben. He was gone after only a couple of microns. Then Ensign Conan. Lt. Skyler had one on his tail. Lt. Amy was able to destroy the raider, but at the cost of her "life." Skyler was gone moments later anyway, then Lt. Cain. The same raider that took out Cain also got Ensign ThunderWarrior. Ensigns MaraJade and Najinn worked well together, stopping several raiders before Mara was hit. Being alone, Najinn took a run at the basestar and did some damage before he, too, was destroyed.

"Nice try, everybody," Brie's voice spoke in their helmets. "I bet it felt like a lot longer than 54 microns."

"Fifty-four microns?" Cains voice answered. "That's all?"

"Well now that everyone knows what to expect," Brie replied, "maybe next time you'll make it a whole centon. How hard can this be? Remember how Apollo and Starbuck took on an entire basestar alone?"

"There were no raiders with that basestar," Cain replied. "Besides, it was hiding behind a planet, so the Cylons didn't see them coming."

"You want a planet?" Brie joked. She pressed a few buttons. "Okay, you've got a planet. Get ready for round two."

Skyler caught the jovial sound to Brie's voice. He knew this was a serious event. The training they had here would save them one day, and perhaps the fleet also.

Trying to help ease some of the tension gained in the might 54 micron run, Skyker keyed the intercom,

"Captain, They also had Purple and Orange Squadrons."

Turning his attention back to the task at hand, Skyler prepared for round 2.
* * *

Cain said to himself: "You're one fine pilot Cain, get with it!" With a grumble he took off his black gloves, a good luck present he recieved while aboard the Pegasus. "Ok, let's try this again." "Wingman, are you ready?"
* * *


The first sim had gone poorly. I was knocked out pretty early, and had a moment or so to think while the others played it out. I hated sims. They had their purpose, but to me they always seemed phony. You just knew they were, no matter how real it looked and felt. And after the Battle of Shonada Delta, I wasn’t really looking to revisit the experiences of battle anytime soon. But you have to do what you have to do.

The whole day had gone pretty sour. Some days it doesn’t pay to get up in the morning. The memorial service set the tone for me. If that wasn’t bad enough, I made a crying fool out of myself when I finally had a chance alone with Charybdis. And now I was acting like an idiot with Najinn. The way I was going, I’d end up with no boyfriend at all. And why that appealed to me for the smallest of microns, I’m not really sure. But I felt pretty frazzled, that much was certain.

I watched Najinn, the last pilot standing on the first sim run, finally go down, and on an impulse I switched over to his private COM. I know it was against the regulations during active simulations, but I needed to talk to him. I hadn’t had the chance to explain myself before the sims began, and I needed to now.

“Yo, Najinn” I barked into my microphone.

“Lt.?” Najinn replied. “Sorry I wasn’t on your wing that time. I’ll do better.” Oh, ever the earnest warrior, Najinn was doing it again! Not that he was really doing anything, but Najinn just being himself made my heart race. What WAS it about this guy?

“No” I replied, “It’s not about the sim. I need to talk to you.”

“There isn’t much time now, Lt.”, he reminded me. “Besides, it’s against the regs.” His voice changed, rising a little. “Hey, look! Captain’s just added a planet!”

“Forget the regs, Najinn. Follow my lead, and we’ll have a few moments.” I sat back, and waited for the second round to begin. In a flash it fired up, and the sky was full of Cylon Raiders once again. I lined up a likely patsy, and flew right in front of its path. It’s lasers flashed out toward me, and I think I made the quickest exit ever in a sim! I hoped it wasn’t too obvious, and that Najinn would know enough to opt for an early exit too. Seconds later, Najinn was history too.

“Okay, Amy”, he said nervously, “Make it count. Captain will have our hides if she knows something’s up”.

“Najinn, I didn’t mean what I said about not pairing up with you. I meant that right at that moment, until we had a chance to talk, I thought it might not be a good idea. I just didn’t get the whole thought out.” I paused a moment, imagining trying to explain that to Brie in front of everyone. “I’m sorry it came out wrong. It’s seems a lot of what I say these days comes out wrong.” Conan went up in flames, Cain right behind him.

“Forget it, Lt.”, he said easily. “I was a little surprised at first, but now that you explain it, it’s cool. What I really didn’t get is why you were ignoring me when you first walked in with Marajade.” Speaking of which, Marajade went up in spectacular fashion. Two other vipers soon followed.

“Oh, that” I said sheepishly. “I look horrible. I didn’t want you to see that I’d been cr…” I cut myself off. Did I really want to get into that?

Always the gentleman, Najinn sidestepped the whole
thing. “You could never look horrible, Amy”. Jeez! Did that make me feel better or worse? I couldn’t tell for sure how I felt. The resetting of the sim interrupted my thoughts.

“Let’s do it again!” Captain Brie barked out. “SOME of us, at least, doubled our survival times. Let’s see if we can take out the Basestar this time!”

And it started again. I wasn’t sure that he would, but Najinn veered off and got himself fried, actually breaking my unofficial record for speedy exit. I tried to make it look good, and lasted seconds more before taking one for the fleet.

“Brie will kill us, you know” Najinn said with a chuckle. “Anything else, Lt.?”

Yeah, Najinn, you stupid lug: I love you. I thought it, mouthed it, but dared not say it. My damn eyes watered right up. I couldn’t see a damn thing. It’s really hard to dry your eyes with a sim helmet on. Where do my eyes get their tear supply? And how did my stupid heart allow me to fall in love with two people? The ol’ ticker wouldn’t be forgiven any time soon, that was for sure.

“I like you a lot, Najinn”, I said. I was thankful I couldn’t look him in the eyes at that moment. I would have melted, I’m sure. “Thank you for giving me time to think. If I act stupid again, please just whack me one in the back of the head!”

“I can’t do that! Assaulting a senior officer! No can do!” he laughed. “Maybe a gentle reminder? How’s that?” His voice dropped suddenly. “Uh, Amy, a senior officer might be assaulting YOU! Enemy at three o’clock!” With that, he closed his comlink. I looked over, and standing inches away from my canopy was Captain Brie! She didn’t look happy.

She made a motion, and I popped my canopy, and gave her a guilty look. With my red eyes, I must have really looked a sight. “Captain?” I said as innocently as I could.

“I’m beginning to see why you two shouldn’t fly wing. YOU WOULDN’T LAST TWO MICRONS!” I actually cringed back in my simulator. I hadn’t been scolded so hard since Mom ripped me about becoming a warrior, back on the agro ship. “Maybe you two would rather sit this one out, back at the Officer’s club maybe?” Other canopies were popping. I could hear a couple of stifled chuckles.

“No Ma’am” I stammered. “I’ll…” I shut up. Sometimes I actually know when to do that.

Brie glared at me, then Najinn. Looking back at me, she spoke again in a lower tone. “I’d like to think that nothing shady has been going on here. But if that’s true, then I have no idea how you got to be a Lt., Lt.” Ouch! My good friend knew which buttons to press, that was for sure. She stood there, maybe expecting a reply, but I sure as Hades wasn’t going to offer one.

Brie stood there, her stare burning a hole right through me. But then her face softened, and she just walked back to the controls. “Let’s run it again!” she called out. Canopies lowered, and the sim was reset. I looked over at Najinn, with a sheepish look on my face. He mouthed an “I told you”, pointing to me as he said it. He smiled, and I smiled back.

Suddenly the sky was filled with Cylon fighters again. I couldn’t go down this time. My life really depended on it!

* * *


After lunch and a long recess (to allow for some of the officers involved in the Tribunal to take care of shipboard duties), the Tribunal resumed. Opposer Lazant first called in succession several people who had been on duty in Alpha Launch Bay during the battle. Lazant questioned each in turn regarding Lieutenant Amy’s ship, and the Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis’s actions. Protector Solon waved off each in turn, each time reserving the right to recall them at a later time….

In adding the planet that the basestar was hiding behind, Captain Brie hoped that it would delay the inevitable. It also gave the raiders a place to hide, making parts of the sim more difficult instead of easier. Round two started. Both Lt. Amy and Ensign Najinn were out fast. Some of the others did better, which pleased Brie. She decided not to let anyone know it. "Let’s do it again!" Captain Brie barked out. "SOME of us, at least, doubled our survival times. Let’s see if we can take out the Basestar this time!"

Round three started. Once again, Najinn and Amy were out fast. "Do they think I don't know what's going on?" Brie wondered. She waited for the round to end, then walked over to Amy's canopy. Amy looked suprised. "Captain?" she said with an annoying innocent tone to her voice.

"I’m beginning to see why you two shouldn’t fly wing." Brie said seriously. "YOU WOULDN’T LAST TWO MICRONS! Maybe you two would rather sit this one out, back at the Officer’s club maybe?"

"No Ma’am," Amy stammered. "I’ll…" She was quiet.

Brie glared at Amy, then Najinn. Looking back at Amy, she spoke again in a lower tone. "I’d like to think that nothing shady has been going on here. But if that’s true, then I have no idea how you got to be a Lt., Lt."
Brie stood there for a moment, then walked back to the controls. "Let’s run it again!" she called out. Canopies lowered, and the sim was reset.

During round four everyone faired better. No one was killed for almost three microns, and three vipers actually made it all the way to the basestar. It was almost fifteen centons before all eight vipers were destroyed. "You're getting there," Brie said. "Let's take a break for, what, ten centons. Lt. Cain, I need to talk to you in private for a moment." Brie and Cain left the main room while everyone else was getting out of their sim viper.

"What's up?" Cain asked.

"I need your help setting up a situation," Brie replied. "I want to run a little test. We need to set it up so that Mara has to choose between saving Amy and Skyler."

Brie remembered a similar test that had been pulled on her when she had first started dating her husband. They had failed miserably, and they had then been assigned to different squadrons. Brie discussed the details of this latest test with Cain, and he promised to set things up.

"Okay, break's over," Brie said upon reentering the room. She was met with groans. "The sooner you destroy that basestar, the sooner we're done. We're going to change things around a little bit this time. Mara, for this round you're Amy's wing and Najinn is Skyler's wing. And STAY OFF the private channels, that's an order. We'll switch back again the next round."

The fifth round started, with Ensign MaraJade unaware that she would have to choose between the life of her good friend Amy or her new found love.
* * *

MaraJade's jaw just dropped when she was told she was going to have to Amy's wing. A thought to protest came to her mind but she stopped it. Shrugging she grabbed Amy's arm and pulled aside real quick.
"Amy, I don't know what's going on but if you want me to keep you alive you better keep me alive too!" Seeing Amy look over at the guys, better yet Najinn, she grabs her arm. "Amy I am serious! Please! What ever it is wait till afterwards. I want to impress the Captain, I have a feeling all our jobs are on the line now." Amy sensing her seriousness and understood. They climbed in their "vipers" and got ready. They were going good till they got near the basestar again. Raiders were coming in and lighting up the sky. Looking over at Amy, she must have been thinking the same thing, and they went head on. Fighting and covering each other's tails, we fought hard. Something was wrong! Najinn and Skyler had gotten seperated somehow and Skyler was in trouble! But looking again at her screen Mara saw that Amy had one on her tail too! FRACK! Hesistating as Mara listened to the voices over the communications link, she was torn as what to do. Remembering a scene from the previous battle, her answer came to her mouth and she almost shouted it.
"I will not leave my wing!" Taking control of her viper, Mara moves into position to take out the Cylon who was chasing Amy. "Amy! Just keep steady I am on my way!" Wiping the sweat from her eyes so she could focus yet squinting from the sting from the ones that did make it in her eyes. Blinking a few times to clear her vision, she took the Raider off of Amy's tail. Feeling a sense of relief as she knew she had done the right thing. But her heart sunk as she hear the oh so familiar words being shouted in the sims.
"Lt. Skyler you are dead!" Shaking her head, that was the price of being a warrior. Still it was good to know this was just a simulation. So it really didn't affect her too bad. Plus she had other things on her mind, STAYING ALIVE! Her head snapped as she heard that ever growing sound of the sensors beeping. Looking again, she saw Amy had another one on her. Trying to get into a firing range, another beep went off! Great! I got one now! She thought!
"Uh Najinn can you do me a huge favor and get over here NOW!?! I need help!!" Come on you bugger, she thought as she was lining up on the cylon in front of her. She heard Najinn saying something as he was interupted,
"Ensign Najinn, you are dead!" Great!! I'd like to see you get out of this one! The cylon took Amy out,
"Lt. Amy you are dead!" Frack!!! MaraJade started to panic as she realized that Cain and his wing were almost to the Basestar and she was now all alone and ... BZZZT!
"Ensign MaraJade you are dead!" Taking off my helmet and smacking the canopy from the frustration. One she panicked and she let out a few curse words. Sensing someone looking at her she turned slowly and saw Cpt. Brie almost shocked to hear these things coming from her. Bringing her hand to hide her eyes and down she slunk in her chair. Still mad at herself for failing, it was hard to hide the frustration. She hated having to choose but she had always been taught never to leave your wing. She proved that in her first battle, but this was different. No matter what she felt, nothing could have been done. Atleast they stood a better chance if they stick together. Sighing she realized she chose duty before love and she knew she had to live with it. She was a warrior first then a woman a second. She pledged her protection to the fleet once before and that came first. The canopies opened and she was just waiting to get razzed by Brie for her swearing.
* * *

As the sim started, the vipers were advancing on the basestar. They were hugging the planet to keep out of its scanners. Buzzers warned the pilots that several phalanx of Raiders were coming to intercept them. Was it a hidden air base was on the planet, where did they come from?

Lt Skyler, Ensign Najinn, Lt Amy and Ensign Marajade broke formation, moving to intercept, giving Lt Cain and his fighters time to hit the base star. They engaged the first cylon wave, and lived to tell about it. Brie must be giving them a break. Then it happened. Three raiders cut between Skyler and Najinn causing them to break formation.

"Hang on, I am swinging back around." It was to late, The raiders were on Skylers six. No way to shake them. He checked his attack computer, Amy had one on her tail, so did Najinn. Mara was free. Time stood still for Skyler. Frack, Brie set us up!! he thought. If Mara comes to save me, Amy dies and we will have proved we can't fly together. Skyler was worried Mara wouldn't see this test, that she would feel, before she thought.

In what seemed like Centars, but was less than a micron her Viper turned towards Amy's Viper. He breathed again, but only once before.........

Lt. Skyler, you are dead!!
* * *

MaraJade realized her earlier talk with Amy and bit her lip. Boy that sounded bad. Looking over at Amy, she managed to get her attention.
"Psst! Amy! Hey, sorry about letting you get crunched. And about earlier, I was just freaked out that was all. I know that Captain Brie is watching us real close and I don't know about you but I don't want to go to the Black wing. I like it here. I just think we, you and me, can impress her with some great moves and team work if we both just put our minds to it. How about it? You game?" Seeing Amy's reaction, she smiled and nodded. "Hope you aren't too mad at me?!" MaraJade said as she waited for Amy's reply.
* * *

As Captain Brie was getting ready to start another round, one of the Security Officers entered the Control Room. "Excuse me, Captain Brie, Lt. Amy is needed at the tribunal. She has been ordered by the Tribune to accompany me to testify." He handed her the order, signed by Tribune Buellah, Lt. Colonel (temporary), Colonial Military.

The security officer coming to get Amy had paused the sims for a minute. Skyler didn't like the idea of losing to this basestar time and time again. There has got to be away..but how?

Then he remembered that Ensign Nijann had been up against a basestar before joining the service. It was in his records. Maybe he would be game to breaking formation next round.

Maybe Captain Brie had used the reference to Apollo and Starbucks famous run 22 yahren ago for a reason. If we can get on their channel, let them hear us coming. Maybe we can pull the same trick. Would they be dumb enough to fall for it twice?

Skyler saw Brie was busy with the Security Officer, he click on his private comm link, and raised Nijann. After explaining his plan, hoping Nijann's experience would add helpfull insite. Together they formed a plan that should be fool proof, against real Cylons anyway. These Sim Cylons seem to be smarter and faster than the real ones.

He switched over to Mara's comm link.

"Mara no time to go into details, don't want Brie to catch us. Nijann and I have a plan. Stay with you wing. You did good last time. Duty before love. I am so happy, even though I got killed. When this is over, we need to discuss the use of swear words in front of the Captain, and other higher officers" Skyler killed the link before she had chance to respond. If she knew what they were doing she would have been right behind him. Even in a Sim, he didn't want that on his mind when they were planning a run on a basestar...
* * *


Najinn looked over at Amy as she opened her simulator hatch;

"Amy, good luck, I'll be thinking of you. I know you will do the right thing, the truth, and that if their is justice Charybdis will be cleared. Just remember you are not alone, you have us with you."

Amy smiled, she looked like she respected Najinn's words and was reassured by them. At least Najinn hoped so. Amy left the sim room with the officer and Capt Brie restarted the simulation.

* * *


When Lieutenant Amy arrived, Opposer Lazant questioned her extensively regarding the events leading up to the launch with Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis. He then dismissed her with a right to recall, and Solon said, “I think he’s covered it pretty well, but I’ll reserve that right, too.” Lieutenant Amy was escorted from the chamber, and the next witness was called….

* * *


The group of Vipers flew in formation;

"Najinn to all, please turn onto a secure channel." If he could see Capt Brie's face now, she was the only one who couldn't hear them.

"Me and Skyler have a plan, we are going to win this one."

"When we break, we need you to continue fighting and open your comm links onto this frequency," Najinn punched the right frequency, "This will keep the Base Star occupied and tracking you all. You need to draw their fire and keep them busy for a while. Base Stars control their defensive Raiders out of a central command point if they hear you all they will concentrate on you. Leaving me and Skyler to pop in the back door."

The group agreed, and the Vipers flew into battle,

"On my mark, Skyler drop low left and hit the deck of the planets surface we need to be below 100 clicks for their sensors to miss us."

Najinn smiled, the last time he did this kind of flying he was dodging asteroids in a ship more than a hundred times bigger than a Viper.


Skyler and Najinn's Viper looked miniscule as they throttled towards the Base Star. The fighting above had opened the gap they needed and the Raiders had not responded.

Najinn paused, oh boy is Capt Brie gonna love this, not.

His and Skylers Vipers closed to kill range, if they could just survive for another few microns they could loose off their torpedoes right under the Base Star into it's belly and its main reactors.......

* * *

Things weren't going the way that Captain Brie had hoped. MaraJade had passed her test, and Brie was pleased about that. But before she had a chance to put Amy to the test, Amy was called away to the tribunal. They had told Brie that Amy wouldn't be called away, she wouldn't be needed for centars, but now she was gone. Brie was worried that Amy might be distracted after all the hard work, she hoped that Lt. Col. Charybdis' case wouldn't be hurt. And now they were one person short for the sim.

Brie turned back to the monitor in front of her. What the frack were Skyler and Najinn doing? She couldn't hear what they were saying, they were using the private channels again. She was going to have to have a LONG TALK with those two about following orders.
* * *
Seeing the black shirt come in and get Amy for the tribunal, MaraJade was about to sound off again with more swearing but remembered what happened last time. Don't get out of control like that again, it's bad enough Brie caught you and Skyler too. Just mummbling to herself, she said a few.
"Ensign, are you saying something?" Brie chimed in. Putting her helmet back on, she was embarrassed that she was caught again. Rolling her eyes as she swore inside, she got ready to fly wingless. This run they had in mind was suicidal but she would do her best to draw fire from the basestar. Flying the best she could and asking way too much from her viper, MaraJade worked what magic she could. It was harder than she really thought at first, knowing her time was almost up since she was taking on way too much fire power. She was about to really let go of the swearing as she saw Najinn and Skyler head off to the basestar. What are they up too? We aren't supposed to take it on!! Pulling up so a cylon could fly by to take it on. She was about to fire on it when she got hit and hard! Feeling the viper go out of control, she decided to let it go.
"I'm hit and hit hard! Can't control it anymore....." then silence. The lights on her helmet went dead. She knew what was coming.
"Ensign MaraJade...." She jumped in before they could finish
"Yeah Yeah I know!!! I am dead!!!!" And when I get my hands on Skyler and Najinn.... argh! They could have helped but they had this hairbrained idea in their mind.
"Hey Captain! You feel like flying with me again? I could really use it!" Slamming my helmet in my lap and smacking the canopy again! Frack! What was he up to and why is he not following orders? Just don't take me down, she thought.
* * *

Skyler knew the risk. They could die, or they wouldn't simple as that. Almost 50/50, well this is a Basestar, and we are in Vipers, okay, 30/70, but that is all I am giving them If the tin heads were taken off guard, it would work. The only thing he knew for sure was Brie was not going to be happy at all.

Skyler checked his scanners. So far none of the squadron had been killed. He was glad they were alright.

They were just a few microns out, and closing fast. The targeting computer locked onto the reactor core of the large Basestar. She still hadn't scanned them. It was to busy coordinating its raiders..

Then it happened, the basestar's gunners started firing, but Vipers posed to small a target to hit with out luck. And with luck, Skyler an Najinn would be out of here before then. Their being detected did draw the raiders off the rest of the squadron. This made the Cylons easy targets. They were to busy trying to return to defend their base to worry about a handful of Warriors. Gold Squadron made easy work of the Raiders after that.

The Basestar's turbo lasers were getting close, but not close enough, Najinn and Skyler's attack computers both beeped, signaling they were in range, and locked on.

Both Warriors thumbed the firing control, torpedoes away. They banked, kicked in their turbos, and rocketed back towards their squadrons. The Torpedoes found their mark. Scanners recorded multiple explosion's, and finally went blank as the exploding Basestar overloaded them.

A micron before Skyler's computer came back, a raider had him targeted, but quickly exploded. It was Lt. Ben. Thank the Lords. Checking his scanners, where was she, Frack! Mara had gotten hit. Man, I can win for losing. I hope she understands why I did this. Do I understand why I did this?..

Lt Cain, finished off the last raider, and all Warriors cheered.

As the lights came back up, Skyler looked over at Najinn and both smiled at each other. Looking at the control booth they both saw Brie. They could tell she was not happy. She hit the intercom button.

Getting out of the Viper mock ups, Skyler could tell Mara was also not to happy with him...

"Take 5 everyone. You deserve it. Lt. Skyler and Ensign Najinn, I need you to stay behind a micron to, eh discuss your tactics employed during the last run."

"Congratulations on destroying the basestar. You did what you set out to do. But..." Brie's tone of voice changed, " did it by disobeying orders. That is NOT acceptable. Part of the reason that we hold these sims is that we need to know how everyone will react under a real situation. Skyler and Najinn, you have shown me that I don't know if I can trust you in battle. Trust is a very valuable asset, gentlemen, especially when you're trusting someone with your life. We're not here to be heros, we're here to do a job. Plain and simple. Although you acheived the desired goal THIS time, next time it might cost someone their life. If someone is killed when you're following my orders, it's MY fault, not yours. But if they're killed because you think you know better than I do..........Think about what is going on right now with Lt. Col. Charybdis. We all know these charges are felgercarb, but he's in front of the tribunal because someone thinks he wasn't where he was supposed to be. Serious consequences." Skyler raised his hand to speak, but Brie brushed him off. "One general word of warning, if you don't start to take these sims seriously, as if it were a real battle, we'll keep doing them over and over again until you do. Your life and the lives of everyone in the fleet depend on it."
Brie took a quick peak out in the hall. She was hoping that someone would be walking by and could replace Lt. Amy. No such luck. Brie didn't like using an odd number, so she decided to join the sim. She pressed a few buttons on the main control board so she could still control things from inside the simulated viper. She called everyone back together. "So Ensign Mara doesn't have to fly alone, I'm joining the sim. But I'm not Captain Brie. Call me...Ensign A. I'm just out of the Academy, I've never even flown a viper before. And believe me, I'm going to fly just that way!" A slight laugh passed through the room. "Now, since Lt. Skyler seems to think he knows exactly what needs to be done to destroy a basestar, he'll be in command of this round. Ensign Najinn will remain Skyler's wing. And one word of warning...the next person to use the private communications channels will be on report. Don't believe me, try it. Let's get going."

Brie got into her viper and played with the controls. Without telling Skyler or anyone else, she had just doubled the number of Cylon raiders that they would be facing. She wanted everyone to know just how serious things could be.
Captain Brie, as Ensign A, took her place in the sim. She was planning on giving Lt. Skyler a hard time. He needed to know what if felt like to have orders disobeyed. "This could be fun," Brie thought. She pushed that thought out of her head. The sim was serious, and she needed to be serious as well.
* * *


The sim started up, all the Vipers were in the classic spear head formation. The plan was to punch through the approaching raiders, make a run on the basestar, blow it up, and then finish off the raiders.

Well, that was everyone's plan except the newly acquired Ensign A. She would lag behind the formation, when told to keep up she would pass and fly in front of us. When told to back off she would tell us to make up our minds.

When we hit the cylons, which had at least doubled in number, Ensign A decided she should leave her wingman, and just blast her own way through. She picked up a cylon on her tail, her wing man went to intercept, Bam!! Ensign Mara Jade was dead. Ensign A blasted a cylon here and there, but mainly she distracted the others and Bam!! Lt. Cain was dead, and Bam!! Ensign Ben was dead. Skyler barked orders to her, and she did the exact opposite. He thought of switching to the Cylon radio Frequency to she if they were giving her orders. She flew like she was Baltars own Daughter.

Bam!!! Najinn was dead.

One by one the Warriors went down. Until it was just Lt. Skyler and Ensign A. It had to be rigged, him surviving this long. Then it happened, 10 raiders approached from all sides, he just let go of the navi hilt, and Bam!! Lt Skyler is dead.

The sim went dark. Skyler knew the importance of orders. He had lived by them since entering the Military. He also knew that what he and Najinn had done would have worked. It did work, and he hadn't really disobeyed orders, I mean Lt. Cain was in charge, and they did run the plan by him. He didn't say not to. Would this defense work at his tribunal. A trial, how much easier that would be than facing his Captain. Less painful than the look in her eyes and the knowledge that she might not trust him. It was a stupid move, it worked and would have saved the Fleet, but would it be worth the risk? Was it worth the risk?

He climbed out of his sim co*ckpit, Brie was waiting for him. They steped to the side so no one could hear.

"I hope you understand why I did it this way Skyler? I don't want to lose good Warriors by them pulling stupid hair brained stunts. Apollo and Starbuck are still alive by the grace of the Lords. Don't expect your luck to hold like theirs."

Brie paused for a micron, and then added

"I know how it was, being old enough to remember the destruction of our home, and then filled with stories of their heroics. I think sometimes it is easier on the younger warriors. They only have to fill our shoes, not Apollo or Starbuck's."

Smiling she turned and walked over so the rest could hear her and gave out the next set of instructions.

Skyler felt better. He understood her motives better now. He was glad to have her as his Squadron Leader. He hoped to do her proud and regain her trust.

* * *

MaraJade didn't know what to think when Brie said she was going to be a fresh newbie. Yikes! That is hard to work with being new herself. Hoping she would sound ok, and that Brie wouldn't give her a hard time like she did Sklyer then again he deserved it.
"Ensign A, I learned the greatest rule in combat and I want to share it with you so one day you can share it to someone who will be newer than you, Never Leave Your Wingman! Doing so you and your wing stand a greater chance of staying alive and doing more damage. Ok, lets go kick some cylon arse!" The sim started up again. MaraJade was feeling the strain from the day. Her muscles were cramping and it was getting hot. Focusing again, she got ready to go in and show em what they were made of!
"Ensign just stay by me and we will get to some crunch time!" They were doing great and it almost felt like when she flew with her before. They were picking them off and taking hits here and there. Then it happened! Ensign A had a raider on her tail.
"I got one on my tail! Help!" It was almost hard to hear that coming from Brie, Mara thought. MaraJade put on her reverse thrusters and went past the newbie.
"Ok, just remain calm! Keep it steady! Not too steady!! You don't want him to get you! Ok, almost got him..." The sound of laser fire interupted her. "You are all clear! Now lets get moving again. *I can almost hear the Wallflowers we can be heros playing here* They were picking them off and a raider split them apart. One was after Mara the other was after the newbie. (OH no you don't she thought) and did a barrell roll down so she was actually going head on with Brie!
"Ensign I got an idea! When I say break you break left and I am going to break right! (then remembering what brie did to skyler she decided to play it safe she was going to go the other way) If we play this right we can take them both out! Ready? BREAK!" Just as she thought the "ensign" went the opposite way she just said, and almost laughing as she went the opposite way too, they rolled out of the way for the raiders to run into each other. Pulling back beside Brie, she could hear her laughing.
"Next time tell me which left?" She said! Both warriors started laughing. "How did you know?"
"I remembered what you did to Skyler!" Speaking of which when she looked on her scanner he was still fighting, him and Najinn. Maybe they were getting better after all! "Hey Ensign A did you see any cylons that need to be taught a lesson? I say we go let our presence be known!" They fought hard and long. *I can almost here DangerZone from TopGun here*
* * *


Next, Lazant questioned called Major CureMode to the stand, and questioned him about the landing bay defensive system. There was discussion regarding how Commander Cain had used an upgraded system in comparison to that originally present on the Galactica.

“And can you tell us why the laser shielding was not activated after Lt. Amy was on board?” Lazant asked.

CureMode shook his head and said, “No, I suppose—”

“Dr. CureMode, facts, not suppositions are required here. Thank you. I’m done, but I reserve the right to recall this witness.”

Tribune Buellah looked to Solon and asked, “Any questions?”

Solon pulled himself upright, and holding the gold knobbed cane, said, “Not at the moment, but I, too, reserve the right to recall this witness.”

Buellah looked to the other Tribunes then turned to the court and said, “Let’s recess for a fifteen centon break.”


Captain Brie was trying to stay serious, but she admitted to herself that she was having a lot of fun playing Ensign A. After all of the events of the past few days, it felt good to be someone other than herself. She was also enjoying giving certain members of Gold Squadron a hard time. She hoped that they were learning the lesson that she wanted them to learn. She knew that the sim session had lasted a long time, it was almost time to wrap things up.

"Okay," Brie said, moving back into her 'Captain' mode. "A couple more rounds, then debriefing, then we'll call it a day." She took a deep breath and became Ensign A once again.

* * *


The Tribunal was back in session. “Unfortunately!” Resonat thought to himself.

Lt. Resonat had sat uncomfortably in the witness chair for over fifty centons. His testimony was being used by Opposer Lazant to establish the actions and events during the battle, as seen by “Dasher” Wing, which consisted of the four Officers from the Training Academy aboard the Callisto, and four newly promoted Ensigns. Unfortunately, the wing had the dubious distinction of suffering the highest rate of casualties in the battle, with the losses of four of eight Warriors and five of eight Vipers.

So far, things were not going well. All of Protector Solon’s protests were overturned. Resonat had been forced to admit that the wing had been ordered into battle despite not being ready, with the Ensigns receiving their promotions on the fly and then being dumped into their Vipers to go to their deaths. Three of the four had barely qualified, which was not surprising since they weren’t supposed to graduate for at least another ten cycles. He was pointedly questioned, as an instructor and evaluator, about the qualifications of each of the new Ensigns prior to the battle, and thinking, “Please, please, please, forgive me, Kris,” he proceeded to answer truthfully. Then, Lazant compounded the situation by asking about the recent flight experience of the other “Dasher” officers. This time, Solon won his protest, which Lazant promptly countered by introducing into evidence the personnel files of the dead Warriors, and then, asking Resonat, as a fellow Warrior, trainer, and evaluator of the dead Warriors, to evaluate their recent flight and battle experience. Finally, Resonat felt he had dodged a tough one when Lazant failed (or possibly deliberately?) did not ask the same about either himself or Resonat. The Lieutenant was then asked to describe the events leading to the destruction of Lt. Martinzi’s Viper.

He was almost drained emotionally by the time Solon’s turn came. Several easy questions were followed by the tough one. “Lt. Resonat, you told us about the recent flight and battle experience of the other Officers, but what about you and Captain Lazant, who was in charge of the ill-fated—” a flurry of protests and activity, followed by, “I apologize, Tribune.” He repeated the question, but without the prejudicial language.

Resonat gave a brief description of Lazant’s recent experience, then paused, staring down at his feet, and said, “I have none.”

Solon pursued the course, “No recent experience?”

“Yes, sir. No recent experience.”

“Then tell us about your qualifications as an instructor.” Resonat paused again, then drawing himself upright, he reached in his pocket, pulled out a carefully folded paper, and handed it to Tribune Buellah. He read the paper, then said, “It appears that this information is Classified. Security, clear the room except for the principal parties. We will call you back in when we are done.”

A short time later, Resonat left the Tribunal, alone, angry, and humiliated. Once again, a single action of long ago had come back to haunt him again.

* * *


The sim session was winding down. Gold Squadron had started beating the Basestar scenario most of the time. Brie would add a twist if they were doing well, to keep them on their toes. She decided to change to a new exercise.

"Everyone is doing a great job. We have time for a few more runs before the next group is scheduled to enter." Brie punched some keys and set up the new run.

"This one is different. Commander Apollo and President Tigh are enroute to the Callisto for a meeting to discuss the new Cylon tech we encountered in the last battle. Out of nowhere, 10 Raiders are picked up moving to intercept the shuttle. Gold Squadron has been scrambled to intercept, and defend the shuttle. To save time, you will start in the launch bays already in your Vipers on this run. You will not have to get out and back in."

Brie hit another button, and the Callisto launch bay appeared before them. Brie smiled
"By the way, I will be a Captain again on this mission. I don't want anyone killing me off so they can take over the squadron, ok."

Flight control cleared all Vipers for launch. And they rocketed down the tubes exited into space. Attack computers picked up the shuttle and the approaching raiders. The raiders were at maximum speed, and would reach the shuttle a full centon before the vipers. Capt. Brie ordered full turbos. The Vipers streaked through space. Closing the gap, but not quick enough. The raiders engaged the shuttle. The shielding was taking a beating. If it could just hold a few microns more.

On the shuttle the pilots hailed the Vipers. "Electronic Counter Measures failing, evasive maneuvers not working. Don't want to pressure you guys, but hurry up!!"

The vipers attack computers showed the shielding fail. The trailing raider was moving into position. His targeting computer acquiring its target. If the shuttle were hit now, it would be over.

Skyler reacted without thinking, dumping all but his reserve fuel supply to lighten his load and increase speed, and pulling ahead of the others. The raider laser cannons fired. Skyler came up under the shuttle, pulling up on the Viper and placing his Viper between the shuttle and the raider laser blast. His viper burst into a ball of fire and was gone.

Lt. Skyler your dead!! The computer told him.

Mara was shocked, and stared in disbelief. Skyler had sacrificed himself to save Commander Apollo and President Tigh.

Brie brought her and several others back to reality. "Come on Gold Squadron, don't let what Skyler did be wasted."

Brie and Mara split off after three raiders. Brie fired and destroyed two of them in a sec. The third raider flashed in Mara attack computer, she thumbed the fire button, and her Viper's lasers reached out and crushed the raider. "That's for Skyler you tin headed bastards"

Najinn had blasted the raider that got Skyler, and moved on to another. In 30 microns after the battle started, the shuttle was safe and all but one Viper headed back to the Callisto.

As the sim shut down, Brie keyed the intercom. "Good job Skyler, I am sure Commander Apollo and President Tigh will pin our highest medal on your coffin. This is one of the only times where I would condone stupid heroics. In fact, everyone did outstanding and will get medals. Are you ready for the next run."

* * *

Well of a red headed tempermental warrior who is in love.
MaraJade just sat in the viper she already got blown up so she was just watching the rest go for it. That's when the emotions started to sneak into her mind. First off she needed to talk to Amy to see what is up with her friend. Something was wrong there and she was getting worried. Then there was the "test" that had her worried. Knowing that one day she may have to under go that scene in real life. The thought of this brought anger and pain and fear. They both were warriors and this didn't make it any easier. MaraJade then saw the antics Skyler was up to and that got her blood going.
"I know that we put our lives on the line when we fly, but asking for it by flying recklessly is just idiocity!" No one had heard her since she was "dead". She was getting angry with Skyler for this whole sim session he was flying as if he didn't have a care. So what am I? Chopped Daggit?? Knowing he cares deeply for her, it just made her so mad to see him tempt death so. The anger was building with in her and she was just waiting for the session to be over and to be debriefed so she could just lay into him and make a few things clear. He had better take her serious or she will really let that temper show. Then her thoughts drifted back to her own performance. She was mad at her own self. She had crashed, been blown up and bumped into many times. She was going to have to do some sim practice on her own at some point. So many thoughts and feelings running rampid through her, Mara felt sorry for the poor sap who talked to her after this...

Uh guys and gals from the Gold squad... our fearless leader Cpt Brie may end up getting in trouble cuz of us. If you read the note from Charybdis titled alone... you will see what I mean. Looks like we are in trouble... for some reason I am getting a feeling that we are going to spend a lot of time in these sims...

* * *
"Excuse me Cpt. Brie! Sorry to intrude but it has come to my attention two certain warriors from this squad have not come back to sick bay for a follow up on their eyes. After the sims will you please send Najinn and Cain to sick bay for a check up? Thanks."

* * *

ps if they wont come willingly I will have someone go and drag them in. By the way are you two still wearing your dark glasses I gave you?
* * *
Captain Brie finally decided to end the sim session. There was a party going on, and since everyone was thinking about that there was no sense going on. She wasn't really happy with the session as a whole and knew that she would have to answer to Lt. Col. Charybdis, but part of it was due to circ*mstances. She was very upset with the fact that Lt. Amy had been called away. It wasn't fair to any of them, and she never had a chance to test Amy and Najinn the way that she had wanted. She knew that the tribunal was important, but they had told Brie that Amy would be able to finish the session, and Brie had never been able to handle being lied to.

The thing that bothered Brie more than anything else was the fact that the sim hadn't been taken seriously enough. The use of the private channels, which had been forbidden, was unacceptable. She knew that Skyler and Najinn thought she was upset about the way they first destroyed the basestar. That wasn't the problem, what she was most upset about about that they had used the private channels when they had been ordered not to. She knew that Skyler had been really shaken by her comment about not trusting him. Truth be told, in an actual battle she would trust him with her life and the lives of the squadron. But in the sim...

"A few things we need to go over," Brie started. "Ensign Mara, I'll need to speak to you in private after this debriefing." Mara looked away, she thought she knew what was coming.

Brie looked at the seven faces staring back at her. She let out a slow sigh. "Now, there were some good things that happened here. Mara, you stuck with your wing, exactly what you were supposed to do. Good job. Skyler, Najinn, you two work well together. I MIGHT consider making that a permanant pairing...possibly. Careful with the heroics, though. Cain, excellent as always. ThunderWarrior, you performed admirably, it's good to have you in the squadron. Ben, Conan, you both did well. Thank you all for your time, I'll let you know if I decide to schedule another session. Mara, I need to see you, Cain and Najinn need to check in with Jarrynn, everyone else can leave. Enjoy the party!"

Mara walked slowly to where Brie was waiting. She wasn't looking forward to what she thought she was about to hear. "Ensign." Brie said, "which is worse, cursing, or the captain catching you cursing?"

Mara thought for a moment. "Getting caught," she said quietly.

Brie smiled. "Good, you're honest. Compared with other things that happened here today, a couple of words is nothing to worry about." Brie put a hand on Mara's shoulder. She changed instantly from being a captain to being a friend. "Sorry about that stunt with Amy and Skyler," she said. "You did just as you were supposed to do. When my husband and I first started dating, they pulled the same thing on us. We failed MISERABLY!" Brie laughed. "That's why we were never allowed in the same squadron," she said as they walked out of the room.
* * *
Skyler looked at Mara and Brie as they went off to one side. He hoped Brie wasn't in any trouble for his stupid hot dogging in the sims. He knew he should take them serious, and he did for a while, but repeated runs against the same objective wore thin. He couldn't resist cutting loose and trying stuff he had heard about at the Academy.
Frack, Starbuck had been one of his flight instructors, and who better to learn the trick stuff from. The countless centars of hearing him describe his battles. Once Starbuck was leading a training patrol. Nothing fancy, just him and Jolly, and two cadets. Hands on training in a real Viper. They were jumped by a Cylon Scouting Patrol. A total of 3 raiders. Starbuck ordered Jolly to pull the cadets back. He raced ahead, turbos at full burn. Engaged the raiders, and destroyed them. The cadets knew he made it, but was suprised to see the blackened scars on his Viper when he landed. Starbuck was more than willing to give them the details. One of the cadets asked wasn't it risky doing what he did. Starbuck just smiled and said in a calm voice. Son, Risk is part of the game if you want to fly a Viper, and don't forget. He never did, and when in the sims, that young cadet, now a Lt. would risk a little more, push his Viper a little harder. See what it could do. He would never try these stunts in combat, well maybe some of them. The ones that worked, but thats all...

Skyler remembered Najinn had to go for an eye check up, and decided to catch up to him, and keep him company. It didn't look like Brie and Mara would be finished anytime soon.


That evening, Lieutenant Lucian sponsored a surprise party for BatGal and the other newly promoted lieutenants. He’d been slipping out of the barracks for several evenings in a row, making preparations in a small generally deserted room that he’d located in his work with the Engineering Department. On the last evening before the event, Randrius had followed him, so upon being caught, Lucian shushed Randrius to silence and had him help finish painting the big “Congratulations Lieutenants!!!” sign.

Lucian found newly promoted Lieutenant BatGal, his best friend from their time together at the Training Academy on the Galactica and then his wing for many of their first missions, singing softly, sweetly, in the observation dome. It was her favorite thing to do, and he enjoyed hearing her, so he stood quietly in the shadows enjoying her song until she’d finished. He walked forward, being careful to make a little noise as he did to keep from surprising her, and then told her that all of the Black Squadron Warriors had been asked to assemble in the O-Club for a briefing. When they arrived, Lucian stepped to the side allowing her to enter first, and all of the Callisto’s Warriors who weren’t on duty who had gathered in the room shouted “Surprise!” or “Congratulations!” Fun was had by all, though thoughts of the Tribunal weren’t far from the minds of a number of the Warriors….

* * *

A bit later in the evening, a couple Warriors leaving the party had a run-in with several black-shirted members of the Fleet Security force. The Warriors withdrew rather than start a fight, but as they did, the Black-Shirts’ taunts that Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis would be found guilty were ringing in their ears. The Warriors reported the incident to Captain Brie, who put in a call to Captain Urdea, former Warrior and current head of the Callisto’s Fleet Security.

* * *

It was early on the second morning of the Tribunal….

“Ensign Wendy,” Opposer Lazant began, “did you see a co*ckpit ejection pod floating free during the Battle of Shonada Delta?”

“Yes,” she replied, “I thought so, just briefly, out of the corner of my eye.”

“Did you report the ejection co*ckpit to anyone, and if so, to whom?” asked Lazant.

“I told Lieutenant Lucian over the comm,” she said. “He immediately reported it to the Callisto.”

Lazant looked at her and asked, “Ensign Wendy, did you know who was in that pod, if it was a pod?”

“I wasn’t certain but I was pretty sure it was Lieutenant Martinzi since his ship had just been reported as destroyed.”

“Thank you, Ensign,” said Lazant as he dismissed her. Solon once again had no questions, though, once again, he reserved the right to recall the witness.

* * *

Lazant briefly questioned Lieutenant Lucian on the report about the ejection pod. Then, he called Flight Officer Geenie to the stand, and asked why a C.O.R.A. drone was not dispatched to locate the pod. “We had several out there at that time, so I don’t think one was dispatched specifically for Lieutenant Martinzi.”

Then, Lazant called and questioned bridge officer Lieutenant Sanwal on the status of the bridge during this time. Several officers had been assigned to the wings to fight, so the bridge was very short-handed. “Lieutenant, do you know if Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis was aware of this?”

“Yes,” said Sanwal, “I’m sure he was, but—”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” finished Lazant.

Next, Major CureMode was recalled to the stand, and Lazant questioned him closely on the return of the C.O.R.A.’s. After the first couple questions, Lazant turned to a pad and said, “This is from the Bridge recording, a certified transcript, submitted as my next exhibit, that states:

Commander Sheba—"Halt all launches immediately. Our warriors are to disengage the Raiders as quickly as possible and return to the Callisto. We must be out of here in three centons. Are the calculations nearly complete?"

Helmswoman Karia—“Yes, Ma’am, course input and ready.”

Commander Sheba—“How are those C.O.R.A.'s doing? Do we have all our people who ejected?"

Major CureMode—“Yes, Comman—"

Major CureMode—"Damage control reports no serious structural damage, although there are several casualties in the area, Commander. We can move to the jump location as soon as our Warriors are on board."

“Now, tell me, Major, when the Commander asked we had all of the people who ejected, you responded, ‘Yes,” said Lazant. “Why didn’t you report that one pod was missing.”

“Captain Lazant, it was extremely busy, and we were extremely short staffed. I was filling in on a number of duties, trying to keep everything going. All of the escape pods with active homing devices had been rescued by the C.O.R.A.’s, though I never got to tell the Commander that there was possibly one reported pod still out there. We never picked up a distress call or homing signal from it, so we couldn’t be sure. When those explosions occurred, we were getting damage reports from everywhere, and those were suddenly a lot more important. Then, with more Raiders and BaseStars arriving in centons, the Commander ordered a complete withdrawal and we got out of there just before they arrived. Believe me, Captain, there was no intent to leave anyone behind.”

After CureMode had completed his testimony, Commander Sheba was called. It took a while for her to arrive, and she said she was extremely busy, so Lazant agreed to hurry through the questioning. He quickly covered with her the same issues that he had covered with CureMode just a bit earlier, then he moved on, “Commander, were you aware of Martinzi’s missing pod?”
“No,” replied Sheba.

“Were you informed that there might still be a missing pod?” asked Lazant.

Again, Sheba said, “No.”

“Now tell me, Commander Sheba, would you ordinarily deal with such issues during a battle?”

“I might receive reports, but I don’t usually have time to deal with them directly,” she replied.

Lazant smiled, “Then to whom would this information ordinarily be reported? Who would ordinarily make sure that such minor issues were handled?”

There was no smile on her face as Sheba replied, “Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis.”

“One last issue, Commander. Did Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis report to you that he was leaving the Bridge, the severely short-staffed Bridge, where life and death decisions were being made micron by—”

Solon called, “I object! I think there were quite a few life and death decisions being made all over the place during that battle!”

Lazant sneered, “I’ll rephrase. Commander, did Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis report directly to you that he was leaving the severely short-staffed Bridge to go somewhere else during the battle?”

“Not directly to me, but—”

“Thank you, Commander,” interrupted Lazant, but Sheba continued, “BUT, he made other Bridge officers aware so they could fill in for him.”

For his cross-examination, Solon crossed over in front of the Commander and asked, “Commander, is Lieutenant Commander’s duty station classified only as the Bridge?”

“No, while he customarily serves on the Bridge, as the second-in-command of this ship, his duty station is the Bridge or wherever else aboard ship he is most needed at the time,” stated Sheba forcefully.

“Thank you, Commander,” said Solon, as he nodded to Lazant in case of redirect.

Lazant stood in front of the Tribunal and said, “And now, for the prosecution’s last witness, I recall Lieutenant Amy to the stand.”

Once she was on the stand, Lazant asked her a few general questions. Then, he turned away from the witness and to the Tribunal, and stated that there was another reason, so far unstated, that fully explains Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis’s actions during the battle. He turned back to Lieutenant Amy and accused her of being involved, romantically or possibly even sexually, with Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis. She was seen emerging from his quarters when he was known to be present and otherwise alone on at least two occasions, and Lazant said he had witnesses he could call to prove it if she said otherwise. When she did not dispute that, Lazant said, “Now, the reason Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis left his post on the Bridge, the Bridge that was, according to the sworn testimony of officers serving there, extremely shortstaffed, that Bridge where he was desperately needed during the heat of the most significant combat this ship has ever faced, was to find and protect his little girl friend, or perhaps even, his lover! Then, when she was bravely determined to fly back into the battle, he decides to leave the ship entirely, to accompany her to protect, not the ship to which he is assigned, but HER! That, Tribunes, is the real reason that Lieutenant Martinzi was left behind to die a slow, agonizing death. That is the real reason we are here now. And that, Tribunes, concludes this case.”

Solon, blindsided by the testimony, and seeing Amy’s tears, said, “No questions for this witness right now, but I reserve the right to recall. And,” he added, “we would like to request a recess until tomorrow.”

When the recess request was granted, Solon turned and whispered to Charybdis, “But boy! Do I ever have questions for you!”

* * *

Note: Unfortunately, the next, very important part of the case, the Protector’s defense and related testimony, was lost when Sci Fi zapped the board. The following original outline fragment was located, but it doesn’t do justice to the events as originally written….

The Protector’s case.

· Establish that he was in good emotional condition/recall Nurse Holodoc, and call Doc Bkj
· Establish that at the time Lt. Colonel Charybdis left the bridge, all was under control.
· He went to the landing bay to personally check the status of the effort, since communications were giving everyone fits.
· Command decision to protect the ship in the best way possible.

* * *


Following completion of the testimony and the impassioned closing arguments from both sides, the Tribunes went into recess to determine the outcome of the Tribunal. Later in the cycle, they returned and Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis was found guilty, though not stated, most certainly due to his association with Lieutenant Amy. He was immediately stripped of his rank, and sentencing was scheduled for start of First Shift during the next cycle. As soon as the verdict was announced, a number of Warriors who could not believe the verdict began investigations of their own….

* * *

Later that evening, several Black-Shirts were gloating that the Lieutenant Colonel had been found guilty. A group of Warriors had witnessed the scene and took offense, and before long, a fistfight was underway. Captains Brie and Urdea, who had met earlier in the day to discuss reducing the tensions between the groups, rushed to the location and had broken up the fight without any serious injuries….

* * *

Fortunately, the end of the chapter was saved to give the outcome of the Tribunal


“Morning” had come to the Battlestar Callisto. The First Shift Warriors and crewmembers were going about their daily routine. There was much discussion and even gossip aboard ship about the sentencing phase of the Tribunal of Charybdis, formerly a Lieutenant Colonel of the Colonial Warriors. Everyone waited to hear the outcome.

In the Tribunal, Solon stood, grasping his cane, and walked toward Tribune Buellah. He said, “Tribune, Opposer, members and guests of this Tribunal, as you know, Colonial Law allows new evidence to be entered into the record in a case, even after the verdict has been reached. This morning, we have new evidence that will shed new light on this case.”

Following a brief counsel, Solon called Captain Brie to the stand. She explained that she had checked the records of repairs performed on Vipers during the Battle of Shonada. A large number of Vipers had to land during the battle for repairs of various types. Because of this, it would have been impossible to activate the laser shielding without sacrificing numerous pilots and Vipers.

Solon asked, “Captain, was Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis aware of any problems with the Vipers?”

“I protest,” said Opposer Lazant. “Just because there were some problems during the battle doesn’t mean there are ‘problems’ with our Vipers.”

“If the Tribune will permit, I will attempt to show just that,” countered Solon. He placed a stack of papers on the desk, entering them into evidence. “These are selected entries from Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis’s private journal. He became aware of production quality control problems a couple of sectons ago, and has since been investigating this. These entries corroborate this investigation. In addition, we have separate reports by then Ensign BatGal, Ensign Conan, Lieutenant Lucian, and our head of Engineering, Lieutenant Titon, regarding this issue.”

Lazant asked for a brief recess to review the documents. About ten centons later, he indicated that he had scanned the material and found it to be as Solon had described. Protector Solon then continued, “Captain Brie, considering the great deal of work that Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis had done in this investigation, in your opinion as a command officer, where was the best location to determine additional information first hand regarding this problem during the battle?”

“In the landing bays, Protector,” Brie replied.

Next, Solon called Lieutenant Titon to the stand as an expert witness. Lt. Titon explained how overnight he and his crew had checked the emergency beacons and comm systems on the newer model Vipers produced over the last two yahrens. They had found that over 40 percent do not work properly. In addition, Lieutenant Lucian and Ensign Wendy had done some tests on the ejection system of one of the newer Vipers, and found it to be far out of specification. It was entirely possible that Martinzi could have been knocked unconscious as a result of the ejection, if not the initial explosion of the Viper. “Immediate repairs of the affected ships are required,” he said. “Those repair efforts are beginning this shift, and should be completed in three to four cycles, as long as no additional problems are discovered.”

Finally, Solon called Flight Officer Geenie back to the stand. “Based on your knowledge of the locations of the various wings during the battle, what resources, other than those aboard the Callisto, were available to defend our launch and landing bays at the time Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis and Lieutenant Amy launched?”

Geenie produced a printout and associated diagram showing the locations of the Viper groups at that time. “As you can see, Sir, we had very few resources available to defend ourselves in those areas,” she said.

“Was Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis aware of this?” Solon asked.

“Sir, he was familiar with the disposition of our forces at the time he left the bridge, and there were no further forces available for deployment. Based on typical combat, it would have been very unlikely that the situation would have improved significantly when by the time he launched.”

Before Solon could begin an impassioned plea for redirecting the verdict, Lazant rose from his seat, and asked for permission to address the Tribunal.

“Tribune, Protector, Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis, and members of the Tribunal: As are all of you, I am greatly shocked and displeased at the revelations we have heard here this morning. We are told that the safety and welfare of our fleet and our people are at risk. As shocking and unbelievable as this is, the evidence points to this as fact. Not being privy to this information before this time, it appears that I have let my desire to avenge the death of my friend, Lieutenant Martinzi, blind me to the fact that Command Officers sometimes do things that, though appearing wrong, may be for the good of the ship. In my zeal to avenge my friend’s death, I looked at the evidence and drew conclusions, but without all of the facts, I have focused my anger at the wrong party. The Cylons are responsible for Martinzi’s death, not Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis. While the evidence I presented was certainly damaging, and was even enough to convict him on one of the two charges, this new evidence is equally compelling. His actions, while appearing suspicious on the surface, appear to have been appropriate,” he said. “Now, it is my duty as a Colonial Warrior to do two things: First, I hereby apologize to Commander Sheba, Tribune Buellah, Protector Solon, Lieutenant Amy, and the members of this crew, but most of all, I apologize to Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis. While I doubt that we will ever be friends personally, he is a brave Colonial Warrior, and as such, he deserves the respect due a Warrior. I offer my heartfelt apologies, Colonel.

“Second, Tribune, I hereby ask that all charges against Lieutenant Colonel Charybdis be dropped and that the charges and conviction be stricken from his record.”

Tribune Buellah was smiling as he picked up the gavel, spun it around a 360 in his grip, and, slamming it against the table, said, “DONE!”


Callisto Chonicles: Chapters 5-8 Battle of Shonada Delta - ColCharybdis (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.