2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (2024)

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The 2B Mindset program is a new nutrition program from Beachbody! It’s a unique approach to managing cravings and making smart choices at every meal.

When lunchtime rolls around you don’t want to be caught off guard–this is the time that a ton of people slip up and grab whatever is near. Having 2B lunch recipes handy is helpful–Here are some 2B Mindset lunch ideas and ideas that will help keep you on track!

2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (1)

You know I’m a big advocate for meal plans and meal prep in general. It’s how I keep from straying and eating unhealthy meals, even when life is hectic it’s possible to stay focused and maintain my healthy lifestyle…because I plan ahead! If you want to plan ahead, this is a great post for you. You can choose your favorite recipe ideas to try this week and then work the rest of these 2B Mindset lunch ideas into your schedule over the coming weeks.

What is the 2B Mindset Program?

If you don’t know about the 2B Mindset program and you have questions, hopefully I can help! I’ve done a little background on the program and you can read all about it right here:What is the 2B Mindset Program From Beachbody?

Should I do 2B Mindset?

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that when I initially read through the program I wasn’t impressed, but I decided to give it a try, and…I love it. No counting containers, a huge focus on veggies, and reasonable expectations. My fill 2B Mindset review will come after I’ve committed to it for a few weeks, but I’m liking it so far.

What to look for in 2B Mindset lunch ideas:

It’s important to understand what you should be looking for in 2B lunch recipes! The program has guidelines for each meal and you’ll need to be aware of them in order to be successful and collect recipes that fall in line with the program.

There are food lists for the 2B Mindset program much like 21 Day Fix but they are different. Make sure you are familiar with your food lists so that you are only choosing recipes that contain foods that will fir into your plate.

The breakdown for lunches is 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% FFCs. All of these 2B lunch recipes are suitable for that plate division or they can be used alongside other recipes in order to create your ideal lunch plate! Don’t forget about your water, that’s a big part of the program and you’ll want to make sure you are following along in order to see the most benefits for your hard work!

Looking for more 2B Mindset resources?

2B Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas

Let’s get to it, shall we? Here are some of the best 2B lunch recipes I’ve found. There are also some vegetable and protein components that stand alone. Use these in conjunction with your other recipes to create your perfect 2B lunch!

Mini Meatloaves| I add some raw veggies and brown rice with these for lunch! Quinoa would also be a good choice with these.

Instant Pot Jambalaya| Full of protein and some tasty FFC’s you just need some raw veggies or a salad on the side to round this recipe out for lunch on the 2B Mindset!

| Who doesn’t love a spicy and creamy lunch option?!

Healthy One Pan Casserole| Make this recipe with turkey sausage and it’s a perfect 2B Mindset meal plan lunch!

Quinoa Chicken Mason Jar SaladI’d go heavier on veggies if you’d like, and even add some more of your favorites if you need to!

Instant Pot Lasagna StacksA seriously fun recipe to make and eat! Add some FFCs into this meal to round it out. I might do 1/2 an english muffin or maybe even add a thin layer of sweet potato into the stacks themselves!

Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring VeggiesYum, and how easy for prepping!

Teriyaki MeatballsAs is, this is a pretty great 2B Mindset lunch!

Roasted Cauliflower MashAdd in some rotisserie chicken, or prepare your own crockpot meal prep chicken to have with this veggie. Don’t forget your FFC!

Cheesy Cauliflower NachosSeriously, I’m dying to make this! And how easy would it be to add some of your favorite veggies into this? Maybe some sweet potato slices too?

You can never have too many great recipes in your 2B Mindset meal plan. I hate when I start feeling bored with my tried and true recipes. Having lots of delicious and healthy options keeps thing fresh, new, and exciting. Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean boring meals!

Healthy Taco SaladsI don’t eat many salads, but this is one I could easily get behind!

Chicken Salad with Lettuce WrapsAdd some veggies and an FFC to this and you’re all set!

Spaghetti Squash LasagnaThe answer is always lasagna, right? Especially healthy lasagna.

Enchilada BakeThis is one of my favorite recipes because it’s so easy to customize! I’d add these to a corn tortilla and add a ton of veggies on top.

2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (2)

2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (3)

Arugula Salad with Chicken and Black BeansThis has just about everything you need for a great 2B lunch!

Pizza Stuffed PeppersI’d love to add a few whole grain pita chips and use them to scoop up all that falls out of the peppers ;)

Tuna and White Bean SaladI wonder how this would be if you added it to mini bell peppers?

Taco “Salad” I’d definitely add some tortilla chips to this!

Baked Salmon DijonAdd some grilled asparagus and maybe a sweet potato, and you’ve got a perfect lunch idea!

Mushroom RisottoI’d add a bit more protein to this and use it as more of a side dish ;)

Chicken FlorentineYum. Yum. Yum. I haven’t tried this one yet, but I’m adding it to my list!

Garlic Shrimp & Zucchini Sheet Pan MealI love how easy it is to plate sheet pan meals! This one looks delicious.

Have you found any 2B lunch recipes that you go back to, time and time again? What are some of your favorites?! Usually when meal planning I find that lunch is the most important meal of the day. It’s usually during my most busy moments so I need something that is easily accessible and of course, delicious!

21 Day Fix dessert choices:

After lunch I get a sweet tooth! I’ll sometimes need a little cravings crusher to get me through the afternoon. If that’s you too, check out these Wonder Whip recipes! They’re an awesome choice for crushing cravings with flavors like Lemon Meringue, Key Lime Pie, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Mint you really can’t go wrong. This Wonder Whip recipes post has nearly 15 different flavor combos and recipes to try.

2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (4)

Becca Ludlum

Healthy recipe creator, self-confessed food snob, and certified Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coach. I create healthy recipes with minimally processed ingredients, but have never turned down a homemade brownie. ;)

2B Mindset Lunch Recipes | 2B Mindset Lunch Ideas (2024)


What is the 2B mindset meal plan? ›

2B Mindset is the breakthrough weight-loss program that teaches you how to eat in any situation. It focuses on what you CAN eat instead of what you can't—so you can lose weight happily and easily without feeling hungry or deprived.

Can you drink on a 2B mindset? ›

CAN I DRINK ALCOHOL? Yes. There isn't anything you technically “can't have” with the 2B Mindset, but we don't recommend it if you want to get faster results.

Can you have snacks on a 2B mindset? ›

2B Mindset is about creating a positive mindset about food, your body, your health, and your life. No negativity, no counting calories, and no depriving yourself of delicious snacks — if you need them! To help you get started, we've put together a list of 2B Mindset recipes for tasty, healthy snacks.

What is FFCs 2B mindset? ›

Carbohydrates (aka FFCs)—because fiber is key to lasting energy and you'll learn why in the carbs video found on the plan page at 2BMindset.com or in the app. Many “silly” carbs and treats cause energy spikes and dives.

Which is better, 2B mindset or portion fix? ›

The FIX does the thinking for you – there is no guesswork. The 2B Mindset allows for more flexibility, but for those of you who need the structure, this might not be comfortable. And if you tend to overeat, not having the portions measured exactly for you, might lead to weight gain at first.

Is there an app for 2B mindset? ›

All 2B Mindset materials and videos can be accessed on desktop or mobile web browsers and through the BODi app on these devices: iOS device (iPhone or iPad) Apple TV. Android device.

Do you count calories on 2B mindset? ›

There's no need to count calories or weigh your food with the 2B Mindset. The Plate It! Recap gives you guidelines on how much to eat from each food group for every meal of the day.

How many snacks can I eat? ›

Just remember that the total calories provided by snacks must fit into your overall daily calorie goal. If you're trying to lose weight, that means having no more than two to three snacks of approximately 100 calories each. If you're maintaining your weight, that means having approximately 200 calories per snack.

Is a shakeology enough for breakfast? ›

Shakeology is considered a protein on the 2B Mindset. Protein helps keep us full and should be part of every meal, so Shakeology can be incorporated every single day as part of your breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner.

What is the 21 day fix? ›

The 21 Day Fix is a diet and exercise plan that can help you lost up to 15 pounds in three weeks. It supports healthy eating and encourages exercise, but it may be too restrictive of a diet for some. Though slow, consistent weight loss is healthiest, it's not uncommon for people to want to shed pounds quickly.

Which carbs have the most fiber? ›

  1. Oatmeal. 1 cup, dry: 8 g fiber, per the USDA. ...
  2. Whole-Grain Cereal. 1 cup: 6 g fiber, per the USDA. ...
  3. Bulgur. 1 cup, cooked: 8 g fiber, per the USDA. ...
  4. Figs. 3 fresh medium figs: 5 g fiber, per the USDA. ...
  5. Beans. 1 cup, cooked: 13-15 g fiber per the USDA (depending on variety) ...
  6. Blackberries. ...
  7. Sweet Potatoes.
Oct 20, 2023

Is 2B mindset included with BODi? ›

With a BODi membership, you'll get new recipes every month, plus 24/7 access to the 2B Mindset Exclusive Community, which includes ongoing support from Ilana with LIVE calls, to help you feel your best each day.

What is the 2 meal day diet plan? ›

The premise of 2 Meal Day is that by eating just two meals in a day — either breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, thus introducing a daily 16-hour fasting period — you can retrain your body to become "fat adapted," meaning you burn stored body fat for energy, rather than being dependent on sugars from food.

What is the 2 2 2 meal plan? ›

Try my 2-2-2 Meal & Shopping Organizer to simplify meal planning. HOW: Write down 2 breakfasts + 2 lunches + 2 dinners (and two snacks) you LOVE eating. Shop for the ingredients for only those recipes. Eat those meals on REPEAT through the week.

What does Shakeology count as in 2B mindset? ›

Shakeology is considered a protein on the 2B Mindset. Protein helps keep us full and should be part of every meal, so Shakeology can be incorporated every single day as part of your breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner.

What are Ilana Muhlstein fiber filled carbs? ›

Late at night, carbs are super tricky.” Another tip Ilana shares is, “always pair carbs with a protein.” She goes on to explain how she loves to incorporate fiber-filled carbs (FFCs). She lists FFCs like strawberries, raspberries, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, & baked potatoes.


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